User Manual – Durst


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SC Sizes

EAN and ISBN Barcodes can be created in required sizes. Previously a barcode could be created in any size and changed freely afterward. In ISO/IEC 15420, the sizes of EAN and ISBN barcodes are officially standardized in the form of SC Sizes. These specifications are often requested by customers in orders from the packaging and label industry.

Table 1: SC Barcode Sizes according to ISO/IEC 15420

Factor SC 2  Width (mm) Height (mm) Tolerance (mm) Text Size
SC 0 82% 30,5 21,48 0,042 8pt
SC 1 90% 33,56 23,34 0,068 8pt
SC 2 100% 37,29 25,93 0,101 9pt
SC 3 110% 41,02 28,52 0,115 9pt
SC 4 120% 44,75 31,12 0,131 11pt
SC 5
135% 50,34 35,01 0,156 11pt
SC 6 150% 55,94 38,90 0,178 14pt
SC 7 165% 61,53 42,78 0,2 14pt
SC 8 185% 68,99 47,97 0,233 16pt
SC 9 200% 74,58 51,86 0,255 16pt

SC 2 represents the standard size. Therefore, the dimensions 25.93mm [1] apply for the height and 37.29mm [2] apply for the width. According to the regulation, these values may be proportionally reduced to a maximum of 80% or enlarged up to 200%. So-called SC values reflect the standard value in different sizes. The text sizes to be used for human-readable information are also assigned to the SC size.

Figure: Size specification of SC 2 using the example of an EAN 13 barcode

Separation Preserving Colors

In a digital printing system, a separation-maintaining color (additional color) is a color that is to be used as a Spot Color in the printout. Examples would be White, Varnish or Ferrari Red. Whilst White and Varnish must always be marked as maintaining separation, Ferrari Red could also be used as process colour. If the color is created as a process color, this color is taken into account as a gamma-expanding color in the color management; separation-preserving colors, on the other hand, are not color-calculated but are added as an additional color to the color management.

Shape Nesting

See Link Shape Nesting

Another option has been implemented in the "Nesting" imposition mode for imposing or nesting Print Items with irregular shapes. The new Shape Nesting option makes it possible to generate an optimized variant of nesting by nesting irregular shapes inside each other.


The sheet is the area available for Imposing print items. The sheet is typically defined by the the width and height as well as the edge dimensions. Sheets typically are Imposed with a Motif to optimize the print process and reduce waste. Sheet Margins usually contain Inprints which are blocks of information usually related to the printing process and/or finishing instructions.

Solid Color


Spacing is basically nothing more than changing the letter spacing of a font. Spacing – also known as letter spacing – refers to the horizontal distance between letters. Changing the letter spacing of a font is not prohibited, but vendors deliver fonts with optimal spacing. However, fonts are often spaced for cosmetic adjustments.

Figure: Example of different letter spacing in a font

Spot Color

A Spot Color - also called Solid Color - is a printing color used in multicolor printing in addition to the Process Colors. In a digital printing output, Spot Colors are only used to define the Primer, White or Varnish separations. Classical Spot Colors such as PANTONE, HKS, RAL, etc. are transferred separately to the Target Color Space of the printing system via color management in digital printing. How well the Color Space of the Spot Color can be achieved depends on factors like ink used, number of process and gamut-extending colors used, the Substrate including its pretreatment, and the printing system itself.

In the Workflow, as well as partially in the PDF Editor, the following options are offered in connection with Spot Colors:

  • Vectors with defined CMYK values can be converted into a Spot Color.
  • Spot Colors can be transferred to the Target Color Space of the printing system.
  • Spot Color Separations can be created depending on the overall color application.
  • The linearity of Spot Color Separations can be modified.
  • Spot Colors can be set to Overprint or Knockout.
  • Spot Colors can be renamed, deleted, the alternative Color Space can be changed and its color values can be modified.
  • Spot Colors can be separated from DeviceN Color Spaces
  • Spot Color separations can be duplicated

The Fixup for these options can be found in the Print Data View in the Spot Colors settings area and in the Print Item Layer in the Data Preparation tab.

See Standard Fixups

Spot Color with Ink Limit

A factor on which the Spot Color is dependent.

Step & Repeat

Using Step & Repeat Mode, Print Items can be arranged in columns and rows on the imposition sheet according to specific rules. Step & Repeat Mode is mainly used for printing items that need to be cut using either a Die or in bulk stacks during the finishing process.

See Link


It is clear from the name that Subsampling is not a time-consuming and therefore rather poor method for downsampling image data.

Functioning: In the short calculation, the value of the middle or bottom right pixel is used for the resulting larger pixel.

The example in Figure 1 illustrates the procedure for downsampling. A pattern with a resolution of 600 ppi is to be subsampled to 300 ppi and 200 ppi. When subsampling to 300 ppi, 2 x 2 pixels (4 pixels in total) are combined to form a larger pixel. The value of the larger pixel is the value of the bottom right pixel of the 2 x 2 matrix. However, if the image is scaled down to 200 ppi, 3 x 3 pixels (9 pixels in total) are combined to form a larger pixel. The value of the new pixel is the value of the middle pixel of the 3 x 3 matrix.

Figure 1: Schematic illustration of the cross-calculation from 600 to 200 and to 300 ppi

When upsampling (up-interpolating) images, pixels are added by repeating pixels.


A Substrate is used in a converting process such as printing or coating to generally describe the base material onto which, e.g. images, will be printed. Base materials may include:

  • plastic films or foils
  • release liner (for adhesive labels)
  • textiles
  • plastic containers
  • any variety of paper (lightweight, heavyweight, coated, uncoated, paperboard, cardboard, etc.)
  • parchment

Substractive Color

A Subtractive Color model involves the mixing of a limited set of dyes, inks, paint pigments or natural colorants to create a wider range ofcolors, each the result of partially or completely subtracting (that is, absorbing) some wavelengths of light and not others. The color that a surface displays depends on which parts of the visible spectrum are not absorbed and therefore remain visible.

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