Published: 22.05.2020
In this article you can find out which
- New Features are available
- Which Improvements have been implemented
- Bug Fixes are included with the release of version 1.7.7
This article can also be downloaded as a PDF. The release notes from previous versions can be downloaded from the archive.
Important information regarding updating the Workflow
Updating to version 1.7.7 should be done in two steps.
- Download the installer »PG-Migrate-06.04.2020.exe« and start the installation. Starting the installation will migrate the Workflow database so that updating to version 1.7.7 can be performed correctly. Please note that the installation may take considerable time (~1 hour). Make sure to plan enough time for the database migration.
- Download the installer »DW_Release1.7.7-Setup.exe« and run the installation, which will carry out the update to version 1.7.7.
Both installation files are available for download under
- PG-Migrate-06.04.2020.exe (For the database migration)
- DW_Release1.7.7-Setup.exe (Contains the Workflow update package)
If step 1 (migrating the database) is not carried out, the migration will still be performed when the 1.7.7 update is installed. However, the update may take some time to complete.
1. Overview
With version 1.7.7, we've implemented several new features in the Impose Editor, automated processing of Production Jobs and automated data correction (Fixups). We've also added improvements in the areas of Color Management and in the processing and output of print data.
Below you'll find an overview of all recent updates and changes. A detailed description is then written for New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes.
1.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-In
The following new features and improvements are available with Plug-In version
Adobe Illustrator 2020 Compatibility – The new Plug-In version can be installed and used for Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 starting with version 1.7.7.
Support for Data-Matrix Barcodes – Up until recently, Data-Matrix Barcodes could only be created quadratically. Starting with this version, Data-Matrix Barcodes can also be created using a predefined width and height ratio. A wide range of predefined sizes can be selected in the Plug-In now.
1.2. New Features
The following new features are available with version 1.7.7 of the Workflow:
Impose Editor: In version 1.7.7, features that were newly implemented in 1.7.6 are available with either extended or an improved range of functions now. The following areas of the Impose Editor have been affected:
- File Manager – The File Manager has also been enhanced in this version. In addition to accessing both single uploaded files or Articles, the File Manager now offers access to files in both Orders and Production Jobs. Print Items that have been previously imposed are now marked with a symbol to distinguish them from Print Items that have not yet been imposed.
- Scaling Print Items in rule-based Impose Modes – Scaling Print Items in rule-based Impose Modes such as Step & Repeat and Nesting can now be applied to individual Print Items adjusting both Width and Height proportionally and unproportionally.
- Impose Validation – Starting with this version, the status of the imposition is checked in real time. Any information such as: warnings and/or errors are displayed in a separate tab.
- Lines and Captions – Printing Lines can be added in any Impose Mode starting with this version. Captions can also be created on several pages simultaneously.
- Rotating Marks, Lines, Grommets and Captions with the Print Item – A new feature has been implemented for all types of Marks, Lines, Grommets and Captions, which allows you to decide whether these elements are rotated with the Print Items or remain on a fixed position.
- Performance Improvements – This release also includes some performance improvements when placing Print Items. Larger print files are now handled more fluidly.
- Improvements to the footer – In the footer of the Impose Editor, symbols have been adapted to the term used and reduced only to the essential items. The values displayed correspond to the actual values applied in the imposition.
»Step & Repeat« Improvements: Improvements have also been implemented in Step & Repeat Mode. The following improvements are available in version 1.7.7:
- Pattern – The Pattern function has been revised. From this version on, seamless Patterns can be created, which speeds up the printing process for customers who use the Pattern function.
- Same Print Item per Column – Now all columns are filled with only one type of Print Item per column.
- Head Turn – A new mode has been added »Head Turn per Row and Column« to the Head Turn sub-panel.
»Nesting« Mode Improvements: Improvements have also been implemented in Nesting Mode. The following improvements are available with version 1.7.7:
- Additions to the User Interface – The User Interface has been adapted when creating a Nesting with Print Items of the same dimensions and for Nesting with Print Items of different dimensions. Starting with this version, the Nesting Options various selection menus.
New rules for placing Print Items – In the Nesting Optionssub-panel, four selection menus are available:
- Orientation: Print Items can be placed either in Horizontal or Vertical orientation (default is Horizontal).
- Arrange: The Print items in the imposition can be grouped together in terms of the number of copies (default), placed considering the Print Item sequence or using only one Print Item per column.
- Filling: The following Fill modes are available: keep exact ratio of copies, Allow Overproduction and Force number of copies.
- Rotation: You can choose between: Non-Uniform Rotation, Uniform Rotation, 0° Rotation or 90° Rotation.
- Improved Utilization – The new utilization algorithm allows for reduced Substrate consumption combined with an improved utilization ratio.
»Tiling« Mode Improvements – Tiling Mode has also been expanded and improved in this version. The following new features are available with this version:
- A new »one size fits all« mode – Starting with this version, a new Tiling mode is available, which creates tiles that have exactly the same size. The area of the Printed Overlap per tile is calculated on the basis of a defined Overlap, so that each tile is ultimately the same size.
»Manual« Mode Improvements: From version 1.7.7 on, additional features are now available:
- Use Column and Row Alignment – The Alignment sub-panel includes the new »Use Column and Row Alignment« function, which allows you to arrange placed Print Items in Columns and Rows.
- Ordering in the Grid Tool – In the Grid Tool the order in which Print Items are filled can be preselected now. You can choose between eight different options.
ImageBox: In this version two new Boxes called the ImageBox and ImageBox + Bleed were introduced:
- Definition of terms – The ImageBox can be set to any box (page geometry) in the PDF and ultimately reflects the visual format of the print product. In addition to the ImageBox, an Expected Bleed, which is necessary for production, can be set per document page. The size of this box is called ImageBox + Bleed which equates to the production format of the print product.
- System Settings – The PDF page geometry, which should be used as the ImageBox by default, can be defined globally in the System Settings. The Expected Bleed for the print file can also be set globally.
- Check-in adjustments - PDF page geometry is no longer corrected when Print Items are uploaded in the Workflow. All boxes are displayed as they actually appear in the PDF after uploading. By setting the desired ImageBox and the Expected Bleed, the visual format and the production format can be set globally.
- Print Item Detail View – In the detail view of a Print Item, PDF boxes for the Print Item can now be displayed. The preview shows the current ImageBox and the Expected Bleed by default. The visual or production format can be adjusted by the user based on the Print Item.
- Impose Editor – The Impose Editor uses the ImageBox for imposing Print Items. For example, if the ImageBox is placed on the BleedBox of the PDF, the Impose Editor will use the BleedBox to place and align Print Items.
Hotfolders: In version 1.7.7 the Hotfolder menu item has been completely revised. The User Interface has been adapted and an additional type of Hotfolder has been introduced, which allows automatic Nesting.
- Changes in the working methods – The user interface has been completely revised. The Hotfolder sublists have been replaced by a list of all Hotfolders and we've added a Hotfolder detail view when the Hotfolder is double clicked. To edit Hotfolder settings, it must be "paused" first. When configuring a Hotfolder, an additional tab called "Impose" has been added, where among other things the Auto Nesting options for imposing can be selected.
- Hotfolder Types – With version 1.7.7 there are two different types of Hotfolders. The standard Hotfolder covers the normal range of functions that were available with previous versions of the Workflow. The Automatic type for Nesting is brand new in version 1.7.7. The two types have slightly different user interfaces.
- Auto Nesting Functions – With the option Auto Nesting, Nesting impositions are created automatically one after the other. This mode has two options which dictate how the Nesting is created: degree of utilization (defined as a percentage) or time elapsed.
Fixup Chains: In Release 1.7.7, existing data corrections can be sequenced and stored in a correction chain. These correction chains can be applied at different points in the next step.
- Creating a Fixup Chain – When creating Fixup Chains, an unlimited number of Fixups can be can be stacked together and individual options for each Fixup can be set. After saving the Fixup Chain, they are available throughout the system.
- Applying Fixup Chains – Fixup Chains can be automatically applied in the menu items Force Print and Hotfolders when uploading data into the Workflow. In the Print Item or Article detail view, Fixup Chains can also be applied to individual or multiple Print Items/Articles. Fixup Chains are also available via the Rest-API.
User Unit (Scale factor): Starting with version 1.7.7, a scaling factor such as: 1:1, 1:2, 1:5 and 1:10, can be applied during and after uploading Print Items. This allows the user to process print files in their original size directly in the Workflow.
- Apply Scaling factor in a Hotfolder – When configuring a Hotfolder, you can define whether a scaling factor should be applied when uploading print files.
- Apply Scaling factor in Force Print – In Force Print you can define the scaling factor per print file or change the scaling factor for all items in the upload list.
- Apply Scaling factor to a Print Item – Even after uploading Print Items, the scaling factor can still be applied by applying a Fixup Chain to single items or in bulk.
Fotoba Cutter – Fotoba's Digitrim, WR-Series, XL-Series cutters can be controlled with this version. The Cutting Device you select determines the default parameter settings for the generated Cut Marks. Mark Settings can be customized and saved for further use.
Fixups: Existing Fixups have been improved in their handling and certain functions has been extended or improved. Additional Fixup options have been added.
- Create Bleed on Irregular Shape – Previously, you could only add a Bleed to quadratic shapes. This Fixup allows a Bleed to be added to an irregularly shaped Dieline by repeating pixels. Pixel selection is determined by specifying an Offset. If Spot Colors are used in the Print Item, slight variances in the color output for the Bleed may occur.
- Set Scale Factor – By setting the scaling factor e.g.: 10 (user unit entry) the effective size of the page will be increased by 10 times. The page scaling factor allows you to define pages larger than 5.2 x 5.2 meters (200 inches).
- Add Edge Reinforcement – The print file can be enlarged as needed by adding an additional blank areas on each page. This is calculated using the TrimBox and the production format is created as a Bleed in the PDF.
- Rename a Spot Color – Individual Spot Colors can be renamed using this Fixup.
- Redraw Dieline of the TrimBox – Removes an existing Dieline and adds a new Dieline based on the TrimBox dimensions.
- Derive a Dieline from Spot Color – Creates a Dieline by tracing Spot Color vector objects in the PDF.
- Downsample and/or Compress Images – Allows file sizes to be reduced by changing the resolution or compressing the image.
Improvements to existing Fixups
- Create Bleed by Mirroring – When applying this Fixup, all technical colors in the PDF are automatically ignored and therefore not mirrored.
- Rotate and/or Mirror Page – Files can now be either rotated and/or mirrored.
- Convert Registration Color– Objects which use Registration Black can now be converted to a Spot Color called Separation Black.
Add Finishing – This Fixup has been enhanced with the following functions:
- Scaling based on a percentage or based on a dimension by specifying the desired short or long side of the document.
- Add Welding lines, lines are generated as Spot Color using the defined color values.
- Add Bleed by selecting the desired method.
- Remove existing Bleed in the document.
- Add a Dieline from the Center – A separate dialog was developed for this Fixup.
Color Management: Further improvements have also been made in color management in this version. The improvements concern Pre-Linearization, Linearization, Spot Color conversion and Re-Profiling.
- Improvements to the Pre-Linearization step – When calculating the Pre-Linearization, light colors are omitted from the Pre-Linearization calculation.
- Improvements to the Linearization step – A new method for calculating the maximum chroma value has been developed. The G7 Linearization can now also be used for gamut-extending color spaces. The G7 Linearization charts are now available for all supported Measurement Devices.
- Definition of BlackStart for Spot Colors – When calculating Color Policies, the BlackStart for Spot Colors can now also be defined. When a higher BlackStart value is entered, less black ink is used for color build up for Spot Colors. Graininess can also be adjusted for Spot Colors.
- Re-profiling step – Previously, Re-profiling could only be printed and calibrated. Afterwards it was possible to analyse how the DeltaE values changed over time. With version 1.7.7, the Re-profiling can be calculated and the Re-profiling can be applied to the render.
Rest API: As of this release, several new functions are available for the controllers of Print Job, Print Order Item, Print Item, Substrate Category, Substrate and Substrate Shape. Furthermore, some existing functions have been revised.
1.3. Improvements
The following improvements have been made in version 1.7.7 of the Workflow:
New dither modes for Single-Pass & Multi-Pass Printers: New dither modes are available for single-pass & multi-pass printing systems as of this version. For single-pass printing systems the dither mode AIS-NV10 should be used by default. For multi-pass printing systems however the dither mode AIS-Opal should be used by default. Both dither modes will be pre-selected when adding a printer in the Workflow.
Render Performance Optimization: To optimize render performance we offer three additional parameters in the Workflow.
- Default Render Batch Size – Calculates the optimal batch size (number of pages for a multi-page PDF) for the Production Job to be processed per RIP instance. This option is especially important for VDP jobs and multi-page PDF files.
- RIP Performance – Switch between Render a single Job faster or Render multiple Jobs in parallel.
- Create Render Files Locally – By activating this function, the separations of a Job are first generated locally before they are copied to the target directory on the printer. If this option is disabled, the separations are rendered directly to the target directory on the Printer.
Dimensions of Spot Colors & Technical Colors: After uploading documents in the Workflow, the dimension of the enclosing rectangle per Spot Color and Technical Color is displayed in the Print Data or Article view.
Improvements to the Print Item view: In the course of this version, further improvements to the Print Item and Article view have been implemented.
- Print Item view loupe function – The Loupe tool now uses a high-resolution image which allows higher zoom levels to be displayed.
- Preflight Results – The Preflight Results dialog has been redesigned and the warnings and errors contained therein have been revised.
LFP/CPD Job Ticket Extensions: The LFP/CPD Job Ticket has been extended in the course of the release, so that all necessary information can be read out in the InPrint at the printer.
- Push Color – The PushColor function is available for certain printing systems. If a Color Setup with PushColor is created, this option needs to be activated in the menu item Administration > Printer for the respective Print Configuration. The current status (active/inactive) is transferred to the printer in the job ticket so that the printer software activates the correct print mode.
- Additional Workflow Render Information – The Job Ticket contains numerous comments on the Production Job settings. In this release, two additional DeviceN Color Correction comments have been added to the Job Ticket.
Assigning Substrates to Categories: Substrates can be moved to another Substrate Category as of this release.
Mirroring Cut Data: Cutting data can be mirrored horizontally and/or vertically from this version. The Cut Marks are not mirrored. This setting can be defined per device in their respective configurations and can also be saved separately.
Small Improvements: Additional minor improvements have been implemented. You can view the full list of improvements here.
1.4. Fixed Bugs & Minor Improvements
Adobe Illustrator Plug-In: Fixed bugs and minor improvements in the Adobe Illustrator Plug-In.
Workflow: Fixed bugs and minor improvements in the main application.
Impose Editor: Fixed bugs and minor improvements in the Impose Editor.
2. New Features
2.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-In
If you are using version 1.7.7 of the Workflow, version of the Plug-In must be installed to ensure trouble free operation. If you are using an older version of the Plug-In, you will be notified when you log in.
The following versions of Adobe Illustrator are supported:
Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 |
Mac OSX | Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.15 (Catalina), Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
Microsoft Windows | MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 8.1 or MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 8.1 or MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
Support | Plug-In Version and Plug-In Version |
Plug-In Version |
Plug-In Version |
Current version not available for older Illustrator versions
Please note that the current Plug-In Version can only installed for Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2020.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 can still be used with the Plug-In Version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.2. Using Plug-In Version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or bugs for this constellation/configuration will not be followed up and/or fixed.
Adobe Illustrator 2018 can still be used with Plug-In version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.6. The use of Plug-In version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or errors for this constellation will not be followed up and corrected.
2.1.1. Adobe Illustrator 2020 compatibility
The newest version of the Adobe Illustrator Plug-In was developed for Adobe Illustrator CC 2020. When installing the current Plug-In, you can select whether the Plug-In should be installed for CC 2019 and/or CC 2020.
When using Adobe Illustrator CC 2020, make sure you are familiar with the official system requirements from Adobe:
2.1.2. Data Matrix Barcode support
With version 1.7.7 the possibility to create Data-Matrix Barcodes in predefined quadratic and rectangular sizes has been implemented. For this purpose, various permissible sizes can be selected under the Symbol Size drop-down menu. Proceed as follows to create a Data Matrix Barcode:
- Open Adobe Illustrator using Plug-In version
- Check out your desired file from the Workflow or create a new file in Adobe Illustrator.
- Create a placeholder for the Data Matrix code with the Rectangle tool in Adobe Illustrator.
- Open the Static Barcode or Variable Data panel.
- Select the barcode Type [1] for the Data Matrix code.
- Enter content for the Data Matrix code and select your desired settings.
- Open the Data Matrix Settings [2] drop-down panel.
- Select the size under the Symbol Size [3] drop-down menu. Common sizes for the Data-Matrix Code are available in this drop-down menu. At the end of the list you will find dimensions listed for rectangular barcodes.
- After creating the Data Matrix code, you can check the file back into the Workflow and continue processing as necessary.
Figure 1: Creating rectangular Data Matrix codes in the Adobe Illustrator Plug-In.

