1. AddressApi
Name | Description | Schema |
address1 required | Example: „Julius Durst Straße 1“ The name of the street |
string |
address2 optional |
Example: „Section B“ optional additional address information |
string |
address3 optional |
Example: „Block 12" optional additional address information |
string |
address4 optional |
Example: „Warehouse 2" optional additional address information |
string |
addressType required | Example: „string“ Type of the address: Delivery Address or Invoice Address |
externalId optional | Example: „EXT-123“ The ID of the company e.g. in an external ERP/MIS System |
string |
defaultAddress optional | Example: true Is this the default address of the Company? |
boolean |
place required | Example: „Lienz“ Name of the City, Place |
string |
state required | Example: „Austria" Country |
string |
zipCode required | Example: „9900“ Zipcode/Postcode |
string |
2. ArticleApi
Name | Description | Schema |
actualHeightMm |
Example: 1199.998 The actual height in mm calculated during the Checkin. This value is available after Checkin has been finished |
number ($double) |
actualWidthMm |
Example: 329.110 The actual width in mm calculated during the Checkin. This value is available after Checkin has been finished |
number ($double) |
actualPages | Example: 2 The actual number of pages calculated during the Checkin. This value is available after Checkin has been finished |
integer ($int32) |
articleCollectionReferenceList optional | Example: [ „ReferencedArticleCollectionApi“ ] Merge this Article in an existing Collection List |
< ReferencedArticleCollectionApi > array |
articleProcessingStepList optional | Example: [ „ReferencedProcessingStepApi“ ] Link a predefined Process Step for the Article |
< ReferencedProcessingStepApi > array |
checkinTemplateGuid optional |
Example: "47e8e6c4-2ebc-412f-b427-e6393e66b67e“ The Preflight/Checkin Template to be used for the Article for Checkin |
string ($uuid) |
comment optional | Example: „Comment“ Comment e.g. for additional Information |
string |
customerReference optional | Example: „ReferencedCustomerApi“ Link this Article to a Customer |
ReferencedCustomerApi |
externalId optional | Example: „EXT-123“ The external ID e.g. from a MIS/ERP System |
string |
heightMm optional | Example: 297.0 Height of the Article in mm |
number (double) |
id optional | Example : 0 Contains the artifical key of the Article. |
integer (int32) |
name required | Example: „Label 123“ Name of the Article |
string |
pages optional | Example: 1 Number of pages of the File |
integer (int32) |
pdfFileLink optional | Example: FileLinkApi Location of the file to be checked in |
FileLinkApi |
status optional | Example: CREATED Current Status of the Article |
substrateReference optional | Example: ReferencedSubstrateApi Link the Article to a specific Substrate |
ReferencedSubstrateApi |
widthMm optional | Example: 210.0 Width of the Article in mm |
number (double) |
3. ArticleApiCreate
Name | Description | Schema |
additionalFilesList optional | Example: [ „FileLinkApi“ ] Additional Files for this Article e.g. a File with additional notes or special instructions instructions, CSV File for VDP |
< FileLinkApi > array |
articleCollectionReferenceList optional | Example: [ „ReferencedArticleCollectionApi“ ] Merge this Article in an existing Collection List |
< ReferencedArticleCollectionApi > array |
articleProcessingStepList optional | Example: [ „ReferencedProcessingStepApi“ ] Link a predefined Process Step for the Article |
< ReferencedProcessingStepApi > array |
comment optional | Example: „Comment“ Comment e.g. for additional Information |
string |
customerReference optional | Example: „ReferencedCustomerApi“ Link this Article to a Customer |
ReferencedCustomerApi |
externalId required | Example: „EXT-123“ The external ID e.g. from a MIS/ERP System |
string |
heightMm optional | Example: 297.0 Height of the Article in mm |
number (double) |
id optional | Example : 0 Contains the artifical key of the Article. |
integer (int32) |
name required | Example: „Label 123“ Name of the Article |
string |
pages optional | Example: 1 Number of pages of the File |
integer (int32) |
pdfFileLink optional | Example: FileLinkApi Location of the file to be checked in |
FileLinkApi |
status optional | Example: CREATED Current Status of the Article |
substrateReference optional | Example: ReferencedSubstrateApi Link the Article to a specific Substrate |
ReferencedSubstrateApi |
widthMm optional | Example: 210.0 Width of the Article in mm |
number (double) |
4. CustomFieldApi
Name | Description | Schema |
comment required | Example: „This is a Comment" | string |
entityType required | Example: „ARTICLE“ Entity the Custom Field is used for |
id optional | Example : 10 Contains the artifical key of the entity. |
integer (int32) |
key required | Example : "custom_field_key" |
string |
label required | Example : „Label 123" |
string |
mandatory required | Example : true |
boolean (true|false) |
status optional | Example : "ACTIVE" |
string |
valueTypeKey required | Example : „NUMERIC" |
5. CustomerCompanyApi
Name | Description | Schema |
addresses required | Example: [ „AddressApi“ ] Address of the Customer |
< AddressApi > array |
companyName required | Example: „ACME Corporation“ Name of the Company |
string |
contactNumber required | Example: „ABC-123“ Contact number e.g. ID of an external Address book |
string |
contacts optional | Example: [ „CustomerCompanyContactApi“ ] Contact Person within the company |
< CustomerCompanyContactApi > array |
email required | Example: „[email protected]“ E-Mail Address |
string |
externalId optional | Example: “CLZ4432A” External ID e.g. ID of the customer in an ERP/MIS System |
string |
fax optional | Example: „string“ Fax Number |
string |
id optional | Example : 0 Contains the artifical key of the entity. |
integer (int32) |
mobileNumber optional | Example: „string“ Number of Mobile Phone |
string |
telephoneNumber optional | Example: „string“ Phone Number |
string |
url optional | Example: „string“ Website of the Company |
string |
6. CustomerCompanyContactApi
Name | Description | Schema |
contactNumber required | Example: „ABC-123" Contact number e.g. ID of an external Address book |
string |
email required | Example: „[email protected]“ E-Mail Address |
string |
externalId optional | Example: „EXT-123“ External ID e.g. ID of the customer in an ERP/MIS System |
string |
fax optional | Example: „string“ Fax Number |
string |
firstname required | Example: „John“ First Name |
string |
id optional | Example : 0 Contains the artifical key of the entity. |
integer (int32) |
lastname required | Example: „Doe“ Last Name |
string |
mobileNumber optional | Example: „string“ Number of Mobile Phone |
string |
position optional | Example: „string“ Position of Contact Person e.g. CEO |
string |
salutation optional | Example: „string" Salutation |
string |
telephoneNumber optional | Example: „string“ Phone Number |
string |
title optional | Example: „string“ Title e.g. PhD |
string |
url optional | Example: „string“ Link to a Website |
string |
7. CustomerIndividualApi
Name | Description | Schema |
addresses required | Example: [ „AddressApi“ ] Address of the Individual Customer |
< AddressApi > array |
contactNumber required | Example: „ABC-123" Contact number e.g. ID of an external Address book |
string |
email required | Example: „[email protected]“ E-Mail Address |
string |
externalId optional | Example: „EXT-123" External ID e.g. ID of the customer in an ERP/MIS System |
string |
fax optional | Example: „string" Fax Number |
string |
firstname required | Example: „John“ First Name |
string |
id optional |
Example : 0 Contains the artifical key of the entity. |
integer (int32) |
lastname required | Example: „Doe“ Last Name |
string |
mobileNumber optional | Example: „string" Number of Mobile Phone |
string |
position optional | Example: „string" Position of Contact Person e.g. CEO |
string |
salutation optional | Example: „string" Salutation |
string |
telephoneNumber optional | Example: „string" Phone Number |
string |
title optional | Example: „string" Title e.g. PhD |
string |
url optional | Example: „string" Link to a Website |
string |
8. FileLinkApi
Name | Description | Schema |
uri optional | Example: "https://domain.at:443/path/to/file.pdf" URI path to file e.g. https://domain.at:443/path/to/file.pdf smb://hostname/sharename/file.pdf Hosts and Shares to be used can be configured in Durst Workflow File Management |
