User Manual – Durst

8.1 Overview

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Impose Editor > Markers > Lines

Availability: All Versions

The Workflow offers the possibility to add printing lines on selected edges. In this article we'll learn:

  • How we define the term Lines
  • How Lines can be added and deleted in the Impose Editor

1. Background Information

When you prepare Print Items for printing in the Impose Editor, printing lines can be added to the edges of an Item or Artboard according to your production/finishing requirements. Printing lines are usually added to Print Items when the Substrate has to be cut manually in the finishing process. Lines therefore serve as a guide for operators who are finishing the print product.

What is the difference when compared to the Dashed Frame Mark? The difference is that the Dashed Frame Mark always draws a complete rectangle. the difference when adding Lines, is that the user can select on which edge(s) the Line is applied to.

Lines are available in all Impose Modes. In the Impose Editor, you will find all available Lines in the Lines [2] drop-down of the Markers [1] tab.

For general information on the Impose Editor, the user interface and the individual Impose Modes, please refer to the following articles:

Impose Editor Introduction

Overview of the Impose Modes

Figure 1: The Impose Editor with the Markers tab open and a Line already applied.

Impose Editor

The handling of lines was implemented very flexibly. We'll discuss the flexibility of Lines in further detail below.

  • Multiple use: A single line can be used several times in an imposition. It goes without saying that multiple Lines can also be used in an imposition.
  • Different line types: Different line types are available for selection. By default
    • Solid
    • Dashed
    • Dotted
  • Flexible position: Lines can be set to different positions. All specifications for X offset and Y offset refer to the selected position. Depending on the Impose Mode selected, the following positions are available:
    • ImageBox – Uses the final format (trimmed) as a reference (not available in Tiling)
    • ImageBox for a Tile – Uses the final format per Tile as a reference (only available in Tiling)
    • ImageBox + Bleed – Uses the production format as a reference (not available in Tiling)
    • ImageBox + Bleed for a Tile – Uses the production format for a Tile as a reference (only available in Tiling)
    • Overlap – Uses an additional area for gluing single tiles as a reference (only available in Tiling)
    • Printed Overlap – Uses the Printed Overlap as a reference (only available in Tiling)
  • Flexible reference point: Lines can be set to selected edges. The four edges: top, left, right and bottom - are available.
  • Weight: It goes without saying that the weight of the line thicknesses can be changed.
  • Flexible color options: Lines can be set to any color and the opacity of the line can be defined. The user can determine which color model the object should have. The following options are available:
    • CMYK values – The color value is defined by entering CMYK values.
    • Spot Colors – The color value is defined by selecting a System-wide Spot Color which is predefined in the Workflow
  • Flexible appearance: Depending on the selected line type, the appearance of the line can be defined by adding larger and smaller Dash and Gaps.

2. Adding and deleting Lines

Adding a line is only possible via the Impose Editor or by selecting an Impose Template using Force Print or a Hotfolder.

In the Impose Editor, lines can only be added, edited or deleted using the Lines [4] drop-down under the Markers [3] tab.

Figure 2: The Markers tab of the Impose Editor.

Impose Editor

2.1. Adding a Line

To add a Line, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the Markers tab [5].
  2. Select the drop-down menu Add Line [6], where you can select the desired Line Type.

Figure 3: Selecting a Line Type in the drop-down menu of the Lines sub-panel.

Impose Editor
  1. Select the desired Line Type, and a Line with default settings is added.
  2. If you want to add another Line, repeat the last step.
  3. You can decide which attributes the line has such as position, color, etc by define the parameters in each sub-area. We describe the available parameters in more detail in this article Available Parameters.

Changing the type of line afterwards

You cannot change the type of line afterwards, since you have decided on a certain type when creating a line. However, if you want to use a different line type, you must delete the existing line and add a new line.

2.2. Deleting Lines

If you want to delete a Line, proceed as follows:

  1. Activate the Markers tab [5] (Figure 3).
  2. Under the Lines sub-panel [5] all currently applied Lines are displayed with the corresponding parameters.
  3. You can delete the Line by clicking on the close symbol [8].

Figure 4: The available parameters for a Solid Line are shown below.

Impose Editor

Deleted a Line by mistake?

Once you have deleted a Line, you cannot undo it by using the Undo command. You must add the Line again with your desired settings.

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