User Manual – Durst

2.1 Introduction

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Durst Workflow {Rest:API} description / v1.0 Rev 28 (Durst Print Workflow v1.19.0) / 2025-02-10

1. History

Date Editor Summary
2019-02-14 Mitterbauer | Rev 1 Initial Documentation
2019-07-03 Kleinlercher | Rev 2 Content: Rearranging Chapters
Added: Get active User-defined Fields available for motifs / Articles / Print Orders; Validation of Articles / Print Orders / Production Jobs; Create a Production Job from a existing Print Order; List available Substrates / Substrate Categories
Replaced: Create Productions Job has been revised (new path and parameters) 
2019-07-17 Kleinlercher | Rev 3 Content: Rearranging Chapters
Added: Create Subscribers, Subscribe to a topic (Callback URLs)
2019-08-07 Kleinlercher | Rev 4 Content: Rearranging Chapters
Added: Ink calculation for Articles and Motifs (within Production Jobs and Print Order Items), Workflows, User-defined Fields
Revised: Subscriptions
2019-08-27 Kleinlercher | Rev 5 Content: Rearranging Chapters
Added: Compatibility Notes
2019-09-09 Kleinlercher | Rev 6 Added: Fixup Controller, Apply Fixup to Article(s)
2019-10-10 Kleinlercher | Rev 7 Content: Rearranging Chapters and Content
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.7.6
2019-11-11 Kleinlercher | Rev 8 Content: Update of Description of Login and UserAccountApi
2019-11-28 Kleinlercher | Rev 9 Added: Availability Notes; Table to explain which requests are available in which workflow version 
2020-03-31 Kleinlercher | Rev 10 Added: Create Substrate Categories / Create Substrates / Create Substrate Shapes
Added: Create, Update and Delete Print Orders / Print Order Items / Print Items
Added: Fixup Parameter Examples
Revised: Definitions
Deprecated: cf_ Prefix not necessary anymore to fill out custom fields. Please change your custom field naming
Deprecated: Get Print Order Item by ID
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.7.7
There may have been some changes of Fixup variables and parameters. These changes are independent of the API development, because the fixups kfpx/xml files are continuously improved and adapted by our experts. Please refer to our release notes and check the variables and parameters to adapt your API implementation before updating. Use GET fixups and GET fixups/{id} to fetch the fixups details.
2020-06-09 Kleinlercher | Rev 11 Added: List Fixup Chain(s)
Added: Apply Fixup Chain to Article or Print Item
Added: Create Article and bypass Fixup Chain to be applied
Added: Create Print (Order) Item or Production Job and bypass Fixup Chain to be applied on Print Item
Added: List Report(s)
Added: Generate and Download Report of an Article or Print Item (in Print Order)
Added: Link article to existing Production Job
Added: Create new Print Item/Motif for existing Production Job
Added: List all linked Print Items of a Production Job
Added: Get a Print Item of a Production Job
Changes: When creating Production Job a Print Item/Motif is no longer required = empty Production Job
Revised: Definitions
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.7.8
There may have been some changes of Fixup variables and parameters. These changes are independent of the API development, because the fixups kfpx/xml files are continuously improved and adapted by our experts. Please refer to our release notes and check the variables and parameters to adapt your API implementation before updating. Use GET fixups and GET fixups/{id} to fetch the fixups details.
2020-08-03 Kleinlercher | Rev 12 Revised: Definitions
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.7.9
There may have been some changes of Fixup variables and parameters. These changes are independent of the API development, because the fixups kfpx/xml files are continuously improved and adapted by our experts. Please refer to our release notes and check the variables and parameters to adapt your API implementation before updating. Use GET fixups and GET fixups/{id} to fetch the fixups details.
2020-10-01 Kleinlercher | Rev 13 Added: Fetch the Preflight Result of an Article
Added: Fetch the Preflight Result of a Print Item within a Print Order or Production Job
Added: Fetch Preflight PDF Report of an Article or Print Item
Improvement: The descriptions of each variable of Fixups are shown in the output to make their purpose easier to understand.
Revised: Definitions
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.8
2020-11-25 Kleinlercher | Rev 14 Added: Fetch Output Templates
Added: Create a Production Job using an Output Template
Added: Article Create - Default Color Policy based on the defined Substrate in Response
Improvement: defaultReferencedColorPolicyApi can not be set when creating a Substrate
Revised: Definitions
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.8.1
Fixups were revised. Setting a unit is not needed anymore for most Fixups. The unit used internally is mm (Millimeter) and has to be recalculated if inch, pt or cm are used from an external system. 
2021-03-09 Kleinlercher | Rev 15 Added: Updating Article Status using PATCH
Added: Updating Motif (Print Order, Production Job) Status using PATCH
Added: Split Pages Request for Articles and Motifs
Improvement: Subscription Controller has been extended and now supports sending back the status (SUCCESS, ERROR) of various processes (e.g. motif-split-pages, motif-apply-profile, calculate-ink-usage)
Revised: Definitions
Correction: Wrong description of Response Body when an Impose of a Production Job is performed
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Durst Workflow 1.8.2
2021-05-09 Kleinlercher | Rev 16 Revised: Definitions
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.9.0
2021-07-08 Kleinlercher | Rev 17 Added: Subscriptions to Substrate Categories, Substrates and Substrate Shape Changes and Deletions
Added: Save Ink Parameter for Ink Cost Calculation
Bugfix: Fetching Output Templates
Revised: Definitions
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.10.0
2021-09-22 Kleinlercher | Rev 18 Added: Mime types for .eps as well as .psd have been added. This now allows .eps and .psd files to be passed from an http(s) source via the Rest API.
Bugfix: In certain cases it was not possible to check in files from a network share. This problem has been fixed.
Bugfix: In isolated cases a GET workflows/{id} request resulted in a 404 error. This problem has been fixed.
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.10.2
2022-01-20 Kleinlercher | Rev 19 Added: Sheet Template, Plate Template, Print Template as additional Impose Parameters
Added: GET Requests to fetch available Sheet/Plate/Print Item Templates
Bugfix: In case of downloading Art Files from a external Webserver took longer than 20 minutes, the checkin was skipping several files
Revised: Definitions
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.11.1
2022-03-30 Kleinlercher | Rev 20 Fixes and Improvements: Minor Fixes and Improvements on file handling
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.12.0
2022-09-01 Kleinlercher | Rev 21 Added: Get high resolution preview images. The JPEG preview image provided via the API is generated compressed with 3000 pixels for the longer side of the Print Item.
GET /api/v1/articles/{id}/files/jpg/direct
GET /api/v1/motifs/{id}/files/jpg/direct
Added: The following mime types have been added and are now supported as Print Items for transfer to the Workflow via Rest API from web server-based sources: image/vnd.adobe.photoshop, application/x-photoshop, application/photoshop ,application/psd, image/psd, .vnd.3gpp.pic-bw-small, .x-photoshop.
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Durst Workflow 1.13.0
2022-12-01 Kleinlercher | Rev 22 Added: When creating a production jobs, the number of lead in and lead ou can be defined. If no values are transferred, the default system settings for  are taken into account.
Added: It is now possible to retrieve Durst Analytics job statistics directly in the Durst Workflow. The following endpoints and calls are now available:
GET /api/v2/any-job-statistic/meta/filter-options 
POST /api/v2/any-job-statistic/list 
GET /api/v2/any-job-statistic/{id} 
Final specificationof API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.13.2
2023-01-27 Kleinlercher | Rev 23 Added: checkinTemplateGuid for Motifs - allows to set a specific Preflight Template for single Print Items
Added: GET /pms/api/v2/fixup/preflight/custom/templates to fetch available Preflight Templates from Durst Workflow

Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.14.0
2023-03-09 Kleinlercher | Rev 24 Revised: Chapter Articles, Chapter Print Orders, Print Order Items and Print Items, Chapter Production Jobs and Imposing
Added: Print Statistics, Cut Statistics. Please consider: Due to internal changes of Fixups and Fixup Chains (Data Preparation) the previous implementation of applying Fixups and Fixup Chains won’t cover all new features, and will also be deprecated as soon all Fixups have been moved to V2. 
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.14.1
2023-06-01 Kleinlercher | Rev 25 Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.15.0
2024-01-15 Kleinlercher | Rev 26

Bugfix: Login Auth Changes. Unsuccessful Login attempts and expired tokens now Result in 401 Unauthorized error, instead of 403.
Improvements: Minor improvements
Fixed: Error of deleting a Print Order without a Print Order Item
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.16.2

2024-08-31 Kleinlercher | Rev 27 Minor improvements. Extended Responses. Open API compatibility increased.
APIv1 Endpoint: pms/swagger-ui/?urls.primaryName=Public%20API%20v1
APIv2 Endpoint: pms/swagger-ui/?urls.primaryName=Public%20API%20v2
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.18.0
2025-02-10 Kleinlercher | Rev 28 Added: Handling Check-In Templates
Final specification of API Functions of Durst Workflow 1.19.0

2. Fixup Parameter Changes

There may have been changes of Fixup variables and parameters in every single Durst Workflow Release. These changes are independent of the Rest-API development, because the Fixup's kfpx/xml files are continuously improved and adapted by our experts. Please refer to our  Release Notes and check the variables und parameters to adapt your API implementation before updating. Use GET fixups and GET fixups/{id} to fetch the current fixups details and then  adapt the corresponding API requests where Fixup parameters are used.

3. Introduction

The Durst Workflow API provides an interface to Durst Workflow functions such as creating Articles, Print Orders and Production Jobs. It also features retrieval of applied Substrates and Substrate Categories and associated Color Policies. Status information can be returned to connected ERP/MIS systems via callback URLs (subscriptions).

The API is a REST (Representational State Transfer) service. As application layer protocols HTTP and HTTPS are used. REST unifies the interface between systems to a manageable and standardised set of actions regarding the expected behavior, which are explained in detail in this document.

Even with intensive testing and careful research, we cannot guarantee the full correctness of the documentation. Since the interface is constantly being expanded, the scope of the documentation will also change constantly. Please always note the publication date and revision number as well as the compatibility note of the used function.

4. Overview

4.1. Version Information

Version: 1.0

4.2. URI scheme

Parameter Value
BasePath /pms
Schemes HTTP
Parameter Value
BasePath /pms
Schemes HTTPS

HTTPS is performed using a Proxy Service at the Workflow Workstation/Server. A valid certificate is needed for Setup. Contact us for further Details.

4.3. Availability of Requests

Durst Workflow is available in different versions. Depending on the range of functions, the availability for API requests also differs. 

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