User Manual – Durst

2.3 Create Grid Chart of Tonal Values

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Learn in this article

  • for which purpose a grid chart of tone values is created,
  • which decisions have to be made,
  • which options are available for the creation and what
  • must be taken into account during the creation.

1. Introduction

The Grid Chart of Tonal Values consists of 100 color patches with graduated tonal values from 100% to 1% and a gradient from 100% to 1% for the selected Spot Color. The purpose for which this type of Grid Chart can be used has already been described in the article Grid Charts - Introduction.

2. Create a Grid Chart of Tonal Values

In practice, a Grid Chart of Tonal Values is mainly created when the Spot Color which is to be achieved is color-coordinated but too saturated in the printout. Another reason is that the tonal value for the optimum coverage of white has to be determined for a Production Job.

2.1. Two points of origin

A Grid Cart of Tonal Values can be created either via the menu item Color > Color Books & Grid Charts > Tonal Value/Overprint Grid Chart or directly in the detail view of an Article or a Print Item in an Order or Production Job.

To create a Grid Chart of Tonal Values in the Tonal Value/Overprint Grid Charts tab, proceed as follows.

  1. Select the Color > Color Books & Grid Charts menu item.
  2. Select the Tonal Value/Overprint Grid Chart [1] tab. The list of all Tonal Value and Overprinting Grid Charts is displayed.
  3. Start the creation process by clicking Add [2].

Figure 1: The list of all Tonal Value/Overprint Grid Charts of the same-named tab

2.1.2. Print Item detail view

To create a Grid Chart of Tonal Values in the detail view of a Print Item or Article, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Print Item or an Article in the detail view.
  2. In the Spot Colors settings area, select the spot color for which you want to create the Grid Chart of Tonal Values.
  3. In the footer of the settings area in the Grid Charts drop-down menu select Create Grid Chart of Tonal Values and start the creation process.

Figure 2: Extract of the detail view of a Print Item with the settings area Spot Colors

2.2. Creation Process

The creation process is always the same, regardless of your starting point. You have to go through the following steps:

  1. Select the menu item for creating a Grid Chart of Tonal Values.
  2. Select a Spot Color and name the Grid Chart.
  3. Select the Printer with the appropriate Output Configuration.
  4. Define the Grid for the Layout of the Grid Chart.
  5. Create the Grid Chart to print it later or send the Grid Chart to the selected Printer immediately after creation.

So, all you have to do is adjust the options in each step to execute your project.

2.2.1. Step 1: "General"

In the General step, select the Name and the Spot Color.

  1. Enter a Name [3] for the Grid Chart which you want to create.
  2. Select the desired Base Spot Color [4]. Depending on where you started, you will be offered either all System-wide, Substrate-specific, Custom, and Spot Colors from a Color Library or just the Spot Colors of the current Print Item.
  3. Select Create [5] if you want to create the Grid Chart without sending it to the Printer. This can also be done later in the Color > Color Books & Grid Chartss menu item. Note that this option is only available if an output configuration is already set.
  4. Select Next [6] if you want to jump to the next step Output Configuration.

Figure 3: The first step General when creating a Grid Chart of Tonal Values

2.2.2. Step 2: "Output Configuration"

  1. In the Output Configuration step, select on which Printer with which Output Configuration the Grid Chart should be printed.
  2. Printer [7] - Select the target printer, thus limiting the selection in the Substrate option already to the assigned Substrates for the Printer.
  3. Substrate [8] - Select the Substrate which should be used, thus already limiting the selection in the Color Policy option to the available Color Policies for the Substrate.
  4. Color Policy [9] - Select the Color Policy which is to be used. If you already know in advance which Color Policy you want to use to print the Grid Chart, select the Color Policy by entering the ID in the selection menu. This procedure automatically selects the Printer and Substrate accordingly in the preceding options. With how many colors the Grid Chart will be printed is shown to the user by the visualization of the Color Channels [10].
  5. Destination directory [11] - Select the folder to which the Grid Chart will be rendered to the Printer.
  6. Select Create [12] if you want to create the Grid Chart without sending it to the Printer. This can also be done later in the Color > Color Books & Grid Charts menu item.
  7. Select Next [13] to enter the Layout tab.

Figure 4: The second step Output Configuration when creating a Grid Chart of Tonal Values

2.2.3. Step 3: "Layout

  1. In the Layout step, determine how the Grid Charts are to be arranged and output to the Printer.
    • Impose Sheet Size [14] - Select the size of the Imposition which is to be created by either selecting the desired Substrate Definition or entering a Custom Impose Sheet Size.
    • Substrate Definition [15] - Select a desired Substrate Definition. This selection is only available if the Use Substrate Definition option is selected.
    • Width and Height [16] - Define the size of the Impose Sheet. These options are available only if the Custom option is selected.
    • Alignment [17] - Define whether the Grid of the Grid Charts should be aligned horizontally or vertically on the Impose sheet.
    • Grid Settings [18] - Define the Grid in which the Grid Charts will be imposed and printed by specifying Columns and Rows.
    • Spacing [19] - Define the horizontal and vertical spacing between the individual Grid Charts.
    • Rotate [20] - Define the rotation degree of the Grid Charts.
    • Additional color (White, Varnish, etc.) [21] - Select whether an additional color such as White or Varnish should be printed. You can specify the tonal value [23] and whether this color should be overprinted [22].
  2. Select Create [24] if you want to create the Grid Chart without sending it to the Printer. This can also be done later in the menu item Color > Color Books & Grid Charts.
  3. Select Create and Send to Printer [25] to complete the creation process and output the Grid Chart to the Printer.

Figure 5: The third step Layout when creating a Grid Chart of Tonal Values

Preview is only symbolic

Note that the preview in the current version does not yet show the selected Substrate width. You must therefore take into account that a Grid Chart is created in the size of 297 x 210 mm. Thus, with a selected width of 1400 mm, only four Grid Charts can be output horizontally and with a selected height of 1000 mm, only four vertically. The choice of 4 columns and 4 rows represents the maximum that can be displayed at this size.

Article Update: Workflow version 1.16.0 – 07/2023

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