User Manual – Durst

3.6 Measurement Device Parameter List

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Each manufacturer provides a certain range of functions for controlling the measuring instruments.

In this article you will learn,

  • which parameters are available for which measuring instrument
  • what the individual parameters mean

Further information can be found on the websites of the respective device manufacturers.

1. Barbieri Electronics

Parameter Value Description Supported Devices
Aperture Automatic The aperture opening is calculated based on the size of the measurement field.
Spectro LFP Series 3, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

2 The aperture value is 2 mm
Spectro LFP Series 3, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

6 The aperture value is 6 mm
Spectro LFP Series 3, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

8 The aperture value is 8 mm
Spectro LFP Series 3, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

Manual The aperture value is set manually
Spectro LFP Series 3, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb
Calibration Mode Accuracy Calibration is done after every second line
Spectro LFP Serie 3

Accuracy Calibration is done after every 4th line
Spectro Swing

Speed Calibration is done once per page
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro Swing
Density A only photographic industry, broadband reflected and transmitted light measurement
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro Swing, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

M broadband measurement of transmitted light
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro Swing, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

T ISO/ANSI T, broadband with respect to absolute white
Spectro LFP Serie 3, Spectro Swing, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

E ISO/ANSI E, DIN 16536, broadband with respect to paper white, higher yellow values than Status T
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro Swing, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb
Device Mode Home Send LFP or Chroma (with table) into transportposition (homeposition)
Spectro LFP Series 3

Page Measurement of a page / all pages
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro Swing

Close Disconnect device
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro Swing, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

Eject Eject Measurement Device Spectro Swing

Spot Measurement of one patch
SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

Strip Measurement of multiple colors
SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb
Measurement Mode Contactless Fastest but inaccurate
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro LFP qb

Fast Fast and accurate
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro LFP qb

Up-Down Slow and accurate
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro LFP qb
Illuminant A Incandescent light with a correlated color temperature of 2856K
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro Swing, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

C Average daylight (not including ultraviolet wavelength region) with a correlated color temperature of 6774K
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro Swing, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

D50 artificial daylight with a highly similar color temperature of 5003 Kelvin standard CIE illuminant which was defined as standard in the printing industry in conjunction with the 2° standard observer field of view for the lighting conditions of printing inks, prints and proofs in color matching
and at the central control console and as a white point in color transformations, ICC profile calculations and soft copy proof monitors. Resetting with fluorescent lamps (e.g. Just daylight pro- Graphic) or LEDs ( patented Just LED control )
Spectro LFP Serie 3, Spectro Swing, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

D55 artificial daylight with a highly similar color temperature of 5503 Kelvin
Spectro LFP Serie 3, Spectro Swing, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

D65 artificial daylight with a highly similar color temperature of 6502 Kelvin
standard CIE illuminant which is used in the paper, textiles, plastics and automobile industries, frequently in conjunction with the 10° standard observer field of view and which cannot be transformed in this form into D50/2°
Spectro LFP Serie 3, Spectro Swing, SpectroPad
Measurement Condition M0 spectral luminance factor without polarization filter under a light source that simulates standard illuminant A (gas lamps or LEDs, 2856 ± 100 K, from 420 to at least 700 nm)
Spectro LFP Serie 3, Spectro Swing, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

M1 spectral luminance factor without polarization filter under a light source that simulates standard illuminant D50 with correct UV component < 400 nm (theoretically F8 fluorescent lamp, in practice only LEDs incl. UV LEDs, 5003 ± 100 K, under 380 to at least 700 nm)
SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

M2 spectral luminance factor without polarization filter under a light source that simulates any standard illuminant
without UV component (gas lamps with UV cut-off filter < 400 nm or LEDs without UV LED, from 420 to at least 700 nm)
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro Swing, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

M3 spectral absorption degree (with RGB filters) or spectral lumi – nance factor (with spectral scanning head) with polarization filter pair (in radiated and in reflected light, crossing each other)
under a light source that simulates any standard illuminant (gas lamp or LEDs, from 420 to at least 700 nm)
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro Swing, Spectro LFP qb
Measure Mode Reflection Light is reflected on target
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro Swing, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

Transmission Light goes through target (only for transparent targets)
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro Swing
Observer 2 Angle of measure in degrees, recommended for small surfaces Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro Swing, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

10 Angle of measure in degrees, recommended for large surfaces
Spectro LFP Series 3, Spectro Swing, SpectroPad, Spectro LFP qb

2. XRite

Parameter Value Description Supported Devices
Density A only photographic industry, broadband reflected and transmitted light measurement
i1iO with i1Pro1, i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2

I ISO/ANSI I, DIN 16536 NB, narrow band with respect to paper white
i1iO with i1Pro1, i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2

T ISO/ANSI T, broadband with respect to absolute white
i1iO with i1Pro1,i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2

E ISO/ANSI E, DIN 16536, broadband with respect to paper white, higher yellow values than Status T
i1iO with i1Pro1, i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2
Device Mode Page Measurement of a page / all pages
i1iO with i1Pro1, i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2

