User Manual – Durst

1.2 Installing the Workflow

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In this article we'll learn:

  • Which software components are installed with the Workflow
  • How to perform the installation
  • How to obtain information about the Online Activation of the Workflow

1. Installed Software Components

The Workflow installer is executed on the RIP-workstation and installs the following software components:

  • PMS – Front- and Backend of the Workflow
  • ZuniComm – Backend for controlling different SDKs
  • Harlequin Host Renderer – Ripping software from Global Graphics
  • pdfToolbox – pdfToolbox SDK integration from callas
  • callas pdfChip – SDK for generating PDF files from HTML from callas
  • CrossXColor – profiling functionality SDK from ColorLogic
  • Mako Core SDK – SDK from Global Graphics for editing and optimizing PDFs
  • required runtime environments – (e.g. Java, .net, VisualC)
  • PostGreSql Database

2. Installing the Workflow

The Workflow is setup like most Windows programs, using an installer. You can obtain a current version of the installer from your Service Partner.

To start the installation, perform the following steps:

  1. Load the installer.
  2. Start the installation by executing DW_ReleaseXX.XX.X.(YYY)-Setup_signed.exe  
    • XX.XX.X – e.g.: 1.16.0. The first two blocks of digits (1.16) indicate the version number, the last digit indicates whether it is a major release (.0) or a minor release (.1; .2; .3 etc.).
    • YYY – e.g: (500). Indicates the build version of the Workflow. This number is important to uniquely identify the installed version of the Workflow and should be included in any feature request or bug description.
    • signed – Indicates the signed installer.
  3. Confirm the security prompt (administrator privileges are required for installation) and click Install.

Figure 1: The Ready to Install dialog step when installing the Workflow.

Installing the Workflow
  1. In the subsequent dialogs, the following parameters must be entered:
    • Database Drive: The drive whwere the PMS database is stored (usually C:\ or the fastest drive available in the system).
    • File Management Drive: The drive where the files for the Workflow are stored (usually D:\ or the drive with the largest available disk space)
    • CPU Core Count: Number of physically present CPU Cores (the number shown should be accurate in most cases).

Figure 2: The Select Drives step of the installation dialog.

Installing the Workflow - Select Drives
  1. Check the configuration settings and click Yes.

Figure 3: The Start Configuration step of the installation dialog.

Installing the Workflow - Review settings
  1. The Workflow installation is now complete.
  2. To finish the installation, click Finish.

If the installation was successful, the following directories were created:

Program directory: C:\Program Files\PPD
Database directory: C:\PMS_DATA\PMSDataBase
Data directory: D:\PMS_DATA\FileManagement

2.1. Client access to the Workflow Server

After the installation is complete, all Services (PMS, ZuniComm, PostgreSQL) are started. You can access the Workflow using Chrome or Microsoft Edge by entering the following URL:

  1. – URL for accessing the Workflow from the Server
  2. http://IP-ADDRESS:8081 – URL for accessing the Workflow for all Clients on the network

For the IP address of the Workflow Server (or any DNS entry that may have been set up), contact your IT administration.

3. Licensing

After the installation and in order to use the Workflow, you must activate your license online. Find out more in the article Online Activation.

Article Update: Version 1.16.0 08/2023

Previous Article 1.1 Before Installing the Workflow
Next Article 1.3 After the Installation
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