string |
9. FixupApi
Name | Description | Schema |
automationKey required | Example : "ROTATE_PAGE“ Internal name of the Fixup |
string |
comment optional |
Example : "Comment“ Comment of the Fixup |
string |
description optional | Example: “Required Bleed” Description of the Fixup |
string |
id optional |
Example : 0 ID of the Fixup |
integer (int32) |
name required |
Example : „Rotate Page" |
string |
variables optional |
Example : < FixupVariableApi > Variables of the Fixup |
< FixupVariableApi > array |
10. FixupChainApi
Name | Description | Schema |
automationKey required | Example : “ROTATE_PAGE_AND_ADD_BLEED“ Internal name of the Fixup Chain |
string |
comment optional |
Example : "Comment“ Comment of the Fixup Chain |
string |
id optional |
Example : 105 ID of the Fixup Chain |
integer (int32) |
name required |
Example : „Rotate Page and add Bleed" |
string |
11. FixupRequestOptionsApi
Name | Description | Schema |
fixupApiParameter optional |
Example : "object" |
object |
fixupApiReference required |
Example : ReferencedFixupApi |
ReferencedFixupApi |
12. FixupVariableApi
Name | Description | Schema |
defaultValue optional |
Example: 0.1 The default value of the Variable |
object |
displayVariable optional |
Example: true |
boolean |
description optional | Example: “Offset” Description of the Fixups Variable |
string |
id optional |
Example: 42 The ID of the Fixup |
integer (int32) |
key optional |
Example: "VAR_NAME_Find_spotcolorname“ The name of the Variable |
string |
max optional |
Example: 451 The maximum value of the variable |
number (double) |
min optional |
Example: -23 The minimum value of the variable |
number (double) |
options optional |
Example: "inch“,“mm“, "pt“ Options to be selected for variables |
< string > array |
regex optional |
Example: true |
boolean |
valueType optional |
Exampe: "STRING" Type of the value |
13. ImposeRequestOptionsApi
Name | Description | Schema |
referencedImposeTemplateApi required |
Example: ReferencedImposeTemplateApi |
ReferencedImposeTemplateApi |
14. ImposeTemplateApi
Name | Description | Schema |
comment optional |
Example: „Comment“ Comment of the Impose Template |
string |
defaultTemplate optional |
Example: false Is this the default Template for the Impose Mode |
boolean |
id optional | Example: 22 ID of the Impose Template |
integer (int32) |
name optional |
Example: "my template 5 x 3 2 mm gap“ Name of the Impose Template |
string |
type optional |
Example: "STEP_AND_REPEAT" Type of the Impose Mode used |
string |
15. InkUsageApi
Name | Description | Schema |
amountPl optional |
Example : 4503387.89 Amount of used ink (picoliter) |
number (double) |
bits optional | Example: 3,1428571E8 Bits used by this color |
number (double) |
costEuro optional |
Example: 2.3127132599999995E-5 Costs per one sinle print depending on ink cost |
number (double) |
percentage optional |
Example: 14.134725 Percentage of color required in the selected color policy |
number (double) |
pixels optional |
Example: 7420081.0 Pixels used by this color |
number (double) |
processColorKey optional |
Example: „YELLOW“ The color used |
string |
tintAreaMm2 optional |
Example: 128.039566 The area covered with ink in mm2 |
number (double) |
16. InkUsageExtendedRequestOptionsApi
Name | Description | Schema |
inkUsageScaleFactor required | Example: „ACCURATE“ Accurate calculation, slower but more ACCURATE Fast calculation, less accurate but FASTER |
referencedColorPolicyApi required | Example: „3“ The ID of the Color Policy used to calculate Ink Consumption |
ReferencedColorPolicyApi |
referencedCustomerApi optional |
Example: „59“ The ID of the Customer used to calculate if Customer based ink prices are stored within the Workflow |
ReferencedCustomerApi |
referencedSaveInkParameterSet optional |
Example: “SAVE_INK_QUALITY” Setting the Save Ink Mode |
ReferencedColorSetupParameterSet |
referencedSubstrateApi optional |
Example: „5“ The ID of the Substrate used to calculate if Substrate based ink prices are stored within the Workflow |
ReferencedSubstrateApi |
17. InkUsageRequestOptionsApi
Name | Description | Schema |
inkUsageScaleFactor required |
Example: „ACCURATE“ Accurate calculation, slower but more ACCURATE Fast calculation, less accurate but FASTER |
18. InkUsageWrapperApi
Name | Description | Schema |
colorPolicyReference optional |
Example : ReferencedColorPolicyApi Color Policy used for the calculation |
ReferencedColorPolicyApi |
inkUsages optional |
Example : [ "InkUsageApi" ] Ink Usages |
InkUsageApi |
motifReference optional |
Example : ReferencedMotifApi ID of the motif the calculation was applied to |
ReferencedMotifApi |
productionJobReference optional |
Example : ReferencedProductionJobApi ID of the Production Job the calculation was applied to |
ReferencedProductionJobApi |
19. JWTSigningInfo
Name | Description | Schema |
key required | Example: „XEPIgMHKt4eTgRkGqOu9VnxSGPhol8Zq“ Key for the verification string. Stored encrypted in the database. |
string |
method required | Example: „HS256" JSON Web Tokens (RFC 7519). Check out available methods at https://jwt.io |
string |
httpHeaderName required |
Example: "x-jwt-token" Name of the Header Parameter where the JWT Token is set |
string |
20. MotifApi
Name | Description | Schema |
actualHeightMm |
Example: 1199.998 The actual height in mm calculated during the Checkin. This value is available after Checkin has been finished |
number ($double) |
actualWidthMm |
Example: 329.110 The actual width in mm calculated during the Checkin. This value is available after Checkin has been finished |
number ($double) |
actualPages |
Example: 2 The actual number of pages calculated during the Checkin. This value is available after Checkin has been finished |
integer ($int32) |
checkinTemplateGuid optional |
Example: "47e8e6c4-2ebc-412f-b427-e6393e66b67e“ The Preflight/Checkin Template to be used for the Print Item for Checkin |
string ($uuid) |
colorPolicyReference optional |
Example: ReferencedColorPolicyApi Linked Color Policy for the Print Item |
ReferencedColorPolicyApi |
comment optional |
Example: „Purzelchen" Comment e.g. for additional Information |
string |
heightMm optional |
Example: 297.0 Height of the Article in mm |
number (double) |
externalId optional | Example: „EXT-123" The external ID e.g. from a MIS/ERP System or DMS |
string |
id optional | Example: „14" Contains the artificial key of the entity. |
integer (int32) |
name required | Example: „Label 123" Name of the Print Item |
string |
numberCopies optional | Example: 100 Number of Copies |
integer (int32) |
orientationTypeKey optional | Example: „TOP“ Winding Orientation |
pages optional | Example: 1 Number of Pages of the File |
integer (int32) |
status optional | Example: „CREATED“ Current Status of the Print Item |
widthMm optional |
Example: 210.0 Width of the Article in mm |
number (double) |
windingTypeKey optional | Example: „INSIDE“ Winding Type |
21. MotifApiCreate / MotifApiUpdate
Name | Description | Schema |
additionalFilesList optional |
Example: [ „FileLinkApi“ ] Additional Files for this Article e.g. a File with additional notes or special instructions instructions, CSV File for VDP |
< FileLinkApi > array |
colorPolicyReference optional |
Example: ReferencedColorPolicyApi Linked Color Policy for the Print Item |
ReferencedColorPolicyApi |
comment optional |
Example: „Purzelchen" Comment e.g. for additional Information |
string |
heightMm optional |
Example: 297.0 Height of the Article in mm |
number (double) |
externalId optional | Example: „EXT-123" The external ID e.g. from a MIS/ERP System or DMS |
string |
name required | Example: „Label 123" Name of the Print Item |
string |
numberCopies optional | Example: 100 Number of Copies |
integer (int32) |
orientationTypeKey optional | Example: „TOP“ Winding Orientation |
pdfFileLink required | Example: [ „FileLinkApi“ ] Location of the file to be checked in |
FileLinkApi |
widthMm optional |
Example: 210.0 Width of the Article in mm |
number (double) |
windingTypeKey optional | Example: „INSIDE“ Winding Type |
processingOptions optional | Example: [ “ProcessingOptionsApi” ] Additional Options for a selected Preflight Profile in Durst Workflow. It’s possible to hand over Parameters when checking in a Print Item. These options are applied during Preflight. A suitable Preflight Profile has to be created. |
ProcessingOptionsApi |
22. MotifCheckResultApi
Name | Description | Schema |
validationResults optional |
Example: [ „ValidationResultApi“ ] Shows the results of a Validation of a Motif |
< ValidationResultApi > array |
23. OutputTemplate Api
Name | Description | Schema |
id required | Example: „14" Contains the artificial key of the entity. ID of the Output Template |
integer (int32) |
name optional | Example: „This is my Output Template" Name of the Ouiput Template |
string |
24. PrintOrderApi
Name | Description | Schema |
comment optional | Example: „This is a Comment“ Additional Comment on the Print Order |
string |
customerReference required |
Example: ReferencedCustomerApi Link this Print Order to a Customer |
ReferencedCustomerApi |
externalId optional |
Example: „EXT-123" The external ID e.g. from a MIS/ERP System |
string |
invoiceAddressReference optional |
Example: ReferencedAddressApi Invoice Address |
ReferencedAddressApi |
name required | Example: „My print order 123“ Name of the Print Order |
string |
orderNumber optional | Example: „ABC-123“ Order Number e.g. from a MIS/ERP System |
string |
printOrderItems optional | Example: [ „PrintOrderItemApi“ ] The Print Order Items linked to the Print Order |
< PrintOrderItemApi > array |
status optional | Example: „IN_PRODUCTION“ Current Status of the Print Order (Used in Responses) |
25. PrintOrderApiCreate / PrintOrderApiUpdate
Name | Description | Schema |
comment optional | Example: „This is a Comment“ Additional Comment on the Print Order |
string |
customerReference required |
Example: ReferencedCustomerApi Link this Print Order to a Customer |
ReferencedCustomerApi |
externalId optional |
Example: „EXT-123" The external ID e.g. from a MIS/ERP System |
string |
invoiceAddressReference optional |
Example: ReferencedAddressApi Invoice Address |
ReferencedAddressApi |
name required | Example: „My print order 123“ Name of the Print Order |
string |
orderNumber optional | Example: „ABC-123“ Order Number e.g. from a MIS/ERP System |
string |
printOrderItems optional | Example: [ „PrintOrderItemApi“ ] The Print Order Items linked to the Print Order |
< PrintOrderItemApi > array |
26. PrintOrderItemApi
Name | Description | Schema |
comment optional | Example: „Comment“ Comment on the Print Order Item |
string |
deliveryAddressReference optional |
Example: ReferencedAddressApi Delivery Address linked to the Print Order Item |
ReferencedAddressApi |
deliveryContactReference optional |
Example: ReferencedCustomerApi Contact Person linked to the Print Item |
ReferencedCustomerApi |
deliveryDate optional |
Example: „2019-07-18“ Delivery Date |
string (date) |
externalId optional | Example: „EXT-123" External ID e.g. ID of the Print Order Item in an ERP/MIS System |
string |
motifs optional | Example: [ „MotifApi“ ] The Print Order Item(s) |
< MotifApi > array |
name required | Example: „Label 123“ Name of the Print Order Item |
string |
status optional | Example: „Created“ Current Status of the Print Order Item (Used in Responses) |
substrateCategoryReference required | Example: ReferencedSubstrateCategoryApi Link the Print Order Item to a Substrate Category e.g. Corrugated |
ReferencedSubstrateCategoryApi |
substrateReference optional | Example: ReferencedSubstrateApi Link the Print Order Item to a Substrate with referenced Color Policy |
ReferencedSubstrateApi |
27. PrintOrderItemApiCreate / PrintOrderItemApiUpdate
Name | Description | Schema |
comment optional | Example: „Comment“ Comment on the Print Order Item |
string |
deliveryAddressReference optional |
Example: ReferencedAddressApi Delivery Address linked to the Print Order Item |
ReferencedAddressApi |
deliveryContactReference optional |
Example: ReferencedCustomerApi Contact Person linked to the Print Item |
ReferencedCustomerApi |
deliveryDate optional |
Example: „2019-07-18“ Delivery Date |
string (date) |
externalId optional | Example: „EXT-123" External ID e.g. ID of the Print Order Item in an ERP/MIS System |
string |
motifs optional | Example : [ "MotifApi" ] The Print Order Item(s) |
< MotifApi > array |
name required | Example: „Label 123“ Name of the Print Order Item |
string |
substrateCategoryReference required | Example: ReferencedSubstrateCategoryApi Link the Print Order Item to a Substrate Category e.g. Corrugated |
ReferencedSubstrateCategoryApi |
substrateReference optional | Example: ReferencedSubstrateApi Link the Print Order Item to a Substrate with referenced Color Policy |
ReferencedSubstrateApi |
28. ProcessingOptionsApi
Name | Description | Schema |
fixupChain optional |
Example : FixupChainApi The Fixup Chain to be applied |
FixupChainApi |
preflight optional | Example : PreflightApi The Preflight Parameters to be applied |
PreflightApi |
29. ProductionJobApi
Name | Description | Schema |
colorPolicyReference required |
Example: ReferencedColorPolicyApi What Color Policy is used for this Production Job |
ReferencedColorPolicyApi |
comment optional | Example: „Comment for Job“ Comment for the Production Job |
string |
externalId optional |
Example: „EXT-123" External ID e.g. ID of the order in an ERP/MIS System |
string |
id optional |
Example : 46 Contains the artifical key of the Production Job |
integer (int32) |
motifs optional |
Example: [ „MotifApi“ ] The Item(s) for the Production Job |
< MotifApi > array |
name required |
Example: „My Job 123“ Name of the Production Job |
string |
productionDate required | Example: „2019-01-01T12:00:00Z“ Production Date |
string (date-time) |
substrateShapeReference optional | Example: ReferencedSubstrateShapeApi What Substrate Shape / Substrate Definiton is used for this Production Job |
ReferencedSubstrateShapeApi |
shippingDate required | Example: „2019-02-23“ Shipping Date for this Production Job |
string (date) |
status optional | Example: „CREATED“ Status for this Production Job |
30. ProductionJobApiCreate
Name | Description | Schema |
colorPolicyReference required |
Example: ReferencedColorPolicyApi What Color Policy is used for this Production Job Either a ReferencedColorPolicyApi or ReferencedOutputTemplateApi is required |
ReferencedColorPolicyApi |
outputTemplateReference required |
Example: ReferencedOutputTemplateApi What Output Template is used for this Production Job Either a ReferencedColorPolicyApi or ReferencedOutputTemplateApi is required |
ReferencedOutputTemplateApi |
comment optional | Example: „Comment for Job“ Comment for the Production Job |
string |
externalId optional |
Example: „EXT-123" External ID e.g. ID of the order in an ERP/MIS System |
string |
motifs optional |
Example: [ „MotifApi“ ] The Item(s) for the Production Job |
< MotifApi > array |
name required |
Example: „My Job 123“ Name of the Production Job |
string |
productionDate required | Example: „2019-01-01T12:00:00Z“ Production Date |
string (date-time) |
substrateShapeReference optional | Example: ReferencedSubstrateShapeApi What Substrate Shape / Substrate Definiton is used for this Production Job Not available if Output Template is used |
ReferencedSubstrateShapeApi |
shippingDate required | Example: „2019-02-23“ Shipping Date for this Production Job |
string (date) |
31. ProductionJobItemApi
Name | Description | Schema |
articleReference required |
Example: ReferencedArticleApi The Article (ID) to be linked to the Production Job |
ReferencedArticleApi |
numberCopies required |
Example: 100 Number of Copies |
integer (int32) |
32. ReferencedAddressApi
Name | Description | Schema |
id optional |
Example: 18 The ID of the referenced address. Might be null, if not required. |
integer (int32) |
33. ReferencedArticleApi
Name | Description | Schema |
id optional |
Example: 18 The ID of the referenced article. |
integer (int32) |
34. ReferencedArticleCollectionApi
Name | Description | Schema |
id optional | Example: 6 The ID of the referenced Article Collection. Might be null, if not required. |
integer (int32) |
35. ReferencedColorPolicyApi
Name | Description | Schema |
id required |
Example: 5 Reference to an exitsting Color Policy by ID. Might be null, if not required. |
integer (int32) |
36. ReferencedColorSetupParameterSet
Name | Description | Schema |
key required |
string |
37. ReferencedCustomerApi
Name | Description | Schema |
id optional |
Example: 6 Link to an existing Customer by ID. Might be null, if not required. |
integer (int32) |
38. ReferencedFixupApi
Name | Description | Schema |
automationKey optional |