Close Disconnect device
i1iO with i1Pro1, i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2

Spot Measurement of one patch
i1Pro1, i1Pro2

Strip Measurement of a continual strip of colors i1Pro1, i1Pro2

Dual-Page Measurement of a page / all pages (M0/M1/M2)
i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro2

Dual-Spot Measurement of singles patches (M0/M1/M2)

Page-Automatic Measurement of a page / all pages
Illuminant A Incandescent light with a correlated color temperature of 2856K
i1iO with i1Pro1, i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2

D50 artificial daylight with a highly similar color temperature of 5003 Kelvin standard CIE illuminant which was defined as standard in the printing industry in conjunction with the 2° standard observer field of view for the lighting conditions of printing inks, prints and proofs in color matching
and at the central control console and as a white point in color transformations, ICC profile calculations and soft copy proof monitors. Resetting with fluorescent lamps (e.g. Just daylight pro- Graphic) or LEDs ( patented Just LED control )
i1iO with i1Pro1, i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2

D55 artificial daylight with a highly similar color temperature of 5503 Kelvin
i1iO with i1Pro1, i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2

D65 artificial daylight with a highly similar color temperature of 6502 Kelvin standard CIE illuminant which is used in the paper, textiles, plastics and automobile industries, frequently in conjunction with the 10° standard observer field of view and which cannot be transformed in this form into D50/2°
i1iO with i1Pro1, i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2
Measurement Condition M0 spectral luminance factor without polarization filter under a light source that simulates standard illuminant A (gas lamps or LEDs, 2856 ± 100 K, from 420 to at least 700 nm)
i1iO with i1Pro1, i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2

M1 spectral luminance factor without polarization filter under a light source that simulates standard illuminant D50 with correct UV component < 400 nm (theoretically F8 fluorescent lamp, in practice only LEDs incl. UV LEDs, 5003 ± 100 K, under 380 to at least 700 nm)
i1iO with i1Pro1, i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2

M2 spectral luminance factor without polarization filter under a light source that simulates any standard illuminant without UV component (gas lamps with UV cut-off filter < 400 nm or LEDs without UV LED, from 420 to at least 700 nm)
i1iO with i1Pro1, i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2

All All conditions (M0,M1, M2) i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro2
Measure Mode Reflection Light is reflected on target
i1iO with i1Pro1, i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2
Observer 2 Angle of measure in degrees, recommended for small surfaces
i1iO with i1Pro1, i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2

10 Angle of measure in degrees, recommended for large surfaces
i1iO with i1Pro1, i1iO with i1Pro2, i1Pro1, i1Pro2

3. Konica Minolta

Parameter Value Description Supported Devices
The aperture value is 1 mm

2 The aperture value is 2 mm

3 The aperture value is 3 mm

4 The aperture value is 4 mm

Automatic The aperture value is set automatically
Density T ISO/ANSI T, broadband with respect to absolute white

E ISO/ANSI E, DIN 16536, broadband with respect to paper white, higher yellow values than Status T

A only photographic industry, broadband reflected and transmitted light measurement
FD-9, CM2300d

I ISO/ANSI I, DIN 16536 NB, narrow band with respect to paper white

DIN Density Status (Cyan: 50nm, Magenta: 60nm, Yellow: 40nm)
Mode Page Measurement of a page / all pages
FD-9, CM2300d

Page Automatic [DEPRECATED] Patch recognition without chart definition (patchsize, targetsize, color, ...)

Close Disconnect device

Spot Measures single patches
Illuminant A Incandescent light with a correlated color temperature of 2856K

C Average daylight (not including ultraviolet wavelength region) with a correlated color temperature of 6774K

D50 artificial daylight with a highly similar color temperature of 5003 Kelvin standard CIE illuminant which was defined as standard in the printing industry in conjunction with the 2° standard observer field of view for the lighting conditions of printing inks, prints and proofs in color matching
and at the central control console and as a white point in color transformations, ICC profile calculations and soft copy proof monitors. Resetting with fluorescent lamps (e.g. Just daylight pro- Graphic) or LEDs ( patented Just LED control )
FD-9, CM2300d

D55 artificial daylight with a highly similar color temperature of 5503 Kelvin
Measurement Condition M0 spectral luminance factor without polarization filter under a light source that simulates standard illuminant A (gas lamps or LEDs, 2856 ± 100 K, from 420 to at least 700 nm)
FD-9, CM2300d

M1 spectral luminance factor without polarization filter under a light source that simulates standard illuminant D50
with correct UV component < 400 nm (theoretically F8 fluorescent lamp, in practice only LEDs incl. UV LEDs, 5003 ± 100 K, under 380 to at least 700 nm)

M2 spectral luminance factor without polarization filter under a light source that simulates any standard illuminant
without UV component (gas lamps with UV cut-off filter < 400 nm or LEDs without UV LED, from 420 to at least 700 nm)

All (M0, M1, M2)
Measure Mode Reflection Light is reflected on target
FD-9, CM2300d
Observation 2 Angle of measure in degrees, recommended for small surfaces
FD-9, CM2300d

10 Angle of measure in degrees, recommended for large surfaces
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