User Manual – Durst

2.9 Manage Layers (Fixup Group)

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Learn in this article,

  • how to show and hide layers,
  • how to reduce multiple layers to one layer,
  • how to delete layers with content, and
  • how to flatten a Print Item to the displayed content and crop to the visible area.

1. Introduction

Layers in PDF files can be used to logically group specific content together. Thereby, an easy way to process such content separately from other content is provided. However, layers in PDF files hold far greater potential than simply showing and hiding layers.

2. General

The below listed Fixups are located in the Manage Layers drop-down menu [1], which you can find in the footer of the Document Information and Custom Fields area in the Print Data tab [2]. In addition, the corrections are also located in the Data Preparation tab [3].

With the Fixups of this Fixup group, existing layers can be shown, hidden or deleted. Furthermore, the content of existing layers can be flattened and cropped.  Find more Fixups concerning this topic by selecting the Category Layer as well as the Hide, Show, Create, Delete and Merge Action in the Data Preparation tab. The newly created objects can be placed on known and new layers - especially when creating a Spot Color Separation (White, Varnish, etc.) as well as when creating Dielines of any kind.

Figure 1: Snippet of the Print Data tab with opened Manage Layers menu.

3. Fixups of this Fixup group

There are currently five Fixups available in the Manage Layers Fixup group. The Fixups are briefly described below.

3.1. Flatten Layers

The aim of this Fixup is to flatten the currently visible content to one layer. Therefore, currently hidden layers are deleted along with their content, the currently visible content is moved to one layer, and all layers are removed.

Figure 2: The Flatten Layers dialog

Korrektur: Endformatrahmen auf Stanzkontur setzen

Find out more about the functionality of this Fixup with a corresponding sample file and description here.

3.2. Hide Selected Layers

The aim of the Fixup is to hide certain layers with the objects on the layers and thereby to change the appearance of the Print Item. Note that it's only the layer that is hidden - the objects on the layer remain in the PDF.

Figure 3: The Hide Selected Layers dialog

Find out more about the functionality of this Fixup with a corresponding sample file and description here.

3.3. Make Selected Layers Visible

The aim of the Fixups is to make certain layers with the objects on them visible. Thereby, the appearance of the Print Items should be changed. Note that by showing the layer, all objects on this layer become visible again. It's not possible to make individual objects visible with this Fixup.

Figure 4: The Make Selected Layers Visible dialog

Find out more about the functionality of this Fixup with a corresponding sample file and description here.

3.4. Remove Layers and crop to the visible area

The aim of the Fixup is to delete certain layers with all objects on them and to crop the contents of the Print Item to the visible area including a Safety Margin. Whether this changes the appearance of the Print Item depends on whether the deleted layers were shown or hidden. The size of the Print Item (Media or Crop Box) will, in most cases, be changed by performing the Fixup.

Figure 5: The Remove Layers and crop to the visible area dialog

Find out more about the functionality of this Fixup with a corresponding sample file and description here.

3.5. Remove Selected Layers

The aim of this Fixup is to delete certain layers with all objects on them. Whether this changes the appearance of the Print Item depends on whether the deleted layers were shown or hidden. Please note that deleting a layer also deletes all objects on the layer in the PDF.

Figure 6: The Remove Selected Layers dialog

Find out more about the functionality of this Fixup with a corresponding sample file and description here.

Article update: Version 1.18.0 - 08/2024

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