Release date: 08/12/2022
In this article you will learn which
- new features are available,
- improvements for users have been implemented and which
- bugs have been fixed in version 1.13.0 of the Workflow.
This article may also be downloaded as a PDF version. The release notes for the previously released versions may be downloaded from the Archive.
1. Overview
With version 1.13.0, users can take advantage of several new features in the environment of Variable Data, the PDF Editor and Fixups in Print Data. In addition, improvements have been made in the area of Performance and Color Setups as well as translations.
Since version 1.13.0 is a major release, you should read through the Release Notes for the intermediate versions 1.12.1 and 1.12.2 to learn about the full feature set of new features for the major release 1.13.0.
Please find an overview of all changes below. A more detailed description will follow in the sections new features, improvements as well as bug fixes.
Following SDK-Versions are included in DW 1.13.0:
- Callas Software pdfToolbox 13.1.587
- Callas Software pdfChip 2.4.072
- Color Logic CrossXColor 1.18.1-42166
- Global Graphics HHR 13.2
1.1. Adobe Illustrator plug-in
The following new features resp. improvements are available in plug-in version
Plug-in Version When working with version 1.13.0 of the Workflow, version of the plug-in must be installed to ensure consistent operation. In this version, the compatibility of the plug-in with Adobe Illustrator CC 2022 version 26.3.1 has been implemented. In addition, the version was changed to the internal Adobe Illustrator SDK version and the version number was adjusted to match the version of the Workflow and translations.
1.2. New features
The following new features are available in version 1.13.0 of the Workflow:
VDP-Editor: Since version 1.12.0 of the Workflow, a browser-based VDP editor for creating and managing variable data is available in the Workflow. In version 1.13.0, further new features have been implemented:
- New tools - In this version, the tools for creating variable elements in the VDP Editor have again been expanded. These include the VDP Text Bezier Curve tool, VDP Text Ellipse tool, VDP Bezier Curve tool, VDP Ellipse tool, and the Scissor tool.
- Show longest entries - The function to display the longest entry of a CSV file has been taken over from the Adobe Illustrator VDP plug-in in this release and is therefore now also available in the VDP Editor.
Impose Editor: In the Impose Editor, further new features for Shape Nesting have been implemented with version 1.13.0:
- Shape Nesting - In this version, only minor changes resp. new features have been made for Shape Nesting. These include various translations, hiding of unavailable options and display of Print Items already prepared for Shape Nesting.
PDF Editor: Another new feature has been implemented in the PDF Editor with version 1.13.0, which allows to analyze already existing barcodes or QR codes in the document.
- »Barcode / QR-Code« tab – As of this version, a new »Barcode / QR-Code« tab is available in the PDF Editor. In this tab, barcodes or QR codes that are already in the document can be analyzed. Thereby, information is readout and made available for the analysis.
Simulation printing: The already existing function »Simulation« in an Output Configuration of a production job has been revised in this version. When simulating an output color space, the brightness axis (L value) is now compensated.
Proof printing: The already existing function »Simulation« in an Output Configuration of a production job has been extended in this version by the possibility of proof simulation for the selected output color space.
GM LC350 Laser Cutter Integration: During the development of this version, the laser Cutter »GM LC350«, manufactured by Grafisk Maskinfabrik A/S, was integrated into the Workflow. This Cutter uses a special SVG format and works with marks and barcodes which are already defined in a standard template.
Optiscout Cutter software integration – part 1: In order to offer a full integration of the Cutter software in this version, the official "OXF" standard, specified by Eurosystems, has been implemented. From this version on, the first level of full integration will be included. This integration will be continued in future versions regarding delivery of status messages as well as production data.
Data Preparation: In the course of development, another new function was implemented for Data Preparation. This function allows to use user-defined fields as well as information about the subject for Data Preparation. Numerous Fixups have been extended or improved. In addition, the functionality of existing Fixups has been extended or improved in terms of usability.
- Variable Content for Data Preparation: Starting with this release, the option to use either a "static value" (previous behavior) or a "variable" for certain input fields in Data Preparation is provided. Variable input fields refer to available metadata fields as well as user-defined fields, material information, customer information, etc. of the respective article or motif.
- Fixups with variable content: In the course of the introduction of variable content for Fixups, the first Fixups were modified for this purpose.
- New Fixups: New Fixups for extended Data Preparation have been developed.
- New features in existing Fixups: Some Fixups were restructured resp. changed especially for the use of dynamic content.
Default check and and Fixup application: The default check and Fixup application profile which was introduced with version 1.12.2 has been extended. This function is used to check data depending on the selected template during upload . Additional checks and options for Fixup applications were added.
SDK versions: Updates from various OEM partners, among others, also provide for further innovations and new features. Version 1.13.0 includes the Callas Software pdfToolbox version 13.1.587.
1.3. Improvements
Performance Improvements: Especially when creating an Imposition in connection with a large number of Print Items, enormous resources are needed in the Impose Editor to impose the Print Item on the individual Impose Sheets with all its marks and captions. An enormous data performance is furthermore needed when loading the Gamut display program. In this version, both processes have been optimized to prevent performance problems.
Color Setup - Linearization: In this version, an additional method for calculating the Linearization has been implemented. From now on, upon creating the Linearization profile, use of the Linearization method »SCTV Linearization« (Standard for Color Tone Value) is available. This method can also be defined as default in Administration - Settings - Color Management.
»Impose« tab redesign: In the course of development, the »Impose« tab in the Production Job has been revised and restructured. In addition, the preview of the Imposition was modified in this version.
»Variable Data« tab redesign: In the course of development, the "Variable Data" tab for Print Items resp. Articles has been revised and restructured. In addition, the preview including the variable data is displayed from this version.
Details for Print Items in the Send to Printer dialog: The details for the Print Items of a Production Job will be displayed in a separate tab in this version. In order to display these details before version 1.13.0, a separate dialog had to be opened by clicking a control button.
Rest API: More mime types for transfer to Workflow from web server-based sources have been added.
Small Improvements: Further small improvements have been implemented.
1.4. Fixed bugs
Workflow: List of fixed bugs or minor improvements in the main application.
Impose Editor: List of fixed bugs and minor improvements in the Impose Editor.
VDP Editor (Browser): List of fixed bugs resp. minor improvements in the Impose Editor.
2. Improvements
In this section, you will learn what's new in the Adobe Illustrator plug-in, the Impose Editor and in the Workflow. In some cases, existing functions have been extended.
2.1. Adobe Illustrator plug-in
When working with version 1.13.0 of the Workflow, version of the plug-in must be installed to ensure consistent operation. If you are using an older version of the plug-in, you will be notified when logging in the plug-in.
The following versions of Adobe Illustrator are supported:
Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Version 24.2 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 Version 25.4.6 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2022 Version 26.3.1 |
macOS | macOS Version 10.15 (Catalina), |
macOS Version 12.3 (Monterey), macOS Version 11.2 (Big Sur), macOS Version 10.15 (Catalina), macOS Version 10.14 (Mojave), macOS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
macOS Version 12.4 (Monterey), macOS Version 11.2 (Big Sur), macOS Version 10.15 (Catalina), macOS Version 10.14 (Mojave), macOS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
Microsoft Windows | MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
Support | Plug-In Version, Plug-In Version 1.13.0.xx (only WIN) |
Plug-In Version 1.13.0.xx (macOS and WIN) |
Plug-In Version 1.13.0.xx (macOS and WIN) |
Support of older Illustrator versions
Note that the current plug-in version can only be installed for Adobe Illustrator CC 2020, Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2022. If Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 or Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 is used with macOS for Workflow 1.10.0, then plug-in must be used. Plug-in is only compatible with macOS when using Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 or Adobe Illustrator CC 2022.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 can still be used with plug-in version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.2. Use of plug-in version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or bugs for this constellation will not be followed up nor fixed.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 can continue to be used with plug-in version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.6. The use of plug-in version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or bugs for this constellation will not be followed up and fixed.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2022 support
In this release, Adobe Illustrator plug-in compatibility has been implemented with Adobe Illustrator CC 2022 v26.3.1. Use the Release PPD_AI_Plugin Installer when working with Adobe Illustrator CC 2022.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 support with Apple M1/M2 chipset
The plug-in is only accessible in Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 as well as 2022 when the Adobe Illustrator has been started in the Rosetta environment (emulation mode). The conversion of the plug-in to M1/M2 compatibility will take a little longer, since the necessary development environment for this has not yet been provided by Adobe.
New features in the Variable Data Environment
Note that as of version 1.12.0, new features in the environment of Variable Data generation are only offered in the VDP Editor within the Workflow.
In this version, only the compatibility of the plug-in with Adobe Illustrator CC 2022 version 26.3.1 was implemented. In the course of this adaptation it was necessary to switch to Adobe Illustrator SDK version and furthermore to adjust the version number to match the version of the Workflow and translations.
2.2. VDP Editor
Since version 1.12.0 of the Workflow, a browser-based VDP Editor for creating and outputting variable data has been available in the Workflow. In version 1.13.0, therein further innovations and improvements have been implemented. Read more in the following section.
2.2.1. New tools
In this version, the tools for creating variable elements have been extended again in the VDP Editor. Thereby constructs, which can be created with Illustrator, are also offered in the browser. Therefore, the following tools have been added in this version:
Figure 1: New VDP tools in the VDP Editor

VDP Bezier Curve Tool [2] - create the starting point [7] of the Bezier curve by clicking on the Print Item and create a further path point [5] with each subsequent click. When moving the cursor further [6], the curvature of the drawn Bezier curve is shown in real time. Complete the drawing process either by clicking on the start point - this closes the path and creates a closed area - or by pressing the
button - this creates an open path. The position of the individual path points, the path settings, the contour color as well as the color settings can be determined in the control panels provided.
Figure 2: View when creating a path with the VDP Bezier Curve Tool

Only closed paths can be colored with a Fill Color
Unlike Adobe Illustrator and other graphics programs, the Fill Color can be determined only for closed paths. Open path segments are not closed by an imaginary line between the start and end points, as in Adobe Illustrator.
- VDP Text Bezier Curve Tool [4] - The drawing method is equal to the VDP Bezier Curve Tool. The difference with this tool is merely that the default "Sample Content" text is created as a placeholder text for a variable text on the drawn path. The position of the individual path points, the Text Settings, the Font Settings, the Stroke Color Settings and the Color Settings for the variable text element can be determined in the provided control panels.
- VDP Ellipse Tool [1] - This allows you to create an ellipse by clicking and dragging on the Print Item. Complete the drawing process by releasing the mouse button. The position of the ellipse, the Ellipse Settings, the Stroke Color Settings, and the Color Settings can be determined in the provided control fields.
Figure 3: View when creating an ellipse from the center using the VDP Ellipse Tool

- VDP Text Ellipse Tool [3] - The drawing method is equal to the VDP Ellipse Tool. The difference in this tool is merely that the default "Sample Content" text is created as a placeholder text for a variable text on the drawn ellipse. The position of the ellipse, the Text Settings, the Font Settings, the Stroke Color Settings and the Color Settings for the variable text element can be determined in the provided control panels.
Advices for path creation
- When pressing the
key while dragging, the path is created horizontally, vertically or in 45° steps in conjunction with the Path Tools. - When pressing the
key while dragging, a circle is created in conjunction with the Ellipse Tools. - When pressing the
- (Windows) oroption
(macOS) key while dragging, the ellipse is created from the center in conjunction with the Ellipse Tools. - Path points can be edited with the Direct Selection Tool and thereby, amongst other things, be converted to a curve point . Additional path points can be added by pressing the
(Windows) oroption
(macOS) key. When pressingR
and then clicking on a path point, the path point is deleted.
- Scissor Tool - This can be used to cut paths that have already been created using the VDP Text Ellipse, VDP Text Path, VDP Text Bezier Curve, VDP Path and VDP Bezier Curve Tools. You can cut anywhere along a path or curve so that the objects are separated. Separate elements are created, which can be further processed or modified.
2.2.2. Show longest entry
The function to display the longest entry of a CSV file has been taken over from the Adobe Illustrator VDP plug-in in this version. Therefore, the plug-in is now also available in the VDP Editor within the Workflow.
Proceed as follows:
- Open the VDP Editor for an Article or Print Item.
- Load a CSV file into the VDP Editor.
- Create a variable text object.
- In the Content tab [8], select either Column index or Column title of the CSV file as the data source.
- Activate the option Show longest entry [9] to preview the longest entry of the CSV column - this can help you to find the needed length of the VDP element or the needed text size to display all entries as expected.
Figure 4: The content tab of the VDP Editor with its new option Show longest entry
The longest entry is based on the number of characters
This function merely checks the number of characters. The entry with the most characters is selected and displayed when the function is activated. Under certain circumstances there may be longer entries, since the character width is decisive. For example, an entry with several "i" will usually be shorter than an entry with several "w", although the first entry contains more characters in total.
2.3. Impose Editor
In the Impose Editor, further new features and enhancements have been implemented with version 1.13.0. In addition, already existing functions have been improved or revised. Read this section to find out which areas are affected.
2.3.1. Shape Nesting
In version 1.12.0, the first version for Shape Nesting in the Nesting Imposition mode for imposing or nesting Print Items with irregular shapes has been implemented . With Shape Nesting it is possible to generate an optimized version of the Nesting by nesting irregular shapes into each other. In version 1.12.1 and 1.12.2 the new function was further optimized and completed step by step.
In this version, only minor changes or improvements were conducted in Shape Nesting. These include:
- Display as well as translation of messages during the execution of Shape Nesting.
- Hiding of unavailable options - such as double-sided output, strategy, layout and arrangement
- Indication by an icon that Print Items are already prepared for Shape Nesting in the file manager and the Print Item list
- Display of the height and the width of the Imposition before and after Shape Nesting
Shape Nesting for double-sided output
The pending implementation of Shape Nesting for double-sided nesting will be added in version 1.13.1.
2.4. PDF Editor
Another new feature has been implemented in the PDF editor with version 1.13.0, which allows to analyze already existing barcodes or QR codes in the document.
2.4.1. »Barcode / QR Code« tab
As of this version, a new Barcode / QR Code tab is available in the PDF Editor. In this tab, barcodes or QR codes that are already in the document can be read and the content displayed. Thereby, certain information is read and made available for analysis.
Proceed as follows:
- Open a Print Item or an Article.
- Make sure that the document contains one or more barcodes or QR codes. The barcodes or QR codes can also be located on different pages.
- Open the PDF Editor.
- Activate the Barcode / QR Code tab.
- Press the Extract barcode info button [10].
- Wait until the process is finished. The process may take different amounts of time depending on the number of pages and the amount of barcodes / QR codes.
Figure 5: Extract with results from the Barcodes and QR Codes settings area of the Barcodes / QR Codes tab in the PDF Editor.
The following information can be read or displayed:
- Number of barcodes resp. QR codes [11] - with pagination, it is possible to display the details of the barcodes resp. QR codes. The current barcode is highlighted on the Artboard [16]. Make sure that barcodes or QR codes on other pages of the document are also found, although only the first page of the document is displayed on the Artboard.
- Barcode type and content resp. value [13] - You will be shown which barcode type it is and which value it represents.
- Barcode specific settings [14] - Barcode settings such as the Module Width, Bar Width Reduction, and the width and height of the code are read and displayed.
- Page [15] - The information on which page of the document the barcode or QR code is located is also displayed. Codes that are not located on the first page of the document currently aren't marked on the Artboard.
2.5. Extension of Simulation Print
The simulation print function, which has been available for many versions already, has been improved in version 1.13.0 as well as extended by the proof printing function. For this purpose, the user guidance also had to be somewhat changed in the output templates. The approach to both possibilities is described below.
2.5.1. Simulation print
If a simulation print is created based on a selected Working Color Space or a selected Color Policy of a Color Setup, the pace of the selected material for the printer used is transferred to the Color Space of the selected simulation profile. A simulation is of course only possible when the Color Space of the material for the selected printer is larger in all axes than the Color Space of the selected simulation profile.
Up to version 1.12.2, only the Gamut was mapped Relative Colorimetric to the Simulation Profile. The brightness axis was not changed, which led to the circumstance that a to be simulated L value of 9 - e.g. target value of deep black in ISO Coated v2 - was not adjusted in the case of water-based inks - there the L value can also amount only to 4. With version 1.13.0, the brightness axis is now also adjusted to the to be simulated Color Space by default.
Furthermore, the simulation print uses the during the profile calculation newly generated Color Policy (without correction of optical brighteners) , which ensures an improved simulation of the color tones, especially in the light tones.
To perform a simulation print, proceed as follows:
- Select the menu item Production Job and open an existing Production Job from the list.
- Open the Output Configuration tab in the Production Job.
- Select a desired Output Configurationfor the Production Job by selecting the following parameters:
- Printer e.g.: P5 210 DC Rigid
- Print configuration e.g.: OPAL_700x1200-1b (1)
- Substrate e.g.: Cardboard
- Substrate e.g.: 1500 x 1500 mm
- Color Policy e.g.: Standard [LFP] (1)
- Open the simulation options [18] by pressing the down arrow.
- In Simulation Type select from the following options [17]:
- No simulation - no simulation/proof will be generated during output.
- Color Policies of the Workflow (relative colorimetric - simulation) by activating this option you will be prompted to select a Color Policy in the drop-down menu below. By selecting the Printer, the Print Configuration and the Substrate, you can narrow down the selection. There you will be provided with all Color Policies which are available in the Workflow. During configuration, a summary is created in the header, so that the settings are immediately visible even in collapsed mode.
- Working Space resp. Output Color Space (relative colorimetric - simulation) by activating this option, you will be prompted to select one of the available Working Spaces or Output Color Space profiles of the Administration > Settings > Color Management menu item in the selection menu below. During configuration, a summary is created in the header so that the selected settings are immediately visible even in collapsed mode.
- Complete the Output Configuration, save the made settings in a template and continue with production.
2.5.2. Proof printing
With version 1.13.0, it is now also possible to perform Proof printing for the selected simulation color space in the simulation environment. While the relative colorimetric rendering intent is used for simulation printing, the absolute colorimetric rendering intent is used for creating a proof, which means that the paper white simulation is also taken into account in the output.
Users should thus be able to create a proof on a suitable proof printer - e.g. Epson 7500 Sure Color - in order to simulate the expected colors for a print approval in advance. When creating a proof, proceed as follows:
- Select the menu item Production Job and open an existing Production Job from the list.
- Open the Output Configurations tab in the Production Job.
- Select a desired Output Configuration for the Production Job by selecting the following parameters:
- Printer e.g.: Epson SC-P7500
- Print configuration e.g.: CMYK
- Substrate e.g.: Standard Proofing Paper 205
- Substrate size e.g.: 432mm x 50m (roll)
- Color Policy e.g.: Profile for Epson SC P7500 SCTV (16)
- Open the Simulation options [18] by pressing the down arrow.
- Select from the following five options under Simulation Type [17]:
- No Simulation - no simulation/proof will be generated during output.
- Workflow. Color Policies (absolute colorimetric - Proof) - by activating this option you will be prompted to select a Color Policy in the drop-down menu below. By selecting the Printer, Print Configuration and Substrate, you can narrow down the selection. There you will be provided with all Color Policies which are available in the Workflow. During configuration, a summary is created in the header, so that the settings are immediately visible even in collapsed mode.
- Working or Output Color Space (absolute colorimetric - Proof) - by activating this option, you will be prompted to select one of the available Working Space or Output Color Space profiles of the Administration > Settings > Color Management menu item in the selection menu below. During configuration, a summary is created in the header, so that the selected settings are immediately visible even in collapsed mode.
- Complete the Output Configuration, save the made settings in a template, and continue with production.
Figure 6: The settings of an Output Template with selected Proof simulation
Differences between Simulation printing vs. Proof printing
When creating a Simulation print, the color conversion is performed within the Relative Colorimetric parameter set when sending to the printer. When it comes to Proof print application on the other hand, the color is converted with the Absolute Colorimetric parameter set. A new substrate profile is used for the Proof, which does not include Brightener Fixup.
Handling of Spot Colors in Simulation printing or Proof printing
Note that in both Simulation and Proof printing, Spot Colors are converted as they would appear in the selected Simulation Color Space. Excluding Spot Colors from the Simulation is currently not planned.
2.6. GM LC350 Laser Cutter Device
With 1.13.0, the integration of the GM Cutter Device of the GM LC350 Laser series with the necessary configuration parameters has been implemented. Before the GM LC350 Laser is availiabe for Production Jobs in the Workflow, the Cutter must be created in the Workflow. To do this, the following four steps must be completed.
2.6.1. Step 1: Set up File Management for the GM LC350 Laser in the Workflow
The target directory of the Cutter Devic must first be made available for the Workflow. To do this, the Host and Share must be created in the Administration > File Management menu. For details on this topic, read Manage Shares and Folders.
2.6.2. Step 2: Set up Cutter Device in the Workflow
- Switch to the Administration > Cutter Device menu.
- By clicking + New open the Add Cutter dialog.
Figure 7: The Add Cutter dialog with filled out values for the creation of the Cutter Device GM LC350 Laser

3. Select the following parameters in the opened dialog:
- Device type - select GM LC350 Laser.
- Name - enter a unique name for the Cutter. If you have two devices of the same type, you should create the device twice with different names. Thus, to have unique names and destination directories in the Workflow.
- Serial number - optionally enter the serial number of the device, which makes sense in case two Cutters of the same manufacturer are used.
- Host - select the host defined in step
- Destination directory - select the destination directory defined in step 1
4. Finally, create the GM LC350 Laser by clicking Save.
2.6.3. Step 3: Checking the configurations of the GM LC350 Laser
After creating the Cutter Device, the standard configuration LC350 - GM Control is made available to you in the Parameter Sets area. This configuration can be used by default.
The following settings are available for these configurations in the Parameters settings area:
- Barcode Content - defines the content of the barcode or QR code. This can be defined freely. For the available options see section 3.1. Cutfile Name and Barcode Content of the Release Notes 1.10.0.
- File Type - defines the file type of the cut file. This Cutter uses a special SVG file to process the cut data.
- Write Barcode Content File Name - defines whether the content of the barcode or QR code should be added at the beginning (START) or at the end (END) of the cut file.
- Mirror CutData Horizontally - by activating this option, the cut data can be transferred to the Cutter mirrored horizontally.
- Mirror CutData Vertically - by activating this option, the cut data can be transferred to the Cutter mirrored vertically.
- Rotate CutData - by activating this option, the cut data can be transferred to the Cutter rotated by 0°, 90°, 180° and 270°.
Further settings for the configurations can be made and saved in the Impose Editor. If necessary, user-defined configurations can also be created and used. For more information, see the User Manual entries Using a Cutter in a Production Job and Cutter Device configuration settings and saving.
Figure 8: The menu item Administration > Cutter Devices with a valid configuration of the GM LC350 Laser
2.6.4. Step 4: Assign Technical Colors to Cutter Devices
Before the GM LC350 Laser can be used for cutting, the system-wide technical colors of the Workflow must be assigned to the cutting tools. Proceed as follows:
- Select the previously created GM LC350 Laser in the list of the Devices settings area.
- In the Pen Types settings area - located below the Devices, Parameter Sets and Parameters settings areas - list of all available Pen Types is provided - these are colors that can be used in the SVG cut file. These colors can subsequently be assigned to the tools of the device in the device software - GM Control.
Figure 9: The settings area Pen Types with the available Pen Types for the GM LC350 Laser

- Choose a to be used Pen Type resp. the color of the Pen from the list.
- Click on Edit in the footer of the settings area, whereby the Edit Pen Types opens.
Figure 10: The Edit Pen Types dialog for the Pen Type Green. Therein, system-wide technical colors can be assigned to a Pen Type

- In the dialog, select the technical colors from the Available Technical Colors [19] drop-down menu that are to be assigned to the selected Cutter Device. If several technical colors are to be bound to a Cutter Device, repeat the just performed step. Technical colors that have already been assigned to a tool are only displayed grayed out in the list. The tools that have already been assigned are listed in the Mapped Colors [20] area.
- Once you have assigned all the technical colors to a Pen Type, click Save to save the setting for use with the GM LC350 Laser.
2.6.5. Use GM LC350 Laser in a Production Job
Read about Using a Cutter in a Production Job in the Release Notes for 1.7.6.
2.6.6. Available Parameters
If the settings of the standard configuration don't measure up to your expectation, you can create and save user-defined configurations in the Impose Editor. Find instructions by following this link Cutter Device configuration settings and saving.
Figure 11: The settings area Registration Marks and Barcodes in the Impose Editor for the Cutter Device GM LC350 Laser

2.7. Optiscout Cutter software integration – part 1
With 1.13.0, the integration of the OptiScout Prepare Cutter software with the necessary configuration parameters has been implemented. Before Optiscout Prepare can be used in the Workflow for Production Jobs, the Cutter Device must be created in the Workflow. To do this, follow the following four steps.
2.7.1. Step 1: Create Share for Optiscout in the Workflow
The target directory of the "Cutter Device" must first be made available for the Workflow. To do this, the Host and Share must be created in the Administration > File Managements menu. For details on this topic, read Manage Shares and Folders.
2.7.2. Step 2: Add Cutter Device to the Workflow
- Change to the menu Administration > Cutter Devices.
- By clicking on + New open the Add Cutter dialog.
Figure 12: The Add Cutter dialog with filled out values for the creation of the OptiScout Prepare software

- Select the following parameters in the opened dialog:
- Device type - select OptiScout Prepare.
- Name - enter a unique name for the Cutter Device. If you have two devices of the same type, you should also create the device twice with different names in order to find unique names and target directories in the Workflow.
- Serial number - optionally enter the serial number of the device, which makes sense in case two Cutters of the same manufacturer are used.
- Host - select the Host defined in step 1.
- Destinations - select the destination directory defined in step 1.
- Finally, create Optiscout Prepare by clicking Save.
2.7.3. Step 3: Check the configurations for Optiscout Prepare
After creating the Cutter Device, the OptiScout Prepare 8 standard configuration is made available in the Parameter Sets settings area. This Parameter Set is used by default.
In addition to the standard settings the following Optiscout-specific settings are available for this Parameter Set in the Parameters settings area
- Compensation Method - By default, "2" (Fit to Job) is used. Other options: 0 = Best fit, 1 = Best fit (Read all marks), 3 = Fit to Job (Read all marks), 4 = Best fit (SmartComp) and 5 = Fit to Job (SmartComp). For more information, please contact your OptiScout representative.
- Flute Direction (Cardboard) - By default "0" (Vertical) is used. Other options: 1 = Horizontal. For more information, please contact your OptiScout representative.
- Regmark Recoginition Type - By default "0" (Circle) is used. Other options: 1 = Corners, 2 = Crop marks (Angle), 3 = Symmetrical objects, 4 = Crop marks (Lines), 6 = Edge and 42 = Custom. For more information, please contact your OptiScout representative.
Further settings for the configurations can be made and saved in the Impose Editor. If necessary, custom configurations can also be created and used. Read more in the sections Using a Cutter in a Production Job and Cutter Device configuration settings and saving.
Figure 13: The menu item Administration > Cutter Devices with a valid configuration for OptiScout Prepare
2.7.4. Step 4: Assign Technical Colors to Cutter Devices
Before OptiScout Prepare is available for Production Jobs, the system-wide Technical Colors of the Workflow must be assigned to the Pen Types. Proceed as follows:
- Select the previously created OptiScout Prepare in the list of the Devices settings area.
- In the Pen Types settings area - located below the Devices, Parameter Sets and Parameters settings areas - all the available Pen Types tools of the Cutter Device are listed.
Figure 14: The settings area Pen Types with the available Pen Types of the OptiScout Prepare 8 software

- Select a Pen Type or the color of the Pen Type from the list.
- Click Edit in the footer of the Settings Panel, which opens the Edit Cutter dialog.
Figure 15: The Edit Pen Type dialog in which system-wide Technical Colors can be assigned to the Pen Type »Thru-Cut«

- In the dialog, select the Technical Colors from the Available Technical Colors [21] drop-down menu that are to be assigned to the selected Pen Type. If several Technical Colors are to be assigned to a Pen Type, repeat the step just performed. Technical Colors that have already been assigned to a Pen are only displayed grayed out in the list. The Pens that have already been assigned are listed in the Mapped Colors [22] area.
- When you have assigned all used Technical Colors to a Pen, click on Save to save the setting for the use of the OptiScout Prepare.
2.7.5. Use OptiScout Prepare for Production Jobs
Read about Using a Cutter in a Production Job in the Release Notes for 1.7.6.
2.7.6. Available Parameters
If the settings of the standard configuration don't measure up to your expectations, you can create and save user-defined configurations in the Impose Editor. Read more in the section Cutter Device configuration settings and saving.
Figure 16: The settings area Registration Marks and Barcodes in the Impose Editor for OptiScout Prepare

2.8. Data Preparation
In the course of development, another option for Data Preparation was implemented. This option allows the content of a user-defined field or the value from the metadata for Fixups. Numerous Fixups have been extended or improved. In addition, the functionality and performance of existing Fixups have been improved and optimized in terms of usability.
2.8.1. Choose variable Fixup content
Starting from this version, it is possible to use either a "static value" (previous behavior) or a "variable" for certain input fields for Data Preparation. Variable input fields refer to matching metadata fields (user-defined fields, substrate information, customer information, etc.) of the respective Article or Print Item.
Input fields in Data Preparation which can refer to metadata information (variable content) are provided with an additional symbol [24] in the dialogs. By pressing the Static Content [24] icon, the icon changes to Variable Content [23], which gives the user the possibility to refer to meta information about the Print Item or to the content of a user-defined field.
Figure 17: The Create Bleed by Upscaling dialog with reference to the content of the custom-defined field Custom Bleed

Depending on what content is expected for the input field in the Fixup, two options are available for linking the input field to a source.
Number value
If a number is expected for the input field in the Fixup dialog, the user can select from the available metadata for the Print Item [25] resp. from the list of user-defined fields [25], which can contain numerical values, in the selection menu.
Figure 18: The Create Bleed by Upscaling dialog with drop-down menu for linking the input field with possible sources

If a text (string) is expected for the input field in the Fixup dialog, the user can choose from available placeholders. In the descriptive text, the user is prompted to enter @ [27] to access the list of placeholders (see Figure 20).
Figure 19: The Set Scale Factor dialog with the possibility to link a field with a possible text source

The users can select one or more placeholders, as they are already used to do when creating Captions in the Impose Editor and generate the desired text (string) by the selected stringing of placeholders and static texts. Read on how to trim the content of placeholders or filter out substrings in the Release Notes for version 1.8.1.
Figure 20: The Caption Placeholder Select dialog with the selection of placeholders for linking the input field with possible text sources
Variable content not available in all versions
Please note that the function to link input fields in Fixups with variable content is not available in all Workflow versions. For more information on which license can be used to access the function, please contact your supervisor.
2.8.2. Fixups with variable content
With version 1.13.0 the first Data Preparations with the new possibility to use variable content have been implemented. The following Data Preparation can thus be linked with variable content with immediate effect. The following Fixups are now available for the use of dynamic content:
Create Bleed by Upscaling
Due to the new implementation, as of version 1.13.0, the Create Bleed by Upscaling Fixup for the Required Bleed [28] and Maximum Distortion [29] input fields can be linked to metadata as well as user-defined fields.
Figure 21: The Create Bleed by Upscaling dialog with the switch option for referencing to variable contents

Set TrimBox to the Dieline
Due to the new implementation, as of version 1.13.0 the Fixup Set TrimBox to the Dieline can be linked to the Bleed input field [30] as well as to user-defined fields.
Figure 22: The Set TrimBox to the Dieline dialog with the switch option for referring to variable contents

Clip Print Item with Additional Bleed
Due to the new implementation, as of version 1.13.0 the Fixup Clip Print Item with Additional Bleed can be linked to the input field Bleed [31] to metadata as well as to user-defined fields.
Figure 23: The Clip Print Item with Additional Bleed dialog with the switch option for referring to variable contents

2.8.3. New Fixups
With version 1.13.0 only one more new Fixup was added.
Convert Lab to RGB
The Convert Lab to RGB Fixup converts Lab objects to RGB to make editing colors easier for the user. It is possible to select the to be converted Target RGB Color Space.
Use this Fixup to make possible Fixup to color values based on RGB, since editing color values in Lab is not a viable solution for everyone.
Figure 24: The Convert Lab to RGB dialog with the dropdown of a RGB Color Space

2.8.4. Improvements in existing Fixups
Especially for the function of using variable content, some Fixups were restructured or changed. The following Fixups were subject to improvements as well as partly to rebuilding in version 1.13.0.
Change Tint Value for Spot Color
Up to version 1.12.1, only a slider was available in this Fixup with which the user was able to define a percentage value on how much the tone values should be reduced across all color tones. When the slider was set to 50%, a 100% tone value was reduced to 50%; when the tone value was 30%, the tone value was reduced to 15%.
With version 1.12.2 the possibility to draw a curve describing a desired tone value increase/decrease instead of a fixed value was created for the first time. This was set, as explained above via the slider. To achieve the same result as in version 1.12.1 - the slider was set to 50% - the user now only has to set 100% Input value [32] to 50% in Output value [33].
If you want to convert the straight line into a curve, add a point by clicking Add [35] and enter the desired Input and Output values [34]. If you want a line to end at a certain percentage, first switch to Use Catmull Rom [36] and then enter the desired end value for the added point in Input and Output [37] and for 100% Input value the End value for Output [37].
Figure 25: The Change Tint Value for Spot Color dialog with the possibility to add a curve for adapation
Migration of your Fixup Chain required
Note that if you use the Change Tint Value for Spot Color Fixup in a Fixup Chain, you must revise this Fixup Chain once and make the necessary adjustment by describing a curve.
Move Spot Color Objects to the foreground
In version 1.13.0, in the Fixup Move Spot Color Objects to the foreground, only the synchronization of the user interface of Fixups has been implemented. Thereby, the possibility to add multiple data sets is offered . Additional Spot Colors can be created by clicking on Add [38] and existing Spot Colors can be deleted by clicking on the trash bin icon [39].
Figure 26: The Move Spot Color Objects to the foreground dialog in adapted design

2.9. Default Preflight and Fixup Check-in profile
The Default Preflight and Fixup profile, newly introduced with version 1.12.2, with which the data check is to be conducted depending on the selected template during upload, has been extended with further checks and Fixup options.
2.9.1. Incompatibility warning after update to version 1.13.0
As of version 1.13.0, a warning is displayed in the Workflow system status after the update when
- a check-in profile not delivered by the system is defined as default in the Workflow system settings.
- a check-in profile not supplied by the system is used for one or more Hotolders.
Figure 27: New warnings in the System Status dialog when incompatible check-in profiles are used.

If possible, switch to the new version of the check-in profile by defining the "V2" of the Default Preflight and Fixup as default under Administration > Settings > Preflight / Fixup and use or configure your own resp. user-defined check-in templates. You can read more about this in the Release Notes of version 1.12.2 under section 2.6 Custom check-in templates.
2.9.2. New Checks
With the introduction of the possibility to create user-defined check-in templates in version 1.12.2, the first customer requests regarding the extension of the check-in profile's check options have immediately reached the development team. The following checks have been added:
Resolution for Grayscale and Color images is between
In addition to the check Resolution for Grayscale and Color images is between, which is by default set to the severity level Error, users wanted a resolution check implemented. Thereby, the resolutions of grayscale or color images that are within a defined range is checked and it is possible to issue a warning for this condition.
Figure 28: The settings area in the check-in profile for the check Resolution for Grayscale and Color images is between
Resolution for Bitmap images is between
In addition to the check Resolution of Bimap images lower than defined, which by default set the severity level Error, users wanted to have implemented a resolution check, which check the resolutions of bitmap images (black and white images (1-bit)) that are within a defined range and thereby be able to issue a warning for this condition.
Figure 29: The settings area of the check-in profile for the check Resolution for Bitmap images is between
Is a multipage document
In automated Workflows, files that do not show any errors or warnings after checking can be processed automatically and prepared for printing. However, if print data is multi-page, it is not always guaranteed that all pages of this print file will be printed. To intercept such situations, the user can prevent automated processing by adding this check and setting a corresponding severity level.
Figure 30: The settings area of the check-in profile for the check Is a multipage document
2.9.3. New Fixups
With the introduction of the possibility to create user-defined check-in templates in version 1.12.2, the first customer requests regarding the extension of the Fixup options in the check-in profile immediately reached the development team. The following Fixups have been added:
Rename Spot Colors
To rename Technical Color names of individual customer files according to the "house rules" as quickly as possible, the Rename Spot Colors Fixup can be used in the check-in profile. This Fixup makes it possible to rename all Spot Color names, which occur daily, for example for the designation of a Dieline, White as well as Primer, according to the house roules in one go.
This should reduce the additional work, involved in outputting print data to the printer and dielines to the subsequent Cutter Device, to a minimum. Furthermore, employees will thereby watch out for the same designations. In case a new naming occurs, renaming the Spot Color name at one point in the check-in profile is sufficient to process all subsequent files correctly in turn.
Figure 31: The settings area in the check-in profile for the Rename Spot Colors Fixup
Lift ERP – Checks and Fixups
A special check and Fixup is available for the connection of Lift-ERP to the Workflow, with which print data can be scaled to the expected width and height directly from the leading ERP system, if the Print Item was distorted only minimally (within the tolerance).
Figure 32: The settings area in the check-in profile for the Fixup Lift ERP - Checks and Fixups
Can also be used by other ERP systems
Note that this Fixup - Lift ERP - Checks and Fixups - can also be accessed by other leading ERP systems, if they can retrieve the same logic to query the variables in this Fixup.
2.10. SDK versions
With version 1.13.0 a new SDK version is available, wherein some improvements and errors on the part of the manufacturer were repaired. The following SDK version has been updated in this release:
- Callas Software pdfToolbox version 13.1.587
3. Improvements
The following improvements have furthermore been implemented in version 1.13.0.
3.1. Performance Improvements
Especially when creating an Imposition in connection with a large number of Print Items, enormous resources are rendered in the Impose Editor in order to impose the Print Items on the individual Imposition Sheets with all their marks and captions. Unneeded data was also rendered when selecting Color Policies in the Workflow. Optimizations have been made for both states, resulting in reduced user interface delays when performing both activities for the user.
3.2. Color Setup – Linearization
In this version, another method for calculating the Linearization has been implemented. When creating the linearization profile, the linearization method CTV - Linearization (Color Tone Value) can now be used. This can also be preselected as the default in the system settings.
Proceed as follows:
- Navigate to the Color > Color Setup menu.
- Create a new Color Setup and activate the Linearization step.
- Print, measure and analyze the Linearization chart.
- Open the dialog to Create Linearization Curves.
- Select the new option CTV - Linearization from the Linearization Method drop-down menu.
- Click Calculate to calculate the Linearization curves based on the selected method.
Figure 34: The Create Linearization Curves dialog in a Color Setups with selected Linearization Method »CTV – Linearization«

Follow the steps below if you want to set the option as default in the system.
- Navigate to the Administration > Settings menu.
- Activate the Color Management tab.
- Select the new CTV - Linearization [40] option in the Linearization Method option in the basic settings area.
- Save the settings
Figure 35: The Color Management tab of the Settings dialog with set Linearization Method
3.3. »Impose« tab redesign
In the course of development, the Impose tab in Production Job has been revised and restructured. In addition, the preview of the Imposition is offered from this version on, in form of a live preview.
The following areas have been revised in this version:
Impose preview [41] - The Impose preview has been fundamentally revised in this version and offers several functions which should already be familiar from the Impose Editor. These are:
Zoom function - In the Impose preview it is possible to zoom in and out by selecting the magnifying glass. Holding the
key zooms out. - Hand tool - By activating the tool, the Imposition can be moved to the Impose preview to view the desired area. This does not change the Imposition itself.
- Fit to Page Width - Pressing this button resets the zoom level to fit the width of the preview.
- Fit to Page Height - Pressing this button resets the zoom level to fit the height of the preview.
- Page navigation - This allows switching between the individual pages of an Imposition.
- Display options - The previews in the Imposition can be displayed in high resolution.
Zoom function - In the Impose preview it is possible to zoom in and out by selecting the magnifying glass. Holding the
- Download Imposition [42] - The button has been placed below the montage preview and a new icon has been added.
- Delete Imposition [43] - The button is placed below the montage preview.
- Impose information [45] - This area has been changed only in design. The content describes the summarized information on Imposition details in the overview.
- Impose parameters [46] - This area has been changed only in design.
- Details [44] - Since this version, the list of imposed Print Item details in the Production Job is also displayed in the Impose tab to provide an overview of the imposed Print Items. The width of the list is adapted to the screen width.
Figure 36: The Impose tab in Production Job with its new design
3.4. »Variable Data« tab redesign
In the course of development, the Variable Data tab for Print Items and Articles has been redesigned. In addition, the preview including the variable elements is displayed in the VDP preview as of this version.
The following areas have been revised in this version:
VDP preview [47] - Variable Data preview has been implemented in this version. It displays the variable contents of the Print Item and offers several functions which should already be known from the VDP Editor (browser). These are:
Zoom function - In the variable data preview, it is possible to zoom in and zoom out by selecting the magnifying glass. Holding the
key zooms out. - Hand Tool - By activating the tool, the subject with variable data can be moved in the preview to view the desired area.
- Fit to Page Width - Pressing this button resets the zoom level to fit the width of the preview.
- Fit to Page Height - Pressing this button resets the zoom level to fit the height of the preview.
- Pagination - Using the page numbering, it is possible to switch between the individual pages in order to be able to analyze several variable elements.
Zoom function - In the variable data preview, it is possible to zoom in and zoom out by selecting the magnifying glass. Holding the
- Open VDP Editor [50] - The button has been placed above the VDP preview and provided with an icon.
- Replace VDP CSV file [51] - The button has been placed above the VDP preview.
- Delete CSV file [52] - The button has been placed above the VDP preview.
- CSV file filename [48] - This area displays the name, date, time, and user at the time the CSV file was uploaded.
- Download CSV [53] - By pressing the button, the CSV file can be downloaded.
- CSV file content [49] - All entries of the CSV file are listed here.
Figure 37: The Variable Data tab for Articles and Print Items in its new design
3.5. Details in »Send to Printer«
The details of the imposed Print Items of a Production Job are displayed in a separate tab as of this version. Before version 1.13.0, a separate dialog had to be opened by clicking a button to display these details.
Proceed as follows to display the information.
- Select a desired Production Job.
- Make sure that the Production Job has already been imposed or perform an Imposition.
- Activate Send to Printer in the action bar of the Workflow.
- In the General tab, activate the Details sub-tab to display the Print Item information.
Figure 38: The Send to Printer dialog with Details regarding the Print Items
3.6. Rest API - supported Mime Types
The following mime types have been added and are now supported as Print Items for transfer to the Workflow via Rest API from web server-based sources:
- image/vnd.adobe.photoshop
- application/x-photoshop
- application/photoshop
- application/psd
- image/psd
- .vnd.3gpp.pic-bw-small
- .x-photoshop.
3.7. Small Improvements
Version 1.13.0 of the Workflow also offers other minor improvements - these are:
Render engine Selection
Before version 1.13.0, it was possible to select or change the render engine when creating or editing Print Configurations and also in the System Settings of the Workflow in Administration > Settings > General > RIP Settings.
In this version, the selection has been removed, since only the HHR render engine is used or supported anymore. In the Workflow Debug Mode, the selection menu can still be displayed in order to change the render engine for test purposes, if necessary.
Measurement Device
While using the measuring tool in the VDP, Impose or PDF editor, it is possible to zoom in and out as desired or to switch to the Hand tool dynamically. The following keyboard shortcuts are available:
after the measuring tool is selected zoom in by pressing+
+ key. -
after the measuring tool is selected, zoom out by pressing the–
key. -
by pressing and holding theg
key, dynamically switch to the Hand tool, which allows to manually move the displayed section.
Expected Bleed is retained
If the ImageBox is set to BleedBox in the Workflow, a selected expected Bleed was lost until now. The behavior has been changed with version 1.13.0 so that the expected Bleed is preserved no matter which PDF Page Geometry Box is set for the ImageBox.
Workflow Activity Monitor
In version 1.12.2, the Workflow Activity display was revised from scratch and provided with new functions. In this version, numerous translations in the Workflow Activity display were added and adapted. In addition, the icon to Cancel [54] a process has been replaced, as the icon from version 1.12.2 led to misunderstandings.
Figure 39: The Activities dialog with its new symbol to Cancel running processes resp. processes in the Queue

Approval Report / Approval Portal
Up to version 1.12.2, a comment had to be entered when rejecting an Approval Report. When approving an Approval Report, it was optionally possible to comment. This comment is saved and displayed with the respective Approval Report.
As of version 1.13.0, it is no longer possible to enter a comment when the Approval Report is approved. This was implemented to avoid scenarios like »Release if this or that is changed«.
Use negative values for »Margins«
In previous Workflow versions, negative values could be defined for the Margins of the Artboard in the Impose Editor. This behavior was prohibited when implementing validation of input fields. As of this version, this possibility has been implemented again, since it has become apparent that this function could make sense for one or the other version of an Imposition. As of version 1.13.0, negative values can again be assigned for the margins [55] of the Artboard.
Figure 40: The settings area Settings in the Impose mode Nesting with negative values for Margins

Licence information
As of this version, the number of currently logged on users and the maximum number of licensed users [56] are also displayed in the License tab of the System Status dialog in the License Information Workflow.
Figure 41: The system status dialog with information about the currently logged on and licensed users in the Workflow

Color Policy without optical brightener Fixup
For the correct calculation of a Print Simulation as well as a Proof, a substrate profile with corresponding correction of the optical brighteners is created when calculating the Color Policies. Furthermore, also a substrate profile without correction of the optical brighteners is available from now on. The latter is used for Print Simulation as well as for Proofing.
Load this special substrate profile in the Available ICC Profiles dialog. You can view this dialog when opening the menu item Color > Color Setups, opening the desired Color Setup in the list of Color Setups and then clicking on an existing Color Policy in the overview page.
Figure 42: The system status dialog with information regarding the currently logged on and licensed users in the Workflow

4. Fixed Bugs
The following errors (bugs) could be fixed with this release.
4.1. Workflow
Check target directories: When checking the accessibility of Workflow target directories, correct data was returned. After refreshing the browser, all target directories were displayed as unreachable again. This error has been fixed.
Force Print: The defined name of the Force Print was not taken over correctly. The error has been fixed.
Substrate Categories: It was not possible to search comments of Substrate Categories in the list of Substrate Categories. The behavior was adjusted.
Approval Portal: When the date and time of the Workflow workstation was set incorrectly, then no Approval Report could be sent to the Approval Portal. This behavior has been changed.
Third-party Printers: When a print configuration of an external printing system was created, then the resolution is no longer taken over. The input fields of resolution-X and resolution-Y remained empty. The error has been fixed.
Error message HTTP Call failed: When creating a Production Jobs from an Article, an error message - Error Message: Print Item [2286] is in an invalid context: Either productionJobId OR printOrderItemId has to be provided, if motif is NOT an article - kept appearing when switching between Article and Production Job. This error has also been fixed.
Edit resp. add Printer: When assigning target directories to a printer, the selection of hosts no longer worked - the list of directories was thus no longer filtered. The error has been fixed.
Printer color configuration: The selection of destination directories for color configurations of a printer were no longer saved. The error has been fixed.
Fixup - Convert to CMYK: The CMYK ICC profiles of the Workflow were not provided. The error has been fixed as well.
Roland VF2-640: The color sequence of the printer was generated incorrectly. The error was fixed.
Workflow Activity Monitor: The individual process steps of a running process were no longer displayed. The behavior was fixed. Furthermore, the "Done" list could not be reset. This error has also been fixed.
Error message when creating cut data: Sometimes Production Jobs were automatically aborted if the creation of the cut file took longer than 30 seconds. This behavior has been improved by increasing the TimeOut to 5 minutes.
Create Production Job from Order: From now on, preselected Print Items in Orders will still be selected in the Create Production Job dialog.
Import Color Setup : After importing a Color Setup without Substrate, the material category was still imported. This error has been fixed.
Third-party printer with multi-page documents: If a multi-page document or Imposition was sent to the third-party printer and only individual pages or a range of pages were rendered, then the Production Job could not be completed correctly. This behavior has been fixed.
SwissQPrint Karibu: When editing or creating print configurations, deactivated input fields were validated and could therefore not be corrected. The print configuration could not be saved. The error was fixed.
4.2. Impose Editor
Cancel Shape Nesting process: When the process of the Shape Nesting application was cancelled too early, the Impose Editor got stuck. Therefore, the application had to be cancelled and restarted. This bug has been fixed
Plate Template: When adding a Barcode in a Plate Template an error was displayed. This behavior has been corrected.
Prepare multi-page documents for Shape Nesting: When uploading a multi-page document to the Workflow, particular pages weren't prepared for Shape Nesting. This bug has been fixed.
Shape Nesting Overlap: Print Items in Shape Nesting were partly placed overlapped or outside the Substrate. This bug has been corrected.
Distorted previews: Previews of Print Items were partly displayed distorted. This bug has been fixed.
Sheet Template: The selected Sheet Template was marked as "modified" as soon as a Plate Template was selected. This behavior was fixed.
5. Hot Fixes
The name for the August 30, 2022 release was »DW Build 1.13.0(634)«. The following hotfixes were fixed in the following subversions:
5.1. DW Version 1.13.0.(639)
Fixups Chains: Fixup Chains with Dynamic Content were not be saved correctly.
Vanguard Printers: There were ripped white edges in some cases. This bug was fixed.
5.2. DW Version 1.13.0.(646)
Tiling: Grommets added in the Impose Editor will be gone when the Tiling-Job will be scaled in the Impose Editor.
Cutter Barcodes: The human readable text was not displayed anymore for cutter barcodes.
OptiScout OXF: Unnecessary cut paths were removed from cut files.
Fixup – Scale Page Content: Input Fields were calculated incorrectly.
Inks: Ink Order Codes for „Aturion LED Ink“ were updated.