User Manual – Durst

1.1 User Interface Conception

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In this article, you will learn

  • what a Production Configuration is,
  • which process steps can be automated by using it,
  • and how the user interface looks like.

1. Introduction

A Production Configuration describes the sequence of Operations that a print file has to complete from a defined starting point to an optimized output. Production Configurations can be used to reflect the following activities in production  the list represents an extract of possible process steps.

  • Normalizing customer print data and informing prepress staff when problems occur.
  • Splitting Multipage print data into single pages and then preparing them for Shape Nesting.
  • Equip customer print data that has a defined status with the necessary add-ons required for the production of certain products.
  • Prepare print data for customer approval and monitor their approval status. Thereby, rejected approvals are resubmitted to prepress, and approved print data is immediately forwarded to production.
  • Add additional metadata to print data after it has passed a certain step.
  • Collect print data that is already prepared for the production of a product and impose it individually or together on a defined size of an imposition.
  • Impose print data based on the information of the job for a specific die-cutting tool.
  • Collecting print data of a defined Substrate to create an Imposition with maximum utilization, the appropriate cut file and the Imposition report.
  • Transferring created Impositions in a defined order to the printer.

2. User Interface

The Production Configurations are managed from Automation > Production Configurations. Selecting the menu item displays the list of available Production Configurations.

2.1. List View

The list view of the Automation > Production Configuration menu consists of five sections:

  • Header [2] – allows the user to quickly identify which menu is currently selected. Optionally disable the display of the breadcrumbs [1] in the system settings.
  • Filter and Search bar [3] – allows the user to filter, search, and sort the list of Production Configurations.
  • Action bar [4] – allows the user to perform a Process on selected Production Configurations, create a new Production Configuration, and customize the list view to suit their way of working.
  • Pagination with list display limitation [6] – allows the user to limit the list display to a certain number of records and to scroll between the individual pages of the list view.
  • List [5] – list of currently filtered Production Configurations.

Figure 1: The user interface of the Automation > Production Configurations menu

The individual sections (except the header) are described in more detail below, along with their functions.

2.1.1. Filter and Search Bar

The list of production configurations can be filtered, searched and sorted using the Filter and Search bar. The following functions are available to users:

Figure 2: The filter and search bar for Production Configurations

  • Set Filter [7] – by clicking on the button, various filters can be selected to filter the list of Production Configurations. The filters can be configured and saved as the user wishes so that they are available at all times. The following filters are available:
    • Created by – selection list of user names with exclude function
    • GUID – entry of a GUID
  • Selection menu [8] – this contains all menu items related to the use of filters. The following options are available:
    • Filter Set selection – list of saved filter sets
    • Save – save the currently selected filters as a filter set
    • Save as – create a new filter set based on the currently selected filters
    • Delete Filter Set – delete the currently selected filter set
    • Delete filter  delete currently set filters
  • Display Filters [9] – display the currently set filters. A black filter chip displays included entries, a white filter chip excluded entries.
  • Delete Filters [10] – currently active filters can be removed by pressing the button. A single filter criterion can be removed by clicking on the X in the respective filter criterion.
  • Sort criterion [11] – by selecting an entry in the list, the field by which the list is to be sorted can be selected. The following sorting criteria are available:
    • Created – creation date and time
    • Name – name of the Production Configuration
  • Sort [12] – by clicking on the button, the list can be sorted in ascending or descending order based on the selected sort criterion.
  • Search [13] – by entering a text, the list of production jobs is filtered. The fields in which the full-text search is to be carried out can be determined in the search function settings.
  • Settings Search Function [14] – parametrize the full-text search in these settings. On the one hand, select the fields that are to be used for the full-text search and, on the other hand, define whether the search is to be carried out exactly or as a full text. There are two options:
    • Default: The search is carried out for the entered text characters, regardless of whether there is another character before or after them.
    • Exact: The search is carried out for the entered text characters, whereby there must be no other character before or after them. In addition, characters such as % and _ can be used to make the search even more specific.