Variable sizes for Data Matrix Barcodes
Once the desired proportion has been selected, Data Matrix Barcodes can be proportionally reduced or enlarged using the Illustrator selection tool by clicking and dragging.
2.2. Impose Editor - General Improvements
In version 1.7.7, additional functions have been added and existing functions in the File Manager such as the Print Item list and Impose settings have been extended.
2.2.1. File Manager
The File Manager was first introduced in version 1.7.5 and was consequently redesigned in version 1.7.6 adding small functional enhancements. With version 1.7.7 the File Manager has been extended by offering access to Print Items contained in both Orders [4] and Production Jobs [5]. An additional tab, called Activities [6] has been added, which shows the current status for individual print files when uploading new print data.
Figure 2: The header of the File Manager showing additional tabs.

»Article« tab
In the Articles tab, the user can access Articles from the Articles menu item, and the user can also upload Print Items and organize them in Collections. This range of functions has not changed since version 1.7.6.
While users can upload print files and organize them into Collections in the Articles tab, in contrast users can only access print data (Print Items) stored in both the Order and Production Job tabs. Adding print files to an Order or Production Job must be completed directly using the respective menu items.
Accessing Print Items under the »Order« tab
By activating the Order tab [7] all existing Orders contained in the Workflow are listed. Unlike the Articles tab, new Orders or Print Items cannot be added or edited in this view. All other functions, such as filtering and sorting Orders are available in the Order List. You can read more about these functions in the 1.7.6 Release Notes.
Figure 3: The Order tab in the File Manager.

To access Print Items in an Order, proceed as follows:
- Select the Order [7] tab. When you open the tab for the first time, all Orders are displayed in the list. In addition to the Order Name and the Internal Order ID, information on the number of Order Items and the total number of Print Items in the Order is also displayed.
- Find the desired Order by entering the Order Name or the Order Number.
- Open the Order by simply clicking on an entry in the list. If you click on several Orders, they will remain open at the same time. If an Order is opened, the Order Items [9] and the Print Items [10] are displayed.
- Print Items can also be selected across several Orders by holding the
- or[SHIFT]
-key and moving them to the sheet. As soon as a Print Item from an Order has been selected, the Order is highlighted in the list by a vertical colored bar [8].
Only available in Print Workflow Plus
Access to Orders is only available in the Print Workflow Plus version, the reason being is that it is not possible to create Orders using the normal Print Workflow license.
Accessing Print Items under the »Job« tab
In addition to the Article and Order tabs, the File Manager also contains the Production Jobs tab [11]. By activating this tab all existing Production Jobs are listed. In contrast to the Articles tab, new Production Jobs or Print Items cannot be added or edited in this view. All other functions such as filtering and sorting of Jobs are also available in the Production Job list. You can read more about these functions in the 1.7.6 Release Notes.
Figure 4: The Production Job tab in the File Manager.

To access Print Items in a Production Job, proceed as follows:
- Select the Production Job tab [11]. When you open the tab for the first time, all Production Jobs are displayed in the list. In addition to the Name of the Production Job, the Internal Production Job ID, information on the number of Print Items in the Production Job is also displayed.
- Find the desired Production Job by entering its name.
- Open the Production Job by clicking on an entry in the list. If you select several Production Jobs, they will remain open at the same time. If a Production Job is opened, the Print Items [13] from the Production Job are displayed.
- Print Items can be selected and moved to the sheet by holding down the
- or[SHIFT]
-key, even across several Production Jobs. As soon you select a Print Item from a Production Job, the Production Job is highlighted with a colored bar in the list [12].
»Activities« tab
Next to the Article, Orders and Production Jobs tab is the Activities tab. Activating this tab lists the processes that are started/in progress when uploading print data. The following processes are displayed in this tab:
- Check-in processes when uploading Articles.
- Processes for calculating thumbnails after saving a Production Job.
If processes are currently running, this is highlighted in the tab. If no processes are currently running, the tab is highlighted in green. The number displayed, defines the number of running processes.
Figure 5: The Activities tab in the File Manager.

Identifying placed Print Items
In the File Manager, Print Items that have been previously imposed are marked. As soon as a Print Item is used in an imposition and the imposition or Production Job has been saved, the Print Item is marked with a green symbol [15]. This ensures that Print Items are not imposed more than once. Print Items that still need to be imposed can therefore be quickly located and processed.
Figure 6: Print Items displayed with a green symbol in the upper right hand corner have been previously imposed and are clearly marked in the File Manager.

2.2.2. Scaling Print Items in rule-based Impose Modes
With version 1.7.7 we have also implemented the ability to scale Print Items in height and/or width for the rule-based Impose Modes such as Step & Repeat and Nesting. The scaling factor can be defined per Print Item or for all Print Items at once using the Edit Selected Print Items dialog. The Impose Editor then scales the respective Print Items for the imposition only. If Print Items need to be scaled in advance, this can be accomplished using a Fixup in the Workflow.
To scale individual Print Items, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor.
- Select a rule-based Impose Mode, i.e., Step & Repeat or Nesting.
- Place your Print Items using the File Manager and open the Print Items tab on the right-hand side of the Impose Editor.
- Select the Print Items you want to scale from the Print Items list under the Print Items tab by pressing the
[CTRL] / [CMD]
key. Alternatively, you can also use the Select All function in the header of the tab. - Then press the Edit button (pencil icon), which is also located in the tab header. This will open the Edit Selected Print Items dialog.
Figure 7: The Edit selected Print Items dialog where you can scale either individual or multiple Print Items.
- Enter the scaling factor per Print Item [17]. Optionally, you can enter the scaling factor for width and height independently from each other by clicking on the lock symbol [18].
- To change the scaling factor for all Print Items, enter the values for width and height in the header input fields [16].
- Confirm your settings by clicking on Apply. The imposition is recalculated on the basis of the scale applied. The scaling factor is not saved with the Print Item and is only used for calculating the imposition.
2.2.3. Impose Warnings
Starting with version 1.7.7 we now validate the imposition in real time, where specific errors, etc. can be recognized early in the impose process. The impose warnings are displayed in the Sheet Configuration panel of the header.
The impose validation includes three different types of checks. These are described in more detail below.
When imposing, certain conditions may arise which are displayed as information - in the case of information, a reaction from the user is not absolutely necessary. The following states are currently displayed as information when creating an imposition:
- Placed Print Items: [19] – This parameter is continuously checked and compares the amount of Print Items that are in the Production Job with the amount of Print Items placed on the sheet. 3/3 means that all three Print Items from the Production Job are placed on the sheet.
- Copies to be printed: [20] – Each Print Item is imposed based on the defined number of copies. When imposing Print Items, the Impose Editor calculates the amount of times the current sheet must be printed to achieve the specified number of copies for each individual Print Item. The number displayed tells the user how often the sheet has to be printed so that the number of copies is reached for each Print Item.
- Overlapping Print Items detected: – If Print Items overlap in manual mode, this is also displayed as information. If overlapping Print Items is desired, this information can be ignored. Otherwise, the conflict needs to be resolved manually.
- Overproduced Print Items: [21] – If, due to certain circumstances according to the number of Print Items to be printed, some Print items may be overproduced when printing multiple sheets of the same imposition, this information is also displayed and shows the specific Print item that is overproduced as well.
Figure 8: Information is shown in the Sheet Configuration.

As long as information alone is displayed in this window, the number of errors or warnings [22] will be displayed in green, as the sheet can be produced without issues. As soon as a warning or error occurs, the number and also the color of the number will change to match the situation, so that the operator is aware possible difficulties.
When imposing, certain conditions may arise which are displayed as warnings, in this case a reaction from the user is required. The following states are displayed as warnings:
- Unplaced Print Items: [23] – If Print Items contained in the Production Job are not placed for whatever reason, a warning is displayed. One reason could be that the current sheet is too small to place all Print Items at least once. The number displayed after the warning indicates the number of unplaced Print Items.
- Underproduced Print Items: [24] – If Print Items in the Production Job cannot be produced for whatever reason, a warning is also displayed. One reason could be that the respective Print Items were not placed at all or the number of copies based on the number of sheets to be printed cannot be reached. The number after the warning indicates the number of underproduced Print Items.
In addition to this, there are three other warnings that can occur in connection with a Fotoba Cutter. These are described in the section 2.11 Fotoba cutting device.
Figure 9: In the Sheet Configuration we can see multiple Warnings displayed.

As soon as one of these states is encountered, a warning is displayed in this window. The number of warnings [25] is then shown in yellow, indicating that the sheet might be incomplete. Not placing Print Items completely or only partially may be intentional, and can be ignored as needed. As soon as additional warnings or errors are encountered, the number and also the color of the number is adapted to the situation.
When imposing, certain conditions can arise which are displayed as errors, in this case a reaction from the user is absolutely necessary. Currently, the following states are displayed as errors:
- No Print Item on Sheet [26] – If Print Items are not placed on the sheet, this error is displayed. This typically occurs when opening the Impose Editor, when all Print Items are removed from the sheet or when Print Items of different dimensions are used for Step & Repeat for example.
Figure 10: Warnings are displayed in the Sheet Configuration list.

