User Manual

5.1 General

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In this article, you will learn

  • what Fixup Chains are,
  • how to create Fixup Chains, and
  • where to apply Fixup Chains in the Workflow.

1. Introduction

Print data is often created without knowing its final purpose. Therefore, after a data check, it is often necessary to apply individual Fixups or a whole series of Fixups. In principle, a Fixup is a procedure that searches for certain objects in the print file and corrects them using the entered values.

Fixup Chains are available to avoid having to separately parameterize and apply one Fixup after the other. A Fixup Chain is the combination of standard Fixups in a defined order. It is possible to configure, parameterize, and save Fixup Chains in Workflow, thus making them available for use in production.

By using Fixup Chains, print data can be automatically corrected and optimized as well as prepared for output and finishing without referring to other or additional tools. You won't want to do without the time saved in prepress.

All Fixups at a glance

For information on which Fixups are available in the Workflow and a detailed description of the individual Fixups, refer to the section Standard Fixups.

2. Working with Fixup Chains

Before you can use Fixup Chains in Workflow, you first have to create them as required. To do this, use the Fixup Chains tab in the Administration menu. Using this tab, you can create, edit, and manage Fixup Chains. Once you have created a Fixup Chain, select and apply it in all areas where Fixup Chains can be used.

2.1. Create Fixup Chains

To use Fixup Chains for your productions, they have to be created first. The Fixup Chains can be created user-defined, provided with the desired values and then saved. This way, the created Fixup Chains can be used for several products, thus automating your production.

To create a Fixup Chain, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the menu entry Administration > Fixup Chains.
  2. Click Add [1] in the footer of the Fixup Chains settings area to create a new Fixup Chain.
  3. Select the Fixup Chain you just created in the selection area of the same name and click Edit [2] in the footer of the Added Fixups settings area to edit the Fixup Chain.

Figure 1: The Fixup Chains menu item

  1. Find the desired Fixup in the Fixups [4] selection area.
  2. Add the selected Fixup to the Added Fixups [5] area by clicking Add [3].
  3. Select the added Fixup [6] in the Added Fixups area to then make the settings [7] for the Fixup.
  4. Add as many Fixups as necessary and put them in the necessary order.
  5. Finish creating the Fixup chain by clicking Save.

Figure 2: The Edit Fixup Chains dialog

Create Fixup Chains in detail

For a detailed description of how to create a Fixup Chain, refer to the article Create a Fixup Chain.

2.2. Apply Fixup Chains

Fixup Chains for print data can be executed in a wide variety of areas in the Workflow, but also using external tools. The individual options are described below.

2.2.1. "Print Data" tab

The Print Data tab is available in the Article, Order, and Production Job menu options. Clicking on the preview image or the title of the respective Print Item/Order will take you to the detailed view. In the document-related information, you will find the symbol for Fixup Chains [8] in the footer. This allows you to select all the created Fixup Chains and thus apply them to the Print Item currently displayed.

Figure 3: The detail view in the Print Data tab, where you can select a Fixup Chain.

2.2.2. Add Print Item in the Order or Production Job dialog

When you upload print data as an Article or Print Item in a Production Job or Order using the Add command in the toolbar in the Workflow, a previously created Fixup Chain can be selected in the Print Item tab [9] (as well as [11] in Figure 5) and thus applied to the file during the upload. To do this, select the desired Fixup Chain [10] (as well as [12] in Figure 5) in the drop-down menu provided.

Figure 4: The Print Item tab of the Add Production Job dialog

Figure 5: The Print Item tab of the Add Order dialog

2.2.3. Apply to Multiple Print Items in the List

If one or more Articles or Print Items are selected in a list, the Fixup Chain [14] command can be accessed via the More [13] option in the toolbar. This opens the Fixup Chain dialog, where a previously defined Fixup Chain can be selected.

Figure 6: Left: The option to apply a Fixup Chain to a single or multiple Article/Print Items; Right: The Apply Fixup Chain dialog.

2.2.4. Force Print Job

If a print file is uploaded to the Workflow via the Quick Print menu, the desired Fixup Chain [15] can be selected in the Data Preparation settings area. After the file has been successfully uploaded, all files are processed accordingly before the selected Nesting is carried out.

Figure 7: Option to select a Fixup Chain in Force Print Job

2.2.5. Hotfolder

Wenn eine Datei über das Menü Hotfolder in den Workflow hochgeladen wird, so kann im Reiter Verarbeitungsparameter [16] eine zuvor definierte Korrekturkette ausgewählt werden. Wählen Sie dafür die gewünschte Korrekturkette [17] im Auswahlmenü aus.

If a file is uploaded to the Workflow via the Hotfolder menu, a previously defined Fixup Chain can be selected in the Processing Parameters [16] tab. To do this, select the desired Fixup Chain [17] from the drop-down menu.

Abbildung 8: Der Reiter Verarbeitungsparameter des Dialogs Hotfolder einrichten

2.2.6. XML Hotfolder in Conjunction with Jobticket

In case Production Jobs based on XML Job Tickets should be created via Hotfolders, Fixup Chains can be applied to individual Print Items of the Production Job by transferring the corresponding automationKey. For more information, see the article Hotfolder  XML Job Ticket.

2.2.7. Automation Jobs

When creating a Production Configuration, which forms the basis for generating Automation Jobs, it is possible to select a Fixup Chain [19] when using the Data Preparation Operation [18]. This means that the corresponding Fixup Chain will be applied to every file that has to go through this operation.

Figure 9: The Edit Production Configuration dialog with selected Operation Data Preparation

2.2.8. Rest API

Fixup Chains can also be applied to Articles or Print Items via a leading system (ERP/MIS) and the Process can be carried out via the corresponding Remaining Calls with the transfer of the corresponding automationKey. Find more information on this in the Article Rest API Documentation in the Fixup section.

Using Fixup Chains in detail

For a detailed description of how to use Fixup Chains in the respective areas, see the article Use Fixup Chains!

Article update: Workflow 1.18.0 – 08/2024

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