Published: 28.01.2019
1. Overview
1.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
The new Plug-in version can also be installed for Adobe Illustrator CC 2019.
For version we have updated the Spot Color Management panel.
1.2. Impose Editor
For version 1.7.2 the design of the Impose Editor has been overhauled, now all Impose Modes and their respective UIs are visually consistent.
New and existing Nesting options have been implemented and/or revised:
- All Print items are used automatically when Imposing
- Print Item rotation has been implemented
- Adding additional space for rotated Print Items has been implemented
- The option to repeat one Print Item per column
- Fill up Sheet (allow overproduction)
New and existing Step & Repeat functions have been implemented and/or revised:
- Improved Vertical Alignment
- Marks per Row can now be added
- Fill up Sheet (allow overproduction)
We have implemented a Crop Tool which is available in Manual Mode. This is a separate tool in the toolbar.
Bring to Foreground / Background
You can change the Z-Order of placed Print Items, either to the foreground or background in Manual Mode. This new function is located in the Transformation panel.
Similar to the rule-based mode Trim to Height/Width function, Sheet Height and Width can now be trimmed in Manual Mode.
In Manual Mode, Print Items are now Imposed based on their Bleed.
New Mark properties, such as Stroke and Color - can now be defined.
1.3. New functions in the Workflow
The way in which Inks are configured and applied has been redesigned in this version of the Workflow. Commonly used Inks are now automatically created in the Workflow.
The following new functions have been added and/or improved when Profiling:
- Manual Positioning has been implemented for Barbieri measurement devices
- Real-time preview of the measurement process
- Delete Color Policies/Profiles
- Add White to the background/foreground when printing Profile Charts
Further functions have been added to improve Cutter performance and functions:
1.4. General Improvements
In this version, Orders and Production Jobs can be generated from existing Collections. The Article upload function has also been improved.
In the Settings, you can select how many decimal places are to be displayed system-wide as well as which decimal point separation should be used.
When creating a Color Configuration for a Printer, colors can be added and edited simultaneously in one dialog. The Print configuration has been revised so that the necessary parameters for the Printer are automatically defined.
Multiple Orders can now be exported and downloaded simultaneously. We have also changed the naming scheme for data that has been exported.
In the Print Item view, a loupe function was implemented again in order to analyse data more precisely. Under the Order menu, we have added a drag and drop zone for quickly uploading Print Items, similar to the Article upload feature.
The user can now select a Cutting device as well as choose a Rendering Intent.
In the Send to Printer dialog both Imposed and Non-Imposed Jobs can be Scaled directly in the dialog. We've also added the ability to apply Substrate distortion to a Print Item without first being Imposed.
1.5. Fixed bugs & minor details
A list of fixed bugs in the Workflow.
A list of fixed bugs in the Impose Editor
A list of fixed bugs in the Illustrator Plug-In
2.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in compatibility
If you are using version 1.7.2 of the Workflow, Plug-in version must be installed. If you are using an older version, you will be notified when logging in.
The following versions of Adobe Illustrator are supported:
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 |
Mac OSX |
Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Windows |
Windows 7 mit Service Pack 1, Windows 8.1 oder Windows 10 |
Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 |
Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 |
Supports | Plug-in Version |
Plug-in Version und Plug-in Version |
Plug-in Version |
Current version not available for older Illustrator versions
Please note that Plug-in version can only be installed for Adobe Illustrator 2018 and Adobe Illustrator 2019. Adobe Illustrator 2017 and 2015.3 can still be used with Plug-in version 1.7.026.
2.2. Manage Spot Colors
The new Plug-in version contains a new feature besides being compatible with Adobe Illustrator CC 2019. In the course of this release the Manage Spot Colors Panel has been redesigned. All Spot Colors contained in a Print document are displayed in this panel. The Spot Color Management panel displays almost identical properties to those displayed in the Spot Color definition dialog in the Workflow.
- Color preview: Displays the Spot Color contained in the document. By hovering over the color, the color values are displayed.
- Name: Displays the name of the Spot Color
- T: »T« stands for Technical Color. A (√) in this column indicates whether this is recognised as a Technical Color in the Workflow. A (-) indicates that this Spot Color will be printed.
- Origin: Indicates the level at which the Spot Color is defined.
- O: »O« stands for Output as Separation. A (√) in this column indicates that this specific Spot Color will be Output as a separation.
- to: Specifies the Process Color to which this Spot Color was mapped if »O« was set.
- I: "I" stands for Inverted. Specifies whether the color selected under the »to« column should be output as inverted.
Figure 1: The Manage Spot Colors panel of the Plug-in

The following settings are available under the list of Spot Colors:
Origin: Here the desired Origin of the Spot Color can be defined. Only those values can be selected that are available in the Workflow and have already been mapped to the Spot Color.
The Auto Origin is new here. This setting tries to map the Spot Color automatically. If, for example, White is created in the Plug-in, the mapping should take place automatically when checking-in to the Workflow based on System-wide defined Spot Colors. - Technical Color: Each Spot Color can be marked as a Technical Color with this function, as long as the Origin is the Print Item itself. The Print Item Origin can only be assigned for newly created Spot Colors in the Plug-in, unless the color has specifically been set to that Origin in the Workflow.
- Output as Separation: With this function, each Spot Color can be output as a separation, provided that the Origin is the Print Item. The Print Item Origin can only be assigned for newly created Spot Colors in the Plug-in, unless the color has already been set to this Origin in the Workflow.
- Invert Separation: This option can only be selected if a Spot Color is output as a separation.
4.1. All Inks
With Release 1.7.1, all Inks used for each Process Color had to be created for each new printer system. With Release 1.7.2, Durst printers are delivered with all Inks predefined in the system and are displayed under the Setup tab [54]. When installing a new printer, only the necessary inks used in the Workflow have to be defined under the Mapping tab [55]. These two tabs are explained in further detail below.
Figure 14: The redesigned All Inks settings in version 1.7.2.
The Setup tab contains all process colors defined in the system [56]. If necessary, new process colors can be created, edited and deleted under the Available Process Colors panel. Furthermore, all available inks are located in this tab. These inks are automatically created by the Workflow and cannot be edited or deleted.
If other inks are needed, they must be created. The following steps explain how to create new inks and how the imported inks are structured:
- To create a new ink, switch to the menu item under Administration > Ink > All inks [54].
- In the Ink Families [58] area, a new Ink Family must first be created via the New button [57]
- Enter at least one Name [60] of the Ink Family, the Segment [61] and the Manufacturer [62].
- For all Colors [63] that are to be added to the Ink Family, select the Checkbox [64] next to it.
- For each color, select a Ink Name [65] and an Order Code [66], if applicable.
- Clicking on Save [67] creates the Ink Family and all defined Inks in the system.
- The third panel, Inks [59], contains all applied Inks for the selected Ink Family.
- Here each Ink can be edited and deleted separately.
- New Inks can also be created individually for an existing Ink Family using the +New button [57].
Figure 15: The Add Ink Family dialog can be used to create a new Ink Family with the necessary Colors.

The Color column [63] lists all process colors defined in the system.
The Mapping tab [67] contains Inks that are currently used in the Workflow. After updating to this release, under the Ink Families Used Migrated entry [68] is automatically created, containing existing Inks and their properties. This tab will be empty if the installation is new.
When a new Printer is to be created, the user must first decide which Inks should be used. If the desired Inks are already in the Setup tab, they only need to be added to the Inks Used panel. This procedure is described in the following paragraphs.
Figure 16: The Mapping tab in All Inks
- To apply an Ink, switch to the menu item Administration > All Inks > Mapping [67].
- Under the Ink Families Used panel [69], Ink Families and their Inks can be created using the +New button [70].
- Select the desired Ink Family from the Create a new Ink Family [73] drop-down list.
When you select a family, the colors available for that family are displayed below it. - Select all Colors [74] used in the Workflow
- Clicking on Save [75] will create the selected Ink Family with the selected Inks.
Figure 17: The Create a new Ink Family dialog

The second panel, Inks Used [71] (see Figure 16), contains all Inks used for the selected Ink Family. They can be edited and deleted as necessary.
