User Manual – Durst

4.12 Fixup Chains

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n many cases, several Fixups need to be applied to individual Print Items or Articles. Depending on the situation and desired end product, different sizes of edge reinforcement, cutting, creasing, and folding lines and grommets need to be added. It is often necessary and advantageous to apply several Fixups in a specific sequence to selected Print Items. Using Fixup Chains you can compile recurring processing sequences and then apply them to selected Print Items.

1. List all available Fixup Chains

Compatibility: from Durst Workflow v1.7.8

Available in
Durst Workflow Print Label / Durst Workflow Print Label +
Durst Workflow Print /  Durst Workflow Print +

You can list all available Fixups Chains configured in the Durst Workflow. The response lists the Fixups Chains with their IDs, Names, a short description and the Automation Key. Fixup Chains can be applied on Articles or Print Items within an Print Order or Production Job. A Fixup Chain can be applied on an existing Article or Print Item or provided as attribute when Articles or Print Orders are created. Please refer to the Article and Print Print Order Chapters for details.

GET /api/v1/fixupChains

1.1. Responses

HTTP Code Description Schema
200 OK FixupChainApi
401 Unauthorized No Content
403 Forbidden No Content
404 Not Found No Content

1.2. Consumes


1.3. Produces


1.4. Tags

Fixup Chain Controller Api

1.5. Example HTTP request

Request path


1.6. Example HTTP response

Response 200

    "id": 54,
    "name": "Add Dieline witch nor rounded corner",
    "comment": "Add Dieline witch nor rounded corner",
    "automationKey": "ADD_DIE_EDGES"
    "id": 108,
    "name": "hide layer 3",
    "automationKey": "HIDE_LAYER_3"
    "id": 112,
    "name": "10mm Anschnitt anlegen  und Stanzlinie erzeugen",
    "comment": "Spiegelt einen 10mm Anschnitt an, erzeugt eine Stanzlinie auf dem Endformatrahmen und konvertiert die Schriften in Konturen.",
    "id": 126,
    "name": "Tiling Test",
    "automationKey": "TILING_TEST"
    "id": 129,
    "name": "Rotate and Mirror",
    "automationKey": "ROTATE"
    "id": 132,
    "name": "Banner with Grommets",
    "automationKey": "BANNER_MIT_OESEN"
2. List details of a specific Fixup Chain by ID

Compatibility: from Durst Workflow v1.7.8

Available in
Durst Workflow Print Label / Durst Workflow Print Label +
Durst Workflow Print /  Durst Workflow Print +

Get information for a specific Fixup Chain using its ID.

GET /api/v1/fixupChains/{id}

2.1. Parameters

id required
The id of a Fixup Chain
integer (int32)

2.2. Responses

HTTP Code Description Schema
200 OK FixupChainApi
401 Unauthorized No Content
403 Forbidden No Content
404 Not Found No Content

2.3. Consumes


2.4. Produces


2.5. Tags

Fixup Controller Api

2.6. Example HTTP request

Request path


2.7. Example HTTP response

Response 200

  "id": 54,
  "name": "Add Dieline witch nor rounded corner",
  "comment": "Das Fixup mit standard 0mm",
  "automationKey": "ADD_DIE_EDGES"
3. Apply Fixup Chain to Motif within a Print Order or Production Job

Compatibility: from Durst Workflow v1.7.8

Available in
Durst Workflow Print Label / Durst Workflow Print Label +
Durst Workflow Print /  Durst Workflow Print +  

Apply a Fixup Chain to a Motif/Print Item within a Print Order or Production Job. The ID of the Motif can be extracted from the response of the calls GET /api/v1/printOrders/{id} and GET /api/v1/productionJobs/{id}. See Create Print Order and Create Production Job for details.

POST /api/v1/motifs/{id}/applyFixupChain

3.1. Parameters

id required
The id of a Motif
integer (int32)
Body  FixupChainApi required
Specifiy the Fixup Chain to be used FixupChainApi

3.2. Responses

HTTP Code Description Schema
200 OK FixupRequestOptionsApi
401 Unauthorized No Content
403 Forbidden No Content
404 Not Found No Content

3.3. Consumes


3.4. Produces


3.5. Tags

Fixup Controller Api

3.6. Example HTTP request

Request path


Request Body

  "id": 132,
  "name": "Banner with Grommets",
  "automationKey": "BANNER_WITH_GROMMETS2"

3.7. Example HTTP response

The response contains the id for the Workflow. This is the internal naming convention of the running process. As the Fixup process may take some time, the status of this running process can be checked with GET /api/v1/workflows/{id}.

Response 200

  "id": 18726,
  "name": "motif-apply-ptb-chain",
  "status": "RUNNING",
  "progress": 0,
  "currentStep": "preFlight",
  "startTimestamp": "2020-06-04T15:21:26.554524+02:00"
4. Apply Fixup Chain to Article

Compatibility: from Durst Workflow v1.7.8

Available in
Durst Workflow Print Label / Durst Workflow Print Label +
Durst Workflow Print /  Durst Workflow Print +  

Apply a Fixup Chain to an Article.

POST /api/v1/articles/{id}/applyFixupChain

4.1. Parameters

id required
The id of an Article
integer (int32)
Body  FixupChainApi required
Specifiy the Fixup Chain to be used FixupChainApi

4.2. Responses

HTTP Code Description Schema
200 OK FixupRequestOptionsApi
401 Unauthorized No Content
403 Forbidden No Content
404 Not Found No Content

4.3. Consumes


4.4. Produces


4.5. Tags

Motif Controller

4.6. Example HTTP request

Request path


Request Body

  "id": 132,
  "name": "Banner with Grommets",
  "automationKey": "BANNER_WITH_GROMMETS2"

4.7. Example HTTP response

The response contains the id for the Workflow. This is the internal naming convention of the running process. As the Fixup process may take some time, the status of this running process can be checked with GET /api/v1/workflows/{id}.

Response 200

  "id": 18728,
  "name": "motif-apply-ptb-chain",
  "status": "RUNNING",
  "progress": 0,
  "currentStep": "preFlight",
  "startTimestamp": "2020-06-04T15:26:01.709668+02:00"
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