Articles - Articles List - Upload files
Availability: Small, Medium and Large
When working with Articles, you can use the new Quick Upload feature, which is the most efficient way to upload production data to the Workflow server.
1. Upload one or more files
Figure 1: Article list with Quick Upload Drag and Drop-Area [1] to the right:
You can upload one or more compatible files to the Workflow by dragging and dropping them into the Drag and Drop area [1].
Each of the files undergoes a Preflight process and is created as an Article after successful completion. To make the check-in processes running in the background visible, you can activate the checkbox "Show my Uploads" [2].
After the upload is complete you will find the Article(s) at the top of the Article List. Discover more about Articles here.
2. Upload a Folder containing print data
If you drag a folder containing compatible Print Items to the Upload File area [1], all motifs contained within this folder are created as Articles. An important organisational classification of the uploaded items takes place automatically: The Workflow creates a so-called "Collection", which includes all documents uploaded together, i.e. all documents contained in the folder. This Collection is named after the folder, at the same time the name is assigned to each motif/Article as a label. This ensures that all documents can be grouped or found according to the same criteria (The folder name can be a project name such as "Drupa 2020" for example).
Figure 2: Example of a folder structure containing Print Data from two of your customers (Customer-X [3] and Customer-Y [4]), who are both wine producers [5], shown as a Macintosh folder structure.

If you want to import Print Data from Customer-X into the Workflow, you can drag and drop the entire folder [3] to the Drag and Drop area [1]. The document upload starts immediately after being dropped into this area.
Figure 3: You can activate the checkbox "Show my Uploads" [6] to display the progress of the upload. The Workflow activates the check-in process. This can be recognized by the missing thumbnails [7] and metadata such as the document size [8]. Use the "Refresh" icon [9] in the filter bar when necessary to update the view.
Note: The Workflow has automatically added the name of the folder dragged to the Drop Zone as a "collection" for all Articles contained within that folder [10].
Figure 4: After uploading the Articles are available in the Article List [11]. In addition to the assigned Collection [10], the preview images and metadata are now also properly displayed.
Figure 5: Go to: Articles > Collection List. The newly created Collection Customer-X [12] is displayed in the list.
Figure 6: By double-clicking on the Collection entry [13], the Workflow displays the Articles it contains [14].
Now you can work with the Articles as usual.
Here you can find more information about Articles and how to use Collections.