As soon as an error occurs during the imposition process it is displayed in this window. The number of warnings and errors [27] is shown in red because the sheet cannot be produced.
2.2.4. Lines and Captions
Further improvements in the Impose Editor regarding Lines and Captions have been implemented. Lines are now available in all Impose Modes and offer additional functions. Captions, on the other hand, can be added to multiple edges from this version on. Adding several individual Captions is therefore no longer necessary.
Starting with version 1.7.7, Lines can be used in all Impose Modes. Up until this point, this function was only available using Tiling Mode. A new function called Continuous Line [29] is now available. This function either aligns the edges of the Line added to create a rectangle or with allow four individual Lines to be created around the Print Item.
Figure 11: The Lines sub-panel of the Marks tab.
By activating this option, the length of the Line is adjusted so that a continuous rectangle [28] surrounds the Print Item. If this option is deactivated, the Line uses the length of the edge for that specific Print Item [30] and will overlap.
Captions could be used in any Impose Mode in previous versions, but they could only be added to one edge of the Print Item. If you wanted to have a Caption on all edges, four separate Captions had to be added. With version 1.7.7 a Caption can now be added to all four edges. To accomplish this, you simply need to activate the desired edges in the Reference Point [31] settings.
Figure 12: Adding a Caption to all edges of the Print Item.
2.2.5. Rotating Marks, Lines, Grommets and Captions with the Print Item
Before version 1.7.7, Marks, Lines, Grommets and Captions were created on a defined edge: top, right, bottom and left. If a Print Item was subsequently manually rotated by the user or automatically when using rule-based modes, the added element remained on the original edge defined before rotating. From this version on, you can define whether elements should be rotated with the Print Item or not. The new option Rotate with Print Item [32] works for all elements mentioned above.
Figure 13: The option Rotate with Print Item is available for Marks, Lines, Grommets and Captions.
2.2.6. Performance Improvements
We've significantly improved performance when placing Print Items on the sheet, in the course of this version. Not only multiple-but also larger Print Items can now be placed much faster and therefore the impose process has fewer delays.
2.2.7. Improvements to the footer
Some symbols in the footer of the Impose Editor have been adapted. The number of symbols or information has been reduced to the bare essentials. In addition, all calculations for the current imposition such as: Printed Area, Degree of Utilisation (area), etc., have been improved.
2.3. »Step & Repeat« Improvements
Previously implemented methods and systems for Step & Repeat have been polished. The three changes have been made and are as follows.
2.3.1. Pattern
The Pattern sub-panel and function was available in previous versions, however, the expected behavior of this function was not working correctly. With version 1.7.7 the functionality has been changed. You can now create a nested arrangement of round stickers for example as shown in the figure below.:
- Open the Impose Editor and choose Step & Repeat Mode.
- Add your desired Print Item to the sheet. Note that the Print Item was previously edited using a Fixup that clipped the Print Item so the background is transparent.
- Set the desired number of Columns and Rows [33] in the Grid Settings sub-panel and activate Allow Overproduction [34].
- Under the Pattern sub-panel, set the desired value for the Offset [36] using a percentage. For circles, a value of 50% usually works well.
- Now you have to reduce the horizontal spacing [35] until the desired nesting effect has been achieved.
Figure 14: A Step & Repeat imposition showing the Pattern Offset.
2.3.2. Keep the same Print Items per column
If a Production Job has different numbers of copies for each Print Item, Print Items were previously lined up one after the other in the column. This created columns in the imposition that were filled with different Print Items.
In the course of revising this mode, the behavior was changed depending on whether Allow Overproduction has been activated or not under the Grid Settings sub-panel. This option ensures that each column only contains repeats of a single Print Item.
- Allow Overproduction is active – Depending on the ratio of copies entered for the Print Items, available columns are filled.
- Allow overproduction is deactivated – Depending on the number of copies entered for each Print Item, the Print Items to be placed are filled up per column according to type. This can lead to the fact that some space in the column could remain empty if an unfavorable number of copies is specified for individual Print Items.
Figure 15: A Step & Repeat imposition with unfilled columns for each Print Item.
2.3.3. Head Turn
The Head Turn sub-panel and function which is only available in Step & Repeat Mode has been revised and extended. From version 1.7.7 on, four options are available.
Figure 16: The Head Turn function now has four options available to the user.

No Head Turn
The first option No Head Turn [38] adds Print Items to all columns and rows uniformly honoring the selected Rotation [37].
Figure 17: An example of a Step & Repeat imposition with No Head Turn selected in combination with no rotation.
Head Turn on Row
The second option Head Turn on Row [39] rotates alternating Print Items in a Head to Head orientation.
Figure 18: An example of a Step & Repeat imposition with Head Turn on Row selected.
Head Turn on Column
The third option Head Turn on Column [40] rotates every second column 180°.
Figure 19: An example of a Step & Repeat imposition with Head Turn on Column selected.
2.4. »Nesting« Improvements
In Nesting Mode, previously implemented functions have been improved and extended and the User Interface has been adapted slightly.
2.4.1. User Interface Improvements
Various Nesting Options, which were previously available as checkboxes in the Nesting Options sub-panel, have been expanded and reorganized in 1.7.7. In the course of the expansion the functions have been grouped thematically and the checkboxes were replaced with drop-down menus [46]. Certain functions can now be combined with each other and certain combinations can be excluded. If functions are not available for specific scenarios, the drop-down menus are deactivated.
Figure 21: the sub-panel Nesting Options now has deeper context driven drop-down menus.

2.4.2. New rules for placing Print Items
The following options are available in Nesting Mode starting with version 1.7.7. These can be combined as desired.
By default, Print Items are placed horizontally one after the other on the sheet. As of version 1.7.7 the following options are available under the Orientation drop-down menu [42]:
- Horizontal – Print Items are placed horizontally one after the other on the sheet.
- Vertical – Print Items are placed vertically one after the other on the sheet.
Figure 22: Left: Horizontal Orientation; Right: Vertical Orientation available in Nesting Mode.
By default, Print Items are held together in Nesting Mode to prevent the same Print Item from being distributed on the sheet. As of version 1.7.7 the following options are available in the Arrange drop-down menu [43]:
- Keep Print Items Together – The number of copies per Print Item in the imposition are grouped together.
- Consider Print Item Sequence – Places Print Items one after the other based on the sequence of the Print Items in the Print Items tab.
- Use only one Print Item per Column/Row – Places the same Print Item per Column when Vertical Orientation is selected or per Row when Horizontal Orientation is selected.
By default, an attempt is made to maintain the ratio of copies in order to reduce the amount of repetitive prints on a sheet. As of version 1.7.7 the following options are available in the Filling drop-down menu [44]:
- Keep exact ratio of copies – The number of copies per Print Item in the imposition is kept together.
- Allow Overproduction – The imposition is filled with Print Items according to the ratio of the number of copies. Overproduction may occur for individual Print Items.
- Force number of copies – Only those Print Items are used, where the total number of copies can be placed. Individual Print Items may be missing in the imposition.
By default, Print Items can be rotated as desired, in order to increase the utilization ratio per sheet. The Rotation drop-down menu [45] is now available in version 1.7.7. The following options can be selected:
- Non-Uniform Rotation – Print Items can be rotated by 0° or 90° to achieve better utilization ratios. This allows the same Print Items to be imposed using various degrees of rotation.
- Uniform Rotation – All Print Items are rotated uniformly, using either 0° or 90°.
- 0° Rotation – All Print Items are rotated uniformly, using 0°.
- 90 ° Rotation – All Print Items are rotated using 90°.
Figure 23: The Nesting Options sub-panel with the Rotation drop-down menu open.

2.4.3. Improved Utilization
The Nesting algorithm used when placing Print Items has been improved again in this version. In the new algorithm, calculations are now focused on reducing Substrate waste. The second step of the algorithm aims to improve the rate of utilization. The algorithm weights the calculation equally when Nesting Print Items that have the same dimensions as well as when Nesting Print Items of different dimensions.
In order to achieve low Substrate consumption, the selection menus Orientation and Alignment under the Nesting Options sub-panel are not available when Nesting Print Items with different dimensions.
2.5. »Tiling« Mode
We've added an additional mode to Tiling in the Impose Editor. In addition to previously available modes: By Number, By Size and Custom, a new mode called One Size Fits All has been implemented.
If a large number of Tiles need to be produced on paper, they must be printed and then cut. In order for the cutting to be carried out quickly on an X/Y cutting device (e.g. Fotoba), the Tiles need to have the same width. To produce Tiles of the same size, proceed as follows:
- Create a Production Job with the desired Print Item.
- Open the Impose Editor and select Tiling Mode [47].
- Select One Size Fits All [48] under the Tiling Options sub-panel and determine the number of Tiles needed by entering values in both Columns [49] and Rows as needed.
- Then enter a size for the final format using both Width [50] and Height. In our case, 10 Tiles will be created, which will be glued together which would result in a final format of 10,000 mm.
- Under the Overlap Parameters sub-panel define the Construction and the required horizontal and vertical Overlap [51]. Note that this value does not correspond to the effective overlap but only serves to determine an evenly distributed Printed Overlap. If an effective overlap is needed per Tile, this can be seen under Printed Overlap [52].
By entering the values shown in the figure below, 10 Tiles with a visible width of 1000 mm and a printed overlap of 36 mm will be created. Thus 10 Tiles with identical widths of 1036 mm will be printed.
Figure 24: The Tiling mode One Size Fits All with various options at your disposal.
2.6. »Manual« Mode Improvements
Version 1.7.7 also offers additional functions that are new to Manual Mode. A new alignment function has been implemented and a new fill function has been created for the Grid Tool.
2.6.1. Use Column and Row Alignment
If a large number of Print Items have been placed when using Manual Mode, users normally want to arrange them as quickly as possible in a typical grid with specific spacing. In practice, the Distribute Selection function available under the Alignment sub-panel can be used to achieve this. Until now, this function was limited to distributing selections from either a single row or column. If the selection consisted of several columns and rows, this function led to unexpected results, distributing Print Items in unhelpful ways.
With our new feature Use Column and Row Alignment, this task can now be completed with a single click. Proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor with Manual Mode selected.
- If possible, place the Print Items in a grid on the sheet.
- Select all Print Items and choose the option Use Column and Row Alignment [53].
Figure 25: Manual Mode now offers the option Use Column and Row Alignment.
- Then align the Print Items using: Horizontal Align > Align Left and Vertical Align > Align Top. This means that the Print Items in the left column and the Print Items in the first row are now aligned.
- Then select the option Distribute Selection [54] and enter the desired spacing. Then press the symbols Distribute Horizontal and Distribute Vertical.
- The Print Items are now correctly aligned in a grid.
2.6.2. Grid Ordering
Version 1.7.6 of the Workflow introduced the Grid Tool. We've added an additional tool which allows the user to define the Ordering of the Grid placeholders. These options can be defined either in the Create Grid or Edit Grid dialog:
- Open the Impose Editor, Manual Mode will be selected by default.
- Activate the Grid Tool in the toolbar.
- Open the Create Grid dialog in the header of the Impose Editor
- Select your desired placeholder Ordering under the Ordering [55] drop-down menu.
Figure 26: The Ordering options are displayed below in the Create Grid dialog.

This selection determines the order in which the placeholders are filled. To use the Grid Ordering when placing Print Items, always drag the Print Items to the lowest unoccupied placeholder number.
Changing the Order
Once the Order is defined in the Grid, it cannot be changed afterwards. Simply recreate the Grid to change the Order.
2.7. ImageBoxes
One of the major changes in this version concerns the handling and application of PDF page geometry boxes. Until now, the TrimBox from the PDF was used as a reference when imposing Print Items as well as for applying Fixups. With version 1.7.7, users can define which page geometry boxes are used and which boxes are excluded. In order to achieve this, important new terms and functions have been introduced in the Workflow, which should increase efficiency within the Workflow.
2.7.1. Definition of terms
As soon as a document is uploaded in the Workflow, a PDF is created. This PDF may contain the following page geometry boxes:
- TrimBox – Describes the final format of a file excluding Bleed. This box may or may not exist. If the PDF is a PDF/X file, either the TrimBox or the ArtBox must be defined.
- BleedBox – Describes the final format of the file including the Bleed. This box may or may not exist.
- CropBox – Describes the format to be output on screen or in print (normal use case scenario). This box may or may not exist. In PDF viewer applications, however, the CropBox is automatically placed on the MediaBox if a CropBox is not defined.
- MediaBox – Describes the total size of the page. This box is set for each page in a PDF.
- ObjectBox (ArtBox) – Describes in theory the enclosing rectangle of all printable objects contained in the PDF. The ObjectBox is often used by external programs (e.g. Adobe Illustrator) to derive the size of the Artboard. This box can exist, but does not have to. If the PDF is a PDF/X file, either the TrimBox or the ObjectBox must be defined.
As already mentioned, leading up to version 1.7.7, the TrimBox was always used as a reference for further processing steps and the Bleed was then added to it. Starting with version 1.7.7 this behavior can be customized. In order to define these new fictitious boxes we defined new descriptive terms for them:
- ImageBox (visual format) – Defines the desired visual format. The ImageBox can be set per Print Item or Article to any page geometry box defined in the PDF.
- Expected Bleed – This is the Bleed that will be used by default for Print Items or Articles. It does not necessarily have to match the existing Bleed defined in the PDF. The automatic creation of a Bleed is not forced as only the area around the ImageBox is enlarged by the entered value.
- ImageBox + Bleed (production format) – Defines the format to be produced and consists of an ImageBox (the desired page geometry box in the PDF) including the Expected Bleed (does not matter if it is available or not).
From this point on with version 1.7.7, processing steps in the Workflow are no longer calculated in relation to the TrimBox but rather with the page geometry box that was set by the user as the ImageBox (visual format). For example, if the ImageBox is set to the BleedBox, the BleedBox including the Expected Bleed is sent to the printer and/or used in the imposition.
By default, the ImageBox (visual format) is set to the TrimBox, so that all existing Production Jobs can be processed as they already exist. ImageBox settings can also be applied globally as well.
2.7.2. System Settings
In the system-wide Workflow settings the page geometry box defined in a PDF for the ImageBox (visual format) can be defined by default in the Workflow. You can also define the amount of Bleed that should be added to the ImageBox automatically when uploading print files.
Follow these steps to change the system-wide ImageBox settings in the Workflow:
- Navigate to Administration > Settings > General
- Locate the Box Options panel and enter your desired values for:
- Expected Bleed [57] – The default Bleed can be defined per edge. Alternatively, by activating the checkbox Use Bleed from PDF [56], the existing Bleed from the PDF can be automatically used as the Expected Bleed.
- Default ImageBox [58] – Select the PDF page geometry box that should be used for production and additional processing steps (e.g. imposing) in the Workflow.
Figure 27: The Box Options panel under the General tab.
These settings are transferred to and saved in the Print Item when a print file is uploaded. These settings can be overwritten or changed again on the Print Item or Article level.
2.7.3. Check-in adjustments
Prior to version 1.7.7, PDF page geometry boxes were automatically corrected in the Workflow according to a list of Preflight checks when uploading print data in the background. This ensured that the necessary information for further processing in the Workflow was provided.
As of version 1.7.7 these corrections are no longer made. The print file is uploaded and remains unchanged in the Workflow. If one or more page geometry boxes are not available, they are inherited based on a rule, so that all boxes can be used. It is important to understand that the print file itself is not changed (regarding the page geometry). However, a correction of the print data can still be applied based on system settings in the Color Management area.
2.7.4. Print Item detail view
Due to the introduction of new terms and functions in the Workflow we had to expand and revise the detailed view for both Articles and Print Items.
Print Item Preview
Prior to version 1.7.7, a preview was generated after uploading a print file, in which the BleedBox and the TrimBox were displayed in the Article or Print Item detail view. As of version 1.7.7 the MediaBox of the print file is used as the preview [59] instead of the BleedBox, so that the print file is always displayed in its entirety. All other boxes in the PDF [61] as well as the workflow-specific Boxes [60] are displayed visually in the preview:
- MediaBox – By hovering over this name the MediaBox (labeled Purple) will be highlighted on the preview image.
- BleedBox – By hovering over this name the BleedBox (labeled Black) will be highlighted on the preview image.
- BleedBox – By hovering over this name the BleedBox (labeled Blue), will be highlighted on the preview image.
- TrimBox – By hovering over this name the TrimBox (labeled Green), will be highlighted on the preview image.
- ArtBox – By hovering over this name the ArtBox (labeled Red), will be highlighted on the preview image.
- ImageBox - By hovering over this name the ImageBox (labeled Yellow), will be highlighted on the preview image.
- Exp. Bleed – By hovering over this name the Exp.Bleed (labeled Turquoise), will be highlighted on the preview image.
Figure 28: The Article or Print Item preview new to version 1.7.7.

