User Manual – Durst

2.2 Manual Impose Mode with Print Items

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Production Job > Impose > Manual Mode

Availability: Basic / Version 1.7

Manual Mode allows you to place Print Items of different sizes on a single Artboard. These items are placed along the X and Y axes and can also be enhanced with Marks.

In this article you will learn how to Impose one or many Print Items and we will also cover the settings and configuration options.

1. Placing Print Items

The Manual Impose Mode can be accessed the following way. First, open a selected Production Job [1] and switch to the Impose tab [2]. If there is no existing Impose data, you can choose between three different modes. In this case we'll use Manual Mode [3].

Figure 1: The Impose tab in a Production Job without existing Imposition data.

Impose tab start

2. Impose Editor

Figure 2: A view of the Impose Editor in Manual Mode

Manual Impose Mode 1.7.2

After opeing the Impose Editor, you have various settings & options at your disposal. If you want to get an Impose Editor overview, then we have general articles to familiarize you with the functions and setting tabs:

3. Manual Impose Mode

3.1. Selecting Print Items

If you want to create a Manual Imposition, you should consider certain settings, which are decisive for the execution of the Imposition. With Manual Mode, you can place one or more Print Items. If you have several designs in your Production Job, you can select individual Print Items in the Print Items tab [4]. The motif can be added to the Artboard by using the + icon [5] in the lower right corner. In our example we add three different motifs of different sizes and place them on the Artboard.

Figure 3: The Print Items tab in Manual Mode

Print Items tab in Manual Mode 1.7.2

3.2. Impose Settings

To customise and manipulate your Imposition you have various options under the Settings tab [6]. In our example we would like to mount three different Print Items by scaling the Print Items [7] 150%, 100% and 50%. Additionally, we want to rotate our Print Item 90 degrees [8].

Figure 4: The Artboard Settings tab for Manual Mode

Manual Mode Artboard Settings - 1.7.3

3.3. Placing Print Items

In Manual Mode, you can select individual objects and move them to the required position using the selection tool. This operation can be performed with any object placed on the Artboard.

Figure 5: The Artboard containing one Print Item placed Manually in the Impose Editor.

Manual Mode placed Item

3.4. Add Marks

You can also add specific Marks to Print Items. In manual mode, Marks are not added by default to Print Items. In our example, we'll choose to include Rectangle Marks [12] which is added to each individual object. You can add additional Marks for a Cutter (Zünd Cutter, Sei Labelmaster, etc.) under the Marks tab [10] via the drop-down menu [11].

Figure 6: A view of the Marks tab in the Impose Editor.

Manual Mode Marks

3.5. Save the Imposition

To save your Imposition, simply click on Save [13] in the action bar.

Manual Mode with Print Items - 1.7.3

Figure 7: A view of the finished Manual Mode Imposition

A dialog box opens (see Fig. 7) in which you can Save the Imposition [14]. This dialog, provides information concerning the size of the sheet, the name of the print files, the id of individual print items and the number of imposed Print Items. This save dialog provides a convenient way to cross reference your work and avoid erros before rendering to the printer.

Figure 8: The Save Imposition dialog

Save Imposition dialog
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