Production Job > +New
Availability: All Versions
In the header bar of the Production Job list, you'll find the +New button to create a new Production Job.
Figure 1: The Create a Production Job dialog appears, when the user clicks on the +New button

1. Production Job related information
In the Production Job tab [1] you can enter essential information [2] for a Production Job:
- Name – an assignable description for the Production Job
- External ID – An ID can be entered by the customer or alternatively the ID may originate from an ERP system
- Comment – Enter a comment for the Job (Comments can be searched for in the search field)
- Production Date – Select the desired Production Date (if you click on the grey calendar symbol [3] to the right of the input field, a calendar pop-up appears where you can select the desired date; click on "Today" to select the current date or select the desired month and day. Note: the calendar weeks are displayed on the far left as italicised numbers!)
- After entering the Production Date, the Production Time is activated HH:MM [4]. Specify the exact printing time desired according to your production timeline.
- Shipping Date – Enter a Delivery Date when necessary.
You must also select the following Output Parameters [5] for the job:
- Printer – Select your desired Printer (e.g. Durst Tau 330 LM)
- Print Configuration – Select your desired Print Condifuration (e.g. HD)
- Substrate – Select a Substrate/Material (e.g. Avery PE85)
- Substrate Definition – Select a your Substrate Definition (for example, 330 x role).
- Color Policy – Select your desired Color Policy applied to the output (e.g. Best Match)
The user can speed up the creation of a Production Job by first defining one of the Output Parameters in the lower section of the Create a Production Job dialog [5] (in the dialog layout but also in the hierarchy of definitions). For example, select your desired Substrate Definition first, and the other hierarchically linked values will be automatically completed by the Workflow.
2. Printer Options
Figure 2: The Options tab in the Create a Production Job dialog

In the Options tab [6], when you create a Production Job for a Durst Tau printer, the values for Lead In and Lead Out [7] are specified.
The Split In Jobs [8] settings are also used for Durst Tau Printers that contain VDP data. An explanation for how Variable Data is handled can be found here.
3. Uploading Print Data
Figure 3: The Print Item tab in the Create a Production Job dialog

In the Print Item tab [9], a single or multiple Print Items can be uploaded by clicking and dragging or clicking on the Upload files area. Additional Print Items can be added at any time.
- Upload Files [10] – Drag a document that can be processed by the Workflow into this area or open the file selection dialog with the click of a mouse to locate your desired print data.
File Properties [11]:
- Print Item Name – Enter your desired name. The existing name of the file is used by default.
- Use File Name – The existing file name will be used when checked. This option is activated by default. Please note: A user-defined name is replaced by the file name if this checkbox is activated later.
- Width & Height – This option is deactivated by default, a specific output size which differs from the document size can be defined.
- Use Size from PDF – The current size of the uploaded document is used as the output size. This option is activated by default. Please note: The user-defined output size will be overwritten with the document dimensions if this checkbox is activated later.
- Number of Pages – The number of pages the document contains.
- Copies – The desired quantity of prints from the Print Item.
- Include Variable Data – Activate this option if you want to create a VDP job (only possible from the Workflow Small variant and higher).
- Color Policy – Choose from available Color Policies assigned to the Substrate / Printer combination.
- Use CSV – Can only be activated when the "Include Variable Data" checkbox is active. A CSV file must then be added to the Production Job (only possible with the Workflow Small variant and higher).
Winding Type – This only applies to roll media, you can choose from the following options:
- Inside – Bottom off First
- Inside – Left Side off First
- Inside – Right Side off First
- Inside – Top off First
- Outside – Bottom off First
- Outside – Left Side off First
- Outside – Right Side off First
- Outside – Top off First
- Calculate Ink Consumption – Ink Consumption is calculated immediately after upload and check-in
- Print Item Info – Any additional statistics or comments can be added here.
Click on Save [12] to create a Production Job in the Workflow and start the Preflight check-in process:
- The document is transferred to the server
- For items that are not currently in the PDF format, the uploaded file will be converted into a PDF. The original file is saved unchanged in the Workflow and is available for download at any time under the Additional Data tab.
- Preflight and necessary corrections are applied (when needed).