User Manual – Durst

1.3 After the Installation

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In this article we'll learn:

  • Which settings need to be configured for the Workflow Server
  • How to setup ZuniExtract for Durst Tau printers.

1. Settings on the Workflow Server

After installing the Workflow, take some time to make necessary adaptations and settings on the server.

1.1. Indexing

To avoid performance issues on the server, we need to make sure no unwanted disk activity is happening. We therefore need to deactivate indexing of the PMS data directory PMS_DATA. To do this, follow these simple steps:

  1. In Windows Explorer, select the PMS data directory (default is C:\PMS_DATA).
  2. Right-click to open the File Folder Properties.
  3. Click on Advanced [1] under the General tab.
  4. In the opened Advanced Attributes window, deactivate the "Allow files in this folder to have contents indexed..." checkbox [2].

Figure 1: Below we see the Properties dialog for the selected directory PMS_DATA as well as the Advanced Attributes dialog

Properties dialog for the PMS_Data Folder

1.2. Creating exceptions in the Virus Scanner

To prevent performance issues with the Workflow workstation, specific directories that are used by the Workflow should be excluded from being scanned by the virus scanner. Deactivate the following directories in the virus scanner:

  • D:\PMS_DATA\Log
  • D:\PMS_DATA\FileManagement
  • D\PMS_DATA\ZuniComm

If necessary, the PMS program directory (by default C:\Program Files\PPD) should also be excluded. This should be done particularly when your virus scanner recognises Zunicomm.exe as an »uncertified program«.

Adjustment with changed drive name

If you have not created the above directories on D:, you must of course exclude the correspondingly adjusted paths from processing in the virus scanner.

2. ZuniExtract

ZuniExtract is an additional service installed on the printer software Workstation, which takes care of some additional services.

Using ZuniExtract

ZuniExtract is only required in conjunction with Durst Tau Series Printers and VariJet 106 Printers. Note that over time, individual functions will be replaced by Durst Analytics or by newer versions of the Printer software.

2.1. General Information

ZuniExtract is installed on the Durst workstation for Tau and VariJet 106 Printers and is responsible for the transfer of important information from the Tau Printer to the Workflow including:

  • defined Substrates
  • defined Substrate Categories
  • All statistical data that is generated when printing a job, such as print duration, Substrate consumption, Ink Consumption, number of printed repeats, and so on.
  • Status pertaining to whether a printing job is finished or not.

2.2. Installing ZuniExtract

The installation of ZuniExtract requires that the printer software for the Tau or VariJet 106 is already installed on the Durst printer workstation and that the server (Workflow) has been installed and started.

2.2.1. Start the installation

Proceed as follows:

  1. Load the installer ZE_Release_Setup.xx.xx.exe.
  2. Run the installer (you must have administrator rights)
  3. Confirm the security prompt and click Install.

2.2.2. Configure ZuniExtract

The following parameters must be set:

  • Printer Name [3]: Name of the printer. A printer with this name will be created in the Workflow.
  • Printer Serial [4]: Serial number of the printer. ATTENTION: Changing the serial number after installation is forbidden!
  • Printer DB Path [5]: Path to the Tau database
  • PMS IP Address [6]: IP Address of the Workflow

Figure 2: The Setup - ZuniExtract dialog.

ZuniExtract Install Screen

2.2.3. Checking and confirming the configuration settings

After clicking on Next > (Figure 2), the confirmation dialog for the settings is displayed.

Figure 3: The configuration confirmation dialog.

ZuniExtract confirmation

If the settings are correct, click on Yes. This will start and complete the installation of ZuniExtract.

2.3. Verifying the installation

After installing ZuniExtract, you can verify successful communication between the printer software and the Workflow as follows.

To verify, do the following:

  1. In Google Chrome, open the following address on the Workflow server: and log in to the Workflow.
  2. Go to the Administration > File Management menu item. The Shares for the selected printer [7] should be visible.

Figure 4: The Shares panel in the Workflow with the active Host and synchronized Shares.

File Management for Tau
  1. Navigate to Administration > Printer in the Workflow. The printer should be listed [8].

Figure 4: List of printers available under Administration > Printers.

The Tau Printer in the Available Printer List
  1. Verify the printer settings: To do this, select the printer under Administration > Printers and click on Edit in the pull-down menu. The following settings can be confirmed:
  • Printer IP address: Check whether the Printer IP Address [9] has been correctly adopted.
  • Standard Hotfolder: The standard Hotfolder (the directory where processed data should be transferred automatically) must be entered correctly [10].

Figure 6: The Edit Printer dialog

Tau Edit Printer dialog
  1. Finally, you should check whether the directories for variable data printing have been created correctly (this is only required for workflow licenses with VDP). Proceed as follows:
    1. Click on Administration > Printers.
    2. Open the desired Printer by double-clicking on the entry in the list.
    3. Then click on Edit in the footer of the Color Configuration panel.
    4. This will open the Edit Color Configuration dialog. In the Destination [11] column, make sure that the appropriate destination directory is selected for each color channel.

Figure 7: The Edit Color Configuration dialog where the user can select specific destination directories per color channel.

Edit Color Configuration dialog for a TAU Printer

2.4. Watchdog for ZuniExtract

Since ZuniExtract is installed on another computer system and the Workflow has to rely on the application to transfer data, a watchdog is available in the Workflow that checks the availability of ZuniExtract from time to time. Whether ZuniExtract delivers data, or is not running, this information can be seen in the Information tab via the System Status interface [12].

Figure 8: Under System Status > Information > Interfaces the status of ZuniExtract is visible.

System Status for ZuniExtract

Article Update: Version 1.11.1 01/2022

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