In this article we'll learn:
- How to create a Production Job
- Which other options are available in the Workflow when creating a Production Job
- Which parameters are important when creating a Production Job
1. Different Possibilites
In order to send print data to the printer, a Production Job must be created. In the Workflow, a distinction is made between typical (normal) Production Jobs and special Production Jobs.
1.1. Typical Production Jobs
Typical Production Jobs include:
- Production Jobs that were created using the menu option Jobs using the action bar + New > Create Production Job.
- Production Jobs that were created using the menu option Automation > Force Print.
Both types of Production Jobs are displayed by default in the Production Job list when you select the menu item Jobs.
Figure 1: The filter bar with the standard Job Type selected called Production Jobs.
1.2. Special Production Jobs
Special Production Jobs include:
- Production Jobs that were created internally when print items were uploaded via Hotfolders.
- Production Jobs that were created internally when printing a Color Book.
- Production Jobs that were created internally when printing a Profiling Chart for Transitions, Linearization, Ink Limit, Profiling and Reprofiling.
- Production Jobs that were created internally when printing an Approval Report or Ink Cost Report.
Special Production Jobs are only displayed in the Production Job list when the respective filter is chosen in the filter options by Job Type.
Figure 2: The filter bar for displaying all special types of Production Jobs.
2. Creating Production Jobs
Production Jobs can be created in various ways. Depending on the process selected, different types of information can be included in the Production Job.
2.1. Creating a Production Job using »Force Print«
To create a Production Job using Force Print, proceed as follows:
- Select the menu item Automation > Force Print.
- In the File Upload [2] area, add your desired print data and select the number of copies, enter a file name and a scale factor if needed.
- In the Job Parameters [3] area, enter parameters as needed for the Production Job. You can select the following parameters:
- Mode – You can choose either to create separate Production Jobs for each print file or a single Production Job for all print files.
- Job Name – Enter the desired name for the Production Job.
- Prod. No. – Here you can enter a Production Number if needed.
- Comment – Comments can be entered here.
- Production Date | Time – The Production Date and planned Time can be entered here.
- Shipping Date – A shipping date can be entered here.
- Optionally, select a Fixup Chain to be applied to uploaded print data under the Data Preparation [5] area.
- Select an Output Template in the Configuration - Output and Finishing [4] area and an Impose Mode and Impose Template if needed, the imposition will be carried out immediately after the Production Job has been created.
- Click on Create Production Job [1] to create the Production Job. If you click on Send to Printer, a Production Job will be created and the RIP process will start automatically.
- When everything is complete, you will see a pop-up notification that the Production Job is available or you can choose to create another Force Print Production Job.
Figure 3: The Force Print interface with various options entered to create a Production Job.
2.2. Creating a Production Job using »Create Production Job«
If you want to create a new Production Job manually, proceed as follows:
- Choose the menu item Jobs. The Production Job list is displayed, showing the normal Production Jobs.
- Click on + New [6] in the action bar to create a new Production Job.
Figure 4: With the menu item Jobs selected, the user is presented with a list of the normal Production Jobs.
- The Create a Production Job dialog will open, which is divided into four tabs.
- In the upper part of the Production Job [7] tab, enter information such as: Name, Production Number, Comment, Production Date, Time and Shipping Date, for the Production Job and in the lower part select an Output Template [10] which defines all production parameters necessary.
Figure 5: The Create a Production Job dialog with the Production Job tab selected.

- Under the Options [8] tab, you can specify optional values for the Lead In/Out as well as the Start and End values and the ability to split variable data into multiple jobs.
- Enter desired values for User-defined Fields [9] if available. User-defined Values are only available if you have created them in the system settings.
- Finally, select the Print Item [11] tab, and add your print data and enter all necessary information: Width, Height and No. of Pages, Copies, and additional information pertaining to the Print Items. When using a roll printer you can also define the Winding Type. If the Production Job uses variable data, use the Print Item Info area to denote information for that job. You can add a control CSV file if necessary.
- If User-defined Fields [12] are available for the Print Item, you can enter them here.
- Once you have entered all information and added the correct files, click on Save. The upload and creation process will start. As soon as this step is complete, you will be informed that the Production Job is available for further use.
Figure 6: The Create a Production Job dialog with the Print Item tab and File Properties sub-tab selected.

2.3. Creating Production Jobs from »Articles« or »Orders«
If you want to create a Production Job from Print Items or Articles that are already in the Workflow, proceed as follows:
- Select either the menu Item Article > Articles or Order > Print Items. In both cases, a list of Print Items/Articles is displayed.
- Select or search using Filters for the Print Items/Articles you want to print and select them from the list.
- Select the Create Production Job [13] action, using the Process drop-down button in the action bar.
Figure 7: The action bar of the Article menu item.
- The Create Production Job dialog will open, where you can enter information such as: Name, Production Number, Comment, Production Date, Time and Shipping Date, and select a Template [14], which applies the relevant Output Settings.
- If your Print Items in the Production Job need to be imposed, select a Impose Mode [15] as well as an Impose Template.
- If you want to create a Production Job for each Print Item, you should activate the Split in separate Jobs [16] option.
- Then enter the number of copies for each Print Item, this step is only necessary if this information was not correctly transferred from the Order or Article info.
- Create the Production Job(s) by clicking on Create.
Figure 8: The Create Production Job dialog.
2.4. Creating Production Jobs using »REST API«
Production Jobs can also be created directly from a leading system, either ERP or MIS. Using REST calls, a Production Job can either be created directly with all Print Items, Output Settings and Impose Mode including the Impose Template or by transferring Articles/Print Items from an Order.
The use of the REST interface is bound to a license (requires additional purchases). Available commands can be found in the user manual under the article: Rest-API Documentation.