PMS > Administration > Users > Manage Roles
Availability: License dependant
Learn more in this article,
- Which Roles can be administrated
- The various sublevels in which the Roles are located.
1. »Administration«
The Administration entry contains Roles with four sublevels. The following table shows the available Roles that can be administered for this entry.
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 | Description |
Administration |
Allows access to the menu item Administration |
Customer | Allows access to the menu item »Customers« under »Administration«. |
File Management | Allows access to the menu item »File Management« under »Administration« |
All Inks | Allows access to the menu item »All Inks« under »Administration« |
Master Data | Allows access to the menu item »Master Data« under »Administration« |
Measurement Device | Allows access to the menu item »Measurement Devices« under »Administration« |
Messages | Allows access to the menu item »Messages« under »Administration« |
Printer Setup | Allows access to the menu item »Printer Setup« under »Administration« |
Light Channel | Allows you to create Light Inks in the »Color Configuration« settings area. |
CMYK + Additional Colors | Allows you to create more than CMYK colors (with or without Light Inks) in the »Color Configuration« settings area. |
Settings | Allows access to the menu item »Settings« under »Administration« |
General | Allows access to the »General tab« to set system-wide basic settings. |
Color Books & Grid Charts | Allows access to the »Color Books & Grid Charts« tab to manage templates for »Color Books & Grid Charts«. |
User-defined Fields | Allows access to the »User-defined Fields« function of the Workflow |
Impose Editor | Allows access to the »Impose tab« to set Impose Editor Templates. |
Preflight & Fixup | Allows access to the »Preflight tab« to manage Preflight and user defined Fixups. |
Allows the user to upload Custom KFPX Fixups | Allows application of Custom Fixups previously uploaded under »Administration > Settings > Preflight & Fixup«. |
Enable Preflight |
Allows access to »Preflight and Fixups tab«. |
Process Steps |
Allows access to the »Process Steps tab« settings. |
Tags | Allows access to the »Tags tab« for creating, deleting and editing Tags. |
Color Management | Allows access to the »Color Management« tab under the »Settings« menu item. |
Substrate | Allows access to the menu item »Substrate« under Administration. |
User | Allows access to the menu item »User« under »Administration« |
Show Deactivated Users | Allows the ability to display Inactive Users under the menu item »User > Manage Users« |
2. »Article«
The Article entry contains Roles with four sublevels. The following table shows the available Roles that can be administered for this entry.
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 |
Description |
Article | Allows access to the menu item »Articles«. |
Additional Data | Allows access to the »Additional Data tab« for Articles. |
Before/After | Allows access to the »Before/After tab« for Articles. |
Collection List | Allows access to the »Collection List« under the Article menu item. |
Delete | Allows the user to click on »Delete« in the action bar to delete a Collection. |
Edit |
Allows the user to click on »Edit« in the action bar to edit a Collection. |
New | Allows the user to click on »New« in the action bar to create a Collection. |
Data Preparation | Allows access to the »Data Preparation tab« for Articles. |
Delete | ||||
Article List | Allows access to the menu item »Article List« under »Articles«. |
Delete | Allows the user to click on »Delete« in the action bar to delete an Article. |
Delete Listed Articles |
Allows the ability to delete listed »Articles« in the »Article List View«. |
Delete Selected Articles |
Allows the ability to delete selected »Articles«. |
Duplicate |
Allows the user to click on »Duplicate« in the action bar to duplicate an Article. |
Edit Article |
Allows the user to select »Edit« in the action bar to edit an Article. |
Assign Article to Collection |
Allows the user the ability to assign an Article to a Collection. |
Available/Unavailable | Allows the user to set an Article as Available/Unavailable. |
Lock/Unlock |
Allows the ability to lock and unlock an Article. |
New |
Allows the user to select »New« in the action bar to create a new Article |
Process |
Allows access to the Process operation | |||
Apply Fixup |
Allows the user to click on »Process« in the action bar to apply Fixups to Articles and Collections | |||
Create Job |
Allows the user to click on »Process« in the action bar to create a Production Job from an Article. |
Create Order |
Allows the user to click on »Process« in the action bar to create an Order from an Article. |
Create Report | Allows the user to click on »Process« in the action bar to create an Approval/Ink Consumption Report from an Article. |
Restore |
Allows the user to click on »Process« in the action bar to Restore an Article from the trash. |
Revert to Version |
Allows the user to click on »Process« in the action bar to Revert an Article to a previous version. |
Protocol |
Allows access to the »Protocol tab« where the user can view the history of the Print Item or to explore which Order or Production Job has been created from an Article. |
Print Data |
Allows access to the »Print Data tab« for Articles. |
User-defined Fields | Allows access to »User-defined Fields« for »Articles«. |
Edit | Allows the ability to Edit »User-defined Fields« under the »Print Data« tab for »Articles«. |
Display |
Allows the ability to display »User-defined Fields« under the »Print Data« tab for »Articles«. |
Download | Allows access to the Download Print Item function for »Articles« | |||
Download Print Item | Allows the ability to Download Print Items for »Articles« |
Download Technical Colors |
Allows the ability to Download selected Technical Colors contained in an »Article« |
Access to Print Data | Allows access to »Print Data« | |||
Replace PDF | Allows the ability to replace the current Print Item for »Articles«. | |||
Report |
Allows access to the »Report tab« where the user can access Approval Reports |
Statistics | Allows access to the »Statistics tab« for Articles. |
Calculate Ink Usage |
Allows the ability to calculate Ink Consumption under the »Statistics tab« for Articles. |
View Ink Consumption | Allows user to see Ink Consumption under the »Statistics« tab for Articles |
Variable Data | Allows access to the »Variable Data tab« for Articles. |
3. »Automation«
The Automation entry contains Roles with four sublevels. The following table shows the available Roles that can be administered for this entry.
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 |
Description |
Automation | Allows access to the menu item »Automation« |
Force Print | Allows access to the menu item »Force Print« under »Automation« |
Manual Configuration |
Allows the user to select individual »Output Configuration« parameters | |||
Applying Process Chains | Allows the user to apply previously created »Process Chains« using Force Print |
Hotfolder | Allows access to the menu item »Hotfolder« under »Automation« |
Allowed Files Types |
Allows the ability to process different file types. |
XML | Allows the user to enable the checkbox »XML« under the »Process Parameter tab« in the edit hotfolder dialog to process XML files |
Create Hotfolder | Allows the user to click on »New« in the action bar to create a new Hotfolder. |
Delete Hotfolder | Allows the user to click on »Delete« in the action bar to delete a Hotfolder. |
Edit Hotfolder | Allows the user to click on »Edit« in the action bar to edit a Hotfolder. |
Process Chains | Allows the user to apply previously created »Process Chains« using Hotfolders |
Impose Editor | Allows access to the menu item »Impose Editor« under »Automation« |
Force Print |
Allows access to the menu item »Force Print« under »Automation« |
4. »Color«
The Color entry contains Roles with four sublevels. The following table shows the available Roles that can be administered for this entry.
