Published: 10.12.2020
In this article we'll learn:
- New features that are available
- Improvements that have been added
- Which bugs have been fixed in version 1.8.1 of the Workflow
This article can also be downloaded as a PDF version. The release notes for the previous versions can be downloaded from the archive.
1. Overview
With version 1.8.1, new features are included in the Impose Editor, automated processing of Production Jobs, and Color Management. Additional improvements have been made concerning the Administration, Editing and Output of Print Data.
An overview of all changes are outlined below, and a detailed description is included for specific areas such as features, improvements and bug fixes.
1.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
The following new features are available in version of the Plug-in:
Plug-In version If you are working with version 1.8.1 of the Workflow, version 1.8.1 of the Plug-in must be installed to ensure consistent operation. Between Workflow versions 1.8.0 & 1.8.1 no new features were implemented in the Plug-in. Two bugs have been fixed, and the version number was changed to match the Workflow version.
1.2. New Features in the Workflow
The following new features are available in version 1.8.1 of the Workflow:
File Manager: In version 1.8.1 two new extensions are available in the File Manager of the Impose Editor:
Define the number of copies – When adding Articles or Print Items, a dialog for specifying the number of copies opens starting from this version on. If the
key is pressed, this dialog will be skipped. The current number of copies defined for that Print Item is then used. - Synchronized Display – The display of Orders, Order Items and their respective Print Items has been synchronized in this version of the File Manager and in the Order list. The Order and Print Item sequence is now determined by the how the Job list is ordered.
Impose Editor: The following new features and changes have been developed and added to the Impose Editor in this version:
- Displaying »Unplaced Print Items« – Both unplaced and under produced Print Items are displayed below the artboard from this version on. The number of underproduced or unplaced Print Items is also displayed. This makes it easier to see which, if any Print Items or Articles could not be placed.
- Warnings and Errors in the Save Imposition dialog – When saving the imposition, all warnings and errors contained in the imposition are listed again. This warning message must be confirmed by the user in order to save the imposition successfully. This function helps detect errors within the imposition more quickly.
- Saving Impositions – When saving an imposition after initially saving it the first time, the Save Imposition dialog is not displayed again. The Production Job will be automatically overwritten. Alternatively, the Save As dialog can be opened to create a new Production Job.
Nesting: With version 1.8.1 we've extended »Nesting« mode. Existing algorithms were improved and new functions have been implemented.
- Double-sided Output – A new Double-sided Output mode is available in addition to the Single Page Output and Multipage Output options available under the Settings > Impose Output drop-down. With this selection, a Nesting can be created on both sides according to the selected settings and output for double-sided printing.
- Extended »Rotation« Settings – In Nesting mode, Print Items can now also be rotated by 180° and 270°. These settings have been added as an extension to the existing Rotation settings 0° and 90°.
- Multipage Output – Except for the Keep Exact Ratio of Copies option, all other options in the Strategy drop-down menu have been disabled, as they do not make sense for this mode.
- Sorting Methods – Previously, Nesting impositions were sorted either by the order of the Print Items or Articles in the Production Job or by their order in the Print Items tab. Starting with this version, the user can define how the Print Items are sorted. More than 15 sorting criteria (Print Item Name, Order Name, User-defined Fields, etc.) can be used and combined. User-defined sorting can also be used to your advantage in Step & Repeat mode to sort various Print Items per column.
- Extended Optimization Settings – On the one hand, all available Nesting settings can now be used during optimization and on the other hand, from this version on, Multipage Outputs can now also be optimized.
Captions: In version 1.8.1 a new placeholder for Captions is available and from this version on Captions can be configured with respect to the displayed values.
- Truncating Captions - With 1.8.1, there are two ways to truncate the content of a placeholder used in a Caption or to use only parts of the Caption content. To use these options, the placeholder must first be inserted and then extended with the appropriate syntax.
- Extended Functionality – Also in this version an additional placeholder which displays the color configuration, was added, which can be selected in the Impose Editor and applied to Print Items. Furthermore, with version 1.8.1 Barcodes and QR codes with transparent background can be generated and rendered.
Simulation Profiles: Starting with version 1.8.1, Production Jobs can simulate reference printing systems when being sent to the printer. Which printing system to be referenced and simulated can be specified by selecting an Output Color Space or a Working Color Space Profile or by selecting a Color Policy from an existing profile. For instance, the color output from a previously used RIP can be reproduced or you can use it to simulate several different printing systems regarding color output.
Split Multipage PDFs: In the course of the development of version 1.8.1 the ability to split multipage documents when uploading files into the Workflow was implemented. In the Workflow settings the user can activate this option globally if needed. If this option is activated, multipage documents are split into individual Print Items/Articles automatically during upload. The global system-wide setting can be overwritten or changed again during specific uploads (Force Print, uploading an Article, etc.). Note: This option is currently not available for Hotfolders.
Hotfolder automation using ZIP files: From this version on, ZIP files can be processed in a Workflow Hotfolder. All files (granted they are the file types supported by the Workflow) in the ZIP are combined into one Production Job. This Production Job can then be imposed and sent to the printer automatically via the Multipage Output option. One Production Job containing the respective Print Items with the same name is created and processed per ZIP.
Cutting Devices: In this version, additional functions for cutting devices have been implemented. We've extended the Rotation parameters of the cut files and now offer support for additional cutting devices as well.
- Rotate Cut File Data – Starting with this version, cutting data can also be transferred to the device using either 180° and 270° rotation. These settings can be configured under the menu item Cutter Devices.
- Support for ABG Digicon Digilase 4.0 – Cutting devices that belong to the Digicon Digilase 4.0 series from ABG can now be controlled with this version. The cutting device selected determines the default settings for Marks & QR Codes and the corresponding SVG cutting file including the XML job ticket, which are transferred to the Digilase software.
Support for X-Rite Measurement Devices: With version 1.8.1 the following new Measurement Devices are supported in the following combinations:
- X-Rite i1Pro3
- X-Rite i1Pro3 Plus
- X-Rite i1iO3 with i1Pro3
- X-Rite i1iO3 with i1Pro3 Plus
Profiling Templates: With this release a new rendering method for Profile Templates has been added. Starting with release 1.8.1 the option Minimum White Compression can be used and applied for Color Setups.
Rest API: Two new controllers: Production Job Controller and Output Template Controller, have been developed to completely define a Production Job with simpler calls. The Article Controller as well as the Substrate Controller were revised and extended.
1.3. Improvements
The following improvements to existing functions have been made in version 1.8.1 of the Workflow:
Force Print: Production Jobs that have been created via Force Print use the name of the Print Item by default from this version on, if separate Production Jobs are created per Print Item.
Automatic Status Updates: The status of a Print Item/Article updates automatically now with version 1.8.1, after an Approval Report has been created to »Waiting for Approval«.
Saved Imposition Statistics: In the Production Job > Impose tab, the statistical data from the created imposition now shows even more detail. Optimized and non-optimized versions can be compared.
Fixups: In this version, numerous general functions for Fixups have been implemented and/or improved. Existing Fixups have been improved in handling and the range of functions extended. We've also added some additional Fixups.
- General – With version 1.8.1, the system-wide defined unit of measurement (in this case length) is now automatically used in all Fixup dialogs. The user no longer has to select the unit of measurement. In addition, Custom Fixups, which have been uploaded by the user, can now be used in Fixup Chains.
New Fixups – The following new Fixups have been added:
- Add Pole Pockets – Adds a Pole Pocket (hemstitch) to the top or bottom edge of the Print Item (front side). The Print Item on the back side is a mirrored version of the Print Item on the front side. The user can define an overlap up to the maximum dimensions of the hem.
- Create Colored Bleed – Creates a colored Bleed which can be used to extend an existing background area.
Improvements to existing Fixups: The following Fixups have been improved in this release:
- Fill a Shape with »White« or »Varnish« – This Fixup can now be added and applied in a Fixup Chain.
- Extract Print Items from Page – The dialog for this Fixup has been updated.
Calibration Charts: In this version, additional Calibration Charts are available in the Workflow for profiling. All necessary charts for the new X-Rite Measurement Devices have been added and some additional charts have had their design adapted. Furthermore, a Transition Profiling Chart for the CMYK-k Color Configuration has also been added.
Minor Improvements: Additional minor improvements have been implemented.
1.4. Fixed Bugs
Adobe Illustrator Plug-In: A list of fixed bugs and/or minor improvements in the Adobe Illustrator Plug-In.
Workflow: A list of fixed bugs and/or minor improvements in the main application.
Impose Editor: A list of fixed bugs and/or minor improvements in the Impose Editor.
2. New Features
In this section you will learn about new features that have been developed in the Adobe Illustrator Plug-In, Impose Editor and the Workflow. In some cases, existing functions may have also been updated.
2.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
If you are working with version 1.8.1 of the Workflow, version of the Plug-In must be installed to ensure consistent operation. If you are using an older version of the Plug-In, you will be notified in the Plug-In when you log in.
The following versions of Adobe Illustrator are supported:
Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 Version 22.1 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 Version 23.1.1 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Version 24.1 |
Mac OSX | Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.15 (Catalina), Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
Microsoft Windows |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 8.1 or MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 8.1 or MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
Support | Plug-In Version and Plug-In Version |
Plug-In Version |
Plug-In Version |
Support for older versions of Adobe Illustrator
Please note that the current Plug-In Version can only installed for Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2020.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 can still be used with the Plug-In Version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.2. Using Plug-In Version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or bugs for this constellation/configuration will not be followed up and/or fixed.