Example: "ADD_GROMMETS“ Internal name of the Fixup |
string |
id optional |
Example: 22 The ID of the referenced Fixup. Might be null, if not required. |
integer (int32) |
39. ReferencedImposeTemplateApi
Name | Description | Schema |
id optional |
Example: 22 The ID of the referenced Impose Template. |
integer (int32) |
40. ReferencedMotifApi
Name | Description | Schema |
id optional | Example: 42 The ID of the Motif |
integer (int32) |
41. ReferencedOutputTemplateApi
Name | Description | Schema |
id optional | Example: 42 The ID of the Output Template |
integer (int32) |
42. ReferencedProcessingStepApi
Name | Description | Schema |
id optional |
Example: 13 Link to a existing Process Step by ID |
integer (int32) |
43. ReferencedProductionJobApi
Name | Description | Schema |
id optional |
Example: 13 The ID of the referenced Production Job. |
integer (int32) |
44. ReferencedSubstrateApi
Name | Description | Schema |
id optional |
Example: 2 Reference to an existing Substrate by ID |
integer (int32) |
45. ReferencedSubstrateCategoryApi
Name | Description | Schema |
id optional |
Example: 0 Link to a referenced Substrate Category by ID |
integer (int32) |
46. ReferencedSubstrateShapeApi
Name | Description | Schema |
id optional |
Example: 0 Link to a Substrate Shape / Substrate Definition by ID |
integer (int32) |
47. ReportDefinitionApi
Name | Description | Schema |
id optional |
Example: 3 Contains the artificial key of the entity; contains the ID of the Report |
integer (int32) |
name required | Example: "Ink Consumption Landscape” Name of the Report |
string |
48. ReportRequestApi
Name | Description | Schema |
attachOriginalPdf optional |
Example: true Add Original PDF to Report |
boolean |
currency optional |
Example: € Symbol for reports currency. If not defined default system setting will be used. |
string |
motifReference required |
Example: 12312 ID of the Motif/Article to be used for generating report. |
ReferencedMotifApi |
unit required |
Example: “mm” Unit to be used for dimensions. “mm”, “in” and “cm” can be used. If not defined default system setting will be used. |
string |
49. SubscriberApi
Name | Description | Schema |
externalAuthType required | Example: „XAUTH" | enum (XAUTH, JWT_SIGNING, NONE) |
hostUri required | Example: "https://example.com:443/base/path/" | string |
id optional | Example: 36 ID of the Subscriber. |
integer (int32) |
jwtSigningInfo optional | Example: jwtSigningInfo |
jwtSigningInfo |
xAuthInfo optional | Example: xAuthInfo |
xAuthInfo |
50. SubscriptionApi
Name | Description | Schema |
path optional | Example: „path/after/baseUri" Relative path, no beginning slash. If no path defined, callback will be sent to the hostUri |
string |
status optional | Example: „ACTIVE" Set the state of the subscribtion |
topic required | Example: „STATUS/PRODUCTION_JOB/12/*" Subscribe for all status events, for a specific entity type or for a single entity, defined by id. |
id optional | Example: „12“ The internal id of a Production Job |
integer (int32) |
51. SubstrateApi
Name | Description | Schema |
comment optional |
Example: „Comment" Comment regarding the Substrate |
string |
defaultReferencedColorPolicyApi optional |
Example: ReferencedColorPolicyApi The default referenced Color Policy of the Substrate |
ReferencedColorPolicyApi |
defaultReferencedSubstrateShapeApi optional |
Example: ReferencedSubstrateShapeApi The default referenced Substrate Shape / Substrate Definition of the Substrate |
ReferencedSubstrateShapeApi |
id optional |
Example: 12 Contains the artifical key of the Substrate. |
integer (int32) |
manufacturer optional | Example: „Durst“ Manufacuter of the Substrate |
string |
name required | Example: „Label 123“ Name of the Substrate |
string |
52. SubstrateApiCreate
Name | Description | Schema |
comment optional |
Example: „Comment" Comment regarding the Substrate |
string |
manufacturer optional | Example: „Durst“ Manufacuter of the Substrate |
string |
name required | Example: „Label 123“ Name of the Substrate |
string |
53. SubstrateApiUpdate
Name | Description | Schema |
comment optional |
Example: „Comment" Comment regarding the Substrate |
string |
defaultReferencedColorPolicyApi optional |