If none of the listed page geometry boxes are hovered over, both the ImageBox and ImageBox + Bleed are displayed. The visual format (ImageBox) displays normally, and the area between ImageBox and the Expected Bleed is displayed with a slightly shaded surface. Areas where the Print Item is covered, are displayed as a very dark surface that won't be printed.
Set the ImageBox to another PDF Page Geometry Box
Using the Set ImageBox [62] drop-down menu, the ImageBox can be set to the desired PDF page geometry box per Print Item. If it is necessary to print the item using the BleedBox including the Expected Bleed instead of the TrimBox, the ImageBox can be set to the BleedBox. The Expected Bleed is then shifted based on the new ImageBox. The dimmed areas of the preview are adjusted accordingly.
Document Information and User-defined Fields
The redesigned Document Information and User-defined Fields area displays all content and details of the selected Print Item. This also includes all page geometry boxes [63], included in the print data.
Figure 29: The revised Document Information and User-defined Fields information area.
In this example, all page geometry boxes, with the exception of the ArtBox, are included in the print file. In this case, the size of the ArtBox is automatically inherited from the TrimBox [65] without changing the file itself. The information area also indicates which page geometry box is used as the ImageBox [64]. After changing the ImageBox the Marks also change their position.
Production Information
A new information area called Production Information displays all production-relevant details for the selected Print Item. Starting with version 1.7.7, this includes the ImageBox [66] and the Expected Bleed [67].
Figure 30: The new information area Production Information.
In this example, the ImageBox [66] was set to the TrimBox. For this reason, the ImageBox contains the same height and width as the TrimBox.
Below the ImageBox are the Expected Bleed values [67]. In this example the Expected Bleed was set to the values of the original Bleed contained in the PDF. Using the gear icon [68] the Expected Bleed can be changed at any time. Proceed as follows:
- Click on the gear icon [68]. The Bleed Settings dialog opens.
- Define the Expected Bleed [69] in the dialog or click on Use Bleed from Print Item [70] to adopt the bleed from the PDF.
- Save the dialog by clicking on Save. Subsequently, the values for the Expected Bleed will be updated and the preview will also be updated with regard to the areas that are dimmed.
Figure 31: The Bleed Settings dialog.

Multipage PDFs
With multipage PDFs, the Expected Bleed cannot be accurately calculated, as it may vary per page. Multipage PDFs are only handled or sent to the printer based on the current ImageBox. The Expected Bleed is automatically set to 0 when uploaded to the Workflow.
2.7.5. Impose Editor
Before version 1.7.7, all Print items were imposed based on the TrimBox. Alternatively, the Bleed could be added or changed in the editor. Marks, Lines and Captions were also generated based on the TrimBox or BleedBox.
Starting with version 1.7.7, the TrimBox is no longer used for placing Print Items, rather the current settings for the ImageBox (visual format) are used. The Bleed can subsequently be defined in the Impose Editor in addition to the ImageBox. Marks, Lines and Captions are now also created either based on the ImageBox and/or the ImageBox + Bleed.
2.7.6. Send to Printer
When a Production Job is imposed, the saved imposition is created based on the ImageBox and the selected Bleed and is sent to the printer. If a Production Job is not imposed, the following settings can be applied, depending on whether the document is single or multi-page.
Single Page Documents
Before version 1.7.7, the BleedBox was always sent to the printer if the file was not imposed. This could cause problems if the BleedBox was not the same as the desired production format. To avoid this, several data corrections had to be implemented before the Job could be produced.
With version 1.7.7 using the new ImageBox feature, only the current ImageBox including the defined Expected Bleed is sent to the printer. With the help of this option, the ImageBox can be set to any PDF page geometry box and the Expected Bleed can be freely defined. when sending to the printer, the adjustments are then applied and the page geometry box that was assigned to the ImageBox is also sent to the printer including the Expected Bleed.
Multipage Documents
Multi-page documents cannot be imposed in the Workflow. They must either be sent to the printer as a multi-page file or the file is first split into individual Print Items and processed further. Before version 1.7.7, each page of the file was always sent to the printer based on the BleedBox. This could cause problems if the BleedBox did not match the production format.
With version 1.7.7 using the new ImageBox feature, only the current ImageBox per page is sent to the printer. With the help of this option, the ImageBox can be set to any page geometry box. When sending to the printer, adjustments are then applied and the page geometry boxes that are set as the ImageBox are sent to the printer.
2.8. Hotfolders
The Hotfolder function provides automation for processing print files on a mass scale. The user can choose to create single Production Jobs or to send the Production Job directly to the printer. Essentially we offer two types of Hotfolders, which we describe in more detail in this section. In this version, the general working method for using Hotfolders has been revised and we've also added a new type of Hotfolder as well.
2.8.1. Changes in the working method
The way Hotfolders work has been completely revised with this release. Existing functions have been extended and improved. New functions were also added. Lets take a closer look.
Hotfolder List View
Before 1.7.7, the Hotfolder list was structured in such a way that each list entry could be expanded. The underlying Hotfolder jobs that had been processed were listed and their resulting Production Jobs could be opened.
Starting with version 1.7.7 these sub-lists were removed. Initially only the defined Hotfolders are listed in the Hotfolder list. By double-clicking on a Hotfolder the details of this Hotfolder are displayed. This new view was implemented in the current version and is described in the following sections.
Editing existing Hotfolders
Another change that had to be made is that previously created Hotfolders could only be edited when stopped or paused. This can be accomplished via the start/pause buttons at the top of the page. The Hotfolder needs to be paused first and then the Hotfolder can be edited as needed.
New Impose Settings
When configuring a Hotfolder, a new tab called Impose has been added, as this area has been revised in this version. All changes will be explained in more detail in the following sections.
2.8.2. Types of Hotfolders
Hotfolders are set up to process files at regular intervals. Files can be uploaded, uploaded and imposed in a Production Job, or uploaded, imposed and immediately sent to the printer. For Production Jobs that are created and also imposed via Hotfolders, two different Processing Modes [73]: Single Files and Automatic are available with version 1.7.7.
Figure 32: The Impose tab of the Hotfolder Setup dialog.
- Single Files – A Production Job is created for each individual file that is uploaded. The selected Impose Mode [71] implies that single Print Items are imposed based on the selected Impose Template [72].
- Automatic – Several files are uploaded and merged into one Production Job and imposed together. The number of files that can be added to the Production Job depends on two factors: the Print Area Coverage [74] and the Maximum Processing Time [75]. Note that the Auto option is only available when using Nesting Mode.
Figure 33: The Hotfolder List with the column Type added.
The Type for a Hotfolder is indicated in the Hotfolder list by a symbol in the column Type [76]. The user can also hover over the symbol and a tooltip describes the Type of Hotfolder as well.
2.8.3. Hotfolder Detail View
By double-clicking on an entry in the Hotfolder list, a detailed view of the Hotfolder is displayed. The detail view is the same for both types of Hotfolders. The only difference is that the areas: Queue and Print Items of the current assembly are not available for Hotfolders that process Single Files, as these options do not make sense here. For the Hotfolder Type Automatic, all areas are available.
Figure 34: The detail view of a Hotfolder with the Type Automatic chosen.
The following areas are available in the user interface of the Hotfolder detail view:
- Header bar left side: Below the Hotfolder Name [77] is a status overview [78] of the current Hotfolder. The status overview shows how many Print Items are currently being processed, have been successfully completed, or aborted due to an error. This information is available in both types of Hotfolders.
Header bar on the right side: Further details are displayed for Automatic Hotfolders. This information is not displayed for the Single File Hotfolders.
- Time Started and Time Remaining [85]: As soon as the first Print Item for automatic Nesting is processed, the time stamp for the start time is set. The remaining time below this indicates how much time will elapse until a Nesting is created, this will occur even if the Printed Area Coverage threshold has not been reached.
- Threshold Value [86]: The loading bar graphically indicates the degree of utilization achieved by Nesting placed Print Items. The green marker indicates the threshold value set under the Impose tab for the Printed Area Coverage percentage rate.
- Production Job Name [87]: Shows the name of the Production Job where the imposition can be found.
- Create Imposition [88]: Pressing this button forces the creation of a Production Job and an imposition using the currently added Print Items.
Check-in [82]: This information area lists all Print Items which are currently being copied, uploaded and checked into the Workflow. Both types of Hotfolders use this area. The Print Items in this information area can have the following statuses:
- Copying: The print data is currently being copied into the Hotfolder.
- Checking in: The print data is being uploaded to the Workflow and Preflighted. Afterwards all necessary preview files are created and saved for the Print Item.
- Check-in Finished: Shows that the print data was successfully processed. After that the Print Item is moved to the next information area called Queue.
Queue [83]: This information area lists all Print Items that have been uploaded and checked for Automatic Nesting but are not yet successfully imposed. This area is only available for Automatic Hotfolders. The Print Items in this information area can have two states:
- Ready to place: This state is assigned to each design after it has been successfully checked in.
- Item Too big for impose size: If the imposition is already in an advanced state, there may not be enough surface space to place a Print Item. If the Print Item is too large for the current sheet being imposed, the Print item will be repositioned in the Queue and used for the imposition.
- Re-Queued: If a Print Item has been imposed but has been re-queued by the user by clicking on the symbol [89], the Print Item will have this status.
Print Item of the current imposition [84]: This information area lists all Print Items that have been successfully imposed. This area is only available for Automatic Hotfolders. The user can perform the following functions concerning Print Items in this list:
- Delete [90]: Removes the selected Print Item from the current imposition and deletes the Print Item completely from the Workflow.
- Re-queue [89]: The Print Item will be moved back into the Queue and added to the next imposition.
- Done [80] – This list shows all Print Items that have been processed and imposed successfully. By double-clicking on an entry in the list [81] you will be automatically directed to the corresponding Production Job. This list is available in both Hotfolder types.
- Errors [79] – This list displays all Print Items that could not be processed or uploaded into the Workflow. Files that fall into the Erros tab can still be saved in the Workflow by clicking on the download icon.
2.8.4. Auto Nesting Functions
The articles Hotfolder & Processing Files using Hotfolders provide more detail on using and handling Hotfolders with version 1.7.7
2.9. Fixup Chains
In many cases, Fixups need to be applied to individual Print Items or Articles. Depending on the desired end product, different sizes of edge reinforcements, adding Dielines or removing them, adding Lines or Grommets eyelets, it is often necessary to apply several Fixups in a certain sequence achieve the desired file for output.
With Fixup Chains you can "stack" recurring processing sequences and apply them to selected Print Items. You can even apply them to Print Items as they are uploaded into the Workflow via Hotfolders or Force Print.
Fixup Chains are only available with the Workflow Plus license
Please note that Fixup Chains are only available in versions of the Workflow that include full access to all Fixups.
2.9.1. Creating a Fixup Chain
To create a Fixup Chain carry out the following steps:
- Select the menu item Administration > Fixup Chains.
- Here you will find two setting areas:
- Fixup Chains [82] – This list displays all Fixup Chains that were previously created. You can search for Fixup Chains using the Search bar and/or Search in criteria.
- Added Fixups [84] – This list displays the Fixups that have been added to the selected Fixup Chain. Also shows the order in which the Fixups will be applied.
- To create a new Fixup Chain click on + New [83] in the footer of the Fixup Chains panel. To edit an existing Fixup Chain click on Edit [85].
Figure 35: The Fixup Chains menu item with a selected Fixup Chain and added Fixups.
- The Add Fixup Chain dialog opens, where you can enter a Name and a Comment (optional). The Key [86] is automatically created when the Name is entered, but it can be changed. Please note that the Key must be unique throughout the system and cannot contain lowercase letters.
- To save the Fixup Chain, click on Save.
Figure 36: The Add Fixup Chain dialog, with an automatically generated Key and an optional Comment as well.

