User Manual – Durst

4.2 Grouping and Sorting

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1. Grouping and Sorting

To impose Print Items that should remain together in the Nesting, the option Grouping and Sorting is available in the Workflow. This function is implemented in addition to the existing option of pure sorting.

To perform user-defined Grouping and Sorting for Nesting, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Imposition and switch to the Nesting Impose Mode.
  2. Create a multi-page Imposition with different Print Items from e.g. different Orders and Order Items.
  3. Switch to the Artboard Settings area tab and select the Settings area.
  4. In Sequence of Placement select the Grouping / Sorting option.
  5. In the Group and Sort dialog, select the first criterion [1] - e.g. Acquisition Date - for the group.

Figure 1: The Group and Sort dialog at the beginning

  1. After selecting the sorting criteria, you can expand the area and choose from the following Wrapping Methods:
    • Line Break [2] - The first Print Item of the next group is placed in the next row, at the selected starting point of the Imposition.
    • Page Break [3] - The first Print Item of the next group is placed on the next Sheet, at the selected starting point as well as at the selected stop edge of the Imposition.
    • Continuous [4] - The first Print Item of the next group is placed immediately afterward to create as little Substrate waste as possible.
  2. Optionally, select another sorting criterion [5] to determine how the placed Print Items are to be sorted and arranged within a group.
  3. Then determine for each sorting criterion whether sorting should be in ascending or descending order [6].

Figure 2: The dialog Group and Sort with selected Group and selected Sorting Criteria

The following figures - Figure 3 to Figure 6 - show how the Wrapping Methods affect Nesting and, above all, the efficiency of the Imposition. Grouping of Print Items is usually always accompanied by lower efficiency in Nesting, but you gain corresponding efficiency in finishing and packaging of printed Print Items.

Standard Nesting

The Print Items are imposed on the Imposition surface in the most space-saving way possible. The arrangement of the Print Items is irrelevant. The goal of substrate efficiency is thus best met.

Figure 3: Standard Nesting without Grouping

Page Break

The Print Items of an Order are kept together as far as possible on an Imposition. The Print Items of the next job start on the next Imposition. The Nesting efficiency is probably the worst in this case.

Figure 4: Nesting with selected option Page Break

Line Break

The Print Items of the next job are placed on the Imposition surface starting with a new line. The efficiency of the Nesting is somewhat better, but in unfavorable constellations the efficiency can be just as bad as when wrapping to a new Imposition artboard.

Figure 5: Nesting with selected option Line Break


The Print Items of the individual jobs are held together, and the Print Items of the next job are placed immediately afterwards. This makes it possible to generate probably the best substrate efficiency for Impositions with groupings for Impositions.

Figure 6: Nesting with selecte option Continuous

Article update: Workflow version 1.15.0; 06/2023

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