Published: 30.09.2021
In this article you will learn about:
- New features that are available
- Improvements that have been added
- Which bugs have been fixed in version 1.10.3 of the Workflow
This article can also be downloaded as a PDF version. The release notes for the previous versions can be downloaded from the archive.
1. Overview
With version 1.10.3, users can take advantage of several new features in the environment of the Impose Editor, Automated processing of Production Jobs and Fixups. Improvements have also been made in the areas of Color Management and Stability.
An overview of all changes is outlined below, and a detailed description is included for specific areas such as Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes.
1.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-In
The following features and improvements have been implemented in Plug-in version
Plug-in Version If you are working with version 1.10.3 of the Workflow, version of the Plug-in must be installed to ensure consistent operation. No new features have been implemented in this version of the Plug-in.
1.2. New Features in the Workflow
The following new features are available in version 1.10.3 of the Workflow:
Impose Editor: A new Caption has been implemented in the Impose Editor -
- Save Ink Profile Caption an additional Caption for displaying the used Save Ink profile is available in version 1.10.3. If the Save Ink option has been activated for a Production Job, the selected Save Ink Profile - Low, Medium or Extreme - can be placed on the new Caption Save Ink Profile.
System Settings: The area measurement units, Square Meter and Square Foot, which were implemented in version 1.10.2 under Administration > Settings > General are now correctly displayed everywhere in the Workflow, as of this version. The selected area unit of measurement is correctly displayed in the Impose Warnings, under the Impose tab of Production Jobs, and for both the Substrate and Substrate Definition areas.
Cutter Devices: Up until version 1.10.2, black was defined as 0/0/0/100 CMYK when using photo bars. This caused the bars to be printed using too much color, depending on the selected Print Item, and thus caused bleeding on some substrates. As of version 1.10.3, the user can select a specific color for the photo bars. By choosing DeviceBlack for example, the bars can be printed using only 100 K.
Hotfolders: Two minor changes have been made to the Automation > Hotfolder menu item in version 1.10.3.
- Additional Render Parameters – Up until version 1.10.2, users could only access both Render Flags, as well as Multi-Page Rendering options, in the Send to Printer dialog. Both options are now available in the Hotfolder Setup dialog under the Render Parameter tab.
- Deleting Hotfolders and Hotfolder Elements – In this version, we've updated the way that Hotfolders and Hotfolder items can be deleted by the user.
Fixups: In the course of development, new FIxups were added and existing Fixups were extended in functionality and/or improved regarding usability.
1.3. Improvements
The following improvements to existing functions have been made in version 1.10.3 of the Workflow:
Converting Spot Colors to DeviceN: When converting a Spot Color in the Edit Spot Color Definition dialog, the Conversion Method Accuracy was suggested by default up until version 1.10.2. To ensure that gamma-expanding process colors are also increasingly used in the calculation, with version 1.10.3 the conversion method Optimize Target Color without Clipping is selected by default.
Workflow version under license Information: As of version 1.10.3, the License tab of the System Status dialog now displays the Workflow version for which the license has been issued. This indicates which feature set is available in the Workflow.
Minor Improvements: Additional minor improvements have been implemented.
1.4. Fixed Bugs
Adobe Illustrator Plug-In: A list of fixed bugs and/or minor improvements in the Adobe Illustrator PlugIn.
Workflow: A list of fixed bugs and/or minor improvements in the main application.
Impose Editor: A list of fixed bugs and/or minor improvements in the Impose Editor.
2. New Features
In this section, you will learn what's new in the Adobe Illustrator Plug-In, Impose Editor, and Workflow. In some cases, existing functions have been expanded.
2.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-In
If you are working with version 1.10.3 of the Workflow, version of the Plug-in must be installed to ensure consistent operation. If you are using an older version of the Plug-in, you will be notified of this when you log in to the File Management settings panel.
The following versions of Adobe Illustrator are supported:
Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 Version 23.1.1 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Version 24.2 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 Version 25.4.1 |
MacOSX | Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.15 (Catalina), Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
Mac OS Version 11.2 (Big Sur), Mac OS Version 10.15 (Catalina) Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
Microsoft Windows |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 8.1 or MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
Support | Plug-In Version and Plug-In Version (only Windows) |
Plug-In Version and Plug-In Version (only Windows) |
Plug-In Version (Mac OS and Windows) |
Support for older versions of Adobe Illustrator
Please note that the current Plug-In Version can only be installed for Adobe Illustrator CC 2019, Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2021. If Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 or Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 is used with Mac OS for DW, the Plug–in must be used. Plug–in 1.10.2.xx is compatible with Mac OS only when Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 is used.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 can still be used with the Plug-In Version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.2. Using Plug-In Version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or bugs for this constellation/configuration will not be followed up and/or fixed.
Adobe Illustrator 2018 can still be used with Plug-In version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.6. The use of Plug-In version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or errors for this constellation will not be followed up and corrected.
2.2. Impose Editor
In the Impose Editor, version 1.10.3 offers an additional Caption called: Save Ink Profile.
2.2.1. Caption for the selected Save Ink Profile
If a Save Ink Profile was selected in a Production Job, the selected Save Ink Profile: Low, Medium or Extreme, can be displayed on the impose sheet via this new Caption. The Caption can be found under Product Job > Save Ink Profile.
2.3. System Settings
The area measurement units Square Meter and Square Foot, which were implemented in version 1.10.2 under Administration > Settings > General, are now correctly displayed throughout the Workflow. The area measurement unit is displayed in the following areas:
- Impose Warnings – Displays errors and warnings in the Impose Warnings dialog that occur in the Impose Editor.
- Impose tab of Production Jobs – Total Area of the Production Job under the Impose tab of a Production Job.
- Substrate – When inputting Substrate cost per selected area unit of measurement under Administration > Substrate.
- Substrate Definition - When inputting weight (g/sqm) per selected unit of area measurement.
2.4. Cutter Devices
Up until this release, 0/0/0/100 CMYK black was used for the photo bars when applying a Cutter Device in the Impose Editor. This resulted in the bars being printed with too much color, depending on the Print Item selected, and therefore some »bleeding« on certain Substrates occurred. As of version 1.10.3, the user can select the color as needed. For example, by choosing DeviceBlack [1], bars will be printed with 100 K only. This prevents using too much ink and therefore avoids the bleeding issues from previous versions.
Figure 1: Settings for the Fotoba Cutter with the Color settings for photo bars visible.

2.5. Hotfolder
Two minor changes have been implemented for the Automation > Hotfolder menu item in version 1.10.3.
2.5.1. Additional Render Parameters
Up to version 1.10.2, users could only access both the Render Flags and the Multi-page rendering [3] options in the Send to Printer dialog. Both of these options were added to the Render Parameter tab [2] in the Hotfolder Setup dialog.
Figure 2: The Hotfolder Setup dialog with the Render Parameter tab selected.
Multi-page Rendering
Note that access to the Multi-page Rendering option is tied to a license extension. For more information, see the release notes for version 1.10.2.
2.5.2. Deleting a Hotfolder or Hotfolder Items
This version contains an Update on how the user can delete previously created Hotfolders and processed Hotfolder Items. Hotfolder Items are individual processed orders within the Hotfolder view. The following changes have been made in version 1.10.3:
In the Hotfolder list view, only one delete function is available:
- Delete selected Hotfolder(s) (x) – Paused Hotfolders can be selected in the Hotfolder list and removed from the Workflow via the Delete option in the action bar. The number of selected Hotfolders is displayed in brackets at the end of the listed entry. Linked and/or previously processed Hotfolder Items contained in the Hotfolder will be deleted as well.
In an opened Hotfolder, two delete functions are available:
- Delete selected Hotfolder Items (x) – In the list of processed Hotfolder Items, any item can be selected and deleted from the Workflow using this delete function. The number of selected Items is also displayed here.
- Delete all Hotfolder Items – Use this option to remove all Hotfolder Items from the Workflow.
2.6. Fixup
In the course of development, new Fixups were added and existing Fixups were extended in their functionality and/or improved in terms of usability.
2.6.1. New Fixups
In version 1.10.3 various new Fixups have been implemented, due to high request from customers in the label and large format industry segments.
Add Objects on Layer
All objects: Text, Vectors, Images or Spot Color Name, are assigned to an existing or new layer. Use this Fixup, for example, to place a white channel or technical color on a specific layer.
Figure 3: The Add Objects on Layer Fixup.

This Fixup is available to customers with a Print Workflow Plus, Workflow Prepress and all Print Workflow Label license under the Data Preparation tab. This Fixup can also be used in Fixup Chains.
2.6.2. Improvements to existing Fixups
For some existing Fixups, features have been added or the user experience has been improved.
Delete Pages
The Fixup has been extended with a function that allows specific pages, i.e., odd, even as well as the last x pages, to be deleted.
Figure 4: The Delete Pages Fixup dialog with the new mode: Delete Special Pages.

Create a Separation for objects using the selected Color
This Fixup does not contain new functions, rather the dialog has been adapted to the new UI specifications.
Figure 5: The Basic Settings tab of the Create a Separation for Objects using the selected Spot Color Fixup.

Set Scale Factor
The dialog has been adapted to the new UI specifications and the drop-down menu for the Overwrite Existing Scale Factor option has been replaced with a checkbox.
Figure 6: The Set Scale Factor dialog using the new UI design.

Create Ellipse/Rectangle as Technical Shape
The user experience has been improved by moving and regrouping some of the options.
Figure 7: The Basic Settings tab of the Create Ellipse/Rectangle as Technical Shape Fixup dialog with a revised user interface.

Create White Only Separation
The Fixup has been extended with the Origin function. This limits the creation of the separation to either the ImageBox or the ImageBox + Bleed.
Figure 8: The Basic Settings tab of the Create White Only Separation Fixup dialog with the new Origin option.

3. Improvements
Version 1.10.3 of the Workflow offers additional minor improvements such as:
3.1. Conversion of Spot Colors to DeviceN
When converting a Spot Color in the Edit Spot Color Definition dialog, the conversion method Accuracy was selected by default up through version 1.10.2. This resulted in converting to the target color space using DeviceN with a maximum of four color channels. This typically meant that few additional colors were used for printing systems which had additional colors available e.g., CMYK-OVG. In order to ensure that gamma-extending process colors are increasingly used in the calculation, the conversion method Proof - Smallest ∆E00 (all color channels) [4] is selected by default in version 1.10.3.
Figure 9: The Edit Spot Color Definition dialog with the new default conversion method selected.
Renaming of the selection options under »Conversion Method«
Note that as part of this change, the Conversion Method names (as of version 1.11.0) have also been changed. The new names should make the changes for each conversion method clearer. The following adjustments have been made:
- Optimize Target Color without Clipping was renamed to Proof - smallest ∆E00 (all color channels).
- Accuracy was renamed to Visually Correct (max. 4 color channels).
- Optimize Target Color with Clipping was renamed to Visually correct (min. number of Color Channels).
3.2. Workflow Version under License Information
As of version 1.10.3, the License tab under the System Status dialog now displays the Workflow Version for which the license has been issued [5]. This indicates the scope and range of functions that is currently available in the Workflow.
For example, if a license was issued for Workflow Version 1.10.2, users will not have access to the new features described in these release notes, even if they have already updated to version 1.10.3.
Figure 10: The License tab available in the System Status dialog.

3.3. Minor Improvements
The following improvements have been implemented in this version.
3.3.1. Workflow
Port for Print Factory: The port for Print Factory printers has been changed from 9000 to 5438.
When updating the Print Factory version, please note the following
Note that after updating to the newest Print Factory version, the port must be changed to 5438 under Administration > Printer Setup > Edit, otherwise a connection to the Print Factory API cannot be established.
Max height for Print Factory Printers: Maximum height for Print Factory Printers can now be adjusted. The maximum height defines a value for a printing system that is used as the maximum length for an imposition on a roll substrate.
Values in input fields: As of version 1.10.3, values such as ».125« can now also be entered. This means that the value »0.125« will be entered after leaving the input field (previously it was 125).
4. Fixed Bugs
The following errors (bugs) have been fixed in this release.
4.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
Static Barcodes with MacOS: A static barcode could not be created when the SC Size option was enabled when using MacOS and Adobe Illustrator. This bug has been fixed.
Place function under MacOS: The MacOS system settings in connection with comma separators affected the checking out and placing of Print Items. In some cases, it was not possible to check out and/or place Print Items in different combinations, or was doing so incorrectly. These errors have been corrected in this release. MacOS system settings should no longer affect the placement of Print Items in Adobe Illustrator.
4.2. Workflow
HP Stitch Print Configuration: The default settings of the HP Stitch Print Configuration could not be saved because they were invalid. This error has been corrected.
Changing Print Configurations for Third-party Printers: Changing print configurations for Third-party Printers after creating a new Printer has been made possible again. In addition, the dither mode can be removed, if needed.
Third-party Printers: Ink cost calculation could not be completed for these printers. This error has been fixed.
User Administration: When creating a new user, an Active Until date can be defined. This date was automatically reset to the current date when saving. This error has been fixed.
Output Templates: Some settings were not correctly transferred or saved to the Production Job. This behavior has been corrected.
Fixup – Create Spot Color Separation to Printed Objects: The »Accurate (slower)« method for calculation caused an error when executing the Fixup. This error has been fixed as well.
Force Print with scaling factor and Fixup Chain: When a Force Print job is created using scaling factor and a FIxup Chain with the Fixup Add Dieline to the ImageBox is executed, the Dieline was created incorrectly. This error has been fixed.
Comparing Ink Cost Calculations: When comparing ink cost calculations using different color configurations, additional colors were not taken into account when calculating costs. This bug has been fixed.
Substrate Import Durst RHO Printing Systems: In some cases, Substrates from certain Durst RHO printing systems could not be imported correctly in the Workflow. No connection with Durst Analytics could be established. The error has been fixed.
Lead In/Out for multi-page documents in combination with DCF: If a multi-page Production Job was rendered using the DCF file format, only one page was rendered if either Lead In or Out was selected.
System Substrate: A warning was displayed in the Workflow that the System Substrate did not have a Color Policy assigned to it. This System Substrate was excluded from the validation and is no longer displayed.
4.3. Impose Editor
Substrate Background Color: The defined background display color for a Substrate was not displayed correctly in the Impose Editor. The behavior has been corrected so that the defined display color is now used correctly in the Impose Editor.
Opening the Impose Editor in a separate tab: The impose Editor could no longer be opened in a separate tab. This bug has been fixed.
5. Hot Fixes
The name for the September 30, 2021 release was DW Build 1.10.3.(xxx). The following hotfixes were added in the listed subversions: