Published: 15.11.2019
In this article you can find out which
- New Features are available
- Which Improvements have been implemented
- Bug Fixes are included with the release of version 1.7.6
This article can also be downloaded as a PDF. The release notes from previous versions can be downloaded from the archive.
1. Overview
With version 1.7.6, users have access to new features in the Impose Editor, Cutting Devices, User-defined Fields, Fixups and Print Data Output. In addition, improvements have been implemented in the following areas: editing Lists, Profiling (Color Setups) and Administration.
Below you will find a condensed overview of all changes. The detailed description is then given in the sections New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes.
1.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
The following new features and improvements are available for the Plug-in version
Variable images with SVG: In the course of version 1.7.6 we've added the possibility to use SVG files for Variable Images in the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in. The following file types are supported: jpg/jpeg, png, pdf and svg in the Plug-in as of version 1.7.6.
Multiple Data sets from a CSV file: When creating variable data in Adobe Illustrator, only one CSV data set from a CSV file could be used per Print Item until now. As of 1.7.6, several data sets from a CSV file can now be attached to one Print Item. This new feature can be used in combination with the Impose Editor to create complicated Variable Data layouts.
Minor improvements: in order to make the user experience a but more fluid we have improved a handful of existing features. These include:
- Stability improvements for the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in when using the Mac OSX Mojave operating system.
- Alphabetical sorting of font names in the dropdown menu.
- The Origin names for Spot Colors are now available in the selected language. In addition, the Origin list is sorted according to the internally used logic – the color definition found at the highest level in the Origin is used.
- We've made some aesthetic adjustments to the print configuration drop-down menu when creating a new Production Job using the Plug-in.
- The background color of a Barcode/QR code is now set to white by default.
- Variable texts can now be mirrored (reflected).
1.2. New Features
The following New Features are available with version 1.7.6 of the Workflow:
Impose Editor: With the release of 1.7.6, some areas that were newly implemented in 1.7.5 have been extended or the scope of functions improved. The following areas of the Impose Editor are affected:
- File Manager – In addition to a facelift, additional functions have been added for sorting, displaying, hiding, editing and selecting multiple items, as well as a second List view (Small Thumbnails) and an activity display has been added. The »Drag & Drop« function for adding Print Items to the Production Job also adds a small improvement in usability. (Improvement)
- Print Items tab – We've also given the Print items tab a facelift and adapted the design to fit the File Manager aesthetic. We've also implemented the ability to multi-select Print Items. The Print Item list will change slightly depending on the Impose Mode selected. (Improvement)
- Add Grommets – Grommets can now be added in all Impose Modes. Three different Grommet types are available and can be set by either distance or number. (New)
- Measurement Tool – Another new feature in the Impose Editor is the Measurement Tool. The Measurement Tool provides the ability to measure distances between two defined end points. (New)
- Mark Improvements - In the Impose Editor, Marks can be defined as Spot Colors starting from version 1.7.6. In addition to being able to define CMYK values for Marks, we now provide a list of system-wide Spot Colors that can be assigned to Marks. (Improvement)
- Caption Improvements – Starting with this version, Captions can also be defined as Spot Colors. Caption Offset can now be individually set for both Horizontal and Vertical values, as well as the origin of the Caption can be determined. (Improvement)
- Auto Margins – We've added a new feature that automatically calculates the Margin to include Marks that are generated when adding a Cutter. (New)
Tiling Mode: The Tiling Impose mode has been extended to better facilitate the production of Tiling jobs. The following enhancements are available from this version on:
- Sending Tiling to Cutter - The Tiling result can be sent directly to a Cutter without splitting the result into individual Tiles. The required Cutting Device Marks per Tile are generated. The Tiling cut files are then sent to the Cutter as needed.
- Tiling Grommets – The Add Grommets function has also been implemented for the Tiling Impose Mode. The Add Grommets function in Tiling mode differs slightly from the other Impose modes.
Nesting Mode: Further improvements have also been made to Nesting Mode. The following new features are available in version 1.7.6:
- Collated/Uncollated – We've added the ability to sort Print Items as either Collected or Uncollated.
- Allow Overproduction – The algorithm behind th function has been revised.
- Impose Validation – When imposing several Print Items, information is provided whether all Print Items are placed on the sheet or which Print items are Over- or Underproduced.
Manual Mode: Further improvements have also been made to Manual Mode. The following new features are available in version 1.7.6:
- Grid Tool – The new Grid Tool makes it possible to place Print Items using a predefined Grid. This Grid can be defined in advance or drawn in real time and saved, reused and deleted. Once a Grid has been drawn, Print Items can be placed into Placeholders using various placement settings such as Centered, Proportional, etc. Grids can also be mirrored for situations where Print Items must be printed on both sides of the substrate, either Horizontally or Vertically for example.
- Mark Improvements – In addition to the new features mentioned above concerning assigning Spot Colors to Marks, Manual Impose Mode also allows you to select a specific origin such as: Per Print Item, Print Items & Artboard. These options are the same options, previously available with rule-based Impose Modes.
Administration of User-defined Fields: User-defined Fields were implemented in version 1.7.3. Up until now, User-defined Fields had to be created in the Workflow using the Master Data. As of this version, User-defined Fields can be created or managed under Administration > Settings > User-defined Fields.
Handling of Cutter Devices: In this version the handling of Cutting Devices has been revised. Cutting Device settings, e.g. Marks, Barcodes, etc. can be added in the Impose Editor and can be defined by the user as needed. In addition to the Send to Printer dialog, Cutting Devices from this version can also be selected and displayed in the Impose Editor. Cutting Device settings such as: Marks, Barcodes, distance between Marks, etc. can be saved as templates now.
Cutting Devices: Under Administration > Cutter Devices a new Cutter and two further variants of the Esko Kongsberg Cutter are available:
- Additional Esko Kongsberg Variants – Starting with release 1.7.6, two additional variants of the Esko Kongsberg plotter have been added. These two new variants are able to control the two plotter programs i-Cut Vision 7.2.3 & i-Cut Production Console 2.1.
- Zünd Cutters – Support for new parameters including the ability to control the model Zünd BHS has been added.
- Elitron KOMBO Cutter – Starting with version 1.7.6, Elitron Cutters from the KOMBO series can be controlled. The Device selected determines the default Mark settings and the corresponding XML cut file, which is transferred to the Elitron plotter software.
Sending multi-page documents to a Cutter: From this version on, multi-page documents can also be sent to the Cutter without having to split these documents into individual pages beforehand. When selecting the Cutter in the Send to Printer dialog, the necessary Marks & Barcodes/QR codes are generated per page in the document, depending on the selected Cutter. After rendering, all cut data, i.e., the number of pages - is transferred to the Cutter.
Fixups – The handling of existing Fixups has been improved and we have also improved the usability of Fixups. We've added some additional Fixups to our line-up.
- Clip existing White Channel – Reduces the printed area of a selected Spot Color (e.g. white) using an entered value. this avoids
- Remove Spot Color – Deletes existing Spot Colors in the PDF file.
- Increase White Elements – Allows you increase the size of objects designated as white, i.e., text and/or vectors - so that they remain visible on a dark background in a print image.
- Selection of system-wide defined Spot Colors as well as Spot Colors contained in PDF files - If a PDF file contains Spot Colors and they have been previously defined as system-wide Spot Colors, they can now be selected in the drop-down menu for Spot Colors in various Fixups.
- Banners with Grommets – This Fixup was introduced with version 1.7.5 of the Workflow, has been improved both in the breadth of functions available as well as usability improvements.
- Add a Dieline to Irregular Shapes – This Fixup has been extended with the option "Reduce to outer border", so that the Dieline is only used for the outer stroke.
- Convert Pure Black to Deep Black – We've included a new option, "Include intermediate color values". This also converts all color tones of the selected color value into a deep black while retaining the color tone.
- Rename, convert or delete Spot Colors – We have made improvements to the list of suggested Spot Colors, up to 100 entries are now displayed.
Send to printer dialog: The Send to Printer dialog has two new improvements:
- »Lead-In/Out« tab: The Lead-in & Lead-out (LILO) function has been completely revised in the Workflow. In the Send to Printer dialog under the Lead-in tab you can define which Process Colors, Spot Colors and Technical Colors should be used in LILO. By default, the Technical Color will be used with the pen type CutContour.
- »Size« tab: The scaling function in the Send to Printer dialog allows the user to scale the Production Job during rendering, even if Marks and/or Barcodes have already been generated for Cutting Devices. In this case, the Marks are not scaled, but only repositioned.
Force Print Templates & Output Configuration Templates: From this version on, common Output Configurations can be saved and reused with the desired name. These templates can be saved in Force Print and in Production Jobs. The saved Output Configuration Templates can be selected wherever a Production Job is created. A distinction is made between templates intended for Force Printing only and templates used only for the Output Configuration.
Force Print Improvements: With the release of 1.7.6, the Force Print dialog has been restructured and is available under Automation > Force Print Job. In addition to aesthetic changes and the addition of Templates for Force Print and Output Configuration, some new functions such as the definition of a name and the number of copies has been added to Force Print.
Fixed output values for Spot Colors: Starting with this version, individual color channels for Spot Colors can be fixed so that they do not change during the rendering process. Fixed color channels are not changed by color management.
Color Setups with predefined Destination: In Release 1.7.6 a new function for Profiling and the resulting Color Policies has been implemented. This new function allows you to set a Destination for a Color Setup and/or specific Color Policies. After applying this new setting, all calibration charts will be rendered by default into this linked Destination. If a Destination is combined with a Color Setup, the Production Jobs that are rendered with those specific Color Policies that belong to the Color Setupare also sent to this Destination by default.
REST API: As of this release, several new functions are available in the following areas: Article Controller, Customer Controller, Fixup Controller, Motif Controller, Print Order Controller, Print Order Item Controller, Production Job Controller, Subscriber Controller, Substrate Controller and Workflow Controller. Furthermore, some functions in the Article Controller and Production Job Controller have been revised.
1.3. Improvements
The following Improvements to existing functions are now available with version 1.7.6 of the Workflow:
Delete multiple list entries: Prior to Release 1.7.6, only selected Articles or Production Jobs could be deleted. As of version 1.7.6, all listed entries can be removed across all pages.
- Delete all filtered Articles – By setting a list filter, e.g., Creation Date, Older Than - the entire list of all filtered Articles can be deleted or placed in the trash. The trash can be emptied separately as usual.
- Delete all filtered Production Jobs – By setting a list filter, e.g., Creation Date, Older Than - the entire list of all filtered Production Jobs can be deleted or put into the trash can. The trash can be emptied separately as usual.
Upload Collections and Articles: In earlier versions, the method of uploading articles via a drop-zone has proven successful. For this reason, this version also offers the option of uploading Collections in the list of all collections via a drop-zone. Furthermore support for the EPS file format has been added.
- Upload Collections – New Collections can be uploaded to the list of all Collections using the drop-zone. This requires a folder of files to be placed in the drop-zone. Individual files can only be uploaded after selecting an existing Collection.
- Upload Articles to a Collection – By selecting an existing Collection, additional Articles can be added to that Collection using the drop-zone.
- EPS file support – EPS files can be uploaded to the Workflow from this version on. Also the possibility to include the scaling factor is available files with a page length greater than 5080 mm.
Print Item download name: From version 1.7.6 there is a new system-wide function which defines whether the original file name or the name of the Print Item should be used in the Workflow when downloading a Print Item.
Predefined Measurement settings: After installing version 1.7.6, common Measurement Device configurations are predefined and created by default in the Workflow. Previously, only a standard configuration was created after the Measurement Device was created in the Workflow. The various configurations can be selected in the measurement processes.
Profiling Improvements: This version also includes improvements to Profiling. The analysis of the Linearization curve has been improved. New calibration charts for G7 are available in the Workflow and also Profiling Templates are preselected by default depending on the selected Printer Type.
- G7 Linearization – When calculating the Linearization Profile, the calculation method L* (standard method for Europe, Asia, Africa and South America) or G7 (standard method for USA and Canada) can be selected.
- Profile Analysis – In the Linearization Analysis, the LAB values of all measured fields are displayed in the curve display. Until now, only the LAB values of 100% surfaces were displayed.
- Printer-related Profiling Templates – Starting with version 1.7.5, Printer Type-dependent Profiling Templates are delivered with the Workflow and are offered for the calculation of Color Policies. As of version 1.7.6, the appropriate Profiling Templates for the selected printer are already preselected when calculating Color Policies.
Default DeltaE type: The preferred DeltaE default can be selected in the Workflow settings. Based on this setting, only the default DeltaE is displayed in the Workflow.
Calibration Charts: New additions have been added for Linearization Charts for the G7 calculation method. There are now optimized Linearization and Profiling Charts that are compatible with the Barbieri Spectro Pad.
Minor improvements: Some other minor improvements have been implemented. You can read the list of minor improvements here.
1.4. Fixed Bugs & Minor Improvements
Plug-in for Adobe Illustrator: Fixed Bugs and minor improvements for the Illustrator Plug-in.
Workflow: Fixed Bugs and minor improvements in the main application.
Impose Editor: Fixed Bugs and minor improvements for the Impose Editor.
2. New Features
2.1. Adobe Plug-in
If you are working with version 1.7.6 of the Workflow, Plug-in version must be installed to ensure trouble-free operation. If you are using an older version of the Plug-in, you will be notified via a warning dialog when logging in to the Plug-in.
The following versions of Adobe Illustrator are supported:
Adobe Illustrator CC2017 |
Adobe Illustrator CC2018 |
Adobe Illustrator CC2019 |
MacOSX | Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Windows | Windows 7 mit Service Pack 1, Windows 8.1 oder Windows 10 |
Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 |
Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 |
Supports | Plug-In Version |
Plug-In Version und Plug-In Version |
Plug-In Version |
Current version not available for older Illustrator versions
Please note that the current Plug-in Version can only installed for Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2019.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 can still be used with the Plug-in Version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.2. Using Plug-in Version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or bugs for this constellation/configuration will not be followed up and/or fixed.
Adobe Illustrator 2020 is not yet supported with the current implementation of the Plug-in. However, development is already underway.
2.1.1. Variable Data Images with SVG
In the course of version 1.7.6, the possibility was implemented to use SVG files for Variable Data Images in the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in. Note that only SVG files that do not have links to external resources (e.g. images) can be interpreted correctly.
This results in the following supported file types for Variable Images in the Plug-in:
- jpg/jpeg
- png
- svg
Reduced preview quality
When placing SVG files using the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in in conjunction with Variable Data Images, only rasterized thumbnails are displayed. The quality of the preview may therefore differ from the quality of the actual SVG file. When rendering a Production Job, the high-resolution version of the SVG file is applied.
SVG with links
If image data is linked or embedded in the SVG, it won't be recognized by the Plug-in and the Workflow and therefore cannot be processed. Pure SVG elements are of course displayed and rendered correctly.
2.1.2. Multiple Data Sets from a CSV file
Previously, only the values of a single data set (row) in a CSV file could be used multiple times in the Plug-in. In this case all variable elements have the same values. Starting from this version on, it is possible to place values from several data sets from a CSV file within a Print Document. This is necessary if Variable Data values have to be placed on an a previously imposed printing sheet, which is interpreted as a Print Item for the Workflow.
To make this possible, a function has been implemented that can merge data records from a CSV file onto one Print Item. Follow the directions below to use this feature:
Figure 1: Merging data records from a CSV file on a single Print Item.
- In Adobe Illustrator, open a Print Item [1] that has already been imposed – i.e., not in the Workflow. Whether you open this document locally or check it out of the Workflow is irrelevant for this particular description.
- Load a CSV file [2] using the Load Data Source button under the Variable Data panel.
- Determine the Start at and End at values [3], this determines the number of Data Sets to be processed.
- Under Lines per Rec.: [4], specify how many columns of the CSV file are to be used for the (imposed) document.
- Create the Variable element by:
- creating a text field using the Text tool or the Rectangle tool. [5]
- Activate the text tool icon in the Variable Data panel. [6]
- Select the Datasource option under Source. [7]
- Select the column of the CSV file to be used under the Fieldname drop-down. [8]
- Define the Relative Line index (row) [9] for each variable element. This specifies which data set is to be used for the Print Item relative to the first data set. Using the example from the screenshot (five data sets are to be used for this Print Item), this means that for:
- The first Print Item, the relative line index is 0
- The second Print Item, the relative line index 1
- The third Print Item, the relative line index is 2
- The fourth Print Item, the relative row index 3
- The fifth Print Item, the relative row index is 4
The new fields Lines per Rec.: [4] and Relative line index [9] makes it possible to define different lines of a CSV file for a Print Item. By entering the Lines per Rec.:, the final number of pages [10] in the output is also calculated. In other words: with ten entries in the CSV file and five lines per page, two pages are output.
2.1.3. Minor Improvements
In order to improve the usability of the Plug-In and to make it more user-friendly, numerous small improvements to the Plug-In have been made. These include:
- Stability improvements when using the Adobe Illustrator Plug-In with the Mojave version of the Mac OSX operating system.
- Alphabetical sorting of font names in the drop-down list.
- The Origin names for Spot Colors are now available in the language selected. In addition, the Origin list is sorted according to the internally used logic – the color definition found at the highest level of the Origin is used.
- We have adjusted the size of the print configuration drop-down menu when creating a Production Job from within the Plug-in.
- White background for Barcodes & QR codes: The ability to change both foreground and background colors for Barcodes/QR codes is not a new feature, but as of this release, the foreground is black by default and the background is set to white default. With previous releases, the background was transparent by default. (PXT-831)
- Variable Texts can now also be mirrored.
2.2. Impose Editor
Version 1.7.6, includes a redesign of the Impose Editor mainly because of new features that have been implemented. These new functions can be found in the File Manager, in the Print Items list and in other Imposer settings.
2.2.1. File Manager
The File Manager first appeared in version 1.7.5 of the Workflow. We've had overwhelmingly positive feedback for this feature, and due to this feedback we have decided to implement further customer requests with more intuitive settings and options improving usability, as well as reducing clutter.
In addition to being able to multi-select in the list of entries, a navigation bar was added to jump to the previous and subsequent pages of the list, as well as an action bar to sort list entries as well as edit selected list entries. We describe below how using the File Manager can improve the way you use the Workflow.
Figure 2: The File Manager in the Impose Editor.

Navigation Bar
In the Workflow, lists are generally equipped with a Navigation Bar, with which the user can easily navigate lists. We've added this functionality for version 1.7.6 of the File Manager. The following functions are available in the Navigation Bar [14]:
- Number of listed elements in the search result [11] – The number of entires displayed for a particular search result, in this case there are 10 entries total.
- Number of items listed per page [12] – Here you can choose the amount of entires that should be displayed per page using the drop-down menu. Either 10, 25 and 50 results can be chosen.
- Navigation between pages [13] – If not all entries can be displayed on one page, it is possible to jump to the next or the previous page as well as to the first or the last page.
Action Bar
- Large Thumbnails [14] – This list view was previously available with version 1.7.5. In addition to a large preview thumbnail, production-relevant information about the TrimBox, BleedBox, the number of pages and the minimum resolution are displayed in addition to the file name and the internal ID.
- Small Thumbnails [15] – This list view offers less detailed information and a smaller preview image thumbnail. Because the previews are smaller, more entries are displayed per page.
Figure 3: A comparison of the two list types: Large Thumbnails and Small Thumbnails, in the File Manager.
- Activity Monitor [16] – If this icon is selected, the Activity Monitor will be displayed instead of the Article list, showing background activities such as uploading, checking and impose operations. This list is empty if no processes are currently running in the Impose Editor.
Figure 4: The Activity Monitor in the Impose Editor.

The number above the button indicates how many processes are currently running at the same time. The icon turns red when a process is started. If no processes are running, the icon is green.
- Number of entries selected in the File Manager [17] – This number displays the number of entires currently selected in the Article list.
Assign selected Print Items to the Job [22] – It is now possible, starting with version 1.7.6., to select several entries in the list by pressing the
keys, selected items can now be assigned to a Production Job in one step. Assigning Articles can be carried out by clicking on the + symbol or by clicking and dragging the selected Print Items to the sheet.
Figure 5: The Action Bar of the Impose Editor.

- Edit selected Articles [18] – Either single or or multi-selected Articles can be edited starting with version 1.7.6. By clicking on the pencil icon, the Edit selected Articles dialog opens. Here you can change the name of the Article as well as assign the Article to a new, existing or even to multiple Collections.
Figure 6: The Edit Articles dialog in the File Manager.

The following processing steps can be applied in this dialog:
- New Collection – If you want to create a new Collection, click on New Collection [25]. You can give the Collection a name in the dialog that appears.
- Choose Collection – Here you can select an existing Collection using the drop-down menu [24]. When you save the dialog, the selected Collection is assigned to all Articles displayed in this dialog. If you cancel the dialog, no changes will be made.
- Removing a Collection for a specific Article – A Collection can be removed any time by clicking on the x symbol in the Collection chip [28].
- Changing the Article name – Here you can enter a new name for individual Articles [27]. However, if you want to use the original file name again, click the Undo symbol [26].
- Delete Article [23] (Figure 5) – Pressing the Trash icon opens the Delete Articles dialog. This is a permanent action and therefore the following confirmation dialog is displayed, requiring confirmation from the user.
Figure 7: The Delete Article dialog, as seen when deleting Article in the File Manager.

- Show/Hide used Articles [19] (Figure 5) – By clicking the crossed-out eye symbol, Print Items currently being used in the Production Job will no longer be displayed in the list. By pressing the same symbol again (non-crossed-out eye symbol), Articles currently being used in the Production Job will be displayed again in the list.
List Sorting [20] – Listed Articles in the File Manager can now be sorted. There are four different sorting options:
- Sorting by name – ascending alphabetically (A-Z) [21] (Figure 5)
- Sorting by name – descending alphabetically (Z-A) [21] (Figure 5)
- Sorting by ID – ascending numerically (1-100) [20] (Figure 5)
- Sorting by ID – descending numerically (100-1) [20] (Figure 5)
Sorting is included in the Production Job
If sorted Print Items are added to the Production Job, this sorting is also used in the Impose Editor or in the Print Item view of the Production Job. Sorting in the Impose Editor can be changed as needed afterwards.
2.2.2. Print Items tab
Specific settings in the Print Items tab have also been restructured or revised in this version. Because we've implemented multiple selection in this version, the user interface had to also be adapted. The range of functions in the Print Items tab differs slightly depending on which Impose Mode is selected. For this reason, the new features in Impose Mode are explained below. The Impose Mode specific functions are then described afterwards.
Impose Mode Overview
The following elements and functions are available in all Impose Modes of the Workflow:
Select All or Deselect All [31] – Press the
key to select individual Print Items in sequence or from > to a particular group of Print items. You can also select all Print Items in the list by clicking on the Select All icon or quickly deselect Print Items by pressing the Deselect All icon. - Number of Print Items selected [29] – This bubble shows the amount of Print Items currently selected in the Print Items list.
Add Print Items to the sheet
Print Items can be added in all Impose Modes by simply clicking and dragging Print Items directly to the sheet.
Figure 8: The Print Items tab in the Impose Editor with Manual Impose mode selected.

- Edit selected Print Items [30] – Selected Print items can now also be edited using this dialog. Select the Print items you want to edit, then press the Edit selected Print Items (pencil) icon. This opens the Edit selected Print Items dialog, where you can change the number of Copies [37] or whether or not a specific Print Item is placed on the sheet or not [38] using the Eye icon (This option is not available for Manual Mode).
Figure 9: The Edit selected print Items dialog as seen in the Print Items tab.

Edit multiple selection
The Edit selected Print Items dialog lists all selected Print Items . In this dialog you can define the number of Copies and whether the Print Items should be placed on the sheet or not.
Please note that by entering the number of Copies or enabling/disabling the eye icon, this action will affect all listed Print Items. However, if you only want to edit a single Print Item, you must only need to enter a new value for the individual Item in the respective input field.
- Delete selected Print Items from a Production Job [32] (Figure 8) – By clicking on the Trash icon, the selected Print Items will be removed from the Production Job. Note that this does not delete the Article from the Workflow, but only removes it from the Production Job. The Article is of course still available under the File Manager after removal.
- Print Item Details [33] (Figure 8) – Clicking this button displays relevant Print Item Details. This option has been available since version 1.7.5.
- Linked to original file [35] (Figure 8) – If an Article from the File Manager is added to the Imposer or via a Production Job, an "A" appears in the upper right hand corner of the thumbnail. This means that the Print Item in the Production Job has a reference to the original file (Article), which means that it is one and the same file. Changes in the Article would therefore also affect the Article in the Production Job. In other words, if you deleted the item in the File Manager, the Article in the Production Job would also be deleted.
Splitting the Article Reference
If the reference to the original Article remains, memory space is saved. If, however, the same Article is to be used across several Production Jobs where the Article has been previously processed, the reference should be split. You can solve this issue two different ways:
- Starting with version 1.7.6, we offer a checkbox called Split Article Reference (copy Print Item) when saving a Production Job within the Impose Editor.
- In the Print Item view of a Production Job, the same procedure can be performed for individual Articles via Process > Split Article Reference.
Number of Print Items placed on the Imposition Sheet [34] (Figure 8) – The number displayed in the bubble (in this example the bubble is green) indicates how often the Print Item has been placed on the Impose Sheet. The color of the bubble can represent three states:
- Red – Underproduction: there are fewer Print Items placed on the Impose Sheet than specified in the number of Copies.
- Yellow – Overproduction: more Print Items are placed on the Impose Sheet than specified in the number of Copies.
- Green – The number of Print Items placed on the Impose Sheet matches the number of Copies.
Subject Information [36] (Figure 8) – Additional Print Item information is displayed in and below the thumbnail. This includes:
- Print Item name including the ID
- Currently set number of Copies
- Scaling factor of the Print Item (cannot be changed at the moment)
Rule-based Impose Modes
The following elements or functions are also available in all Rule-based Impose Modes in the Workflow.
- Place All/Remove All [39] – The Place All/Remove All icons can be used to add all Print Items to the Imposition or to remove all. Essentially if the Production Job contains a specific amount of Print Items they should be used.
Use Print Item for Imposition [41] or Do not use Print Item for Imposition [40]. There are two symbols to activate or deactivate these options:
- Eye icon [40] – Here the Print Item is used in the Imposition. By clicking on this symbol, the Print item would no longer be used for imposing.
- Crossed out Eye icon [41] – Here the Print Item is not used in the Imposition. By clicking on the symbol, the Print Item would be used again for the imposition.
Figure 10: The Print Items tab in the Impose Editor when the Nesting Mode is selected.

Manual Impose Mode
The following elements/functions are available in Manual Mode:
- Select Print Items outside sheet size [42] – This function was available with earlier versions of the Workflow. This option is not available in Rule-based Impose Modes.
- Add selected Print Items to the Imposition [43] –This function was available with earlier versions of the Workflow. As of version 1.7.6, multiple Print Items can be added to the impose sheet either by clicking on the + symbol or by simply dragging the selected Print Items to the impose sheet.
Initial Rotation when placing [44] – Starting with version 1.7.6, the initial rotation of the Print Item can be defined when placing them in the Impose Editor. The selected rotation affects all Print Items in the list, regardless of whether they were added using drag & drop or by clicking on the + symbol [43]. The following rotation options are available:
- 0° – Print Items are not rotated when they are placed on the impose sheet.
- 90° – Print Items are rotated 90° clockwise when placed on the impose sheet.
- 180° – Print Items are rotated 180° clockwise when placed on the impose sheet.
- 270° – Print Items are rotated 90° counterclockwise when placed on the impose sheet.
- Auto – Print Items are automatically rotated when placed on the impose sheet. This function automatically rotates the Print Item by 90° if there is enough surface area to completely place the Item on the sheet.
- Replace Print Item – This function was available with earlier versions of the Workflow. This function only works in Manual Mode. In the other Impose Modes, this icon and it's function are disabled.
Figure 11: The Print Items tab in the Impose Editor with Manual Mode selected.

2.2.3. Adding Grommets
As of version 1.7.6, Grommets – can be created for individual Print Items or when creating Tiling Impositions in the Impose Editor. If there are no Grommets in the Print Item yet, they can be automatically added in the Impose Editor afterwards.
Grommets can be added in all Impose Modes. Grommets are also saved when an Impose Template is saved. To add Grommets to individual Print items in the Impose Editor, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor in a Production Job or start the Impose Editor under Automation > Impose Editor and create your desired imposition with Print Items of your choice.
- Select the Marks tab.
- Under the Grommets sub-panel using the Add Grommets drop-down list [46], select your desired Grommet type: Cross, Crosshair or Sphere [47] the added Grommets will be aligned to the TrimBox. The appearance and position can be controlled using the various settings in the Grommets panel.
Figure 12: The Grommets sub-panel in the Impose Editor with Grommet type Sphere selected.

- The following options are available:
Type [48] – Two different types can be selected. The user can select how Grommets should be applied to the horizontal and vertical edges of a Print Item. Two methods are:
- By Distance – Grommets are created using the maximum distance value entered. If the maximum distance cannot be honored, the distances are distributed over the available length, but the maximum distance is not exceeded. The Max. horizontal and Max. vertical input fields are available for entering the maximum distance.
- By Number – The number of Grommets entered are distributed evenly over the existing length of the Print Item. The input fields No. horizontal and No. vertical can be used to specify specific amounts of horizontal or vertical Grommets.
- Offset [49] – Enter the Offset (inwards) for the Grommet from the TrimBox in the provided input fields: Left, Top, Right and Bottom.
- Set to [54] – Use this setting to specify the side(s) on which the Grommets should be placed.
- Weight [50] - Use this option to define the line thickness for the Grommet stroke.
- Width & Height [51] – Use these options to define the size of the Grommets. This can be defined by specifying the width and height, so that not only circles but also ellipses can be applied.
Stroke Color [52] – Some Grommets contain strokes. Strokes can be assigned a color value. The exact same color options are available as with all other printing Marks in the Impose Editor. These are:
- CMYK values
- System-wide Spot Colors (see Extended Mark Settings for more information).
- SVG file (see Extended Mark Settings for more information)
- No Color
Fill Color [53] – Some Grommets contain Fills. Fills can be assigned a color value. The exact same color options are available as with all other printing Marks in the Impose Editor. These are:
- CMYK values
- System-wide Spot Colors (see Extended Mark Settings for more information).
- SVG file (see Extended Mark Settings for more information)
- No Color
Its possible to add Grommets for each Print Item before imposing
In the Workflow, we offer the Fixup titled Add Finishing, where the user can create Grommets for the Print Item before imposing. Please note that this Fixup is only available for certain types of licenses.
2.2.4. Measurement Tool
Starting with version 1.7.6, we are offering a Measurement Tool for all Impose Modes for the first time. A stand-alone Measurement Tool is available within the toolbar of the Impose Editor for this purpose. This tool can be used to directly perform measurements on the sheet.
To measure something in the Impose Editor, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor and create an imposition using the desired Impose Mode.
- Select the Measuring Tool [58] in the toolbar. As soon as the Measurement Tool is activated, the details of the measurement process [55] are displayed in the header of the Impose Editor.
- Move your mouse to what will be the starting point of the measurement.
- By clicking once with the mouse, the starting point [59] is defined and the measurement process begins. From this point on, the measurement information [55] – Distance, Angle, X and Y-axis Distance, is continuously updated in the header.
- Move the mouse to the position where you want the measurement to end.
- Click the mouse again to define the end point [60]. After completion of the measurement process, the measured distance is displayed at the end of the measurement. The details of the selected or current measurement remain in the header until either another measurement is started or the measurement tool is deselected.
Figure 13: it is now possible to make measurements directly on the sheet using the Measurement Tool in the Impose Editor.
Several measurement processes can be carried out in succession. When several measurements are made you will have the following information available:
- Detect active measurement: For an active measurement, the distance [60] is displayed in red. Inactive distance measurements are displayed in black [61].
- Select inactive measurement: To do this, click on the distance.
- Delete current measurement: To do this, click on the Remove current measurement button [57].
- Delete all measurements: To do this, either click the Delete all measurements button [56] or select another tool from the toolbar.
Restrict measurements to either horizontal or vertical directions
By pressing the SHIFT
key, measurements can be taken at 0°, 90°, 180° or 270° angles. If the zoom factor is particularly high, the impose sheet can be moved by holding down the Spacebar
so that the Print Item can be moved to the desired location.
2.2.5. Extended Mark settings
The most important new feature regarding printing Marks is that when assigning a color value to the Stroke and Fill of a Mark, it is possible to use System-wide Spot Colors as well as color values stored in an SVG file. Adding color the Stroke [62] and/or Fill [63] is easy.
Figure 14: Below we see the Rectangle Mark with the Fill set to a System-wide Spot Color and the Stroke set to No Color Defined.

The following options for assigning a color to the Fill and/or Strokes of a Mark are available as follows:
- Enter CMYK color values [64] – Color values can be entered as usual by entering the CMYK values. The color of a mark is thus output by the color management calculated.
- Use a System-wide Spot Color [65] – By clicking the symbol, a selection menu is displayed in which all System-wide Spot Colors from the Workflow are displayed. It is now possible to define White printing Marks as well.
Use color values from an SVG file [66] – By clicking the symbol the color values from an SVG file can be used for the Mark. This function is particularly important for user-defined Marks, e.g. using multi-colored Marks/Logos etc. as a Mark.
If a multi-colored Mark is required, it can be created by the user and loaded into the Workflow with the help of a support technician. The option Color values from SVG will be used must then be activated for this Mark in order to output the Mark as it was defined in the SVG. - No color [67] – Clicking on this option does not assign a color to the Mark selected. In this case, any underlying objects would be visible.
Figure 15: The four possibilities available with version 1.7.6 to define color values for printing Marks.
Adding custom Marks
User-defined or self-generated SVG Marks should not be loaded into the Workflow by the operators. However, this process can be performed remotely by a qualified technician.
2.2.6. Extended Caption settings
We have revised and extended some settings of Captions with the release of version 1.7.6. Users are now able to create Captions with a Spot Color assigned, set the Origin to Per Print Item, Print Items or Sheet and specify the horizontal and vertical Offset.
Figure 16: The revised and updated Captions sub-panel available under the Marks tab.

Applying a System-wide Spot Color
Clicking on the icon [70] displays a drop-down list showing all System-wide Spot Colors defined in the Workflow. It is now possible to define Captions as White.
Caption Origin
Prior to Release 1.7.6, a Caption could only be applied to individual Print Items (Per Print Item). Starting with this version, a Caption Origin can also be set to Print Items (Where the Caption is aligned to an invisible rectangle surrounding all Print items) or to Artboard. These Origin [68] settings have been available for Marks and are now available for Captions.
- Per Print Item – Places the Caption per Print Item based on the selected position.
- Print Items – Places the Caption along the enclosing invisible rectangle for all Print Items placed on the Sheet (bounding box of all Print Items) based on the selected position.
- Artboard - Places the Caption along the Artboard. The position (TrimBox or BleedBox) has no effect in this case. Captions being aligned to the Artboard should be placed on the inside so they will be visible and print properly.
List all Print Item designations on the Sheet
If you want to know which Print Items (Print Item names) are placed on the Sheet, use the Caption called and select either Artboard or Print Items as the Origin. This will list the names of each Print Item, separated by a vertical line »|«
X and Y Offset for Captions
Starting with version 1.7.6, Captions can be moved on the X and Y axes [69]. Before Release 1.7.6, horizontal Captions could only be moved along the Y-axis and vertical Captions only along the X-axis.
2.2.7. Auto Margin for Sheet Configuration
With all rule-based Impose Modes – Step & Repeat, Nesting and Tiling, Auto Margins [71] can now be added in the Sheet Configuration settings. This function is now selected by default when using rule-based Impose Modes, the reason for this is when a Cutter is applied for example, all necessary Marks and Barcodes, if any, are correctly added to the printable area.
If the option is not needed, then it must be deactivated in this dialog. It can also be overwritten manually by deselecting the Auto Margin checkbox and entering your desired Margins manually.
Figure 17: The option Auto Margins available in the Sheet Configuration dialog.

How the »Auto Margin« option works
Activating this option ensures that all elements generated when adding a Cutter will be printed, i.e. Marks and Barcodes directly and completely within the boundaries of the Sheet. With version 1.7.6, Auto Margins is only influenced by the Cutter settings.
2.3. »Tiling Modes«
Tiling Impose Mode has also been updated and optimized to include more functions which make the production process for assembling and printing Tiles much easier. We describe these features in more detail below.
2.3.1. Minor Improvements
The following minor improvements have been made:
- Show Cutter Marks and Barcodes –Tile Mode is active. Marks are not displayed when Overall View is active. For a more detailed description of all new features in the Cutting Device environment, please refer to the section Displaying and Defining Marks for Cutting Devices.
- Printed Overlap – Overlap Bleed (from version 1.7.5) has been renamed to Printed Overlap. This allows you to define a value for the Overlap and the Printed Overlap under the Overlap Parameters settings.
2.3.2. Printing and sending to Cutter Device
In version 1.7.5 a multi-page Tiling imposition had to be divided into individual Articles and then the Cutting Device had to be selected in the Send to Printer dialog for each individual Article, with version 1.7.6 a Tiling job can be saved as a multi-page PDF with Cutting Marks and sent to the printer and the Cutting Device in one action. The Tiling Mode is handled separately because the Marks and Barcodes are generated for each tile with potentially different page sizes.
After rendering, a single Cut file per tile is transferred to the Cutter. In this release, the handling of Cutting Devices has been revised in general. The new behavior is explained in the section Displaying and Defining Markers for Cutting Devices.
The Cutting Device must be selected in the Impose Editor when using Tiling.
If a Tiling job needs to be sent to a Cutting Device, the Cutter must be selected directly in the Impose Editor and not in the Send to Printer dialog. This is the only way to send a Tiling job to the Printer and the Cutting Device correctly.
2.3.3. Add Grommets
Starting with version 1.7.6, Grommets can be added in Tiling Mode. Tiling Impose Mode is handled separately, because Grommets must be generated per Tile. We describe in further detail adding Grommets and additional settings here.
2.4. »Nesting« Mode
We've also implemented additional functions for Nesting with the release of 1.7.6, which simplify certain settings and optimize the current features. We describe the updates made to Nesting below.
2.4.1. Collated/Uncollated
With the new option Collated you can determine the sequence of placed Items when Nesting. This option is described as follows:
- Collated is not activated [72]: The number of copies is honored when Nesting.
- Collated is activated [73]: The sequence of the Items as they are in the Print Items tab is used to determine the sequence as they are imposed on the Sheet.
Figure 18: The Collated/Uncollated option can create different results based on your needs when Nesting.
Important note
The Collate option is only available in Nesting mode when all Print Items have the same dimensions (TrimBox).
Using the Collate option in Nesting currently only places Items on a column by column basis. A row by row option will be available soon.
2.4.2. Allow Overproduction
The algorithm behind the Allow Overproduction function has been revised. The following strategy is applied starting with version 1.7.6. We will describe this feature using an example of five Print Items of the same dimensions which should be imposed in different quantities:
Allow overproduction is not activated
- If the Sheet size is so small that a single copy per Print Item cannot be placed, then no Items will be placed.
- If the Sheet size is so small that the entire number of Print Items cannot be placed, at least one Print Item is placed at a time. If a larger number of copies per Print Item can be placed, as many copies of that Item possible will be placed, but always maintaining the same number of copies per Print Item.
- If the Sheet is large enough, all Print Items will be placed according to the number of copies specified.
Allow Overproduction is activated
- If the Sheet size is so small that a single copy per Print Item cannot be placed, individual Print Items are placed according to the proportion of copies to be produced. It could happen that individual Print Items are not placed in the Production Job.
- If the Sheet size is so small that the entire number of Print Items cannot be placed, Print Items are placed according to the proportion of copies to be produced. However, each Print Item is used at least once when imposed.
- If the Sheet is large enough, all Print Items will be placed according to the number of copies specified and the available space is filled according to the proportion of copies to be produced.
2.4.3. Validating the imposition
In order to make it easier to check whether all Print Items in the Production Job have been correctly and completely imposed, a function has been implemented that indicates whether Print Items have been overproduced, underproduced or not placed. This function is available in both the Nesting and Step & Repeat Impose Modes.
Figure 19: The results of the validation are displayed in the header of the Impose Editor.
While the impositon is being recalculated, it is checked whether warnings occur. If no warnings exist, the yellow symbol with the number of warnings is not displayed.
Clicking the icon [74] opens a window displaying the warnings. Up to three different states can be displayed as warnings:
Number of underproduced Print Items [75]
- Occurs when the number of copies is greater than the number of Print Items.
- Occurs when the sheet is too small to impose all Print Items according to the number of copies.
Number of Overproduced Print Items [76]
- Occurs when the number of copies is less than the number of Print Items.
- Only occurs in combination with the Nesting option Allow Overproduction.
Number of unplaced Print Items [77]
- Occurs when the sheet is too small to impose all Print Items at least once in the Production Job.
Figure 20: The Impose validation overview with the three different warning states.
2.5. »Manual« Mode
Version 1.7.6 offers new functions in Manual Impose Mode. We have implemented a completely new tool for creating Grids and have also extended the functionality of Marks.
2.5.1. Grid Tool
With version 1.7.6, we've implemented the Grid Tool which allows users to place Print Items inside custom Grid Placeholders. Once a Grid has been created, it can be saved as a Grid Template for later use. We describe how to use the Grid Tool as well as additional tools that can be used in Manual Mode in more detail below.
Various Grid applications
Creating Grids is particularly useful for the label sector of the printing industry, where Die Cutting is a standard practice where no laser cutter is available to cut the rolls. In contrast to Step & Repeat Mode, where only one Print Item or multiple Print Items of the same size can be placed per column, the layout arrangement of the Print Items can be freely arranged and printed as needed.
However, using Grids in both the large format and packaging industry can also be beneficial for the production of double-sided printed sheets which are then punched or cut. The possibility of mirroring Grids makes it possible to produce accurate impositions for perfecting printing results.
Add a Grid
There are two ways to create a Grid, consisting of a number of symmetrical or asymmetrical placeholders arranged in a Manual imposition. The user can either create a Grid using the Grid Tool or by using predefined settings. Both variants are described below.
Figure 21: The selected Grid Tool in the toolbar with a previously created Grid.
Create regular or irregular Grids
- Open the Impose Editor in Manual Mode.
- Select the Grid Tool in the toolbar.
- Select the Grid Tool from the toolbar. Now you have to decide whether you want to create an irregular Grid or a regular Grid.
- If you want to create an irregular Grid, drag and draw the first placeholder with the selected Grid Tool.
- Then press and hold the
key and drag another placeholder. - If you want to create a regular Grid, use the Grid Tool to drag a large rectangle for all placeholders but keep the mouse button pressed.
- With the mouse button still pressed, use the arrow keys or the
will increase the amount of vertical placeholders, pressingD
will increase the number of horizontal placeholders.A
keys will reduce the amount of placeholders respectively. - When you release the mouse button, a regular Grid is created. A practically unlimited number of placeholders can be created.
Placeholders act as independent objects
A Grid can consist of several placeholders. Several placeholders together define the Grid. However, the individual placeholders do not interact with the other placeholders, so you can only edit the Grid manually by activating individual placeholders.
Create a regular Grid using the »Create grid« dialog
- Open the Impose Editor in Manual Mode.
- Select the Grid Tool in the toolbar.
- Click the Create Grid button [78] in the header.
- Define the settings for your Grid in the Create Grid dialog.
- Grid Settings [79] – Here you define the number of Columns and Rows for the Grid.
- Dimensions [80] – here you can define the size of the placeholders. Alternatively, the size of the placeholders can be defined automatically by selecting the option Auto Fill [81]. This completely fills the Sheet within the defined Margins - (this can be defined under the Margins setting area) with the predefined number of columns and rows.
- Spacing [82] – Here you can define the horizontal and vertical distance between placeholders.
- Origin [83] – This setting defines the upper left starting point of the Grid in relation to the defined Margins.
- Press Apply to create the Grid.
Figure 22: The user can manually define the Grid using the Create Grid dialog.

Editing a Placeholder
After creating a Grid in Manual Mode, the individual placeholders can be edited as needed with regard to position and size. To edit one or more placeholders, proceed as follows:
- In Manual Mode, create one or more Grids.
- Select the Placeholder tool in the toolbar.
- Select the Select Placeholder tool from the toolbar underneath the Draw Tool.
- Select the desired placeholder or placeholders while holding down the
key. - This offers the user a heads-up coordinate display [84] in which the X and Y coordinates as well as the width and height for the selection can be entered. The user can also change the position of the placeholder(s) and their size by clicking and dragging the anchor points with the mouse.
- Selecting a different tool or placeholder completes the operation.
Figure 23: A selected placeholder with the corresponding heads-up coordinate display.
Change width and height for multiple placeholders
In the current implementation, the ability to change the width and/or height of multiple placeholders simultaneously is not yet available. In version 1.7.6 you have to activate each placeholder individually and enter the corresponding width and height.
Save a Grid as a template and reuse it
Save the Grid as a Template
Once a Grid has been created and edited to your satisfaction, the user can save this Grid as a template for later use. To do this, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor in Manual Mode.
- Select the Grid Tool in the toolbar and create your desired Grid.
- Save the Grid as a template by clicking on the √ symbol [85], which opens the Save Template dialog.
Figure 24: The action bar of the Impose Editor with the Grid Tool selected.

- Enter a name [86] for your Grid template and press Save [87].
Figure 25: The Save Template dialog, which saves Grid Templates for later use.

- After closing the dialog, the name of the Grid Template is displayed in the selection menu [88].
- If the Grid is edited manually by the user and a change is made, this automatically flags the template with an »*«
- To return to the original Grid, the user can either click on the Restore Grid icon [90] or select the Grid in the selection menu [89] again.
Figure 26: The Save Template dialog, which saves Grid Templates for later use.

Reuse a Grid Template
To access a saved Grid Template and use it for a new imposition, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor in Manual Mode.
- Select the Grid Tool in the toolbar. This will display additional functions for the Grid Tool in the action bar (Figure 26).
- Select the Grid Template you are looking for from the Templates drop-down menu.
- The Grid will then be placed on the Sheet.
- If you have made a mistake, simply select the correct Template. By selecting a different Grid Template, the previously selected Template will be immediately deleted and replaced with the currently selected Grid Template.
Additional functions
Some additional functions may be required when creating or changing Grids in the Impose Editor. These are available in the action bar of the Impose Editor as soon as the Grid Tool has been selected. We describe the function of the additional tools below.
- Create Grid [91] – As previously described, this function can be used alternatively to create Grids. Clicking this button opens the Create Grid dialog (see Figure 22).
- Mirror Grid Layout – This can be used to mirror the Grid on the Sheet either flip horizontally [92] and/or flip vertically [93]. The placed designs are of course not mirrored.
- Remove all Print Items from the Placeholder [94] – Press this button to remove all Print Items placed in the placeholders. Print Items will only be removed from the imposition sheet but not from the Production Job.
- Remove all Placeholders including Print Items [95] – This function can be used to remove the Grid including all placed Print Items from the imposition sheet. Print Items are not deleted from the Production Job here either.
- Grid Tool Settings [96] – When this button is selected, the Grid Tool Settings dialog is opened where the default values to be applied when creating a Grid can be set.
- Placeholder Fill Options [97] – In this drop-down list you can select how the Print Items should be fitted into the placeholder when placing them. You can choose between Fit Proportionally, Fill Proportionally or Original Size.
Figure 27: Additional functions for the Grid Tool in the action bar of the Impose Editor.

Mirroring the Grid Layout
As soon as a grid has been drawn or created, it can also be mirrored horizontally and/or vertically. Only the positions of the individual placeholders are mirrored. The Print Items placed in them are not mirrored.
By clicking the Mirror Grid Layout Horizontally [92] or Mirror Grid Layout Vertically [93] buttons, the entire grid is mirrored horizontally or vertically on the impose sheet. Another click on the button returns the grid to its original position.
Figure 28: Comparison of the horizontal mirroring of the grid (left: without mirroring; right: horizontally mirrored)
Remove all Print Items from the Placeholder
By clicking the Remove all Print Items from the Placeholder button [94], Print Items already placed in placeholders can be removed from the imposition. Print Items will only deleted from the impose sheet. All Print Items are retained in the Production Job or in the Print Items tab of the Impose Editor.
Deleting placed Print Items
Placed Print Items can also be deleted by selecting the Print Item with the Selection Tool and pressing the Delete
Remove all Placeholders including Print Items
By clicking the button Remove all Placeholders including Print Items [95], all previously placed Print Items and all placeholders are removed from the imposition. Print Items are only deleted from the impose sheet. The Print Items are retained in the Production Job or in the Print Items tab of the Impose Editor.
Edit grid settings
By default, the Grid is created with placeholders in 1 pt black dashed lines without horizontal and vertical spacing. This default setting can be changed by the user. To customize Grid settings, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor in Manual Mode.
- Select the Grid Tool in the toolbar.
- Click on the Grid Tool Settings button [96].
- Define the Grid Tool Settings using this dialog (see Fig. 26).
- Stroke [98] – Define the Stroke weight that will be used to draw the placeholder.
- Line Type [101] – You can specify whether the placeholders should have a dashed or solid line.
- Color [99] – Sets the line color for the placeholder.
- Drag Spacing [100] – Sets the horizontal and vertical distance between each placeholder when drawing the Grid.
- Click Apply to save the Grid Settings.
Figure 28: The Grid Tool Settings dialog.

Filling placeholders with Print Items
A Grid can be filled with Print Items in different ways. To place Print Items in a Grid, the Grid Tool must be selected, otherwise the Print Items will simply be placed on the impose sheet without taking the Grid into account. The following options are available:
- From the File Manager: Articles (this includes multi-selecting Articles) can be placed directly from the File Manager into placeholders using drag & drop.
- From the Print Items tab: Print Items from the Print Items tab can be placed using drag & drop as well. Since the Print Items are already in the Production Job, they do not have to be copied into the Production Job beforehand.
Hints for placing Print Items in a Grid
- Placing Print Items in a Grid can only be done with the Grid Tool selected.
- The number of copies entered is always the same as the number of Print Items placed. This means that the number of copies for the first Item is placed first and the second Item is placed after successfully placing the first Item.
- Item placement is carried out line by line. The placement sequence is horizontal (without zigzagging).
1 – 1 – 2 – 2
3 – 3 – 3 – 3
4 – 4 – 4 – 4 - You can determine which placeholder the first Print Item is to be placed in by hovering the cursor with the loaded Print Items over the desired placeholder. The placeholder is highlighted based on the selected color in the Grid settings (see Figure 29). If the placeholder is not highlighted, the Print Items are normally placed on the impose sheet according to the available space after releasing the mouse button. The Grid is not affected by the Auto Rotation placement algorithm.
Figure 29: The impose sheet with an active Grid. Loading the Print Item stack into a placeholder which is highlighted in dark gray, this will automatically place all Items selected.
Figure 30: The filled Grid after releasing the mouse button.
- The placed Print Item is trimmed by the placeholder. If you want to place Print Items including the bleed, you must take this into account when creating the Grid.
- If there are fewer Print Items to be placed than available placeholders, the Grid is filled up to the last Print Item to be placed.
- If there are fewer placeholders than the total number of Print Items available, the first placement will start in the placeholder and the remainder will start again in the first placeholder.
- Print Items already place in a placeholders can be replaced by simply dragging the new Print Item into a filled placeholder.
- If a Grid has been mirrored, the Grid can be filled automatically if the Print Items are dragged into the first placeholder of the mirrored Grid. Example: If the first placeholder in our example was the upper left placeholder (woman with grey background), the first placeholder after mirroring horizontally is the upper right placeholder.
2.5.2. Extended Mark options
In addition to assigning a Spot Color to a Mark (see Extended Mark Settings), the Origin and Position of Marks can also be defined from this version onwards in Manual Mode. These two options behave the same way as in rule-based Impose Modes.
The following options can be selected from the Origin drop-down menu:
- Per Print Item – Applies Marks to each Print individual item (default behavior before version 1.7.6)
- Print Items – Applies Marks at the edge of an invisible rectangle which surrounds all placed Print Items (new)
- Artboard – Applies Marks aligned to the edges of the Artboard (new)
The following options can be selected in the Position selection menu:
- BleedBox – Aligns Marks to the BleedBox based on the selected Origin, Per Print Item or Print Items.
- TrimBox – Aligns Marks to the TrimBox based on the selected Origin, Per Print Item or Print Items.
2.6. User-defined Fields
The creation and use of User-defined Fields has been available since the menu item Administration > Master Data was created.
With version 1.7.6, user-defined fields can now finally be created in the Workflow via the user interface. All options are available under Administration > Settings > User-defined Fields. There are two settings areas plus an information panel available:
- Categories [102]: Different Categories of User-defined Fields are displayed here for Article, Order, etc. This is where User-defined Fields can be administered.
- User-defined Fields [103]: In this panel, previously created User-defined Fields for their respective categories are listed. By using the Change display ordering [105] button in the Categories panel footer, you can change the order of the User-defined Fields as they are listed in Article view for example.
- User-defined Field [104]: The parameters defined for the selected User-defined Field are displayed in this panel.
Figure 31: The User-defined Fields tab can be found under Administration > Settings > User-defined Fields.
2.6.1. Add a User-defined Field
To create User-defined Fields, proceed as follows:
- Log in to the Workflow
- Navigate to the menu item Administration > Settings > User-defined Fields
- Under the Categories panel, select the Category for which you want to create a User-defined Field. The following Categories are available:
- Article – User-defined Fields are available in Article view.
- Print Item – User-defined Fields are available either in the Print Item view for an Order or a Production Job.
- Order – User-defined Fields are available under the Order Information tab > User-defined Fields tab.
- Production Job – User-defined Fields are available in the User-defined Fields tab for Production Jobs.
- After selecting the desired Category, existing User-defined Fields are displayed under the User-defined Fields [103] panel.
- To add a new field, click on the + Add [106] button in the footer of the User-defined Fields panel.
- This opens the Add User-defined Fields dialog, where you can select the desired entries and parameters.
Figure 32: The Add User-defined Fields dialog.

- In the dialog, choose your required settings for the User-defined Field. Note the following information:
- Key – This must be defined as a unique name, in capital letters, without special characters or spaces.
- Label – Here you can enter a name that will be displayed for the User-defined Field in the Workflow.
- Comment – An optional comment can be added here. Comments are only displayed in the User-defined Field section.
- Mandatory – This defines whether or not the field should be mandatory. If the checkbox is not activated, the input is not mandatory. This an area where a Default Value [108] can be established.
- Hide – This option defines whether the field should be displayed or not. If the check box is not activated, the input field is visible. If the checkbox is activated, the input field is no longer displayed. You need the latter options if, for example, an input field is no longer required at a later point in time. Deleting an input field is not possible at this time.
- Field Type [107] – Here you can define the input field type. By selecting a field type, the input can be checked for syntactical correctness. We describe the purpose and specific options concerning Field Types below:
- Default Value [108] – A Default Value can be specified with almost all Field Types.
- After you have entered your desired information, click on Save [109]. This saves the User-defined Field, but in order to use this field another step is required. This is made clear to the user by the warning triangle [110] in the list. The tool tip that is visible explains to the user the next step that must be taken.
- Restart the PMS service to complete the new User-defined Field. Follow these instructions.
Figure 33: The User-defined Fields panel, after saving the new User-defined Field.

Available Field Types and their purposes
In the Add User-defined Field dialog, various field types can be selected. These include:
- Boolean Expression [111] – This option is displayed as a checkbox in the user interface. Only the values Yes or No can be displayed and chosen.
Numeric [112] – This is displayed in the user interface as an input field for numbers.
- For the Numeric Type option we offer three different numeric settings – Default System Settings, Integer or Decimal Number.
- In addition to a default value, a minimum and maximum value can also be defined.
- The input field Step determines in which steps the number in the input field should be increased or decreased by clicking the arrows.
- Text: single-line [113] – This option is displayed in the user interface as a single-line input field for text. A default value can be defined.
- Text: multiple lines [114] – This option is displayed in the user interface as a multiple line input field for text. A default value can be defined.
Selection Field [115] – is displayed in the user interface as a selection menu.
- A default value can be defined.
- The items contained in the selection menu can be defined by the item per line.
- Date [116] – This option is displayed in the user interface in the form of a date selection. The current date can be selected as the default value.
- Date & Time [117] – This option is displayed in the user interface in the form of a date with time selection. The current day including the current time can be selected as the default value.
Figure 34: The User-defined Field Types in overview, showing the diverse inputs and values that can be entered.
PMS must be restarted
Once a User-defined Field has been created, the PMS service must be restarted to fully implement it in the Workflow. You can find out how to restart the service here.
2.6.2. Editing User-defined Fields
The Edit button can be used to edit User-defined Fields that have already been created. The dialog for this is action is identical to the dialog for adding a User-defined Field.
You can use the Edit button to edit existing custom fields again. The dialog for this is identical to the dialog for creating fields.
The Key and Field Type cannot be changed afterwards. If this is necessary, the User-defined Field must be deleted and created again. Please refer to the section Delete User-defined Fields.
2.6.3. Duplicating User-defined Fields
The Copy button can be used to duplicate User-defined Fields that have already been created. This duplicates the User-defined Field and is changed by adding a suffix (Copy 1).
- The label of the User-defined Field with (Copy 1)
- The Key is automatically extended with _1
Using the Edit function, a change can be made to the Key and Field type.
2.6.4. Deleting User-defined Fields
User-defined Fields that have already been created can only be deleted as long as they have not been activated by restarting the PMS service. User-defined Fields that have not been activated can be removed at any time using the Delete button. For technical reasons, User-defined Fields that have already been activated can only be hidden using the Hide button in the user interface.
2.7. New handling of Cutting Devices
In version 1.7.6 the handling of all Cutting Devices in the Workflow has been completely revised. We've also added further minor improvements. The following sections describe the new handling and features.
- Parameters that refer to the creation of the cutting file can still be defined under Administration > Cutter Devices.
- Parameters relating to the shape of the Marks & Barcodes can now be defined and displayed in the Impose Editor.
2.7.1. Migrating Cutter Devices
After updating to version 1.7.6 previously created Cutting Devices will no longer be configured correctly. The existing Cutter configurations will be marked as invalid by adding (not working) to the name. As soon as such configurations are used in a Production Job, an error message is displayed indicating that this configuration is no longer valid. There are two ways to fix this problem:
Variant 1:
- Delete the old Cutter Device completely
- Adding the same Cutter Device as a new device with a new configuration.
- Use one of the new Cutter Devices incl. new configurations in the Workflow.
Variant 2:
- Keep the old Cutting device in the Workflow
- Select the existing Cutter Configuration that is marked as (not working)
- Create a new configuration in the old Cutter Device
- Use the new Cutter Device with your new configuration in Workflow
Creating new configurations is more or less mandetory
One of the two paths mentioned above must be taken, as the configurations have changed fundamentally and have been expanded considerably. All previously existing parameters of a configuration were removed and partly replaced by new parameters.
2.7.2. Administrating Cutting Devices
Cutting devices must still be created under Administration > Cutter Devices. Due to the built in logic, only a few parameters are available here. However, new parameters have been added and those parameters that refer to the shape have been removed from the configurations in this area.
New Parameters
In addition to the parameters previously known from version 1.7.5, the following new parameters have been added to the Parameters [116] panel under Administration > Cutter Devices for the configuration of Cutting Devices:
Write Marks into CutFile – This defines whether the coordinates of the Marks must be written to the CutfFile. In case of automatic Mark detection by the cutter, this parameter must be set to
. - Cutter File Type – Defines the file type of the cutting file. Basically any available file type (HPG, DFX, XML,...) can be used. However, this parameter should not be changed as it is already predefined by the system.
Write Barcode Content into Filename – Determines whether the Barcode content should be inserted at the
or at theend
of the name of the cutting file. Some systems expect the content of the Barcode at the beginning, others at the end of the cutting file. -
Trim Substrate Shape – If this parameter is set to
, the Marks & Barcodes will be placed at the edge of the Substrate. If this parameter is set totrue
, the Marks are generated using the invisible rectangle which surrounds the placed Print Items. - Cutfile Name – For almost all cutting devices the cutting file name is the same as the name of the Production Job, for some systems the file name must be composed of certain values. In this case, a string can be entered according to the manufacturer specifications.
- Mirror Horizontally – Mirrors the entire cutfile horizontally.
Figure 35: The Cutter Devices dialog for creating, editing and deleting Cutters with the Kongsberg device in use with i-Cut ProductionConsole 2.1.
Deleted Parameters
The following parameters, which refer to the shape, have been removed from the parameters for Cutter Devices under Administration > Cutter Devices and can therefore no longer be edited here. The following attributes for Barcodes and Captions are affected:
- Barcode/QR Code: Size, Type, Position, activate/deactivate
- Marks: Size, diameter, Offset, maximum Mark spacing, stroke, enable/disable
Appearance of Marks and Barcodes can be defined in the Impose Editor
All these parameters, which describe the type of Mark or the appearance of the Mark and/or Barcodes, have been removed. These parameters can now be managed and edited in the Impose Editor. We'll take a deeper look in the next two sections.
2.7.3. Using a Cutter in a Production Job
There are four different ways that Cutters can be used for Production Jobs:
Variant 1 – Send to Printer dialog:
Cutters can be selected in the Send to Printer dialog. All respective Marks & Barcodes will be generated based on the selected configuration for the first Print Item in the Production Job. In the background, an imposition is created which displays the corresponding Marks & Barcodes.
This function was available with previous versions of the Workflow.
Variant 2 – Force Print
Cutting devices can also be selected under Automation > Force Print. When creating a Production Job via Force Print, the Cutter Device can also be selected automatically by selecting a Force Print Template. When using Force Print, you can select whether you want to create only one Production Job or whether you also want to send it to the printer immediately. The following steps are automatically executed:
Create Production Job: By clicking this option in the action bar, the following actions are taken:
- Print Items are transfered to the server
- A Production Job is created
- Print Items are added to the Production Job and checked against the default preflight profile (please note, preflighting is not stopped if an error is detected during checkin.)
- Creates an imposition based on the selected Impose Template
- Marks & Barcodes are then generated based on the selected configuration for the first Print Item in the Production Job.
Send to Printer: By clicking this option in the action bar, the following actions are taken:
- All five of the previously mentioned steps are carried out
- The Send to Printer dialog is executed and the file is sent to the printer.
This variant was available with previous versions of the software. However, it has been enhanced with new functions in the cutting device environment and by the possibility to perform a joint Nesting for several Print Items in one Production Job.
Variant 3 – Hotfolder
A cutting device can be selected together with a predefined Parameter Set under the Finishing tab of the Hotfolder Settings dialog. As with Force Print, Production Jobs can only be created or rendered immediately by using the "Automatically Send to the Printer" option. The procedure for Hotfolders is therefore identical to that for Force Print. There are only a few differences. These include:
- A different preflight profile can be selected.
- The "Preflight only page 1" option can be either activated or not.
- Currently only one Production Job per Print Item can be created in the Hotfolder and thus Nesting and attaching of the Cutting Marks can only be carried out for one Print Item.
- Production Jobs can be created based on predefined XML structures.
This function was available with previous versions of the Workflow. However, it has been expanded to include new functions in the Cutter Device environment.
Variant 4 – Impose Editor
The three variants mentioned thus far can only only handle a single Print item in a Production Job and simply writes the Marks and Barcodes into the Imposition. But we have also added support for Cutting Devices in the Impose Editor. An unlimited amount of Print Items can first be edited in the Impose Editor and then the Cutting Device can be selected directly in the Impose Editor, immediately displaying the Marks and Barcodes. Follow the steps below to add Cut Marks in the Impose Editor:
- Open the Impose Editor
- Select the appropriate Impose Mode
- Add your desired Print Items to the sheet
- After completing the Imposition, select the Finishing tab. Here you will find the new sub-area called Cutter Devices [118].
- Select your desired Cutter Device [119] and the appropriate Parameter Set [120] in the settings area.
- Marks and Barcodes corresponding to the selected Parameter Set are immediately displayed on the sheet.
- The Parameter Set is always defined by the default settings. The possible parameters [121] of the Barcodes and Marks are below. These can be edited optionally and a new configuration saved (see section 2.7.4 Cutter Device configuration settings and saving).
- Save the Production Job or Imposition.
- Saving the Imposition which includes a Cutter Device automatically sets the selected Cutter Device in the Send to Printer dialog under the Finishing tab. The Cutter Device can be optionally removed or overwritten here as well.
- The Production Job can be sent to the printer and the Cutting Device at the same time.
Figure 36: The sub-area Cutter Devices with a Zünd Cutter selected. The Marks and Barcodes generated can be seen on the sheet in real time.
2.7.4. Cutter Device configuration settings and saving
Since these parameters, which determine the appearance of Marks and Barcodes, can no longer be changed under Administration > Cutter Devices, we've added the possibility to change or save Cutter Device settings. This option is now available in the Impose Editor. Follow the steps below to modify or save Cutter Device settings:
- Open the Impose Editor
- Select the appropriate Impose Mode
- Add your desired Print Items to the sheet
- After completing the Imposition, select the Finishing tab.
- Select your desired Cutter Device and the appropriate Parameter Set in the Cutter Device sub-area.
- Below the Cutter Device settings, the current parameters for the selected Parameter Set are displayed. In most cases there are both Marks and Barcodes.
- Marks must be set for each Cutter. These parameters are available in the subarea Cutter Mark [122].
- Barcodes can optionally be set for Cutters as well. These parameters are available in the subarea Barcodes [123]. Please note that there is a separate subarea for each Mark if content for each Mark is unique.
Available parameters for »Mark« and »Barcode« sub-areas
These two sub-areas offer previously available parameters plus the new parameters required for specific Cutting Devices. The available parameters are described below.
Cutter Marks
The following parameters can be found under the Cutter Mark subarea:
- Activate [124] – Determines whether Marks should be created and placed or not. It could be possible that Marks have already been created manually by the pre-press department, which is why there is an option to not include Marks.
- Intermediate Marks [125] – Determines whether Marks are only needed on the corners or also along horizontal and vertical edges.
- Distance [128] – Determines the maximum distance between two Marks. If the distance is greater than defined, another intermediate Mark is added. This function is only effective if the option Intermediate Marks is activated.
Orientation Marks [126] – Adds an Orientation Mark. The Orientation Mark allows the cutting device to recognize the orientation of the substrate (feeding direction). Two further parameters are available for the position of the Orientation Marks.
- Set to [127] – Determines the position to which the Orientation Mark should be set.
- Offset [129] – Determines the Offset with which the Orientation Mark should be set from the selected position.
All other parameters are previously known from the Marks settings. For more information, please refer to the article Mark Parameters.
Figure 37: Options for the Cutter Mark sub-area under the Cutter Device settings.

If Barcodes are included in the default configuration, they are also displayed in the Impose Editor. A separate Barcode panel is displayed for each individual Barcode, as the positions can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer.
The following parameters can be found under the Barcode sub-area:
- Activate [130] – Determines whether Barcodes should be created and placed or not. In some situations it might be necessary not to include Barcodes on each side of the imposition, because there might not be enough space on the sheet.
- Barcode Type [131] – Select the type of Barcode here. There are well over a hundred different types of Barcodes, Data Matrix or QR Codes available.
- Rotate [132] – Use this to determine the orientation of the Barcode for the respective side of the sheet.
- Show Text [139] – Check this box to add the content of the Barcode as text below the Barcode. This function will not work for Data Matrix and QR Codes.
- Width and Height [133] – Defines the size of the Barcode.
- Origin, Set to, Position and X and Y Offset are identical to those for Marks. For more information, please refer to the article Mark Parameters.
- Font [134]: Define which Font Family (e.g. Arial) and Font Weight (e.g. Bold) should be used for the text in the Barcode. Fonts can also be uploaded to the server using the Font Manager [140].
- Font Size [135]: Use this to define the Font Size, always defined in pts, to be used for the text in the Barcode. By selecting the Font Size you can improve the legibility of the Caption, for example: coarse meshed textures or low resolution print modes.
- Color [137]: Use this setting to define the Barcode color. There are two options for selecting Barcode color:
- CMYK Color Values [137] – Color values are determined by entering CMYK values. By default, the CMYK Color Value 0/0/0/100 is used when adding a Barcode.
- System-wide Spot Color – Select a system-wide Spot Color for the Barcode.
- Background Color [138] – By default, Barcodes with a white background are defined. Alternatively, a different color can be assigned here.
Figure 38: Barcodes sub-area settings in detail.

Editing Cutter Device configurations
If you want to change parameters, you only need to open the sub-area provided for this purpose and change the desired parameters.
Saving Cutter Device configurations
If a configuration has been changed, it is marked as changed. As usual, a * symbol is displayed at the end of the configuration name. This mark can be removed by resetting the configuration or saving it as a new configuration.
Reset a changed configuration – To reset any changes made, press the Reset Template button [142].
Figure 39: A modified Cutter Device configuration can be identified by the asterisk* next to the Cutter Device configuration name.

Save a new configuration – To save changed parameters as a new configuration, proceed as follows:
- Change Marks and/or Barcodes as described above.
- Click on the Save button [141] below the drop-down menus, which opens the Save Cutter Configuration dialog.
- In the dialog, enter a new name [143] for the configuration.
- Save your changes by clicking on Save [144].
After saving the dialog, a new configuration will be added to the selected Cutter Device under Administration > Cutter Devices, which can be reused throughout the Workflow.
Figure 40: The Save Cutter Configuration dialog.

2.8. Support for new Cutting Devices
In the course of this version further parameter sets for different systems or software variants were integrated. Furthermore, support for the Elitron CAM cutting devices was added as well.
2.8.1. Esko Kongsberg
Until now, only HPG or HPGL files with cross marks were available in the Workflow for Kongsberg Cutters. Unfortunately, these do not work for all software combinations. For this reason we extended the Esko Kongsberg Cutter by adding two new configuration variants. With version 1.7.6 there are now three configurations which can be used depending on the software:
- XP-Guide | HPGL | Cross-Marks – This configuration contains settings from earlier versions of the Workflow. This configuration can be used with XP-Guide software. When this configuration is selected, cross marks are generated and HPGL cut files are transferred to the cutter. Cross mark coordinates are not written into the cut file by default.
- i-Cut Vision 7.2.3 | HPGL | Sphere-Marks – This configuration contains new settings which are now available with version 1.7.6. This configuration can be used with the i-Cut Vision software. When this configuration is selected, circular marks are generated and HPGL cut files are transferred to the cutting device. The sphere mark coordinates are written into the cut file by default.
- i-Cut ProductionConsole 2.1 | DXF | Sphere-Marks – This configuration contains new settings which are now available with version 1.7.6. This configuration can be used with i-Cut ProductionConsole 2.1 software. When this configuration is selected, sphere marks and a QR code are generated and DXF cut files are transferred to the cutter. The sphere mark coordinates are written into the cut file by default.
2.8.2. Zünd BHS
Up until now only Barcodes & Spheres could be generated in the Workflow for Zünd Cutters. Unfortunately these do not work for the Zünd BHS. To alleviate this problem a new configuration has been provided for Zünd Cutters. Starting with version 1.7.6 there are now two configurations, which are device dependent:
- Zünd CutCenter 3.2 – This configuration contains the settings from the previous Workflow version. This configuration can be used with the Zünd CutCenter software. When the configuration is selected, spheres and Barcodes are generated and ZCC cut files are transferred to the cutter. The sphere coordinates are written into the cut file by default.
- Zünd CutCenter 3.2 | BHS – This configuration contains new settings available with version 1.7.6. This configuration can be used with the Zünd CutCenter software. When selecting this configuration, no spheres are generated, instead four QR codes are generated on the substrate edges. These can then be automatically read and processed by the system.
2.8.3. Elitron CAM – Kombo
With 1.7.6 the integration of the Elitron CAM - KOMBO in connection with the cutting software Elipack was implemented. This section explains how you add this cutting device to the Workflow and then use it for Production Jobs.
Add the Elitron CAM – Kombo to the Workflow
Before the Elitron CAM – Kombo can be used in the Workflow for Production Jobs, the cutting device must be added in the Workflow. Follow these four steps:
Step 1: Setting up Shares for the Elitron CAM combo in the Workflow
Elipack should be running – so it is available in the Workflow. To do this, the Host & Share must be created under Administration > File Management. Details on this topic can be found under our article Manage Shares and Folders.
Step 2: Add the Elitron CAM – Kombo cutter to the Workflow
In order to be able to use the Elitron CAM – Kombo in production, the cutting device must first be created in the Workflow as a cutting device. Proceed as follows:
- Go to Administration > Cutter Devices.
- Open the Add Cutter dialog by clicking on the + New button
Figure 41: The Add Cutter dialog showing the Elitron CAM Cutter being set up.

- Select the following parameters in the open dialog:
- Device Type [145] – Select Elitron CAM.
- Name – Enter a unique name for your cutting device. If you have two devices of the same type, you should also create the device twice and give each cutter unique names and target directories in the Workflow.
- Serial Number – Optionally enter the serial number of the device, which makes sense if two cutting devices from the same manufacturer are used.
- Host [146] – Select the Host and Destination as defined in step 1.
- Finalize the creation by clicking on Save.
Step 3: Check the configuration of the Elitron CAM – Kombo
A default configuration is created after the Cutting Device has been successfully created. This configuration can be used with Elipack software. When this configuration is selected, spheres are generated and XML cutting files are transferred to the cutter. The coordinates of the spheres are written into the cut file by default. This configuration can best be checked in the Impose Editor. If necessary, user defined configurations can also be created and used. More on this topic can be found in sections: Using a Cutter in a Production Job and Cutting Device Configuration settings and saving.
Figure 42: The settings of the menu item Administration > Cutter Devices with a valid Elitron CAM - Combo configuration.
Step 4: Assign Technical Colors to Pen Types
- Select the newly created Elitron CAM from the list of the Devices panel [147].
- The Pen Types panel is displayed underneath the Devices, Parameters Sets and Parameters panels.
Figure 43: The Pen Types panel with a list of Pen Types associated with the Elitron CAM Cutting Device.

- Select a Pen Type [148] from the list.
- Click on Edit [149] in the footer of the panel, which opens the Edit Cutter Pen Type dialog.
Figure 44: The Edit Cutter Pen Type dialog where the available Technical Colors can be bound to a Pen Type.

- In the selection menu Available Technical Colors [151], select the System-wide Technical Color that is to be bound to the selected Cutter Pen Type (Name) [150]. If several Technical Colors should be bound to one Pen Type, repeat the step you just carried out. Technical Colors that have already been bound to a Pen Type are displayed in the list but are dimmed. Pen Types that have been previously bound are listed under Mapped Colors [152].
- Once you have bound all required Technical Colors to a Pen Type, click Save to complete the Elitron CAM Combo setup.
Using the Elitron CAM – Kombo in a Production Job
Read here how cutting devices can be used for Production Jobs.
2.9. Sending a multipage document to a Cutting Device
As of version 1.7.6, multi-page documents can also be transferred to a Cutting Device. We describe this process in more detail in the following sections.
2.9.1. Using the Send to Printer dialog
The first possibility to print multi-page documents and simultaneously send them to the Cutting Device is available in the Send to Printer dialog. Proceed as follows:
- Create a new Production Job or open an existing one using the Job menu item.
- Add a multi-page document to this Production Job.
- Do not impose the Print Item.
- Open the Send to Printer dialog box
- Click on the Finishing tab.
- Select the desired Cutting Device. By selecting a Cutting Device, the necessary Marks and Barcodes are placed on each page of a multi-page document.
- As soon as you start rendering the multi-page document by pressing the Send to Printer button, a separate cutfile for each print job is created and sent to the Cutter per page.
Do not impose your Print Items
In order for the multi-page document to be successfully transferred to the Cutter, it is important that the Print Items are not imposed. Only the first page of the print document is used when creating an imposition. To impose individual pages of a multi-page file, you must first split the multi-page document into individual Print Items.
2.9.2. Force Print
Variant 2 - Fast printing:
- Select the Automation > Force Print menu.
- Upload a multi-page document by clicking or dragging it to the Upload Files drop zone.
- Select an Output Configuration.
- Select the desired Cutting Device.
- Do not select an Impose Mode or an Impose Template.
- Create the Production Job by selecting Create Production Job in the action bar or send the file directly to the printer by selecting Send to Printer in the action bar. When the Production Job is created, the necessary Marks and Barcodes are placed on each page of the multi-page document. Single cut files per page are transferred to the Cutter.
2.9.3. Hotfolder
The third option for printing multi-page documents and simultaneously sending them to a Cutting Device is available to the user under Automation > Hotfolder. Proceed as follows:
- Choose Automation > Hotfolder.
- Create a new Hotfolder or edit a pre-existing Hotfolder. In both cases, the Create Hotfolder or Edit Hotfolder dialog will open.
- Select the desired Cutting Device and Parameter Set in the Finishing tab.
- Do not select an Impose Mode or an Impose Template.
- Save the configuration and start monitoring the Hotfolder.
- Copy a multi-page document into the corresponding source directory. When processing the Hotfolder job, the necessary Marks and Barcodes are placed on each page of the multi-page document. A single Cut file per document page is transferred to the Cutting Device.
2.10. Fixups
With version 1.7.6 of the software existing Fixups have been improved in their handling and functionality. We've also added additional options to specific Fixups which we cover in more detail below.
2.10.1. New Fixups
With version 1.7.6 new Fixups have been added specifically for the LFP and Packaging market segments. The following new Fixups have been added:
- Clip Existing White Channel – An existing white channel in a PDF file can be reduced in size to avoid "pre-flashing" the underlying white color.
- Remove Spot Color – Deletes Spot Colors in a PDF file.
- Increase White Objects – Allows you to zoom in on white objects such as text and/or vectors, so that they remain clearly visible on a dark background in the printed image.
2.10.2. Improvements to existing Fixups
With version 1.7.6, existing Fixup usability has been simplified and refined. The following Fixups have been extended in their scope of functions and optimized as well:
Banners and Grommets – This Fixup has been available since version 1.7.5, which allows the user to create Banners with or without Grommets, has been expanded considerably regarding the available options. The following new features have been implemented:
- The Fixup has been renamed to Add Finishing [153]
- The Add Edge Reinforcement option [154] can now be defined for each edge.
- Add Folding Lines [155] can now be defined for each edge.
- Grommets [156] can now be defined for each edge.
Figure 45: The revised Add Finishing dialog.
- Add Dieline to Irregular Shapes – This Fixup has been enhanced with the "Reduce to outer border" option, which limits the creation of a Dieline to the outer border of the shape.
- Convert Pure Black to Deep Black – This Fixup has been extended with the "Include intermediate color values" option. This option converts all shades of the selected color value to deep black, while retaining the color tone.
- Rename, Convert or Delete Spot Colors – Multiple Spot Colors that match the search results are now displayed in a drop-down menu. This allows you to select any available Pantone color value from the list.
- All Fixups in which a Spot Color must be selected or entered – If the names of the Spot Colors that were previously in a PDF file and already created system-wide had to be entered by the user, these can now be selected in a drop-down menu for Spot Colors.
2.11. Send to Printer dialog
In the Send to Printer dialog further improvements regarding scaling and new functions for Lead In/Out have been implemented. Both new features are described below.
2.11.1. »Lead-In« tab
The Lead In/Out function has been completely revised in the Workflow to give the user the possibility to determine what is to be printed when Lead In/Out is selected, we also offer the ability to send the Lead In/Out as a separate Job to the printer.
The user can specify in the Lead In/Out tab of the Send to Printer dialog which Spot Colors, Technical Colors and whether all Process Colors of the print file should to be printed. By default, Technical Colors that have been assigned to the type CutContour in the System-wide Spot Colors are used here. To determine which objects should be printed in a Lead In/Out Job, proceed as follows:
- In the Production Job menu, create a new Production Job or open an existing Production Job.
- Add a Print Item to the Production Job, which includes Spot Colors and a Dieline as well.
- Open the Send to Printer dialog and select the Lead In/Out tab.
Figure 46: New settings have been added to the LeadIn/Out tab of the Send to Printer dialog.

- In order to specify the number of copies and the content to be printed using Lead In/Out. The following settings are available:
Lead In [157] – Please keep the following information in mind when using Lead In:
- If you enter a Lead In of 0, no copies (in front or in back) will be made.
- If you enter a Lead In that is greater than 0, a separate job will be sent to the printer as a Lead In- or Lead Out job with the number of copies entered.
- If the Lead In is greater than 0, the Lead In is created before the actual Production Job when it is sent to the printer.
- If the Lead Out is greater than 0, the Lead Out is then created after the actual Production Job when it is sent to the printer. In this case, the number entered determines the number of copies of the Lead Out. What is new in this version is that the operator can define which colors are to be printed in the Lead In/Out settings:
- Print all Process Colors in Lead In/Out [158] – Check this box if you want to include and print the process colors contained in a Print Item for either the Lead In or Out.
- Spot Colors [159] – Check this box to select Spot Colors contained in a Print Item for either Lead In/Out.
- Technical Colors [161] – In this section you can select specific Spot Colors that are to be output in the Lead In or Out. If all or no Technical Colors should be output, you can use the Select All and Select None buttons.
Lead In [157] – Please keep the following information in mind when using Lead In:
- Clicking on Reset [162] discards currently entered settings and resets the dialog to the default settings. By default, only a Technical Color of the type CutContour is activated (when available).
- Using the function Send Lead In/Out to Printer [160] only the entered Lead In/Out colors will be sent to the printer without sending the actual Production Job to the printer.
- When you finally start the Production Job by clicking on Send to Printer, the Lead In/Out print job and the normal Production Job are created and sent to the printer.
Using the same color settings
Please note that different color settings cannot be defined for the Lead In/Out. The current color settings for your job will also apply to the Production Job, the Lead In/Out, etc.
Send Lead In to Printer cannot be selected
Please note that the Send Lead In to Printer function in combination with a roll media printer (e.g.: a Tau printing system) is deactivated by default. If you use a Tau printer, you should always send the Lead In/Out data together with the actual Production Job, since the printer controller software allows you to output the Lead In/Out data separately.
2.11.2. »Size« tab
In the Size tab two further changes were added in the course of this release.
- It is now possible to scale a Production Job even if a Cutter is selected. The respective Marks and Barcodes are not scaled.
- The Original Size selection renders the Production Job in its original size and resets the Scaling and Size functions.
Figure 47: The Size tab in the Send to Printer dialog.

Scaling Production Jobs in connection with Cutter Devices
If a Production Job including the Cutter is scaled via the Send to Printer dialog, a scaled imposition including Marks and Barcodes for the Cutter is created in the background. This imposition cannot be changed afterwards in the Impose Editor. This option will only be available in future versions of the Workflow.
2.12. Output Configuration Templates
In practice, a specific number of Substrates are printed on specific printers in a specific Color Configuration and resolution. Operators very often must select the same settings in their daily work. We now offer a new feature where the user can select a pre-determined Output Configuration Template.
Starting with version 1.7.6, common Output Configurations can be saved as templates so that they can be quickly located and applied in the Workflow. The following settings are saved in a template specifying the output configuration:
- Printer
- Print Configuration
- Substrate
- Substrate Definition
- Color Policy
- Destination (target directory)
- DeviceN Color Correction (optional)
We describe in more detail how to create an Output Configuration in the following sections.
2.12.1. Saving an Output Template in a Production Job
Creating a template
In a Production Job, before it can be sent to the printer, a complete Output Configuration must be selected and, if necessary, an imposition must be carried out. To select a Output Configuration and then save it as a template, proceed as follows:
- Select the Production Job menu item.
- Open a pre-existing Production Job or create a new Production Job by clicking on + New in the action bar.
- Activate the Output Configuration tab in the open Production Job.
- Select the desired Output Configuration by choosing specific settings for each of the 5 categories – Print Configuration, Substrate Definition, Color Policy, DeviceN Color Correction and Destination.
- Select a Printer [166] and a Print Configuration [167] under the Print Configuration panel.
- Select a Substrate or a Substrate Definition [168] under the Substrate Definition panel.
- Select an appropriate Color Policy [169] under the Color Policy panel.
- A DeviceN Color Correction under the DeviceN Color Correction [170] panel can be optionally selected.
- Under the Destination panel, select the desired Destination [171] for the printer. The target directory that you specified as default directory when creating the printer or creating the profile should be selected by default.
Figure 48: Selecting an Output Configuration within a Production Job.
- As soon as the selected Output Configuration is completely filled out and is valid, it can be saved as a template.
- To do this, press the icon for saving [163] the Output Configuration Template.
- Enter a name and an optional comment in the Save Output Configuration Template dialog.
Figure 49: The Save Output Configuration Template dialog when creating a new template.

- Save the template by pressing Save [172].
- After saving, the template you just created should be selected in the Output Configuration drop-down menu.
You can now use the output Configuration Template in various Workflow situations. For more information, refer to the section Reverting Output Configuration Templates.
Resetting Output Configuration Templates
If an Output Configuration Template setting is changed, i.e. Printer, Print Configuration, Substrate, Substrate Definition, Color Policy, Destination or DeviceN Color Correction, this means that the selected parameters no longer match the template, an * is added to the name of the template. You have the following options when this occurs:
- ignore – The changed Output Configuration is still used for the Production Job.
- Update Template – Press the save template icon [163] again to "override" the existing template settings with the same name.
- Save a new template – Press the save template icon [163] again and enter a new name for the template in the Save Output Configuration Template dialog.
- Revert template – Press the revert icon [164] to undo the changes and apply the original template again.
Delete Output Configuration Templates
Templates that are no longer required can also be deleted. Proceed as follows:
- Select the template to be deleted from the drop-down menu.
- Press the delete icon [165] to delete the template.
- The template is deleted without a confirmation.
Deleting templates does not delete the settings
Of course, deleting the template will only delete the template. The settings made remain unchanged.
Restrict who is able to create and delete Output Configurations
To prevent an over abundance of Output Configuration Templates in the system and to prevent users from accidentally deleting Output Configurations, the ability to the create and delete Output Configurations can be controlled by creating a User Role. Use the Add, Edit, and Delete Templates permission under Global Permissions > Output Template in Users > Roles.
2.12.2. Saving an Output Configuration in Force Print
Under Automation > Force Print, Output Configuration Templates can also be created, applied and modified.
Create an Output Template in Force Print
Follow the steps to save an Output Configuration Template in Force Print:
- Select Force Print under Automation > Force Print Job
- Select your desired Output Configuration [173] under the Force Print Configuration panel.
- Select a Printer and a Print Configuration.
- Choose a Substrate and a Substrate Definition.
- Choose a Color Policy.
- The Destination (target directory) should be automatically selected based on the default Destination set in the Printer settings or by the selected Color Policy.
- Select a DeviceN Color Correction (optional)
Figure 50: Selecting an Output Configuration in Force Print.
- As soon as the selected Output Configuration is valid, it can be saved as a template. To do this, click on the Save icon [174] and enter the desired name of the template in the Save Output Configuration Template dialog (see Figure 49). Please note that the name of the template must be unique!
- Save this template by clicking on Save [177].
- After saving, the template you have just created should be automatically selected in the drop-down selection menu.
Figure 51: The Save Output Configuration Template dialog after entering a name that is was previously used.

You can now use this Output Configuration Template in various Workflow situations. For more information, refer to the section Choosing an Output Configuration.
Resetting Output Configuration Templates
If elements of the template – Printer, Print Configuration, Substrate, Substrate Definition, Color Policy, target directory or DeviceN color correction - are changed afterwards, a * symbol is displayed in the selection menu of the template. You can then save the template again or reset it to its original state using the Reset function.
- ignore – The changed output configuration is used when creating the Production Job.
- Update template – Click on the save template icon [174] again and "override" the template with the suggested name.
- Save new template – Click on the Save icon [174] again and enter a new name for the template in the Save Template dialog.
- Reset template – Click on the template's Reset icon [175] to undo the changes and select the original template again.
Delete Output Configuration Templates
Templates that are no longer required can also be deleted. Proceed as follows:
- Select the template to be deleted from the drop-down menu.
- Press the delete icon [176] to delete the template.
- The template is deleted without a confirmation.
Please note that when deleting a template, the current Output Configuration settings will remain selected. See Delete Output Configuration Templates for more information.
2.12.3. Choosing an Output Configuration
Previously created Output Configuration Templates can be applied in the Workflow in various situations. With version 1.7.6, they can be used in the following areas.
Production Jobs
Previously saved templates can be selected in a Production Job as follows.
- Select the Production Job menu item.
- Open your desired Production Job in the list.
- Select the Output Configuration tab.
- From the Template [178] drop-down menu, select your desired template.
- After selecting the template, the Output Configuration is automatically selected.
Figure 52: The Output Configuration tab of a Production Job with a template selected.
Using templates in Force Print
- Select Automation > Force Print Job.
- In the Template [179] dropdown menu, under the Force Print Configuration panel, select your previously saved template.
- After selecting the template, the Output Configuration is automatically filled in with the stored values.
Figure 53: The Force Print dialog with an Output Configuration template selected.
Using a Template when creating a Production Job
Users can also access Output Configuration Templates when creating a Production Job. Two dialogs in particular are affected.
Creating a Production Job from an Order or an Article
To create a Production Job from an Article or an Order, proceed as follows:
- Select either Article > Article List or Order > Order List or Order > Print Item List.
- Select one or more Articles from the Article List or Print Items from an Order or the Print Item List and click on Process > Create Production Job in the process drop-down list.
- From the Template [180] drop-down menu, select your previously saved template.
- After selecting the template, the Output Configuration is automatically selected.
Figure 54: The Create Production Job dialog with a template selected.
Creating a new Production Job
Proceed as follows when creating a new Production Job:
- Choose the Job menu item.
- Click on + New in the action bar.
- Under the Template [181] drop-down menu of the Production Job tab, select your previously created template.
- After selecting the template, the Output Configuration is automatically selected.
Figure 55: The Create a Production Job dialog with a template selected under the Production Job tab.

2.13. Force Print
In this version the Force Print has also been completely revised. In addition to the ability to create and select your own Force Print Templates and apply those templates to Output Configurations, the user interface and handling has been revised.
2.13.1. Force Print user interface
The Force Print interface has been divided into three panels. It consists of the File Upload panel, Job Parameters panel and the Force Print Configuration panel. Follow these steps to use the new Force Print features.
Figure 44: The new Force Print interface for version 1.7.6.
Step 1 - Upload files
- Upload the desired print files into the drop zone or select them by clicking within the drop zone to access files via your file system.
- Enter the desired number of copies for all Print Items in the header bar. Entering a number here will change the number of copies globally for each file.
- If necessary, overwrite the entered number of copies per Print Item again if needed.
- In the header bar, you can bulk assign a name for all Print Items. Optionally, a # character can be entered in this input field, which ensures that the individual files are numbered sequentially.
- By clicking the Revert to File Name button, the names are reset to their original state.
- Individual files can also be removed from Force Print by clicking the (x) button.
- All files can be removed from upload list by clicking on the Remove All button.
Figure 45: Uploading files in Force Print.

Step 2 - Define Production Job Parameters
- Select the type of Job in the header under Mode.
- Create separate Production Jobs – Creates separate Production Jobs for each file that is uploaded.
- Create Production Job with multiple items – Creates a single Production Job with all uploaded Print Items.
- Define a name for the Production Job if you want to create a Production Job with all Print Items. If separate Production Jobs are created, the name of the Print Item is used.
- Define an Production Number - external ID (optional).
- Enter a Comment (optional).
- Define a Production Date and/or Shipping Date (optional).
Figure 46: Defining Job Parameters in Force Print.

Step 3 - Define the Force Print Configuration
- Select a Force Print Configuration template from the header. For details, refer to section 2.13.2 Force Print Templates. If you do not select a Force Print Template, all other parameters must be defined manually.
- In the Output Configuration area, select an Output Configuration template. Details can be found in section 2.12 Output ConfigurationTemplates. If you do not select a template, all further parameters must be defined manually.
- All fields marked with an * are mandetory: Printer, Print Configuration, Substrate, Substrate Definition, Color Policy, and Destination.
- A DeviceN Color Correction can be selected (optional).
- In the Finishing area, select an Impose Mode and an Impose Template, if required.
- Optionally select a Cutter and a Parameter Set.
- Enter a Lead In/Out if needed (optional).
Figure 47: The Force Print Configuration panel with the Output Configuration and Finishing sections filled in.

Step 4 - Create production job or transfer to printer
- Make sure that all mandatory fields are filled in and that files have been uploaded. Only then will the options Create Production Job and Transfer to Printer become active in the action bar.
- Choose Create Production Order to create the production order(s) in the workflow. The order is not transferred directly to the printer.
- Choose Transfer to Printer to create the production order(s) in the workflow and transfer them directly to the printer.
- After the production order(s) has/have been completely generated, a dialog opens.
- Select Create New Quick Print if you want to create more jobs. The input leather will therefore be reset - the quick print configuration will be retained again.
- Choose Go to Production Order List if no more orders currently need to be created. You will be forwarded directly to the production order list to be able to further process the created orders.
Figure 48: Creating production jobs or transferring them to the printer

2.13.2. Templates for Quick Print Settings
Starting with version 1.7.6, popular quick print configurations can be saved as templates so that they can be quickly found and selected again in quick print. The following elements are saved in a template for quick print configurations:
- Template of an output configuration
- Printers
- print configuration
- material
- material characteristic
- color strategy
- target directory
- DeviceN color correction (optional)
- Mounting mode (optional)
- Assembly template (optional)
- Cutting device (optional)
- Cutting device configuration (optional)
- Forerun and/or overrun (optional)
In the following sections, you can read how these templates can be saved and selected or used again.
Quick Print Save Configuration Templates
Follow the steps to save a template for quick printing configurations:
- Open the Quick Print menu under Automation > Quick Print
- Select a desired output configuration in the Output Configuration section of the Quick Print Configuration area.
- Select a template of an output configuration OR
- Select a printer or print configuration.
- Choose a material or a material variant
- Choose a color strategy
- Select a target directory
- Select a DeviceN color correction (optional)
- In the Quick Print Configuration area, in the Finishing section, select any additional options you want.
- Select a mounting mode with mounting template (optional)
- Select a cutter with configuration (optional)
- Select the required quantity for the preliminary and/or subsequent leg (optional).
Figure 49: Quick print Select configuration in quick print

- As soon as the selected quick print configuration has been completely selected and is valid, it can be saved as a template.
- In the header bar of the area, choose the symbol for saving the template.
- In the open dialog, define at least one name for the template - this must be unique.
- Save this template
Figure 50: Save template for quick print configuration

After saving the new template, it will already be selected. It can be reused in all other quick prints.
Quick Print Reset Configuration Templates
If elements of the template - printer, print configuration, material, material characteristics, colour strategy, target directory, DeviceN colour correction, assembly mode, assembly template, cutting devices and/or pre- or post-processing - are changed afterwards, a * symbol is displayed in the template selection menu. You can then save the template again or reset it to its original state using the reset function.
Quick Print Delete Configuration Templates
Superfluous templates can also be deleted after saving. To do this, the template to be deleted must be selected in the selection menu. The delete function can then be used to remove the template again. This delete function has no effect on production orders that have already been created.
2.14. Fixed output values for Spot Colors
Spot colors from version 1.7.6 can be defined in more detail. For spot colors defined in "Lab" or "RGB", you can select up to two channels and specify the color values for these channels for output. This means that the defined values are no longer changed by the color management. Any undefined values are then automatically calculated so that the spot color can be rendered in the best possible way.
Typical use case: PANTONE Coolgray should only be output with the primary colors CMY and without K. This can reduce the granularity of this ink in printing.
Follow the steps to define the specified output values for spot colors:
- Open an article or design with spot colors
- In the design view, select a spot color from the list of all spot colors.
- Open the Spot Color Definition dialog box.
- Select a spot color in the dialog box
- Create a new spot color definition at design, material or customer level
- Make sure that "Lab" or "RGB" is selected under Color Space.
- Below, the original color values of the spot color are displayed.
- The DeviceN color values of this spot color are located in the Defined Output Values area. These have already been calculated via the material profile in the color strategy. In this example - 19.0 / 17 / 0 / 50
- Now you can select up to two color channels which you want to modify.
- For example, activate Black and enter a new, desired value for Black - e.g. 10. This value should be kept when rendering.
- Then click the Calculate button
- The Calculated Values area now displays the values that must be used to best render the spot color with the specified output values. In this example, this color must be rendered with 71.06 / 77.87 / 69.3 / 10 to mimic the result of 19.0 / 17 / 0 / 50.
Figure 51: Defining Defined Output Values for Spot Colors
There are scenarios in which the specified color values cannot be used. If it is practically impossible to print the spot color with the specified values in the best possible way, the specified color values are automatically set to 0.
2.15. Linking Destinations with Color Setups
In Release 1.7.6 a new function for profiling and the resulting color strategies has been implemented. This new function allows to link a release already defined in the workflow with a profiling or with the resulting color strategies. This also means that all calibration charts are rendered into this linked release by default. If a release is combined with a profiling, the production jobs that are rendered with the color strategies of the profiling are also sent to this release by default.
Proceed as follows to link a profiling to a share:
- Change to the menu Color > Profiling
- Create a new profile using the action bar New
- Fill in all already known mandatory fields
- At the end of the dialog, define the desired release of the profiling. By default, the default share of the printer is used here. All other shares added to the printer can be selected here.
- Save the dialog and start profiling.
Figure 52: Linking profiling with release

The selected release is already used by default for all calibration charts of the profiling. This release can also be overwritten in the respective diaogen for printing charts. The color strategies resulting from the profiling will also use this selected approval for production orders by default. The release can also be overwritten in production orders.
2.16. REST API
In this version further areas of the REST API have been revised and extended. All new features and changes are listed below.
An updated documentation with examples of the Durst Workflow Rest API is available at .
2.16.1. Article Controller
GET /api/articles/custom Fields
This request lists all active user-defined fields that are active for articles.
POST /api/articles/validate
A validation for creating an article without creating it in the Durst workflow. This request is primarily intended for interface development. Validation also takes place when articles are created.
POST /api/v1/articles/{id}/applyFixup
Apply a data correction to an article.
GET /api/v1/articles/{id}/files/{fileTypeKey}/{downloadFormat}
Query a preview of an article as a PDF file or JPG thumbnail. The generated file can be delivered either directly or base64 encoded.
POST /api/v1/articles/{id}/inkUsages/create
Start an ink cost pre-calculation for an item. Depending on the size and complexity of the print data, this process may take some time. The Response Body contains a Workflow ID which can be used to retrieve the current status of the calculation.
GET /api/v1/articles/{id}/inkUsages
Query the previously calculated ink costs.
GET /api/v1/articles/{id}/inkUsages/{colorPolicyId}
Query the previously calculated ink costs depending on the selected color strategy. To compare multiple color strategies, an ink cost pre-calculation must be created separately for each color strategy.
2.16.2. Customer Controller
GET /api/v1/customers/companies/{id}
Query of the stored corporate customer information via ID.
PUT /api/v1/customers/companies/{id}
Update of the stored corporate customer information.
GET /api/v1/customers/individuals/{id}
Query of the deposited private customer information by means of ID.
Update of the deposited private customer information by means of.
2.16.3. Fixup Controller
GET /api/v1/fixups
List of all available XML-based data corrections.
GET /api/v1/fixups/{id}
Details of an XML-based data correction.
2.16.4. Print Item Controller
GET /api/v1/motifs/customFields
This request lists all active user-defined fields that are active for ad specs (in the order & production order).
POST /api/v1/motifs/{id}/applyFixup
Apply a data correction to an ad spec (in the order & production order).
GET /api/v1/motifs/{id}/files/{fileTypeKey}/{downloadFormat}
Query a preview of a design as a PDF file or JPG thumbnail. The generated file can be delivered either directly or base64 encoded.
POST /api/v1/motifs/{id}/inkUsages/create
Start an ink cost precalculation for a motif (on order & production order). Depending on the size and complexity of the print data, this process may take some time. The Response Body contains a Workflow ID which can be used to retrieve the current status of the calculation.
GET /api/v1/motifs/{id}/inkUsages
Query the previously calculated ink costs.
GET /api/v1/motifs /{id}/inkUsages/{colorPolicyId}
Query the previously calculated ink costs depending on the selected color strategy. To compare multiple color strategies, an ink cost pre-calculation must be created separately for each color strategy.
2.16.5. Print Order Controller
GET /api/v1/printOrders/customFields
This request lists all active user-defined fields that are active for requests.
POST /api/v1/printOrders/{id}/createProductionJobs
Generates a production order from an existing order.
GET /api/v1/printOrders/{id}/files/{fileTypeKey}/{downloadFormat}
Query a preview of a job as a PDF file or JPG thumbnail. For this preview the first motive in the order is used. The generated file can be delivered either directly or base64 encoded.
2.16.6. Print Order Item Controller
GET /api/v1/printOrderItems/{id}
Query an order item created for an order using an ID.
2.16.7. Production Job Controller
POST /api/v1/productionJobs/{id}/impose
Apply an assembly to a production order. Depending on the size and complexity of the print data, this process may take some time. The status of the production order can be monitored using the callback URLs and transferred to a connected (e.g. ERP or MIS) system (see Subscriber Controller).
POST /api/v1/productionJobs/{id}/inkUsages/create
Starting an Ink Cost Precalculation for a Production Order . Depending on the size and complexity of the print data, this process may take some time. The Response Body contains a Workflow ID which can be used to retrieve the current status of the calculation. If the production order consists of several motifs, these have to be assembled/used beforehand.
GET /api/v1/productionJobs/{id}/inkUsages
Query the previously calculated ink costs.
GET /api/v1/productionJobs/{id}/inkUsages/{colorPolicyId}
Query the previously calculated ink costs depending on the selected color strategy. To compare multiple color strategies, an ink cost pre-calculation must be created separately for each color strategy.
2.16.8. Subscriber Controller
POST /api/v1/subscribers/create
Create a subscriber and define the target host and validation methods.
GET /api/v1/subscribers/{id}
Query of a created subscriber via ID.
PUT /api/v1/subscribers/{id}
Update of a created subscriber via ID.
POST /api/v1/subscribers/{id}/subscriptions/create
Create a subscription and define the target path for the call and the theme for which the subscription is to be activated.
GET /api/v1/subscribers/{id}/subscriptions/{id}
Query of a created subscription via ID.
Update of a created subscription via ID, update of the topic as well as the status.
GET /api/v1/subscribers/testresponse/{productionJobid}
Test response to the status of a production order (for development purposes).
2.16.9. Substrate Controller
GET /api/v1/substrateCategories
List of all available material categories
GET /api/v1/substrateCategories/{id}/substrates
List of all materials assigned to a material category and output of the associated material characteristics and color strategies.
2.16.10. Workflow Controller
GET /api/v1/workflows/{id}
Query the status of a running process.
2.16.11. Obsolete functions and parameters
Article Controller
POST /api/v1/customers/articles/validate has been replaced by POST /api/v1/articles/validate
Production Job Controller
POST /api/v1/productionJobs has been replaced by POST /api/v1/productionJobs/create
Parameter: referencedColorPolicy was replaced by colorPolicyReference
Parameter: referencedSubstrateShape has been replaced by substrateShapeReference
Parameters: httpFileInfo, localFileInfo, smbFileInfo have been replaced by FileLinkApi with URI
3. Improvements
In the next sections you can read which improvements have been made to existing functions in version 1.7.6 of the workflow.
3.1. Deleting Listed Entries
Before version 1.7.6 only marked articles or production orders of a page could be deleted or removed. Starting with this version, all filtered or listed entries can be removed across several pages. This makes it possible to delete all production orders older than ..., for example. The next two sections describe how you can delete several filtered articles or production orders.
3.1.1. Delete filtered Articles
By setting a list filter already known from earlier versions - e.g. creation date, older than ... - the entire list of all filtered articles can be deleted or placed in the trash. The trash can be emptied separately as usual.
Follow the steps to delete several filtered entries:
- Navigate to the list of all articles
- Click the Delete button in the action bar to open the submenu.
Figure 53: Delete all listed or filtered articles

This submenu now offers to delete all marked entries or all currently listed entries. With the help of various list filters you can now determine the type and number of listed entries.
- Click the Set Filter button in the list header
- Select a desired filter - e.g. creation date
- Select the filter criteria - e.g. Older than
. - Save the filter so that the list of articles is updated.
- All filtered articles can now be removed via Delete > Delete currently listed entries.
If the removed entries are to be completely removed from the system, the recycle bin must be emptied - as already known from earlier versions. Individual entries can also be restored in the trash if necessary.
3.1.2. Delete all filtered production orders
By setting a list filter already known from earlier versions - e.g. creation date, older than ... - the entire list of all filtered production orders can be deleted or placed in the trash. The trash can be emptied separately as usual.
Follow the steps to delete several filtered entries:
- Navigate to the list of all production orders
- Click the Delete button in the action bar to open the submenu.
Figure 54: Delete all listed or filtered production orders

This submenu now offers to delete all selected entries or all currently listed entries. With the help of various list filters you can now determine the type and number of listed entries.
- Click the Set Filter button in the list header
- Select a desired filter - e.g. creation date
- Select the filter criteria - e.g. Older than
. - Save the filter to update the list of production orders
- All filtered production orders can now be removed via Delete > Delete currently listed entries.
If the removed entries are to be completely removed from the system, the recycle bin must be emptied - as already known from earlier versions. Individual entries can also be restored in the trash if necessary.
3.2. Uploading Collections and Articles
Starting from this version there are further possibilities to upload collections and articles into the workflow. These are described in the next sections.
3.2.1. Uploading a Collection
There are two variants in the workflow for creating or uploading complete collections.
Variant 1:
- Switch to the list of all articles.
- Drag & drop a folder with files into the Upload Items field
- The folder becomes a collection
- The files are uploaded to the collection as articles.
Variant 2:
- Switch to the list of collections
- Drag & drop a folder with files into the Upload Items field
- The folder becomes a collection
- The files are uploaded to the collection as articles.
In the list of all collections, individual items can only be uploaded if an existing collection has been selected.
3.2.2. Upload Articles to a Collection
Starting with this version, individual files can be loaded directly into existing collections. Follow the steps to upload articles directly to collections:
- Switch to the list of all collections
- Select a collection from the list below
- Use drag & drop to drag the desired files into the drop zone.
- The articles will then be uploaded and added to the collection.
3.2.3. Support for the EPS file format
Starting with version 1.7.6, EPS files larger than 5080mm are loaded correctly into the workflow and thus displayed correctly.
3.3. Designation of the motif when downloading
Before version 1.7.6, the original file name was used as soon as a design was downloaded from the workflow. As of version 1.7.6, you can select whether the original name or the name defined in the workflow should be used. Follow the steps to make this change:
- Switch to the Administration > Settings > General menu.
- Open the selection menu Theme name when downloading in the Basic settings area.
- Choose Design name if you want to use the name that is also displayed in the workflow when downloading the file from the workflow. This can be defined when the file is uploaded or when the ad spec is edited.
- Choose File name if you want the original file name to be used when downloading.
- Save the settings
Figure 55: Designation of the motif when downloading
3.4. Predefined Measurement Device Settings
As of version 1.7.6, standard configurations are delivered with each measuring instrument. When a new encoder is created, several configurations are created by default. These can then be used for measurements. The following encoders have the following configurations:
Barbieri LFP:
Transmission - Page | D50 | M0 | Auto | Fast
Reflection - Page | D50 | M0 | Auto | Fast (Default)
Barbieri Spectro LFP qb (auto measurement):
Transmission - Page | D50 | M1 | Auto | Fast
Reflection - Page | D50 | M1 | Auto | Fast (Default)
Barbieri Spectro LFP qb (spot measurement):
Reflection - Spot | D50 | M1 | 6mm (Standard)
Barbieri Spectro Pad:
Reflection - Spot | D50 | M1 | 6mm
Reflection - Page | D50 | M1 | 6mm (default)
Barbieri Swing RT:
Reflection - Page | D50 | M0 | 2mm (default)
ColorScout with KonicaMinolta CM2300d-ColorScout:
Reflection - Page | D50 | M0 (default)
Konica Minolta FD-9:
Reflection - Page | D50 | M1 | Auto (Default)
KonicaMinolta CM2300d:
Reflection - Spot | D50 | M0
Reflection - Page | D50 | M0 (default)
X-Rite i1iO with i1Pro1:
Reflection - Page | D50 | M0 | 3.5mm | Fast (default)
X-Rite i1iO with i1Pro2:
Reflection - Page | D50 | M1 | 3.5mm | Fast (default)
X-Rite i1Pro1:
Reflection - Spot | D50 | M0 | 3.5mm
Reflection - Page | D50 | M0 | 3.5mm (default)
X-Rite i1Pro2:
Reflection - Spot | D50 | M1 | 3.5mm
Reflection - Page | D50 | M1 | 3.5mm (default)
3.5. Improvement to Profiling
Some areas of profiling have been newly implemented or revised and improved in this version. These are described in the next sections.
3.5.2. Analyzing the Profile
in the Linearization profiling step, the LAB values of all measured fields are displayed in the Curves tab of the Analysis section. Previously, only the LAB values of the 100% surfaces were displayed. Follow the steps to call up the new analysis:
- Change to the menu Color > Profiling
- Create a new profile and print or measure the linearization chart or open an existing profile.
- Switch to the profiling step Linearization
- Activate the analysis
- Change to the Curves tab
- Move the cursor over the cures to display the lab values.
Figure 57: Display of Lab Values All Measured Color Patches of Linearization
3.5.3. Printer-specific Profiling Templates
Since version 1.7.5 the system provides different profiling templates for different printing systems. Read more about it here. In version 1.7.5, the correct profiling templates had to be manually selected at the end of profiling when calculating the color strategies, depending on the selected printing system.
Starting with version 1.7.6, the correct profiling templates are pre-selected based on the selected printing system:
- By default, TAU printing systems use all [TAU] profiling templates.
- RHO printers use all [LFP] profiling templates by default
- DELTA printing systems also use all [LFP] profiling templates as standard.
3.6. Default DeltaE
The standard DeltaE value can be defined in the workflow settings. Based on the setting, the correct DeltaE value is displayed in the workflow. The setting of the DeltaE value influences the display of the DeltaE values at the following points in the workflow:
- Theme view in the spot colors area
- Edit spot color definitions dialog
- Montage Editor in section Motif Details > Spot Colors
- Color books support different templates with both DeltaE options
3.7. Calibration Charts
In this release, more new calibration charts have been added to the workflow for selection. The following charts are additionally available from this version on:
- All common calibration charts have been extended by 12mm color patches.
- PROF-CHART_CMYK-O for the Barbieri Spectro PAD
- TRANS-CHART_CMYK for the Barbieri Spectro PAD
- TRANS-CHART_CMYKc for the Barbieri Spectro PAD
- TRANS-CHART_CMYKm for the Barbieri Spectro PAD
- TRANS-CHART_CMYKk for the Barbieri Spectro PAD
- TRANS-CHART_CMYKcm for the Barbieri Spectro PAD
- TRANS-CHART_CMYKck for the Barbieri Spectro PAD
- TRANS-CHART_CMYKmk for the Barbieri Spectro PAD
- LIN-Chart_CMYK_210_PAD_12mm_G7
- LIN-Chart_CMYK-ORGB_210_LFP_12mm
- PROF-Chart_CMYK-ORGB_210_LFP_12mm
3.8. Small Improvements
The following improvements were additionally implemented in this version.
3.8.1. Workflow
Workflow start page: With previous versions of the Workflow, the Article list was defined as the start page. Version 1.7.6 now opens the Production Job List as the start page. (DW-2205)
Variable drop sizes and Ink Consumption: Starting with this version, the number of pixels to be printed per color and drop size is written into the RHO Job Ticket so that the RHO printer software can calculate Ink Consumption. (DW-1733)
Gray Correction: Gray Correction values in the Workflow have been extended. As of Release 1.7.6, values from +30 to -30 can be defined which offers a larger range to change the Gray Correction levels. (DW-1756)
User management - Inactive Users: Inactive users are hidden by default in the User List in the Workflow. A separate function has been implemented that allows inactive users to be displayed. This function has its own role authorization, which allows you to activate or deactivate this function. (DW-1767)
Article List - Filter Collection: The list of all Collections in the Filtered Collection results of the Article List is now displayed alphabetically to make it easier to find and select Collections. (DW-1963)
Winding directions: The symbols for the Winding Direction have been changed. (DW-2068)
White Over - S2 Separation: Prior to Release 1.7.6, the separation suffix "S2" had to be entered manually for Print Configurations with White Over. Now "S2" is automatically used if there is a Print Configurations with White Over. (DW-1889)
Exporting Color Setups & Production Jobs: When exporting Color Setups and Production Jobs, they are automatically downloaded immediately after compiling the ZIP file. Up until now, a separate download button had to be clicked. (DW-1905)
LFP Printers now support BIG-TIFF: The option Render BIG-TIFF was activated by default in the Printer Types or "Printer drivers", because this option is necessary for LFP Printers. (DW-1844)
Job Preview: Technical Colors that shouldn't be printed are no longer displayed in the preview generated for the job queue. (DW-1542)
Cutting Device names: Cutting Device names and types have been changed to make the assignment of supported cutting devices more explicit. The name now includes the manufacturer and the Cutter Type Name. (DW-1858)
Cutting Devices: Cutting Device names could be duplicated, this has been fixed. (DW-1918)
Profiling Templates translations: Extended information in Profiling Templates (ToolTips) have been fully translated into German and help the user to understand individual functions. (DW-1953)
Profiles List: An Abbreviation column has been added to the Color Setup list by default. This column can be displayed or hidden as needed. (DW-1947)
New Role permission: A new Role permission has been added for Order > Order Information > Additional Files which allows to denies access to the Additional Files tab. (DW-977)
Spot Color column in the Article List: Before version 1.7.6, the Article List took a few seconds to resolve or correctly display all Spot Colors contained in Articles. This process was accelerated internally to improve performance. (DW-1774)
3.8.2. Impose Editor
Save Impose: Starting from this version, you can define whether Articles used should be copied from the File Manager when saving the imposition and saved as new Print Items for the Production Jobs or whether a reference to the original Article should be honored. (IMPOSE-1239)
Nesting - Allow Print Item Rotation: The "Allow Print Item Rotation" function works in this version even if "Allow Overproduction" has been deactivated. This has been fixed. (DW-2172)
Impose Template - Trim to Width/Height: The functions Trim to Width and Trim to Height are now saved in the Impose Template if only one Artboard is used. (IMPOSE-1153)
Step & Repeat - Negative Spacing: The function to define negative spacing using the Step & Repeat Impose Mode has been revised. Starting with this version it is possible to set negative spacing between Print Items. The Print Items are pushed into each other, which can have a space-saving effect e.g. using triangular motives with a transparent background. (IMPOSE-344)
Previews in the open Production Job dialog: Production Jobs that have been previously imposed show a preview thumbnail. Production Jobs that have not yet been Imposed show a thumbnail preview for the first Print Item in the Production Job. We've added an additional message "Not Imposed" to make it clear that the Job is not imposed yet. (IMPOSE-1022)
Tiling Mode - Default Line position: When adding lines in Tiling Mode, lines are now generated, displayed and rendered by default on all four sides of the tile. (IMPOSE-1025)
Step & Repeat and Nesting - Allow Overproduction: The "Allow Overproduction" function has been deactivated by default in the Default Impose Templates for both Step & Repeat and Nesting. This option can be deactivated and saved as a separate Impose Template. (DW-1989)
4. Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed with this release.
4.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
4.2. Workflow
Rendering Artifacts: In some special cases, strong artifacts occurred during rendering, these were very rarely reproducible. An HHR update fixed this problem.
Importing Substrates via ZuniExtract: When importing Substrates via ZuniExtract, errors in the form of stacktraces occurred more often. This bug has been fixed. (DW-1078)
Creating new Shares: When adding a new Share in the Workflow, a browser refresh was previously necessary to display the created Share. This behavior has been corrected. (DW-1848)
Measure Spot Colors: In some cases, measured Spot Colors were only fully displayed after a browser refresh. This bug has been fixed. (DW-1761)
VDP Impose sequence preview: When saving an imposition with a specific Variable Data sequence, the Impose preview did not match the rendered result. This bug has been fixed. (DW-1512)
4.3. Impose Editor
Tiling guide lines: When using the Zoom Tool in Tiling Mode, the Tiling guides were partially enlarged or reduced. Guide lines are no longer affected by zooming in/out from this version on. (PE-18)
Scale & Crop: If a Print Item was scaled first in Manual Mode and then cropped, the imposition could not be saved correctly. This bug has been fixed. (IMPOSE-1131)
Zoom for very large Print Items: The maximum zoom level could not display Print Items larger than 20 meters. This bug has been fixed. (PE-17)
Caption placeholders menu: The Caption Placeholder menu has been updated so it is visible in it's entirety. (IMPOSE-902)
Scaling multiple Print Items: When scaling several Print Items in Manual Mode, the individual Print Items changed their position and overlapped. This bug has been fixed. (IMPOSE-761)
Changing Bleed in Manual Mode: When changing the Bleed in Manual Mode, Print Items were partially moved to the background or foreground. This bug has been fixed. (IMPOSE-938)
Nesting order: The Print Item order using Nesting bases the order on the Print Items tab list in the Impose Editor. (IMPOSE-998)
Captions: By selecting the placeholder the placeholder was displayed. This bug has been fixed. (DW-1928)
5. Hotfixes
The following Hotfixes have been implemented:
Version 1.7.6.(66)
This Hotfix was released on December 03, due to the following errors:
Orders containing several Order Items & Print Items: An Order that contains several Order Items (~10) and several Print Items (~5) per Order Item takes minutes to open or manage. This error has been corrected.
G7 linearization Chart Color Calculations: When rendering the G7 Linearization Chart an embedded ICC profile was used, which did not keep primary colors pure anymore. The file was exchanged and the bug fixed.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.6.(66)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.6.(69)
This Hotfix was released on December 11, due to the following errors:
Data Correction – Rename, Convert, or Delete Spot Colors: This Fixup was not working correctly and could no longer be applied. This Fixup bug has been corrected.
G7 Linearization: The Linearization Step could be calculated as a G7 Linearization, although no G7 Linearization Chart was rendered or measured. This bug has been fixed.
Scaling in the Send to Printer dialog: When changing the X or Y-value, the corresponding values were not adjusted proportionally. This bug has been fixed.
Rendering Spot Colors: When rendering 32 or 64 spot colors in one Production Job, the rendering speed was dramatically reduced. This bug has been fixed.
Migration of impositions after update from versions older than 1.7.0: Some Production Jobs, which were previously imposed in older versions (older than version 1.7.0), could not be reproduced correctly after updating to 1.7.6. This bug has been fixed.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.6.(69)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.6(70)
This Hotfix was released on December 16, due to the following errors:
Hotfolder Print Item preview: The TrimBox and BleedBox were displayed incorrectly for Print Items uploaded using Hotfolders. This bug has been fixed.
Lead-in & lead-out on TAU printing systems: The .start-file is now sent to the printer before the Lead-in & lead-out data is sent.
REST-API profiling validation: The Color Strategy validation was extended with this API version, as rendering without Profiles no longer worked.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.6.(70)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.6(72)
This Hotfix was released on December 19, due to the following errors:
Zünd Cutter: Marks and Barcodes were placed incorrectly if Trim to Height and Width were not activated.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.6.(72)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.6(78)
This Hotfix was released on January 18th, due to the following errors:
Lead-in / Lead-out: The Lead-in/out was rendered incorrectly if a Lead-in/out PDF already existed. With this fix a new Lead in/out PDF is generated everytime.
Lead-in / Lead-out: Marks set to White (with White Ink) were not being rendered correctly, this has been fixed.
Multi-page documents in DCF format (TAU): Static parts of the first rendered page were missing. The JDF is now written correctly.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.6.(78)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.6(79)
This Hotfix was released on January 20th, due to the following error:
Production Job list: In some cases, the preview image of the Production Job did not match the Print Items contained in the Production Job.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.6.(79)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.6(81)
This Hotfix was released on January 23rd, due to the following error:
Uploading TIFF files: Problems occurred when uploading oversized TIFF files (> 4 GB) to the Workflow. This error has been fixed.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.6.(81)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.6(84)
This Hotfix was released on January 27th, due to the following error:
REST API: With hotfix version 1.7.6.(81), a bug that blocked the REST-API functions was overlooked. This bug has been fixed.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.6.(84)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.6(87)
This Hotfix was released on February 5th, due to the following errors:
REST API: When processing multiple files simultaneously, problems occurred when creating Production Jobs. The files blocked each other and could not be copied. This error has been fixed.
Reports: With hotfix version 1.7.6(84), the functionality of reports has been enhanced. An error was displayed when creating reports. This feature has been implemented.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.6.(87)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.6.(90)
This Hotfix was released on February 12th, due to the following errors:
Profiling: When changing the Output Configuration of a Profile, the Profile could not be saved even if the Color Configuration is unchanged. This has been fixed – The Color Configuration must remain the same.
Printer Type: The Rho P10 320 can now be created with this version of the Workflow.
P5 Grayscale: The wrong DITHER_MIX_ARRAY files were installed under D/PMS_DATA/ZuniComm/DITHER_MIX_ARRAY. These files have now been corrected.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.6.(90)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.6.(91)
This Hotfix was released on February 13th, due to the following error:
Impose templates: When applying a Impose Template, the option "Trim to width" was automatically enabled, whether or not the option was saved in the template. This error has been fixed.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.6.(91)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.6.(97)
This Hotfix was released on March 10th, due to the following error:
Cut lines created in the Impose Editor: When creating cut lines in the Impose Editor, the lines were sometimes duplicated and placed twice on top of each other. This resulted in the cutting device cutting these lines several times.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.6.(97)-Setup.exe