Information in the Main View is displayed in the form of Overview pages or Lists. In this article we'll cover:
- What can be accomplished with Lists
- And how a List is structured
1. General Overview
Lists are simply collections of thematically related information displayed in a repetitive manner. Lists are essentially a method of displaying as much content as possible in the smallest form factor.
In the Workflow, Lists are always displayed where a lot of information is available. You will encounter Lists in the following areas:
- Articles > Article List
- Articles > Collections
- Order > Order List
- Order > Print Item List
- Production Job
- Automation > Hotfolders
- Color > Color Books & Grid Charts > Color Books
- Color > Color Books & Grid Charts > Grid Charts
- Color > Color Correction > Image Based
- Color > Color Correction > Curve Based
- Colour > Color Setup
- Color > Profile Templates
- Administration > Customers
- Administration > Printer
- Administration > Scheduler
Note that the entries displayed in a list always depend on Filters that are applied and/or criteria entered in the Search field.
2. How a List is structured
As a rule, Lists are always structured consistently. The essential parts of a List are:
- the Pagination [2]
- the Header [3]
- the Display area [4]
Figure 1: Below is the Order List
2.1. Pagination
The Pagination controls how many entries are displayed per page and which pages are displayed. Limiting the number [1] of entries in the display area reduces loading times for Lists. If the List has more entries than selected here, Pagination is enabled for the List. Pagination is always displayed above [2] and below a List.
The pagination consists of:
- |< – Jump to first page
- < – Jump to the previous page
- Digit – Displays the current page number
- > – Jump to the next page
- >| – Jump to the last page
Navigation arrows that are Inactive
If arrows in the pagination cannot be selected, the reason might be: that you are on the first page of a list, the arrows for navigating to the first or previous page cannot be selected, likewise the arrows for the following and last page are deactivated on the last page.
2.2. Header
The Header [3] of a List is located above the display area and contains the following elements:
- Column Description [5] – Describes specific column content
- Sorting function [6] – Items can be sorted by ascending, descending and order of input
- Column divider [7] – For visual separation between the column descriptions and for adjusting the column width
- Column configuration [8] – Here the user can customize and choose which column categories are displayed.
A typical example from the Production Job header:
Figure 2: The Production Job header contains essential information for the operator
2.3. Display Area
Finally, what we see in the Display Area [4] depends on the pagination settings as well as the filtering and entered variables in the search field of the filter bar. Information that is displayed can be adjusted by enabling and hiding columns via the configuration icon [8].
The height of the individual entries in the list can vary depending on the context.
Two different display formats are used in the Display Area:
2.3.1. Display format for standard Lists
The most common form is shown in the figure below. A single record with a certain number of columns is displayed per row. Regarding selection options for list entries, all options can be used in this list form.
- Selecting a single row by
- Selection of multiple consecutive rows by
- Selection of multiple lines with non-consecutive rows by
Figure 3: Standard list view using the Article List as an example
2.3.2. Display format for collapsible Lists
If the displayed information in the list is grouped, the group [9] is displayed on the first level of the list and the data [10] within the group is displayed on the second level. This list scheme is used in the Workflow for the following categories:
- Article Collections with associated Articles
- Color Books & Grid Charts
- Orders when Order Items are used
Only limited options can be used in this type of list. Only a group or a data set in the group can be selected.
Figure 4: below is an example from the Collections List: