Order > Order List
Availability: all versions
All Orders that have been created are displayed in the Order List. Determining which information is visible in the List or sorting by and/or filtering the List by can be specified using the functions described in the articles: Lists and Filters, these options allow the user to find their desired Orders quickly and efficiently.
1. Order
An Order is displayed as the topmost element in the List. You can Edit and Delete Orders as follows:
1.1. Edit an Order
To edit an order, select the menu item Order > Order List and select the desired Order. This is done by simply clicking on the line body or by clicking on the preview image. If you select the preview image, the order items expand. Make sure that the order itself (topmost list element) is still selected.
Then select the Edit function in the action bar. A dialog opens with the information on the current order. This information can then be edited and saved again. As soon as you click the Save button, the dialog closes and the Order is updated in the list. The underlying Order Items and motifs remain unchanged.

1.2. Delete an Order
To delete an order, select the menu item Order > Order List and select the desired Order.
Then select the Delete function from the action bar. A dialog opens asking whether the Order should really be deleted. As soon as you have clicked the Ok button, the dialog closes. The Order will be removed from the Order List including Order Items, Motifs, settings and other information or documents.

2. Order Items
To delete an Order Item, use the functions in the action bar at the top of the Workflow.
Order Items are located within an Order. You can edit them as follows:
2.1. Edit Order Items
To be able to edit an Order, select the menu item Order > Order List and select the desired Order Item. First click on the preview image of the Order or on the down arrow on the right side of the list element to display the Order Items. To select an Order Item, click only on the line body. If you click on the preview image or on the arrow to the right at the end of the list element, you switch to the Order overview.
Then choose Edit in the action bar. A dialog opens with the information on the current Order Item. This information can then be edited and saved again. As soon as you have clicked the Save button, the dialog closes and the Order Item is updated in the list. The Order above and the motifs below remain unchanged.
2.2. Delete Order Items
To delete an Order Item, select Order > Order List and select the desired Order Item.
Then choose the Delete function in the action bar. A dialog opens asking whether the Order Item should really be deleted. As soon as you have clicked the Ok button, the dialog closes. The Order Item is removed from the Order together with the underlying Motifs, settings and any other information. The Order remains in the list.