Published: 31.08.2021
In this article you will learn about:
- New features that are available
- Improvements that have been added
- Which bugs have been fixed in version 1.10.2 of the Workflow
This article can also be downloaded as a PDF version. The release notes for the previous versions can be downloaded from the archive.
1. Overview
With version 1.10.2, users can take advantage of several new features in the environment of the Impose Editor, Automating Production Jobs, Fixups and handling and output of print data.
An overview of all changes is outlined below, and a detailed description is included for specific areas such as Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes.
1.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug–In
The following new features or improvements are available in Plug–In version 1.10.2:
Data Matrix Barcode Improvements: In this version, additional Code Format options for the DataMatrix Barcode have been added.
1.2. New Features in the Workflow
The following new features are available in version 1.10.2 of the Workflow:
Impose Editor: In version 1.10.2, the design of the Impose Editor, and how the Editor is launched within the Workflow, has been fundamentally revised. Additional functions have been added and existing functions have been improved. The following new features have been implemented in this interim release:
- Light Theme – The user interface of the Impose Editor has been adapted to fit the overall UI of the Workflow. Starting with this version onwards, the Impose Editor will start within the Workflow workspace using the light theme by default.
- Edge Reinforcement in Tiling – an additional feature for "Tiling" mode has been implemented, which allows the user to define edge reinforcements around the Print Item being tiled. The edge reinforcement is displayed using a highlight color in the impose preview.
- Caption Cutfile Name – A new Caption placeholder called: Cutter Page Filename, is available. This placeholder ensures that the complete name of the final cutfile can be written in the imposition sheet. This allows the operator to visually confirm that the cutfile is correct for the print job.
System Settings: Starting with this version, additional new system settings are available, which can be defined under Administration > Settings > General in the General Settings panel as well as Display Options. These are:
- Area Unit – Square meters and square feet are now available as system settings. As of this version, the defined Area Unit of measurement only affects how the Ink Costs are displayed in the Workflow. In the future, this will also be used, for example, when displaying information in the Impose Editor.
- Ink Consumption Calculation Settings – Due to the revisions and updates made in the Workflow regarding Ink Cost calculation and creating Ink Cost Reports, there are also new system settings for these areas. These affect not only the calculation but also how the ink costs are displayed for Articles and Print Items contained in Orders as well as Production Jobs.
- Limit parallel Running Processes – Starting with this version, the number of parallel running processes in the Workflow can be limited. This function is intended to improve how the Workflow workstation hardware is utilised or allocated. These settings can only be adjusted by the administrator of the Workflow and are therefore only visible and/or adjustable when Debug Mode is activated.
Activities: As of version 1.10.2, Workflow processes that are currently listed in the queue (due to the limitation of parallel running processes ) are listed in a separate »Queue« tab in the Activities area. Queued processes are automatically forwarded to the Running tab as hardware resources become available.
Ink Costs – Reports and Calculation: In this version, the area for calculating Ink Costs in the Print Item/Article view has been fundamentally revised. Various new functions have been implemented. Previously available functions have been extended as well.
- Calculation of Ink Costs – The Calculation and also the display of ink costs has been newly implemented in this version. These new features are available for Articles and Print Items in Orders as well as in Production Jobs under the »Statistics« tab.
- Creating an Ink Cost Report – Ink cost reports are now located under the »Statistics« tab, where the user can create a report for separate ink cost calculations. The new UI offers various new options for the user.
- Ink Consumption Analysis – Calculated ink costs can be compared with each other from this version on. A new analysis view has been implemented, which allows the user to compare two selected calculations side by side.
Hotfolder: A new processing method »ZIP for Multitracks« has been implemented for processing production orders using hot folders. This can be used from version 1.10.2 onwards and can be found under the Process Parameters tab in the Hotfolder Setup dialogue.
- ZIP for Multitracks – This is a specially developed feature for controlling different print series (tracks) using Durst printing systems P5 350 as well as P5 210. A new processing method has been implemented for Hotfolders, which makes it possible to feed the print series configured on the printer separately with print data using a defined sequence.
Vanguard Printers: As of this version, Vanguard printing systems can be controlled directly from the Workflow. Vanguard printers can be created, edited, profiled and used for Production Jobs.
Fixups: In this release, some existing Fixups have been revised and six additional Fixups have been added to the Workflow.
Rest API: There are new features in the Mime types. In addition, some bugs have been fixed.
1.3. Improvements
The following improvements to existing functions have been implemented in version 1.10.2 of the Workflow:
Impose Editor: In addition to some new features in the Impose Editor, further improvements to existing logic have been added in version 1.10.2.
- Positioning of Marks and Captions – Specifically, the methods for placing Marks and Captions have been revised so that they can be better maintained. These improvements will allow placement errors to be fixed faster and with less risk in the future. By utilizing this new logic some previously known errors have been resolved.
Workflow: In addition to numerous new features, further improvements to previously implemented functions have also been added in this version.
- Output Templates – From this version onwards Output Templates are implemented in a consistent manner throughout the Workflow. This leads to more consistent methods when using Output Templates, which minimizes errors. In addition, the Output Templates user interface is now using the latest technology, which noticeably increases performance, as loading times have been reduced. Furthermore, a feature where the user can modify Output Templates for multiple Production Jobs simultaneously has been implemented.
- Processing of PDF/VT – To be able to process PDF/VT files in the Workflow, an additional render option »EHVD« has been implemented for Production Jobs. This render option is located next to the previously implemented IHVD option in the Send to Printer dialogue under the Advanced tab.
- Enhancements to the check–in process – The check–in process has also been enhanced in this release. A preflight warning is displayed for very complex print data if the »content stream« of a file exceeds three megabytes. Furthermore, the option to apply a scaling factor of 1:4 when uploading, has been added to the scaling factor (User Units option).
- LILO for TAU & VariJet – From this version on, for TAU and VariJET printing systems, the print jobs for Lead–In/Out can be sent separately to the printer without having to render the entire Production Job.
- Interfaces List extension – Sorting, filtering and search options have been implemented for the Third–party Printer and ZuniComm lists.
- Filter Enhancements – Some filters now support options to exclude the selected criteria, which makes it easier to hide items in lists. For example, Orders with the status »Produced« can be explicitly excluded from the search.
Minor Improvements: Additional minor improvements have been implemented.
1.4. Fixed Bugs
Adobe Illustrator Plug-In: A list of fixed bugs and/or minor improvements in the Adobe Illustrator PlugIn.
Workflow: A list of fixed bugs and/or minor improvements in the main application.
Impose Editor: A list of fixed bugs and/or minor improvements in the Impose Editor.
2. New Features
In this section you will learn about new features that have been developed in the Adobe Illustrator Plug–In, Impose Editor and the Workflow. In some cases, existing functions may have also been updated.
2.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug–In
If you are working with version 1.10.2 of the Workflow, version 1.10.2 of the Plug–in must be installed to ensure consistent operation. If you are using an older version of the Plug–in, you will be notified when you log in to the Plug–in.
The following versions of Adobe Illustrator are supported:
Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 Version 23.1.1 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Version 24.2 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 Version 25.3 |
MacOSX | Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.15 (Catalina), Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
Mac OS Version 11.2 (Big Sur), Mac OS Version 10.15 (Catalina) Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
Microsoft Windows |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 8.1 or MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
Support | Plug-In Version and Plug-In Version (only Windows) |
Plug-In Version and Plug-In Version (only Windows) |
Plug-In Version (Mac OS and Windows) |
Support for older versions of Adobe Illustrator
Please note that the current PlugIn Version 1.10.2.xx can only installed for Adobe Illustrator CC 2019, Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2021. If Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 or Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 is being used with Mac OS for DW, the plug–in must be used. Plug–in 1.10.2.xx is compatible with Mac OS only when Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 is used.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 can still be used with thePlugIn Version conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.2. Using PlugIn Version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or bugs for this constellation/configuration will not be followed up and/or fixed.
Adobe Illustrator 2018 can still be used withPlugIn version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.6. The use of PlugIn version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or errors for this constellation will not be followed up and corrected.
2.1.1. DataMatrix Barcode Improvements
In version 1.10.2 of the Adobe Illustrator Plug–in, additional features have been added to the Data Matrix Barcode settings. The following Code Format options are available:
- Default
- Industry
- Format 05
- Format 06
- Reader
- DP Postmatrix
Follow these steps to access the Code Format options:
- Open Adobe Illustrator and launch the Workflow Plug–in.
- Open or place a document.
- Create a Variable or Static Barcode.
- Select the Data Matrix [1] type.
- Open the Data Matrix Settings area [2].
- Select the desired Code Format from the drop–down menu [3].
Figure 1: The Data Matrix Settings where the user can find the new Code Format options.

2.2. Impose Editor
In this version, two additional new functions have been implemented in the Impose Editor of the Workflow. In addition, the Impose Editor has been integrated into the Workflow and its design has been adapted or else restructured. Read the following sections for more details concerning new features and improvements in the Impose Editor.
2.2.1. Light Theme
The user interface of the Impose Editor has been adapted to that of the Workflow and the Impose Editor has been integrated into the user interface of the Workflow. From this version on, the Impose Editor is displayed using a light theme to ensure visual consistency in the Workflow.
Figure 2: The Impose Editor now has a light theme in the Workflow.
From this version on, the Impose Editor is no longer opened in a separate tab. Instead, it will be opened directly in the Workflow using the new user interface. The navigation menu on the left side as well as the action bar in the header remains. This results in the following advantages for the user:
- Switching to other menu items is possible without having to click on a separate tab.
- Directly changing to the previous view in the Workflow, because the application is in the same tab.
- For future versions of the Workflow, a dialogue possibility Send to Printer will be added.
- A uniform and consistent visual style using the light theme, with the possibility to switch to the familiar dark theme in future versions.
2.2.2. Edge Reinforcement in Tiling
A new option has been added in »Tiling« Mode, where the user can add Edge Reinforcement (a white unprinted area) to the Print Item. Edge Reinforcement can be defined separately on all four edges of the Print Item. In succession the Tiling mechanism calculates to include the Edge Reinforcement per Tile. Therefore, the need for the user to calculate the Edge Reinforcement manually is eliminated and errors and unnecessary trial are reduced .
Figure 3: Edge Reinforcement can now be added to a Print Item in Tiling Mode.
To add Edge Reinforcement in Tiling Mode, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor.
- Switch to »Tiling« Mode.
- Open the Artboard Settings tab [4].
- Open the Overlap Parameters [5] drop–down.
- Define the Edge Reinforcement [6] for each respective edge - the setting only affects the outer edges of the Print Item, so that the finished product will have an unprinted Edge Reinforcement.
- After the Edge Reinforcement has been defined, you can view the added reinforcement using the Tile View option, where the Edge Reinforcement is highlighted in green (see Figure 3).
Figure 4: The Overlap Parameter area where an Edge Reinforcement can be added.

2.2.3. Caption Cutfile Name
A new Caption placeholder has been added in this release.
- Cutter – Cutter Page Filename [7]
This placeholder ensures that the complete name of the cutfile can be written on the impose sheet. This allows a visual assessment to ensure that the cutfile matches the printing job when additional processing of the Production Job is necessary.
Figure 5: The Caption Placeholder Select dialogue with the new placeholder Cutter Page Filename.
2.3. System Settings
As of this version, there are new system settings available, which can be defined under the menu item Administration > Settings > General in the General Settings and Display Options areas. The new system settings are described in more detail below.
Area Unit
Under Area Unit, both Square Meters and Square Feet [8] are available. As of this version, the defined Area Unit only affects how the Ink Cost calculations are displayed in the Workflow. In the future, this will also be used, for example, in the Impose Editor to display important information regarding area.
Figure 6: The Display Options panel under the General tab of the Workflow settings.
Ink Consumption Calculation Settings
Since we've revised and updated both the way that ink cost calculations and ink cost report are carried out, we also needed to add some additional system settings for these new features. These affect the calculation as well as the display of ink costs for Articles and Print Items contained in Orders as well as Production Jobs. The following system setting options are available:
- Base Unit for Inks [9] – The ink cost base unit can be switched between Liters and Kilograms. No recalculation is performed when switching between these two units. Only Unit displayed is changed.
- Base Quantity [10] – In this selection menu, the Quantity can be defined (amount of copies). You can choose between 1, 10, 100 and 1000.
- Calculation Method [11] – The previously available calculation method for ink consumption calculation can be predefined system–wide from this version on.
- Ink Cost Report Template [12] – Both Ink Cost Report Templates supplied by the system are available. The only difference between them is the layout and whether the design preview is placed in portrait or landscape format. If user–defined ink cost report templates have been created in the system, these will also be available for selection here.
Figure 7: The Display Options panel under the General tab in the Workflow, showing specific settings options for ink costs.
Limit Parallel Running Processes
As of this version, the number running parallel processes in the Workflow can be defined and/or limited. This function is intended to improve the utilisation of hardware resources on workstations where the Workflow is running. These settings can only be set by the Workflow administrator and can be made visible by activating Debug Mode. The following settings are available:
- Maximum additional Processes [13] – Defines the number of processes or workflows that are available for all undefined process types. The list below defines how many processes per process type may run in parallel. This setting defines how many additional processes are available for other process types. (Default: 5 additional parallel running processes)
- Check In [14] – Defines how many check–in processes may be processed at the same time. (Default: 10 parallel running processes)
- Render to Printer [15] – Defines the number of Send to Printer processes that may be processed at the same time. (Default: 12 parallel running processes)
- Apply Profile [16] – Defines the number of Apply Profile processes (processes used to create ICC profiles) that may be processed at the same time. (Default: 10 parallel running processes)
- Impose Optimization [17] – Defines the number of Impose Optimisation processes that may be processed at the same time. (Default: 1 parallel running process)
- Internal Print Item Check–in [18] – Defines the number of Internal Print Item Check–in processes (check–in processes for new versions of Print Items after executing a Fixup/Fixup Chain) that may be processed at the same time. (Default: 10 parallel running processes)
- Measure Print Chart [19] – Defines the number of Measure Print Chart processes allowed to be processed at the same time. (Default: 1 parallel running process)
- Measure Spot Color [20] – Defines the number of Spot Color Measuring processes that can be processed at the same time. (Default: 1 parallel running process)
Figure 8: The General Settings area under the General tab, with Debug Mode activated.
2.4. Activities
As of version 1.10.2, Workflow processes that are currently in queue (due to the limitation of parallel running processes ) are listed in a separate »Queue« tab in the Activities area. Therefrom, queued processes are automatically forwarded as soon as hardware resources become available.
Figure 9: The Queued tab located under the Activities tab.

2.5. Ink Costs – Reports and Calculation
In this version, the area for calculating ink costs in the Print Item or Article view has been fundamentally revised. Numerous new functions are available and previously available functions have been expanded and updated. More information regarding these new features and updates are available in the following sections.
2.5.1. Calculating Ink Costs
Calculating and displaying ink costs have been newly implemented in this version and the range of functions has been extended. These new features are available for Articles and Print Items in Orders and Production Jobs under the »Statistics« tab. To perform an ink cost calculation, proceed as follows:
- Open an Article or Print Item in an Order/Production Job.
- Navigate to the »Statistics« tab.
- Select the desired calculation variables on the left side:
- Substrate [22] – In order to perform an ink cost calculation, at least one Substrate be selected. After a Substrate has been selected, ink cost calculations can then be performed. All other filter options can be used to calculate more specific ink costs.
- Color Channel Configuration [23] – In addition to the Substrate, the desired Color Channel Configuration can be selected to narrow down the ink cost calculations or results for a specific Color Channel Configuration.
- Color Policy [24] – Select a specific Color Policy here.
- Save Ink [25] – In addition to the filter options, you can determine which Save Ink profile should be included in the calculation.
- Sampling Method [26] – The Sampling Method can be overridden per calculation. By default, the system–wide settings determine the Sampling Method.
- Info [27] – Based on the selected filter criteria, you will be shown how many ink cost calculations will be performed.
- Press the Calculate button to start the calculation.
Figure 10: Calculating and displaying ink costs in the »Statistics« tab.
After the ink cost calculations have been performed, the results are listed on the right. From this version on, herein contained are the following information or functions:
- Used Substrates [28] – Because ink cost calculations can be calculated across multiple Substrates, this drop–down menu allows filtering of results using the selected Substrate. If no used Substrate is selected, then all results are listed. By selecting a Substrate, only the associated results are shown.
- Base Quantity [29] – The Base Quantity is defined by the default system–wide settings. It can be overwritten in this area. Recalculation is not necessary in this case. The values are adjusted based on the setting.
- Area Unit [30] – The Area Unit is defined by the default system–wide settings. It can be overwritten in this area. In this case, recalculation is not necessary and the values will be adjusted based on the settings.
Calculation results [31] – The calculated results are displayed in this list, which are sortable per column. Each list entry contains the following information:
- Header per list entry – Ink Policy | Substrate
- Save Ink – e.g.: Low, Medium, Extreme, or No Save Ink.
- Base Unit per Base Quantity – e.g. Liter / 1000
- Price per Base Quantity – e.g.: Price / 1000
- Price per unit of area measurement – e.g.: Price / m2
- Download Report [33] – See section 2.5.2 Creating Ink Cost Reports for more information.
- Display Ink Consumption Analysis [34] – For more information, see section 2.5.3 Comparing the results.
- Recalculate Ink Consumption [35] – Use this option to recalculate individual results.
- Recalculate Ink Consumption for all entries [32] – Use this option to recalculate all results in the list.
2.5.2. Creating Ink Cost Reports
As of version 1.10.2, the ink cost reports are available for download in the »Statistics« tab. Calculated ink costs can be downloaded as a report and used as needed. Follow the steps to create a report:
- Open an Article or a Order Print Item.
- Switch to the Statistics tab and calculate the ink costs as needed.
- Select the desired result in the list.
- Click on the Download Report icon [33] (see Figure 10).
- The following settings can be selected in this dialogue:
- Customer and E–mail [36] – By default, the Customer and the corresponding E–mail, assigned to the Order Print Item or Article, will be preselected here. These two variables can be changed as needed in this dialogue. Changing the settings in the dialogue will only affect the report currently being downloaded.
- Currency [37] – By default, the Currency is taken from the system–wide settings under Administration > Settings > General under Display Options. This can be adjusted or changed when creating the report. Changing the settings in the dialogue will only affect the report currently being downloaded. Note that entering a currency symbol will not cause the ink cost to be recalculated.
- Unit [38] – By default, the Unit Length is taken from the system–wide settings under Administration > Settings > General under Display Options. This can be adjusted or changed when creating the report. Changing the settings in the dialogue will only affect the report currently being downloaded.
- Area Unit [40] – By default, the Area Unit is taken from the system–wide settings under Administration > Settings > General under Display Options. This can be adjusted or changed when creating the report. Changing the settings in the dialogue will only affect the report currently being downloaded.
- Create a multi–page PDF file for all reports [39] – By activating this option, the report will be downloaded as a PDF. If several results were selected in the ink cost calculation list, you can click the Download Reports icon in the header of the list, which will then download all selected reports or reports in a multi–page PDF file.
- Create individual reports packed in a ZIP [41] – By activating this option, the report will be downloaded as a PDF packed in a ZIP file. If several reports were selected in the ink cost calculation list, you can click the Download Reports icon in the list header, which will then download all the selected results or reports in a ZIP file containing one PDF per report.
- To create and download the PDF/ZIP file(s) press Download.
Figure 11: The Ink Consumption Report download dialogue.
2.5.3. Comparing and Analysing Reports
Calculated ink costs can be compared with each other from this version on. For this purpose a new view has been implemented, which allows the user to analyse ink cost calculations and to select and compare two specific calculations. Proceed as follows:
- Open an Article, Order Print Item or Production Job.
- Switch to the Statistics tab and calculate ink costs as needed.
- Select a result that is displayed in the list with which you want to compare another ink cost.
- Activate the Display Ink Consumption Analysis icon [34] (see Figure 10).
- In the Ink Consumption Analysis dialogue, all information concerning the selected Color Policy and its ink consumption for the selected base quantity is displayed.
- Select another Color Policy in the second drop–down menu Color Policy [42] to compare it with the previously selected Color Policy. Select the same Color Policy if you want to see the difference between the different Ink Save profiles, i.e., low versus extreme.
- Select the desired Save Ink Profile [43] for both Color Policies to compare them as well, in this case, make sure that the ink cost calculations have also been calculated using a Save Ink Profile. Otherwise, you will not be able to select a Save Ink Profile in this drop–down menu.
Figure 12: The Ink Consumption Analysis dialogue with the option to compare two Color Policies with or without a Save Ink Profile.
Ink cost calculation is not available for all versions of the Workflow
At this point it should be pointed out that the calculation of ink costs is only possible with certain licenses or extensions. If you do not currently have access to this, please ask your sales partner how you can benefit from this new feature.
2.6. Hotfolder
A new processing method has been implemented for processing Production Jobs using Hotfolders, especially for the Durst – P5 350 and P5 210 printing systems. This new option is available with version 1.10.2 when setting up a new Hotfolder. Continue reading to learn more about this new feature.
2.6.1. ZIP for Multitracks
Designed with the Durst P5 350 and P5 210 printing systems in mind, this new feature allows the user to control different print series (tracks), using a newly implemented processing method which is called ZIP for Multitracks [44]. This method makes it possible to feed the print series, which is configured separately on the Printer with print data by using a defined sequence. Read the next two sections to find out what preparatory work has to be done and how this Hotfolder has to be set up in the Workflow.
Figure 13: The Processing Parameter tab of the Hotfolder Setup dialogue with the newly selected Processing Mode »ZIP for Multitracks«.
Background Information
Initial scenario and implementation goal
With the two printing systems P5 350 and P5 210, Durst offers the possibility of dividing the entire printing width into several print rows (tracks). This means that the Printer can be used with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 print rows or tracks. A separate auto–spooling Hotfolder can be set up for each print row or track via the printer's software.
The aim of the new Hotfolder processing method is to process all files from a ZIP file in the defined sequence (pages) and to send the rendered data to the defined print rows or tracks.
Preparatory work
Before the Hotfolder processing method can be used correctly in the Workflow, the following preparations must be made:
- The print series or tracks must be created as Auto–Spooling Hotfolders both on the printer and in the printer software.
- Each print series or track must be assigned its own target directory (Hotfolder) in the Workflow. These target directories of the print series/tracks must be created in the Workflow under Administration > Interfaces so that they can be used by the Workflow as target directories.
- The target directories created in the Workflow must then be linked to the respective printers under Administration > Printer Setup.
- Only then can the Hotfolder be set up in the Workflow.
Setting up the »ZIP for Multitracks« Hotfolder
After the preliminary work has been done, the Hotfolder can be set up or configured in the Workflow. Proceed as follows:
- Navigate to Automation > Hotfolder.
- Select New in the action bar.
- Define the desired Hotfolder settings in the Hotfolder Setup dialogue.
- General tab – Enter a Name and add an optional Comment.
- Process Parameter tab – Select the ZIP for Multitracks under Processing Mode [44] (see Figure 13), selecting this option activates the Print Series tab.
- Render Parameter tab – Select the desired Output Template, Lead–in/out parameters and Render Parameters for the RIP. Please note, which Substrate Definition you have selected, since it is on this size that the nesting will be imposed.
- Impose tab – Select Nesting Impose mode with a multi–page Impose Template, by default, a multi–page Impose Template which is delivered with the Workflow is preselected.
Multitracks tab – Select the desired settings that are only available for this processing method.
- Number of Tracks [45] – Shows the number of print series set up on the Printer. This number must match the number of tracks set up on the printer.
- Files per Track [46] – Defines the number or the order of the data to be processed for the respective print rows.
- File Sequence [47] – Defines the order in which the individual data must be processed alphanumerically. No numbers may be entered twice and no fields may be left blank.
- Destination Directories [48] – A destination directory must be stored for each track so that the data can be automatically processed by the printer.
- Complete the Hotfolder configuration and save your settings by clicking on Save.
Figure 14: The Multitracks tab of the Hotfolder Setup dialogue, which is only available if the Processing Mode »ZIP for Multitracks« has been selected.
Description of the Process
To better understand how a Hotfolder, that uses the Processing Mode »Zip for Multitracks«, works, the following description will explain what is happening in the background when processing ZIP files. The following substeps are occurring in the background when using the ZIP for Multitracks option:
- A ZIP file, in which individual Print Items are contained, is created in advance. Regardless, if they are single–page or multi–page PDFs, image formats or AI files, etc. The order in which the individual files are to be processed is determined in advance via the file name. Processing takes place in the Workflow in alphabetical ascending order. Multipage PDF files, if the Split Pages option is enabled under the Processing Parameter tab, are split into individual PDFs and assigned a sequential number, thus ensuring files are processed alphabetically and in ascending order.
- The ZIP file is moved to the Hotfolder by the user.
- The Workflow processes the ZIP file using the following steps:
- The ZIP is unpacked.
- All files are uploaded to the Workflow. Note that only file types that you have selected in the Process Parameter tab under Process Types will be processed.
- If the Split Pages option has been activated under the Process Parameter tab, multipage pdfs will be split into individual PDF files when uploading.
- The Workflow then sorts all files alphabetically based on the file name, which in this case corresponds to the original file name.
- The Workflow then creates a Production Job for each print series (track). This means that all the Print Items that were assigned to the respective print series (tracks) in the Multitracks tab are in separate Production Jobs.
- The individual Production Jobs are then imposed. The selected Substrate Definition and Impose Template are used to create a Nesting imposition.
- The result will usually be an imposed, multi–page output PDF, which is then rendered page by page only.
- The rendered data for the Production Job will be moved to the target directories that you have assigned to the respective tracks under the Multitrack tab with the corresponding job ticket.
- Since the target directories on the printer are Auto–Spooling Hotfolders, the print images are processed immediately and sent to the print heads.
License information concerning »ZIP for Multitracks«
Note that the »ZIP for Multitracks« Processing Mode is not available when using Workflow Print. Please contact your sales partner for advice on how to activate this processing method in addition to your existing license.
Additional possibilities using this Processing Mode
You can also use this processing method, for example, to ensure that the Print Items are being imposed using the correct sequence (also for all other printing systems). The following examples describe additional functions.
The ZIP file contains:
- 32 Print Items
- Each Print Item has the same dimensions: 340 x 490 mm
- The order of the Print Items are determined by the file name.
The Hotfolder is configured as follows:
- Processing Mode: Zip for Multitracks
- Substrate Definition: 1400 x 1000 mm
- Impose Mode: Nesting
- Impose Template: Create a template using the following parameters:
- Impose Output = Multipage Output
- Strategy = Substrate Optimized
- Layout = By Row
- Print Series: Select the following parameters in the Multitracks tab
- Number of Tracks = 1
- Files per Track = 8 (8 files should be imposed on one print sheet)
- Sequence of files to be printed = 1 – 2 – 5 – 6 – 3 – 4 – 7 – 8
- Since 8 Print Items with a dimension of 340 x 490 mm can be imposed on a Substrate Definition of 1400 x 1000 mm, the defined sequence creates a nesting as follows:
1 – 2 – 5 – 6
3 – 4 – 7 – 8
- However, since there are 32 Print Items in the ZIP file, the defined pattern is repeated on the second page. Thus, four impositions are created with the following Print Item sequence.
- Sheet 1:
1 – 2 – 5 – 6
3 – 4 – 7 – 8
- Sheet 2:
9– 10 – 13 – 14
11 – 12– 15 – 16
- Sheet 3:
17 – 18 – 21 – 22
19 – 20 – 23 – 24
- Sheet 4:
25 – 26 – 29 – 30
27 – 28 – 31 – 32
2.7. Vanguard Printers
As of this version, Vanguard printing systems can be controlled directly from the Workflow. They can be created, managed, profiled and subsequently used for Production Jobs directly in the Workflow. The following Vanguard printing systems are supported as of version 1.10.2:
Vanguard – VK300D–HS – with the print configurations:
- 300x600–1b
- 600x600–1b
- 600x900–1b
- 600x1200–1b
- 300x600–2b
- 600x600–2b
- 600x900–2
- 600x1200–2b
Vanguard – VKM600T–HS – with the printing configurations:
- 63x1440–1b
- 363x2160–1b
- 726x720–1b
- 726x1080–1b
- 363x1440–2b
- 363x2160–2b
- 726x720–2b
- 726x1080–2b
Vanguard – VKR3200–HS – with the printing configurations:
- 300x600–1b
- 600x600–1b
- 600x900–1b
- 600x1200–1b
- 300x600–2b
- 600x600–2b
- 600x900–2b
- 600x1200–2b
Vanguard – VR5D–E – with the printing configurations:
- 300x600–1b
- 600x600–1b
- 600x900–1b
- 600x1200–1b
- 300x600–2
- 600x600–2b
- 600x900–2b
- 600x1200–2b
Refer to section 3. Setting up Inks and Printers of the System Configuration > Preparing the System article to learn how to create a production ready printer in the Workflow.
Scope of delivery regarding the Workflow for Vanguard printers
The Workflow is installed on the Vanguard printer workstation. Only one Vanguard printer can be run per Workflow installation. In addition, a Vanguard printer driver can be purchased separately for each Workflow installation.
2.8. Fixups
In the course of development, new Fixups have been added, and existing Fixups were enhanced in their functionality or improved in terms of usability.
2.8.1. New Fixups
In version 1.10.2 some new Fixups, which were requested by many customers in the label and large format sectors, have been implemented.
Convert to CMYK
The Convert to CMYK Fixup converts selected objects such as: text, vector, image and SmoothShades (with the exception of Spot Colors), to the selected working or output color space. Optionally, you can choose whether Spot Colors should be converted as well.
Use this Fixup if you want to convert data to a uniform CMYK color space for outputting a PDF file via a PDF printer for example.
Figure 15: The Convert to CMYK Fixup

This Fixup is available to customers with a Print Workflow Plus, Workflow Prepress and all Print Workflow Label license under the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup can also be used in Fixup Chains.
Remove Unused and/or Hidden Layers
The Fixup removes unused or hidden layers in the Print Item. Use this Fixup to reduce the contents of the Print Item to all used and visible layers.
To reduce the pdf complexity and to make analysing the pdf easier, you can apply the Remove Unused and/or Hidden Layers Fixup.
Figure 16: The Remove Unused and/or Hidden Layers Fixup dialogue

This Fixup is available to customers with a Print Workflow Plus, Workflow Prepress and all Print Workflow Label license under the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup can also be used in Fixup Chains.
Extract text (OCR)
When applying this Fixup, OCR is used to extract text from the Print Item using the selected language and the result is saved as a text file .txt in the Additional Data tab. By enhancing the contrast, the readability of texts can be improved in many cases. Note that this Fixup does not alter the Print Item in any way.
Use this Fixup, for example, to spell check text in a Print Item before sending it to the printer. The extracted text can then be checked for spelling errors in a spelling programme of your choice.
Figure 17: The Extract text (OCR) Fixup dialogue

This Fixup is available to customers with a Print Workflow Plus, Workflow Prepress and all Print Workflow Label license under the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup can also be used in Fixup Chains.
Create Elipse/Rectangle as Technical Shape
The Fixup generates the selected geometric shape using the specified position. You can choose between a rectangle or an ellipse (circle) as geometric shape. After applying the geometric shape, you may want to mask the Print Item with the desired Bleed to reduce ink consumption. To mask the subject, use the Fixup Clip Print Item with additional Bleed.
Use this Fixup to create a circular Bleed contour starting from the center of the Print Item.
Figure 18: The Create Ellipse/Rectangle as Technical Shape Fixup dialogue.

This Fixup is available to customers with a Print Workflow Plus, Workflow Prepress and all Print Workflow Label license under the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup can also be used in Fixup Chains.
Merge Pages
This Fixup places a specific page or pages of a multi–page document on the selected page(s). The user can also determine if pages should be removed after merging.
Use this Fixup to merge a white channel or Dieline that is on a separate page in a multipage document.
Figure 19: The Merge Pages Fixup dialogue.

This Fixup is available to customers with a Print Workflow Plus, Workflow Prepress and all Print Workflow Label license under the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup can also be used in Fixup Chains.
Create a Separation for objects using the selected Color
This Fixup creates a Spot Color separation for all objects that use the selected Spot Color. The object can be under- or overfilled by entering a value under Adjust Size, respectively Tint Values and Opacity can also be adjusted. Whether white areas, located within the object, should be excluded in the process, can be achieved by deactivating the Fill whole object option.
Use this Fixup to add white to a text that has been created as a Spot Color, and in doing so reduce the size of the white channel slightly.
Figure 20: The Create a Separation for objects using the selected Color Fixup.

This Fixup is available to customers with a Print Workflow Plus, Workflow Prepress and all Print Workflow Label license under the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup can also be used in Fixup Chains.
2.8.2. Improvements to existing Fixups
For some existing Fixups, functions have been added or the user guidance has been improved. Continue reading to find out which Fixups have been updated. Add Grommets/Drill holes
This Fixup Adds Grommets/Drill holes to the selected horizontal or vertical edges. The user can choose either by Distance or by Number.
The following options are new in version 1.10.2:
- Remove Grommets on Layer »Grommet« [49] – When creating Grommets/Drill holes with this Fixup, Grommets/Drill holes are automatically created on a layer called »Grommets«. If you made a mistake when applying the Fixup for the first time, you can now delete the previously created Grommets/Drill holes by activating the option first before the new Grommets/Drill holes are created.
- Define Size and Color – Under the Advanced tab, it is now possible to select the size [51] and the line width [50] as well as the colors for the Stroke and the Fill separately under the Fill and Stroke Color options [52].
Figure 21: The Basic Settings tab of the Add Grommets/Drill holes Fixup dialogue.

Figure 22: The Advanced tab of the Add Grommets/Drill holes dialogue.

Fixup Chains need to be updated
If you have previously added the already existing Fixup to a Fixup Chain, it is essential that you revise the settings in the Fixup Chain for the Add Grommets/Drill holes Fixup after the Update. The reason for this is, that previously a defined placeholder was placed, using a predefined size. This is no longer necessary, as you can set any size and color for the placeholders for Grommets and Drill holes yourself.
This Fixup is available to customers with a Print Workflow Plus, Workflow Prepress and all Print Workflow Label license under the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup can also be used in Fixup Chains.
Day and Night Output
Users of this Fixup can prepare the image for day–and–night output by adding a white channel and optionally reducing the opacity of the image. Note that by applying this Fixup, a single page PDF will subsequently consist of two pages, with the first page representing the printed content of the front side, and the second page representing the printed content of the back side.
With version 1.10.2, a new schematic illustration is provided, so that it is clear, which parts are on which page, after the Fixup has been applied.
Figure 23: The Basic Settings tab of the Day and Night Output Fixup dialogue.

This Fixup is available to customers with a Print Workflow Plus, Workflow Prepress and all Print Workflow Label license under the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup can also be used in Fixup Chains.
Add Pole Pockets
By applying this Fixup, a hemstitch can be added for the selected edge of the Print Item on the front side. The Print Item on the reverse side will be mirrored to the Print Item on the front side. You can define the overlap on the front up to the maximum size of the hem.
The following options are new in version 1.10.2:
- Reference Edge – Until now the hemstitch could only be created on the top and bottom edge. With version 1.10.2 a hemstitch can be created on all four edges of the Print Item.
- Create hem also on side 2 – This allows the hemstitch to be created on both the front and back. The result is that the front and back sides are identical. Note that by activating this option, an overlap for the second side makes no sense and therefore the settings under Additional Overlap are deactivated.
Figure 24: The Add Pole Pockets Fixup dialogue.

This Fixup is available to customers with a Print Workflow Plus, Workflow Prepress and all Print Workflow Label license under the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup can also be used in Fixup Chains
2.9. Rest–API
In this version, parts of the REST API have been updated and extended. All new features and changes are listed below.
Updated documentation with examples of the Durst Workflow Rest API is available at–
2.9.1. Features
In version 1.10.2 additional Mime types for .eps as well as .psd have been added. This now allows .eps and .psd files to be passed from an http(s) source via the Rest API.
2.9.2. Bug Fixes
Article Controller API, Article Controller API, Print Order Controller API und Production Job Controller API
In certain cases it was not possible to check in files from a network share. This problem has been fixed.
Workflow Controller API
In isolated cases a GET workflows/{id}
request resulted in a 404 error. This problem has been fixed.
3. Improvements
Version 1.10.2 of the Workflow offers even more improvements, these are:
3.1. Impose Editor
In the Impose Editor, the positioning logic of Marks and Captions was refactored. This modification was necessary in order to implement the upcoming developments for Sheet Marks in subsequent future releases.
3.1.1. Positioning of Marks and Captions
Specifically, the methods for placing Marks and Captions have been revised, so that they can be better maintained. These improvements will allow placement errors to be fixed more quickly and with less risk in the future. Revision to the Mark positioning logic was also carried out in this version, due to minor errors occasionally appearing in the Impose Editor. The following minor problems have already been corrected in this version, due to revision of the logic.
- Sometimes Marks were not placed correctly on the artboard.
- Sometimes Marks were not centered correctly when the Origin Per Print Item was selected.
- Additional spacing was added to the origin for a Barcode Caption on the wrong side.
- Using Step & Repeat, Marks were not correctly placed or rotated when the Pattern option was used.
- Marks were not rotated when the Head Turn option was selected.
- Marks created with the Origin set to Per Row, were sometimes placed incorrectly.
3.2. Workflow
In order to simplify handling and the user experience, additional changes and/or improvements in the Workflow have been implemented.
3.2.1. Edit Output Configuration for multiple Production Jobs
With version 1.10.2 you can now select multiple Production Jobs in the Production Job List and change the Output Configuration for all Production Jobs via the Edit menu item. This process is especially important if you have to output a large number of Production Jobs to another printer, due to technical problems for example.
Figure 25: The Edit Production Job dialogue with the new function of editing the Output Configuration for selected Production Jobs.
Imposition may change
Please note that by selecting a different Output Configuration, the imposition layout may also change. One possible reason for this is that you might use a different setting, which contains a cutter as well as its configuration and therefore the imposition layout may be slightly altered. After changing the Output Configuration, the imposition is typically recalculated.
3.2.2. Processing of PDF/VT files or VDP print jobs
Starting with version 1.10.2, EHVD provides an additional method for optimizing the rendering and processing of multipage print jobs, particularly for print jobs with variable content. By selecting IHVD or EHVD [53], the rendering time of VDP print jobs can be drastically reduced. The following options are available:
- None (Render pages individually): Each page of a multipage PDF is completely reinterpreted and rendered.
- IHVD: Only the variable parts of the pages will be interpreted and rendered. The rendered data is stored completely per page in the print job. This option can be used for any printing system.
- EHVD: Only the variable parts of the pages will be interpreted and rendered. Only the variable data is written per page in the print job. However, this method only works with certain printing systems. Currently, optimization with EHVD is especially recommended for TAU printing systems and the VariJet 160.
Figure 26: The Advanced tab in the Send to Printer dialogue with the selection of IHVD and EHVD.
Paid Module
Both IHVD and EHVD are available in Workflow as a paid module. The extension can be purchased for any Workflow license. Please contact your sales partner for more information.
3.2.3. Enhancements in the check–in process
Version 1.10.2 provides additional options for uploading print data and for checking complex blocks of print data.
Complex Data Stream
Some PDF files have been created by the designer in an extremely complex way. In particular, this may include gradients made up of millions of vector lines, strung together, and superimposed objects with different blending modes (multiply, negative multiply, saturate, etc.). Such constructs slow down the processing of the PDF file when checking-in, rendering (creating preview images as well as print data images) and applying Fixups.
If possible, such data should be optimized beforehand using the Convert Page Content to an Image Fixup. This will render the entire content or the selected objects in the selected target color space (CMYK) using the defined resolution, therefore reducing the complexity of the pdf and by extension the rendering time.
Figure 27: The Preflight results dialogue, displaying a warning that a Complex Content Stream is present in the checked-in pdf.

Scaling Factor
The scale factor of 1:4 was previously added to the Set Scale Factor Fixup in version 1.10.0. With version 1.10.2, this new scaling factor is also available when uploading data via Automation > Force Print as well as Automation > Hotfolder.
Figure 28: The Force Print menu item with a Scale Factor of 1:4 shown.
3.2.4. Lead In/Out for Tau and VariJet 160 Printers
Until now, it was possible to create a Lead In/Out print job for Tau Series printers in addition to the normal Production Job. With version 1.10.2, it is now possible to create a separate print job with the contents of the Lead In/Out for Tau Series printers, as well as for the VariJet 160 [54]. This means that, especially for the VariJet 160, a few printed sheets containing the Lead In/Out can be added before or after a print job.
To send a Lead In/Out run to the VariJet as a print job, proceed as follows:
- Navigate to the Production Job List.
- Select the desired Production Job in the list and click on Send to Printer in the action bar.
- Switch to the Lead In/Out tab.
- Here you can enter an amount for the Lead In and the Lead Out and select Spot Colors and Technical Colors to be printed in the Lead In/Out.
- Then click on Send Lead In/Out to Printer [55]. This will send a separate print job using the variables selected, in the screenshot below, we can see that the marks Spot Color and the Dieline ( Technical Color) will be printed.
Figure 29: The Lead In/Out tab in the Send to Printer dialogue using the Tau 330 LFS printing system.
3.2.5. Interfaces
The Interfaces section, which was added in version 1.10.0, has been improved with version 1.10.2 regarding its functionalities in the individual lists. The following new features can be found under Administration > Interfaces.
The following new features were added for the list view in the ZuniComm tab:
- Sorting: The list can be sorted for the columns by Name, Version and Status.
- Filtering: The list can be filtered with respect to the Active parameters or by the selected Printer.
- Search: The list can now be searched using the parameters Printer, IP Address, Name and PC Name.
Third–party Printers
The following new features were added for the list view in the Third-party Printer tab:
- Sorting: The list can be sorted for the columns by Name, Hosts and Status.
- Filtering: The list can be filtered with respect to the Active parameter.
- Search: The list can now be searched using the Host and Name parameters.
3.2.6. Extension of Filter Functions
The option to exclude filter parameters is now available for the Article List under Article > Articles, the Print Item List under Order > Print Items, as well as for the Production Job List under Production Jobs. This should make filtering lists a more efficient and fluid process.
Excludable filter options for the »Article« and »Collection« Lists
The Articles menu item displays both the Article and Collection Lists. The new exclude filter option can be set for these two lists.
Article List: The Exclude option is available for the filter options: Article Status, Created By, Color Policy, Substrate, Process Step, Collection and Tags.
Collection List: The Exclude option is available for the filter options: Created By and Collection.
Figure 30: The list of all filter options for Articles (left) and Collections (right) that can be excluded.
Excludable filter options for »Orders« and »Print Items«
The Order menu item displays both the Orders and Print Item Lists. The new exclude filter option can be set for these two lists.
Order List: The Exclude option is available for the filter options: Created By, Order Status, Order Item Status, Print Item Status and Tags.
Print Item List: The Exclude option is available for the filter options: Color Policy, Substrate, Order Status, Print Item Status and Tags.
Figure 31: The list of all filter options for Orders (left) and Print Items (right) that can be excluded.
Excludable filter options for »Production Jobs«
The Production Job menu item displays a list of Production Jobs. The exclude filter option can be set for this list.
The Exclude option is available for the filter options: Job Type, Printer, Print Configuration, Created By, Substrate, Status and Tags.
Figure 32: The list of all filter options for Production Jobs that can be excluded.

How the exclude filter is displayed
Note that excluded filter options are displayed as a white chip in the filter bar. The filter set in the following figure can be interpreted as follows: Show all Production Jobs that do not have the status Printed or Closed.
Figure 33: Filters applied showing two different exclude options for Status, Closed and Printed.

3.2.7. Changing the status for multiple Print Items
In version 1.10.0 the possibility to change the status for multiple Print Items via the Edit option in the action bar was introduced. In version 1.10.2, this option was also implemented for Print Items in Orders. To change the status for Print Items from the same or different Orders, proceed as follows:
- Switch to Order > Print Items.
- In the Print Item List, filter out the Print Items whose status should be changed.
- Select the desired Print Items in the list and click on Edit in the action bar.
- In the Edit Print Items dialogue, select Status in the drop-down list under Select Property [56].
- Then select the status to be set in the New Value [57] drop–down menu and click on Save [58].
Figure 34: The Edit Print Items dialogue, where the status can be set for multiple Print Items.
3.3. Minor Improvements
The following minor improvements have been implemented in this version.
3.3.1. Workflow
Output Configuration
As of this version the selected Cutter Material, which can be imported from the Zund CutCenter into the Workflow, is consistently stored in the Output Configuration Template.
Deleting selected Print Items in an Order
Whereas it was previously necessary to delete each individual Print Item in a Job, version 1.10.2 now provides the option of multi-selecting Print Items and using the Delete selected Print Items [60] command using the Actions for selected Print Items [59] selection menu.
Figure 35: The Print Item tab, with several Print Items selected.
Deleting selected Print Items in a Production Job
The function for deleting multiple Print Items in a Production Job has also been available in the Actions for selected Print Items [59] selection menu since version 1.10.0.
Cutter Devices
The Cutter Devices list is now displayed alphabetically.
4. Fixed Bugs
The following errors (bugs) have been fixed in this release.
4.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug–In
Corrupt CSV files: CSV files containing so–called »non–printable–characters« <GS> could not be loaded in the Plug–in. This behavior has been corrected.
Adobe Illustrator version 25.3.1: With this Illustrator version the Plug–in could not be started. It is necessary to update to a newer Illustrator version.
Checking out Articles or Print Items: When checking out Print Items or Articles from the Workflow, often an error randomly occurred. This behavior has been optimized. The error should no longer occur. When checking out and placing, there are still problems with different documents – this error may still occur.
4.2. Workflow
Black–only Color Policies: Until now, »Black only Color Policies« could not be used with additional colors: White, Primer, etc. An update from the Global Graphics HHR–SDK has fixed this bug.
Spot Colors: When editing a DeviceN Spot Color, it could no longer be saved if the color space was changed to »Lab«. An error indicated that the Spot Color already exist. This error has been fixed.
Article List: When applying a Fixup to multiple items in the Article List, adding a Spot Color or Technical Color, the columns for Spot Colors and Technical Colors were not updated automatically. This error has also been fixed.
Output Templates: Automatically generated internal names for Output Templates always used the appendix »_COPY_1«. This attachment is no longer needed in this version and has been removed.
Fixup – Rename, Convert or Delete Spot Colors: Starting from this version, this Fixup is able to map Spot Colors to system–wide Spot Colors provided by the system.
Fixup – Add Finishing: When applying this Fixup, an error occurred if the document did not contain a TrimBox. This error has been fixed.
Fixup – Create Bleed by Mirroring: Elements on hidden layers were either made visible after applying the Fixup or modified in the same way. Both scenarios have been fixed.
Third–party Printers: Color configurations are no longer duplicated when a new print configuration is created in the Workflow.
Import Profiling: After importing a Profile (Color Setup), it could not be used immediately to create a color book. This error has been fixed.
4.3. Impose Editor
Overlapping Print Items: In some cases, a warning, indicating that Print Items were overlapping, was displayed incorrectly. This behavior has been corrected and should no longer occur.
Drawing Tools: It was not possible to select multiple drawn elements and change their color. This bug has also been fixed.
Double–sided Nesting: When Marks were generated on the front or back side only, two cutting files were still transferred to the cutter. This behavior has been corrected.
Marks on the Artboard: Marks generated on the »Artboard« origin were sometimes placed outside the Substrate. This error has been fixed.
5. Hot Fixes
The name for the August 31, 2021 release was DW Build 1.10.2.(412). The following hotfixes were added in the listed subversions:
DW Version 1.10.2.(428)
Maximum additional Processes: As of version 1.10.2, the number of processes, running in parallel per process type, can be defined in the system settings of the Workflow. When version 1.10.2 was installed, where the workstation had version 1.10.0 previously installed, these settings could not be changed. This bug has been fixed in this build.
DW Version 1.10.2.(438)
Impose Captions: Some Captions in the Impose Editor could not be resolved correctly. This caused errors when captions had been previously added to an imposition, and the imposition was reopened, or sent to the printer.