User Manual – Durst

2.2 Add Bleed (Fixup Group)

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Learn in this article,

  • How to apply Bleed to the Print Item
  • Which options are available in the Workflow for creating/adding Bleed
  • How you can add Bleed to an irregular shape.

1. Introduction

Content creators are required to add Bleed directly to the print data to ensure that there is sufficient space when applying post production finishing such as when cutting a Print Item using dielines. A common mistake is that the Bleed is missing or isn't sufficient for production purposes. A sufficient amount of Bleed (commonly referred to as Bleed or Bleed allowance), is essential for accurately producing print data.

2. General

The Fixups listed below are located in the Add Bleed drop-down menu [1], which can be found in the footer of the Document Information and User-defined Fields area in the Print Data tab [2]. These Fixups are also located in the Data Preparation tab [3].

The Fixups that are contained in this group can be used to create/add Bleed to a Print Item or to extend/limit an existing Bleed. Bleed can be created differently depending on the selected Fixup, starting with the defined position. This could be e.g. a Page Box or a Dieline. The Action tab subpanel contains additional Fixups that also address bleed issues. Therefore, select the search terms Bleed and Actions Clip and Add in the Data Preparation [3] tab.

Figure 1: The Print Data tab showing the expanded Add Bleed drop-down menu.

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3. Fixups in the Add Bleed Fixup Group

At the moment three Fixups are available in the Add Bleed Fixup group. These are briefly described below:

3.1. Create Bleed by Mirroring

The aim of this Fixup is to create Bleed using either pixel repetition, mirroring or by stretching pixel content from the Print Item. The most effective method depends on the Print Item content at hand.

Figure 2: Left: The Basic Settings tab of the Create Bleed by Mirroring dialog; Right: The Advanced tab of the Create Bleed by Mirroring dialog

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Detailed information regarding the functionality of this Fixup and corresponding sample files can be found in the description for the Fixup.

3.2. Create Bleed by Upscaling

The aim of the Fixup is to create the required Bleed by scaling the subject content. This procedure can only be carried out when the dimensions in terms of width and height of the Print Item are not too different. Furthermore, no important information should be located in the border area of the Print Item. The latter can lead to the information being cut off during cutting the finishing process.

Figure 3: The Create Bleed by Upscaling Fixup dialog

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Detailed information regarding the functionality of this Fixup and corresponding sample files can be found in the description for the Fixup.

3.3. Create Bleed on Irregular Shape

The aim of this Fixup is to create a Bleed along the irregular shape based on a selected Dieline. Bleed is created by repeating pixels, but without Technical Colors. Which pixel is repeated can be determined by entering an offset value.

Figure 4: Left: The Basic Settings tab of the Create Bleed on Irregular Shape dialog; Right: The Advanced tab of the Create Bleed on Irregular Shape dialog


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Detailed information regarding the functionality of this Fixup and corresponding sample files can be found in the description for the Fixup.

Article update: Version 1.18.0 - 08/2024

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