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 |
Description |
Color |
Allows access to the menu item »Color« |
Durst Color Cloud | Allows access to the menu item »Durst Color Cloud« under »Color« |
Color Book | Allows access to the »Color Book tab« under »Color« |
Create Color Book | Allows the user to click on »Create Color Book Definition« in order to create a new Color Book Definition and Color Book. |
Delete Color Book | Allows the user to click on »Delete Color Book« in order to delete a Color Book. |
Download |
Allows the ability to »Download« a Color Book |
Send to Printer | Allows the ability to »Send« a Color Book to the Printer |
Color Correction | Allows access to the menu item »Color Correction« under »Color« |
Based on Curves |
Allows access to the »Based on Curves tab« under the menu item »Color Correction« |
Based on Image | Allows access to the »Based on Image tab« under the menu item »Color Correction« |
Grid Charts | Allows access to the »Grid Charts tab« under the menu item »Color Book & Grid Chart« |
By Color Space |
Allows the user to select RGB, CMYK or Lab color spaces in addition to a Spot Color when creating a Grid Chart. |
Create Grid Chart |
Allows the user to create a »New« Grid Chart. |
Delete Grid Chart |
Allows the user to »Delete« a Gridchart. |
Download |
Allows the ability to »Download« a Grid Chart |
Create Grid Chart from a Print Item |
Allows the ability to »Create a Grid Chart« under the »Print Data tab« either in an Article or a Production Job based on a Spot Color |
Send to Printer |
Allows the ability to Send a Grid Chart to the Printer |
Color Setup | Allows access to the »Color Setup tab« under the menu item »Color« |
Create Color Setup | Allows the user to create a »New« Color Setup. |
Delete Color Setup |
Allows the user to »Delete« a Color Setup. |
Duplicate Color Setup | Allows the user to »Duplicate« a Color Setup. |
Edit Color Setup |
Allows the user to »Edit« a Color Setup |
Ink Limit |
Allows access to the Color Setup Step: »Ink Limit« |
Linearization | Allows access to the Color Setup Step: »Linearization« |
Prelinearization | Allows access to the Color Setup Step: »Prelinearization« |
Process Color Setup | Allows the ability to use the »Process« drop-down menu for Color Setups |
Profile | Allows access to the Color Setup Step: »Profile« |
Re-profile | Allows access to the Color Setup Step: »Re-profile« |
Transition | Allows access to the Color Setup Step: »Transition« |
Spot Colors |
Allows access to the menu item »Manage Spot Colors« under »Color« |
Libraries | Allows access to the »Libraries tab« under the menu item »Manage Spot Colors« |
Enable Libraries | Allows the ability to choose a Library |
Import | Allows the user to click on »Process« in the action bar to »Import« a ASE or CfX data file. |
Spot Color Definition |
Allows access to the »Spot Color Definition tab« under the »Manage Spot Colors« menu item. |
Customer | Allows the ability to define a Customer specific Spot Color under the »Customer specific Spot Colors« panel. |
Print Item | Enables the creation of a Print Item-specific Spot Color definition under the »Print Data« tab of an Article or Print Item in an Order or Production Job with the »Spot Color Definition« function. |
Substrate | Allows the ability to define a Substrate-specific Spot Color under the »Substrate-specific Spot Colors« panel. |
System | Allows the ability to define a System-wide Spot Color under the »System-wide Spot Colors« panel. |
System | Allows definition of a System Related Definition |
Profiling Template | Allows access to the menu item »Profiling Template« under »Color«. |
5. »Global Permissions«
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Descripton |
User-defined Fields | Allows access to the User-defined Fields function | ||
Create | Allows the ability to define »User-defined Fields« | ||
Edit | Allows the user to edit »User-defined Fields« |
Enable | Allows the user to enable »User-defined Fields« |
Output Templates | Add, Edit and Delete Output Templates | Allows the user to Add, Edit and Delete »Output Templates« |
Restart Services | Allows access to Restart Services (PMS and/or Zunicomm) under the »System Status« drop-down |
6. »Impose Editor«
Level 1 | Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Description |
Impose Editor | Allows access to the Impose Editor function | ||
Download Impose | Allows access to Download functions | ||
Download Print Item | Allows the ability to Download Print Items | ||
Download Print Item & Technical Colors | Allows the ability to Download the Print Item with Technical Colors |
Download Technical Colors |
Allows the ability to Download the selected Technical Colors of the Print Item | ||
File Manager | |||
Article View | Allows the ability to access the »Article List« tab in the File Manager |
Order View | Allows the ability to access the »Order List« tab in the File Manager |
Production Job View | Allows the ability to access the »Production Job List« tab in the File Manager |
Impose Modes | Allows the ability to user the Impose Editor | ||
Genetic Ganging | Allows the ability to access Genetic Ganging Mode using the Impose Editor |
Manual Mode | Allows the ability to access Manual Mode using the Impose Editor | ||
Nesting Mode | Allows the ability to access Nesting Mode using the Impose Editor |
Step & Repeat Mode | Allows the ability to access Step & Repeat Mode using the Impose Editor |
Tiling Mode | Allows the ability to access Tiling Mode using the Impose Editor |
7. »Adobe Illustrator Plug-in«
The Adobe Illustrator Plug-in entry contains Roles with three sublevels. The following table shows the available Roles that can be administered for this entry.
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Definition |
Adobe Illustrator Plug-in |
Allows access to the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in in connection with the Workflow |
Articles | Allows access to »Articles« in the »Management« panel of the Plug-in. |
Jobs | Allows access to »Production Jobs« in the »Management« panel of the Plug-in. |
Orders | Allows access to »Orders« in the »Management« panel of the Plug-in |
Status | Allows access to »System Status« in the »Management« panel of the Plug-in |
Spot Colors | Allows access to »Spot Color Management« panel |
Static Barcode |
Allows access to the »Static Barcode« panel |
Static Barcode panel | Allows use of Static Barcodes |
Variable Data |
Allows access to »Variable Data« panel |
Barcode |
Allows use of Barcodes in the VDP Panel |
Variable Data Panel | Allows access to the »Variable Data« Panel |
8. »Print Item«
The Print Items for Orders and Jobs contain Roles with four levels. The following table shows the available Roles that can be administered for this entry.
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 |
Description |
Print Item | Allows access to the »Print Item tab« to administer parameters and databases for Print Items |
Additional Data | Allows access to the »Additional Data tab« to add and manage additional files |
Before/After | Allows access to the »Before/After tab« to visualise applied changes to the Print Item |
Data Preparation | Allows access to the »Data Preparation tab« where the user can access all Preflight and Fixup profiles |
Use Custom KFPX Files | Allows application of custom Fixups previously uploaded under »Administration > Settings > Preflight«. |
Enable Data Preparation | Allows access to all Fixups |
Protocol | Allows access to the »Protocol« tab to view a concise history of the Print Item. |
Print Data | Allows access to the »Print Data tab« which contains all relevant information for the Print Item |
User-defined Fields | Allows access to »User-defined Fields« under the »Print Data« tab for »Print Items« |
Edit | Allows the ability to Edit »User-defined Fields« under the »Print Data« tab for »Print Items« |
Display | Allows the ability to display »User-defined Fields« under the »Print Data« tab for »Print Items« |
Download | Allows access to Download functions |
Download Print Item |
Allows the ability to Download Print Items |
Download Technical Colors |
Allows the ability to Download Technical Colors |
Download Preflight Report | Allows the user to download a Preflight Report under the »Print Data« under the »Print Data« tab |
Apply Fixup | Allows access to Fixups offered in the footer of each panel. |
Add Bleed to irregular shapes | Allows use of the »Add Bleed to irregular shapes« correction |
Add a DieLine to Irregular Shapes |
Allows use of the »Add a DieLine to Irregular Shapes« correction |
Add a DieLine to the TrimBox |
Allows use of the »Add a DieLine to the TrimBox« correction |
Add a DielIne from the center | Allows use of the »Add a DieLine from the center« correction |
Add Grommets | Allows use of the »Add Grommets« correction |
Add White to all Printed Objects |
Allows use of the »Add White to all Printed Objects« correction |
Banner with Grommets | Allows use of the »Banner with Grommets« correction |
Clip Print Item with Additional Bleed |
Allows use of the »Clip Print Item with Additional Bleed« correction |
Clip existing White Channel |
Convert Registration Color to K | Allows use of the »Convert Registration Color to K« correction |
Convert Fonts to Outlines | Allows use of the »Convert Fonts to Outlines« correction |
Convert Pure Black to Rich Black |
Allows use of the »Convert Pure Black to Rich Black« correction |
Convert K for Text Objects to Rich Black | Allows use of the »Convert K for Text Objects to Rich Black« correction |
Create Bleed by Upscaling | Allows use of the »Create Bleed by Upscaling« correction |
Create Bleed by Mirroring | Allows use of the »Create Bleed by Mirroring« correction |
