User Manual – Durst

6.1 Keyboard Shortcuts – Google Chrome

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Find out in this article

  • which keyboard shortcuts are available in Google Chrome and
  • which keyboard shortcuts are used for Windows and macOS.

As working with Google Chrome is highly recommended for Workflow, you should familiarize yourself with the keyboard shortcuts for this browser. The table below lists the most important keyboard shortcuts.

Function Windows macOS
Open address / mark content of the address line
Ctrl + L cmd + L
Open new window Ctrl + N CmdN
Close window Ctrl + W Cmd + W
Open new tab Ctrl + T Cmd + T
Open last closed tab Ctrl + Shift + T cmd + Shift + T
Switch to next tab Ctrl + Tab key cmd + alt + leftward arrow
Select previous tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab key cmd + alt + rightward arrow 
Reload page Ctrl + R cmd + R
Create bookmark Ctrl + D cmd + D
Zoom in Ctrl + + cmd + +
Zoom out Ctrl + - cmd + -
Back alt + rightward arrow cmd + rightward arrow
Forward alt + leftward arrow cmd + leftward arrow
Minimize window Ctrl + M cmd + M
Quit Google Chrome Ctrl + Q cmd + Q

Artikel update: Workflow 1.17.0 – 02/2024

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