User Manual – Durst

1.1 Hotfolder - Jobticket Documentation

Updated on

To integrate the Durst Workflow into your existing IT environment, you can use an XML-based interface. This article describes the available options.

Durst Workflow 1.8.2 Update: We've added the attribute to define an Impose Template and it's now possible to use more than one print item.

Durst Workflow 1.15.0 Update: We've added  attributes to define a Fixup Chain and a Fixup with its Fixup Template.

Specifications for the PMS Hotfolder XML Jobticket:

1. XML Jobticket Format (from 1.15.0)


	<ProductionJob name="Production Job with 4 Items" externalId="EXT123" comment="A comment" leadIn="2" leadOut="3" shippingDate="2023-07-07" productionDate="2022-10-08">

		<ImposeTemplate internalName="NESTING_TEMPLATE_1"/>

		<Cutter internalName="FOTOBA_1">
			<CutterParameterSet internalName="FOTOBA_1_FOTOBA_DIGITRIM_SERIES_1"/>

		<PrintItem name="Print Item 1" unit="inch" width="35.0" height="202.0" numberOfCopies="10" pages="1" url="smb://">
			<FixupChain automationKey="THIS_IS_A_FIXUP_CHAIN"/>
			<Fixup automationKey="ROTATE_AND_MIRROR_PAGE" templateGuid="87e31387-ee80-4027-b356-1c09e0d8c33c"/>

		<PrintItem name="Print Item 2" unit="mm" width="350.0" height="2020.0" numberOfCopies="20" pages="2" url="" windingType="OUTSIDE" orientation="TOP">
			<Fixup automationKey="ROTATE_AND_MIRROR_PAGE" templateGuid="87e31387-ee80-4027-b356-1c09e0d8c33c"/>

		<PrintItem name="Print Item 3" unit="inch" width="20.0" height="20.0" numberOfCopies="30"  pages="1" url="" cutContourSpotColor="FORM">
			<FixupChain automationKey="HOTFOLDER_CLEMENS_CHAIN"/>

		<PrintItem name="Print Item 4 " unit="mm" width="350.0" height="2020.0" numberOfCopies="40" pages="3" url=""windingType="OUTSIDE" orientation="BOTTOM">
			<Fixup automationKey="ROTATE_AND_MIRROR_PAGE" templateGuid="87e31387-ee80-4027-b356-1c09e0d8c33c"/>
			<ColorCorrection internalName="HIGH_CONTRAST"/>



2. XML Jobticket Format (from 1.8.2)

	<ProductionJob name="Name of the Production Job" comment="A comment" externalId="EXT123" leadIn="2" leadOut="3" shippingDate="2021-12-01" productionDate="2019-02-28">
		<ImposeTemplate internalName="NESTING_TEMPLATE_1"/>
		<Cutter internalName="FOTOBA_1">
				<CutterParameterSet internalName="FOTOBA_1_FOTOBA_DIGITRIM_SERIES_1"/>
		<PrintItem name="PrintItem 1" comment="This is the first Item" width="350.0" height="2020.0" unit="mm" pages="1" numberOfCopies="13" url="file:/path/to/pdf/sample_file1.pdf" windingType="OUTSIDE" orientation="TOP">
		<PrintItem name="Print Item 2" comment="This is the second Item" width="25.0" height="15.0" unit="inch" pages="1" numberOfCopies="4" url="file:/path/to/pdf/sample_file2.pdf" cutContourSpotColor="FORM">
			<Fixup automationKey="FLIP_PAGE"/>
			<Fixup automationKey="CONVERT_TO_GRAYSCALE"/>			
		<PrintItem name="Print Item 3" comment="This is the third Item" pages="3" numberOfCopies="1" url="file:/path/to/pdf/sample_file3.pdf">
			<ColorCorrection internalName="REDUCE_MIDTONES_13"/>
			<ColorCorrection internalName="HIGH_CONTRAST"/>		


3. XML Jobticket Format (before 1.8.2)


    <ProductionJob name="prod_job_name" comment="test comment" externalId="CERM_1" leadIn="2" leadOut="3" shippingDate="2019-03-01" productionDate="2019-02-28">

        <ColorCorrection internalName="INCREASE_MIDTONES_3"/>
        <Cutter internalName="SPARTANICS">
            <CutterParameterSet internalName="EXTRACT"/>

        <PrintItem name="print_item_name" comment="print item info" cutContourSpotColor="Die" width="11.8" height="15.75" unit="inch" pages="2"   numberOfCopies="5" url="file:/path/to/pdf/sample_file.pdf" windingType="INSIDE" orientation="TOP">
            <Fixup automationKey="FLIP_PAGE"/>
            <Fixup automationKey="CONVERT_TO_GRAYSCALE"/>




4. Description of the XML attributes

4.1. Production Job

name   STRING

comment   STRING

externalID   STRING

leadIn   INTEGER

leadOut   INTEGER

productionDate   DATE

ISO Format: yyyy-mm-dd, with optional Timestamp: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

shippingDate   DATE

ISO Format: yyyy-mm-dd

url   STRING

Paths must be written with this formating: file:/pathsegment_1/pathsegment_2/pathsegment_…/name_of-PDF.pdf

  • file:/  for local files
  • smb:// for files stored on a network share (credentials need to be stored in Durst Workflow File Management)
  • http(s):// for files stored on a webserver/fileserver

pages   INTEGER

numberOfCopies   INTEGER

width   NUMBER

Decimal places are determined using ».« (Point) separated

height   NUMBER

Decimal places are determined using ».« (Point) separated

unit   STRING

possible values are: mm |  inch | pt

cutContourSpotColor   STRING

Spot Colors must be defined in the Workflow as CutContours (Edit Spot Color Definition)

windingType   STRING

possible values are: OUTSIDE | INSIDE

orientation   STRING

possible values are: TOP | BOTTOM | LEFT | RIGHT



4.3. PDF Corrections

automationKey   STRING   (Fixup)

The names can be found under the Master Data (kfpx profiles) or from the tooltip of the selected Correction.

templateGuid  [9] STRING

a 36 digit guid: e.g. 87e31387-ee80-4027-b356-1c09e0d8c33c
The guid can be derived from any Data Correction Tab by creating and saving a Template

Print Item > Data Correction
Print Item > Data Correction

automationKey   STRING [16] (FixupChain)

The automationKey can be derived from Administration > Fixup Chains > Fixup Chain

Administration > Fixup Chains

4.4. Color Corrections

ColorCorrection internalName   STRING

The names can be found under the Master Data: Table: Color Correction; Column: InternalName.

4.5. Cutting Devices

Cutter internalName [4]   STRING

Use the values set under Administration > Cutter Devices > Devices

Cutter Devices > Edit Cutter - 1.7.4

CutterParameterSet internalName [9]  STRING

Use the values set under Administration > Cutter Devices > Parameter Sets

Cutter Devices > Parameter Sets - 1.7.4

4.6. Impose Template

Impose Template   STRING

The names can be found under the Master Data: Table: Impose Template; Column: Internal Name.

Next Article 2.1 Introduction
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