Release date: 06/17/2022
In this article you will learn which
- new features are available,
- improvements for users have been implemented and which
- bugs have been fixed in version 1.12.2 of the Workflow.
This article may also be downloaded as a PDF version. The release notes for the previously released versions may be downloaded from the Archive.
1. Overview
With version 1.12.2, users can take advantage of several new features in the environment of Variable Data, Impositions and Fixup application of print data. In addition, improvements have been made in the area of Routines and Color Setups as well as translations.
Please find an overview of all changes below. A more detailed description will follow in the sections new features, improvements as well as bug fixes.
Following SDK-Versions are included in DW 1.12.2:
- Callas Software pdfToolbox 13.1.586
- Callas Software pdfChip 2.4.072
- Color Logic CrossXColor 1.18.1-42166
- Global Graphics HHR 13.2
1.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
The following new features or improvements are available in Plug-in version 1.12.2 of the Workflow:
Plug-In Version When working with version 1.12.2 of the Workflow, version of the plug-in must be installed to ensure consistent operation. In this version, the compatibility of the plug-in with Adobe Illustrator CC 2022 has been implemented. Beyond that, only the version number has been changed to match the version of the Workflow. Furthermore, translations have been adjusted and added.
1.2. New features
The following new features are available in version 1.12.2 of the Workflow:
VDP Editor: Since version 1.12.0, a browser-based VDP Editor for creating and managing variable data is available in the Workflow. In version 1.12.2, further new features and improvements have been implemented therefor:
- Dim Static Content – Since version 1.12.0 static elements may be displayed dimmed in the VDP Editor. From this version on a percentage value on how much the static elements should be dimmed can be defined.
- VDP object creation tools – As of this version, new symbols for VDP object creation tools have been integrated. Furthermore, the range of functions has been extended so that a Blend Mode can also be defined for these objects.
Impose Editor: In the Impose Editor further new features and enhancements have been implemented with version 1.12.2. In addition, already existing functions have been improved or revised.
- Shape Nesting – In this version, numerous revisions have been made in Shape Nesting. System settings provide more flexible processing of data preparation. Print data is automatically prepared for Shape Nesting and the Workflow has been changed to asynchronous to prevent any performance problems.
- Remove sheet duplicate in nesting – From version 1.12.2 on, multi-page Impositions can be saved and output in reduced form. Identical looking Impositions are removed by activating the new function and consequently provided with a copy count to minimize the number of print jobs at the printer and its rendering time.
Rest API: Starting from this version, in addition to the thumbnail of a Print Item, high-resolution previews may also be retrieved directly and imported into a connected system.
PDF Editor: New features have been implemented in the PDF Editor with version 1.12.2 and existing functions have been improved or revised.
- Shape Nesting - show paths – As of this version, paths used for Shape Nesting can be displayed in the PDF Editor. Thereby, it is possible to check on which shape the Shape Nesting is performed.
User-defined check-in of print data: Starting with this version it is possible to configure and save user-defined check-in templates, i.e. preflight and fixup instructions. Thereby, up to 24 preflight profiles and 37 checks can be combined and executed. The check-in template which is set as default is consequently used as the check routine when checking in print data.
Workflow Activity Monitor: The Activity Monitor has been completely revised in this version, as the range of functions has been drastically expanded. The following changes and enhancements have been made:
- User interface revision – The user interface of the Activity Monitor has been revised and restructured. Furthermore, an additional tab "Workflow History" has been added.
- Prioritize processes in the queue – Starting with this version processes that are in the queue may be prioritized. For example Production Jobs that are to be sent to the printer at short notice can be placed on top of the queue. Thereby, these Production Jobs are processed next.
Duplicate Hotfolders : As of version 1.12.2, Hotfolders that have already been created in the Workflow may be duplicated including the configuration. When duplicating, only the Hotfolder source directory must be changed. The reason is that multiple hotfolders are not allowed to access the same source directory. All other settings are adopted.
Kongsberg Cutters: In this version, the official standard ISCRIPT - specified by Kongsberg - has been implemented in combination with JDF to complete the full integration of the cutter. Starting with version 1.12.2, the first version of the full integration is included.
Data Preparation: In the course of development, on the one hand new fixups were added and on the other hand already existing fixups were extended in functionality or improved with regard to usability.
SDK versions: Updates from various OEM partners, among others, also provide for further innovations and improvements. Version 1.12.2 includes the Callas Software pdfToolbox version 13.1.586.
1.3. Improvements
Routines: Starting with this version, Routines which are created and required by the system can no longer be deleted. However, they can still be configured and duplicated. In addition Routines can only be edited if paused. Starting from this version, Routines can also be executed at any time by the user, without waiting for the defined moment. If a routine is currently being executed, this is visually indicated in the list of Routines.
Color Setup: In this version, some additional functions have been implemented in Color Setups and extended in their range of functions. This includes the following enhancements:
- Skip calibration – When creating a new Color Setup, the user can define whether a linearization profile and/or an Ink Limit profile is required. Printing systems that calibrate themselves only require a Substrate Profile, which means that the linearization and Ink Limit steps can be skipped.
- Analysis of OBA value – As of this version in the profiling step Linearization the OBA value (the value for the optical brightener) is analyzed during measurement and consequently displayed in the Analyze step. Thereby, it is possible to determine how strongly the optical brightener of a substrate affects the profile.
Filter for Print Items list: Additional filter options have been implemented for the list of Print Items in the Workflow. Starting with this version, the list of all Print Items may also be filtered by user-defined fields.
Small Improvements: Other small improvements have been implemented.
1.4. Fixed Bugs
Workflow: List of fixed bugs or minor improvements in the main application.
Impose Editor: List of fixed bugs and minor improvements in the Impose Editor.
2. New features
In this section, you will learn which new features were developed in the Adobe Illustrator Plug-In, Impose Editor and Workflow. In some cases, existing functions have been expanded.
2.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-In
When working with version 1.12.2 of the Workflow, version of the plug-in must be installed to ensure consistent operation. If you are using an older version of the plug-in, you will be notified when you log in to the plug-in.
The following versions of Adobe Illustrator are supported:
Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Version 24.2 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 Version 25.4.1 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2022 Version 26.3.1 |
macOS | macOS Version 10.15 (Catalina), |
macOS Version 12.3 (Monterey), macOS Version 11.2 (Big Sur), macOS Version 10.15 (Catalina), macOS Version 10.14 (Mojave), macOS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
macOS Version 12.4 (Monterey), macOS Version 11.2 (Big Sur), macOS Version 10.15 (Catalina), macOS Version 10.14 (Mojave), macOS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
Microsoft Windows | MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
Support | Plug-In Version, Plug-In Version (nur WIN) |
Plug-In Version (macOS and WIN) |
Plug-In Version (macOS and WIN) |
Support of older Illustrator versions
Note that the current plug-in version can only be installed for Adobe Illustrator CC 2020, Adobe Illustrator CC 2021, and Adobe Illustrator CC 2022. If Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 or Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 is used with macOS for Workflow 1.10.0, then plug-in must be used. Plug-in is compatible with macOS only when Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 or Adobe Illustrator CC 2022 is used.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 can still be used with plug-in version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.2. Use of plug-in version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or bugs for this constellation won't be followed up nor fixed.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 can still be used with plug-in version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.6. Use of plug-in version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or bugs for this constellation won't be followed up nor fixed.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2022-Support
In this release, Adobe Illustrator plug-in compatibility has been implemented with Adobe Illustrator CC 2022. Use this installer if you are working with Adobe Illustrator CC 2022.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2021-Support with Apple M1 Chipset
The plug-in can only be accessed in Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 and 2022 if Adobe Illustrator has been started in the Rosetta environment (emulation mode). The conversion of the plug-in to M1 compatibility will take a little longer, as the necessary development environment for this has not yet been provided by Adobe.
New features in the Variable Data environment
Note that new functions in the environment of variable data generation, as of version 1.12.0, are only offered in the VDP Editor within the Workflow.
No new features were implemented beyond that, only some translations in different languages were adapted and extended.
2.2. VDP Editor
Since version 1.12.0 of the Workflow, a browser-based VDP Editor for creating and managing variable data has been available in the Workflow. In version 1.12.2, further innovations and improvements have been implemented in this regard. Read more in the following section.
2.2.1. VDP Editor settings
Starting with this version the user can define basic presets for the VDP Editor, in regard to functionality. To open the presets, proceed as follows:
- Open a Print Item or an Article.
- Open the VDP Editor.
- Create a random variable element with the tools at hand.
- Click on the VDP Editor settings symbol [1] in the header of the VDP Editor - see figure 1.
- Three options are available in the dialog.
Figure 1: The VDP Editor settings dialog with new options

Dim Static Content
Since version 1.12.0, the static content may be dimmed in the VDP Editor in order to quicker recognize where variable elements are located. As of this version, a percentage value on the strength of the dim for the static elements can be defined. Proceed as follows:
- Open the VDP Editor settings dialog - see figure 1.
- Define the desired percentage value in the input field Dim static content by.
- Save the chose parameters.
- To dim the static content active the option Dim Static Content [2] - see figure 2.
Control display of variable images
Depending on the file format as well as the file size of the images used for variable image elements, the available memory in the browser may overflow very quickly when displaying the preview. To avoid this, two additional options are available in the VDP Editor Settings dialog.
- Maximum file size in MB for calculating the preview: Determine up to which file size preview images are calculated for the variable images. If an image has more than the set file size, the dummy preview (placeholder image) is displayed in the browser. In the output, of course, the high-resolution data is used.
- Show only dummy preview: Specify that only placeholder images are used in the preview for variable images. By enabling this option operators can act faster when setting up the variable elements. In the output the high-resolution data is used.
2.2.2. Display Symbols
As of this version, the ImageBox [3] or ImageBox + Bleed [4] may be displayed and hidden in the VDP Editor. To display the ImageBox [5] select option IB [3] to display the bleed [6] select IB + B [4] in the header. The functionality is already known from the PDF Editor and Impose Editor.
Figure 2: The interface of the VDP Editor with the new icons in the header bar
2.2.3. VDP Object Creation Tools
As of this version, new symbols for VDP Object Creation Tools have been integrated. Furthermore, the range of functions has been extended. Thereby, a Blend Mode may be defined for these objects. Read more in the next two sections.
New symbols
The icons for the VDP Object Creation Tools have been updated in this version, so that it is clear that these tools can also be linked to variable data - changing the color values for surface and shape.
Figure 3: The toolbar of the VDP Editor with the VDP Object Creation tools expanded and new icons added

Blend Mode for VDP Object Creation tools
As of version 1.12.2 the Blend Mode can be defined for objects created in the VDP Editor. This enhancement affects the VDP Rectangle tool, VDP Ellipse tool and the VDP Path tool. To define the Blend Mode, proceed as follows:
- Open the VDP Editor.
- Activate one of the above mentioned tools and create a variable element.
- Select the created object on the artboard.
- Activate the Format [8] tab.
- In Blend Mode [7] select the desired mode.
Figure 4: The Format tab for VDP Object Creation tools with the Blend Mode menu expanded.

Further information
For more information on Blending Modes and fill methods, see the Blend Methods article.
2.3. Impose Editor
In the Impose Editor, further innovations and enhancements have been implemented with version 1.12.2. In addition, already existing functions have been improved or revised. Read this section to find out which areas are affected.
2.3.1. Shape Nesting
In Version 1.12.0 the first beta version for Shape Nesting was implemented for imposing Print Items with irregular shapes in the Nesting Impose mode. Thereby, an optimized version of the nesting is generated.
In this version, further improvements have been made in Shape Nesting and for the first time Shape Nesting is officially available for all Workflow users. In addition to improving the process and increasing performance, system settings are now available for Shape Nesting that allow data to be automatically prepared for imposing as quickly as possible.
System settings
As of this version, six options for Shape Nesting are available in the Shape Nesting area. These options make it easier to prepare the print data for Shape Nesting and improve the accuracy of the calculation for Shape Nesting.
The following settings are available from version 1.12.2 in Administration > Settings > Impose Editor > Shape Nesting Options:
Spot Color - The selected Spot Color is automatically applied when the Shape Nesting path is created. This option is used in the following situations:
- When the Prepare for Shape Nesting option is enabled in the Shape Nesting options settings area of the tab Impose Editor in Administration > Settings.
- When the Prepare Print Item for Shape Nesting option is activated in the footer of the Technical Colors settings area in the Print Data tab of the Print Items detail view.
- When Shape Nesting is started in the Impose Editor.
- Prepare for Shape Nesting - After uploading the Print Item to the Workflow, the item is automatically prepared for Shape Nesting. This happens as soon as the selected spot color is found in the Print Item.
- Simplification - TBD
- Corner Type - thereby, it is determined how pointed corners are created after the offset is done. Corners may appear pointed (mitered), rounded or flattened by default.
- Miter Limit - thereby, the point at which the miter is automatically flattened is set. A miter limit of 2 flattens pointed corners relatively quickly. A higher miter limit sometimes results in very long, unacceptable peaks.
- TSN Offset Curve Tolerance - This option is only valid for rounded corners. Since lines can never create perfect curves, this parameter specifies the maximally acceptable inaccuracy (tolerance) when curves are created in an offset operation. Smaller values increase the "roundness" up to a certain point, but at the cost of performance and the higher number of path points to construct the rounded corner.
Figure 5: The Shape Nesting Options setting area of the Impose Editor tab in Administration > Settings

Not all options are displayed
If only the Spot Color and Prepare for Shape Nesting options are displayed, this is the default setting. To access the other options as well, you need to go to Administration > Settings > General and select the option
Prepare Print Data for Shape Nesting
Before it is possible to apply Shape Nesting to a Print Item in the Workflow, a path must be created therefor. Before version 1.12.2, this path had to be created manually by executing a separate function. As of this version, the path can also be created automatically. At the following points in the Workflow, the Shape Nesting path can be created or determined automatically or manually:
Version 1: Create automatically at the Check-in
Proceed as follows:
- Navigate to the menu Administration > Settings > Impose Editor.
- Activate the option Prepare for Shape Nesting in the settings area Shape Nesting Options of the Impose Editor tab (see figure 5).
- In the dropdown menu Spot Color choose the desired Technical Color which should be used as path for the placement in the Shape Nesting (see figure 5).
- Save the settings.
- Upload a Print Item which already contains a Dieline in the previously selected Spot Color.
When the Prepare for Shape Nesting option has been activated and the selected technical color is included in the document at the time of check-in, then preparation for Shape Nesting will be performed during check-in. Thereby, all necessary data for Shape Nesting will be generated.
Version 2: Create automatically in the Print Item or Article dialog
Proceed as follows:
- Navigate to the menu Administration > Settings > Impose Editor.
- Deactivate the Prepare for Shape Nesting option in the Shape Nesting options setting area of the Impose Editor tab (see Figure 5).
- In the dropdown menu Spot Color choose the desired Technical Color which should be used as path for the placement in the Shape Nesting (see figure 5).
- Save the settings.
- Create a new Article or a new Print Item in the Create-dialog in the context of an Article, Order or Production Job .
- Activate the option Prepare for Shape Nesting in the options tab.
- Complete the procedure.
In the Create Article or Create Print Item dialogs, the system setting for the Prepare for Shape Nesting option, if not checked within the dialog, can still be executed. This is possible if the Spot Color set in the settings is included in the document at the time of check-in.
Figure 6: The Create Article dialog with the new option Prepare for Shape Nesting
Version 3: Create manually in the Article or Print Item detail view
Proceed as follows:
- Open an Article or Print Item in the Print Item detail view.
- Choose the Print Data tab and scroll to the settings area Technical Colors.
- In the settings area select the desired Spot Color which should be used for creating the Shape Nesting path.
- Activate the Prepare Print Item for Shape Nesting function [9] in the footer of the area.
By activating the function, a process is started, which generates all necessary data for the Shape Nesting. After the process has been completed successfully, the Shape Nesting can be started or created in the Impose Editor.
Figure 7: The settings area Technical Colors with the option to prepare for Shape Nesting

Version 4: Create manually in the Print Items list of the Impose Editor
Proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor in a Production Job or in Automation > Impose Editor.
- Change to the Impose Mode Nesting.
- In the panel Artboard Settings [10] choose Settings [11] in the Settings area, in the dropwdown menu Imposition based on [12] the entry Shape + Bleed.
- If required, enter an additional distance in Spacing between Shape [13] in the Nesting Options setting area.
Figure 8: The Artboard Settings tab with the setting areas Settings and Nesting Options

5. Switch to the Print Item tab [14].
6. Activate the Prepare for Shape Nesting [15] function for the corresponding Print Items. In case that there are more Print Items in the Imposition this step must be conducted for each Print Item separately.
Figure 9: The Print Item tab with the corresponding symbol to prepare a Print Item for Shape Nesting

7. Choose the desired Technical Color in the dialog, which should be used for creating a Shape Nesting path.
8. Press Apply in order to start the preparation of the Print Item for Shape Nesting.
Figure 10: The Prepare for Shape Nesting dialog in the Impose Editor

Version 5: Automatically at the start of the Shape Nesting
Proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor in a Production Job or in Automation > Impose Editor
- Change to the Imposition mode Nesting
- In the Artboard Settings panel choose in the area settings in the dropdown menu Imposition based on the option Shape + Bleed
- Activate the Start Shape Nesting button
By activating the Start Shape Nesting button all Print Items are checked in terms of whether they are already prepared for Shape Nesting. The following actions are conducted:
- Print Items which aren't prepared yet, will be prepared based on the system settings (see fig. 4). When another Technical Color should be used, manual preparation must take place.
- Print Items which were already prepared will be checked on whether a new preparation is necessary - e.g. change of size after initial preparation. When the preparation is not up-to-date anymore the corresponding Print Item is prepared again based on the system settings (see fig. 4).
Figure 11: Automatical preparation of Print Items when starting a Shape Nesting

The process of Shape Nesting
The Shape Nesting process is divided into the following six steps:
- Launching the Shape Nesting.
- Calculating the Shape Nesting Path (in case it is not available or deprecated).
- Calculating the first Shape Nesting.
- Evaluating the outcome of the first Shape Nesting and taking decisions for further steps.
- Conducting an optimization.
- Saving the desired optimized version.
Not all steps are available in every license
Note that steps one to four are available in all Workflow versions. The calculation of an optimized version across one or more Impositions is not available in the Print Workflow. However, a Print Workflow license can be extended accordingly. For more information, contact your Workflow representative.
Step 1 + 2 + 3: Start and create Shape Nesting
After the Print Items have been prepared automatically or manually (see section Preparing Print Data for Shape Nesting the Shape Nesting can be created. Proceed as follows:
- Create a Production Job with the desired Print Items and choose the suiting Output Configuration.
- Open the Impose Editor in the Nesting Impose mode.
- Define the desired number of copies per Print Item.
- In the Artboard Settings are choose in the settings area settings in the dropdown menu Imposition based on the entry Shape + Bleed.
- If necessary enter an additional spacing in Spacing between Shape in the settings area Nesting Options.
- Before starting the calculation set the needed settings for Marks, Captions, Dielines etc.
- Activate the Shape Nesting.
- It is possible to terminate the started process at any given time by clicking on the Cancel Shape Nesting symbol [20].
An asynchronous process starts which prepares the Print Items (where necessary) initially or anew. Subsequently the Shape Nesting is calculated. Occasionally this can take some time.
Figure 12: The progress of the calculation is shown by a process bar

Step 4: Assess first result and take further steps
Once the first version of the Shape Nesting has been created and is displayed in the Impose Editor, the Imposition may either be optimized, saved or reset.
- Reset: In case the Impose settings or cutter devices or similar changes which influence the geometry of the Imposition must be adapted, the Shape Nesting must be reset. Only then Impose settings may be taken anew. In order to reset the Shape Nesting confirm the therefore provided button [22].
- Save: If the result already meets your expectations, you can save the result by selecting Save in the Impose Editor menu bar and close the Impose Editor.
- Optimize: If the result does not yet meet your expectations, you can improve the result by clicking Start Optimization [21].
Figure 13: First version of the Shape Nesting

Step 5: Start Optimization
When the result of the first version of the Shape Nesting is to be improved, Shape Nesting can be optimized. Proceed as follows:
- Activate the Start Optimization button [21] (fig. 13).
- Wait until the result of the Imposition is created.
- It is possible to switch between the different results by selecting the respective optimization result [24].
- The started optimization process may be cancelled anytime [23] when you perceive the version as the optimum.
- The optimization is automatically terminated when no better results can be generated or the given optimization time has expired or the maximum number of iterations has been reached. Find more details therefor in section 2.3.3. Optimization of Nestings of the release notes of version 1.8.0.
Figure 14: Optimization of the Shape Nesting is performed or calculated

Step 6: Save the desired version
As soon as the result of the Shape Nesting or the optimized Shape Nesting has been calculated satisfactorily, you can save the Imposition. When, for whatever reason, an earlier optimization result [26] suits your production better, you can select it and then follow the familiar procedure for saving the Shape Nesting. When you save, the selected version is saved so that this version can be displayed immediately when you open the program again without having to perform a new calculation.
In case you should have any adjustment concerning the Nesting settings this may be done anytime by clicking on Reset Optimization [25].
Figure 15: Selecting an Optimization Result and save

Double-sided nesting with Shape Nesting
In version 1.12.2 and 1.13.0 the Shape Nesting for double-sided nesting is not yet supported. The solution is in process and will be soon at your disposal.
Notes on the current implementation
No bigger changes are planned for Shape Nesting between version 1.12.2 & version 1.13.0 . Version 1.12.2 therefore matches the official flavor for Shape Nesting. In case any problems might occur or improvements are requested, please directly report this by contacting the official customer support.
2.3.2. Remove Sheet duplicates in Nesting
From version 1.12.2 on multi-page Imposition can be saved and output in reduced form. Same looking Imposition will be removed by activating the new function and are consequently given a number of copies in order to minimize the number of printing jobs and their render time at the printer.
Application in the Impose Editor
To remove sheet duplicates in a multi-page nesting proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor in Nesting mode.
- Create a multi-page Nesting with several Print Items of the desired number of copies per Print Item. Only when accordingly large quantities are needed there is a probability of sheet duplicates - thereby the number as well as the geometry of the imposed Print Item is identical.
Figure 16: Page 1 of a multi-page Nesting - 6 pages
2. Switch to the Artboard Settings tab.
3. In the settings area Settings activate the Remove Sheet duplicates in the Nesting option.
4. When sheet duplicates are found, the total number of Imposition sheets is reduced. The corresponding number, thus how often the sheet needs to be printed, is displayed in the upper corner of the Imposition.
5. Save the Imposition.
Figure 17: Page 1 after removing the sheet duplicates with the corresponding display how often the sheet needs to be printed
Number of sheets to be printed
By activating the Remove Sheet duplicates in the Nesting option, repetitive Impositions are removed from the nesting, a multi-page PDF is created for the Imposition. Thus, the number of reduced sheets is displayed, and the number of times the sheet must be printed is saved for each page of the Imposition. The number of sheets to be printed is also passed to the job ticket for the print job. In our example, by removing the sheet duplicates the following is achieved:
- the first sheet is sent to the printer once and printed three times
- the second sheet is sent to the printer once and printed twice
- the third sheet is sent to the printer once and printed once
If the option Remove Sheet duplicates in the Nesting was not activated, six pages would be rendered and sent to the printer. Furthermore, six print jobs would be created at the printer with one copy each for the print operator.
Third-party printer providers and PDF printers
The option Remove Sheet duplicates in the Nesting currently can't be used for third-party printers and also not for PDF printers because the number of times the sheet is to be printed cannot be passed to the job ticket. If the option is used for these printers, it will be ignored and not applied when sending to the printer.
The possibility to offer this for third party printer providers will be added in version 1.13.0. For PDF printers, this restriction will remain in place until the option to output a job ticket with the print PDF is implemented in the Workflow.
Display of Impose information in the Production Job
In the course of the development of the Remove Sheet Duplicates in the in Nesting function, the Impose tab in the Production Job has been revised. Thereby, the tab has been expanded with additional information, providing the user with information needed for production.
Figure 18: The Impose tab of the previously described Production Job example
As of version 1.12.2 information regarding the tabs Print Item Overview and Production Job Overview are separately calculated and displayed:
Print Item Overview
This tab displays information about the imposed Print Item of the Production Job:
- Print Item [27] - list of Print Items which are used in the Imposition.
- Copies [28] - number of imposed copies of the respective Print Items which are used in the Imposition.
- Total Prints [39] - total number of the ordered copies of the respective Print Item which is used in the Imposition. The number in brackets [30] shows the sum of all Print Items which are placed in the Imposition.
- Superset/subset [31] - difference between the number of imposed copies and the total number of ordered copies. This information is important to check for the user as to be sure whether the total prints of the ordered copies were indeed imposed.
- On Page [32] - states on which sheets the Print Items were imposed. The specification 2-3, 9 would e.g. show that the respective Print item is placed on three Impose sheets. Thereby, the important information is given for the operator that the Print Items would have to be collected from sheets quite far from each other.
Figure 19: Print Item Overview tab with information regarding Print Items of the Production Job
Difference between the number and total prints of ordered copies
The number of imposed copies as well as the total prints of the ordered copies might differentiate for the case that it was not possible to impose all ordered copies. In case of a multi-page Imposition both columns always show the same values as the ordered total prints of the placed Print Items. The sum out of the number as well as the Super-/subset amount in every case to the Total column
Production Job Overview
This tab displays information about the individual sheets of the Production Job:
- Sheets to be ripped [33] – numbers the list of sheets to be ripped from the imposed Production Job. The number in parentheses indicates how many sheets must be rendered and how many print jobs result at the printer.
- Sheets to be printed [34] – indicates how often the individual sheet must be printed. This information is communicated to the printer via the job ticket. The number in parentheses indicates how many sheets must be rendered and thus how many print jobs result at the printer.
- Number of Print Items per Sheet (all Sheets) [35] –indicates how many Print Items were placed on the sheet. The number in parentheses indicates how many Print Items are eventually printed.
- Degree of Utilization of the Sheet [36] – indicates the degree of utilization per sheet. This allows the user to see how effective the Imposition is on the respective sheet and whether additional Print Items should possibly be added to achieve less substrate shrinkage.
- Total Area for Sheets / Total Length for Rolls [37] – indicates for sheets how large the individual printed sheets are. The number in the header indicates how many square meters will be printed. For roll material, an indication on how many square meters are produced per Imposition is given. The number in the header indicates the total length of the produced roll.
Figure 20: The Production Job Overview tab with information regarding the sheets of the Production Job
Send Imposition to the Printer
In the course of the development of the Remove Sheet duplicates in the Nesting function, the Send to printer dialog has also been extended to include the information described above regarding the Print Item Overview and the Production Job Overview. In addition, the page range [39] for outputting a multi-page Production Job has been revised.
Figure 21: The General tab of the Send to Printer dialog with new additional information as well as the adapted specification of the Pages area
All information that is displayed in the Impose tab of the Production Job (see Figure 19 and Figure 20) is also listed in the Send to Printer dialog. The difference to the information in the Impose tab is that in the Send to Printer dialog, the values are calculated and displayed depending on the selected Pages [39] and Copies [38]:
- Copies [38] - determines the number of times the Imposition should be output. All values already calculated in the Print Item Overview and the Production Job Overview are multiplied by this number.
- Pages: All/From-To [39] – When All pages are sent to the printer, then the individual Imposition sheets are rendered and the number of copies per Imposition sheet calculated in the Imposition are sent to the printer in the job ticket. However, if a page range is selected, then each Imposition sheet in the page range will be rendered and sent to the printer with the number 1 in the Job Ticket unless you have changed the number of copies.
When you change anything in the Copies or From - To input fields in the Send to Printer dialog, check the values in the Print Item Overview or Production Job Overview areas. Thereby, verify that this corresponds to your ideas for the output.
2.4. Rest API
In the Rest API, performance improvements were implemented with version 1.12.2 and another function was added.
2.4.1. Get high resolution preview image
Leading ERP systems such as Lift want to digitally transmit a high-resolution JPEG version to the customer instead of a release report, in order to keep the file size for the release as small as possible. The JPEG preview image provided via the API is generated compressed with 3000 pixels for the longer side of the Print Item.
Query for an Article
Using GET /api/v1/articles/{id}/files/jpg/direct
it is now possible to retrieve a high resolution preview image for an article. The fileTypeKey
has been extended by the parameter jpg
Query for a Print Item within an Order and Production Job:
Using GET /api/v1/motifs/{id}/files/jpg/direct
it is now possible to retrieve a high resolution preview image for a Print Item within an Order and Production Job.
The fileTypeKey
has been extended by the parameter jpg
2.5. PDF Editor
In the PDF Editor, minor improvements were implemented with version 1.12.2, and another function was added.
2.5.1. "Analyze" tab
As of this version, the paths used for Shape Nesting can be displayed in the Analyze tab of the PDF Editor. This allows you to check on which shapes the calculation for the Shape Nesting is performed. To display the Shape Nesting path in the PDF Editor, proceed as follows:
- Open the desired Print Item in the Workflow.
- Prepare the Print Item or the Article for the Shape Nesting (see paragraph Prepare Print Data for Shape Nesting)
- Open the PDF Editor.
- The Print Item is displayed in the Analyze tab by default.
- In the Page Geometry area activate the information Shape Nesting path [40] and Shape Nesting + Bleed [41].
- Analyze the paths in the live view.
Figure 22: The Analysis tab of the PDF Editor with activated Shape Nesting paths
Display of Page Geometry Frames
Note that the classic Production Frame ImageBox is displayed as a solid yellow line and ImageBox + Bleed as a turquoise area, while the Shape Nesting paths are displayed as dashed lines.
2.6. Custom Check-in templates
With version 1.12.2, it's possible to configure the check-in profile via the user interface directly in the Workflow and save it as a template. This profile controls which warnings and errors are generated during check-in.
2.6.1. General
The purpose of standardized data checking and Data Preparation during check-in is to check print data for production-related problems and automatically correct possible errors so that a normalized print file is ready for production.
Up to version 1.12.2, two different check-in profiles were available to the user. While the Default Preflight Workflow performs a very extensive data check and Data Preparation, the Minimal Preflight Workflow performs only a makeshift check without applying any Fixups. Which checks and Fixups are performed, and whether they are displayed as warnings or errors, was preset by PDF specialists during development; changing the behavior was only possible with a great deal of effort in external tools.
Most users use the Default Set, while users who only upload print data to the Workflow that has already been normalized outside the Workflow use the Minimal Set. Using the Minimal Set also saves valuable production time.
Since in practice the Workflow is used to check, prepare and output print data for a wide variety of applications, it is logical that not every print file should be subjected to the same check. For example, the resolution of images for print data in packaging or for labels plays a much greater role than for print data that has to be produced in the large format environment - posters, flags, banners and such like. Other examples might involve checking for font sizes, color spaces, missing fonts, corrupt data structures, notes and such like.
The request to enable product-specific checks and Fixups already during check-in comes mainly from the automation environment, where leading systems such as Lift ERP transfer products into the Workflow and only want to receive the most necessary information about production-relevant problems. In line with our development focus which is to offer users all the functions they need for production in a browser-based application, version 1.12.2 for the first time offers the option of creating and saving product-specific check-in templates. Check-in templates can then be dynamically applied during check-in via the Rest API. For the standard operation of the Workflow - uploading print data via Force Print, Hotfolder or manual upload - at least one user-defined check-in template can currently be created and set system-wide for the Workflow.
When creating check-in templates, users can currently access 37 checks and 24 corrections, which can be combined as desired. A defined set can then be saved as a stand-alone check-in template and set as the default for the Workflow. The check-in template set as the default is consequently used as check and fixup when checking in print data.
Check-in templates are no substitute for Fixup Chains
While print data is prepared during check-in to create a normalized state for the print data, the print file can be prepared for production by adding margin reinforcements, dielines, white separations, grommets, etc. in a downstream Fixup Chain. The extension of the Check-in Profile's capabilities will therefore always follow this principle. Not every Fixup will be available in the Check-in profile.
2.6.2. Interface of the configuration dialog
The interface for configuring a template works as follows.
Figure 23: Edit check-in templates dialog with selected template Workflow Default Preflight
The Edit Check-in dialog consists of three areas.
Search and filter area
The search and filter area offers the following options:
- Full text search - Using the full text search, you can search for specific keywords to find the desired checks or fixups more quickly. The full text search is available in the left area [42] - search for available checks and Fixups - and in the right area [50] - search for active checks and Fixups.
- Type - The list can also be filtered by type. The list can be pre-filtered by checks and Fixups [45], by Fixups [46] or by checks [47]. Types are available for filtering in the left - search for available checks and Fixups - and in the right - search for active checks and Fixups.
Tags - checks and Fixups are assigned to certain groups so that users can also use them to narrow down the list of available checks and Fixups more quickly. Tags are available in the left [43] - search for available checks and Fixups - and in the right [51] - search for active checks and Fixups. The following tags - an entry can have several tags - are currently available:
- Document – filters for checks and Fixups that address common document-related issues such as Document is encrypted, Document is damaged, Complex Content Stream, Remove content of invisible layers, etc.
- Object – filters for checks and Fixups that address object-related issues such as Object is set to knockout, Object is set to overprint, Transparency used etc.
- Page – filters for checks and fixups that address page-related issues such as Page is empty, Page scaling factor used, Page size and/or orientation not equal, Apply rotation factor, etc.
- Font – filters for checks and fixups that address font-related issues such as Embed missing fonts, Remove additional encoding for TrueType fonts etc.
- Color – filters for checks and fixup that address color-related issues such as uses Lab, uses device dependent RGB (DeviceRGB), Spot Color Name is equal to Process Color Name, Transparency blend color space is not DeviceCMYK, Convert spot color names, Make Spot Color names consistent, etc.
- Image – filters for checks and fixups that address image-related issues such as Resolution of bitmap image lower than defined, Image is overprint, Image uses ICC-tagged RGB, Image uses ICC-tagged Gray, Discard OPI information, etc.
- Text – filters for checks and fixup that address text-related issues such as Text is smaller than, White text is not set to knockout, Text is overprint, Text- or Vector object uses device dependent RGB (DeviceRGB), Substitute characters using .notdef glyph with space characters, etc.
- Page Box –filters for checks and fixup that address Page Box-related issues such as Auto-correct nesting of page geometry boxes, Objects Outside MediaBox, Set MediaBox to origin, etc.
- Page content – filters for checks and fixups that address page content-related issues such as Comments inside the print area, Set initial view, Remove page scaling factor, Discard all JavaScripts, Discard embedded PostScript
- Layers – filters for checks and fixups that address layer-related issues such as removing content of invisible layers, etc.
- PDF/X-1a – filters for checks and fixups that address PDF/X1a-related issues such as Discard all JavaScripts, Discard OPI information, Embed missing fonts, Contains ICC based RGB text and/or vector objects, Transparency used, etc
- PDF/X-3 – filters for checks and fixups that address PDF/X3-related problems such as Discard all JavaScripts, Discard OPI information, Font is not embedded, Transparency used, etc.
- PDF/X-4 – filters for checks and fixups that address PDF/X4-related issues such as JavaScripts, Discard OPI information, Font is not embedded, Transparency used, etc.
- PDF/X-6 – filters for checks and fixups that address PDF/X6 related issues such as JavaScripts, Discard OPI information, Font is not embedded, Transparency used, etc.
- Lift-ERP – filters for checks and fixup that address Lift ERP-related issus such as automatic scaling of the Print Item to a certain size incl. allowed distortion, comparison of barcode content in PDF with an expected value etc.
- Check-in template [49] – in this drop-down menu all user-defined check-in templates are provided. By default, two templates -
- Default Preflight and Workflow Minimal Preflight - are provided after installation. All other templates can be created, saved and used user-defined. By selecting a check-in template, the list of all active checks and fixups is displayed updated. An asterisk * at the end of the name indicates that the current list of active checks has been edited.
List of available Checks and Fixups
In the list of available checks and Fixups [44] all checks and Fixups are available which can be selected for a check-in template. Each entry in the list represents an available check or Fixup. The symbol in front of it indicates whether it is a check or a Fixup. The icons below it describe the assigned tags, which can be used for filtering.
Clicking the Add button [48] moves the check or Fixup to the list of active checks and Fixups.
List of active checks and Fixups
The list of active checks and Fixups [55] contains all checks and Fixups that are active for a check-in template and are used for checking or fixup application during the check-in. Each entry in the list represents an active check or Fixup. All checks can be declared as info, warning or error [52], which are reported after check-in.
By expanding a check or Fixup [54], details can be displayed or further settings can be made. By pressing Delete [53] an active check or Fixup can be deactivated again.
2.6.3. Create user-defined check-in templates
In order to configure a user-defined check-in template proceed as follows:
- Navigate to the menu Administration > Settings.
- Activate the Preflight / Fixup tab.
- In the Preflight Profiles area choose the Default Preflight and Fixup XML profile with the V2 auxiliary.
- Activate the Edit Check-in Templates button in the footer.
- In the list of all available checks and Fixups select the one that should be used during check-in. Click on the Add button in each case.
- Newly added checks and Fixups are displayed with a green background to make them easier to recognize.
- Configure all settings in the list of active checks and Fixups - for some checks and Fixups further settings must be made by expanding the dropdown.
- Determine the severity levels for active tests (learn more in the next section).
- Once all the settings have been made, save the template by clicking the Save button.
- In the Save Configuration as Template dialog, define a name and optionally a description for the template and close the dialog by clicking Save.
- Select the newly created template in the selection menu. The selection that is currently displayed is used for checking in Print Items in the Workflow.
Figure 24:The Save Configuration as Template dialog for saving a Check-in template

Recommended approach
When you want to create a standalone check-in template from scratch, you should first select the Workflow Minimal Preflight template and add the desired checks and Fixups.
When you want to modify the Workflow Default Preflight check-in template - you would like to change the severity of a check or add or delete a check or Fixup - it is recommended to start therefrom and save the modified flavore.
Not available in all Workflow versions
Keep in mind that the ability to handle check-in templates is dependent on your Workflow license. Check with your sales contact to see what options are available to take advantage of this capability.
Changing the severity of a check
Three different severity levels - Info, Warning and Error - can be defined for checks. These levels will eventually be displayed in the check results after a document has been checked in, if the check has been executed and triggered. Follow the steps to define the severity levels:
- Navigate to the menu Administration > Settings.
- Activate the Preflight / Fixup tab.
- In the Preflight Profile area select the Default Preflight and Fixup with the V2 auxiliary
- Activate the Edit Check-in Templates button in the footer.
- Navigate to the list of all active checks and Fixups to checks or activate the filter to only display checks.
- Click the set severity level [56] - Info = Blue; Warning = Yellow; Error = Red.
- Select the desired severity level from the list.
- Save your settings by creating a new template or by overwriting an already existing template.
Figure 25: The Edit check-in templates dialog with its expanded list of severity levels
Define Check-in template as default
After check-in templates have been configured or created in the Workflow, they can also be used in the Workflow. Before that, the template to be used must be defined as the default. Follow these steps to do so:
- Navigate to the menu Administration > Settings.
- Activate the Preflight / Fixup tab.
- In the Preflight Profile area select the Default Preflight and Fixup with the V2 auxiliary
- Activate the Edit Check-in Templates button in the footer.
- Create user-defined check-in templates in case this hasn't been done yet.
- Select the to be used check-in template in the dropdown menu [57].
- Subsequently save the dialog in order to save the template as default in the Workflow.
Figure 26: The Edit Check-in templates dialog with set Check-in Template
Usage within the Workflow
As soon as a check-in template has been stored as standard in this area, this template is applied for every check-in in the Workflow. However, there are exceptions for Hotfolders and for the Force Print menu item. For Hotfolders a separate check-in profile is still stored and saved for each Hotfolder. Hotfolders do not yet have access to the check-in templates in this version. This support will be integrated in the next versions of the Workflow. However, you will have to wait a little longer for the Force Print menu item.
Delete Check-in templates
After check-in templates have been configured or created in the Workflow, they can also be deleted from the Workflow again. Proceed as follows:
- Navigate to the menu Administration > Settings.
- Activate the Preflight / Fixup tab.
- In the Preflight Profile area select the Default Preflight and Fixup with the V2 auxiliary
- Activate the Edit Check-in Templates button in the footer.
- Create user-defined check-in templates in case this hasn't been done yet.
- Select the to be deleted check-in template in the dropdown menu [57].
- Activate the Delete button
- Confirm the dialog.
Figure 27: Delete already created Check-in Templates

Standard check-in templates cannot be modified
Check-in templates that are delivered as standard by the Workflow - Workflow Default Preflight and Workflow Minimal Preflight - cannot be deleted. These are required by the system. Therefore, overwriting with user-defined settings is not possible.
2.7. Workflow Activity Monitor
The activity display has been completely revised in this version, as its range of functions has been expanded. Read the next two sections to see what new features are available in this version.
2.7.1. Revision of the user interface
The user interface of the activity display has been revised and restructured. The changes implemented in the individual tabs are described below.
"History" tab
While in the tabs Done and Error only entries of a certain time period are displayed - this can be set in Administration > Settings > General - the new History tab displays all activities that have been completed so far or that have run into errors. This allows operators to access error messages that occurred a long time ago.
Figure 28: The History tab of the Activities dialog

"In Progress" tab
In the In progress tab, the following information is available from this version:
- Numbering [58] – each process is counted and numbered. This number is displayed across all Workflows.
- Workflow type [59] – Workflows of different types - calculate ink consumption; check-in; send to printer etc. - are visualized with an icon in order to better assign them.
- Element Name [60] – defines which element - e.g.: Article, Production Job, Color Setup, etc. - is processed.
- Current process step [61] – as soon as information about the current process step is available, it is displayed in this line and updated when the process changes.
- Start time / End time / Duration [62] – defines when this process was started and finished and how long the process took in total.
- Cancel Process [63] – by pressing this button the process will be terminated immediately. There is no need to accept a confirmation dialog.
- Log [64] – Pressing this button opens the current log entries for this process. This can be used for error analysis.
Figure 29: The In Progress tab of the Activities window

"Queued" tab
In the Queued tab, the following information is available from this version:
- Number of processes per Workflow type [65] - defines how many processes of this type - e.g. Check in, Send to printer, Calculate ink cost, etc.- are currently in the queue at the same time. Processes within a Workflow type can be hidden by pressing the Collapse button.
- Workflow type name [66] - describes the Workflow type. All processes of the same type are displayed grouped in the list.
- Process prioritization [67] - this option allows to prioritize the processes within a Workflow type in order to bring forward urgent processes. You can learn more about it in the next section.
- Cancel process [68] - pressing this button will terminate the process immediately. There is no need to accept a confirmation dialog.
Figure 30: The Queued tab of the Activities Monitor

"Done" tab
In the Done tab, the following information is available from this version:
- Numbering [58] (Figure 29) – each process is counted and numbered. This number is displayed across all Workflows.
- Workflow type [59] (Figure 29) – Workflows of different types - calculate ink consumption; check-in; transfer to printer etc. - are visualized with an icon to better assign them.
- Element name [60] (Figure 29) – defines which element - e.g.: Article, production Job, Color Setup, etc. - is processed.
- Current process step [61] (Figure 29) – as soon as information about the current process step is available, it is displayed in this line and updated when the process changes.
- Start time / End time / Duration [62] (Figure 29) – defines when this process was started and finished and how long in total the process lasted.
- Cancel process [63] (Figure 29) – by pressing this button the process will be terminated immediately. There is no need to accept a confirmation dialog.
- Log [64] (Figure 29) – Pressing this button opens the current log entries for this process. This can be used for error analysis.
- Show details [69] –by activating the option, time designation will be hidden.
- Delete entry [70] – pressing this button removes the corresponding entry from the list.
- Reset list (delete record) [71] – by pressing this option the complete list will be reset.
Figure 31: The Done tab of the Activities Monitor
"Error" tab
In this version, the same information is available in the Errors tab as in the Done tab. The only difference is that only errors that occurred during the processing of individual processes are listed here.
Figure 32: The Error tab of the Activities monitor

2.7.2. Prioritization of processes in the "Queued" tab
As of this version, processes that are in the queue can be prioritized or their sequence can be changed. For example, production jobs that are to be sent to the printer at short notice can be placed at the top of the queue per Workflow type so that they are processed next. To preorder processes, proceed as follows:
- Start several processes in the Workflow - check-in; data preparation; send to printer; create Imposition, etc. - at the same time.
- In this case, the number of started processes must be higher than the maximum number of parallel processes per Workflow type (see section 2.3 System settings - Limiting parallel processes of release notes 1.10.2), so that processes are also placed in the queue in the Queued tab.
- Open the Activities dialog.
- Activate the Queued tab.
- In the example of Figure 33, four production jobs [73] are rendered to the printer at the same time - this has been limited to "4" in Administration > Settings > General > Basic Settings under Max. parallel running processes per type.
- All other processes which are to be transferred - in this example "8" [72] - wait in the Queued tab until one or more production jobs have been completely sent to the printer. Then the next Production Job from the queue can be processed.
- By activating the button Set HIGHEST priority [74] you can move one process per Workflow type to the top of the queue, which is then processed next.
- As soon as there are free ressources in the In Progress tab, the next process is started and the first entry per Workflow type in the Queued list is processed.
Figure 33: The Queued tab of the Activities window with the possibility to set a higher priority to particular processes

2.8. Duplicate Hotfolder
As of version 1.12.2, Hotfolders that have already been created in the Workflow can be duplicated along with their configuration. When duplicating, only the hotfolder source directory must be changed, as multiple hotfolders are not allowed to access the same source. All other settings are adopted.
Proceed as follows:
- Navigate to the menu Automation > Hotfolder.
- Select a desired Hotfolder from the list.
- Stop or pause this Hotfolder.
- Activate the Duplicate button in the action bar.
- Define the desired settings in the opened dialog - initially the settings of the selected hotfolder are used - at least the host [75] and the source [76] must be selected under Process Parameters to ensure a valid configuration.
- Save your settings.
Figure 34: The Hotfolder Setup dialog after applying Duplicate in the action bar
2.9. Kongsberg Cutter Device – full integration
In this version, the official ISCRIPT with JDF standard specified by Kongsberg was implemented to offer full integration of the cutter. Since version 1.12.1, the first stage for full integration has been available. This was further extended in version 1.12.2 and the JDF flavor was added. Thus, until further notice, full integration is available from this version. For this purpose, an additional configuration is offered for the cutter type Kongsberg iPC, which can be selected and created in the Workflow.
When creating the cutter, the Parameter Sets I-CUT PRODUCTION CONSOLE | i-script 2.0 | without JDF and I-CUT PRODUCTION CONSOLE | i-script 2.0 | with JDF are created, which can be modified and used accordingly.
Figure 35: The Devices and Parameter Sets settings areas of the Administration > Cutter Devices menu item with the applied Kongsberg IPC cutter device.
Full integration
The integration in version 1.12.1 contains the file format as proposed by Kongsberg and 1 QR code to read the necessary information.
The integration in version 1.12.2 contains the file format as proposed by Kongsberg and 4 QR codes for reading the necessary information, which also require a job ticket in JDF format.
2.10. Data Preparation
During the development of version 1.12.2, a new Fixup was added and existing Fixups were improved in terms of usability and functionality.
2.10.1. New Fixups
The following Fixup was added in version 1.12.2.
Remove overlapping Vectors and Images
This Data Preparation removes and crops vectors and images that extend beyond the selected area, thus eliminating unnecessary data with regard to further processing. The user can crop protruding objects over a selected page geometry frame, over masked areas, and over shape Xobjects (referencing a subject in Step & Repeat).
Users should use this Fixup for the following circumstances:
- Detaching rectangular Print Items from vectors that extend beyond the BleedBox. Thereby, no objects in the Print Item extend into another Print Item in the Imposition. This can significantly reduce RIP time when used in conjunction with the EHVD/IHVD option in the HHR RIP.
- Cleaning up already finished Step & Repeat Impositions from third-party systems (ESKO Automation Engine, etc.) that did not place correctly trimmed Print Items repeatedly in the Imposition. Thus, no no clean trimmed Form-X objects on the Imposition were created. In any case, activate the Form XObject (BBox) option.
- In the case of large Print Items divided into tiles, where, for example, the Dieline extends beyond the Print Item (tile). Open paths can also be closed automatically in this case. Thereby, the cutting of tiles can be mapped correctly.
Figure 36: The Data Preparation Remove overlapping Vectors and Images

2.10.2. Improvements in existing Fixups
For following Fixups in Versions 1.12.2 improvement as well as a partly rebuild was done.
Create Bleed on Irregular Shape
Until now, when the bleed was created along an irregular shape, the printing part of a Print Item - functioning was changed in such a way that the bleed is created only along a selected spot color - e.g.: Dielines and such like. This ensures that no bleed is generated for transparent areas within the Print Item, which in some cases has led to unexpected results.
Thus, the user can only create a bleed for an irregular shape if the necessary Dieline for this irregular shape has been created beforehand. For this purpose Create Bleed on Irregular Shape is a suitable Fixup
Figure 37: The Create Bleed on Irregular Shape fixup

2.11. SDK versions
With version 1.12.2 a new SDK version is available, wherein some improvements and errors on the part of the manufacturer were repaired. The following SDK version was updated in this version:
- Callas Software pdfToolbox Version 13.1.586
3. Improvements
The following improvements have also been implemented in version 1.12.2.
3.1. Routines
In this version further improvements regarding the usability for Routines were implemented. Read more in this section.
3.1.1. Delete or Edit Routines
As of version 1.12.2, the following rules apply to editing or deleting Routines:
- Routines that are created and required by the system can no longer be deleted. However, they can still be configured and duplicated.
- Routines can only be edited if they have been paused.
3.1.2. Perform Routines
From this version the user can execute Routines at any time without waiting for the automatically given moment. If a routine is currently being executed, this is represented in the list of Routines by the progress wheel [78] . To start the execution of a routine manually, proceed as follows. 1:
- Switch to the Administration > Routines menu.
- Select the desired Routine.
- Press Execute immediately [77] so that a progress wheel is displayed instead.
- Wait until the process is finished - you will see this when the progress wheel is replaced by the Execute Immediately icon. Furthermore, the corresponding messages are displayed that the process is finished.
Figure 38: The menu item Administration > Routines with the new possibility to carry out Routines manually
3.2. Color Setups
In this version, some more functions have been implemented in Color Setups and the range of functions has been extended. Read in this section which areas have been expanded and which functions have been added in this version.
3.2.1. Skip Calibration
When creating a new profiling, it's possible to define whether a Linearization profile and/or an InkLimit profile is required. Printing systems that calibrate themselves only require a material profile, which means that the Linearization and Ink Limit profiling steps can be skipped.
Proceed as follows:
- Switch to the Color > Color Setups menu.
- Create a new Color Setups by clicking on New in the action bar.
- Select the desired Output Configuration for the material and printing system to be profiled.
- Deactivate the Create Linearization [79] option if the linearization step of the profiling is not required. This could happen for example when the linearization is performed by the printing system itself.
- Deactivate the Create InkLimit [80] option if the face color limitation step of the profiling is not required, since the total ink coverage limitation is performed by the printing system itself, for example.
- Save your settings and start profiling. If all three options are deactivated, only the Profile step and the Re-profile step can be performed.
Figure 39: The Add Color Setup dialog with its two new options to deactivate Linearization and Ink Limit

3.2.2. OBA value determination
Starting with this version the OBA value (Optical Brightener Agent) is determined in the Linearization step when calibrating the calibration chart. The value is consequently displayed in the Analyze tab. The determined value can be used to determine how strongly the optical brightener of a material can affect the profile.
Figure 40: The Analyze dialog of the Linearization with the display of the value for the optical brightener
Background information on OBA values
Optical brighteners are chemical substances that are often used in photo papers to make the paper look "whiter". This value is an indicator to compensate for the shift in the gray axis of a color profile. The OBA value can be calculated as follows:
- Measurement of the paper with M1
- Measurement of the paper with M2
- Difference of the b-value of M2-M1
The OBA values can be interpreted as follows:
- OBA value = 0: no optical brightener
- OBA value = 0-4: Little optical brightener
- OBA value = 4-6: Medium optical brightener
- OBA value > 6: A lot of optical brighteners
Not possible with all measuring devices
Please note that the OBA value can only be determined if the measuring instrument covers an M1 or an M2 measurement in terms of hardware. Furthermore, the measurement can also be switched directly via the SDK during measurement. For the Barbierie Spectro qp and Techkon Spectro Dens measuring devices, full support is provided.
3.3. Filter for list of Print Items
In this version, additional filter options have been implemented for the list of Print Items in the Workflow. The list of all themes can now also be filtered by user-defined fields. Proceed as follows to filter user-defined fields
- Switch to the Orders > Print Items menu.
- Press the Set Filter button or click on an active filter.
- Open the Add Filter dropdown menu.
- Select a filter and set the desired value.
- Apply the filter by clicking Apply.
Figure 41: The Filter Options dialog for the list of Print Items in the Order menu item

3.4. Reset local browser data storage
As of version 1.12.2, the local browser data storage can be reset in the Workflow. This is especially necessary after updates, in order to clear outdated data from the browser cache. Until version 1.12.2, this function had to be performed via the Google Chrome developer tools. This function can also be helpful regarding update problems. To clear the browser data cache, follow these steps:
- Go to the Administration > Settings menu.
- Open the Process menu in the action bar of the Workflow.
- Activate the function Reset Local Browser Data Storage for Durst Workflow.
- Confirm the dialog.
Figure 42: Reset Local Browser Data Storage for Durst Workflow in Administration > Settings
Side effects when clearing the local data store
Note that currently deleting the local data store of your browser also deletes filters for list views that have already been saved. We are already working on a central storage of settings and filters for the respective user. A solution might be ready with the change of the user interface.
3.5. Minor Improvements
Version 1.12.2 of the Workflow offers other minor improvements - these are:
Mapped substrates of a Color Setup
As of this version, also other mapped substrates are displayed in the Color Setups Overview tab. Previously, only the main substrate of the Color Setup was listed there. With version 1.12.2, all mapped substrates assigned to the Color Setup are displayed.
Figure 43: The Overview tab of a Color Setup with its overview for mapped substrates
Fixup Chains - full text search
As of this version, it is possible to search for Fixup Chain remarks in the Administration > Fixup Chains menu. This is possible in full text search to find them more easily.
Hotfolder – supported data types
As of this version, the file type "SVG" is also supported for hotfolders in the Workflow. SVG files can be processed via Hotfolder as of version 1.12.2.
RHO Job ticket
The separation suffix or file extension has been changed from "_LIGHT_BLACK" to "_lk" in this version to ensure consistency.
Workflow data format
In this version another date format has been implemented, which can be selected under Administration > Settings > General > Display Options.
Printer – Preferred height
The preferred height [82] of a printer can be defined while editing the printer. Up to version 1.12.2, it was mandatory to specify the height in millimeters. As of this version, the unit of length used in the Workflow from Administration > Settings > General is used for this field.
Figure 44: The Edit Printer dialog with the display of the system-wide set length unit

Variable Data for Print Items
The option Includes Variable Data has been removed from the Create Print Items and Edit Print Items dialogs. This option is now automatically enabled when variable data is created or a CSV file is uploaded for a Print Item.
"Variable Data" tab
Please note that the Variable Data tab for Articles and Print Items is now always accessible if the Workflow license includes VDP and you (as a user in the Workflow) have been assigned the corresponding authorization via your role.
4. Fixed Bugs
The following errors (bugs) were fixed with this release.
4.1. Workflow
Number of "Copies" in the Send to Printer dialog: Sometimes the number of copies for Production Jobs was calculated incorrectly when creating an Imposition with multiple copies for Print Items. These errors have been fixed.
Import substrate from printer: If a printer was selected when importing substrate, then an error "Cannot apply unknown order by term(s) [name]. Registered or by terms: []" occurred. This error has been fixed.
Third-party printer / SwissQPrint Karibu: When creating a new print configuration, deactivated input fields were also validated, but could not be corrected. This behavior has been fixed.
Third-party printer / Epson Stylus Pro 7900: The printer could not be created in the Workflow. This problem has been fixed.
Third-party printer / Mimaki JFX200: The printer could not be created in the Workflow. This problem has been fixed.
Import Color Setups: Errors occurred when importing certain Color Setups to the Workflow. These errors have been corrected.
Set ImageBox: If the ImageBox was set to a box other than the TrimBox, the bleed was automatically set to "0" in the user interface. This error has been fixed.
Rotation in the Send to Printer dialog: When rotating Production Jobs in the Send to Printer dialog, the preview was resized. This error has been fixed.
Data Preparation – Scale Page Content: When applying the Fixup sometimes severe rounding errors occured. The behavior has been improved.
4.2. Impose Editor
Barcode Captions: The content of the barcodes was always displayed even if the "Show Text" option was disabled. This bug has been fixed.
Shape Nesting with Cutter Devices: When the "Best Fit" or "Fit to Objects" methods were selected for Marks, Marks were sometimes generated within Print Items when Shape Nesting was performed. This bug has been fixed.
Shape Nesting Performance: The performance of Shape Nesting has been completely revised so that results can be delivered without system crashes.
Create Shape Nesting path: When preparing Print Items for Shape Nesting, the path was created with offsets in some cases. This caused problems when calculating the Shape Nesting. The error has been fixed.
Shape Nesting overlaps: In some cases, when running Shape Nesting, Print Items were placed overlapping. This error has been fixed.
Shape Nesting with color bars: When creating a Shape Nesting where color bars were also used, the Shape Nesting could not be created. This error has also been fixed.
4.3. VDP Editor (Browser)
Change barcodes: When changing the barcode type, the new barcode could not be created. The error has been fixed.
Object Creation Tools: It was not possible to create objects without contour color. This behavior has been corrected.
Preview mode of Variable Data: Spaces were ignored in preview mode for variable data. This bug has been fixed as well.
First row is header: If a CSV file was uploaded that did not contain a header row and the "First row is header row" option was disabled, then the tab could not be loaded. The error has been fixed.
5. Hot-Fixes
The name for the June 17, 2022 release was "DW Build 1.12.2(604)". The following hotfixes were fixed in the following subversions:
5.1. DW Version 1.12.2.(609)
Zund Cutter: Register Marks were shifted by ~6mm in the cut file.
Barbieri Swing: Measuring the linearization was not possible with this device.
SPC RamDisk: SPC RamDisk couldn’t be used for VDP jobs anymore.
Shape-Nesting: Some Print Items couldn’t be prepared for Shape-Nesting.
Delete Color Setups: Color Setups couldn’t be deleted anymore when there was created a DeviceN Spot Color with the Color Policies before.