User Manual – Durst

3.4 Input Fields

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Every software uses input fields. However, the behavior of the input field varies based on what the user inputs, in particular regarding errors.

We'll learn:

  • How content can be selected using input fields
  • How errors are displayed in input fields
  • Which calculation options are available when using input fields

1. General

Different measurement units: m, cm, mm, inch, feet, pt, and z, can be used in the Workflow for a wide variety of applications. Measurement units are generally displayed directly in the input field. The unit of length that is displayed depends on the measurement unit which is selected under Administration > Settings > General. Line width (stroke) is generally displayed using the pt unit.

Whether a point or a comma is displayed as a separator for decimal places depends on the number format selected under Administration > Settings > General. The input of a point or a comma is generally interpreted as a separator for decimal places. Both characters can be used as separators for decimal places. For example inputting a value of a »thousandth point« is therefore not possible, because the point is automatically interpreted as a separator for decimal places.

Figure 1: The Display Options settings panel located under Administration > Settings > General.

PMS WebGui :: General

Time information is displayed uniformly in the Workflow and is not dependent on the selected date format or time format available under Administration > Settings > General. The following display formats are used in the Workflow based on ISO 8601 standards:

  • d – stands for Day
  • m – stands for Minutes
  • s – stands for Seconds

Figure 2: The Edit Routine dialog, where time information is displayed and used in the input fields.

PMS WebGui :: Routines

2. Selecting Values

To select a value in an input field, the »focus« must first be placed in the input field. This can be illustrated as follows:

  • Click directly in the input field – This places the cursor on the selected location in the input field.
  • Pressing the TAB key – By pressing the TAB key, the »focus« moves from the current input field to the next input field. This automatically activates the entire entry in the input field, number + unit.

The cursor position in an input field can be set by:

  • Clicking on the desired position
  • Pressing the arrow keys: to the left or to the right, to move the cursor.

Marking content in an input field can be done in different ways:

  • By »swiping« over it with the mouse, the affected part is marked.
  • Pressing the Shift key in combination with the arrow keys: to the left or to the right, marks the previous/next value.
  • Double-click on the number to select the number only.
  • Double-clicking on the unit of measurement marks only the unit of measurement.
  • Performing a triple click selects the number including the unit of measurement.
  • Pressing the arrow keys: up or down, inserts the next higher/lower value, marking the entire content of the input field. The value that is used as the next higher or lower value depends on the selected situation. There is no general default behavior for this in the Workflow.

3. Displaying Invalid Inputs

On one hand, Input fields can be mandatory or on the other hand, only certain value ranges are permitted. Both states mean that the input dialog is not valid. This indicates that an invalid input has been entered.

Handling of input masks/dialogs

Input masks must be closed by clicking on OK, Save, Measure, and so on. The user only is only informed that invalid inputs exist when confirming the dialog.

3.1. Mandatory Fields

In dialogs, input fields can be marked as mandatory, i.e., a value must be selected or entered. Mandatory fields are not marked with an asterisk »*« in the Workflow, they are flagged with a helper text, i.e., This field is required, and is highlighted with a red border around the input field.

Figure 3: Mandatory fields when not filled in correctly, display a helper text in red.

3.2. Incorrect input

If the input does not correspond to the required minimum or maximum values, the corresponding error message helper text is displayed along with a red border around the input field.

Figure 4: If the input field min/max value doesn't meet the requirements, the user will see a contextual helper text.

PMS WebGui :: Data Preparation

4. Calculation options

Certain input fields can also be used as calculators, which can be combined with various units and calculation types including brackets.

The following calculation types are supported in input fields:

  • Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division – Uses the familiar characters +, -, *, / to perform calculations directly in the input fields. For example: 4+3-1*2*5 results in -3. Point calculation is performed before dash calculation. By setting brackets (4+3-1)*2*5 this results in a value of 60.
  • Exponentiate – Uses the ^ character to exponentiate numbers. For example: 2^3 results in 8. The number 2 is raised to the power of 3.
  • Root Calculation – To do this, use the \ character to calculate the root. For example: 64\2 results in 8. The square root of 64 is calculated.
  • Modulo – Uses the % character to calculate the modulo. For example: 19%5 results in 4. The remainder of the calculation 19 divided by 5 is calculated.

The following units of measurement can be combined:

  • m – Meter
  • cm – Centimeter
  • mm – Millimeter
  • inch | in | " – Inch = 2.54 cm
  • feet | ft | ' – Foot = 304.8 mm
  • pt – Point = 0.35278 mm
  • z – Tooth = 3.175 mm = 9pt - 96 z = 1 ft = 304.8 mm. This unit of measurement is used mainly for indicating the circumference of rotary Dies.

Example: Entering (3mm+4pt)*96z, if millimeters are selected in the system settings, this will result in a value of 1344.17 mm.

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