Administration > Printer Setup
Availability: all versions
Correctly setting up a printer is an integral and important step. Please take time to familiarise yourself with the printer settings and their functions.
In this Article we'll learn how to
- Create a Color Configuration for the printer
- Create Channel Configurations
- Create appropriate Print Configurations for your printer
1. Prerequisites
Correctly configuring a printer requires that the printer has been created beforehand. You can find out how to do this in the chapter Creating and Editing Printers article.
Start the setup process by selecting
- Locate the Printer Setup list under Administration > Printer Setup
- Select the printer you want to set up from the list
- Double click on your selected printer
- The Printer Configuration dialog opens with the three empty settings panels Color Configuration [1], Channel Configuration [2] and Print Configuration [3].
Figure 1: The three panels of the Printer Configuration dialog at the beginning of setup
2. Create and Edit a new Color Configuration
Each printing system is delivered with a specific Color Configuration. In order for the Workflow to recognise which printing colors should be used. The Workflow needs to be informed of the exact type of color that will be used - Process Colors, Light Colors, Gamut Enhancing Colors, or Separation-Preserving Colors. For the Workflow the order in which Inks are integrated in the printer is irrelevant.
2.1. Create a new Color Configuration
The first step is to create a new Color Configuration for the printer. Depending on the printer type, a minimum of four Process Colors (CMYK) must be created. In addition to CMYK, you can also create
- Light Colors – these include Light Cyan, Light Magenta and Light Black
- Gamut-Enhancing Colors – this includes Orange, Violet, Green, Blue, and Red
- Separation-Preserving Colors – these include White, Varnish, Primers, also gamut-expanding colors can be set up as such
The following description refers to a Tau 330 RSC setup with four Process Colors (CMYK), three Gamut-Expanding Colors (OVG), and one Separation-Preserving Color for White (W) to output variable data. To do this, take the following steps:
- In the Color Configuration panel, click New [4].
- The Add Color Configuration dialog opens.
Figure 2: The Add Color Configuration dialog for the Process Color Cyan for Variable Data Output
- With the Add Color Configuration dialog, the user needs to create each individual color for the printer. The following fields must be filled in:
- Process Color – Select the color you want to add from the drop-down menu list. Note that this list contains all available colors that can be used in digital printing. Depending on how the selected Process Color was configured under Administration > Ink, the checkboxes for designating Retain Separation [7] or a Light Channel [8] may be activated. Further information regarding these two choices can be found under Process Colors and Inks.
- Ink – Select an appropriate Ink for your printer based on the Inks you have available. If the corresponding ink is not available in the list, you must first set it up via Administration > Ink. You can find out more under the Managing Process Colors and Inks article.
- After selecting your Process Colors and Inks, for the majority of printers this is enough information to get started with production. If you need to print Variable Data on the Tau printer, then the following information should also be entered in the Add Color Configuration dialog:
- Host – Select the Host IP address of the printer in the drop-down list.
Destination – In order to ensure fast enough read/write speeds between the Host - Server - Printer array, the rendered files are distributed to different directories on different hard disks. For Cyan, the target directory
must be selected. For each color the appropriate target directory must be selected accordingly.
- Separations suffix: If additional colors, e.g. Brown, are to be integrated in a printing system, a suffix, e.g. "_br", must be entered for each color in this input field so that the correct suffix is written in the job ticket for the printer.
- Press Save [9] to add the first color.
- Create all other colors for the printer by repeating the steps described above. While the CMYK-OVG colors are set up as shown in Figure 2, the color White must be set up so that the Retain Separation [10] check-box is activated. White must be marked as Retain Separation, otherwise it will be recognised incorrectly by the color management system.
Figure 3: The Add Color Configuration dialog for the Process Color White for Variable Data output.
After you have created all colors, the Printer Configuration dialog should appear as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: The three panels of the Printer Configuration dialog at the beginning of the setup process.

The sequence of printing colors in the Color Configuration
If you've made mistakes when creating the Color Configuration, it does not matter, because the first four colors of the Color Configuration are not used in the color management system, the sequence of the Channel Configuration however is important, more on this topic below.
The correct sequence for adding CMYK with Light Channels and Gamut Expanding Colors
If you want to create a Color Configuration with CMYKcm OG/White, then we recommend that you (1) first enter your CMYK Process Colors, then (2) add all existing Light Channels and then (3) all Gamut Expanding Colors. Finally (4) the Colors where to retain separations should be created.
2.2. Edit and Delete Color Configurations
2.2.1. Changing the Color Configuration sequence
We have purposely blocked the ability to change the sequence of the colors as we use internal IDs for each Color Channel. If you still want to change the order, you must delete all inks first, starting with the last ink you created, and then create them again.
2.2.2. Editing a Color Configuration
To do this, select the color to be edited and click on Edit [11]. This opens the edit Color Configuration dialog from Figure 2.
Figure 5: The Edit Color Configuration dialog with White Ink selected.
2.2.3. Deleting Colors from the Color Configuration
As long as no Color Configuration based on Special Inks has been created, every single printing color can also be deleted. If you still have to delete a color, then all colors, starting with the last color in the list, must first be removed and created again later.
To delete a color, select it and click Delete [12].
If a Printerhead is removed from a printer.
If a Printerhead containing an additional color is removed from the printer, you will no longer be able to delete the color from the existing printer. This shouldn't affect the printer configuration as long as the corresponding Color Configuration with the missing ink is not used.
3. Creating and editing a new Channel Configuration
By defining a new Channel Configuration, the color management system is informed which colors should be used to calculate color separations and how many rendered separations must be transferred to the printer.
3.1. Create a new Channel Configuration
After successfully creating your Inks, the second step is to create your Channel Configurations. Depending on the printer type, at least one color configuration – CMYK – should be created. Additional Channel Configurations can be created for Pure Black for example, if an output in pure black – e.g. for prints containing only barcodes – is needed. Additional Channel Configurations can only be created if Light Channels or Gamut-Enhancing Colors are available for the printer.
How many Channel Configurations should be created?
Only create Channel Configurations that you intend to use in the printing process. You should create at minimum a CMYK configuration and a Pure Black configuration for each printing system. If the printing system has Gamut-Enhancing Colors available, you should create a Channel Configuration with all Process Colors (without the Retain Separation Colors).
The following description refers to a Tau 330 RSC setup with three Channel Configurations: CMYK, Black and CMYK-OVG.
To create these Channel Configs take the following steps:
- In the Channel Configuration panel, click on New.
- This opens the Add Channels dialog, where you can now create individual Channel Configurations by dragging the colors from left to right in the correct sequence.
Figure 6: The Add Channels dialog at the beginning of the Channel Configuration setup process.

- You can drag the appropriate Colors from left to right, we recommend you place the colors in this order (CMYK -> Gamut Expanding Colors -> Light Channels) [15]. If a color is already visible on the right side, you can drag the next color below the existing color. When dragging the color, do not release the mouse button until a gray line appears below the existing color.
- As soon as a valid color sequence has been added in the gray area to the right, a valid config type is automatically displayed under the Type [14] field. As long as the color sequence is not correct, the error message "No valid configuration found" remains displayed.
- Enter a name in Color Channel Config field [13]. You can use any name you wish. Internally, the Workflow refers only to the Channel Configuration selected under the Type field.
- Once you have entered a Color Channel Config and a valid Type has been found, you can save the configuration by clicking on Save [16].
Figure 7: The Channel Configuration dialog with a completely filled out CMYK configuration.

- Now you can create Channel Configurations for CMYK OVG and Pure Black.
- After you have completed these steps, the Color Configuration and Channel Configuration settings should be as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: The Color Configuration and Channel Configuration settings panels after completing the Channel Configuration dialog.
When the Channel Configuration Type is not available
If you require a special Channel Configuration and the Type is not automatically displayed, this Channel Configuration has probably not yet been defined in the Workflow. If this is the case, we ask you to please contact our technical support team so that a corresponding Configuration can be created.
3.2. Edit and Delete a Channel Configuration
3.2.1. Edit a Channel Configuration
To do this, select the Channel Configuration to be edited under the Channel Configuration settings panel and then click Edit [17]. The Edit Channels dialog appears as shown in Figure 7, where you can rename the configuration or edit it.
Change the Channel Configuration sequence
Change the order of the colors on the right side of the dialog by moving a color to the desired position in the list.
3.2.2. Delete a Channel Configuration
Select the Channel Configuration to be deleted under the Channel Configuration settings panel and click Delete [18]. The Delete Channels dialog appears as shown in Figure 7, where you are asked to confirm the fact that you want to delete the Channel Config.
If you want to know which references there are for this Channel Configuration, click on Show Cascades [19]. If you are sure you want to delete the Channel Configuration, click on Ok [20] to permanently delete the Channel Configuration.
Figure 9: The Delete Channels dialog.

