User Manual – Durst


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EPS stands for Encapsulated PostScript and is a specific variant of a PostScript file. In contrast to PostScript, EPS can also be imported into graphics and Office applications and integrated into the other PostScript commands during output. This file type is a standard format for the exchange of graphics between different system platforms. Due to the advent of PDF, EPS files are rarely used nowadays.

The EPS file type is intended to solve the problem of data exchange in the area of graphics across systems. This file format can therefore be characterized by the following features:

  • PostScript exchange format - EPS is a cross-platform exchange format for PostScript. EPS consistently uses DSC comments.
  • Contains the PostScript Imaging Model - EPS files can also contain text, vector and pixel information. If the file is opened in Adobe Photoshop, all elements are rendered.
  • Limitation to one page - EPS files are limited to one page. However, this means that certain PostScript commands for page definition may not be used.
  • Preview - An EPS file optionally contains a preview of the image. As some operating systems are not able to render EPS directly, this preview is necessary, which is then used in the output if no PostScript interpreter is available in the printer.
  • Fonts can be embedded - it is not absolutely necessary for the fonts used to be embedded in an EPS file. However, prepress programs are able to do this.
  • BoundingBox - an EPS file must contain a description of the geometric extent of the page objects in the form of the BoundingBox. This enables the imported program to access the section of the objects to be placed.
  • Color Spaces - an EPS file can process the color spaces bitmap, grayscale, RGB and CMYK. The processing of spot colors is technically possible, but is usually mapped using special formats.
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