Embed missing Fonts | Allows use of the »Embed missing Fonts« correction |
Remove Printing Objects in Defined Area | Allows use of the »Remove Printing Objects in Defined Area« correction |
Fill selected page box with "White" or "Varnish" |
Allows use of the »Fill selected page box with "White" or "Varnish"« correction |
Fill a Shape with "White" or "Varnish" |
Allows use of the »Fill a Shape with "White" or "Varnish"« correction |
Flatten Layers | Allows use of the »Flatten Layers« correction |
Flip Page | Allows use of the »Flip Page« correction |
Hide selected Layers | Allows use of the »Remove Layers« correction |
Increase Tone Values in Midtones |
Allows use of the »Increase Tone Values in Midtones« correction |
Increase White Elements |
Allows use of the »Increase White Elements« correction |
Make Selected Layers visible | Allows use of the »Make Selected Layers visible« correction |
Map CMYK values from Vector Objects to a Spot Color |
Allows use of the »Map CMYK values from Vector Objects to a Spot Color« correction |
Redefine CMYK values | Allows use of the »Redefine CMYK values« correction |
Redraw DieLines | Allows use of the »Redraw DieLines« correction |
Reduce Tone Values in Midtones | Allows use of the »Reduce Tone Values in Midtones« correction |
Remove Layers | Allows use of the »Remove Layers« correction |
Remove Layers and Crop to Visible Area |
Allows use of the »Remove Layers and Crop to Visible Area« correction |
Set Black Objects to Knockout |
Allows use of the »Set Black Objects to Knockout« correction |
Remove selected Spot Color | Allows use of the »Remove selected Spot Color« correction |
Rename, Convert or Delete Spot Colors |
Allows use of the »Rename, Convert or Delete Spot Colors« correction |
Resize TrimBox |
Allows use of the »Resize TrimBox« correction |
Resize TrimBox and set Bleed | Allows use of the »Resize TrimBox and set Bleed« correction |
Rotate and/or Mirror Page | Allows use of the »Rotate and/or Mirror Page« correction |
Rotate Page | Allows use of the »Rotate Page« correction |
Scale Page Content ot Specific Size | Allows use of the »Scale Page Content ot Specific Size« correction |
Set Black Objects to Overprint |
Allows use of the »Set Black Objects to Overprint« correction |
Set Page Geometry Boxes |
Allows use of the »Set Page Geometry Boxes« correction |
Change Overprint-State of a Spot Color |
Allows use of the »Change Overprint-State of a Spot Color« correction |
Set TrimBox to the DieLine |
Allows use of the »Set TrimBox to the DieLine« correction |
Set User Unit | Allows use of the »Set User Unit« correction |
Fixup Favorites | Allows access to »Fixup Favorites« under the Print Item view | |||
Replace PDF | Allows the ability to replace the current Print Item for »Print Items« | |||
Statistics |
Allows access to the »Statistics tab« where the user can calculate Ink Cost for the Print Item |
Calculate Ink Usage | Allows user to Calculate Ink Consumption for the Print Item in the »Statistics tab« and to activate the »Calculate Ink Consumption« option when using the »Force Print« menu and also when creating an Article, Order or Production Job. |
View Ink Consumption |
Allows ability to see Ink Consumption in the »Statistics tab«. |
Apply to multiple Print Items | Allows the ability to process multiple Print Items. |
Enable Apply to Multiple Print Items |
Allows the ability to process multiple Print Items. |
Apply to Multiple Print Items |
Allows Fixups to be applied to multiple Print Items. |
Variable Data | Allows access to the »Variable Data tab« for a Print Item where parameters and databases can be managed. |
View Variable Data | Allows access to the »Variable Data tab« for a Print Item where parameters and databases can be managed. |
Process Multipage PDFs | Allows the ability to »Process Multipae PDFs under the »General tab« of the Hotfolder dialog. |
9. »Order«
The Order entry contains Roles with three sublevels. The following table shows the available Roles that can be administered for this entry.
