The Impose Editor allows you to select a wide range of Marks to support diverse print production methods. Learn more in this article:
- Which types of Marks are offered in the Workflow
- Which Mark is appropriate based on the type of imposition needed
1. Types of Marks
In the Impose Editor, you can add a series of Marks to individual Print Items, to Print Items, or to the Artboard, depending on your needs. You can find these Marks under the Marks tab [1] under the Marks drop-down [2].
Figure 1: The Marks tab with the Marks drop-down marked in red.
Under the Marks drop-down, various types of Marks can be selected in the drop-down menu [3]. Depending on the application and requirements, you should select the appropriate type of Mark.
Figure 2: A list of the Marks available in the Impose Editor.
Please note the following information concerning the different type of Marks available:
- Center Mark: This type of mark is mainly used to mark the center of a position. Particularly in connection with registration systems, which have to automatically read the position of a mark.
- Corner Mark: This type of mark is used to mark the corners of Print Items or to mark the corners of the impose sheet.
- CropMarks: CropMarks are probably the most frequently used mark. CropMarks show the end user where the Print Item needs be trimmed when the cutter is applied.
- Dashed Frame: This mark draws a dashed frame around either the individual Print Items, all Print Items or the Artboard. This type of mark is often used to create an almost invisible printed mark on surrounding areas, especially when using white backgrounds.
- Rectangle: This mark is mainly used to mark repeats on roll substrates so that camera systems from connected laser cutting devices can detect where to start cutting.
- Registration: This mark is used in the same way as Center Marks and can also be used to control how precisely the horizontal and vertical alignment of cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black) is set.
- Sphere: This mark is mostly used in connection with cutting devices. Camera systems search for these filled circles and can derive the starting position for cutting from them.
General information about Marks, the Impose Editor and the different Impose Modes can be found in the following articles: