User Manual – Durst

2.5 Licensing up to version 1.16.0

Updated on

Learn in this article,

  • how to handle licensing for the Workflow before version 1.16.0,
  • how to proceed in the event of a license transfer and
  • what you need to do when performing an update.

1. Licensing a Workflow

Read in this paragraph how to create a license for a Workflow up to version 1.16.0. For newer versions of the Workflow (greater than 1.16.0), read the article Online Activation. For the licensing of Workflow versions from version 0.7.0 to 1.15.2 please continue reading this article.

The customer license is issued for the purchased period by PrePress digital Softwareentwicklung GmbH. The license is imported by the technician at the customer site and subsequently activated by binding it to the hardware.

The license file contains information about the selected Package, who it is  Licensed to, the Contact Person and the Contact E-Mail.  

After the purchase of the license, a customized and a test license without hash is installed on the designated workstation. The functionality corresponds the purchased license completely. During the test period of 10 days, a hardware hash must be generated and the hardware-based license must be installed.  Proceed as follows:

Step 1: Lizenz ohne Hash einspielen und HW-Hash erzeugen

  1. Open the Log-in dialog via the URL http://IP-ADRESSE:8081.
  2. Click on License Info [1] to display the License Overview.

Figure 1: The Log In dialog

  1. Click on Upload License File [2] and select the License File without Hash for the Workflow which should be licensed.
  2. In the License Overview the date concerning the license as well as the customer information is shown.
  3. Click on Generate Hardware Hash [3]. A XML file is downloaded - sent the file to [email protected].
  4. Prepress digitial creates a hardwarebound License File which we will return to you via Mail. The transfer of the License may correlate with incovenient dates such as weekends or legal holidays which can delay the receipt.

Figure 2: The License Overview dialog with the possibility to upload a License File or to generate a Hardware Hash.

Step 2: Bind License to the Hardware and activate the License

  1. After you have received the hardwarebound License File from Prepress digital you have to upload the file to the Workflow. To do so enter the URL http://IP-ADRESSE:8081 - you will be redirected to the Log In dialog
  2. Click on License Info to display the License Overview.

Figure 3: The Log In dialog

  1. Click on Upload License File [5].
  2. Select the License which you have received and upload the License by clicking Open in the Workflow.

Figure 4: The License Overview dialog with the possibility to upload a License File

  1. Ready to go! The License is now activated and can be used as agreed in relation to the range of functions and the selected period.
  2. Click on Back to Login. You can log in again and continue your work.

2. Transferring a License up to 1.16.0

The License transfer of a License up to version 1.16.0 to another Workstation can't be carried out by the customer. Please contact your sales partner in this case. The procedure is carried out as described below.

  1. Clarify with your sales partner why the transfer of the license is necessary. The transfer of a license may root in a defect hardware or the transfer of the License to a new Workstation. Specify
    • the license - e.g. L100 (Contract ID) and
    • your currently installed Workflow version - e.g. 1.13.0.
  2. Considering the reason the corresponding action has to take place in step two
    • Hardware deficiency: no action is necessary for the second step.
    • Transfer to a new Hardware: A complete backup and deinstallation of the software on the old Workstation is carried out by formatting the harddrive.  
  3. You will receive a new License without Hash from your sales partner
  4. Install the Workflow on a new Hardware. It is up to you whether you reinstall or use the full backup of the old Workstation. Note though that you install the version which you have previously used. The corresponding installer is also provided by your sales partner.
  5. Proceed as if you were to carry out the Licensing anew. The process is described in Step 1 and Step 2 of the paragraph Licensing a Workflow.
  6. After you have carried out these steps the License can be used on the new hardware. Work with the Workflow can be continued!


If the old installation remains in operation, this is a violation of the license agreement. You will be charged the full license amount!

So make sure that the license is only operated on one Workstation!

3. Installation of an Update

Prepress digital provides a new version of the Workflow at almost monthly intervals. Versions ending with »0«- e.g.: 1.14.0 - represent a major release. All other digits - for example: 1.14.1 - represent minor releases, in which new functions and also some non-critical bugfix can be included.

An update to major versions is recommended, as you it allows you enjoy all new developments. The installation of a minor version can also be interesting due to new developments. Read more about what to expect in the new version in the release notes for the desired version. Click here for Release Notes - Workflow!

Difference between major and minor versions

In terms of functionality, new features are also offered in minor versions. The difference between minor and major versions is mainly that non-critical bugfixes in minor versions are usually fixed in the next minor or major version. Bugs which are critical for production are always fixed in all versions.

Updates can only be installed for Workflow versions if the Workflow has a valid maintenance contract. Therefore, always check in the License tab in the System Status of the Workflow whether your maintenance contract is still valid. However, the installation of an update in the case of an invalid maintenance contract cannot be made. This is because the corresponding check takes place when running the update.

If you have a valid maintenance contract, you can perform an update as follows:

  1. Organize the license for the version of the Workflow you want to update to in advance. Please contact the relevant sales organisation by e-mail or by e-mail to  [email protected]. Do not proceed to the second step until you have received the license file.
  2. Get the installer for the update and the download link will be sent to you by the sales organization.
  3. Create a full backup before installation!
  4. After you have downloaded the installer for the update, have obtained the issued the license and have created a full backup, you can start the update process.
  5. Go to the login dialog in the Workflow and upload the received license before installing the update. See Step 2 for more information.
  6. Before updating, make sure that no user actions are currently running and inform users that an update is being installed. The Workflow is not available for several minutes during the update.
  7. The process of installing the update is the same as installing a new Workflow. Take a look at the article Workflow Installation and Licensing for more information. See Installing and Licensing for more information.
  8. After successful completion of the installation, you can continue with the work and access the new features.

Artikel update: Workflow version 1.15.2 – 08/2023

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