User Manual – Durst

2.11 Rotate and Mirror (Fixup Group)

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This article will show you

  • how to rotate and/or mirror Print Items,
  • what options are available in the Workflow when rotating or mirroring Print Items, and
  • how to only rotate the content of a Print Item.

1. Introduction

Print Items must be mirrored or rotated or even mirrored and rotated for some applications. Whether the entire Print Item must be rotated in 90° increments or only certain content depends on the requirement.

2. General

The Fixups listed below can be found in the Rotate and Mirror [1] drop-down menu, which you will find in the footer of the Document Information and User-defined Fields settings area in the Print Data [2] tab of the Print Item's detail view. In addition, the Fixup can also be found in the Data Preparation [3] tab.

The Fixups in this group can be used to rotate the Print Item in 90 increments and/or mirror it, as well as to rotate the contents of the Print Item as desired. When rotating a Print Item, determine whether or not the size of the TrimBox should be adjusted. Find further Fixups for these tasks by selecting the search terms Rotate and Mirror and the Process Rotate or Mirror in the Data Preparation [3] tab.

Figure 1: Section of the Print Data tab with the Rotate and Mirror Fixup group menu

3. Fixups in this Fixup Group

Two Fixups are available in the Rotate and Mirror Fixup group. These are described briefly below.

3.1. Rotate and/or Mirror Page

The purpose of this Fixup is to rotate all, even or odd pages in 90° increments. In addition, all, even or odd pages can be mirrored horizontally or vertically.

Figure 2: The Fixup dialog Rotate and/or Mirror Page

Korrektur: Endformatrahmen auf Stanzkontur setzen

Please refer to the description of the Fixup to learn more about its functionality and to access a corresponding example file.

3.2. Rotate Page Content

The purpose of this Fixup is to rotate the page content by any degree, clockwise or counter-clockwise, relative to a selected rotation point and starting point of the page box. If the rotation point needs to be offset, this can be done by entering the offset on the X- or Y-axis. You can also determine whether the size of the Page Box should be adjusted or whether the content should rotate within the existing limits and should thus be cropped.

Figure 3: The Fixup dialog Rotate Page Content

Please refer to the description of the Fixup to learn more about its functionality and to access a corresponding example file.

Article update: Workflow 1.18.0 – 08/2024

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