User Manual – Durst

2.7 Edit Page Geometry (Fixup Group)

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Learn in this Article,

  • how to set Page Boxes for the Print Item,
  • how to adjust the size of the Print Item to the TrimBox and
  • how to mask a Print Item based on the Dieline.

1. Introduction

For correct positioning of the Print Items in the Imposition, the PDF Page Boxes, especially the TrimBox and BleedBox, must be set for each print file. To do this, the print data must be adapted to the specified sizes, the TrimBox must be derived from the Dieline or the Page Boxes must be set manually.

2. General

The Fixups listed below are located in the Edit Page Geometry drop-down menu [1], which you can find in the footer of the Document Information and User-defined Fields area in the Print Data tab [2]. These Fixups are also located in the Data Preparation tab [3].

Using the Fixups in this group, the Page Boxes for the print files can be set to the correct position. It is possible to set the TrimBox to an existing Dieline and the BleedBox based on the TrimBox. The Bleed can be set based on an existing Dieline, and the content of a Print Item can be scaled in absolute terms or using a percentage. Find additional Fixups which address these topics with the search terms TrimBox, BleedBox, CropBox, MediaBox, and by activating the Scale radio button in the action panel in the Data Preparation tab.

Figure 1: The Print Data tab with the opened Edit Page Geometry menu

PMS WebGui :: Article

3. Fixups in the Edit Page Geometry Group

There are currently six Fixups available in the Edit Page Geometry group. These are briefly described below.

3.1. Clip Print Item with Additional Bleed

The aim of this Fixup is to clip the print item using the entered spacing along an existing Dieline on the outside, as well as the inside. The TrimBox can be set to the selected Dieline in the process.

Figure 2: The Clip Print Item with Additional Bleed Dialog.

PMS WebGui :: Print Data

Detailed information regarding the functionality of this Fixup and corresponding sample files can be found here.

3.2. Resize TrimBox

The aim of this Fixup is to adjust the current dimension of the TrimBox to work with exact sizes in production. All other existing Page Boxes are not affected by this Fixup, unless the size of the TrimBox moves beyond that of the Media- or BleedBox. In this case, the Media and BleedBoxes are adjusted accordingly.

Figure 3: The Resize TrimBox Fixup dialog

PMS WebGui :: Print Data

Detailed information regarding the functionality of this Fixup and corresponding sample files can be found here.

3.3. Resize TrimBox and set Bleed

The aim of this Fixup is to adjust the size of the TrimBox for production and to set the BleedBox for the existing Bleed.

Figure 4: The Resize TrimBox and set Bleed dialog

PMS WebGui :: Print Data

Detailed information regarding the functionality of this Fixup and corresponding sample files can be found here.

3.4. Scale Page Content – Width and Height

The aim of this Fixup is to scale the content of a page to a certain size with regard to the TrimBox. How the content is adjusted can be selected in Scale Options.

Figure 5: The Scale Page Content dialog

PMS WebGui :: Print Data

Detailed information regarding the functionality of this Fixup and corresponding sample files can be found here.

3.5. Set Page Boxes

The aim of this Fixup is to set/adjust the Page Geometry Boxes: MediaBox, TrimBox and BleedBox, for a Print Ite to determine the size and the position of the three Page Boxes.

Figure 6: The Set Page Geometry Boxes dialog

PMS WebGui :: Print Data

Detailed information regarding the functionality of this Fixup and corresponding sample files can be found here.

Fixup isn't available in Fixup Chain

Note that this Fixup isn't available for use in a Fixup Chain! To carry out similar tasks in a Fixup Chain use the Fixup Set Page Boxes based on TrimBox instead.

3.6. Set TrimBox to the Dieline

The aim of this Fixup is to set the TrimBox to an existing Dieline in the print file and the BleedBox at a certain distance from the TrimBox.

Figure 2: The Set TrimBox to the Dieline dialog

PMS WebGui :: Print Data

Detailed information regarding the functionality of this Fixup and corresponding sample files can be found here.

Article update: Version 1.18.0 - 08/2024

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