In the third panel, Ink Costs [72] (see Figure 16), all defined Ink Costs for all Inks Used. A distinction is made between Default Costs and Customer-specific Costs. A default price of "0" is automatically set when an Ink is first created. This value can be changed using the Edit button (deleting Default Costs is not allowed). The +New button can be used to create a Customer-specific Cost.
In this list [74] you have access to all Inks defined in the system, which were created either automatically or manually under Inks Used.
Before 1.7.2, Drop Size had to be specified by the user for Inks. From now on, these will be automatically defined by the Workflow as soon as the Printer setup is complete. Drop Size can only be changed - if necessary - by a service technician.
4.2. Color Setup Improvements
4.2.1. Manual Positioning of a Measurement Device
In the course of this release, we've implemented manual positioning of certain measurement devices. Automatic positioning is still available, but can be problematic with certain Substrates and Print processes. If automatic positioning does not work, manual positioning can be used. We support manual positioning for the following devices:
- Barbieri LFP
- Barbieri LFPqb
- Barbieri Swing
All measurement devices have an indication whether manual positioning is permitted. This setting (when available) is located in the following area:
- Select the menu item under Administration > Measurement Devices
- Select or create a measurement device [76] under the Device panel that supports manual positioning.
- Select the automatically generated Parameter Set [77] or create a new one.
- Under the Parameters panel [78] you will find the option "Manual Positioning" [79].
Figure 18: The Measurement Devices settings where the user can select "Manual Positioning" under the Parameters panel
The manual positioning function can be selected within any measurement dialog with the exception of the Pre-Linearization step:
- Switch to the menu item Color > Color Setup.
- Create a new profile or open an existing one.
In each available Calibration Chart Measurement step a Manual Positioning button is provided below the Measure Page 1 button. If the selected measurement device does not support this function, the button is deactivated.
- Click on the Manual Positioning button and follow the instructions in the Manual Positioning dialog [80].
- Use the arrows in the [81] dialog to navigate to the first Reference Point.
It may need be clicked several times to reach the desired reference point.
- By pressing the Set Reference Point button [82] the first point can be scanned and the next reference point can be located.
- As soon as the second Reference Point has been scanned, you can navigate to the third point.
- After all Reference Points have been scanned successfully, the Calibration Chart is automatically scanned in it's entirety.
Figure 19: The Manual Positioning dialog

Measured Reference Points are labeled with numbers in the Calibration Chart. For the Barbieri Swing the numbers are printed in Cyan. For Barbieri LFP devices the numbers are printed in Magenta.
4.2.2. Real-time previews when measuring Calibration Charts
In this release, we have improved the visualisation of the measurement progress. In the previous release, only measurement progress and the current position of the measuring device was displayed. Color patches are now displayed visually in real time during the measurement process which better optimised trouble shooting when errors occur during measurement. To add further clarity, each patch is divided into two areas:
- The upper half [83] shows the current measurement
- In the lower half [84] the reference color is displayed (this color can deviate - mostly Gamut Expanding & light colors - due to differences in Inks).
The displayed measurement fields are not saved, i.e. the color preview disappears when the Measure Profile Chart dialog is opened again. If several pages are measured, the previously measured page is reset and the new page to be measured is displayed.
Figure 20: The Measure Profile dialog with real-time color previews
4.2.3. Delete Color Setups/Profiles
Before Release 1.7.2, Color Policies could only be deleted in the Profile overview. In the profiling step Profile > Calculate Substrate Profiles dialog [85], existing profiles could no longer be assigned to a Color Policy, thus leading to confusion.
With this update we are able to delete Color Policies in the Profile overview. The corresponding Profile in the Calculate Substrate Profiles dialog [85] is marked as "Color Policy not Calculated yet" [87] and can be recalculated when necessary. Complete Profiles are marked with a green check mark and when hovered over shows the CMYK Separation Template ID, for example "Best Match" [86].
If a Color Profile is deleted from the Calculate Substrate Profile dialog [88], the entire Color Profile is also removed from the Profile overview and from the system.
