In this Article we'll learn:
- Where you can find the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in installer
- How to install the Plug-in
1. System Requirements
To install the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in and connect to the Workflow, the following requirements must be met:
- Mac OS X or Windows – Either operating system is suitable and the respective Adobe Illustrator CC version
- Adobe Illustrator CC – Appropriate version of AI and the correct version of the Plug-in installer
- Network connection to the PMS/ZuniComm Server – Port 8081 and 8989 must be accessible
- Installer – The installer package, either a .dmg or .exe file which can be obtained from customer service
2. Installer
The current Plug-in installer to be used for your version of the Workflow can be found on the Workflow Server under C:\Program Files\PPD\Plugin\
. This contains the two current installers for Mac OS and Windows.
3. Installing the Plug-in
To install the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in, follow these steps:
- Download the appropriate installer for your Workflow version.
- Start the installation by executing the "X.X.X.XX Release PPD_AI_Plugin" file.
- Windows: Open the installation file with administrator rights (right click and install as admin) and confirm any prompts to execute as admin.
- Mac OS X: To run the installer, you must also have administrative rights. (Open with right mouse button and click on open).
Figure 1: The Introduction screen of the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in installer (mac version).

- Select a target volume to choose the location of the installation. All hard disks in the system should be available.
- In the next step, you can select the appropriate Plug-in version in relation to your version of Illustrator.
Figure 2: The Installation Type screen in the installer.

- Click on Continue to begin the installation.
- By confirming the administration rights, the installation is carried out.
- Complete the installation by clicking on Close.
Figure 3: The Installation screen of the installer.

4. Set up access
To access the basic control panels, follow these steps when opening them for the first time:
- Launch Adobe Illustrator
- Open the File Management panel via Window > Durst Workflow > File Management.
- Open the Settings dialog via Window > Durst Workflow > Settings. Enter the required connections (IP addresses) [2] and the Language [1] should be selected.
- Enter your Username and Password [3] to access the Workflow via the Plug-in.
- After entering your Username and Password [3] press Log in, the control panels that require a license are available depending on the license you have purchased.
Figure 4: The File Management control panel and the Settings window.