Example: ReferencedColorPolicyApi The default referenced Color Policy of the Substrate |
ReferencedColorPolicyApi |
defaultReferencedSubstrateShapeApi optional |
Example: ReferencedSubstrateShapeApi The default referenced Substrate Shape / Substrate Definition of the Substrate |
ReferencedSubstrateShapeApi |
externalid optional |
Example: 12 Contains a external ID Number from the external System. |
string |
manufacturer optional | Example: „Durst“ Manufacuter of the Substrate |
string |
name required | Example: „Label 123“ Name of the Substrate |
string |
54. SubstrateCategoryApi
Name | Description | Schema |
comment optional | Example: „Comment“ Comment regarding the Substrate Category |
string |
defaultReferencedSubstrateApi required |
Example: ReferencedSubstrateApi The Substrates within the Category |
ReferencedSubstrateApi |
id optional |
Example: "EXT-123“ Contains the artifical key of the Substrate Cateogry. |
integer (int32) |
name required |
Example: "Label 123“ Name of the Substrate Category |
string |
55. SubstrateCategoryApiCreate
Name | Description | Schema |
comment optional | Example: „Comment“ Comment regarding the Substrate Category |
string |
name required |
Example: "Label 123“ Name of the Substrate Category |
string |
56. SubstrateCategoryApiUpdate
Name | Description | Schema |
comment optional | Example: „Comment“ Comment regarding the Substrate Category |
string |
defaultReferencedSubstrateApi required |
Example: ReferencedSubstrateApi The Substrates within the Category |
ReferencedSubstrateApi |
name required |
Example: "Label 123“ Name of the Substrate Category |
string |
57. SubstrateShapeApi
Name | Description | Schema |
distortionFactorX optional | Example: 1.05 Distortion Factor X Axis |
number (double) |
distortionFactorY optional |
Example: 1.00 Distortion Factor X Axis |
number (double) |
externalId optional |
Example: „EXT-123“ External ID |
string |
gramage optional |
Example: 5.0 Weight of Substrate per sqm |
number (double) |
heightMm optional |
Example: 1600.0 Height of Substrate |
number (double) |
widthMm required |
Example: 330.0 Width of Substrate |
number (double) |
lengthRollM optional |
Example: 96 Length of Roll in meters if used |
integer (int32) |
name required |
Example: "Substrate Name” Name of the Substrate |
string |
printableSides optional |
Example: “BOTHSIDES“ Printable Sides |
thickness optional |
Example: 0.5 Thickness |
number (double) |
58. UserAccountApi
Name | Description | Schema |
activeUntil optional |
Example: „2028-01-01“ Date defined how long user account will be active. Must be defined in Durst Workflow. If parameter is not listed, user account is active unlimitedly. |
string (date) |
id optional |
Example: „EXT-123“ Contains the ID of the User. |
string |
username required |
Example: „username“ Username |
string |
59. ValidationResult
Name | Description | Schema |
ok required |
Example: „true“ Result if validation is correct |
boolean |
validationFailures required |
Example: [ „string“ ] A string of Validation Failures |
< string > array |
60. WorkflowApi
Name | Description | Schema |
currentStep optional |
Example: „true“ Result if validation is correct |
string |
endTimestamp optional |
Example: [ „string“ ] A string of Validation Failures |
string (date-time) |
errorMessage optional |
Example: „Error occurred during Fixup process“ Error message of workflow process |
string |
executionTime optional |
Example: 5.0 Execution time of workflow process in seconds |
number (double) |
id optional |
Example: 9274 ID of workflow process |
integer (int32) |
name optional |
Example: "calculate-ink-usage“ Name of the workflow process |
string |
progress optional |
Example: 96 Progress of workflow process in percent |
integer (int32) |
startTimestamp optional |
Example: "2019-10-09T15:33:35.328" Timestamp of Workflow Start |
string (date-time) |
stateMessage optional |
Example: "Painting (Magenta - 46%)“ Current state of workflow process |
string |
status optional |
Example: "SUCCESS“ Status of workflow process |
61. XAuthInfo
Name | Description | Schema |
password required | Example: „password“ Password encrypted in database |
string |
user required | Example: „user“ Username, userID |
string |