- After you have added the Fixup Chain, you need to add individual Fixups to the Fixup Chain. It is important to add the Fixups in the order that you want them applied! To do this click on Edit [85] in the footer of the Added Fixups panel [84] (both in Figure 35). The Configure Fixup Chain dialog will open.
- Select the desired Fixup in the Fixups panel [87] and add it to the Added Fixups panel [88] by clicking on + Add Fixup [88].
- Keep adding additional Fixups in the same way as needed.
- After that step is complete, select each Fixup in the Added Fixups panel and specify the desired parameters for this Fixup in the settings area [91] next to it.
- If you want to change the order of the Fixups, simply drag the Fixup to the desired position by clicking on the symbol [90].
- To save the Fixup Chain, click on Save.
Figure 37: The Configure Fixup Chain dialog, with multiple Fixups added.
Create Fixup Chains for individual Fixups
When opening a Fixup, certain default values, which can be set in the descriptive XML file, are already displayed in the dialog. If you want to use the same Fixup for different occasions with different default values, you can do this very easily by creating individual Fixup Chains using the same Fixup in them.
2.9.2. Apply a Fixup Chain
Fixup Chains can be applied to Print Items or Articles at various points in the Workflow as well as when uploading print data into the Workflow.
Apply a Fixup Chain to a Print Item/Article
Fixup Chains can be applied to single Print Items/Articles or to multiple Print Items/Articles.
In the »Print Data« tab
To apply a Fixup Chain in Print Data view, proceed as follows:
- Switch to Print Data view in an Article, Order or Production Job by selecting the Print Data tab [92].
- In the footer of the Document Information and User-defined Fields area you will find the symbol Fixup Chains [93]. Click on it to open the Apply a Fixup Chain dialog.
Figure 38: The Print Data tab of an Article.
- In the Apply a Fixup Chain dialog you can select the desired Fixup Chain using the drop-down menu [94]. All Fixups contained in the Fixup Chain are displayed in an overview.
- To apply the Fixup Chain, click Apply to Selection [95].
Figure 39: The Apply a Fixup Chain dialog.

Apply a Fixup Chain to multiple Print Items/Articles
If a Fixup Chain needs to be applied to several Print Items/Articles, proceed as follows:
- Navigate to either the menu item Article > Articles or Articles > Collections. This will display the Article List or the Collection List respectively.
- Locate the desired Articles in the list or the Collection to be processed.
- Select the Articles to be processed in the list or in the Collection or the entire Collection can be selected [96] and click on Apply Fixup Chain [97] under the Process drop-down.
- The Apply a Fixup Chain dialog will appear (Figure 39). Select the desired Fixup Chain and press Apply to Selection [95].
Figure 40: The Collection List view.
Applying a Fixup Chain when uploading print files
If print data from customers are always delivered in the same quality or if print data for certain products are always created in the same stage of development by an upstream Web2Print portal, the print data can be automatically processed when uploaded into the Workflow. Processing print data using Fixup Chains is possible in two different places using either Hotfolders or Force Print.
Applying Fixup Chains using Hotfolders
Fixup Chains [99] can be selected under the Processing Parameters tab [98] in the Hotfolder Setup dialog.
Figure 41: The Hotfolder Setup dialog with Processing Parameters tab selected.
Apply a Fixup Chain In Force Print
Fixup Chains [101] can be selected under the Data Preparation panel [100] in the menu item Automation > Force Print.
Figure 42: The Force Print user interface with a Fixup Chain selected.
2.10. User Unit (Scale Factor)
Especially in the large format industry, print data regardless of size must be processed and printed. Many graphic applications do not allow creating print data larger than 200 inches (5,080 cm), industry standards have agreed to create print data in a ratio of 1:5, 1:10 or any other ratio and then scale it to the final size when ripping the file.
The problem that arises when data is created with a 1:10 or 1:5 ratio, the image resolution, visual format and font size are not checked for the TrimBox, and on the other hand, when preparing the data, users always have to ask themselves the question which scale to use when ripping the data. This situation has already caused some production problems.
We have now removed the limitation of 200 inches in the Workflow. You can process print data of any size, so the test results and meta data refer to the final document size. In order to be able to enlarge print data, which relies on scaling, we have implemented the ability to calculate and apply scaling with version 1.7.7.
2.10.1. User Units for Hotfolders
The Scale Factor [102] can be set under the Process Parameters tab of the Hotfolder Setup dialog which processes all print data that are uploaded to this Hotfolder. Please note that if you also want to apply a Fixup Chain at the same time, the scaling factor will be calculated first and the Fixups will be applied to the scaled dimensions of the print file.
Figure 43: The Process Parameters tab in the Hotfolder Setup dialog.
2.10.2. User Units for Force Print
The Scale Factor [103] can be set for each print file in the File Upload panel of the Force Print menu item. Please note that if a Fixup Chain is selected in the Data Preparation panel, the Scaling Factor is calculated before the Fixup Chain is applied.
Picture 44: The Force Print mask showing various settings including the Scale Factor for individual Print Items.
2.10.3. Apply User Unit to a Print Item
If a print file does not have the correct scale when uploaded into the Workflow, the Scaling Factor can also be applied afterwards by applying the Set Scale Factor Fixup [104].
Figure 45: The Print Data tab tab with the Fixup Set Scale Factor icon selected, which is located in the footer of the Document Information and User-defined Fields settings area.
2.11. Fotoba Cutting Devices
Version 1.7.7. also offers support for common Cutting Devices from Fotoba and also includes typical pre-configured Parameters that are needed for production.
2.11.1. Adding a Fotoba Cutter in the Workflow
Before a Fotoba Cutter can be used in the Workflow for Production Jobs, the Cutting Device must be created in the Workflow first. To do this, follow these steps.
Step 1: Create a Cutting Device in Workflow
- Go to the menu Administration > Cutter Devices.
- Open the Add Cutter dialog by clicking on + New.
Figure 46: The filled in Add Cutter dialog for creating the Fotoba Cutter.

- You can select the following parameters in this dialog:
- Device Type – In this case we will select Fotoba.
- Name – Enter a unique name for the Cutter. If you have two devices of the same type, you should also create the device twice with unique names which will speed up choosing the correct cutter in the Workflow.
- Serial number – Enter the serial number of the device, this makes sense when two Cutters from the same manufacturer are used.
- Finally, create the Fotoba Cutter by clicking Save.
Step 2: Select the correct configuration for your Fotoba Cutter
After creating the cutting device, the Workflow will display three standard configurations based on popular Fotoba series. In the Parameter Sets [105] section, select the Parameter Set which should be used by default by clicking on the Set as Default button [106]. The following configurations are available:
- WR Series – This Parameter Set can be used for the Fotoba WR Series. Only double horizontal lines are created by default.
- XL Series – This Parameter Set can be used for the Fotoba WL Series. Double horizontal lines are created by default and single vertical lines are created on the right edge.
- Digitrim Series – This Parameter Set can be used for the Fotoba Digitrim Series. Double horizontal and vertical lines are created per row and column by default.
Further settings concerning the Parameter Sets can be edited and saved in the Impose Editor. If necessary, user-defined Parameter Sets can also be created and used. For more information on this topic, refer to the sections Using a Cutter in a Production Job and Editing and Saving Configurations for Cutting Devices.
Figure 47: The Administration > Cutter Devices menu item with a valid Parameter Set of the Fotoba Cutter shown.
2.11.2. Use the Fotoba Cutter in a Production Job
Read here how Cutting Devices can be used in Production Jobs.
2.11.3. Available Parameters
If the settings stored in the Parameter Set do not suit you, you can create and save user-defined Parameter Sets in the Impose Editor. We describe this process in more detail in the section Changing and Saving Configurations for Cutting Devices. The following settings can be changed:
Figure 48: Available parameters for creating Marks for a Fotoba Cutter.

- Position [107] – Marks can be placed based on the ImageBox (visual format) or based on the ImageBox + Bleed (production format).
- X- / Y-Offset – An Offset can be defined by entering values in X- or Y-Offset inputs.
- Apply offset to outer lines only [108] – Select this option if the entered Offset should only be applied to the outer lines around the imposition.
- Reference Point [109] – Use this option to define the edge on which the lines should be created.
- Vertical Line – This option determines whether Vertical Lines should single or double.
- Vertical Intermediate – By activating this option, the Vertical Lines per column are also created between Print Items.
- Horizontal Line – In this drop-down menu, as with Vertical Lines, you can specify whether the Horizontal Lines should be single or double. The gear symbol allows you to customize the Line(s) (see Figure 49).
Horizontal Intermediate – Activating this option generates Lines based on the imposed Print Items. Using the gear symbols [113] user-defined line shapes can be created for Horizontal and Vertical Lines. The following options are available in the Line Definition dialog:
- Definition Stripes [114]: Fotoba Marks consist of white or black lines. When defining a Line, a white stripe is used as a starting point. The following stripes will then be created alternating in black and white. The amount of Lines you create is up to you.
- Total Width [115]: The total width for the line is the sum of all stripes used for the Line.
- Preview: In the preview you can see how the Line will look.
- Horizontal Line Length – The Horizontal Line Length can be changed in this drop-down menu. The lines can optionally be placed over the entire width of the Artboard.
Figure 49: The Line Definition dialog for creating user-defined Line shapes.

Sensor Mark [110] – In this area, optional Sensor Marks which are applied to the full height of the sheet, can be added on the left or right edge of the imposition. You can set the following parameters for Sensor Marks:
- Sheet Offset: This determines the Offset of the Sensor Mark from the sheet. You can configure the appearance of the Sensor Marks using the gear symbol next to it.
- Number of Knives [111]: By entering the Number of Knives, you can determine how many knives are used in the cutter. Note that, the number of knives entered has an effect on the imposition to be created.
- Overwrite Impose Settings [112]: In the Settings drop-down area in Step & Repeat Mode you can define the number of columns and rows the imposition should have. The value entered for columns can be overwritten by activating this option, because the number of columns must be one greater than the number of columns in the imposition. If this option is deactivated, the number of blades has no effect on the number of columns selected in the Step & Repeat settings.
2.11.4. Impose Restrictions
As soon as the Manual Mode is opened or switched to, with a Fotoba Cutter selected, a warning will appear in the Impose Editor. This warning is also displayed in the Sheet Configuration Warnings:
»Manual Mode«
Since the Fotoba Cutter needs a grid to cut the job correctly, there are automatically limitations set in the Impose Editor. Specific combinations may flag the warning and will warn the user that the Fotoba Cutter cannot be used in this case. The following restrictions may appear:
Intermediate Marks cannot be displayed in this mode because, we cannot guarantee that the correct X/Y layout has been generated for this Cutting Device.
In Manual Mode, using a Fotoba Cutter is not advisable as there is no guarantee that a grid with consistent dimensions has been created. There is a possibility if only one Print Item is used, the Fotoba Cutter may work in this mode.
»Step & Repeat Mode«
Settings which determine the imposition layout: If Step & Repeat Mode is used in conjunction with a Fotoba Cutter and the option Override Impose Settings [112] (Figure 48) is disabled, a warning appears:
Your entered amount of Fotoba Cutting Knifes will be overwritten by the Impose Editor Settings.
If Step & Repeat Mode is used in conjunction with a Fotoba Cutter and the Override Impose Settings option [112] (Figure 49) is enabled, a warning will appear:
Your entered Impose Grid Settings will be overwritten by the Fotoba Cutter's Cutting Knifes.
As a general rule, either the Impose Grid Settings or the settings from the Fotoba Cutter should provide the final parameters. In this case, the operator must decide whether the Impose Grid Settings or the Cutter Parameters Set are correct for the imposition.
Column Spacing: If the spacing between Print Items has been defined when using Step & Repeat Mode, after selecting a Fotoba Cutter, the spacing is defined using the Marks that are generated. Changing the column spacing in the Step & Repeat Grid Settings will therefore have no effect as long as the Fotoba Cutter remains selected.
»Nesting Mode«
The exact same restrictions apply for Nesting Mode as they do in Step & Repeat. Furthermore, certain Nesting options have additional restrictions. Once a Fotoba Cutter is used in a Nesting, it is important to ensure that all Print Items have the same rotation (0° or 90°). Otherwise consistent grid size cannot be guaranteed. If a different rotation is applied, the following warning is displayed:
Intermediate Marks cannot be displayed in this mode because, we cannot guarantee that the correct X/Y layout has been generated for this Cutting Device.
The same warning also occurs when Print Items with different dimensions are imposed.
»Tiling Mode«
In Tiling Mode, Fotoba Marks are created per Tile. Optionally, you can split the Tiling into individual Tiles when you save it, which allows the individual Tiles to be reassembled and where Fotoba Marks can be added in a further step.
2.12. Fixups
In the course of development, new Fixups have been added and existing Fixups have been updated with extended functionality and improved in usability.
2.12.1. New Fixups
Placeholder text
Create Bleed on Irregular Shape
Until now, it was only possible to add a Dieline to quadratic shapes in a PDF. With the Create Bleed on Irregular Shape Fixup, a Bleed can be added to an irregular shape using pixel sampling. Specify the Offset to determine which pixels are used to sample and create the Dieline.
To add a Bleed to a design with an irregular Dieline, follow these steps:
- Upload the print file as an Article or as a Print Item into the Workflow.
- If you take a look at the Print Item, you will notice that the required Bleed, see the item on the left in the illustration below, is missing.
- Check whether a Dieline exists for the Print Item. If it is missing, you can create a Dieline by applying the Add a Dieline to Irregular Shapes Fixup.
Figure 50: Left: An irregular shape with the Bleed missing. Right: An irregular shape with the Bleed added.
- If there is a Dieline, you can use the Fixup Create Bleed on Irregular Shape from the Add Bleed Fixup group in Print Item view.
- The following parameters are available for the Create Bleed on Irregular Shape dialog:
- Do not consider [116]: Select the Spot Color that should not be used to generate the Bleed. For example: If you want to create the Bleed based on the Dieline, select the Technical Color of the Dieline, so that it is not mirrored.
- Required Bleed [117]: Here you can enter the required Bleed. The size of the Bleed created is based on the entered value and the BleedBox is set to this position based on the TrimBox.
- Offset [118]: Determines which pixel is sampled.
- Enter your settings as needed and click on the Apply to Selection button. After a few seconds, you should see the final result. The result should look like the one shown in the illustration in Figure 50.
Figure 51: The Create Bleed on Irregular Shape dialog.

Color variances in the added Bleed
If Spot Colors are used in the Print Item, differences in the color in the output for the Bleed may occur. The reason being is that the Spot Color is converted to CMYK using a sampling algorithm and therefore small differences in the values may occur.
This Fixup is only available for customers using the Print Workflow Plus license and for all Print Workflow Label license holders with access to the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup is also available using Fixup Chains with the Print Workflow Plus license.
Set Scale Factor
As previously described in section 2.10 User Unit (Scale Factor), this Fixup is used to upscale print data which was created with a specific scaling factor in mind to the TrimBox ( Production Format. For all versions of the Workflow, this Fixup can be applied in the Print Item view in the footer of the information area Document Information and User-defined Fields.
Figure 52: The Set Scale Factor dialog.

Add Edge Reinforcement
With this Fixup an additional unprinted area can be added to the existing Bleed, this is based on the TrimBox.
Figure 53: The Add Edge Reinforcement dialog.

This Fixup is only available for customers using the Print Workflow Plus license and for all Print Workflow Label license holders with access to the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup is also available using Fixup Chains with the Print Workflow Plus license.
Remove Spot Color
The Remove Spot Color Fixup is available for all licenses under the Spot Color Tools drop-down menu at the bottom of the Spot Colors panel in Print Item view. Use this Fixup to remove all objects that contains the specified Spot Color.
Figure 54: The Remove Spot Color dialog.

If this Fixup is used in a Fixup Chain, it is possible to delete up to five Spot Colors simultaneously.
Figure 55: The Remove Spot Color dialog allows the user to remove up to 5 Spot Colors when used in a Fixup Chain.
Rename Spot Color
The Rename Spot Color Fixup can be located under the Data Preparation tab and when using Fixup Chains. This Fixup can be used to rename a Spot Color.
Figure 56: The Rename Spot Color dialog.

This Fixup is only available for customers using the Print Workflow Plus license and for all Print Workflow Label license holders with access to the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup is also available using Fixup Chains with the Print Workflow Plus license.
Redraw DieLine of the TrimBox
The Fixup Redraw DieLine of the TrimBox can be applied under the Data Preparation tab and when using Fixup Chains. Use this Fixup if you want to add a Corner Radius to the existing Dieline for example or if you want to move the existing Dieline and replace it with a new one.
Figure 57: The Redraw DieLine of the TrimBox dialog.

Figure 58: Top: A new Dieline is created for a Label with square Dieline. Bottom: Label with a Corner Radius added and a stronger contour line.
This Fixup is only available for customers using the Print Workflow Plus license and for all Print Workflow Label license holders with access to the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup is also available using Fixup Chains with the Print Workflow Plus license.
Derive a Dieline from Spot Color
The Fixup Derive a Dieline from Spot Color can be applied under the Data Preparation tab and when using Fixup Chains. Use this Fixup to either offset an existing Dieline for example, or to create a new Dieline from an object that has been defined using a Spot Color.
Figure 59: The Derive a Dieline from Spot Color dialog.

By applying this Fixup, the area defined using the Spot Color is traced and replaced by a contour. This procedure is illustrated using the following example.
Figure 60: Top: Dieline created as an area. Bottom: The Dieline is derived as a path from the defined area.
This Fixup is only available for customers using the Print Workflow Plus license and for all Print Workflow Label license holders with access to the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup is also available using Fixup Chains with the Print Workflow Plus license.
Downsample and/or Compress Images
The Downsample and/or Compress Images Fixup can be applied under the Data Preparation tab and when using Fixup Chains. Use this Fixup to reduce the resolution of images in a print file or to change the sampling type. The read/write speeds for storing and copying print files to other systems can be improved significantly.
Figure 61: The Downsample and/or Compress Images dialog.

This Fixup is only available for customers using the Print Workflow Plus license and for all Print Workflow Label license holders with access to the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup is also available using Fixup Chains with the Print Workflow Plus license.
2.12.2. Improvements to existing Fixups
Existing Fixups have been updated and improvements have been made to the user interface.
Create Bleed by Mirroring
The option Create Bleed behind existing page content [119] has been added to the Fixup Create bleed by Mirroring. Activating this option places the generated Bleed behind the existing Bleed, therefore keeping it visible. If this option is deactivated, the generated Bleed is placed in the foreground, therefore covering any existing Bleed.
Figure 62: The Create Bleed by Mirroring dialog showing the new Create Bleed behind existing page content option.

Rotate and/or Mirror Page
In the Rotate and/or Mirror Page Fixup, the options Rotate by 90° increments [120] and Flip Page [121] can now be activated and applied independently from each other.
Figure 63: The Rotate and/or Mirror Page dialog showing additional options.

Convert Registration Color
The Convert Registration Color Fixup was previously only able to convert Registration Colors to CMYK black or 100% gray. Now Registration Colors can be converted to Spot Color Black (Separation Black) [122]. This allows users to defined areas that have been colored this way by the graphic designer, which is now output via a DeviceN color value.
Figure 64: The Convert Registration Color dialog with a new option, Spot Color Black.

Add Finishing
To meet the majority of requirements needed by the large format industry, the following functions have been added to the Fixup Add Finishing:
- Scale [123]: The TrimBox size can now be entered as a numeric value (available previously) or as a percentage.
- Add Welding Lines [124]: A Welding Line can be added to the Print Item.
- Add Bleed by Mirroring [125]: A Bleed can be added using previously offered options. An existing Bleed can also be removed by activating the option Remove existing Bleed [126].
Figure 65: The Add Finishing dialog with a host of new options.
Add a Dieline from the Center
The Add a Dieline from the Center Fixup has a new layout now as well as access to system-wide Spot Colors when selecting a Spot Color name [127].
Figure 66: The Add a Dieline from the Center dialog.

Fixups for creating/adding White
regarding Fixups that use either White or Varnish, the name of the Spot Color [128] no longer needs to be entered manually; the user can now select White from the drop-down list of System-wide Spot Colors.
Figure 67: The Fill a Shape with »White« or »Varnish« dialog.

2.13. Color Management
In the area of Color Management, further measures were taken to improve the quality of the user experience and we've extended the Re-profiling function.
2.13.1. Improvements to the Pre-Linearization step
Previously, the Pre-Linearization was applied to all colors. Staring with version 1.7.7, only Process Colors are taken into account during the Pre-Linearization step. Light colors remain unaffected by Pre-Linearization. This change has made it possible to achieve a wider application of light inks in light areas, which significantly reduces graininess in printouts.
Will this affect current Profiles?
No! The Pre-Linearization is set only once when creating a Profile. This cannot be changed afterwards, and means that this calculation will not change. The new method is applied automatically only when creating new Profiles. When Profiling, only pay attention to the new flatter curves that are encountered when calculating the Transition step.
2.13.2. Improvements to the Linearization step
In the Linearization profiling step, changes have been made to the Ink Limit calculation and handling of G7 and L* has been standardized.
New methods for calculating the Chroma Value
During Linearization, the Ink Limit for both CMY and gamut-enhancing colors are based on the highest Chroma value detected. For Black, the limit is determined based on the L-value. With the new calculation method, the highest chroma value detected is now used instead of the previous highest last.
What can I expect from this change?
With the new calculation method, additional savings on ink can be achieved without visibly limiting the color gamut. Depending on the printer and inks used, an increase of up to 7% more ink can be saved.
Standardized calibration charts for G7 and L*
With version 1.7.7 a type of calibration chart has been developed which can be used to map both Linearization methods: L* linearization in accordance with the ISO 20654 standard as well as G7. With this chart update, the user does not have to decide beforehand whether he wants to calculate the linearization with G7 or L*.
Figure 68: The updated Linearization chart.
Calibration charts from earlier versions are no longer available
Note that after the Workflow has been reinstalled, only the new calibration chart will be available. However, users of earlier versions of the Workflow can still access older calibration charts after updating. Please make sure, however, that you use the calibration chart that is best suited for the Linearization method.
G7 Linearization for printing systems with gamut-enhancing colors
With version 1.7.7, G7 Linearization can now also be used for printing systems with additional gamut-enhancing colors. CMYK Process Colors are linearized according to the G7 method, gamut-enhancing colors: Orange, Violet, Red, Blue and Green, are linearized according to L*.
Advice for G7 Linearization
Please note that when using the G7 Linearization method, you can image a slightly smaller color space. The advantage of G7 for the user is that the printing system provides a very neutral grey axis after Linearization, which means that color casts on the grey axis do not need to be corrected by the Profile.
Furthermore, if you need to achieve Fogra certification, it is imperative that you use the L* Linearization method. The same applies, of course, to the G7 certification. You must use the G7 Linearization method to calculate the Linearization.
G7 Linearization charts for iOne measuring devices and Barbierie Spectro Pad
These new calibration charts are available with version 1.7.7 for all measurement devices supported by the Workflow with a maximum size of A4.
2.13.3. Definition of BlackStart for Spot Colors
Up until version 1.7.7 Spot Colors for output were converted by default under the premise that the colors should be preserved and printed as accurately as possible. As a result, PANTONE Cool Gray 3, for example, was separated mainly using Black with small portions of CMY. With printing systems that only used CMYK and no light colors, this would lead to graininess in the Spot Colors when printed. If light colors were used in the printing system, the printing result was not significantly improved because only a small percentage of under-colors were used in the separation for that Spot Color.
With version 1.7.7, the user can now specify per Substrate Profile with which BlackStart should be used when calculating the separation values for Spot Colors. To set the BlackStart for Spot Color calculation, you only need to set the desired percentage value for the BlackStart [130] in the new Spot Colors tab of the Calculate Substrate Profiles step.
The value that is suggested as a default percentage for the BlackStart corresponds to the value that was set for the BlackStart in the selected Reseparation template [129]. The BlackStart percentage determines the value where only CMY and no black is used for separation. Beyond this value the Workflow will try to separate the hue with as much black as possible.
Figure 69: The new Spot Color tab of the Calculate Substrate Profiles dialog.
BlackStart for Spot Colors before version 1.7.7
If you want to use the previous BlackStart when calculating the separation values for Spot Colors, you must set the BlackStart to »0%« when calculating Substrate Profiles.
Reduce Ink consumption when using Spot Colors
Since the BlackStart can be set separately for each Substrate Profile, you can calculate Substrate Profiles that significantly reduce ink consumption.
2.13.4. Re-profiling step
Before version 1.7.7, a user could check the accuracy of the printer regarding color reproduction by printing and calibrating a calibration chart. If no errors were displayed in the Analyze dialog in the Measurement Result tab, the printing system could still ensure color reproduction within a defined tolerance. If there is too much deviation from the original values, you could detect these deviations in the measurement results, but you could not change or adjust the current Profiles to amend these problems.
With version 1.7.7, the possibility to Re-profile a printing system has now been implemented. In order to make this possible, all calibration charts for Re-profiling have been revised and Re-profiling charts for all supported measurement devices in the Workflow have been made available.
Re-profiling is relevant for different use-case scenarios such as:
- Checking the printing system regarding color reproduction and consistency.
- Creating Profiles for »similar« Substrates on the same printer.
- Profiling the same Substrate on another printer.
Depending on the use-case scenario that fits your needs follow these steps.
Check your printing system and maintain consistency
To check the printing system regarding color reproduction based on previously created Profiles, proceed as follows:
- Select the menu item Color > Color Setup. The Color Setup list is displayed.
- Find the desired Color Setup and open it by double-clicking on the entry in the list.
- Select the Re-Profile tab [131].
- The first step is to print the calibration chart using the Print step button [132]. The chart will be printed without using the Substrate Profile, i.e. only calibrated, because when checking a printing system, the Substrate Profile is checked based on the calibrated printer.
- Then measure the calibration chart using the Measure step button [133]. When Re-Profiling, also keep the normal time interval until the chart is measured.
Figure 70: The Color Setup dialog with the Re-Profile tab selected.
- If you click Next after measuring, you will jump to the next step called Analyze [134] and the Measure Results tab of the Analyze Re-Profiling dialog are displayed.
- If the values fall within the expected Tolerance [136], the statement »Passed, Print in tolerance« is displayed and no further steps need to be taken.
Figure 71: The Analyze dialog with the Measure Results tab selected.
- If certain values are slightly outside the expected tolerance, Re-Profiling must be carried out. If the values are far outside the expected tolerance, either the printing system, the Substrate or environmental conditions have changed so much (for a myriad of reasons), it is advisable to create a completely new Color Setup from scratch, so that the ∆E00 values make sense and color correction can be carried out as quickly as possible.
- If the values are slightly out of tolerance, click on Next [137], which jumps to the next step titled, Calculate Re-Profiling Profile.
- The measurement results are displayed again. To create the corrected Color Setup, press the Calculate button. After the calculation the corrected Color Setup is available. It only describes the correction that is made to the Substrate Profile and does not change the Substrate Profile itself.
- The next time a Production Job is rendered, the corrected Color Setup is applied to the print data after the conversion of the print data into the Substrate Profile. Color reproduction should then be much better and the tolerance should be within the expected range.
Check the Re-Profiling
Whether or not color reproduction can realistically be achieved after Re-Profiling will be shown in a separate step. This check will be available in future versions of the Workflow. This feature is still under development.
Create a Profile for a »similar« Substrate
If you want to use a new Substrate for production on the same printing system and you think that the Substrate will only slightly differ from the currently used Substrate Profile, you can profile the new Substrate very quickly. Proceed as follows:
- Select the menu item Administration > Substrate and create the new Substrate and Substrate Definition for the desired Substrate Category. You can find more information on this in the article Create a new Substrate.
- Choose the menu item Color > Color Setup and select the Color Setup that should be adjusted to the new Substrate you've just added.
- Select the Color Setup and select Duplicate in the action bar. The Copy Color Setup dialog is displayed.
Figure 72: The Copy Color Setup dialog.

