Published: 03.06.2019
In this article you can find out which
- New Features are available
- Which Improvements have been implemented
- Bug Fixes included with the release of 1.7.4
This article can also be downloaded as a PDF. The release notes from previous versions can be downloaded from the archive.
1. Overview
With version 1.7.4, users will find some new features regarding Profiling. We've also implemented some improvements for the Color Management environment as well as how Spot Colors are handled.
Below you will find an overview of all updates and changes. Detailed information is organized in the following sections: New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes.
1.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
The following new features and improvements are available in Plug-in version
PDF Export Settings: A default Illustrator PDF Export setting has been created and can be applied when checking-in via the Illustrator Plug-in, so that the same export settings are always used.
Translations: The panel names are now also available in a localized version. In addition, missing strings have been translated.
1.2. New Features
The following New Features are available with version 1.7.4 of the Workflow:
Color Setup: In the course of this release improvements have been implemented regarding Color Setups (Profiling). Features that were released with version 1.7.3 have been partially extended and further refined. Because of the way these new Color Setup features have been implemented some elements of the imported Color Setup has been slightly altered.
- ∆E values are now taken into consideration when analyzing measurement data.
- New Calibration Charts for CMYK-OVG, ~160mm
- Unique names for Color Setups & Profile Templates
- Unique abbreviations for Color Setups
Exporting a Color Setup: With the release of 1.7.4, we've developed the ability to export and import Color Setups. We've specifically designed the export function to fully support subsequent imports of Color Setups. In addition to the Color Setup, you can export Profile Templates, Color Policies (including ICC Profiles), Print Charts, Substrates and/or Measuring Devices. An additional helpful feature is the ability to export multiple Color Setups at the same time. Below we outline in greater detail the two main features:
Importing a Color Setup: version 1.7.4 provides the possibility to import Color Setups via the user interface. Previously, Color Setups could only be imported via the Master Data for test purposes. Importing Color Setups using the Master Data proved more problematic than helpful in the end. The new import function uses a 3-step process, which first analyzes the data to be imported and compares it with existing data in the system. As an additional step, data can be manipulated or edited and finally imported into the target system. Two main options are available when importing a Color Setup, lets take a closer look:
- Import measurement data including Color Policies and ICC Profiles
- Import measurement data including Profile Templates
Embedded Rendering Intents: In the course of this release further functions regarding Rendering Intents have been implemented. The following options are available:
- Removing embedded Rendering Intents when checking-in a Print Item.
- Honoring embedded Rendering Intents.
- How embedded Rendering Intents are displayed and handled within the user interface.
These options can be saved system-wide and can be applied or overwritten separately for each Production Job.
Embedded Source Profiles: The release of 1.7.4 also addresses how Source Profiles are handled when imported. The following options are available:
- Removing embedded Source Profiles when checking-in a Print Item.
- Honoring embedded Source Profiles.
These options can be saved system-wide and can be applied or overwritten separately for each Production Job.
Send to Printer (Color Management Enabled): An additional option has been added to the Send to Printer dialog. By selecting this option, the Production Job is rendered to the printer unprofiled - i.e. only the following parts of the Color Policy are applied:
- Ink Limit Profile
- Linearization Profile
- Transition Profile (if Light Inks are used)
- Pre-Linearization Profile (if available)
Integration of the MCT Cutter with Tiger Vision software: We have also added a new Cutter to the Workflow. The MCT Cutter is available when used with TigerVision Software (Version 1.2.35) from version 1.7.4 upwards.
Print Flat: Print Flat is a new technology from Global Graphics that removes banding in the printout using compensation curves and an updated dither algorithm. This can now be used in the Workflow. This function can be purchased as an add-on module.
1.3. Improvements
We've implemented the following improvements to existing functions in version 1.7.4 of the Workflow:
Fast Mapping Spot Colors: With version 1.7.4, Spot Colors can be mapped as Technical Colors quickly and painlessly. This option is located between the Spot Colors and Technical Colors panels.
Manual measurement for Barbieri Devices: Barbieri LFP & Barbieri Swing measurement devices can now be used to manually measure Spot Colors.
Data Preparation: The Data Preparation Fixup: Rename, Convert or Delete Spot Colors has been completely reworked and includes new functions for defining color values within different Color Spaces.
1.4. Fixed Bugs & Minor Details
Workflow: Fixed Bugs and minor improvements in the main application.
Impose Editor: Fixed Bugs and minor improvements for the Impose Editor.
Plug-in for Adobe Illustrator: Fixed Bugs and minor improvements for the Illustrator Plug-in.
Hot Fixes: Recently applied Hot Fixes for the Workflow.
2. New Features
2.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
If you are working with version 1.7.4 of the Workflow, Plug-in version must be installed to ensure trouble-free operation. If you are using an older version of the Plug-in, you will be notified via a warning dialog when logging in to the Plug-in.
The following versions of Adobe Illustrator are supported:
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 |
Mac OSX | Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Windows | Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 |
Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 |
Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 |
Supports | Plug-in Version |
Plug-in Version and Plug-in Version |
Plug-in Version |
Current version not available for older Illustrator versions
Please note that Plug-in Version can only be installed for Adobe Illustrator 2018 and Adobe Illustrator 2019. Adobe Illustrator 2017 and 2015.3 can still be used with Plug-in Version 1.7.026.
2.1.1. PDF-Export Settings
By default, Adobe Illustrator saves the most recent export settings as soon as a PDF is saved. These saved export settings are then applied to the Workflow each time when checking-in a Print Item using the Illustrator Plug-in. In some cases this may causes undesired results. In order to avoid this, default export settings have been defined which should be applied each time when the Illustrator Plug-in checks a Print Item into the Workflow. These settings automatically override the export settings last used by Illustrator itself.
- The user has previously exported a low-resolution PDF from Illustrator -> this would mean that all images would also be saved in low-resolution in the Workflow during the next check-in from Adobe Illustrator.
- The Illustrator user has added Registration Marks or Crop Marks previously -> this would always add either Registration Marks or Crop Marks when checking in from Adobe Illustrator, and the page geometry frames of the PDF file would also be set differently.
- The Illustrator user has previously activated the option Save PDF and Display in PDF Export dialog -> this would always open the PDF just saved in your PDF system viewer after a check-in.
- The Illustrator user has previously activated the Convert to Destination option in the PDF export dialog -> this would convert all RGB elements of the PDF file and e.g. pure black texts to CMYK black.
For this reason, we have defined standard export settings, which should be applied during every check-in of the Illustrator Plug-in into the Workflow. These settings override the export settings applied in Illustrator the last time a PDF was exported.
The following PDF export settings are applied during Print Item Check-in from the Illustrator Plug-in into the Workflow from version 1.7.4 onwards:
2.1.2. Localization of all Plug-in panels translations
Previously the names of the Plug-in panels were only available in English, in this version we have localized the translations of the panels. Additionally, the localization of individual Plug-in panels has been revised.
2.2. Color Setup
In the course of this release we've implemented improvements to the Color Setup feature of the Workflow. Functions that were new to version 1.7.3 have been either partially extended and/or refined with this version. Some of the elements of Color Setups have been slightly altered or adapted as needed by implementing these new features. The following sections describe the specific enhancements that have been implemented in version 1.7.4.
2.2.1. Analyzing Measurement Data
In the previous version of the Workflow namely 1.7.3, we improved how the measurement values were displayed in the UI. This feature has been extended and revamped with version 1.7.4. After each measuring step of a Color Setup is completed, measured color patches and their reference color values are now displayed diagonally opposite each other in a single cell under Analyze > Measure Result. In addition to displaying color patches, the respective ∆E values per color patch as well as a complete ∆E overview of all measured page(s) is displayed. A slider makes it possible to hide color patches that have a larger ∆E value than currently defined.
Significant changes between version 1.7.3 and 1.7.4
- Representation of the measured color patches [1] in the profiling steps Transition & Linearization
- Linearization Curves are now displayed in a separate tab.
- Overview of all ∆E values [2] of the measured Print Charts for the Current Page and All Pages
- Slider [3] for fading in/out color pacthes depending on the defined deltaE value
- Diagonal distribution of the measured color patches and their reference values
Figure 1: The Measure Result tab showing measured data for the profiling step Analyze.
Reference color space for the display
Users should know that in some cases when comparing the measured Color Value with the reference Working Color Space is very different. The CYMK Working Color Space selected under Administration > Settings > Color Management is used as the reference Color Space. This means that for printing systems that are not able to reproduce the selected CMYK Working Color Space, very large ∆E values will be displayed. The same situation can also occur if the printing system can display a much larger Color Space than the selected CMYK Working Color Space.
Analyzing measured Print Charts:
Proceed as follows to analyze the measurement results:
- Create a new Color Setup – it doesn't matter whether you use light colors or not. If no light colors are used, measurement results will not be displayed for the Transition step.
- Calculate the Pre-Linearization profile if necessary.
- Continue with the next Profiling step, print out the Print Charts and then measure them with your measurement device.
- After the measurement has been completed, the measurement results are displayed in the next sub-step Analyze under the Measure Result tab. Measurement results can be displayed for the following Profiling steps: Transition, Linearization and Profiling.
- In the Measurement Result tab [4], all measured color patches with their reference values are displayed diagonally in separate cells. By positioning the mouse pointer over a color patch, further information including ∆E values are displayed.
- Below the measurement results is a slider [3] which fades out color patches larger than the selected ∆E value. The ∆E value to be displayed can be selected by using the drop-down field [5]. To the left of the slider [6] is the lowest occurring ∆E value. To the right of the slider [7] is the highest ∆E value. Below the slider [8], the ∆E value currently selected is displayed as the threshold value.
Figure 2: The slider in the Measurement Result tab of the Profiling step Analyze which fades in/out color patches with higher ∆E values.

