User Manual – Durst

8.1 Installation and Settings

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In this Article we'll learn:

  • Where you can find the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in installer
  • How to install the Plug-in

1. System Requirements

To install the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in and connect to the Workflow, the following requirements must be met:

  • Mac OS X or Windows – Either operating system is suitable and the respective Adobe Illustrator CC version
  • Adobe Illustrator CC – Appropriate version of AI and the correct version of the Plug-in installer
  • Network connection to the PMS/ZuniComm Server – Port 8081 and 8989 must be accessible
  • Installer – The installer package, either a .dmg or .exe file which can be obtained from customer service

2. Installer

The current Plug-in installer to be used for your version of the Workflow can be found on the Workflow Server under C:\Program Files\PPD\Plugin\. This contains the two current installers for Mac OS and Windows.

3. Installing the Plug-in

To install the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in, follow these steps:

  1. Download the appropriate installer for your Workflow version.
  2. Start the installation by executing the "X.X.X.XX Release PPD_AI_Plugin" file.
    • Windows: Open the installation file with administrator rights (right click and install as admin) and confirm any prompts to execute as admin.
    • Mac OS X: To run the installer, you must also have administrative rights. (Open with right mouse button and click on open).

Figure 1: The Introduction screen of the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in installer (mac version).

Install PPD AI CC Plugin
  1. Select a target volume to choose the location of the installation. All hard disks in the system should be available.
  2. In the next step, you can select the appropriate Plug-in version in relation to your version of Illustrator.

Figure 2: The Installation Type screen in the installer.

Install PPD AI CC Plugin
  1. Click on Continue to begin the installation.
  2. By confirming the administration rights, the installation is carried out.
  3. Complete the installation by clicking on Close.

Figure 3: The Installation screen of the installer.  

Install PPD AI CC Plugin

4. Set up access

To access the basic control panels, follow these steps when opening them for the first time:

  1. Launch Adobe Illustrator
  2. Open the File Management panel via Window > Durst Workflow > File Management.
  3. Open the Settings dialog via Window > Durst Workflow > Settings. Enter the required connections (IP addresses) [2] and the Language [1] should be selected.
  4. Enter your Username and Password [3] to access the Workflow via the Plug-in.
  5. After entering your Username and Password [3] press Log in, the control panels that require a license are available depending on the license you have purchased.

Figure 4: The File Management control panel and the Settings window.

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