Figure 21: The Calculate Substrate Profiles dialog in the Profiling step Profile
4.2.4. Add White Background/Foreground
This feature which is familiar from previous versions, offers the possibility to Add White to the Background [89] for Calibration Charts. Depending on the Printing System, a second option was added which adds and renders a White Foreground [90]. Creating a White Foreground and Background creates separate outputs for each option.
- If the option Add White Background is selected, a White separation is generated with the file extension "_w" for TAU Printers or "_s1" for RHO Printers.
- If the option Add White Foreground is selected, a White separation with the file extension "_s2" is generated for RHO Printers.
- Its important to note that both options cannot be activated at the same time.
These two functions can be selected in all Calibration Chart dialogs.
Activating one of these two functions "White Background" and "White Foreground" only makes sense if the Process Colors "White" and/or "White Over" are added to the system.
Figure 22: The Print Calibration Charts dialog under the Profile step when creating a Color Setup.
4.3. Cutter Devices
4.3.1. Barcodes with Text
A new Cutter feature has been implemented for the Zünd and Bullmer Cutters where the user can include text with the generation of barcodes. When this option is selected, text will be included below the barcode. Follow these steps to activate or deactivate this function:
- Navigate to the menu item under Administration > Cutter Devices
- Create a Zünd and/or Bullmer Cutter, or select an existing one [91].
- Then select a Parameter Set under the Parameter Sets panel [92] or create a new set.
- Under the Parameters panel [93] you'll see the option "Show Barcode Text" [94].
- This parameter can either be activated (true) or deactivated (false) using the Edit button [95].
- Select your desired Cutter in the Send to Printer dialog.
- The barcode text will be visible below all barcodes.
Figure 23: Adding text to the Bullmer or Zünd Cutters using the "Show Barcode Text" option
4.3.2. Using a Cutter without Imposing
Prior to 1.7.2, all Production Jobs that required a Cut File had to be Imposed with a defined Substrate Definition and Impose Specification.
With the release of 1.7.2, a Cutting device can be selected and rendered without creating an Imposition beforehand. Within the Send to Printer dialog, a Cutter and its Parameter Set can be selected, without Imposing first. When you select a Cutter in the Send to Printer dialog, the Imposition is automatically created in the background and the user can see a preview of the output directly in the Send to Printer dialog. The process of sending data to the printer can be carried out as normal.
If a Production Job contains several motifs, and they must be transferred separately to the Printer and Cutter, the previous Imposition must be deleted between each render process.
5.1. Articles
5.1.1. Collections
In the Workflow, Collections can contain multiple Articles. We have created a new feature where the user can create Orders and Production Jobs directly from a Collection. We offer two different solutions:
- The user can create an Order or a Production Job from a complete Collection.
- The user can also create an Order or Production Job from specific Articles within a Collection.
We explore these two options in further detail below.
Figure 24: The Workflow now offers the possibility to create Orders and/or Jobs from the list of Collections
Create an Order in the Collection List:
- Navigate to the menu item Article View > Collection List
- Select an unopened Collection [96] or an Article contained in a Collection
- Select Create Order under the Process drop-down button [97].
A familiar dialog [99] will open.
- Fill in all mandatory fields and click on Save to close the dialog and create an Order.
All internal and external IDs are automatically listed under the Order Item tab in the Comments section.
The Print Item tab [100] contains all selected Articles contained in the Collection. The number of Copies [101] can be entered or changed here.
Figure 25: Creating an Order using the Create Order Process in the Collection List.

Create a Production Job in the Collection List:
- Navigate to the menu item Article View > Collection List
- Select an unopened Collection [96] (see Figure 24) or an Article contained in a Collection
- Click on the Process button to select Create Production Job in the drop-down menu [98] (see Figure 24).
- The Create Production Job dialog opens [102].
- Fill in all mandatory fields and click on Save to close the dialog and create a Production Job.
- The number of Copies [103] can be entered or changed here
- The user can check the Split in Separate Jobs checkbox [104] to create individual Production Jobs.
Figure 26: Creating a Production Job using the Create Production Job Process in the Collection List.
5.1.2. Uploading Articles
Starting with version 1.7.0 we added a new drop zone for uploading Articles. When uploading large files using this feature, it was difficult to see when the upload process was finished.
For this reason, we have extended this feature to show how long it takes for the file(s) to be fully uploaded to the server. If files are stored in the drop zone, an information file is uploaded to the server during the copy process [105].
As soon as the process is complete, the information disappears and the preflight starts. During this time, current activities will also be displayed in the Workflow.
Figure 27: The drop zone displays the upload status as files are uploaded.

5.2. User Defined Units
Based on Customer feedback we have improved the formatting of units in the Workflow. Prior to Release 1.7.2, all numbers and units in the system were displayed with two decimal places. In the Impose Editor, however, three decimal places were displayed.
In Release 1.7.2, we have implemented a global system-wide setting that allows you to define how many decimal places should be displayed throughout the Workflow. In addition to the number of decimal places, you can also define whether a dot or comma should be used as a separator. Changes can be made as follows:
- Navigate to the menu item Administration > Settings
- Under the General tab you find the option Display Options [106] as well as Unit Format [107].
- With the drop-down, you can select between two and four decimal places.
- The desired comma separation (comma or dot) can also be defined.
- After saving your Settings changes, all dimensions and units in the system should display this format
Figure 28: Under Display Options the user can change the amount of decimal places that are globally displayed in the Workflow
5.3. Improvements when creating a new Printer
5.3.1. Creating a new Color Configuration
In previous versions of the Workflow, each applied Color had to be created individually with the corresponding Ink in the Create Color Configuration dialog of a printer.
In Release 1.7.2 this function has been revised so that all Colors and Inks can be added to the printer at the same time. This function has changed the Create Color Configuration dialog and looks like this:
- Navigate to the menu item Administration > Printer Setup
- Create a new Printer using the +New button in the action bar
- Open the Printer.
The areas Color Configuration, Channel Configuration and Print Configuration should be empty.
- Under the Color Configuration panel, you can add Colors to the Printer using the +New button in the footer.
- Select the Preferred Ink Family [108]
In this list, all Ink Families are displayed which were created under All Inks (see section 3.1).
- Select all necessary Colors [109]
The colors Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black are automatically preselected. A complete list of all Process Colors created in the system can be selected for each Color. If all selected Colors find a corresponding Ink for the selected Ink Family, they are automatically selected.
- When necessary, you can manually adjust the Ink Family [110] and the associated Ink Name [111] if they are not automatically linked.
- The Host [112] and Destination directory [113] can only be selected if you are using a TAU Printing system.
- The Separation Suffix [114] can be left blank, as the Workflow will automatically detect it in most cases.
- Save [115] This dialog allows you to Save all selected Colors to the printer.
Once the Color Configuration has been successfully created, the +New button in the footer of the Color Configuration dialog is disabled.
The Edit button can be used to adjust the Color Configuration as needed.
To remove existing Inks, use the Delete button in the footer of the Ink Configuration area.
If the printer contains the Process Color White Over, this color must be entered in the separation suffix as s2.
After saving, a standard CMYK color sequence is automatically created - all other color configurations must be added manually in order to use them.
Figure 29: The Add Color Configuration dialog for adding Process Colors
5.3.2. Adding a Printer Configuration
To avoid incorrect print configurations, the Add Printer Configuration dialog has also been improved. When creating a Printer Configuration and selecting a Parameter Set, the following parameters are automatically defined:
- Print Mode – Defined along with the selected Parameter Set
- X & Y Resolution – Defined along with the selected Parameter Set
- Render Engine (from Release 1.7.2) – Harlequin Host Renderer, if licensed
- Dither Mode (from Release 1.7.2) – Currently Dither mode AIS
- Bit Count (from Release 1.7.2) – Defined along with the selected Parameter Set
- Drop sizes - Per Color or Print Configuration (as of Release 1.7.2) - Defined along with the selected Parameter Set
All other options can be activated or deactivated manually. However, we recommended creating a separate Print Configuration for each combination, which is profile-dependent, the reason being you can achieve more consistent printing results this way.
To ensure that all parameters are successfully created, a valid Printer Type must have been selected for that Printer. If the user sees no error message in the Printer Configuration dialog, then the correct Printer Type has been selected.
5.4. Exporting Data
Production Job
As of 1.7.2, the user can batch Export multiple Production Jobs, e.g. for archiving. Each exported Production Job will be downloaded as a separate .zip file. The name of the exported Production Job contains the name of the Production Job plus the internal ID of the Production Job plus the current Date and/or Time Stamp.
- Example:
As of 1.7.2, the current name of the selected Color Setup is used in the exported .zip file. The name of the exported profile contains the name of the Color Setup plus the internal ID of the Color Setup plus the current Date and/or Time Stamp.
- Example:
When exporting a Production Job or a Color Setup, spaces and special characters are replaced with an "_". The user can use the internal ID to create unique files which will avoid duplicating, overwriting of files. The Date and/or Time Stamp provides information as to when the data was exported.
5.5. Print Item view
5.5.1. Loupe feature
We originally implemented the Loupe feature with version 1.5 for Orders and Production Jobs. We now offer an upgraded version of the Loupe with the release of version 1.7.2.
We decided to reimplement this feature due to Customer requests and the necessity to access more accurate previews in the Workflow. The Loupe [116] is activated as soon as the mouse is hovered over the motif lightbox. By scrolling while the loupe is displayed, the magnification factor can be changed.
The loupe function is now available for Articles, Orders and Production Jobs.
Figure 30: The loupe function when hovered over the motif lightbox.

5.5.2. Uploading Print Items using the drag and drop area in an Order
We've also implemented an existing feature for uploading Print Items that was available for Articles. The drop-zone is now available for Orders.
When an Order is opened, a drop-zone [117] appears next to the Print Item list, where further Print Items can be added to the respective Order Item.
The Settings as well as the Output Configuration (Contact Person, Delivery Address, Delivery Date, Substrate, Definition, Substrate, incl. Color Policies) are adopted from the existing Order Item [118]. This makes it possible to quickly add additional Print Items without having to fill in additional information.
Figure 31: The Print Item view of an Order
5.6. Force Print
5.6.1. Cutter Devices
With the new release we've implemented using Cutters without creating an Imposition first, Cutters can also be leveraged in both Force Print and Hotfolders without first Imposing. Motifs can be uploaded and sent directly to the Printer and Cutter.
When rendering directly to the printer, the Imposition is automatically created in the background and all necessary Marks are generated as well. The Impose data is automatically prepared for a Production Job and can be edited or deleted in the Impose Editor or in the Send to Printer dialog.
5.6.2. Rendering Intents
Rendering Intents can now be directly selected in Force Print. It is important to note that Rendering Intents are only available if the selected Printer Configuration uses the Harlequin Host Renderer. If a Print Configuration uses the default rendering engine, this option will be disabled.
5.7. Send to Printer
5.7.1. Substrate Distortion
Substrates also have a new feature where the X and Y distortion can be defined and saved directly in the Substrate Definition. All Production Jobs that have distortion applied in the Substrate Definition will be distorted. Up until this release, this function was only possible by creating an Imposition first. X and Y distortion can also be applied if a Production Job is not Imposed.
5.7.2. Scaling
Applying a Scale Factor in the Send to Printer dialog was only possible when a Production Job was Imposed. As of this release, the user can now Scale Production Jobs that are not Impsoed. We provide two different options to change the Scale:
- Specify a Scale Factor [119] for the X and Y Values with a percentage value.
- Size [120] can be defined for the X and Y Values by changing the size based on the user defined units, in this case we are using millimeters.
The Scale Factor or the Size are saved in this dialog and are displayed as previously defined when the dialog is opened again.
Figure 32: The Scaling function available the Send to Printer dialog
6.1. Workflow
HHR Version 12.2: Significant performance increases due to an update from Global Graphics (particularly with static Production Jobs)
Callas PDF ToolBox Version 10.1.487.0: Improved performance when creating Jobs with Lead-in/out. (Spot Color extraction)
Perceptual Chroma Compression: Perceptual Chroma Compression was being applied incorrectly. This bug has been fixed (DW-938)
Rotating in Send to Printer dialog: When rotating in the Send to Printer dialog the Bleed is now rendered correctly (DW-936)
Uploading Preflight Profiles: Uploaded Preflight profiles are now displayed immediately after uploading (DW-933)
Deleting Calculate Substrate Profiles: Deleting all Color Policies from the Calculate Substrate Profiles dialog caused a Stacktrace error (DW-898)
Tiff Data: The user can now upload a folder that contains Tiff data for Articles (DW-876)
Cutter Marks and DieLines in connection with scaling: Cutter Marks and DieLines were not correctly rendered a Production Job was scaled. (DW-830 & DW-828)
Create Production Job: All mandetory fields when creating a Production Job are now correctly labeled (DW-829)
Rotating in the Send to Printer dialog uses wrong Box for output: The correct BleedBox is now being sent to the printer and displayed correctly in the output (DW-818 & DW-816)
Rotating 1800: In the Send to Printer dialog the Print Item can now be correctly rotated 1800 (DW-769)
Send to Printer dialog - Production Info: The correct number of pages is now being calculated for Imposed Jobs (DW-754)
Delete Article: If an Print Item used in a Production Job is deleted, the Production Job is also deleted. (DW-749)
Chart Measurement dialog: Additional Chart Measurement dialogs can be opened in the Workflow when a Measurement Chart is currently being measrured (DW-745)
Edit Multple Production Jobs: Internal IDs were added to Impose Templates (DW-720)
DeviceN Color Correction: A DeviceN color correction can only be selected when a CMYK Color Policy is used (DW-692)
Imposition over 50 meters in length: An Imposition longer than 50 meters can now be created (DW-695).
AE files: AE files can be successfully transferred to the Printer (DW-761)
Print configuration: A tooltip has now been added for describing the various Dithering Modes available (DW-597)
Production Jobs: Apply Impositions to multiple Production Jobs in the edit dialog (DW-552)
Inprints without Impose: Inprints can be added in the Send to Printer dialog without Imposing Print Items first (Dw-546)
Ink Cost Calculation: Variable Drop Sizes and Backlit settings are now correctly calculated (DW-140)
Scaling in the Send to Printer dialog: The scaling function in the Send to Printer dialog has been revised and also works without Imposing (DW-506)
6.2. Impose Editor
Duplicate motifs: Motifs can be correctly duplicated in Manual Impose Mode with the ALT Key (IMPOSE-428)
Switching Impose Mode: When switching between Impose Modes, the standard Impose Template is now automatically selected (IMPOSE-416)
Manual Impose Mode: In Manual Mode, the ability to select an Impose tempalte has been removed (IMPOSE-414)
Sheet Marks: Marks added to the Sheet Configuration were missing after saving and closing and then reopening the Imposition (IMPOSE-375)
Moving items in Manual Mode: In certain cases motifs could only be moved up or down in Manual Mode (IMPOSE-366)
Imposition over 10 meters in length: Creating an imposition over 10 meters in height was automatically trimmed at 10 meters. This bug has been fixed (IMPOSE-310)
Crop Marks: Crop Marks have been moved to the Marks drop-down menu under the Marks tab (IMPOSE-165)
6.3. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
AI Plugin for MAC: All drop-down lists in the Plug-in were not displaying text correctly in the search field (PXT-724)
Static Barcode background color: The background color of a Static barcode is now being displayed correctly in AI (PXT-722)
Layers in AI not correct: When checking in a Print Item with VDP from Illustrator to the Workflow the ordering of layers in the document were changed (PXT-721)
VDP Text: When creating a VDP Text in Illustrator, the render result in the Workflow showed text elements moving (PXT-703).
Deleted Articles: Deleted articles were visible under the Articles panel in the Plug-in (PXT-701)
VDP Shapes: After creating a VDP Shape in Illustrator and changing the Bleed values in the Set Geometry panel, the shape was distorted. This bug has been fixed (PXT-690)
6.4. Hot Fixes
Cutters without being Imposed: Marks were generated despite being deactivated (new version:
Ink costs: Migration of drop sizes particularly for TAU printing systems & variable drop sizes (New version:
Hotfolder with Imposition: Imposed Hotfolder Jobs with fixed number of columns was causing problems (new version:
Drop Size Rest API: Droplet Size had to be changed via REST API call. (New version: