User Manual – Durst

1.2 Chapter Overview - Workflow

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A user manual describing the functional scope of a software should make it possible to quickly find the desired information and gain access to further background information. For this reason, you will find an initial overview of the structure of the chapters in this manual below.

Introduction for the impatient

For the particularly impatient, we've prepared a Quick Reference!

1. Quickstart

This chapter contains information about the manual, the structure of the manual and further background information on the Workflow.

To the chapter: Quickstart

2. Quick Reference

In Quick Reference we will present an access to the Workflow which is as quick as possible.

To the chapter: Quick Reference

3. Initial Setup

Here you can learn everything about the necessary System Requirements as well as information about the Installation and Licensing process for the Workflow. Then we will introduce you to the various Software Technologies we've used as well as our Software partnerships and describe the Workflow User Interface in detail. For people who want to work quickly with the Workflow, there is of course also an overview of the keyboard shortcuts that are used.

To the chapter: Initial Setup

4. Administration

This chapter will teach you the basics for configuring the set-up of the Workflow. This includes setting up the File Management, creating and setting up Measurement Devices and Cutter Devices, setting up Inks and Printers, and setting up external Interfaces and basic settings for the Workflow in terms of Users and Settings. As additional articles, you will also find descriptions of how to add Customers and how to handle Fonts in the Workflow.

To the chapter: Administration

5. Color Setup/Profiling

In this chapter, you will learn how to create Substrates in the Workflow and how to perform Color Setups/Profiling in order to utilize the entire color gamut of your printing system. Additional information on the subject of Color Management is also provided.

To the chapter: Color Setup

6. Articles – Orders – Production Jobs

In this article, you will learn about the meaning of an Article, Order and Production Job in the Workflow and which options are offered in the Workflow for uploading Print Data to the Workflow

To the chapter: Articles - Order - Production Jobs

7. Preflight

In this chapter, you will learn on what basis a complete Preflight is performed when uploading and how you can configure and apply a product-related Print Data Normalization.

To the chapter: Preflight

8. Data Preparation

This chapter describes the available Fixups and their parameterization as well as the creation and application of Fixup Chains. Furthermore, additional background knowledge on the creation of Custom Fixups including the use of Regular Expressions is provided.

To the chapter: Data Preparation

9. File Management

In this chapter, you will learn how to create Approvals and customize the report and the content of Approval Reports to suit your requirements. Whether the print release should be made via the Approval Portal or in the form of a PDF is also described.

To the chapter: File Management

10. Imposition

This chapter describes all the options available in the individual Impose modes - Manual, Step & Repeat, Nesting, Tiling and Die Cut - as well as which additional aids in the form of Marks, Captions, Lines and Grommets can be used for Imposition.

To the chapter: Imposition

11. Automation

This chapter shows and describes the automation options of the Workflow. The Automation options include Force Print, Hotfolders and all integration possibilites that are given for the automation of processes for data preparation through to output. The diverse possibilities of automation in the Workflow are completed by Automators, which can map production fully automatically under the control of Product Definition.

To the chapter: Automation

12. Editors and Plug-ins

This chapter describes all Editors that are used at various points in the Workflow, as well as plug-ins. The following editors are available:

  • The Print Item Editor for editing print data in the browser,
  • The VDP Editor for creating and processing dynamic variable data or variable data generated on the basis of information from databases,
  • The Die Cut Editor for creating and managing One Ups and N-ups are available in the Workflow and
  • the plugin for Adobe Illustrator.

To the chapter: Editors and Plug-in

13. Colors, Spot Colors, Grid Charts and Verifications

In this chapter, you will learn about handling and managing Colors and Spot Colors, creating and managing Grid Charts, and creating and managing ISO-based Verifications as well as inhouse Verifications.

Click here to go to the article: Colors, Spot Colors, Grid Charts and Verification

14. Additional information

This chapter provides background information on the following topics for anyone who wants to gain a more detailed insight:

To the chapter: Additional Information

15. Appendix A – Use Case Scenarios

In this chapter you will find an overview of the step-by-step instructions found in the manual.

To the chapter: Appendix A - User Examples

16. Appendix B – User Resources

This chapter provides access to additional resources such as

To the chapter: Appendix B - Resources

17. Appendix C - Troubleshooting

This chapter gives access to typical error messages incl. possibilites for handling i.e. fixing these errors for various components of the Workflow.

To the chapter: Appendix C - Troubleshooting

Article update: Workflow version 1.17.0 - 02/2024

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Next Article 1.3 Chapter Overview – PDF Editor
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