User Manual – Durst

5.9 Get a Printers Job by ID

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Get a Printers Job by ID

Compatibility: from Durst Analytics v1.4.0

Get a job from a specific printer by its job id and printer id

New properties starting from v2.17.2 printDirection, passoverlapValue, saturation, printPasses
GET /api/v1/printers/{printerId}/jobs/{jobId}

1. Parameters

1.1. Request

Type Name Description Schema
Header  x-auth-token required The Token to be used in the HTTP Header as x-auth-token for all Requests string
Query printerId required The ID of the Printer integer
Query jobId required The ID of the Job integer

1.2. Response

Type Name Description Schema
Body endTime required End time as ISO 8601 date string
Example: "2020-09-25T18:00:00.000Z"
string (date-time)
Body id required Internal ID from job, to use with queries integer (int64)
Body inkConsumptionLt required Current ink consumption in liter as JSON map (Colorname: Double value < string, number (double) > map
Body jobLengthMm required Length of the job image in millimeter number
Body jobSqm required SQM of the job image in millimeter number
Body jobWidthMm required Width of the job image in millimeter number
Body numberOfPrints required Number of prints of the print job integer (int64)
Body numberOfPrintsDone required Number of prints printed for this job integer (int64)
Body operator required Name of operator who printed the job string
Body resXDpi required Name of operator who printed the job integer
Body resYDpi required X Resolution of job in dots per inch integer
Body startTime required Y Resolution of job in dots per inch string (date-time)
Body state required State of the job string (date-time)
Body substrateLengthMm required Length of the substrate in millimeter number
Body substrateName required Name of the substrate string
Body substrateWidthMm required Width of the substrate in millimeter number
Body title required Title of the Job string
Body printDirection Setting of print direction in print job string
Body passoverlapValue Used PassOverlap Value / DASC in print job float
Body saturation Job saturation settings integer
Body printPasses Print passes used for the job integer

2. Responses

HTTP Code Description Schema
200 OK Job
401 Unauthorized No Content
403 Forbidden No Content
404 Not Found No Content

3. Produces


4. Example HTTP Request

Request path


5. Example HTTP Response

Response 200

  "id": 170312,
  "title": "Job_3306_1_p1",
  "state": "Done",
  "numberOfPrints": 1,
  "numberOfPrintsDone": 1,
  "startTime": "2020-10-21T08:27:53Z",
  "endTime": "2020-10-21T08:31:38Z",
  "operator": "[012345][Steve]",
  "resXDpi": 800,
  "resYDpi": 600,
  "jobWidthMm": 3037.01,
  "jobLengthMm": 3037,
  "jobSqm": 9.16,
  "substrateName": "TRANSJET BOOST # 2001051659",
  "substrateWidthMm": 3200,
  "substrateLengthMm": 40000,
  "inkConsumptionLt": {
    "LightMagenta": 0.004331,
    "LightCyan": 0.006491,
    "Orange": 0.001483,
    "Violet": 0.001638,
    "Black": 0.006314,
    "Yellow": 0.009641,
    "Magenta": 0.004954,
    "Cyan": 0.004556
Previous Article 5.8 Get a Printers Production
Next Article 5.10 Get a Printers Job Ink Consumption
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