- Press OK [138], which duplicates the Color Setup and creates a Color Setup with the same name and values + (Copy 1) at the end of the Color Setup name.
- Select the duplicated Color Setup in the list and then select Edit in the action bar. This opens the Edit Color Setup dialog.
Figure 73: The Edit Color Setup dialog.

- In the Edit Color Setup dialog, you should select the new Substrate [139] that you created previously and click Save [140].
- Open the duplicated Color Setup and select the step Re-Profile.
- Now repeat the process you followed for Checking the printing system regarding color reproduction and consistency again.
If the Analyze step of the Re-Profiling shows that the Substrate is within expected tolerances and can therefore be used with the same Substrate Profile, your assumption has been confirmed. If the expected tolerances have been slightly exceeded, you can create a correction profile to complete the profiling for the new Substrate in one step.
Re-Profiling helps maintain the same quality in color reproduction across Substrates on the same printing system as quickly as possible.
Profiling the same Substrate on another printing system
If you want to Profile a Substrate on two or more printing systems, possibly of the same type and ink configuration, you can perform this very quickly using Re-Profile. If the printing systems are very different and use very different inks, Re-Profiling can at least allow for quicker adjustment of colors. Whether or not everything falls within expected tolerances is, as previously described, very much dependent on the environmental parameters of the printing system and the ink itself.
To use a Substrate for production on another printing system, proceed as follows:
- Select the menu item Color > Color Setup and in the Color Setup List, select the Color Setup that should be adapted for the Substrate on the new printing system.
- Select the Color Setup and Duplicate it in the action bar. The Copy Color Setup dialog is displayed. Press OK, which duplicates the Color Setup, which creates a Color Setup with the same name and values + (Copy 1) on the end of the name.
- Select the duplicated Color Setup and select Edit in the action bar. This opens the Edit Color Setup dialog.
Figure 74: The Edit Color Setup dialog.

- In the Edit Color Setup dialog you should change the Printer [141] and in some cases also the Print Configuration [142].
- Press Save [143].
- As the second printing system may differ from the original one in age and condition, you should complete the Linearization steps for the printer by printing the calibration chart, measuring the chart and recalculating the Linearization profile before you run the Re-Profiling step. When this is complete you have completed the calibration of the printer by completing a type of Linearization. The Substrate Profile was created for the output printer based on a calibrated printer, which means that the Substrate Profile should in theory be correct.
- In order to evaluate the new Profile, you should run through the process again, which was previously described in Checking the printing system regarding color reproduction and consistency.
If the analysis of the Re-Profiling shows that the Substrate is within the expected tolerance, the same Substrate Profile can be used on the second printing system, combined with a Re-Linearization. If the tolerances are slightly exceeded, you can create a correction profile to ensure or at least significantly improve the profiling for the Substrate on the second printer in an additional step.
Re-profiling helps guarantee the same quality in color reproduction for Substrates across printing systems as quickly as possible.
2.14. REST API
In this version, further areas of the REST API have been edited and extended. New features and improvements are listed below.
An updated version of the documentation with examples of the Durst Workflow Rest API is available under:
2.14.1. Updates to the latest version
- Controllers have been renamed
- Mandatory attributes for creating Customer requests were added
- (Customer Company Controller, Customer Individual Controller)
- Attributes changed in the Fixup »Convert pure black to rich black«
- Objecttype changed to FilterByObjecttype
- (Fixup Controller Api)
- GET /api/v1/printOrderItems/{id} is obsolete and has been replaced by: GET /api/v1/printOrders/{id}/printOrderItems/{printOrderItemId}
- (Print Order Item Controller Api)
2.14.2. Print Order Controller
POST /api/v1/printOrders/create
Create Orders (complete Orders including Order Items & Print Items)
PUT /api/v1/printOrders/{id}
Edi Orders (changes the metadata of Orders)
DELETE /api/v1/printOrders/{id}
Delete Orders (deletes the entire Order with all links – recovery is not possible after this action is complete)
New functions contain validation and additional list requests
2.14.3. Print Order Item Controller
POST /api/v1/printOrders/{id}/printOrderItems/create
Creates Order Items in an Order
PUT /api/v1/printOrders/{id}/printOrderItems/{printOrderItemId}
Edits metadata of an Order Item
DELETE /api/v1/printOrders/{id}/printOrderItems/{printOrderItemId}
Deletes Order Items (deletes the entire Order Item including all Print Items – recovery is not possible after this action is complete)
New functions contain validation and additional list requests
2.14.4. Print Item Controller
POST /api/v1/printOrders/{id}/printOrderItems/{printOrderItemId}/motifs/create
Creates Print Items in an Order Item
PUT /api/v1/printOrders/{id}/printOrderItems/{printOrderItemId}/motifs/{motifId}
Edits the metadata of a Print Item. Print Items cannot be replaced using this request. To do this, the Print Item must be deleted and uploaded again.
DELETE /api/v1/printOrders/{id}/printOrderItems/{printOrderItemId}/motifs/{motifId}
Deletes Print Items (restoring Print Items is not possible)
New functions contain validation and additional list requests
2.14.5. Substrate Category Controller
POST /api/v1/substrateCategories/create
Creates Substrate Categories
PUT /api/v1/substrateCategories/{id}
Edits Substrate Categories
New functions contain validation and additional list requests
2.14.6. Substrate Controller
POST /api/v1/substrateCategories/{id}/substrates/create
Creates Substrates
PUT /api/v1/SubstratKategorien/{id}/Substrat/Substrat/Substrat/{substrateId}
Edits Substrates
New functions contain validation and additional list requests
2.14.7. Substrate Shape Controller
POST /api/v1/substrateCategories/{id}/substrates/{substrateId}/substrateShapes/create
Creates Substrate Definitions
PUT /api/v1/SubstratKategorien/{id}/Substrate/SubstratFormen/{substrateId}/substrateShapes/{substrateShapeId}
Edits Substrate Definitions
New functions contain validation and additional list requests
3. Improvements
Version 1.7.7 of the Workflow offers even more minor improvements such as:
3.1. New dither modes for Single-Pass & Multi-Pass Printers
Two new dither modes are available in the Workflow. Due to an HHR update from Global Graphics, the new dither modes AIS-Opal and AIS-NV10 can be used as default for single and multi-pass printing systems from 1.7.7 onward.
- AIS-Opal – This dither mode was developed by Global Graphics especially for Durst multi-pass printing systems. This algorithm is a combination of the AIS-Pearl and AIS-Mirror dither modes, which provides smoother printing results for colored areas. This mode is designed to prevent streaking artifacts, especially with UV-curable inks on difficult Substrates.
- AIS-NV10 – This dither mode was developed by Global Graphics specifically for Durst single-pass printing systems. This mode should only be used for single-pass machines.
New dither modes are selected automatically when adding a Printer
Newly added printers will have these dither modes selected by default in the Workflow starting with version 1.7.7. Existing printers in the Workflow must be changed manually to enable the new dither modes.
Changing the dither mode may require Re-Profiling
Changing the dither mode for an existing printer may result in color changes in the output. In any case, you can check this by applying the Re-Profiling step after selecting your dither mode to make sure this change does not significantly alter color reproduction.
3.2. Render Performance Improvements
In version 1.7.7 new features have been implemented to optimize parallel processing of Production Jobs in the RIP. The following settings can help optimize render performance. Switch to the menu item Administration > Settings > General to access these settings.
3.2.1. Default Batch Size
This function calculates the optimum batch size (number of pages of a multi-page PDF) for the Production Job to be processed simultaneously per RIP instance. This option is especially important for VDP jobs and multi-page PDF files. By default the Default Batch Size [144] is 50 pages. However, the optimal Batch Size for a Production Job is calculated again at runtime each time the RIP is applied:
- S = Number of pages to be processed (e.g.: a multi-page PDF with 10,000 pages)
- I = Number of available Render Instances (e.g.: 4 RIP instances are available by default; additional RIP instances can be purchased through your Durst representative)
- B = Default Render Batch Size (e.g.: 50 is the default value)
The Render Batch Size used when the RIP is applied is calculated dynamically depending on the current settings available. Render Batch Size for example could be calculated as follows:
Example 1: S (10,000) / I (4) = 2,500 | 2,500 is larger than B, which means the value in B (50) is used as the Batch Size. A 10,000 page document is therefore divided into 200 batches (10,000 / 50), which are calculated in parallel on four RIP instances one after the other.
Example 2: S (10) / I (4) = 2.5 | 2.5 is smaller than B, whereby the value 3 is used as the Batch Size. A 10-page document is therefore divided into 3 batches (10 / 3), which are then calculated in parallel.
Figure 75: The RIP Settings panel under the General tab of the Settings menu item.
Default Batch Size for VDP print jobs
Users with TAU printing systems should set the default Batch Size to 100 if VDP print jobs need to be processed. With this value, we have calculated the average optimal render time after many lengthy tests.
3.2.2. RIP Performance
With the RIP Performance option [145], you can switch between rendering a single production job faster or rendering multiple production jobs in parallel.
- Render a single Production Job faster – Single Production Jobs can be rendered faster because the separations on the available RIP instances are processed in parallel. If additional RIP instances are available, they will be used for parallel processing of upcoming print jobs.
- Render multiple Jobs in parallel – Multiple Production Jobs can be rendered in parallel, where one RIP instance from the number of available RIP instances is used for each individual Production Job.
If the Workflow has only 4 RIP instances, you must decide whether to use the available RIP power to render Production Jobs in parallel or to render individual Production Jobs faster.
3.2.3. Create Render Files locally
By activating the function Create Render Files Locally [146] job separations are generated locally first before they are copied to the destination folder on the printer. If this option is deactivated, separations are rendered directly to the destination folder on the printer.
3.3. Dimensions of Spot Colors & Technical Colors
Starting with version 1.7.7, dimensions are displayed for each Spot Color or Technical Color contained in the document. A new symbol [147] has been added, which displays the dimension of the area or contour by hovering the mouse over it. This function is available for Articles and for Print Items in Orders or Production Jobs.
Figure 76: Hovering over the symbol for either Spot Colors or Technical Colors will reveal the surface dimension of that color.
3.4. Improvements to Print Item view
Version 1.7.7 also provides improvements in the detail view for Articles/Print Items. These are:
3.4.1. Print Item view loupe function
The Loupe function in Articles or the Print Item preview has been revised so that a high-resolution preview image is displayed. Zoom in and out by scrolling with the mouse.
3.4.2. Preflight Results
Print files that are loaded into the Workflow are checked by a Preflight. This check provides metadata such as: document size, color working space, Spot Colors, etc. and on the other hand, objects contained in the pdf are checked for errors. The Preflight results are displayed as metadata in the Print Item view and as Warnings and Errors in the Preflight results dialog.
You can open the Preflight results dialog by clicking the Show Warnings or Show Errors icons in the header of the Document Information and User-defined Fields panel. Errors and warnings are displayed each on a separate tab.
With version 1.7.7, states that cannot be repaired were classified as errors in the Preflight profile and states that can possibly be repaired by existing Fixups were marked as warnings. The user interface for the Preflight results dialog has been cleaned up a bit and the descriptions of the errors and warnings have been made clearer.
Figure 77: The overhauled Preflight results dialog.

3.5. Delete filtered list entries
In version 1.7.6 a new feature was implemented which allows removal of all filtered or listed entries across multiple pages. This function is available for in both the Article and Production Jobs list. You can read more about this topic here. From version 1.7.7 these options are only available if no entry is selected in the list.
3.6. LFP/CPD Job Ticket Extensions
The printer software reads certain information from the job ticket contained in a job and is able to display some of this information. In the course of this release, some parameters in the job ticket have been extended or improved. The following changes have been implemented.
3.6.1. Push Color
As of version 1.7.7, Push Color [148] can be activated in the Print Configuration for printers that support this option. Please note that Print Configurations with and without the PushColor option enabled must be profiled separately, as this drastically changes the dynamic range.
Figure 78: The new Push Color option, available in the Add Print Configuration dialog.