4. Create and Edit Print Configurations
Print Configurations describe some of the most important information for the RIP process. These factors include:
- Resolution – The vertical and horizontal resolution in lpi can be entered here.
- Render Engine – Depending on whether Dithering is needed, you can select which Render Engine should be used.
Additional options – Specifies additional options that have a significant influence on the output colors on the printer side.
These include:- Backlit with and without White
- Push Color Options - Double White, Cyan, Magenta or Black
- Matt and Glossy
Please note that for all variations in the Color Output you must create a unique Print Configuration and Color Setup Profile. In the following description we outline how to create a High-Resolution Print Configuration for the Tau 330 RSC in combination with the Harlequin Host Renderer without dithering, as this type of printer is dithered on the fly during printing.
4.1. Create a new Print Configuration
The last step is to create all Print Configurations that you want to use for your press (and profile them as well).
Proceed as follows to do this:
- Click on +New in the Print Configuration settings panel.
- The Add Print Configuration dialog opens, in which you can now configure your Print Configuration.
Figure 10: The Add Print Configuration dialog

- Select a resolution under the Resolution drop-down [21]. Based on the type of printer selected - Tau 330 RSC; Rho P5; Delta WT; etc. - the available resolutions (Print Modes) will be displayed. The corresponding designation, as specified in the printer software, is displayed in the Print Mode input field [22]. The selected resolution is also displayed in the X-Resolution (lpi) and Y-Resolution (lpi) [23] fields.
- Under the Print Mode input field, you can overwrite the mode name if you require a different name or to apply the mode in the ERP system you are using.
- The two fields Passes and Print Speed (m/min) are only used for documentation of the selected Print Configuration. By selecting a Pass type - Single Pass; 2 Pass, 3 Pass, 4 Pass, 6 Pass - this does not change how the print data is rendered.
- We can now select our settings for the Render Engine [24]. The following parameters can be set:
Render Engine* – Select your Render Engine. There are three choices available:
- Default from Settings – uses the rendering engine that has been set via Administration > Settings under the General tab.
- Standard – uses the standard rendering engine based on the Adobe PDF library
- Harlequin Host Renderer – uses the Global Graphics rendering engine (Harlequin RIP). This option can only be selected if you have a valid HHR license.
Dither mode – the following options can be selected from the drop-down menu
- If no dither mode is selected, only grayscale images are rendered. Dithering takes place later during printing using another engine.
- If a dither mode is selected – several dither modes are at your disposal, i.e.: Floyed Noise; Floyed LUT; AIS; AIS-Pearl; AIS-Mirror; HDSA etc. - so the rendered grayscale image is dithered.
- Bit Count – decide whether to create a 1-bit black-and-white image or a 2-bit image. Normally, a 1-bit black-and-white image is required. If a different color depth is required, you will be informed by your technician.
- DropSize – only necessary if variable drop size is required for the rendering.
Render Engine* – Select your Render Engine. There are three choices available:
Since we are creating a Print Configuration for the TAU 330 RSC, no further options need to be selected for the Render Engine [24] area, since only a grayscale image in the defined resolution is transferred to the printer.
* Detailed information about the Rendering Engine
For more information about render engine settings, please read the Choosing a Render Engine article.
- We can then select the settings for all additional color-relevant options [25], which are created as a separate Print Configuration in the Workflow. Depending on the printer type, the user can choose from the following options:
- Finishing Type – choose between Matt or Glossy
Backlit – the user is presented with multiple options for Backlit printing (transmitted light applications). These are only offered for certain printing systems, e.g. the RHO series. The following options are available for Backlit:
- Process Colors – Activating this parameter tells the printer that all printed Process Colors should be doubled.
- White Underprint – Activating this parameter tells the printer to Underprint White.
- Overprint – Enabling this parameter tells the printer to Overprint White.
- When you have defined all parameters for the Print Configuration, you can save by clicking on Save [26].
Figure 11: The Add Print Configuration dialog after entering all required parameters for the Tau RSC 330 RSC.

After saving the configuration the Tau 330 RSC printer should look the same as Figure 12.
Figure 12: Printer Configuration settings after entering all required parameters for the Tau 330 RSC.
4.2. Edit and Delete a Print Configuration
4.2.1. Edit a Print Configuration
Select the desired Print Configuration under the Print Configuration settings panel and click Edit [27]. The Edit Print Configuration dialog appears as shown in Figure 11, the Print Configuration can be renamed among other things. The ability to change the resolution is no longer offered in this dialog.
When Editing Print Configurations
If you have already created a Color Setup Profile based on a Print Configuration, you should not change any color-relevant parameters, since the Print Configuration will no longer be associated with the Color Profile. Making changes to the Print Configuration are strictly at the risk of the user!
4.2.2. Delete a Print Configuration
Select the Print Configuration to be deleted under the Print Configuration settings panel and click Delete [28]. The Delete Print Configuration dialog appears as shown in Figure 13, where the user must confirm the deletion by clicking Ok [29].
Figure 13: The Delete Print Configuration dialog