Published: 26.08.2020
In this article we'll learn:
- New features that are available
- Improvements that have been added
- Which bugs have been fixed in version 1.7.9 of the Workflow
This article can also be downloaded as a PDF version. The release notes for the previous versions can be downloaded from the archive.
Availability of 1.7.9 for customers
New installations are delivered with version 1.7.7. The interim release 1.7.9 is not installed by default for new installations. The next major release, 1.8 is planned for the end of August 2020. Version 1.8 will include new features from all interim releases that have been published in the meantime. New installations will then be delivered with the entire roster of features and fixes contained in the interim releases.
Customers who posses a valid maintenance contract and would like to use the new functions included in 1.7.9 can request the installer with the corresponding license file from customer service.
1. Overview
With version 1.7.9, new features are included in the Impose Editor, Output Settings in a Production Job, Spot Color handling and support for a new Cutting Device. Additional improvements have been made concerning Color Management and Print Data processing.
An overview of all changes are outlined below, and a detailed description is included for specific areas such as features, improvements and bug fixes.
1.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
Plug-In version If you are working with version 1.7.9 of the Workflow, version of the Plug-in must be installed to ensure consistent operation. Between Workflow versions 1.7.8 & 1.7.9 no new features were implemented in the Plug-in. Three bugs have been fixed, updates to the languages and the version number was changed to match the Workflow version.
1.2. New Features in the Workflow
The following new features are available with version 1.7.9 of the Workflow:
Impose Editor: In version 1.7.9, additional functions have been implemented in the Impose Editor to make working easier. The following features have been implemented:
- Captions – Settings for the Offset have been extended and an option to define an indent has been added. In addition, the option to rotate the Caption has been added and the selection of placeholders when creating dynamic Captions has been massively expanded.
- File Manager – Starting with version 1.7.9, it is possible to split multi-page PDFs contained in Production Jobs and Orders into individual Print Items in the File Manager. Multi-page Articles can only be split into individual Articles starting with version 1.8.0 onwards.
- Print Item List – Starting with this release, the Print Items tab now displays whether the Print Item contains a Technical Color. Technical Colors are displayed in the preview of the Print Item.
"Nesting" improvements: The following new features are available in version 1.7.9:
- Print Item Rotation: Now the user can define for each Print Item whether they should be rotated uniformly or not in Nesting Mode. The third option »from Nesting Options« applies the settings from Nesting Options when referencing the rotation that should be applied to the Print Item.
Output Settings: In this release, the Output Settings (previously Output Configuration) tab in a Production Job has been restructured. In this process, some new (but previously known) settings have been added. All settings applied in this tab can be saved as Templates and reused.
- Managing Templates – Before version 1.7.9, there were separate templates for Force Print and Production Jobs. From this version on, a single template type which contains all settings for the Output Configuration is available. Templates created in a Production Job for example can also be used in Force Print and vice versa, as well as when creating Production Jobs.
- User-defined Substrate Definitions – When configuring an Output Configuration, a user-defined Substrate Definition can now be created and saved directly in the Template. The user no longer needs to switch to the menu item Substrates to create a new Substrate Definition.
Save Ink Profiles – Another feature in the Workflow is the new Save Ink Profile, which can vastly improve ink consumption when rendering Production Jobs and can also be used to calculate Ink Costs in advance.
- System-wide Settings – If a certain Save Ink Profile should be used by default, it can be set system-wide. New Production Jobs will then use this system-wide Save Ink Profile. This setting can be overwritten or removed from the Production Job as needed.
- Save Ink in the Output Settings – Save Ink Profiles can not only be set system-wide, but can also be applied per Production Job. Specific Save Ink Profiles can of course be saved directly in a Template for the Output Settings.
- Save Ink Profiles for Calculating Ink Costs – The system-wide default Save Ink Profile is also used by default when calculating ink costs. In addition, a comparison of all Save Ink Profiles can also be calculated in one step.
Spot Colors Handling : Some improvements have also been implemented in connection with Spot Colors. You will find the following new features in this release:
- Substitute color values for DeviceN Spot Colors – If a DeviceN Spot Color is defined in the Workflow, matching RBG and Lab values are stored with the DeviceN values. The advantage is that DeviceN Spot Colors can be printed or rendered using different color configurations.
- Spot Color Preview in the Print Item List – In the Print Item List, RGB values are used to displayed Spot Colors, which significantly speeds up loading times when viewing the list.
Gamut Viewer: The first version of the Gamut Viewer is now available in the Workflow. Calculated Color Policies from a Profile can be opened and/or displayed in the Gamut Viewer. This function is used to analyze the gamut of a Color Policy.
Support for the »Protek Unico TT« Cutting Device: We now offer support for the Unico TT series from Protek. The required standard Marks and corresponding DXF cut file are created when this cutter is selected in the Workflow and sends the appropriate information directly to the cutting device.
Fixups: We have improved the handling of existing Fixups and extended the range of functions for individual Fixups as well.
- Add a Dieline to Irregular Shapes – Adds a Dieline based on an irregular shape. Enter an Offset in relation to the shape where the Dieline should be placed. Enter a Line Width (pt), select the Spot Color name, enter your desired values for the Spot Color and specify a name for the layer on which the Dieline should be created. Additionally, a new function has been added where the user can choose to ignore the specified Spot Color.
- Remove Spot Color - Deletes the selected spot color with all its colored objects. In this version the possibility to select and delete multiple spot colors has been implemented.
REST API: This version of the Workflow has no additional REST API functions. Only the previously mentioned Fixups have been adjusted and two other bugs have been fixed.
1.3. Improvements
The following functions were improved with version 1.7.9 of the Workflow:
ImageBox & ImageBox + Bleed information: From this version on, the dimension of the production format is displayed in addition to the dimension of the ImageBox (view format) and the expected bleed. This dimension adds the values of the ImageBox with the values of the expected bleed.
Rotate Cut File Data: From version 1.7.9, the cutting data, thus the complete cutting file including the cutting paths and device dependent marks can be rotated separately by 0° or 90°. However, the print image is not rotated when using this function.
Editing Color Setups: When editing an already used profiling, the colour configuration must not be changed after this version. Only those printers or configurations that support the color configuration are available for editing.
Job-Ticket Extensions for Rho/Delta Printing Systems: Starting with this version, additional information is written into the Job-Ticket for Rho/Delta printers, which can be used optionally in the printer software or as an Inprint.
License Information Extension: The number of the maintenance contract is written into the name of the license file from this version on. Furthermore, this number is also displayed in the workflow under the license information.
Minor Improvements: Further minor improvements have been implemented. You can read the list of small improvements there.
1.4. Fixed Bugs
Adobe Illustrator Plug-In: List of fixed bugs or minor improvements in the Adobe Illustrator Plug-In
Workflow: List of fixed bugs or minor improvements in the main application.
Impose Editor: List of fixed bugs or minor improvements in the Montage Editor.
1.5. SDK-Versionen
Version 1.7.9 offers three Updates of 3rd-party Softare.
1.6. Hot Fixes
In this section, the list of all HotFixes of this version will be listed.
2. New Features
In this section you can learn about the new features that have been implemented for the Adobe Illustrator Plug-In, Impose Editor and in the Workflow in general. In certain cases, existing Workflow functions have simply been enhanced.
2.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
If you are working with version 1.7.8 of the Workflow, version of the Plug-in must be installed to ensure consistent operation. If you are using an older version of the Plug-In, you will be notified in the Plug-In when you log in.
The following versions of Adobe Illustrator are supported:
Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 |
Mac OSX | Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.15 (Catalina), Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
Microsoft Windows |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 8.1 or MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 8.1 or MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
Support | Plug-In Version and Plug-In Version |
Plug-In Version |
Plug-In Version |
Support for older versions of Adobe Illustrator
Please note that the current Plug-In Version can only installed for Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2020.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 can still be used with the Plug-In Version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.2. Using Plug-In Version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or bugs for this constellation/configuration will not be followed up and/or fixed.
Adobe Illustrator 2018 can still be used with Plug-In version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.6. The use of Plug-In version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or errors for this constellation will not be followed up and corrected.
No new changes
No changes between Workflow versions 1.7.8 & 1.7.9 were implemented in the Plug-in. 3 known bugs have been fixed, and also includes language updates, and the Plug-in version number was changed to match the Workflow version.
2.2. Impose Editor
In version 1.7.9 additional features have been added and pre-existing functions both in the File Manager and in various settings areas have been extended.
2.2.1. Captions
The Caption function in the Impose Editor is relatively well known by now. With version 1.7.9 of the Workflow, the dynamic placeholder selection has been vastly improved and certain areas in this panel have been improved. Read the following sections to find out which changes have been implemented in the course of this new version.
»Offset« und »Indent«
Before version 1.7.9, it was possible to define X & Y Offsets for Captions. Starting with version 1.7.9, only a single Offset can be defined. The Offset determines the distance of the Caption based on the Origin or Position selected. In addition to this, it is now possible to define an Indent for a Caption when it is aligned left or right. Follow these steps to explore the new settings:
- Open the Impose Editor.
- Choose any Impose Mode.
- Add a Caption under the Marks tab.
- Enter your settings as needed and content for the Caption as well.
- Enter the desired Offset [5]. A positive Offset will move the Caption outwards [2] as long as the Placement Inside [3] option is disabled. A negative offset, however, will move the Caption inwards. If the Placement Inside option is activated, the Caption will move inwards if the Offset is positive and outwards if it is negative.
- Enter an Indent [4] if required. The indent can only be defined if the Caption(s) are aligned left or right. Indentation is not offered when the alignment is set to centered. A positive Indent moves the respective Caption towards the center of the screen [1]. A negative Indent, however, moves the respective Caption away from the center of the screen.
Figure 1: Captions now have an Offset and an Indent available in the settings.
Migrating X/Y Offsets from older impose versions
Because previous versions offered the ability to add an X-Offset and this option is no longer available starting with version 1.7.9, previously created impositions need to be checked after installing this version of the Workflow. The update mechanism will automatically adapt the X-Offset as the Indent. In some cases, this may lead to undesired positions for certain Captions.
Extended Rotation functions
Before version 1.7.9, you could only use the Rotate with Print Item option to rotate a Caption. This function is still available and functions the same way, but we've added some additional options to rotate Captions. You can now switch between 0° [6] (fig. 1) or 180° (fig. 1). By activating the Rotate options, Captions are now rotated in individually using their own axis and the values entered.
Figure 2: Left: The Caption is rotated 0°; Right: The Caption is rotated 180°.
Overprint and Knockout
Starting with this version, Captions can be set to Overprint [7] so that they are not knocked out.
Figure 3: The Overprint option for Captions.

Dynamic Placeholders
The content of a Caption can be freely defined using the Caption settings. By entering text and clicking Update, text is displayed in the Caption on the artboard. By pressing the @ button, a list of dynamic placeholders is displayed, which can be applied to the Caption. This list has been expanded and restructured by adding several new placeholder options.
Figure 4 lists the standard placeholders. In addition, special placeholders that can be used for Tiling as well as well as User-defined placeholders can be selected in this list.
Figure 4: A list of all standard placeholders for Captions in version 1.7.9.

Using User-defined Fields for Captions
User-defined Fields can also be applied to Captions from this version on. User-defined fields are designated with an additional label called [Custom Field].
Use the Cut file name in a Caption
If the need arises to print a barcode to allows you to read the cut file information, you can include the name of this cut file directly in a Caption.
2.2.2. File Manager
Starting with version 1.7.9, multi-page PDFs in a Production Job or Orders can be split into individual Print Items directly in the File Manager of the Impose Editor. Since it is currently not possible to directly impose multi-page PDFs, this function has also been implemented in the File Manager. To split a multi-page PDF in the File Manager, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor.
- In the File Manager, select either the Order or Job tab.
- Select a PDF with several pages.
- By clicking on the three horizontal dots [8] you can select Split Multipage.
When the process is finished, a new Print Item is created for each page of the multipage PDF. These Print Items can then be imposed as needed.
Figure 5: Splitting a multipage PDF into individual Print Items directly in the File Manager.

Multipage Articles cannot be divided into individual Articles
The ability to split multipage Articles into single Articles directly in the File Manager will be available in version 1.8.0 of the Workflow.
2.2.3. Print Item List
We now display whether or not Print Items in the Print Items list contain a Technical Color or not. In addition, the names of Technical Color is displayed when hovering over the icon. If there isn't a Technical Color, the symbol [9] and the tooltip text are not displayed.
Figure 6: The Print Items tab showing whether or not the Print Item contains Technical Colors.

2.3. »Nesting« Improvements
We've also added some helpful Improvements when using Nesting Mode. Starting with this version, individual Print Item Rotation can be influenced in order to synchronize individual Print Item orientation when Nesting.
While the rotation can be applied to all Print Items using the Nesting Options, individual Print Items can now be assigned a specific rotation orientation under the Print Items tab, which overrides the existing Nesting Options settings. The following rotation options are available:
- Non-Uniform Rotation – Regardless if the rotation is set to 0° under Nesting Options, all repeats of the selected Print Item can be rotated as desired.
- Uniform Rotation – Regardless if the rotation is set to Non-Uniform Rotation under Nesting Options, all repeats of the selected Print Item are imposed using Uniform Rotation.
- From Nesting Options – When this option is chosen, the Nesting Options setting overrides all individual Print Item rotation.
To change the rotation for individual Print Items using Nesting, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor in Nesting Mode and add several Print Items with different quantities to the sheet.
- Select your desired rotation under Nesting Options, for example Non-uniform Rotation, which means that individual Print Items can be imposed using different rotations.
- Click on the symbol [11] to cycle through the rotation options. The tooltip text describes the method that is currently selected.
- If you want to set the rotation for multiple Print Items, select several Print Items in the list.
- Open the Edit selected Print Items dialog by clicking on the pencil icon [10].
- Define your desired rotation [12] for the respective Print Item as needed.
Figure 7: The Print Items tab and the Edit selected Print Items dialog showing the new Rotation options.
2.4. Output Settings
The Output Configuration (now Output Settings) tab in a Production Job has been completely revised to simplify and optimize parameter selection. Once you have entered your settings, they can be saved as a Template and reused/applied throughout the Workflow. The majority of the parameters in this tab existed in various forms within previous versions of the Workflow, but we have added some new functions, which we will describe in more detail below.
Figure 8: The new Output Settings tab in a Production Job.
The following settings can be selected in this tab starting with version 1.7.9:
- Printer – This drill-down menu lists all available Printers in the Workflow. This is a mandetory field when defining the Output Configuration.
- Print Configuration – This drill-down menu lists all available Print Configurations in the Workflow. This is a mandetory field when defining the Output Configuration.
- Substrate – This drill-down menu lists all available Substrates in the workflow. This is a mandetory field when defining the Output Configuration.
- Substrate Definition – This drill-down menu lists all available Substrate Definitions in the Workflow. This is a mandetory field when defining the Output Configuration.
- Color Policy – This drill-down menu lists all available Color Policies in the Workflow. This is a mandetory field when defining the Output Configuration.
Not all options are displayed in the Workflow, even when available
The drill-down menus described above are all interdependent.
Example: If a Printer is selected, only Print Configurations specifically for that Printer are available under the Print Configuration drill-down menu. This logic continues analogously for all subsequent drill-down menus. However, if, for example, a Color Policy is selected first, all settings from the drill-down menus above it will be selected automatically.
- Save Ink Profile – This option is newly implemented in 1.7.9. The function is described in more detail in section 2.5 Save Ink Profiles. This is an optional setting.
- Destination – This drill-down menu offers all target directories available to the Printer or Color Setup. This is a mandetory field when defining the Output Configuration.
- DeviceN Color Correction – This drill-down menu offers all previously stored/created Color Corrections. This is an optional setting. Note that the Color Correction which is only available for CMYK outputs, is applied after the actual Color Management.
- Enable Color Management – If this option is deactivated, only the Pre-Linearization (if available), Transition (if light inks are used), Linearization and Ink Limit profiles will be applied in Color Management. The option has been added to this tab starting with 1.7.9 as it is part of the Output Configuration settings. Previously, the option could only be enabled or disabled in the Send to Printer dialog.
- Cutter and Parameter Set – A Cutting Device can be selected directly in the Production Job before it is sent to the printer. If the Impose Editor is opened after selecting a Cutting Device, the Cutting Device and it's respective Parameter Set is automatically added to the imposition. These options have been added to this tab in 1.7.9, as it may be an important part of the Output Configuration for specific users.
- Color Space Conversion – This setting determines how the color is converted from the source color space to the target color space. The option is new in this tab in 1.7.9. Previously, this option could only be edited in the Send to Printer dialog.
- Rendering Intent – Choose your desired rendering intent with which the colors should be rendered to the target color space. The option has been added to this tab in 1.7.9. Previously this option could only be selected in the Send to Printer dialog. Please note that if you are working with additional colors (e.g. CMYK-OVG) and the color space conversion is set to RGB to Substrate, only »Perceptual« can be used.
- Color Correction – This drill-down menu offers all previously saved Color Corrections. This is an optional setting. Note that the color correction is applied before the main color management is applied.
- Honor Source Profiles – This determines which color space and object type source profiles should be used for color correction when converting to the target color space. This option is new in this tab in 1.7.9. Previously, the option could only be edited in the Send to Printer dialog.
Saving Output Configuration Templates
From this version on, all the settings described above can be saved a Template which allows the user to quickly access the exact same settings elsewhere in the Workflow. We recommend that you create standardized Output Configurations to simplify operation and reduce the chance for errors. You can change existing Output Configurations at any time.
2.4.1. Managing Templates
Since version 1.7.6 Templates for preferred Output Configurations and Force Print Templates can be saved and used. With this version the handling of Output Configuration Templates has been unified and simplified. As a result, the "old", previously saved Templates are no longer up-to-date.
System-wide »Output Templates«
With version 1.7.9, we've implemented a unified method for creating and applying Output Configuration Templates. In this new tab, Output Configuration Templates can be managed, existing Templates can be migrated, new Templates can be added, edited or deleted and checked for validity.
Figure 9: The Output Templates tab under menu item Administration > Settings.
Output Templates can be managed via the menu item Administration > Settings > Output Template. The following options are available in this area:
Migrate old Templates [13] – After updating the Workflow, old Force Print and Output Configuration Templates from previous versions must be migrated. To migrate old Templates click this button.
To create a new Template, click on Add [18] in the footer of the Templates [14] panel. This will display an empty form in the Parameters [19] panel. Enter a name for the Template and then select all parameters as needed. Once you have completely filled out the Template, you can save it by clicking on Save [21].
To delete a Template, select a Template [15] under the Templates [14] panel and then press the Delete button [17].
To edit a Template, select a Template [15] under the Templates [14] panel, then change settings under the Parameters [19] panel and press Save [21].
How to recognize an invalid Template – If an applied parameter for a Template has been deleted in the Workflow, a warning triangle [16] will be displayed. An error message [20] will indicate which parameters are no longer available. This conflict can be resolved by changing the parameters and re-saving the Template.
Where are my Force Print Templates located?
Starting with this version, a distinction is no longer made between the type of templates, be it for Force Print or an Output Configuration. Both variants now use the same Output Templates from version 1.7.9 on.
Saving and applying Output Templates
New Output Configuration Templates can be saved in the following locations in the Workflow:
- Under administration of Output Templates – Administration > Settings > Output Templates
- When using Force Print – Automation > Force Print
- When editing the Output Configuration in a Production Job – Job > Output Settings
To save a new Output Configuration Template, all you need to do is create a complete Output Configuration and save it as usual. The process for creating, resetting and deleting Templates can be found in section 2.12.1 Saving an Output Template in a Production Job.
Using the menu item Force Print as an example, proceed as follows to select an Output Template and overwrite it if necessary.
- Select Administration > Force Print.
- Select a Template [21], if one already exists.
- If you want to edit the selected Template, click on Configure Template button [22].
Figure 10: The Output and Finishing panel in Force Print.

- The Output Settings dialog opens.
- Select your desired settings in dialog [23] or make the changes.
- Click on Save [24].
Figure 11: The Output Settings dialog which is now the universal format for creating and editing Output Templates.
- Back in the Force Print UI, the Name [28] of the Template is displayed using italic text when settings differ from the original Template.
- You can now revert changes [26], delete the Template [27] or save (overwrite) the changes [25].
Figure 12: The Output and Finishing panel after changing values in the Output Template.

- To save your changes click on the √ symbol [25]. This will open the Save Template dialog.
- In the Save Template dialog, you now have the option to save the tTemplate by clicking on Save [30] or saving the Template using a new name [29] by entering a different name.
Figure 13: The Save Template dialog.

- Once you have saved the Template, it can be selected under Template [31] or edited [32] when creating a Production Job from an Article or Order.
Figure 14: The Create Production Job dialog with a Template selected.
All new parameters, which are saved in the Output Template with version 1.7.9, are listed below:
- Save Ink Profile
- Enable Color Management
- Cutting Device and Parameter Set
- Color Space Conversion
- Rendering Intent
- Color Correction
- Honor Source Profiles
Output Templates can be used in the following locations in the Workflow:
- When creating a Production Job from selected Articles – Articles > Article > Process > Create Production Job
- When creating a Production Job from selected Collections – Articles > Collections > Process > Create Production Job
- When creating a Production Job from selected Print Items – Order > Print Items > Process > Create Production Job
- When creating a Production Job from selected Print Items – Order > Orders > Process > Create Production Job
- When creating a Production Job manually – ProductionJob > New
- When manually editing a Production Job – Production Job > Edit
- When editing the Output Configuration of a Production Job – Production Job > Output Configuration
- When using Force Print – Automation > Force Print
- When creating a new imposition – Automation > Impose Editor > New
- When saving an imposition – Automation > Impose Editor > Save or Save As
2.4.2. User-defined Substrate Definitions
From now on, user-defined Substrate Definitions can be saved directly in the Production Job or when creating an Output Configuration Template. A new Substrate Definition is created in the background for the selected Substrate, the imposition is then based on this new Substrate Definition.
Proceed as follows to create a user-defined Substrate Definition:
- Open a Production Job and switch to the Output Settings tab.
- Select your desired settings for the Production Job under the Parameters panel.
- Make sure that a Substrate is selected.
- Open the Substrate Definition drill-down menu.
- Select User-defined [33].
- In the dialog, enter a width and height [34] for the Substrate Definition.
- Click on Save.
Figure 15: The Output Settings tab in a Production Job along with the User-defined Substrate Defintion dialog.
2.5. Save Ink Profiles
In version 1.7.9 a new feature was implemented which allows the user to produce jobs more economically with negligible differences in print quality. The Save Ink option offers four variants for reducing ink consumption:
- Optimized Quality – Reduces ink consumption by up to 10% on average, depending on the Print Item, without a visible loss of quality.
- Standard - Preserve Skin Tones – Will reduce ink consumption, depending on the Print Item, by up to 14% on average with a slight loss of quality. Skin tones are excluded from the algorithm and remain unchanged.
- Standard – Will reduce ink consumption, depending on the Print Item, by up to 15% on average with a slight loss of quality. Skin tones are not excluded from the algorithm, which may lead to more graininess in skin tones.
- Extreme – Will drastically reduce ink consumption (up to 30%), depending on the Print Item. Color shifts in primary colors may occur.
Save Ink Profile availability
This option is not available using the Durst Workflow Print license. You can activate it at any time by purchasing the Production Optimization Toolbox. The option is available for both Durst Workflow Print + and Durst Workflow Label versions.
2.5.1. System-wide Settings
In the system-wide settings of the Workflow you can define whether a Save Ink Profile should be selected by default. This is an optionally setting. If you choose to apply a Save Ink profile by default, it can be defined in the Workflow under Administration > Settings > Color Management > General Settings. New Production Jobs will then adopt this setting and will be sent to the printer using the default setting.
Figure 16: The Color Management tab under the menu item Administration > Settings.
Follow the procedure below to apply a Save Ink Profile by default:
- Switch to the menu item Administration > Settings > Color Management.
- Select the Save Ink drill-down menu [35] under the General Settings panel.
- Select the desired Save Ink Profile.
- Save the settings.
- Continue with production and the Save Ink Profile is applied automatically.
2.5.2. Save Ink Profiles in the Output Settings
Not only can Save Ink Profiles be defined system-wide by default, but they can also be selected on an individual basis for each Production Job. By default the system-wide Save Ink Profile will be applied, but it can be overwritten directly in the Production Job at any time and can also be saved in an Output Configuration Template.
Figure 17: The Output Settings tab in a Production Job.
Using Save Ink Profiles for Hotfolders
Save Ink Profiles can also be applied when setting up a Hotfolder under the Render Parameters tab.
2.5.3. Save Ink Profiles for Calculating Ink Costs
Save Ink Profiles can also be leveraged when calculating ink costs. Under the Statistics tab, all four options, based on the selected Save Ink profile, can be calculated and compared separately. For this purpose, the Statistics tab UI has been adapted.
Figure 18: The Statistics tab in the menu item Article.
The following options are available in the Statistics tab when calculating ink consumption:
- Color Policy [36] – Select the Color Policy to be calculated.
- Color Policy > Calculate All [39] – By selecting this option all Color Policies available for the selected Substrate will be calculated.
- Save Ink [37] – Select the Save Ink Profile to be calculated.
- Save Ink > Calculate All [40] – By selecting this option all four Save Ink Profiles will be calculated based either on the selected Color Policies or all Color Policies available for the Substrate.
- Sampling Factor [38] – Choose between Fast and Accurate. The Accurate option calculates ink consumption according to the selected resolution. The Fast option calculates ink consumption using a lower resolution, but the processing speed is much faster.
With the results of the ink cost calculation you can see which Save Ink Profile [41] has which effect. The list shows results based on the settings on the left-hand side. The preferred Color Policy can then be highlighted. This will then be saved and mapped to the Article or Print Item. Save Ink Profiles however, are only saved in Production Jobs and not in Articles or Print Items.
Applied Save Ink Profiles will affect all inks
When using Save Ink Profiles, please keep in mind that when applied all colors in the document, including Spot Colors will be affected. Pay special attention to the effect that the Save Ink Profile has when you are trying to produce the highest quality print output, particularly with Spot Colors and tonal quality.
When using gamut-enhancing inks such as OVG, these inks are also taken into account to an even greater extent to reduce ink consumption.
Stronger streaking is possible with Save Ink Profiles
Please note that due to the increased use of black inks in the calculation, streaks may occur in the printout.
2.6. Spot Color Handling
In this version 1.7.9 further improvements have been implemented in how Spot Colors are handled. Read the following sections to find out which new features and improvements have been added.
2.6.1. Substitute color values for DeviceN Spot Colors
DeviceN Spot Colors are device-dependent Spot Color values that have been defined based on a specific Color Policy. DeviceN Spot Colors therefore always refer to a specific color configuration. For example, a DeviceN Spot Colour defined in CMYK-OV cannot be rendered with CMYK-OVG because the number of colors do not match. Up to and including version 1.7.8, if the color channel config differed this led to the RIP process being aborted.
In this version we have made it possible to solve this conflict. With version 1.7.9, the corresponding Lab color value, which is in the gamut, is saved with each DeviceN Spot Color definition. This function makes it possible to render DeviceN Spot Colors using all color configurations. Keep reading to find out what has changed in the user interface.
Figure 19: The Spot Color Definition dialog with a warning displayed, showing the matching Color Policy conflict.
If a Spot Color is defined using a DeviceN color space, the output color values can be determined based on the selected Color Policy. If the Color Policy and therefore the Color Configuration (e.g. CMYK -> CMYK-OVG) is changed afterwards, a warning [42] appears in the Spot Color Definition dialog, indicating that the defined DeviceN color values no longer match the Color Configuration.
The user now has two different possibilities to solve this conflict by clicking on Edit [43]:
- Use Lab values in the Output [44] – This option is used by default if such a conflict occurs when ripping a Spot Color. The user does not need to take any additional actions here. When rendering the Production Job, the Lab value of the DeviceN Spot Color is converted into the target color space.
- Adjust DeviceN Color Values to selected Color Policy [45] – This is an optional choice for the user. With this option, the Lab value of the DeviceN Spot Color is converted to the DeviceN color value of the new Color Policy. The new DeviceN color value can then be adjusted, saved and output.
2.6.2. Spot Color Preview in the Print Item List
Not only is a Lab color value stored for each Spot Color, but from this version an RBG value is also stored, which is used to identify color areas in various lists and elements throughout the user interface. By implemented this, we were able to increase the display speed, and load specific areas of the user interface as we can now avoid calculating Spot Colors on the fly.
2.7. Gamut Viewer
Starting with 1.7.9, the first version of the Gamut Viewer is available. Calculated Color Setups can be displayed graphically using this tool. The gamut and volume of a Color Setup Substrate Profile can be displayed and analyzed.
Figure 20: The Gamut Viewer dialog.
To learn how the Gamut Viewer works, proceed as follows:
- Switch to the menu item Color > Color Setup.
- Open a complete Color Setup.
- Click on Gamut Viewer in the action bar.
- Select your desired Color Policy [46] in the drill-down menu.
After selecting a Color Policy, the Gamut of the Color Setup and the Gamut Volume [47] will be calculated and displayed. Manipulate the gamut display using mouse gestures:
- Scroll Wheel – Zoom in/out
- Press and move the mouse button – Change the viewing angle
Press the mouse button and move with the
key pressed – Moves the gamut on the X or Y axis
You can choose the form in which the Gamut is displayed by selecting individual options. The following options are available:
- Under the Surface panel [48] the mode can be selected. Depending on the mode selected various options are available:
- Surfaces – Displays a 3D Model with a continuous surface. The surface can be graded or smooth, in the form of a wireframe and can also be made transparent by changing the opacity.
- Spheres – Displays a 3D Model consisting of individual color points, which can be resized.
- 2D View – Displays the Gamut depending on the selected brightness level. For better orientation a 3D overlay can be added to the 2D Model.
- In the Display Options panel [49] the following options can be selected:
- Grids – Hides or displays the Grid in the background
- Grid Spacing – Defines the distance between the Grid Lines in the background
- Gamut Projection – By activating this option the gamut of the color is projected onto the »floor«.
Additional functions will be added in the future
In future versions it will be possible to compare the color gamut of several Color Setups. In addition, functions are currently being developed which allow only the primary and secondary colors to be displayed.
2.8. »Protek Unico TT« Cutting Device
With 1.7.9 the integration of the Protek cutting device from the Unico TT series with all necessary configuration parameters has been implemented.
2.8.1. Add the Protek Unico TT in the Workflow
Before the Unico TT can be used in the Workflow for ProductionJobs, the Cutting Device must be created in the Workflow. Follow these four steps to accomplish this.
Step 1: Set up a share for the Protek Unico TT in the Workflow
The target directory of the Unico TT must first be made available for the Workflow. A Host and a Share must be created under the menu item Administration > File Management. Details on this topic can be found in this chapter Manage Shares and Folders.
Step 2: Create cutting device in workflow
- Switch to Administration > Cutter Devices.
- Open the Add Cutter dialog by clicking on + New.
Figure 21: The Add Cutter dialog with the Unico TT cutter selected.

- Select the following parameters:
- Device Type – Select Unico TT | Protek.
- Name – Enter a unique Name for the Cutting Device. If you have two devices of the same type, you should also create this device twice with different names in order to more easily identify the individual Cutting Devices and directories in the Workflow.
- Serial Number – Optionally enter the serial number of the device, which makes sense when two identical Cutting Devices from the same manufacturer are used.
- Host – Select the Host defined in step 1.
- Destination – Select the target directory defined in step 1.
- Finally, create the Unico TT by clicking Save.
Step 3: Check the Unico TT configuration settings
After creating the cutting device, a Parameter Set called Protek 7.5 | DXF | Sphere-Marks [50] is created. This Parameter Set can be used by default. The following settings are available in this Parameter Set:
- Write Marks to CutFile [51] – Determines whether the Registration Marks and/or the Registration Mark positions are written to the cut file (activated by default).
- Cutter File Type [52] – Determines the file type for the cut file. For this particular cutting device only DXF files are offered at the moment.
- Cutfile Name [53] – Determines where the Cutfile Name is written in the barcode if available (at the beginning of the file name by default).
- Mirror CutData horizontally [54] – This option can be activated if the cutting paths should be mirrored horizontally.
- Mirror Registration Marks [55] – This option can be activated if the Registration Marks should be mirrored with the cutting data.
- Mirror CutData vertically [56] – This option can be activated if the cut paths should be mirrored vertically.
- Rotate CutData [57] – The CutData can be rotated by 90° (default is 0°).
Additional Parameter Set settings can be adjusted and saved in the Impose Editor. If needed, user-defined configurations can also be created and used. For more information, see the sections Using a Cutter in a Production Job and Cutter Device configuration settings and saving.
Figure 22: The Parameter Sets and Parameters panels under the menu item Administration > Cutter Devices with a Protek Unico TT selected.
Step 4: Map Technical Colors to Pen Types
Before the Protek Unico TT can be used for cutting, system-wide Technical Colors in the Workflow must be mapped to the PenTypes (cutting tools). Proceed as follows:
- Select the Unico TT Cutter in the Devices panel.
- The Pen Types [58] panel which is below the Device panel, lists all available Pen Types available for that particular Cutter Device.
Figure 23: The Pen Types panel displaying all Pen Types that belong to the Protek Unico TT.

- Select a Pen Type [59] from the list.
- Click on Edit [60] in the footer of the panel, which opens the Edit Cutter Pen Type dialog.
Figure 24: The Edit Cutter Pen Type dialog in where system-wide Technical Colors can be mapped to specific cutting tools.

- You can select Technical Colors from the drill-down menu Available Technical Colors [63] that should mapped to the selected Pen Type (cutting tool) [61]. If several Technical Colors need to be mapped to one Pen Type, repeat this step. Technical Colors that are currently mapped to a Pen Type are dimmed in the list. Pen Types that are already mapped are listed under Mapped Colors [62].
- If you have mapped the Pen Types you need, click on Save.
2.8.2. Using the Protek Unico TT in a Production Job
For more information on how to use Cutting Devices in Production Jobs, check out the Release notes for 1.7.6.
2.8.3. Available Parameters
If the default Parmeter Set and respective Parameters do not meet your requirements, you can create and save user-defined configurations in the Impose Editor. Find more detail about this topic here Cutter Device configuration settings and saving.
Figure 25: The Registration Marks sub-panel in the Impose Editor when the Unico TT cutter is selected.

Section 2.5.1 New placement method for Marks explains which settings are available for Registration Marks for Cutting Devices in the Impose Editor.
2.9. Fixups
In the course of development, existing Fixups have had their functionality extended and improve in terms of usability. The following Fixups have been updated.
2.9.1. Add a Dieline to irregular shapes
The Fixup adds a Dieline based on irregular shapes in the PDF. In version 1.7.9, this Fixup has been enhanced to ignore specified Spot Colors.
Figure 26: The Add a Dieline to Irregular Shapes Fixup with two new additional options.

The following changes have been made:
- Overprint status of the added Spot Color [64] – The options Overprint and Knockout have been removed from the selection menu. Instead, both options are now offered as separate radio buttons.
- Ignore selected Spot Color [65] – If a Spot Color is added to irregular shapes, this version allows to ignore a specific Spot Color in the document. For example, if there is a white area in the background, this white can be ignored.
2.9.2. Remove Spot Color
This Fixup removes the selected Spot Color(s) for all colored objects. With version 1.7.9, it is also possible to delete up to five additional Spot Colors at the same time . If several Spot Colors need to be selected, Simply press the + button [66].
Figure 27: The Fixup Remove Spot Color.

2.10. REST API
Additional areas of the REST API have been edited and extended. New features and changes are listed below.
No new functions are available in Public Rest API 1.7.9 in this version. Among other updates, only two relevant bug fixes have been implemented, which are listed below.
2.10.1. Changes made to the last version
- Create article – When creating a new Article the Color policy defined in the request was sometimes not set correctly. This error has been fixed.
- Download documents – An error occurred when downloading several documents via Rest-API. This bug has also been fixed. When downloading via Rest-API (https(s), smb) random file names are assigned to prevent a potential conflict when re-importing the data.
Rest API documentation
Updated documentation with examples of the Durst Workflow Rest API is available under
3. Improvements
Version 1.7.9 of the Workflow offers some additional minor improvements such as:
3.1. Production Information
In version 1.7.7 the concept of ImageBoxes was introduced: ImageBox and ImageBox + Bleed were implemented in the Workflow. Due to the certain updates, the detail view for Articles and/or Print Items had to be revised so that new functions and terms are reflected. More information about ImageBoxes can be found in Section 2.7 ImageBoxes of the Release notes Version 1.7.7.
As of version 1.7.7, all production-relevant details for the selected Print Item are displayed in the newly created information area titled Production Information. This also includes the ImageBox and the Expected Bleed. As of version 1.7.9, the current Production Format [67] is also displayed in this area. This format is the result of the ImageBox plus the Expected Bleed.
Figure 28: The Production Information area visible in the detail view of an Article.
3.2. Rotating CutData
Starting with version 1.7.9, CutData for certain devices can be rotated and then transferred to the Cutter Device. Registration Marks and CutData are rotated simultaneously.
A parameter is available for this purpose in the menu item Administration > Cutter Devices under in the Parameters panel:
- Rotate CutData [68] – CutData from a Production Job can be rotated by 0° or 90°. The positions of the Registration Marks, if available, and the CutPath positions are also rotated by 0° or 90°.
Figure 29: The Parameters panel available in the menu item Administration > Cutter Devices with the option to Rotate CutData shown.

These settings are available in version 1.7.9 for the following Cutting Devices:
- Aristo | Aristomat (SL, TL, GL, LFC)
- Bummer | Bullmer CutCenter
- Elitron | Elitron CAM
- Esko | Kongsberg
- Gerber | MCT Cutter
- Protek | Unico TT
- SD Italy | SD Cutter
- Zünd | Zünd CutCenter
3.3. Editing Color Setups
Channel Configurations can no longer be edited in a completed Color Setup. When editing an existing Color Setup, the following settings can be changed:
- Setup Name – Can be freely defined, edited or automatically generated. However, the name may not be used a second time in the system.
- Abbreviation – Can be optionally assigned or edited. If an abbreviation is defined, it cannot be used a second time in the system.
- Comment – Can be freely defined and/or edited.
- Printer – Can be freely defined or edited. In the drill-down menu, however, only printers which can print the selected Channel Configuration are allowed.
- Print Configuration – Can be freely defined or edited.
- Substrate – Can be freely defined or edited.
- Channel Configuration [69] – Cannot be changed as of version 1.7.9.
- Measurement Device and Parameter Set – Can be freely defined and edited.
- Destination – Can be optionally assigned or edited.
Figure 30: The Edit Color Setup dialog.

3.4. Job Ticket Extensions for RHO & Delta Print Systems
Starting with this version, additional information is written into the job ticket for Rho/Delta printers, which can be used optionally in the printer software or as an Inprint. The following parameters written into the job ticket:
If the Enable Color Management option is activated in the Workflow, the following information is written in the job ticket:
- WF_CMT= Color Management: activated
- WF_CMT=Color Policy: »Name of the Color Policy«
If the Enable Color Management option is disabled in the Workflow, the following information is written in the Job Ticket:
- WF_CMT=Color Management: deactivated
- WF_CMT=Color Policy: -
If a Save Ink Profile is selected in the Workflow:
- WF_CMT=Save Ink Method: »Name of the variant«
- WF SAVE_INK_TEMPLATE.NAME= »Name of the variant«
If no Save Ink Profile has been selected in the Workflow:
- WF_CMT=Save Ink Method: -
3.5. License Information Extension
Version 1.7.9 offers further improvements regarding license information. Read the section below to find out what is new with this release.
Starting with this version, the Maintenance Contract ID is written into the license file. In addition, the Maintenance Contract ID [60] is displayed directly in the Workflow under the License tab of the System Status dialog as well as in the login screen under License Info.
Figure 31: The License tab of the System Status drop-down panel.

3.6. Minor Improvements
The following minor improvements have been implemented in this version of the Workflow.
Spot Color Management: Substrate-specific Spot Colors can be created and used in the Workflow. As of this version, these Spot Colors must be unique per Substrate. This means that the name of a Spot Color may not be used twice for the same Substrate.
Exporting Color Setups: When exporting a Color Setup, all options that are mandetory to create a successful backup are selected by default.
Number of copies is now displayed in the Print Item list: In the Print Item List, under Order > Print Items, a new column called »Copies« has been added.
Generic Fixup dialogs: The help text for Fixups is now displayed in the header of the Fixup dialog. In previous versions the help text was displayed using a tooltip which was only active when hovering over the icon.
4. Fixed Bugs
The following bugs have been fixed in this release.
4.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
Line thickness (weight) for variable shapes: The line thickness defined in Adobe Illustrator for Variable Shapes was not correctly applied in the Production Job output. This error has been fixed. (PXT-940)
Variable text - positioning problems: Text placed in Adobe Illustrator was slightly offset horizontally in the imposition when rotating the Print Item. This error has been fixed. (DW-3491)
Spot Colors with special characters: When checking a document into the Workflow from Adobe Illustrator, the process was aborted with an error if a Spot Color contained a % character. This error has also been fixed.
4.2. Workflow
Separation preview for Spot Color "white": When uploading a document into the Workflow which includes the Spot Color »white«, the separation preview could not be generated or displayed in the Article or Print Item view. This error has been fixed. (DW-3896)
Separate Article reference: Executing the option Split Article Reference in a Production Job, when the job was imposed, returned an error. This bug has also been fixed. (DW-3861)
Send to Printer: When sending certain documents to the printer, the following error occurred: Job fails with HHR Error info: [161:M:680E0000]. This error has been resolved by Global Graphics HHR. (DW-3824, HHR #3644)
User-defined Fields: Multi-line User-defined Fields were displayed in the user interface in single lines only. This error has been fixed. (DW-3773)
Fixup - Scale Page Content: When using the method »Stretch to fill« nothing happened. This bug has been fixed. (DW-3690)
Convert to CMYK: When using the function »Convert to CMYK« for profiling, an error was displayed that the Internal Name must be unique. This error will no longer occur as the system corrects the internal name or assigns a unique name automatically now. (DW-3498)
4.3. Impose Editor
Step & Repeat and Nesting - Negative Distance: In the »Nesting« and »Step & Repeat« Impose Mode, problems occurred if negative spacing was defined. The first line spacing was not changed. This error has been fixed. (DW-3712)
Nesting - Print Item too large for the imposition: If a Print Item was too large for the impose sheet, single Print Items could not be placed, although enough room for multiple Print Items exists. This error has also been fixed. (IMPOSE-1881)
Manual Mode - trimming problems: With some documents, the results were incorrect if the function »Trim to Height« or »Trim to Width« was activated. This error has been fixed. (DW-3680)
Nesting Alignment: When »Center/Centered« alignment was selected, the placed Print Items were not centered on the sheet. This error has also been fixed. (IMPOSE-1834)
5. SDK-Versionen
Mit Version 1.7.9 kommen folgende SDKs von unseren OEM-Partnern zum Einsatz.
5.1. Callas Software
- pdfToolbox SDK Version 11.1.544.1 – New features and fixed bugs are listed in – Version 11.1.544 of 2020/07/01.
5.2. Color Logic
- CrossX SDK Version – Fixed bug by defining a Black Start for Spot Colors.
5.3. Barbieri Electronic SNC
- Spectro_SDKv4_73 – Fixed bug with LAN connection for LFPqb
6. Hotfixes
The original release on August 26th 2020 has the build version DW Build 1.7.9(195). The following Hotfixes have been added in the following sub-versions:
Version 1.7.9.(201)
On September 08th, this Hotfix was released due to the following bugs:
Spot Color Lab-Fallback: In the Edit Spot Color Tooltip the L-Value was displayed twice. The b-value was not displayed at all. This bug has been fixed.
Print Counter: In some cases, Production Jobs will be overwritten, when Jobs were rendered multiple times. This bug has been fixed as well.
Output Settings: Some drop-down menus were not be filled correctly. This section was improved as well.
Fixup Chains: The Fixup "Set TrimBox to Dieline" could not be selected there.
Cutter: The cut-paths in the cutfile were moved by the diameter of the registration marks. This Bug has been fixed.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.9.(201)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.9.(206)
On September 16th, this Hotfix was released due to the following bugs:
Error when measuring Transition Chart for CMYK-Bm: Transition charts with CMYK-Bm can now be measured without errors.
Output Configuration – Rendering Intent: Field is no longer activated when "Color Space Conversion" is switched from "RGB to Substrate" to "Working Space CMYK.
Impose via Send to Printer Dialog: A faulty Impose spec was generated, this has ben fixed.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.9.(206)-Setup.exe