If a Production Job has Push Color activated and is sent to the printer, the command »PRT BCP = PC« is written into the job ticket. Using this command, the printer software (only when this option is supported by the printer software) will automatically preselect the correct settings when printing the job.
3.6.2. Additional Workflow Render Information
Starting with version 1.7.7, two types of additional information about the Production Job are written into the LFP/CPD Job Ticket. Both the applied DeviceN Color Correction: ID and name and the Name of the Production job are now written into the job ticket.
DeviceN Color Correction – If a DeviceN Color Correction has been applied when sending to the printer, the Name and also the ID of the correction will be written into the Job Ticket. The corresponding parameters in the Job Ticket are:
- WF_CMT=<Name> (<ID>)
Production Job Name – When sending to the printer, all special characters and spaces in the Production Job Name were previously removed for compatibility reasons. This led to confusion in the past. From this version on, the name of the Production Job is written into a separate Job Ticket parameter so that it can be read and displayed by the printer software. The corresponding parameters in the Job Ticket are:
- DPT JOBNAME=<OriginalJobName>_<ID>_<RenderSequence>_<Page number>
- Example: Watts Water Pressure Valve TB_228_1_p1
3.7. Assigning Substrates to Categories
In the Workflow, Substrates are always assigned to a Substrate Category. When creating a new Substrate and a Substrate Defintion, the Substrate might be added to the wrong Substrate Category. As of this version, Substrates can be transferred to other Substrate Categories together with the mapped Substrate Definition values. To move a Substrate to another Substrate Category, proceed as follows:
- Open the menu item Administration > Substrate.
- Create a new Substrate Category or select an existing one.
- In a Substrate Category, create a new Substrate including a Substrate Defintion or select an existing Substrate.
- Click on Edit in the footer of the Substrates panel.
- Select the desired Substrate Category from the drop-down menu Category [149].
- Close the dialog by clicking on Save.
Default Substrates cannot be reassigned
A Substrate set as Default cannot be moved. In this case, create a new Substrate and set it as the default Substrate. Then you can move the Substrate previously set as the default Substrate to another Category.
Figure 79: The Edit Substrate dialog, with the new Category option.

Deleting Substrates and their respective Substrate definitions
The ability to delete Substrate Definitions and Substrates has not yet been implemented in the current version of the Workflow, but will be in future versions. A workaround for this issue is to create a Substrate Category called »To be deleted«. You can move all unneeded Substrates to this Substrate Category. Contact customer service if Substrates need to be deleted permanently.
3.8. Mirroring Cut Data
Starting with version 1.7.7, Cut data for certain cutting devices can also be transferred to the cutting device in mirrored form. If needed printing Marks can also be mirrored.
Three parameters are available for this purpose under Administration > Cutter Devices. These are:
- Mirror CutData Horizontally [150] – By activating this option, cut data from the Production Job will be mirrored horizontally in the cutting file. In this case, printing Marks are not mirrored.
- Mirror CutData Vertically [152] – By activating this option, cut data from the Production Job will be mirrored vertically in the cutting file. Printing Marks are not mirrored.
- Mirror Registration Marks [151] – By activating this option, the printing Marks in the cutting file will also be mirrored based on the selected method (horizontal/vertical or both).
Figure 80: The Parameters panel under Administration > Cutter Devices.

These settings are available in version 1.7.7 for the following cutters:
- Aristo – Aristomat (SL, TL, GL, LFC)
- Bummer – Bullmer CutCenter
- Elitron – Elitron CAM
- Esko – Kongsberg
- Tanner – MCT Cutter
- SD Italy – SD Cutter
- Zünd – Zünd CutCenter
3.9. Small Improvements
The following improvements have been added in version 1.7.7.
3.9.1. Workflow
Display of multi-page jobs in the printer software: If a Production Job with multiple pages is sent to the printer, individual pages are displayed on the printer side in the correct order. For this purpose, a suffix has been added to the job name. For example: p001, p002, ... p100, p101, ...
Define the order of User-defined Fields: User-defined Fields can be created and managed in the Workflow for several versions now. The order in which the User-defined Fields are displayed in the Workflow can be defined when creating or editing them. In this version, the user interface for changing the sequence has been revised and restructured.
The ADMIN User Role can no longer be edited: Since version 1.7.7 the »ADMIN« User Role can no longer be edited. This Role is still available when creating a new User. This role always contains full authorization and cannot be edited.
Display of the Substrate for Substrate-specific Spot Colors: The corresponding Substrate is also displayed in the Substrate-specific Spot Colors list.
Display of the internal ID for Impose Templates, Print Configurations, Printers: The corresponding internal ID is now also displayed for Impose Templates, Print Configurations and Printers. This enables unique identification of all elements.
Multi editing items in the Collection List: Several selected items within a Collection can be edited or deleted at the same time in the Collection List.
Editing multiple Article Tags: In the Article List, several Articles can be selected and edited. When editing, the Tags can now also be defined or edited.
Editing Winding Types for multiple Articles: In the Article List, several Articles can be selected and edited. When editing, the Winding Type can also be set.
Printer Color Configurations: The drag & drop function when adding Color Configurations to a printer has been removed with this version. Instead, there is now a drop-down selection menu with all possible color configurations based on the existing Print Color Configuration.
Measurement Results in Workflow: The way that Measurement Results are displayed in all profiling steps has been revised. Particularly the statistical values were revised and the design was adapted.
3.9.2. Impose Editor
Save Imposition Dialog: The Save Imposition dialog design has been updated in the course of this version. You can also decide on an individual basis for each Article or Print Item whether the reference to the source file (Article or Print Item) is retained or whether the reference is split and a copy of the file is created in the Production Job.
HTTPs support in the Impose Editor: The Impose Editor can be opened and used in an HTTPs environment.
Improved Printed Overlap visualisation in Tiling: In Tiling, the Printed Overlap can be defined separately for each Tile. This dialog for setting the Printed Overlap per Tile has been revised. The dialog is scrollable depending on the number of Tiles. You can see individual values for each Tile and the default value for the entire Tiling.
Rotation of Bleed in Manual Mode: When rotating a Print Item or Article in Manual Mode, the Bleed is currently rotated with the Print Item. For example: The Bleed »Top« is 10mm. After rotating by 90°, the 10mm Bleed is on the »Right« side of the Print Item. This Bleed is still the Bleed on the »Top«side.
Maintain applied rotation when replacing Print Items: When a Print Item is replaced in Manual Mode, the current rotation of the Print Item being replaced is retained.
Improvement to the »Trim to Height/Width« function: The »Trim to Width« and »Trim to Height« function has been improved in Manual Mode. The sheet is now enlarged or reduced in all directions (top, right, bottom & left) when this function is executed.
Measure Tool now supports all available units: The Measure Tool now supports all available units of measurement, which can be set in the Workflow under Administration > Settings > Display Options.
4. Bug Fixes
The following Bugs have been fixed with this release.
4.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-In
Barcodes and QR Codes: An error occurred when »&« was used in a Barcode or QR Code. This error has been fixed. (PXT-923)
Searching for Customers in Order List: It was previously impossible to search for Customers in the Order List in the AI Plug-In. This function has now been added. (PXT-844)
4.2. Workflow
Send to Printer – Destination directory was overwritten when sending to the printer: If several Production Jobs were sent to the printer at the same time, the target directories were partially overwritten. This error has been corrected. (DW-2916 & DW-2504)
Send to Printer – Destination directories were displayed several times in the drop-down menu: In the Send to Printer dialog, some target directories were displayed multiple times. This behavior has been changed. (DW-2915)
Send to Printer – Production jobs were partially overwritten on the printer: When sending to the printer, the render sequence was not incremented in some cases. For this reason, some Production Jobs were partially overwritten on the printer side. This error has been corrected. (DW-2914)
Inks – Adding Inks with the same Process Color: As of 1.7.7 it is possible to add multiple Inks with the same Process Color within an Ink Family. (DW-2909)
Profiling Templates – Black start was set to »30« for »MaxK«: As soon as the »MaxK« method is activated in Profiling Templates, BlackStart« is set to »0«. This behavior has been implemented. (DW-2831)
Import Color Setup - The old import logic for importing Color Setups via Master Data has been removed: The »old« import logic for importing Color Setups via the Master Data has been removed. Color Setups can now only be imported via Colors > Color Setup > Action > Import. (DW-2768)
Check-In – Hidden files are no longer uploaded: When uploading folders with files to a Collection, hidden files were also uploaded to the Workflow. This error has been fixed - hidden files are now ignored. (DW-2749)
Color Setups – Duplicated Tags for Color Setups: When duplicating a Color Setup, some Tags were also duplicated. This error has been fixed. (DW-2669)
Color Correction – Color Corrections could not be applied to light colors: If a color correction was selected and rendered with light colors during transfer to the printer, the correction could not be applied. Color corrections can now be used again in conjunction with light colors. (DW-2624)
Fixup – Rotate and/or Mirror Pages: With this Fixup it was not possible to change the rotation or mirroring of items. If nothing was selected, the page was rotated regardless of the selection. This error has also been corrected. (DW-2533)
Fixup – Add White to all printed objects: When this Fixup was applied, white was also generated as a Technical Color. From now on, Technical Colors are not taken into account when calculating white for printed objects. (DW-1612)
Callas Software – Error during initial check: Bugs were fixed by an update from the OEM partner. These errors were particularly noticeable with documents that had large file sizes with more than 500 pages:
ZuniComm sent jobFailed message, detail message: Internal error
ERROR: 0x1002 (Internal error -> Could not evaluate JavaScript prepare: JS, Exception: Timeout: execution canceled after 60000ms (in script 'prepare))
Heap Space Error
during Check-In.
Global Graphics – Render Errors fixed: Bugs were fixed with an update from the OEM partner:
Zunicomm sent jobFailed message, detail message:[5]HHR Error info:[193:M:68000000];[5]%%[ Error: VMerror; OffendingCommand: PDF opcode Do ]%%; Config Failed Error 0x68000000: VMerror; OffendingCommand: PDF opcode Do
Zunicomm sent jobFailed message, detail message: Config Failed Error 0x68060000: invalidaccess; OffendingCommand: exec;
- Problems that occurred when calculating Spot Color Profiles.
4.3. Impose Editor
Grid Tool – Dieline set to the wrong position: When the Grid Tool was used in combination with the option »Original size« and a Dieline was added, the Dieline was placed on the wrong position. This bug has been fixed. (DW-2444)
Tiling – size and area information in the footer: The dimensions, percentages and areas in the footer of Tiling Mode have been adjusted because incorrect values were displayed. (IMPOSE-1621)
Cutting Devices – Standard configurations cannot be overwritten: Cutting device configurations can be edited or saved in the Impose Editor. From this version on it is forbidden to overwrite standard configurations. (IMPOSE-1521)
Send to printer - Rotated Tiling result: If a Tiling imposition was rotated in the Send to Printer dialog and then rendered, the render result was incorrect. The rotation function now works correctly with Tiling jobs. (IMPOSE-1472)
Lines - Auto Margins: When adding Lines in the Impose Editor, they are now included in the automatic calculation of Margins. The thicker the line, the larger the auto Margin. (IMPOSE-1471)
Download Imposition – Marks were missing: The current imposition can be downloaded in a Production Job. when downloading the imposition pdf, the Marks were missing. This error has been fixed. (IMPOSE-1461)
Cutters – Marks were clipped: Some Cutter Marks in the Imposed Editor were slightly clipped on the edge. This error has been fixed. This only occurred if the Marks had a line Stroke width applied. (IMPOSE-1419)
Tiling – Cut Marks in Overall View: Overall View in Tiling would display Cut marks when a Cutter was added. These Marks are no longer displayed with this version in Overall View. (IMPOSE-1333)
Manual Mode – Scaling multiple Print Items: When scaling Print Items or Articles manually, the Print Items were partially overlapping. This error has been fixed. (IMPOSE-1255)
Cutting Devices – Auto Margins when adding or removing Marks: If Cut Marks are enabled or disabled in the Impose Editor, the Auto Margin must also be recalculated. This behavior has been adjusted. (IMPOSE-1538)
Cutting Devices – No placed Print Items: If no Print Items or Articles have been placed in the imposition, Cutter information (Marks and Barcodes) are not displayed. (IMPOSE-1440)
5. Hotfixes
The original release on May 15th, 2020 has the build version »DW Build 1.7.7(135)«. The following Hotfixes have been added in the following sub-versions:
Version 1.7.7.(137)
On June 2nd, this Hotfix was released due to the following bugs:
ImageBox & Expected Bleed: If the system-wide setting »Use bleed from PDF« was activated and a document without a BleedBox was loaded into the Workflow, the system-wide defined Expected Bleed was used in the pdf. Starting with this version, the Expected Bleed is set to "0" if no BleedBox is available.
Fixup – Add white to all printed objects: The Fixup »Add White to all printed objects« could not be applied. This error has been fixed.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.7.(137)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.7.(138)
On June 4th, this Hotfix was released due to the following bug:
License: When creating a Printer using a license without the "Additional Colors" permission, a Color Configuration with the Process Color White, White Over, Varnish & Satinato could not be created. This bug has been fixed.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.7.(138)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.7.(140)
On June 8th, this Hotfix was released due to the following bug:
Mirroring Calibration Charts: Calibration charts could no longer be sent to the printer when mirrored. This bug has been fixed.
The error is not fixed for existing Color Setups. If existing Color Setups have to be mirrored and printed again, please contact a service technician.
With the release of version 1.7.8, existing Color Setups will be able to be mirrored and sent to the printer correctly.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.7.(140)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.7.(141)
On June 10th, this Hotfix was released due to the following error:
Render Engine PTB: Technical Colors are being printed when using the PTB Render Engine. This bug has been fixed. This bug only affects customers that do not have an HHR license.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.7.(141)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.7.(151)
On July 2nd, this Hotfix was released due to the following error:
Linearization chart measurement: The parameter "STOP_AT_FIRST_PEAK" returned wrong max. ink values regarding measurement errors. This behavior has now been reset to the status of DW 1.7.6.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.7.(151)-Setup.exe