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 | Description |
Order | Allows access to the »Reports tab« under »Orders« |
Enable Orders | Allows access to the menu item »Orders« under »Orders« so the user can see both the »Order List« and »Print Item List« This allows the processing of Orders. |
Order Item | Additional Files | |||
Order Information | Allows access to the »Order Information« tab |
Additional Files | ||||
User-defined Fields | Allows access to the »User-defined Fields« for »Orders« |
Edit | Allows the ability to Edit »User-defined Fields« for »Orders« |
Display |
Allows the ability to display »User-defined Fields« for »Orders« |
Access to Order Information | Allows access to »Order Information« | |||
Report | Allows access to the »Reports tab« under »Orders« |
Create Report | Enables the user to create a Print approval or Ink Cost report as well as generate customer-specific reports. |
View Report | Allows access to the »Reports tab« under »Orders« where the user can create and see existing approval reports |
10. »Job«
The Job entry contains Roles with four sublevels. The following table shows the available Roles that can be administered for this entry.
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 |
Description |
Job | Allows access to the menun item »Jobs« |
Create Production Job |
Allows the user to click on »New« in the action bar to create a new Production Job. |
User-defined Fields | Allows access to »User-defined Fields« for »Production Jobs«. |
Edit | Allows the ability to Edit »User-defined Fields« for »Production Jobs«. |
Display |
Allows the ability to display »User-defined Fields« for »Production Jobs«. |
Delete | Allows the user to click on »Delete« in the action bar to delete a Production Job |
Delete Listed Job | Allows the ability to delete listed »Production Jobs« in the »Jobs List View« |
Delete Selected Jobs | Allows the ability to delete selected »Production Jobs« in the »Jobs List View« |
View Details |
Allows access to the »Print Item tab« of a »Production Job« to view details pertaining to that Job |
Edit | Allows the user to click on »Edit« in the action bar to edit a Production Job |
Impose | Allows access to the »Impose tab« of a »Production Job« where the user has access to the Impose Editor and details concerning the Imposition |
Step & Repeat Mode (before version 1.7.5) |
Allows access to the rule-based Impose Mode »Step & Repeat« |
Download | Allows access to the Download Print Item function for »Jobs« |
Download Print Item |
Allows the ability to Download Print Items for »Jobs« |
Download Print Item & Technical Colors | Allows the ability to Download the Print Item & Technical Colors for »Jobs« |
Download Technical Colors only |
Allows the ability to Download selected Technical Colors only for »Jobs« |
Manual Mode (before version 1.7.5) | Allows access to »Manual Mode« |
Nesting Mode | Allows access to Nesting Mode under the Impose tab for »Jobs« |
Tiliing Mode | Allows access to Tiling Mode under the Impose tab for »Jobs« |
Lead In/Out | Allows access to the »Lead In« tab in the »Send to Printer« dialog |
Files | Allows access to the »Files« tab of a »Production Job« where the user can choose the Print Configuration, Substrate Definition and Color Policy. |
Job Output | Job Output | |||
Output Configuration | Allows access to the »Output Configuration tab« of a »Production Job« to view details pertaining to that Job. |
Process | Allows access to Process Operations |
Export | Allows access to the Export Operation | |||
Restore | Allows ability to Restore deleted items |
Split Article Reference |
Allows the ability to Split the Reference between an Article and a Print Item |
Split Print Item |
Allows the ability to split a multipage PDF into individual print items. |
Protocol | Allows access to the »Protocol« tab to view a concise history of the Print Item. |
Send to Printer | Allows the ability to Send Jobs to the Printer |
Print Statistics |
Allows access to the »Print Statistics tab« in a Production Job where the user can see data and statistics related to the Production Job. |