User Manual – Durst

1.1 How to use this Manual

Updated on

We believe that this manual is easy to use and that you'll quickly find the information you are looking for.

However, as this is a complex web application that isn't necessarily intuitive for everyone from the beginning, we would like to give you some advices on how to use this manual.

1. Accessing the User Manual

The user manual is solely available as an online version. The online version always describes the current release of the Workflow. A PDF version of the user manual is available for download separately for each topic and chapter and can also be used locally.

1.1. Online Version

Open the online version of the user manual - in the language selected by the user - directly via the help function of the Workflow in the action bar [1], or open the online version of the German user manual via in your web browser. The online version always describes the currently available version of the Workflow.

Figure 1: Where to find the online version of the manual in Workflow

German version of the manual

We also offer a German version of the manual - please open the link to access this version.

1.2. Local Version

To access the PDF version of the user manual, you will find two options in the online version in the right-hand side menu of an Article. This allows you to create a PDF for an entire chapter [2] or a PDF for an article [3]. Click on the desired option. The process may take a few seconds. You can then click again to download the generated PDF [4].

Figure 2: An Article with the possibility to create a locale PDF version for the chapter or article

2. User Manual Setup

The manual is structured a way that the user can quickly access the desired information. The structure of the manual is explained in detail below.

2.1. Language Version

The manual is currently available in the following languages:

2.2. User Manual Structure

The manual is structured hierarchically as follows:

Language version > Product > Chapters > Sections > Articles

The first page of the manual gives the user a quick overview of the contents of the manual. Therein, a search option where specific terms can be searched for throughout the manual is availble. The overview page displays the following content:

  • Header [5] - the header bar contains the input option for searching through the entire manual.
  • Teaser [6] - special areas described in the manual are listed here. The teaser boxes allow you to quickly delve into a topic.
  • Product [7] - the header for the product for which the individual chapters are arranged. Manuals are currently available for the Workflow and PDF Editor products.
  • Chapter [8] - Listing of all chapters of the manual for the respective product.

Figure 3: The Overview page of the english manual

2.2.1. Chapters

The first page of the manual (Figure 3) lists the available product chapters. The number of chapters will change over time as new functions and topics are developed.

Chapter overview of the individual products

You can get a quick overview of the content of all chapters for the Workflow product here: Chapter Overview - Workflow. For a quick overview of the content of all chapters for the PDF Editor product, click here: Chapter Overview - PDF Editor.

2.2.2. Sections

When opening a chapter, you will be taken to another overview page where the individual sections of the chapter are listed with the articles they contain. There it is also possible to quickly access other chapters. The following options are available on the overview page of a chapter:

  • Header bar [9] - the header bar contains the input option for searching through the entire manual.
  • Sections [10] - a chapter consists of different sections. A section represents a group of Articles.
  • Articles [11] - a section consists of individual articles, which ultimately contain the description of the function.
  • Table of contents of all chapters [12] - provide the option to switch to other chapters. The currently selected chapter is not listed in the table of contents of all chapters.
  • Load PDF version [13] - provide the option to create and download a PDF of the respective chapter.

Figure 4: List of sections with the articles that are contained therein as well as a table of contents for the other chapters

Article page after chossing a topic

2.2.3. Articles

By clicking on an Article [11] (Figure 4), you switch to the article view, where the actual description of the function takes place. The article view is structured as follows:

  • Header [14] - the header contains the input option for searching through the entire manual.
  • Breadcrumb [15] - provides the option to quickly access the higher-level structure as well as the display of the chapter and section in which the article is located.
  • Article title [16] - Title of the article
  • Update note [17] - information on the last update of the Article
  • Introduction [18] - indicates what information and answers to given questions the user can expect in the article.
  • Section table of contents - provide a table of contents with navigation options for the current chapter [19], the current section [20] in which the article is located, a list [21] of all articles in this section, with the current article highlighted in color.
  • Next section [22] - creates the option to jump to the next section.
  • Table of contents of all chapters [23] - provides the option to switch to other chapters. The currently selected chapter is not listed in the table of contents of all chapters.

The Articles [21] available in the section are displayed on the right. Select the relevant Article e.g. click on Chapter Overview - Workflow to open the content of the Article.

Figure 5: The article view in the manual

Next and previous article

At the end of an article jump back or forth  <to the previous article <article title>>and  <to the next article <article title>> linearly in the manual. This is also possible for chapters.

You can of course read the entire manual from cover to cover, but it's also possible to navigate using the chapter and section overviews. Use the integrated search function if you are looking for terms quickly.

Simply enter a term in the search field [24] that you know or assume is covered in the Workflow. After confirming the search query, the results are displayed in the hit list [26]. All articles, their topicality, their location in the manual hierarchy and a short text excerpt with the highlighted search term [27] are displayed. The number in brackets after Search Results indicates the number of positions found.

Figure 6: The hit list of a search in the manual with the possibility to constrain the search

Click Edit [25] in the Search Filters area to display the list of chapters [29], allowing you to restrict the search to individual chapters.

If the search returns too many hits or you know exactly which chapter should contain the information you are looking for, simply select the relevant chapter(s) using the checkboxes [29] and confirm your selection by clicking on Save Filters below the list. The number of hits and the hit list [26] will be reduced to results from this section only.

Figure 7: The filtered overview page with only hits from the selected chapter(s)

Searching in an article

Of course, you can always use the browser's internal search function by pressing nd  Ctrl + F(Windows) or cmd + F (macOS) to search for a term on the page displayed. This will make it easier for you to find the information you are looking for, especially in the case of very extensive articles.

Article update: Workflow 1.17.0 - 02/24

Next Article 1.2 Chapter Overview - Workflow
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