2.1.2. Action Bar

The action bar contains all the commands that can be applied to selected list entries, as well as the command for creating a new list entry. Some of these commands can also be applied to multiple selected entries. The following processes are available:

Figure 3: Action bar and pagination of the Automation > Production Configuration menu

The following commands and options are available in the action bar:

  • Add [15] – use this to create a new Production Configuration.
  • Edit [16] – use this to edit the selected Production Configuration, for example to adjust the Operations it contains. It is not possible to edit multiple Production Configurations at the same time.
  • Delete [17] – deletes the selected Production Configuration(s). This process cannot be undone.
  • Copy GUID to Clipboard [18] – copies the GUID of the selected Production Configuration to the clipboard.
  • Refresh Display [19] – updates the list view.
  • Additional functions [20] this is where the user can set the display options for the list view.
  • Select All/Select None [21] – by activating this button, all entries in the list are selected or deselected.
Display Options "Filter Options"

In the Filter Options tab, you can show or hide options for the Filter and Search bar and determine the display of the Labels. The following options are offered in this tab:

  • Enable Paginator [22] – by activating this option, users can navigate between the individual pages of the list.
  • Enable Refresh Display icon [23] – by activating this option, the icon for refreshing the display is available in the action bar.
  • Show Sorting function [24] – by activating this option, the list of Production Configurations can be sorted in ascending or descending order.
  • Display of Labels [25] – determine how information should be displayed in the list. The user can choose from the following:
    • Symbols – when this button is activated, the information captions in the list are displayed as symbols.
    • Text – when this button is activated, the information captions in the list are displayed as text.

Figure 4: The Filter Options tab of the Filter, Search and Display Options dialog.

Display Options "Detail View"

In the Detail View tab, determine which information should be displayed in which block in the Production Configuration list. Click on Add [27] to add the information to the desired block. Clicking on the X symbol [26] removes the information that has been assigned. Click Reset to Defaults [28] to delete the settings you have made and revert to our settings recommendation.

The following options can be added to a block:

  • Referenced Production Scheduler – shows which Production Scheduler is applied to this Production Configuration
  • Comment –  display additional information that has been stored for the Production Configuration
  • Created – display the creation date and the user who created the record
  • Modified – display the modification date and the user who made the change

Figure 5: The Detail View tab of the Filter, Search and Display Options dialog

2.1.3. Pagination with List Display Limitation

In this area of the action bar, set how many Production Configurations should be displayed in the list per page and display the total number of Production Configurations. The following information is displayed and the following options are available:

  • Items per Page [29] – select how many records should be displayed in the current list per page. The maximum entry is limited to 100 records.
  • Number of records [30] – indicates how many records were found by the currently set filter.
  • Pagination [31] – indicates how many pages were found and offers the option to jump to the next or last page, as well as to the previous or first page, in the list.

Figure 6: The action bar and pagination of the Automation > Production Configuration menu

2.1.4. List of Production Configurations

The list of Production Configurations displays all currently filtered Production Configurations. The individual data records in the list provide the following information and functions:

  • Name [32] – the name of the Production Configuration. When assigning the name, make sure to choose an appropriate name for it. The same name can be used multiple times. The uniqueness of a Production Configuration is only given by the unique number (GUID) [33].
  • Operations [34] – display the Operations for the Production Configuration in the selected order.
  • Start corresponding Automators [35] – when processing Automation Jobs, the required Automators (executing units of the operations) should be started automatically. If this does not happen for some reason, start all Automators for this Production Configuration by clicking on the button.
  • Edit [36] – make any necessary changes to the Production Configuration.

Figure 7: The user interface of the Automation > Production Configurations menu.

2.2. Add Production Configuration

The user interface for the Add Production Configuration dialog is depicted below:

2.2.1. "General" tab

In the General tab, enter a Name for the Production Configuration and optionally a Comment for the Production Configuration.

Figure 8: The General tab of the Production Configuration dialog

2.2.2. "Operations" Tab

The actual configuration of the Production Configuration takes place in the Operations tab. By adding operations and determining their sequence, it is possible to easily map process steps without major complexity.  The user can perform the following processes here:

  • Add Operation [38] – clicking the button opens the menu in which all the available Operations are displayed. Select the desired operation. Note that certain Operations can only be added once, while others can be added multiple times per Production Configuration.
  • Delete Operation [37] – clicking on the symbol removes the operation from the configuration.
  • Changing the order of Operations – determine the order by:
    • Adding operations in the desired order.
    • Moving an Operation by simply clicking on it and moving it to the desired position.
  • Parameterizing the Operation [39] – to enter the desired options for the operation, the operation must be selected. Depending on the selected operation, different options are offered.

Figure 9: The Operations tab of the Production Configuration dialog

If the user tries to move an operation to a position that is not allowed in the sequence, a corresponding message [41] is displayed immediately. If no message is displayed and only the operation is marked in red, [40] it is a misconfiguration of the parameters of the respective operation.

Figure 10: The Operations tab of the Production Configuration dialog box, showing an error

Artikel update: Workflow version 1.19.2 – 02/2025

Next Article 1.2 Create a Production Configuration
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