User Manual – Durst

6.1 Creating and Editing a Printer

Updated on

Administration > Printer

Availability: All versions

In this section we will learn about

  • how to create a Printer
  • how to create Inks and assign them to Printerheads
  • how to create different Color Configurations
  • how to create Print Configurations for the Printer
  • which Rendering Engines you can select
  • how to configure the Rendering Engine

1. Prerequisites

To create a printer, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled:

  • A Host and Share must be correctly set up
  • Inks for the Printer must created

2. Add a new Printer

Create a new Printer or add additional printers to the Workflow by completing the following steps.

  1. Select Administration > Printers. A list of all available printers in the Workflow is displayed.
  2. Click +New in the action bar. The Add Printer dialog opens, the user can create the desired printer by selecting and/or entering information.

Figure 1: The Add Printer dialog:

Add Printer dialog - 1.7.4
  1. First select the desired printer from the Type* [1] drop-down menu. Depending on the selected printer, additional input fields, which are essential for setting up the selected printer, may be displayed.

Figure 2: The Add Printer dialog after selecting the printer Type - in this case the Tau 330 RSC:

Add Printer with Tau 330 RSC - 1.7.4
  1. Then enter a unique name for the printer under Name* [2]. If you have several printers of the same Type, it is advisable to specify a unique name for each printer as identifying each printer in the Workflow is much easier. You can change the name of the printer at any time, but not the Printer Type.
  2. To describe the printer in more detail, the following input fields are available, these fields are not mandatory for press operation.
    • IP – Enter the IP address assigned to the printer. The connection to the printer is represented by the previously created Host & Shares.
    • Serial Number – Enter the serial number of the printer. This information may be used for technical support in the future.
    • Software Version – Enter the software or firmware version of the printer software. This information may also be necessary for technical support.
    • Comment – Additional information can be entered here, e.g. the location of the printer.
  3. Depending on the selected printer, the file format for the files to be rendered (print data contained in the printer) must be selected for each Printer Type. When setting up the printer, a Render Type will be automatically filled in with a preselected Render Type for both, Default and VDP. The following types are available:
    • Render Type – Default [3] – This Render Type can typically be used for small jobs.
    • Render Type – VDP [4] – This Render Type can be used for print jobs containing variable data. In the case of Figure 2, DCF was selected, which is the preferred file format for variable print jobs printed using the Tau printer.
  4. The Best Height [5] setting, allows the user to establish a default "length" for roll media when using the Impose Editor. A default value of 500mm has been entered.
  5. The Destinations setting [6] the Host and the target directory(s) for the Host should have been previously setup by the user.
  • Host* [7] – The user can select the SMB Host previously configured under File Management for the selected printer.
  • Destination* [8] – Select the desired target directory where the print data should be transferred to and stored. Under the dropdown menu only valid Shares are displayed which have been previously created for the selected SMB Host via Administration > Shares. The user must select at least one target directory.

Figure 3: The completely filled out Add Printer dialog for the Tau 330 RSC:

Completed Add Printer dialog - 1.7.4
  1. Select all required Destination directories from the drop-down menu [8]. Selecting another Directory will add it to the list of Directories below it. The user can confirm which Directory is set to default by selecting the appropriate radio button [9].
  2. Once all information has been entered and the required options have been selected, the printer will be created by pressing Save [10].

Additional Printers not allowed

If you are not able to add additional printers, this restriction is based on the license available to you. Additional printers can only be created with the corresponding license.

3. Editing and Deleting a Printer

Printers can be renamed, differently configured or mapped to additional target directories at any time. It is also possible to delete a printer as long as no Color Setup Profiling has been created.

To Edit an existing printer in the Workflow, proceed as follows:

  1. Select Administration > Printer. A list of printers available in the Workflow is displayed.
  2. Select the Printer to be edited [11] from this list.
  3. Click Edit [12] to make any necessary changes.

Figure 4: A list of available printers created in the Workflow:

Available Printers
Previous Article 5.1 Create and Edit new Inks
Next Article 6.2 Printer Settings
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