Published: 16.04.2021
In this article we'll learn:
- New features that are available
- Improvements that have been added
- Which bugs have been fixed in version 1.9.0 of the Workflow
This article can also be downloaded as a PDF version. The release notes for the previous versions can be downloaded from the archive.
1. Overview
With version 1.9.0, users can take advantage of several new features in the environment of the Impose Editor, Spot Colors and Fixups and handling of data. Additional improvements have been implemented in the area of Print Data Management, Processing and Output. Since version 1.9.0 is a major release, you should also read the release notes for the intermediate versions: Release Notes Version 1.8.1 and Release Notes Version 1.8.2 – after upgrading to version 1.9.0 in order to get to know the entire range of functions concerning new features for the major release.
An overview of all changes are outlined below, and a detailed description is included for specific areas such as Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes.
1.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug–in
The following new features are available in version of the Plug–in:
Updated Barcode Service: When generating or creating Barcodes or QR Codes using the Adobe Illustrator Plug–in, ZuniComm's Barcode Service was previously called directly through port 8989. As of version 1.9.0, the Barcode Service is called via the Workflow using the POST method. This allows a more secure or discrete data transfer without directly calling ZuniComm. Therefore, defining port 8989 in the Plug–in is no longer necessary.
1.2. New Features in the Workflow
The following new features are available in version 1.9.0 of the Workflow:
Impose Editor: In version 1.9.0 new components of the Impose Editor have been further improved and the design of the user interface has been unified. In addition, two more functions have been implemented in this release:
- General – Due to revisions made to the user interface of Impose Editor in version 1.8.2, with version 1.9.0, we have refined some details even further. The preview images of printing Marks in the respective selection menus have been adapted to the dark theme and the sub–panels of the settings areas are more clearly separated from each other using colored lines.
- Dieline Origin – Since version 1.8.2 multiple Dielines can be added in the Impose Editor. Until now, these could only be drawn on the ImageBox or on the ImageBox + Bleed. As of this version, the Origin can now also be selected for each Dieline: Per Print Item, Print Items or Artboard.
- Captions – From version 1.9.0 onwards, two additional placeholders for Captions are available in all Impose Modes. These two placeholders can be used to label the imposition: the current number of pages, i.e., page 2 of 10 and the total number of pages.
DeviceN Spot Colors: Since version 1.8.0, DeviceN Spot Colors can be created and used system–wide in the Workflow. Up until now, this DeviceN Spot Color was mapped to a specific Color Configuration. This meant that a DeviceN Spot Color had to be created for each Color Configuration so that the color value for this color configuration would be printed correctly. If no identical Color Configuration was found for the DeviceN Spot Color, an automatically generated LAB fallback Spot Color definition was used previously when sending to the printer. As of version 1.9.0, this is no longer necessary, since DeviceN Spot Colors can be used across multiple Color Configurations, provided certain conditions are met. Additionally, some DeviceN Spot Colors, namely all Device color definitions are supplied by the system, which can consequently be used for jobs.
Print Simulation: With version 1.8.1, simulating output in relation to a reference printing system, was implemented. Previously, the desired simulation had to be defined and calculated in advance. Only after this process was completed, could the simulation be applied when sending to the printer. As of version 1.9.0, creating a simulation in advance can be omitted. From this version on, the desired simulation can be configured in advance as part of an Output Configuration Template, and the calculation of all necessary profiles takes place only when sending data to the printer. Once created, simulation profiles are saved to the selected Color Policy, which means that they can then be displayed, downloaded or deleted from the corresponding Color Setup.
Fixup Chains: As of this release, previously created Fixup Chains can be duplicated, modified and applied. This greatly reduces the effort required to create Fixup Chains with slightly modified values.
Channel Configuration display for Color Policies: The Channel Configuration of a Color Policy will be displayed in addition to the name of the Color Policy from this release onwards, so that it can be more easily recognized which Channel Configuration is used.
Summa Vinyl S–Class Cutter: The S–Class 2 Series Cutter from Summa is now supported with this version. The selection of the cutter determines the default settings concerning Marks and Barcodes (ISBN) and the corresponding PLT cutfile, which is transferred to the GoSign software.
Fixups: In this version, existing Fixups have been improved in their handling and functionality. The scope of the Fixups have also been extended. The following Fixups are new or improved in version 1.9.0.
New Fixups: The following Fixup was added in this version:
- Create Spot Color separation depending on Total Ink Coverage – Creates a separation using the selected Spot Color from the current page content, depending on the overall color application found. Use this Fixup to create, for example, a white channel dependent on the total color application or any other Spot Color defined system–wide to reduce ink costs or the amount of color applied.
Improvements to existing Fixups: the following Fixups have been improved in this release:
- Add Outline to Text – A new custom dialog has been implemented to improve usability.
- Create line on Box – A new custom dialog has been implemented to improve usability.
- Create Bleed by Mirroring – This Fixup has now contains an additional function: Stretch border area as Image.
- Add White Outline for Colored Areas – This dialog has been reorganized and restructured to improve usability.
- Fill PageBox with Spot Color – This dialog has been reorganized and restructured to improve usability. Furthermore, additional functions have been added.
- Scale Page Content – This dialog has been reorganized and restructured to improve usability.
- Convert Registration Color – This dialog has been reorganized and restructured to improve usability.
- Remove Printing Objects in Defined Area – This Fixup now has additional functions, an Offset can be specified from this version on.
- Delete Separation – This Fixup now has additional functions.
- Fill a Shape with Spot Color – We've added the ability to assign processing steps according to ISO Standards.
- Add Finishing – This Fixup includes new Grommet templates.
- Add Grommets – This Fixup includes new Grommet templates. Furthermore, the Grommet origin can now be selected.
- Add Spot Color to Printed Objects – We've added the ability to assign processing steps according to ISO Standards. Furthermore, an additional function "invert" has been added.
SDK Versions: Updates from various OEM partners, among others, also provide further innovation and improvements. Version 1.9.0 includes Callas pdfToolBox version 12.1 and ColorLogic version 1.16.7.
1.3. Improvements
The following improvements to existing features have been made in version 1.9.0 of the Workflow:
Hotfolders: In the course of this release, the option »Process multipage PDFs« has been removed from the Hotfolder settings. This option is now automatically activated in the background, as jobs from TAU printing systems are transferred to the printer using the DCF format by default. If jobs with other file types should be rendered, this must be explicitly defined in the Printer settings.
Output Templates: As of version 1.9.0, Output Templates can also be configured and/or selected in the Hotfolder Setup dialog and in the Create a Production Job dialog. For this purpose, both tabs »Finishing« and »Advanced« have been removed from the Hotfolder Setup dialog.
Filter Options: Starting from this version, the Collection List can be filtered using User–defined Fields and Collection Names. The Articles in List view, Orders, Print Item List view and Production Jobs can also be filtered using User–defined Fields.
Deleting Print Items in a Job: As of version 1.9.0, multiple Print Items can be deleted in a Production Job at one time. Previously, only single Print Items could be selected and then deleted.
Check-in Warnings and Errors: As of version 1.9.0, if a file is loaded into the Workflow that has elements outside the MediaBox, then a warning is displayed after successfully being processed in the Workflow. Such files should be corrected. If a file is loaded into the Workflow that contains white overprinting objects, then an error is displayed after being successfully processed in the Workflow. The file should be corrected to ensure the best quality output results.
Performance: Further processing performance improvements have also been made in this release. Splitting hardware components and available resources attempts to minimize the likelihood of overloading the system.
Minor Improvements: Additional minor improvements have been implemented.
1.4. Fixed Bugs
Adobe Illustrator Plug-In: A list of fixed bugs and/or minor improvements in the Adobe Illustrator Plug–In.
Workflow: A list of fixed bugs and/or minor improvements in the main application.
Impose Editor: A list of fixed bugs and/or minor improvements in the Impose Editor.
2. New Features
In this section you will learn about new features that have been developed in the Adobe Illustrator Plug–In, Impose Editor and the Workflow. In some cases, existing functions may have also been updated.
2.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug–in
If you are working with version 1.9.0 of the Workflow, version of the Plug–In must be installed to ensure consistent operation. If you are using an older version of the Plug–In, you will be notified in the Plug–In when you log in.
The following versions of Adobe Illustrator are supported:
Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 Version 23.1.1 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Version 24.2 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 Version 25.2 |
MacOSX | Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.15 (Catalina), Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
Mac OS Version 11.2 (Big Sur), Mac OS Version 10.15 (Catalina) Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
Microsoft Windows |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 8.1 or MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
Support | Plug-In Version and Plug-In Version (only Windows) |
Plug-In Version and Plug-In Version (only Windows) |
Plug-In Version (Mac OS and Windows) |
Support for older versions of Adobe Illustrator
Please note that the current Plug–In Version can only installed for Adobe Illustrator CC 2019, Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2021.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 can still be used with the Plug–In Version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.2. Using Plug–In Version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or bugs for this constellation/configuration will not be followed up and/or fixed.
Adobe Illustrator 2018 can still be used with Plug–In version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.6. The use of Plug–In version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or errors for this constellation will not be followed up and corrected.
2.1.1. Updated Barcode Service
Prior to version 1.9.0, when configuring the Adobe Illustrator Plug–in, you first had to connect to the Workflow and ZuniComm. The Workflow must be accessible via an IP address and port 8081 and ZuniComm must be accessible via an IP address and port 8989 to check out and check in data. Also Barcodes, QR codes and variable data can only be generated if a connection with ZuniComm via port 8989 has been enabled.
As of this release, ZuniComm and the service to generate QR codes and Barcodes is now controlled by the Workflow. This allows a more secure or discrete data transfer via POST method without a direct call to ZuniComm via port 8989. Therefore, defining port 8989 in the Plug–in is no longer necessary. Only the connection with the Workflow IP [1] must be enabled.
Figure 1: The Settings dialog of the Adobe Illustrator Plug–in.

2.2. Impose Editor
In this version, the newly implemented UI design from version 1.8.2 was further unified and additional details were improved. In addition to this, previously available functions in the Impose Editor have been improved or extended in their range of functions. Learn about improvements and new functions that have been implemented in this section.
2.2.1. General
After the entire user interface of the Impose Editor was revised and redesigned in version 1.8.2, further details were standardized and improved in version 1.9.0. Among other things, the preview images of SVG Marks in their respective selection menus have been adapted to the dark theme and sub–panels of the settings areas are more distinguishable from other areas by using colored lines.
Figure 2: The Lines option shows the new UI update to the settings sub–panels in the Impose Editor.

2.2.2. Dieline Origin
With version 1.8.2 the ability to add multiple Dielines was implemented. Dielines can be applied to either the ImageBox or the ImageBox + Bleed.
With version 1.9.0, it is now also possible to set the Origin [2] per Dieline as well as Per Print Item, for all Print Items or the Artboard. Therefore, any number of Dielines can be added and applied to different positions and origins in the imposition.
Figure 3: The Finishing tab showing the new Origin option when a Dieline is added.

»Artboard« Origin is not available in Manual Mode
In Manual Mode, the Origin cannot be set to »Artboard« because this origin does not exist when using Manual Mode. This option is deactivated in this mode. If the Origin has already been selected in another mode and you switch to Manual Mode, the Origin is automatically changed to »Print Items« when switching.
2.2.3. Captions
Two new Caption placeholders are available in the Impose Editor with version 1.9.0. These are:
- Current Page Number [3] – This can be used to display the current page number from a multipage imposition.
- Total Number of Pages [4] – This can be used to display the total number of pages on the sheet.
You can now combine both placeholders to create sheet numbering, e.g.: page 5 of 10 in the imposition.
Figure 4: The Caption Placeholder Select dialog showing two new placeholders.

Multipage impositions are only available using Nesting
These two Caption placeholders are currently offered in all imposition modes. In Manual Mode, as well as in Step & Repeat, it is currently only possible to create single sided impositions. Using these new placeholders in this context is therefore rather limited at the moment.
2.3. DeviceN Spot Colors
In version 1.9.0, the handling of DeviceN Spot Colors has been extended and improved so that system–wide defined DeviceN Spot Colors can be used more flexibly. In addition, DeviceN Spot Color definitions for outputting calibrated Process Colors are now supplied by the system. We describe what this means exactly in the section below.
2.3.1. Definition of DeviceN Spot Colors
Since version 1.8.0, DeviceN Spot Colors can be created and used system–wide in the Workflow. Until now, DeviceN Spot Colors were bound to a specific Channel Configuration. This meant that, if necessary, the same Spot Color definition had to be created multiple times (per Channel Configuration). To ensure that Spot Color definitions are output correctly DeviceN Spot Colors, the Workflow automatically creates a Lab fallback Spot Color definition, which is then used if no DeviceN Spot Color definition has been created for a particular Channel Configuration.
As of version 1.9.0, this method is no longer necessary, as DeviceN Spot Colors can also be used across multiple Channel Configurations ( provided certain conditions are met). Follow the instructions below to create a DeviceN Spot Color:
- Go to Color > Manage Spot Colors > Spot Color Definitions tab.
- Click +New in the footer of the desired panel, i.e., System–wide, Substrate specific, etc.
- Enter a Name for the color.
- Select »DeviceN« using the Color Mode drop–down.
- Then select a Color Policy. Note that the selection of the Color Policy only determines the Channel Configuration or the number of Color Channels [5]. Furthermore, the selected Color Policy is used to calculate a preview for the color chip preview.
- Define the desired color values for the DeviceN Spot Color.
- Click on Save.
Figure 5: The Create Spot Color Definition dialog when creating a System–wide DeviceN Spot Color in the Workflow.
When the dialog is saved, the DeviceN Spot Color is created in the Workflow. In addition, another Spot Color is generated as a Lab fallback. The system uses the following logic to determine which Spot Color is used:
Defined color values are used in the output configuration
If the color values or color channels [6] defined in the DeviceN Spot Color exist in the selected Output Configuration, then the DeviceN Spot Color is used as it is defined.
Example: The DeviceN Spot Color "My Red" is defined using C=0; M=100; Y=100; K=0; O=0; B=0 system–wide. A Print Item contains the Spot Color "My Red" and is used in a Production Job that is output in CMYK.
Result: The DeviceN Spot Color can be used as defined in the system.
Defined color values are not used in the output configuration
If the color values or color channels [6] defined in the DeviceN Spot Color do not exist in the selected Output Configuration, then the Lab fallback is used.
Example: The DeviceN Spot Color "My Red" is defined in C=0; M=100; Y=100; K=0; O=50; B=0 system–wide. A Print Item contains the Spot Color "My Red" and is used in a Production Job which is output in CMYK.
Result: The Lab fallback value is used because no »O« separation is available in the output.
2.3.2. Workflow DeviceN Spot Colors
In addition to the functional aspects of how DeviceN Spot Colors are handled, predefined DeviceN Spot Color definitions are available in the Workflow as of version 1.9.0. The following DeviceN Spot Colors are automatically created after this update or after installation and can be used for Jobs:
- DeviceCyan – 100% Cyan
- DeviceMagenta – 100% Magenta
- DeviceYellow – 100% Yellow
- DeviceBlack – 100% Black
- DeviceOrange – 100% Orange
- DeviceViolet – 100% Violet
- DeviceGreen – 100% Green
- DeviceRed – 100% Red
- DeviceBlue – 100% Blue
Figure 6: The System–wide Spot Colors panel showing pre-defined DeviceN Spot Color definitions.

Spot Color Properties
These DeviceN Spot Colors are bound to the respective Process Colors contained in the name and must be uniquely defined in the Workflow, i.e., the names may not be used twice in the Workflow. Furthermore, these DeviceN Spot Colors are locked in the Workflow [7] and cannot be edited or deleted. The color values [8] next to them only determine the display values of the Spot Color in the user interface and are not used when rendered.
Outputting the Spot Color
In order for these DeviceN Spot Colors to be used or output in Orders, the name of the Spot Color must exist in the respective Print Item or Article. If the Spot Color name matches, the respective DeviceN Spot Color is used for output. Furthermore, new objects can also be created in the Impose Editor, such as Marks, Lines, Captions, Grommets, etc. , using these colors.
It is important to note that these DeviceN Spot Colors have no LAB fallback definitions. This means that these DeviceN Spot Colors are always treated the same and are output as pure, calibrated process colors. This also means that if this color channel does not exist in the output of the job or in the Color Policy, then this Spot Color is not rendered and will be ignored.
When sending data to the printer, the DeviceN Spot Color is only adjusted by the color management using the following profiles:
- Total Color Limit Profile (Ink Limit) – If the set color value of the DeviceN Spot Color should be higher, than the total color value specified in the Ink Limit (which will never be the case for a color), this would still limit the color value.
- Linearization Profile – If a color channel limit was defined when creating the Linearization Profile, the DeviceN Spot Color value will still be clipped by this Profile.
- Transition Profiles (if Light Inks are used) – If a value was selected when creating the Linearization Profile, which also uses a light color of the process color for a 100% color value, then of course this portion of light color will also be used for the DeviceN color.
- Pre–linearization Profile (if activated) – Since a color that is 100% cannot be changed by Pre–Linearization, the DeviceN color value will not be changed further by this Profile.
Use Case Scenarios
You can use DeviceN Spot Color definitions for the following applications in practice or they will be used for certain projects in production in the future:
- Spitting Bars – Creates thin lines in the defined DeviceN process color on the edge of the imposition via the line function, so that when printing a sheet, the print heads are used at least briefly to prevent clogging of the nozzles.
- Measurement Patches for Process Colors – Create Marks in the defined DeviceN process colors to be able to measure the calibrated color value of the process color on the printed sheet.
- Register Marks – Create a test pattern for your printing system in a graphics program and create Spot Colors for individual colors using the DeviceN process color definitions. This can be used to quickly check the register accuracy of the printheads.
- Crop or Registration Marks – Uses DeviceN process color Spot Colors for Crop or Registration Marks to ensure that they are kept pure in the output.
2.4. Applying Print Simulation
In version 1.8.1, simulating output for a selected print system, was implemented. Before this version, the desired simulation had to be defined and calculated in advance. Only after this process was completed, could the simulation be applied when rendering to the printer. In this version, this function has been optimized. We describe this function in further detail below.
2.4.1. Create or apply Print Simulation
As of version 1.9.0, creating a simulation in advance can now be omitted. From this version on, the desired simulation can be configured in advance as part of an Output Configuration template. The calculation of all necessary profiles takes place only when rendering to the printer. Proceed as follows if you want to create or apply a print simulation:
- Select the Job menu item and open an existing Production Job from the list.
- Open the Output Settings tab in the Production Job.
- Select your desired Output Settings for the Production Job by selecting the following parameters:
- Printer
- Print Configuration
- Substrate
- Substrate Definition
- Color Policy
- Open the Simulation options by pressing the down arrow [12].
- Select one of the following options:
- No Simulation [10] – No simulation will be generated when rendering.
- Working or Output Color Space [11] – By activating this option you will be prompted to select one of the existing Working or Output Color Space Profiles listed under Administration > Settings > Color Management tab in the drop–down menu [14] below. When configuring this section, a summary [9] is created in the header, so that the selected settings are immediately visible even when minimized.
- Color strategy [13] – By activating this option, you will be prompted to select a Color Policy in the drop-down [15] below. By selecting a Printer, Print Configuration and Substrate, you can narrow down the selection. You will then be provided with all Color Policies available in the Workflow. During configuration, a summary [9] is created in the header, so that the selected settings are immediately visible even when minimized.
- Complete the Output Settings and save them in a template if necessary, and proceed with production.
Figure 7: Configuring the print simulation in the Output Settings tab of a Production Job.
During the rendering process, all necessary profiles for applying the print simulation are generated and applied. If the same configuration is used a second time for rendering, existing profiles are reused without generating new profiles.
2.4.2. View and manage Simulation Profiles
Once created, Simulation Profiles are saved with the selected Color Policy, which is the Color Policy selected for rendering in a Production Job. This also allows them to be displayed, downloaded or deleted in the corresponding Profile. The following description shows you how to access generated Simulation Profiles:
- Render a Production Job which uses a Print Simulation.
- Make a note of the Color Policy (in this case the ID number of the Color Policy) that was used to render the Production Job.
- Navigate to Color > Color Setup.
- Open the Color Setup that contains the Color Policy from step 2.
Figure 8: After opening a Color Setup, the user can see the Simulation Profiles that are calculated for specific Color Policies.

In the Color Policies List, the created Simulation Profiles [16] are displayed with an indent for each individual Color Policy. The name of the Simulation Profile reveals how the Print Simulation was defined.
- If a Color Policy was used for the Simulation, a Printer, Print Configuration, Substrate and Color Policy are included in the name.
- If a Working or Output Color Space was used for the Simulation, the name of the Output or Working Color Space is used in the name.
In this list, the respective Simulation Profiles can be deleted [17]. Note that Simulation Profiles are automatically deleted when the associated Color Policy is deleted.
- You can open a Simulation Profile to see additional information by clicking on the Simulation Profile name.
- The Simulation Profile with the label CMYK to Simulation DeviceLink can be downloaded [18] if you want to apply or analyze the Simulation using 3rd party software such as Adobe Photoshop for example.
Figure 9: The available ICC Profiles for a Print Simulation.

2.5. Duplicate Fixup Chains
Starting with this release, existing Fixup Chains can be duplicated and edited. This greatly reduces the effort required to create Fixup Chains that contain slightly modified values. Proceed as follows:
- Switch to the Administration > Fixup Chains.
- Create a new Fixup Chain or select an existing one.
- Click on Duplicate [19] in the footer of the Fixup Chains panel to duplicate the selected Fixup Chain (including all Fixups and their respective values). The duplicated Fixup Chain is added using the original name plus (Copy 1).
- Change the name of the Fixup Chain and edit the newly duplicated Fixup Chain as desired.
- The duplicated Fixup Chain can now be used in production.
Figure 10: The Fixup Chains panel located under Administration > Fixup Chains.
2.6. Color Policy with Channel Configuration display
From this version on, the Channel Configuration for a Color Policy is displayed additionally to the name of the Color Policy in the form of color dots, so that it can be recognized at a glance which Channel Configuration it is.
Figure 11: Color Policies now show the Channel Configuration in the form of colored dots below the name of the Color Policy.

2.7. Summa Vinyl S–Class Cutter
With 1.9.0, integration for the Summa Vinyl S–Class Cutter and the necessary configuration parameters was implemented in conjunction with the GoSign software.
2.7.1. Adding the Summa Vinyl S–Class Cutter
Before the Summa Vinyl S–Class Cutter can be used in the Workflow for Production Jobs, the cutter must be created in the Workflow. To do this, following these four steps.
Step 1: Set up a Share for the Summa Vinyl S-Class in the Workflow
The target directory of the cutting device must first be made available for the Workflow. To do this, a Host and Share must be created under Administration > File Management. You can find more information on this topic here Manage Shares and Folders.
Step 2: Add the Cutter in the Workflow
- Switch to Administration > Cutter Devices.
- Click on + New to open the Add Cutter dialog.
Figure 12: The Add Cutter dialog with the necessary values for creating the Summa Vinyl S–Class Cutter.

- In the dialog, select the following parameters:
- Device type – Select Summa Vinyl Cutter (S–Class).
- Name – Enter a unique name for the cutter. If you have two identical devices, you should also add the device two separate times with different names to have unique names and destination directories in the Workflow for each device.
- Serial number – Optionally enter the Serial Number of the device, this is only needed when two cutters from the same manufacturer are used.
- Host – Select the Host, as defined in step 1.
- Destination – Select the Destination (directory), as defined in step 1.
- Finalize the addition of the cutter by clicking Save.
Step 3: Check the Summa Vinyl S–Class Cutter Configuration
After creating the cutter, the default configuration Vinyl (S–Class) is available in the Parameter Sets [20] panel. This default Parameter Set should be used.
The following settings are available for the Parameter Set in the Parameters [21] panel:
Write Marks into Cutfile – Defines whether the coordinates of the Marks must be written to the cutfile. When the Marks should be automatically recognized by the cutter, this parameter must be set to
. - File Type – Defines the cutfile file type. For this cutter only PLT is available at the moment.
- Write Barcode Content into Filename – Determines where (by default at the beginning of the filename) the name of the cutfile is written in the Barcode – if any.
- Mirror Cutdata Horizontally – Can be activated if the cut paths are to be mirrored horizontally.
- Mirror Registration Marks – Can be enabled if the cutting marks need to be mirrored together with the cutting data.
- Mirror Cutdata Vertically – Can be activated if the cutting paths should be mirrored vertically.
- Rotate Cutdata – Optionally the cutting file can be rotated by 90°, 180° or 270° (0° is set by default).
Additional Parameter settings can be entered and saved in the Impose Editor. If necessary, user–defined templates can be created and applied. More on this topic can be found in the sections Using a Cutter in a Production Job and Cutter Device configuration settings and saving.
Figure 13: The Administration > Cutter Devices menu item with the Summa Vinyl Cutter S–Class correctly configured.
Step 4: Assign Technical Colors to Pen Types
Before the Summa Vinyl Cutter S–Class can be used for cutting, system–wide Technical Colors in the Workflow must be assigned to the cutting tools (Pen Types). Proceed as follows:
- Select the Summa Vinyl Cutter S–Class in the Devices panel
- In the Pen Types [22] panel, which is located below the Devices panel, all Pen Types (cutting tools) for the cutter are listed.
Figure 14: The Pen Types panel displaying available cutting tools for the Summa Vinyl Cutter S–Class.

- Select a cutting tool [23] from the list.
- Then click on Edit [24] in the footer of the panel, which will open the Edit Cutter Pen Type dialog.
Figure 15: The Edit Cutter Pen Type dialog, where system–wide Technical Colors can be mapped to specific cutting tools.

- In the dialog, select a Technical Color from the Available Technical Colors [27] drop-down menu which which should be mapped to the selected cutting tool [25]. If multiple Technical Colors should be mapped to a cutting tool, repeat the step just performed. Technical Colors that have already been mapped to a cutting tool are displayed in the list but are dimmed. Cutting tools that have already been mapped are listed in the Mapped Colors [26] area.
- Once you have mapped all necessary Technical Colors to a cutting tool, click on Save.
2.7.2. Use the Summa Vinyl Cutter in a Production Job
You can read how cutters can be used for Production Jobs in the Release Notes for 1.7.6.
Additional Parameter Options
If you do not like the default Parameter Settings, you can create and save user–defined template in the Impose Editor. More information regarding this topic can be found here Cutter Device configuration settings and saving.
Figure 16: The Registration Marks panel in the Impose Editor when a Summa Vinyl S–Class Cutter is chosen.

Check out 2.5.1 New placement method for Marks for detailed information concerning Marks and their use when adding a cutter to an imposition in the Impose Editor.
2.8. Fixups
In the course of development, new Fixups were added, and existing Fixups were extended in functionality or improved in terms of usability.
2.8.1. New Fixups
In version 1.9.0 a new Fixup, which was requested by many customers in the label and large format environment, has been implemented.
Create Spot Color separation depending on Total Ink Coverage
This Fixup creates a separation using the selected Spot Color from the current page content, depending on the total color application found. The higher the total color application, the lower the percentage value of the color application in the separation.
Use case scenario: Use this Fixup to create a white channel (or any other system-wide Spot Color for example) which is dependent on the total ink coverage, to reduce ink costs or ink coverage.
Options: The description below describes each option in more detail.
Ink Coverage Reduction: Two ink reduction curves are available in the drop-down menu.
- Linear from 0% to 300% – This creates a 100% Spot Color tone for pixels where the total ink coverage is 0%. The 100% hue then decreases linearly until the total ink coverage is 300%. No Spot Color tone value is generated for the image point where the total color application is higher.
- Linear from 50% to 200% – This creates a 100% Spot Color tone value for pixels where the total ink coverage is from 0% to 50%. The 100% tint then decreases linearly until the total color application is 200%. No Spot Color tone value is generated for the image point where the total color application is higher.
- Protect Transparent Areas: Transparent areas in the Print Item also remain transparent when activated. Thus, even though the total color application for that area is 0%, no Spot Color will be generated for those pixels either.
- Protect Transparent and White Areas: Transparent as well as white areas in the Print Item also remain transparent or unprinted when activated. Thus, although the total color application for these areas is 0%, no Spot Color is generated for transparent or white pixels.
Figure 17: The Create Spot Color separation depending on Total Ink Coverage Fixup was created based on customer's needs.

This Fixup is only available under the Data Preparation tab to customers with a Workflow Plus license. This Fixup can also be used with Fixup Chains.
2.8.2. Improvements to existing Fixups
In version 1.9.0 some newer Fixups have been improved and/or revised.
Add Outline to Text
This Fixup adds an outline to text using the entered outline thickness. The outline color corresponds to the text color. Note that the entered line width is center-aligned, and thus overlaps the text by only half the line width.
Use case scenario: Use this fixup to slightly enhance negative text on a dark background. This Fixup is mainly used with digital printing systems that use water-based inks.
In this version, a new user-defined dialog has been added, so that the listed functions follow a more logical set of steps.
Figure 18: The Add Outline to Text Fixup.

Create Line on Box
Creates a printing line using the edges select based on the ImageBox or ImageBox + Bleed. The line is created in the selected line width, offset to the working frame as a spot color
Use case scenario: Use this Fixup to add guides for manual cutting scenarios.
In this version, a new user-defined dialog has been implemented, making the functions and their respective application easier to understand.
Figure 19: The Create Line on Selected Box Fixup.

This Fixup is only available under the Data Preparation tab to customers with a Workflow Plus license. This Fixup can also be used with Fixup Chains.
Create Bleed by Mirroring
This Fixup generates additional Bleed on the selected page edges by mirroring pixels in the document based on the selected PageBox.
Use case scenario: Use this Fixup to add additional Bleed to the document.
In this version, various functions have been added and the dialog has also been revised. The following new features are available:
- Create Bleed on – ImageBox or ImageBox + Bleed.
- Method – Repeat Last Pixel as Image, Stretch border area as image, Mirror Page Objects.
- Preview – An example image for visualizing the applied Method.
- Advanced settings in separate tab
- Processing steps according to ISO standard
Figure 20: The Create Bleed by Mirroring Fixup, using the Stretch border as Image option.

Add White Outline for Colored Areas
This Fixup creates a white outline for selected color areas to reduce color bleeding.
Use case scenario: Use this Fixup to keep the edge between two color areas sharp. Particularly when using water-based inks, as "bleeding" of colors may occur. By adding a "unprinted" white line, this "bleeding" effect can be eliminated.
In this version, the dialog has been revised and restructured.
Figure 21: The Add White Outline for Colored Areas Fixup.

This Fixup is only available under the Data Preparation tab to customers with a Workflow Plus license. This Fixup can also be used with Fixup Chains.
Fill PageBox with Spot Color
Creates a separation for the selected PageBox: ImageBox or ImageBox + Bleed, using the selected Spot Color.
Use case scenario: Use this Fixup to create a white overprinting area in the size of the selected page frame - ImageBox or ImageBox + Bleed. Surface size can be changed by entering an +/- offset, the fill color can be defined as well..
In this version the dialog has been revised. From now on, the color tone and the processing steps can be defined according to ISO standards.
Figure 22: The Fill PageBox with Spot Color Fixup.

Scale Page Content
This Fixup scales page content to a specified size. The existing Bleed is adjusted according to the entered scale.
Use case scenario: Use this Fixup to scale the design as needed. Scaling can be applied either using an absolute value or by entering a percentage and choosing a Scale Option such as: Stretch to Fill, Fit from Outside, etc..
In this version the behavior and the structure of the dialog has been revised. The input fields and their behavior vary based on scaling option is chosen.
Figure 23: The Scale Page Content Fixup.

Convert Registration Color
This Fixup converts the registration mark color either to 100% black or to a Spot Color called »Separation Black«. Objects labeled »Spot Color Black« are also converted to »Separation Black«.
Use case scenario: By converting to a Spot Color »black«, this can be precisely controlled in the output on digital printing systems, so that the same impression of the black tone is always reproduced in the production.
In this version, a new user-defined dialog has been implemented which offers both options as separate choices.
Figure 24: The Convert Registration Color Fixup.

Remove Printing Objects in Defined Area
This Fixup removes printed objects for specific areas, e.g. for adhesive surfaces. The area is determined by selection a Technical Spot Color.
Use case scenario: Use this Fixup to exclude the application ink to specific surfaces when applying adhesives for example. In order for this Fixup to work correctly all areas that should be excluded need to be defined with a stroke using a Technical Color.
As of this version, an offset can also be defined for an existing stroke.
Figure 25: The Fixup Remove Printing Objects in Defined Area.

This Fixup is only available under the Data Preparation tab to customers with a Workflow Plus license. This Fixup can also be used with Fixup Chains.
Delete Separation
Deletes selected color separations from objects of any type which are created using CMYK. Use this to remove a part or the entire image of a Print Item in order to obtain only Spot Colors contained in the print image.
Use case scenario: Use this Fixup to remove unused process color separations. If you want to remove a Spot Color please use the Remove Spot Color Fixup instead.
As of this version, you can use the »Convert RGB objects to CMYK« option to convert them beforehand.
Figure 26: The Delete Separation Fixup.

This Fixup is only available under the Data Preparation tab to customers with a Workflow Plus license. This Fixup can also be used with Fixup Chains.
Fill a Shape with Spot Color
This Fixup creates a separation using the selected Spot Color for the content of a shape.
Use case scenario: Use this Fixup to fill irregular shapes, e.g.: stickers, using the Spot Color white. In order for the Fixup to work correctly, the shape must be completely closed with an outline (stroke) and defined as a Spot Color. Use the Adjust Size setting to add a +/- offset based on the stroke. In addition, the Tint Value and Opacity for the generated white channel can be specified.
In this version, the dialog has been divided into two tabs. The »Basic Settings« tab shows the available options below and in the »Advanced« tab, the layer name for the Spot Color can also be defined. Furthermore, processing steps can be defined according to ISO standards.
Figure 27: The Fill a Shape with Spot Color Fixup.

Add Finishing
This Fixup can be used to prepare 95% of the print data in the large format industry for printing and subsequent finishing.
Use case scenario: Use this Fixup to bring Print Items to the final format adding extra Bleed that corresponds to defined production tolerances , you can also apply all necessary marks: Folding Lines, Dielines, Welding Lines, Grommets, Drilling Holes, etc. for finishing and post processing Print Items.
As of this version, four templates, including: three Grommet sizes and one Drill-hole size, are available in the Add Grommets section.
Figure 28: The Add Finishing Fixup.
This Fixup is only available under the Data Preparation tab to customers with a Workflow Plus license. This Fixup can also be used with Fixup Chains.
Add Grommets
This Fixup adds Grommets to horizontal and/or vertical edges. It is possible to add Grommets either using a specific number or by distance.
Use case scenario: Use this Fixup to add Grommets to the top and bottom edges of a banner using the desired spacing.
Starting from this version, four templates for Grommets are available which can be configured and then added to the Print Item. The Origin for the Grommets can also be defined when the option Grommets by Distance is chosen.
Figure 29: The Add Grommets Fixup.

This Fixup is only available under the Data Preparation tab to customers with a Workflow Plus license. This Fixup can also be used with Fixup Chains.
Add Spot Color to Printed Objects
This Fixup creates a separation using the selected Spot Color for all printed objects.
Use case scenario: Use this Fixup, for example, to create a reduced white channel for printing pixels or to fill all non-printing pixels with white.
Starting from this version, the generated Spot Color can be »inverted«, this option is available in the »Advanced« tab. Processing steps can be defined according to ISO standards.
Figure 30: The Add Spot Color to Printed Objects Fixup.

2.8.3. SDK Versions
With version 1.9.0 two new SDK versions are available, in which engine errors that occurred on the manufacturers' side were repaired. The following updates were added:
- Callas – PDF ToolBox Version 12.1
- Color Logic Version 1.16.7
3. Improvements
In version 1.9.0 of the Workflow, additional minor improvements have been added, these are:
3.1. Hotfolders
We've addd two additional changes under Automation > Hotfolders.
3.1.1. Obsolete functions have been removed
In this version, we've removed a function in the Hotfolder settings because it is now obsolete. The option Process Multipage PDF [28] has been removed. This option was only intended for Durst TAU printing systems and was used to transfer DCF files to the printer instead of TIFF files. Starting with this version, Production Jobs when using a Durst TAU printing systems are rendered to the printer using the DCF format by default. Due to this reason, this option has been removed from the Hotfolder settings.
Figure 31: The Hotfolder Setup dialog previous version 1.9.0.
3.1.2. Output Templates
As of version 1.9.0, Output Templates can also be configured and/or selected in the Hotfolder Setup and Create a Production Job dialog. For this purpose, both the »Finishing« and »Advanced« tabs have been removed from the Hotfolder Setup dialog, since these options are already included in the Output Template.
Figure 32: Selecting and/or configuring an Output Template in the Hotfolder Setup dialog.
3.2. Filter Options
As of version 1.9.0, additional filter options are available to the user for various lists in the Workflow. The following lists can be filtered using the following elements:
- Article Collection List – Starting with this version, the Collection List can be filtered using the criteria: Collections and also User-defined Fields.
- Article, Order, Print Items, Job List – From this version on, these lists can also be filtered using the criteria: User-defined Fields.
3.3. Deleting Print Items in a Job
As of this version, multiple Print Items can be deleted in a Production Job simultaneously. Previously, only one Print Item could be selected and then deleted at a time. Follow thes steps to delete multiple Print Items:
- Open a Production Job with multiple Print Items.
- Activate the corresponding checkboxes [29] for each Print Item to be deleted.
- Click on the Actions for selected Print Items [30] drop-down.
- Select Delete selected Print Items.
- Confirm the dialog to finalize the operation.
Figure 33: The Print Items tab, where multiple Print Items in a Production Job can now be deleted.
3.4. Check-in Warnings and Errors
In this release, additional Preflight Warnings and Errors have been implemented, which are displayed in the preflight results after uploading files into the Workflow. The following warning & error messages have been added:
- Items outside the MediaBox: Starting with version 1.9.0, if a file is uploaded in the Workflow that has elements outside the MediaBox, then a warning is displayed in the preflight results after the operation is complete. Such files can be corrected using the »Crops to Visible Area« Fixup.
- White Overprinting Objects: If a file is loaded into the Workflow that contains white overprinting objects, then an error is displayed in the preflight results after the operation is complete. The file must be corrected to ensure the correct output. To accomplish this use the Fixup »Set White Objects to Knockout« or go to Administration> Settings > Color Management and activate the option »Set White Objects To Knockout«.
3.5. Performance
Further improvements in processing performance have also been made in this version. The splitting of hardware components or available resources tries to minimize the probability of overloading the system. Future releases will also include refined performance optimization.
3.6. Minor Improvements
The following small improvements have also been implemented in this version.
3.6.1. Workflow
ABG Digicon Cutter
This cutter requires an extra page in the output that contains a QR Code so that the job can be processed correctly. So far, the extra page that contains this QR Code, automatically used the Substrate Definition's Substrate width. From this version on, the QR Code page now uses the final imposition size (based on the width).
Output Templates
Output Templates defined in the Workflow are stored using a new data structure, so that they can be validated continuously. Among other things, this has also improved the performance when validating and handling the Output Templates.
Spot Color Display
The small circles that are used to preview Spot Colors now contain a slight contour, so that bright Spot Colors are easier to identify. This behavior has been integrated throughout the Workflow, so that Spot Color previews are visible in a consistent manner.
PDF Printer
Output files from PDF printers have been optimized in this version. From this version on, the name of the final output file (PDF) corresponds to the name of the Production Job. When resending a Job to the printer, a »print counter« (representing a number that indicates how often the job has been rendered) was also added.
4. Fixed Bugs
4.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
Special Characters: An error occurred when loading a CSV file from a folder containing special characters. This has been fixed with this version. (PXT-1012)
4.2. Workflow
Import Color Setup: It was not possible to import a Color Setup if no Color Policy existed in the Workflow yet. This error has been fixed. (DW-5640)
Print Simulation using Color Space Conversion: Print Simulations in Production Jobs delivered an error if »RGB to Substrate« was selected for the Color Space Conversion. As of version 1.9.0, Print Simulation is disabled when »RGB to Substrate« is selected. (DW-5441)
Revert Version: If a document was reverted to an older version in the Workflow, the browser had to be updated for the process to complete. This is no longer necessary. DW-5423]
Custom Fixups: When uploading Custom Fixups, a name for the Fixup can be specified. However, this name was not used in the user interface, but was read from the added XML file. This behavior has been corrected so that the entered name is used. (DW-5296)
Revert Version ID: After a document in the Workflow was reverted to an older version, an internal ID was added to the name of the document. This behavior has been fixed. (DW-5117)
Article Expected & Current Dimensions: Sometimes the Expected Dimension and the Current Dimension – especially in the Article List and in Article Detail View, were incorrectly displayed. This error has been fixed. DW-5109]
4.3. Impose Editor
Tiling: In Tiling Impose Mode, information was displayed in the footer of the editor per tile and overall. The per Tile option was not working correctly. This problem has been fixed. (IMPOSE-2560)
File Manager: Navigating to the first and last page in the File Manager was no longer possible. These options have been implemented again. (IMPOSE-2558)
Save Impose: When saving impositions with more than 100 Print Items, an error occurred occasionally. This behavior has been optimized. (DW-5427)
Bleed larger than MediaBox: Starting with this version 1.9.0, the Bleed in the Impose Editor can be defined as larger than the available MediaBox. (IMPOSE-2508)
Mirror SVG elements: When Print Items are mirrored in the imposition, respective Marks, Captions, Lines and Grommets are also mirrored based on the way they are mirrored for the Print Item. (IMPOSE-2365)
Double-sided Nesting: Print Items on the reverse side were not scaled when the Print Items on the front side were scaled. This bug has been fixed. (IMPOSE-2357)