User Manual – Durst

2.14 Tonal Value Corrections (Fixup Group)

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In this article, you will learn how

  • to increase tonal values in the midtones and
  • how to reduce tonal values in the midtones.

1. Introduction

Depending on how an Article or Print Item should look after printing, it may be necessary to correct the tonal values. The Workflow includes Fixups that allow to reduce or increase the midtones.

2. General

The Fixup listed below can be found in the Tonal Value Corrections drop-down menu [2], which is located in the footer of the Process Colors [1] settings area in the Print Data tab of the Print Item's detailed view. This group of Fixups can be used to increase or reduce the midtones.

Figure 1: The Process Colors settings area with the Tonal Value Correction group expanded

3. Fixups in this Fixup group

There are currently two Fixups available in the Tonal Value Correction Fixup group. These are described briefly below.

3.1. Increase Tonal Values in Midtones

This Fixup increases the tonal range of the midtones. Additional curves can be added and saved as templates, and curves can be deleted and edited.

Figure 2: The Fixup dialog Increase Tonal Values in Midtones.

Please refer to the description of the Fixup to learn more about its functionality and to access a corresponding example file.

3.2. Reduce Tonal Values in Midtones

This Fixup aims to reduce the midtone values. Additional curves can be added and saved as templates, and curves can be deleted and edited.

Figure 3: The Fixup dialog Reduce Tonal Values in Midtones

Please refer to the description of the Fixup to learn more about its functionality and to access a corresponding example file.

Article update: Workflow 1.18.0 – 08/2024

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