Measurement Results are not displayed
If the measurement results are not displayed as shown in Figure 1, this is an older profile that was created before version 1.7.3 of the Workflow. Color Setups from version 1.7.3 of the Workflow, won't display the ∆E values. Only measurements performed with version 1.7.4 of the Workflow will correctly display the ∆E values.
- In addition to the visual display of measurement results there is a statistical overview [2] (see Figure 1) for all occurring ∆E values for the Current Page and All Pages if the Print Chart contains multiple pages. This overview contains the following information:
- The distribution of the ∆E values for the currently selected page [9]
- The distribution of ∆E values for all pages [10] – the results are only different if multiple pages were measured.
- The minimum ∆E value across all pages [11]
- The mean ∆E value across all pages [12]
- The maximum ∆E value across all pages [13]
- The sigma value across all pages. This value reflects the deviation of the normal distribution [14]
- The median over all pages [15]
- The variation across all pages [16]
Figure 3: A statistical overview in the Measure Result tab of the Profiling step Analyze for the current page as well as all pages.

Displaying the Analyze dialog for larger Charts
When measuring larger Print Charts (e.g. FD9 profiling charts), a scroll bar is displayed in the Analyze dialog. This makes it possible to display or analyze measured data of larger, one-sided charts.
2.2.2. New Print Charts
Version 1.7.4 also includes additional Print Charts for narrower Substrates. New charts with a height of 160 mm have been created and added to the Workflow. These Charts are available in all color combinations for CMYK-OVG. The following Charts have been added and made available for both Barbieri LFP & Swing Measurement Devices:
- LIN-Chart-CMYK_160_LFP_12mm
- LIN chart CMYK-O_160_LFP_12mm
- LIN-Chart-CMYK-V_160_LFP_12mm
- LIN-Chart-CMYK-G_160_LFP_12mm
- LIN chart CMYK-OV_160_LFP_12mm
- LIN chart CMYK-VG_160_LFP_12mm
- LIN chart CMYK-OG_160_LFP_12mm
- LIN chart CMYK-OVG_160_LFP_12mm
- PROF-Chart_CMYK_160_LFP_12mm
- PROF-Chart_CMYK-O_160_LFP_12mm
- PROF-Chart_CMYK-V_160_LFP_12mm
- PROF-Chart_CMYK-G_160_LFP_12mm
- PROF-Chart_CMYK-OV_160_LFP_12mm
- PROF-Chart_CMYK-OG_160_LFP_12mm
- PROF-Chart_CMYK-VG_160_LFP_12mm
- PROF-Chart_CMYK-OVG_160_LFP_12mm
2.2.3. Unique names for Color Setups & Profile Templates
In the course of implementing the import function for Color Setups, we also came to the conclusion that Color Setups and Profile Templates should be uniquely named. This means that Color Setup and Profile Templates will not occur twice with the same name. Existing duplicates are automatically renamed by the Workflow which avoids any internal conflicts within the Workflow. When the Color Setup or Profile Template is renamed, it will appear as follows: (renamed 1).
When creating or importing a new Color Setup or Profile Template, the name is now checked to see whether it already exists or not. If the name already exists, a warning [17] is displayed in the Add Color Setup dialog. The name must be changed so that the process can be completed successfully.
Figure 4: A warning message appears in the Add Color Setup dialog which states that the Setup Name must be unique.

2.2.4. Unique Abbreviations for Color Setups
In this version an additional field when creating a Color Setup, titled Abbreviation has been added. As of version 1.7.4, an Abbreviation [18] can be defined for a Color Setup. Typically Color Setup names can be very long. This results in long file names, which can be problematic when exporting or saving. We have implemented Abbreviations to alleviate this problem. An Abbreviation must meet the following criterion:
- A maximum of 32 characters.
- The abbreviation may contain upper and lower case letters.
- Must not contain any special characters or spaces (underscores are allowed).
- Adding an abbreviation is optional.
- If an abbreviation is defined, it must be consistent throughout in the system.
If any of these criteria is not met, an error message is displayed. Logically, the abbreviation must be entered correctly to complete the process successfully.
Figure 5: A new Abbreviation field has been added to the Color Setup dialog.

Use abbreviations
Let the system generate the name for the Color Setup automatically - activate the checkbox Autogenerate Setup Name from chosen parameters - and enter your preferred abbreviation. This means that when you stop using the Workflow, Color Setup names are labeled with the appropriate abbreviations and, the name of the Color Setup can be accessed quickly to determine which Color Setup your using.
If a Color Setup contains an abbreviation, it is used in the following places:
- Name of the exported ZIP file
- Names of the internal ICC Profiles contained in the Color Setup
- Names of the exported measurement data
2.3. Exporting a Color Setup
Exporting a Color Setup was possible before the release of 1.7.4, but with the new release we've added options which allow the user more flexibility and also leaves room for added features in the future. We have also built in the ability to export multiple Color Setups simultaneously. We describe the process in further detail below.
2.3.1. Additional options for exporting Color Setups
Prior to Release 1.7.4, when exporting a Color Setup, only the Color Setup was exported with the Substrate and Profile Templates included. Starting with version 1.7.4, you can select which elements should be included in the Color Setup export. The following options can be selected when exporting a Color Setup:
- Add Profiling Templates [19] – this allows the user to transfer modified Profile Templates to another system.
- Add Color Policies including ICC Profiles [20] – this will add the settings used to calculate ICC profiles, including previously calculated ICC profiles, to the export.
- Add Print Charts [21] – if an operator has created a Print Chart to the system, this Print Chart can also be exported. Normally exporting Print Charts can be skipped.
- Add Substrate including Substrate Definition [22] – This additional information helps with compatibility when defining the Substrate Definition for the Substrate that exists in the import in your system. This avoids importing duplicate entries of the same Substrate.
- Add Measurement Devices [23] – this also exports the Measurement Device name including the Measurement Parameters. This also allows you to export all information relevant to the measurement data.
Figure 6: The Export Color Setup dialog displays additional options when exporting Color Setups.

All options listed below can be included in the exported Color Setup.
If Select None [24] is selected, only the Color Setup with the measurement data and profiling values are included, this excludes ICC Profiles and Color Policies. For example, If this variant were imported on another system, all profiling steps would have to be carried out again or recalculated. The measurement data and the values contained in the Setup are retained, so there is no need to remeasure.
if you choose Select All [25] all options are included in the export, it's important to note that when importing a Color Setup, the Workflow checks whether the elements to be imported already exist in the current system. If this is the case, these elements are not imported to avoid redundant data.
Possible Export scenarios
Depending on which options you choose, various parameters can be included or excluded when Exporting a Color Setup.
- Add Profiling Templates [19]:
When this option is activated, Profile Templates are included in the export. The following elements are exported:
- The Color Setup with all measurement data and profiling values
- All applied Profile Templates
If this export was imported on another system, all profiling steps must be recalculated so that the resulting Color Policies can be used in the Workflow. The imported Profile Templates can then be used when calculating Color Policies.
- Add Color Policies including ICC Profiles [20]:
Selecting this option adds all calculated ICC Profiles and Color Policies to the exported Color Setup. The following elements will be exported:
- The Color Setup with all measured data and profiling values
- All calculated Color Policies or ICC Profiles
If this export was imported on another system, the imported Color Policies can be used in the Workflow immediately after successfully importing them.
- Add Print Charts [21]:
Activating this option adds all Print Charts contained in the Color Setup to the export. The following elements are exported:
- The Color Setup with all measurement data and profiling values
- All Print Charts used for profiling
If this export was imported on another system, all profiling steps must be recalculated so that the resulting Color Policies can be used in the Workflow. If the Print Charts are printed and calibrated again, this would ensure that the same exact same Print Charts were used compared to the original Color Setup. Across different versions of the Workflow, Print Charts may have been updated or changed. If the print Charts are added during export, they are automatically created in the Workflow if they do not already exist.
- Add Substrate including Substrate Definition [22]:
When this option is activated, the Substrate and Substrate Definition are added to the Color Setup export. The following elements are exported:
- The Color Setup with all measured data and profiling values
- Substrate and the corresponding Substrate Definition
If this export was imported on another system, all profiling steps must be recalculated so that the resulting Color Policies can be used in the Workflow. The Substrate is automatically created in the Workflow together with the Substrate Definition - if it does not already exist - and can be used for profiling.
- Add Measuring Devices [23]:
Selecting this option adds the Measurement Device and the Parameter Set to the Color Setup export. The following elements will be exported:
- The Color Setup with all measurement data and profiling values
- The Measurement Device and the corresponding Parameter Set
If this export was imported on another system, all profiling steps must be recalculated so that the resulting Color Policies can be used in the Workflow. The Measurement Device is automatically created in the Workflow together with the Parameter Set - if it does not already exist - and can be used for profiling.
2.3.2. Exporting multiple Color Setups
Starting with version 1.7.4, multiple Color Setups can be exported and downloaded. To do this, select your desired Color Setups in the list view by holding down the CTRL
key or SHIFT
key. Selected Color Setups can then be exported using the Process > Export function located in the action bar. As described above, the export options can be defined once for all selected Color Setups, so that each Color Setup is exported and downloaded with the same options.
2.4. Importing a Color Setup
We've also provided the ability to import Color Setups via the user interface. Previously, Color Setups could only be imported via the Master Data for test purposes. The new import function carries out a 3-step process, which first analyzes the data to be imported and compares it with existing data in the system. The next step is to determine if this data can be manipulated or edited and then finally imported into the target system.
The organized sections below describe the import procedure and various options associated with importing Color Setups.
2.4.1. Import procedure
As previously mentioned, there are three important steps performed when importing a Color Setup. As soon as a Color Setup is imported, the data to be imported is analyzed by the target system. This may take a few seconds. As soon as all import data has been collected, the data to be imported will be listed. After this analysis step the user can decide which elements should be imported or not. If all entries and mandatory fields have been defined correctly, the import can be carried out. The three steps are described in more detail below.
Step 1 – Preparing to Import
- Export your desired Color Setup with all export options enabled. Please note: a minimum of version 1.7.4 must be installed, as older exports cannot be processed using the new import algorithm.
- Open the Workflow where the exported Color Setup should be imported.
- Navigate to the menu Color > Color Setup
- Open the Import Color Setup dialog contained in the action bar by choosing Action > Import
- Select the desired exported Color Setup by navigating in the file system or move the .zip file to the designated import drop-zone.
Figure 7: The Import Color Setup dialog with the Workflow currently analyzing the zip data.
- Immediately after selecting the .zip file, the system starts analyzing the data to be imported [24]. The following actions are performed:
- The .zip file is uploaded to the Workflow server and unpacked.
- .zip file data is saved in a separate Workflow table.
- The data to be imported is compared with data on the current system and checked for redundancies.
- The data to be imported and the resulting verifications are displayed in the Import Color Setup dialog.
After all data has been analyzed and processed by the system, a dialog opens automatically. This dialog allows you to customize and choose which data is imported.
Figure 8: The Import Color Setup dialog after analyzing the import data.
How the dialog works
The Import Color Setup dialog is divided into three specific areas:
- Import Mode: The Import Mode can be selected in the upper section [25] of the dialog.
- Editing Parameters: On the left side of the dialog [26] the Color Setup to be imported can be manipulated or edited so that it is bound to the selected parameters during import. This section is summarized in Step 2.
- Import information: On the right side of the dialog [27] the Color Setup to be imported is listed. The following elements are displayed in this area:
Information about Import Modes
There are two different modes when Importing a Color Setup:
- Import Measurement Data and all Profiles – This mode imports the complete Color Setup including all calculated ICC Profiles and/or Color Policies. The fully imported Color Setup can be used in the system immediately after the import process has been completed. There is no need to recalculate the Color Setup or Color Policies.
Import Measurement Data and Profiling Templates – This mode imports the complete Color Setup without ICC Profiles or Color Policies, only measurement data, the Color Setup parameters and the Profile Templates. The following elements are imported:
- Pre-Linearization values
- Linearization measurement data
- Ink Limit values
- Profile measurement data
- Values of the profiling step Profiling
- All Profile Templates
After the import mode has been executed, all profiles for all profiling steps - Pre-Linearization, Linearization, Ink Limit and Profile - must be recalculated. After all profiles have been successfully calculated, the resulting Color Policies can be used in the system.
Import Information
- Substrate – If the Add Substrate including Substrate Definition option was activated when exporting the Color Setup, the Substrate with the applied Substrate Definition is also imported or prepared when importing the Color Setup. The Substrate to be imported is listed here. When the import data is analyzed, the system checks whether this Substrate already exists in the current system or not. This results in two possible scenarios, either of which is displayed when hovering over the info symbol [30].
- Import property does not exist on the system: If the Substrate does not yet exist on the target system, Import [28] is colored red and the checkbox next to it is activated by default. This means that the Substrate is created in the target system and bound to the Color Setup when the import is carried out. If the Import checkbox is activated, the name of the Substrate to be imported [29] can also be changed. Additionally, the checkbox [28] can also be deactivated manually in order not to import the Substrate, as the Substrate may already exist under a different name in the target system.
- Import property is identical to the property on the system: If the Substrate already exists identically in the target system, Import [31] is colored green and the checkbox next to it is deactivated by default [32]. This means that the Substrate is not duplicated when the import is carried out in the target system. The existing Substrate is bound to the target system for profiling.
Figure 9: The Import property does not exist on the system under the Substrate category.
Figure 10: The Import property is identical to the property on the system under the Substrate category.
Measurement Device – If the Add Measurement Devices option was activated when exporting the Color Setup, the Measurement Device and the corresponding configuration used is also imported and/or prepared when importing the Color Setup. The Measurement Device being imported is then listed in the dialog. During the import analysis, the system checks whether the Device already exists in the current system or not. This results in two possible scenarios, either of which is displayed when hovering over the info symbol [35].
- Import property does not exist on the system: If the Device does not yet exist in the target system, Import [33] is colored red and the checkbox before it is activated by default. This means that the Measurement Device is created on the target system when the import is performed and is bound for profiling. If the Import checkbox is activated, the name of the Measurement Device to be imported [34] can also be changed. Additionally, the checkbox [33] can also be deactivated manually in order not to import the Measurement Device, since the device may already exist under a different name in the target system.
- Import property is identical to the property on the system: If the Measurement Device already exists and is identical to the target system, Import [36] is colored green and the checkbox next to it is deactivated by default [37]. This means that the Device is not duplicated when the import is performed on the target system. The existing Device is bound to the target system for profiling.
Figure 11: The Measurement Device does not yet exist on the target system under the Measurement Device category.
Figure 12: The Measurement Device already exists on the target system for the Measurement Device category.
Profiling Templates – If the option Add Profiling Templates was activated when exporting the Color Setup, any applied Profile Templates will also be imported or prepared when importing the Color Setup. The Profile Templates to be imported will be listed in the dialog. When the import analysis takes place, the system checks whether the Profile Templates already exist in the current system or not. If a Profile Template already exists, the system then checks whether they differ in any way. This results in three possible scenarios, each of which is displayed by hovering above the info symbol [40] next to the entry field.
- Profile Template does not yet exist on the target system: If the Profile Template does not yet exist on the target system, Import [38] is colored red and the checkbox in front of it is activated by default. This means that the Profile Template is created on the target system when the import is performed and bound to the profiling or Color Policy. If the Import checkbox is activated, the name of the Profile Template [39] to be imported can also be changed. Additionally, the checkbox [38] can also be deactivated manually to prevent importing the Profile Template, this allows you to use your own profile Template if desired.
- Profile Template already exists on the target system: If the Profile Template already exists and it identical to the target system, Import [41] is colored green and the checkbox in front of it is deactivated by default [42]. This means that the Profile Template will not be duplicated when importing the Color Setup on the target system. The existing Profile Template is bound to the target system for profiling or a Color Policy.
- Profile Template already exists, it has to be unique systemwide: If the Profile Template already exists on the target system, but has different settings, Import [43] is also colored red and the checkbox in front of it is activated by default. This means that the Profile Template is created on the target system when importing and bound for profiling or a Color Policy. If the Import checkbox is activated, you will see a warning message that the name must be unique systemwide [44] and must therefore be changed before the import can be carried out. The checkbox [43] can also be deactivated manually, if desired, to prevent importing the Profile Template, allowing you to use your own Profile Template instead.
Figure 13: The Profiling Template does not yet exist on the target system.
Figure 14: An identical Profiling Template already exists on the target system.
Figure 15: The Profiling Template name already exists, it has to be unique systemwide.
Print Charts – If the Add Print Charts option was activated when exporting the Color Setup, the Print Charts used are also imported and/or prepared when importing the Color Setup. The Print Charts to be imported are then listed in the dialog. During the import analysis, the system checks whether these Print Charts already exist in the current system or not. If a Print Chart already exists, the system checks whether they differ in any way. This results in three possible scenarios, each of which is displayed by hovering over the info symbol [47] next to it.
- Print Chart does not yet exist on the target system: If the Print Chart does not yet exist on the target system, Import [45] is colored red and the checkbox in front of it is activated by default. This means that the Print Chart is created in the target system when importing and bound for profiling. If the Import checkbox is activated, the name of the Print Chart to be imported [46] can also be changed. Additionally, the checkbox in front of the entry [45] can also be deactivated manually to prevent the import of the Print Chart.
- Print Chart already exists on the target system: If the print Chart already exists identically on the target system, Import [48] is colored green and the checkbox in front of it is deactivated by default [49]. This means that the Print Chart wont be duplicated when the import is performed on the target system. The existing Print Chart is bound to the target system for profiling.
- Print Chart already exists, but it has to be unique systemwide: If the Print Chart already exists on the target system, but has different settings, Import [45] is also colored red and the checkbox in front of it is activated by default. This means that the Print Chart is created on the target system when the import is performed and bound for profiling. If the Import checkbox is activated, the name of the Print Chart [46] should be changed before the import is performed. Additionally, the checkbox in front of it can be deactivated manually to prevent importing the Print Chart.
Figure 16: The Print Chart does not yet exist on the target system under the category Print Chart.
Figure 17: A Print Chart that is identical already exists on the target system under the Print Chart category.
Info symbols are located next to each object to be imported. Hovering the mouse over these symbols displays the result of the import analysis. This result initially determines whether the object is to be imported by default or not. As previously mentioned, there are three possible scenarios when the import preparation is complete:
- Import Property does not exist on the system
- Import Property is identical to the property on the system
- Imported Property is different to the property on the system
These results are displayed for each object by moving the mouse over the info symbol. If the third scenario occurs, the properties or values that differ in the imported property from the property on the target system are also displayed in an info block.
Figure 18: Info symbol - Imported property does not exist on the system.
Figure 19: Info symbol - Imported property is identical to the property on the system.
Figure 20: Info symbol - Imported property is different to the property on the system.

This table shows that the two Profile Templates - the one to be imported and the one that already exists on the system - differ in the Black Generation [50]. In this example, the Profile Template to be imported has a GCR Amount [51] of 30 [52]. The existing Profile Template on the target system has a GCR Amount of 0 [53] in this example.
Canceling the import process after analysis is complete
A new Color Setup will not be imported as long as the Save button hasn't been selected. The import process can still be cancelled after preparing the import. If the import process was canceled, there are no backlogs in the system.
Step 2 – Editing the imported Color Setup
After the import has been prepared, you can decide whether individual elements should be imported or not. In the left area of the Import Color Setup dialog, the Color Setup to be imported must then be reassigned if no identical settings were found on the current system. After preparing the import, the input fields of the Printer, Print Configuration, Substrate, Channel Configuration, Measurement Device will be filled in, if:
- The Printer, Print Configuration, Substrate, Channel Configuration or Measurement Device of the imported Color Setup is identical to the current system.
- The Substrate or Measurement Device of the imported Color Setup is imported manually after preparation of the import by activating the corresponding checkbox.
Figure 21: The Edit Color Setup dialog containing elements to be imported.

The Setup Name [54], the Abbreviation [55] and the Comment [56] of the Color Setup to be imported are automatically adopted during import and displayed in the respective input fields. These parameters can be changed or redefined there, if necessary. For all other parameters, the system will attempt to predefine them by comparing the data on the current system with the data to be imported.
The data that is bound to the Color Setup to be imported are listed in color under the respective selection menus. If no identical element could be found on the system, the entry below the selection menu is colored red [47]. This element must either be imported or created in the system or another selection must be made in the selection menu. If an identical object is found in the system, the element is colored green [58] and will be preselected in the selection menu.
Channel Configuration must be the same
The only parameter which must not differ from the Color Setup being imported compared to the Color Setup that was exported is the Channel Configuration [59]. It is vitally important that the Channel Configuration is matching.
Step 3 – Implementing the imported Color Setup
After all mandatory fields have been filled in correctly, the import can be completed. Simply press the Save button of the Import Color Setup dialog to complete the process. The Color Setup is then created in the target system with the selected settings and can - depending on the selected import mode - be used in the system. After successful completion of the process, the Import Color Setup dialog is automatically closed.
2.5. Embedded Rendering Intents
A specific Rendering Intent can be defined for each object in a PDF file. If no Rendering Intent is explicitly defined, the PDF always uses the standard Rendering Intent Relative Colorimetric with Black Point Compensation. Version 1.7.4 displays all Rendering Intents embedded in the PDF. An additional feature is that the embedded Rendering Intents can be selected using the Send to Printer dialog. Another new feature allows the ability to remove Rendering Intents embedded in the PDF during the check-in process.
2.5.1. View embedded Rendering Intents after checking in
When uploading a file, the system checks whether Rendering Intents are embedded in the PDF. If this is the case, the system forwards this information to the user interface. After completion of the check-in process, these Rendering Intents are displayed in either the Article or Print Item view. To display the embedded Rendering Intents, follow the steps below:
- Load a PDF file that contains embedded Rendering Intents into the Workflow. This can be accomplished using Articles, Orders and Production Jobs as needed.
- Open the file in the Workflow.
- Click on the Print Data tab in either the Article or Print Item view.
- Activate the second page [60] of the Process Colors panel [61] by clicking on the second point on the bottom right of the panel.
- In this section you will find a list of all Rendering Intets embedded in the PDF. If you want to see which Rendering Intents are used for which objects, you can see this using Adobe Acrobat DC with the Output Preview option.
Figure 22: A list containing all embedded Rendering Intents contained in an uploaded PDF.

2.5.2. Applying Rendering Intents when rendering a Print File
As previously implemented in earlier versions, Rendering Intents can be selected in the Send to Printer dialog. A drop-down menu with a list of the most common rendering intents is available for this purpose, the default value is Relative Colorimetric + BPC. The selected Rendering Intent is then applied to all elements in the PDF. To be able to exclusively use the embedded Rendering Intents of a print item, there is a new entry called Use Embedded RIs in this list, starting with version 1.7.4. To select this option, follow these steps:
- Open your desired Production Job that contains embedded Rendering Intents.
- Open the Send to Printer dialog in the action bar.
- Open the Rendering Intent [62] selection menu at the bottom of the dialog.
- Select Use Embedded RIs [63] in the list.
- Send the Production Job to the printer.
Figure 23: Selecting Embedded RIs in the Send to Printer dialog.

Embedded Rendering Intents for the respective elements in the PDF are now applied during the render process. For all other objects that do not have an explicit Rendering Intent, the standard Rendering Intent Relative Colorimetric with Black Point Compensation is used.
A default Rendering Intent can be defined in the Workflow settings, which was also available with earlier versions of the Workflow. The default Rendering Intent defined in the settings will be automatically selected when initially opening the Send to Printer dialog. To change the default Rendering Intent to Use Embedded RIs, follow these instructions:
- Switch to the Administration > Settings menu.
- Select the Color Management tab
- Under the General Settings [64] panel, open the Rendering Intents [65] selection menu.
- Select the Use Embedded RIs option [66]
- Save the settings in the action bar.
Figure 24: The Default Rendering Intent can be changed by accessing the Settings menu and selecting Color Management > General Settings.

2.5.3. Removing Rendering Intents by default
Another option when handling Rendering Intents is to remove all embedded Rendering Intents during the check-in process of the Workflow. If all Rendering Intents embedded in the PDF should be ignored or the default Rendering Intent should always be used, then we offer the option to remove the embedded Rendering Intents for each check-in. This option is explained in the steps below:
- Switch to the Administration > Settings menu.
- Select the Color Management tab.
- Under the General Settings [67] panel, you will find an option to Remove Rendering Intents [68].
- Select this option
- Save your changes in the action bar.
Figure 25: Rendering Intents can be removed by default during check-in by locating Color Management > General Settings.

When this setting is selected, all embedded Rendering Intents will be removed from the PDF during the check-in process. In the Send to Printer dialog you can then select and apply your desired Rendering Intent(s).
2.6. Embedded Source Profiles
In a PDF file, objects can exist either in a Device Color Space or as an ICC-based Color Space. If we think of ICC-based Color Spaces, the objects are provided with a Source Profile. The handling of Source Profiles is decisive for Color Management. Up to version 1.7.4, Source Profiles were handled with a default standard for calculating the conversion. This was:
- RGB objects with Source Profiles (ICC-based color space) were calculated either via the intermediate Color Space - working Color Space - or directly into the output Color Space.
- RGB objects without Source Profiles (Device Color Space) were marked with the RGB working Color Space set in the Color Management tab and then calculated either via the intermediate Color Space - working Color Space - or directly into the output Color Space.
- CMYK objects with and without Source Profiles were calculated either via the intermediate Color Space - working Color Space - or directly into the output Color Space. Here the CMYK Source Profile was simply ignored.
In version 1.7.4 the handling of Source Profiles has been extended, so that
- Source Profiles can be read and displayed
- Source Profiles can be honored or ignored during rendering, depending on the object type
- Source Profiles can be removed at check-in, which contradicts any color management logic.
2.6.1. Viewing embedded Source Profiles after checking in
When uploading a PDF file, the system checks whether Source Profiles are embedded in the PDF. If this is the case, the system forwards this information to the user interface. Once the check-in process is complete, these Source Profiles are displayed in the chosen Article or Production Job. To display embedded Source Profiles, follow the steps below:
- Load a file that contains embedded Source Profiles into the Workflow. This can be accomplished using Articles, Orders or a Production Job.
- Open the file in the Workflow.
- Activate the Print Data tab in the Article or Production Job view.
- Activate the second page [69] of the Spot Colors panel (the panel name changes to Color Spaces).
- This section lists all Color Spaces and embedded Source Profiles contained in the PDF. This information can also be found by opening the document in Adobe Acrobat DC using the Output Preview tool.
Figure 26: Embedded Color Spaces are displayed under the Color Spaces panel in the Article or Production Job view.

2.6.2. Honoring Source Profiles when rendering
We've created a new tab titled Color in the Send to Printer dialog with the release of 1.7.4. This tab contains various functions for handling embedded Source Profiles for different Color Spaces during rendering. A matrix is available to separately honor or ignore CMYK, RGB & Gray Source Profiles for Text, Images, Gradients, Other (Vectors). All details are explained in the steps below:
- Open a Production Job with Print Items that contain embedded Source Profiles.
- Open the Send to Printer dialog in the action bar.
- Select the Color tab [70].
- Activate checkboxes based on your needs to honor specific Source Profiles [71].
- Deactivate the checkboxes to ignore Source Profiles [72].
- Send the Production Job to the printer.
Figure 27: The user can choose to honor or ignore all embedded Source Profiles contained in the Print Item.

The matrix allows you to decide separately for each Color Space and for each element whether Source Profiles should be honored or ignored. If source profiles are ignored, the default Source Profiles defined in the settings will be used for rendering. If no embedded Source Profiles exist, Source Profiles set as default will also applied.
The default settings for how embedded Source Profiles should be handled can be defined in the Workflow settings. The options predefined under the General Settings tab will be automatically selected when initially opening the Send to Printer dialog. For information on how to set the default options for embedded Source Profiles, see the following instructions:
- Switch to the Administration > Settings menu.
- Select the Color Management tab
- Activate the checkboxes as needed [74] under the panel Honor Source profiles [73] to honor Source Profiles
- Deactivate the checkboxes as needed, under the Honor Source Profiles panel to ingore Source Profiles.
- Save your settings in the action bar.
Ignore Source Profiles
If Source Profiles are ignored (checkboxes deselected), those Source Profiles are used for the calculation of the colors in the output Color Space which were defined as default under Administration > Settings > Color Management for the respective source Color Space.
Figure 28: The Honor Source Profiles panel found under Administrations > Settings, allowing the user to either honor or ignore specific Source Profiles.

Default behavior for honoring Source Profiles for all versions before 1.7.4
For users who want to ensure that the same color calculation is performed as in all previous versions with regard to honoring of Source Profiles must deactivate the CMYK Color Space checkboxes for all object types by default.
2.6.3. Removing Source Profiles by default
Another option regarding Source Profiles is to remove all embedded Source Profiles during the Workflow check-in process. If all or some of the embedded Source Profiles in the PDF should be ignored or a default Source Profile should always be used, then there is the option to remove the embedded Source Profiles for RGB, CMYK and Gray during each check-in process. We explain this process in further detail below:
- Switch to the Administration > Settings menu.
- Select the Color Management tab.
- Under the General Settings [75] panel, you will find three new options:
- Remove RGB Source Profiles [76]
- Remove CMYK Source Profiles [77]
- Remove Gray Source Profiles [78]
- Select any of these options as needed
- Save your settings in the action bar.
Figure 29: The General Settings panel found under the Color Management tab you can remove RGB, CMYK and Gray Source Profiles by default when a Print Item is checked-in.

2.7. Rendering to Printer with Color Management Enabled
At the request of several Workflow users, we implemented the possibility to send a Production Job as "unprofiled" to the printer. As a rule, normal Production Jobs should always be sent to the printer completely profiled. The following steps will show you how to transfer a Production Job to the printer using Color Management ("unprofiled"):
- Open your desired Production Job.
- Open the Send to Printer dialog.
- Select the checkbox Enable Color Management [79].
- Send the Production Job to the printer
Figure 30: Enabling Color Management when sending a Production Job to the printer.

Selecting this option disables the normal Color Management for this Production Job. The following profiles are applied in this order during the render process which includes only specific parts from the normal Color Management:
- DeviceLink Profile: The DeviceLink Profile is used when existing CMYK elements in the PDF are converted to the Substrate Color Space. DeviceLink Profiles are used here to keep process colors pure, for example.
- Substrate Profile: This is used when we convert PDF elements using ICC based Color Spaces (e.g. RGB with sRGB ICC Profile) directly into the Substrate Profile (i.e. Color Space conversion RGB to Substrate). The Substrate ICC Profile is not used for regular output. These elements are converted in the PDF from e.g. sRGB to the standard CMYK Profile, e.g. ISO coated v2 or GRACol.
- Ink Limit Profile: Determines the device-dependent maximum amount of ink applied.
- Linearization Profile: Corrects the non-linear behavior of the printing system and limits the maximum ink application per color (Process Colors).
- Transition Profile: Determines the transitions between Light & Dark Inks when light colors are used. This profile does not exist, unless the aforementioned Light Inks were used.
- Pre-Linearization Profile: If available, this profile supports printing linearly.
This list shows that the actual Color Management takes place in the first two profiles used in the rendering process. All other profiles must be applied in any case, as they are all machine dependent. If a Production Job is transferred to the printer unprofiled, starting from version 1.7.4 upwards, the following profiles will be applied in this order:
- Ink Limit Profile – for limiting the device-dependent maximum color application across all Process Colors.
- Linearization Profile – to compensate for non-linear values and the maximum color application per color.
- Transition Profile – to determine the transition between light and dark inks.
- Pre-Linearization Profile – for applying Pre-Linearization to the printing system.
2.8. Integration of the Gerber MCT Cutter in combination with Tiger Vision Software in the Workflow
With the release of version 1.7.4 we have integrated another cutting device. MCT cutting devices in connection with Tiger Vision Software can also be controlled. All details for using this cutter are described below.
2.8.1. Add the Gerber MCT Cutter in the Workflow
Before the Gerber MCT cutter can be used in the Workflow for Production Jobs, the cutter must first be created in the Workflow. To achieve this, the following steps should be completed.
- The Host & Share for the MCT cutter must be created in the Workflow.
- The Gerber MCT cutter must be created in the Workflow.
- The MCT cutter must be correctly configured.
- Technical Spot Colors must be assigned to the correct Pen Types for the cutter.
Step 1 – Create the MCT cutter Host & Share:
To establish a connection between the Workflow and the cutter, the MCT workstation must be made available for the Workflow. To do this, the Host & the Share must be created under the Administration > File Management menu. Details on this topic can be found in this article.
Step 2 – Create the MCT Cutter in the Workflow:
In order to use the MCT Cutter in production, the cutter must first be created in the Workflow as a cutting device. Proceed as follows:
- Switch to the Administration > Cutter Devices menu.
- Click on the +New button to open the Add Cutter dialog.
- Select MCT [80] under the Device Type drop-down menu.
- Define a Name [81] for the cutting device.
- Optionally, the Serial Number [82] of the device can be entered.
- Select the Host [83] as defined in Step 1 & the Share [84].
- Click on Save to close the dialog.
Figure 31: After clicking on +New, the Add Cutter dialog opens where the MCT cutter can be added to the Workflow.

Step 3 – Configure the MCT Cutter in the Workflow
In order for the MCT Cutter to transfer the required Marks and Cutfile to the Tiger Vision software, the previously created cutter must be configured. Proceed as follows:
- Select the newly created MCT cutting device [85] from the list of devices.
- Then select the automatically generated Parameter Set [86].
- Here you can add additional Parameter Sets as needed.
- Under the Parameters panel various settings can be selected or disabled as needed [87]:
- Orientation Mark Distance (mm) – Defines the distance between the two marks in the lower right corner of the sheet (alignment marks).
- Cut Layer Name – If the File Type is set to PDF, the name of the layer on which the cut line will be placed can be specified here.
- File Type – Can be optionally set to ALL, PDF & TVXML. Select TVXML to send the cutting data correctly to the plotter. The cutting data can also be exported as a PDF for analysis.
- Generate Marks – Defines whether marks should be generated for the plotter or not.
- Generate Left Vertical Marks – Defines whether marks for the plotter should be generated additionally on the left side of the sheet.
- Generate Right Vertical Marks – Defines whether marks for the plotter should be generated on the right side of the sheet.
- Marks Layer Name – If the File Type is set to PDF, you can specify the name of the layer on which the marks will be placed here.
- X-Offset of Left Horizontal Marks (mm) – Determines the additional offset of the horizontal marks on the left side.
- Max. Distance between Marks (mm) – Defines the maximum distance between the respective marks. From this distance new marks are centered and generated.
- Mark Offset (mm) – Determines the offset of the generated marks to the TrimBox
- X-Offset of Right Horizontal Marks (mm) – Determines the additional offset of the horizontal marks on the right side.
- Sphere Diameter (mm) – Defines the diameter of the generated markers.
Figure 32: The configuration of the MCT cutter in the Workflow where a Parameter Set and Parameters are automatically created under Administration > Cutter Devices.
Step 4 – Mapping Technical Colors to the MCT cutter
In order to use the correct Pen Types for the MCT Cutter, system-wide Technical Colors from the Workflow must be assigned to the correct Pen Types. Proceed as follows:
- Select your new MCT Cutter [85] from the list of devices.
- Under the Pen Types panel below, you will find a list of all the cutting tools provided by the cutting device you've chosen.
- Select the respective pen Type in the list.
- Click the Edit button in the footer of the panel
- In the Edit Cutter Pen Type dialog select the desired Technical Colors from the Available Colors drop-down menu [88] to be bound to the selected cutting tool [89]
- Save your settings after mapping the necessary Pen Types.
Figure 33: Mapping specific MCT Cutter Pen Types with system-wide Technical Colors in the Workflow.

2.8.2. Using the MCT Cutter in the Workflow
Once the cutting device has been correctly created in the Workflow, it can then be used for Production Jobs. Follow the description below.
- Navigate to the Production Job list.
- Open a Production Job that contains Print Items with Technical Colors.
- Open the Send to Printer dialog.
- Select the Finishing tab in the dialog.
- Select the MCT Cutter device with the desired configuration.
- Send the Production Job to the printer and by extension the cut data will be sent to the plotter.
Include Margins for your Marks
If your Production Job has been imposed in the Impose Editor, suitable Margins (~20mm) should be defined in the imposition to create additional space for Marks. The margins must always be larger than the distance between the Marks.
Cutting device selection
As previously mentioned, Cutter Devices can be selected in the Send to Printer dialog under the Finishing tab. Cutters can also be selected and used under the Automation > Force Print menu as well as the Automation > Hotfolder menu.
2.9. Print Flat
With version 1.7.4, the newest technology called Print Flat from Global Graphics has been integrated into the Workflow. Print Flat is a paid module from ScreenPro, Global Graphics' dithering engine.
Print Flat corrects density irregularities that can often be caused by deviations in printheads or between printheads. These problems can be recognised as "banding" in the print image. On the hardware side, these phenomena are very difficult and complicated to control (e.g. regulating individual voltages).
With ScreenPro, each nozzle can be addressed separately on each print head to achieve very fine granularity. Print Flat can adjust the density within ScreenPro to produce uniform density over a print run. The process can be automated for closed-loop correction and, unlike manual correction of printhead voltages, has no effect on jetting stability, printhead life, ink pressure or timing/drop speed variations.
This function can be purchased separately as a paid add-on module. Additional information can also be found under this link.
Print Flat makes possible
- The ability to reduce/eliminate banding (streaking)
- Extend printhead life (poor quality printheads can be used longer)
- Density compensation over the entire print head
PrintFlat Prerequisites
- Screen Pro license (automatically included in the Workflow with the HHR license)
- a one-time registration fee is required, can be carried out under
- PrintFlat requires each printer to be separately licensed
- As many compensation curves as desired per Process Color can be created per license in the first three years
- Density Compensation with PrintFlat must be generated per resolution and per Process Color.
- An A3 Epson scanner must be available for Density Compensation.
3. Improvements
3.1. Fast Mapping Spot Colors
In version 1.7.4 we tried to speed up mapping between Spot Colors and Technical Colors. A separate function has now been implemented which immediately converts selected Spot Colors into Technical Colors. This function is described in more detail below.
- Open an Article or a Print Item from an Order or Production Job.
- Under the Print Data tab, navigate to the Spot Colors [90] & Technical Colors [91] panels.
- Select your desired Spot Color [92].
- Activate the arrow facing to the right [93] to convert the Spot Color to a Technical Color. The Edit Spot Color Definition dialog will open.
- Here you can confirm the mapping using the familiar dialog and clicking on Save.
- Or, conversely to convert a Technical Color to a Spot Color, select the desired Technical Color [95].
- Click on the arrow facing left [96] to convert the Technical Color back to a Spot Color.
Figure 34: The new Fast Mapping feature allows you to convert Spot Colors to Technical Colors or vice versa.
Figure 35: The Spot Colors and Technical Colors panels under the Print Data tab converting a Technical Color to a Spot Color.
If a Spot Color is converted into a Technical Color using Fast Mapping, a new layer for the Spot Color definition is automatically created on the Print Item level [94]. If the Technical Color is converted back to a Spot Color, the previously created layer on the Print Item level is removed again.
Fast Mapping arrows can't be selected
This function is not supported for system-wide Spot Colors. Both arrows are deactivated when a system-wide Spot Color is selected.
3.2. Manually measuring Spot Colors
In this version, we have made further improvements for manual Spot Color measurement. As of version 1.7.4, the Barbieri Swing & Barbieri LFP Measurement Devices can be used for Spot Color measurement. Follow these steps.
- Open an Article or Print Item (either an Order or Production Job) in the Workflow.
- Make sure that the Print Item contains Spot Colors.
- Select the desired Spot Color and open the Create Spot Color Definition dialog by clicking on the Spot Color Definition icon in the footer of the Spot Color panel.
- Create a new Spot Color Definition on e.g. Print Item level by clicking on the + symbol in the upper right hand corner of the dialog.
- In the Edit Spot Color Definition dialog, select one of the two Measurement Devices [97] mentioned above.
- Furthermore, select the desired Measurement Parameter Set [98] which corresponds to the Measurement Device.
- Click on the Start Measuring button [99].
Figure 36: The Edit Spot Color Definition dialog showing the manual Spot Color measurement function with either the Barbieri LFP or Barbieri Swing.
When starting the manual measurement, the Manual Positioning dialog will open which should be familiar from version 1.7.2. Further information can be found here. After the measurement is complete, the measurement dialog is automatically closed. Measured color values can now be seen in the Edit Spot Color Definition dialog.
3.3. Data Preparation
In version 1.7.4 the Fixup - Rename, Convert or Delete Spot Colors has been revamped. Until now, only the alternative Spot Color values from the PDF file were displayed in this dialog. If the Spot Color was mapped to another Spot Color, the alternative color values did not change. Starting with this version, we've added the Color Space [100] (CMYK, RGB & Lab) to the Fixup options. When the dialog is opened, the appropriate alternative color value compared to the current Color Space is initially displayed.
Scenario 1:
If an existing Spot Color is mapped in the dialog to another Spot Color recognised by the system (e.g.: library), the alternative color values of the new Spot Color are displayed or used after being mapped.
Scenario 2:
If the Color Space is changed in the Fixup dialog, the alternative color value is also recalculated to match the selection. The following calculations are performed when the Color Space is changed:
- from CMYK to LAB, the LAB values are calculated by the profile of the RGB working Color Space defined by default.
- from LAB to CMYK, the CMYK values are calculated by the profile of the CMYK working Color Space defined by default.
- from CMYK to RGB, the RBG values are calculated from the default profiles of the CMYK working Color Space & RGB working Color Space.
- from RGB to CMYK, the CYMK values are calculated by the profiles of the RGB working Color Space & CMYK working Color Space defined by default.
- from RGB to LAB, the LAB values are calculated by the default defined profile of the RGB working Color Space
- from LAB to RGB, the RGB values are calculated by the profile of the RGB working Color Space defined by default.
Figure 37: The redesigned Rename, Convert or Delete Spot Colors dialog.
3.4. Minor Improvements
3.4.1. Workflow
- Design improvements for Grid Charts and Color Books: The design of the Grid Charts and Color Books have been adapted and revised in this version.
- Role permissions for User-defined Fields: New role permissions for viewing, editing and applying User-defined Fields in the Workflow have been added.
- Preferred Height for Tau Printers: For TAU printers, the Preferred Height has been set to 0 in the printer type to automatically crop the Imposition to the height of placed Print Items.
- Support for the new .acb file format: The new structure of the .acb files (Adobe Color Book) can now be read and processed by the Workflow.
- User must have a Role assigned: A new User can not be saved without a User Role assigned.
- Photoshop files: The ability to upload PSD files has been enabled when uploading files. The handling of Photoshop alpha channels will be available with version 1.7.5.
- Searching for Customers within customer-specific Spot Colors: You can now search for Customers in the Customer-specific Spot Colors list.
- Searching for Customers in Article list view: You can now search for Customers in the Article list view.
- New input field for an External ID in the creation of Substrates and Substrate Definitions: You can now define an external ID for a Substrate and/or Substrate Definition.
Figure 38: The Edit Substrate and Edit Substrate Definition dialogs with the new External ID field.
- PDF-X version: The PDF-X version is now displayed after check-in in the Document, Production Information and User-defined Fields area.
Figure 39: The Document, Production Information and User-defined Fields panel under the Print Data tab
3.4.2. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
A minor improvement was implemented. This is:
- Barcode status message: If a Barcode was successfully generated in the Plug-in, a corresponding message is displayed in the footer of the Variable Data panel. An error message is also displayed if the Barcode could not be generated.
4. Bug Fixes & Minor Details
4.1. Workflow
Uploading Articles: Dragging and dropping an Print Item to create an Article, the Article was not visible unless the browser was refreshed, this bug has been fixed. (DW-1500, DW-1415)
Spot Color Definition: Create DeviceN Spot Color Definition will show Color Values in the wrong order. (DW-1449)
Print Setup: The +New button for creating a new printer was often deactivated. After reloading the page, the button was available again. (DW-1440)
Measuring Print Charts: If another user opens a Color Setup while Print Charts are being measured a stacktrace would occur. (DW-1419)
Article Customer: After changing the status of an Article, the Customer would disappear. (DW-1409)
Output Configuration: The navigation function when clicking on Go to Printer, Go to Substrate Setup, etc. has been improved. (DW-1335)
Default Color Policy: When choosing a Default Color Policy for a Substrate the Save button overlapped the drop-down menu. (DW-1350)
Canceling Reports: When in the process of creating a Report an error occurred, when the user clicked the cancel button to stop generation of Reports the progress bar and dialog wouldn't close. (DW-1346)
Color Setup: The user could open a completed Color Setup and open the Profile Charts, change the chart type and click cancel and the Color Setup would save the changes. (DW-1355)
Render Flags: When selecting or deselecting specific Render Flags in the Send to Printer dialog, the changes were not being saved. (DW-1291)
Ordering Jobs/Subjobs per Batch: When a Production Job contains VDP data, the ordering of the variables can be ordered either per Job or per Subjob. (DW-1289)
Spot Color Definition: When changing a Spot Color to a DeviceN Spot Color the values were incorrectly calculated by rounding the number up. Decimals are now used. (DW-1233)
Changing a Spot Color Definition: When changing a Spot Color definition from DeviceN to LAB the incorrect Rendering Intent was applied. (DW-1232)
Color Policies for Articles: If you open a Article you can now choose a preferred Color Policy on the fly which overrides the default Color Policy. (DW-1074)
Substrate distortion: When adding distortion to a Substrate Definition, this distortion was also being applied to any Technical Colors (cut files) when rendered. This bug has been fixed. (DW-133)
4.2. Impose Editor
White Background for Marks: The White Background for Marks were being rendered in RGB. This bug has been fixed. (ZCM-1130)
Transforming Multiple Print Items: When moving items using multiple selection under the Transform panel, the items would shift on the second axis without values being entered. This bug has been fixed.
4.3. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
VDP Text with no CSV Selected: When a VDP text is created but no CSV file is uploaded the user could still select the Column Name or Index options. This has been fixed. (PXT-805)
String Drop-Down List: When creating a Barcode, under Source > the String option could not be selected unless selecting and deselecting again. (PXT-802)
Barcode System Message: The Barcode Preview was not being displayed correctly under the Preview panel in the Plugin. Instead of a preview the user now sees a message stating that the Barcode is correct. (PXT-800)
Rotating VDP Text Elements: Serial Numbers or Strings in combination with the Reduce to Fit option were not able to be rotated. This bug has been fixed. (PXT-795)
Document Check-in: After checking in a document with a Serial Number the number would disappear. This bug has been fixed. (PXT-794)
Technical Colors duplicated: Checking in a document multiple times that contained Technical Colors would duplicate the Technical Colors in the Workflow. (PXT-772)
CSV Files with special characters: The amount of characters that are compatible in CSV files has been expanded, allowing for special characters. (PXT-754)
4.4. Hot Fixes
Impose CropMarks: When saving and rendering CropMarks in the Impose Editor the Line weight was incorrect. Impose Editor showed the correct size. (New Version: PMS | Old Version: PMS 1.7.4)
Product Information: After updating to 1.7.4, the version number was incorrect which was causing problems with the maintenance contracts preventing the Workflow from starting. (New Version: PMS | Old Version: PMS