Adobe Illustrator 2018 can still be used with Plug-In version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.6. The use of Plug-In version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or errors for this constellation will not be followed up and corrected.
No new changes
No changes between Workflow versions 1.8.0 and 1.8.1 were implemented in the Plug-in. 2 known bugs have been fixed, and also includes language updates, and the Plug-In version number was changed to match the Workflow version.
Support for Adobe Illustrator CC 2021
The version Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 introduced on Monday, October 19, 2020, is not yet compatible with the Plug-In. This version of Illustrator will be supported with version 1.8.2 of the Plug-in.
2.2. File Manager
In this version, a new function has been implemented in the File Manager to define the number of Print Items or Articles placed when creating the imposition. In addition, the Order view in the File Manager has been revised. You can read more about this in the next two sections.
2.2.1. Define the number of copies
Previously, the number of copies could only be defined after the Articles or Print Items were added to the imposition. To do this, the desired Print Items had to be selected and edited in the Print Items tab. From version 1.8.1 on, when adding Print Items or Articles using drag & drop, the Edit selected Print Items dialog is opened by default, where the number of copies can then be specified.
In the dialog, the number of copies can be defined in the header [1] for all Print Items or Articles or per Print Item separately. After clicking on applying in the dialog, the defined number of copies will be used for the imposition.
Figure 1: The Edit selected Print Items dialog.

Skip the dialog
If Print Items or Articles are dragged and dropped onto the sheet by holding down the ALT
key, the Edit selected Print Items dialog will not appear. In this case, the normal method for changing the number of copies must be used if needed.
2.2.2. Synchronized Display
The Order, Order Print Item and Print Item list has been slightly revised in this version so that it matches the Order list in the Workflow. The following changes have been made:
- The same preview image is displayed for an Order as it is displayed in the Order list in the Workflow.
- Jobs are now ordered in the File Manager as they are in the Workflow Job list, using ascending order by default.
2.3. Impose Editor
In version 1.8.1, additional general functions have been implemented in the Impose Editor. From this version on, unplaced or underproduced Print items are highlighted more clearly in order to avoid production errors. In addition, the Save Imposition dialog has also been revised.
2.3.1. Displaying »unplaced Print Items«
Unplaced or underproduced Print Items are now displayed below the artboard so that they are clearly visible. This function is available in all Impose Editor modes except Tiling. This allows the user to quickly recognize which Print Items could not be placed or could not be imposed in their entirety.
Figure 2: The Artboard with unplaced or underproduced Print Items underneath.
The following information is displayed below the artboard:
- Display area [2]: All Print Items that have not been placed or are underproduced are displayed below the artboard.
- Unplaced Print Items [3]: Print items that could not be placed are marked with a red bubble. The number in the bubble represents the number of unplaced Print Items.
- Underproduced Print Items [4]: Print Items that are underproduced are marked with a yellow bubble. The number in the yellow bubble represents the number of Print Items that still need to be produced.
2.3.2. Warnings and Errors in the Save Imposition dialog
From this version on, errors and warnings [5] that occur when imposing Print Items are displayed when saving the imposition. The user must click on Accept [6] in order to successfully save the imposition. Warnings and errors are still displayed in the Impose Editor as they were before under the Imposition Warnings drop-down.
This new function should serve to detect errors occurring in the imposition at the latest when saving in order to avoid production down time.
Figure 3: Errors and warnings are displayed in the Save Imposition dialog when saving.
How Errors and Warnings are displayed
Errors and warnings are currently only shown when saving in the Impose Editor if you have opened the Impose Editor via Automation > Impose Editor. If the Impose Editor is opened under the Impose tab of a Production Job, Errors and Warnings are not yet displayed in this form.
2.3.3. Saving Impositions
If you have opened the Impose Editor via Automation > Impose Editor, a new Production Job will be created when you save the imposition and the imposition will be saved in the Production Job you have just created. The Save Imposition dialog is displayed, in which the name for the Production Job and a comment can be entered.
If an existing imposition is opened and saved again by clicking on Save in the action bar, the Save Imposition dialog is not displayed again. The Production Job is therefore overwritten.
If you want to save the changes you have made in an existing imposition to a new Production Job, you must select Save As in the action bar. This will create a new Production Job and the previously opened imposition will continue to be available unchanged.
Saving an imposition in a new Production Job
If the Impose Editor was opened using the Impose tab of a production order, the Save As function, which would allow you to create a new Production Job, is not yet available.
2.4. Nesting
In version 1.8.1, we've added a new impose mode for Nesting, which supports a Double-sided Outputs. Additional changes concerning Nesting settings, Multipage Nesting and Nesting Optimization have had their respective functions extended and updated. In addition, there is a new function to sort Print Items when Nesting, using user-defined ordering as well.
2.4.1. Doubled-sided Output
With version 1.8.1, a new mode called Double-sided Output is available in addition to the normal Single Page Output and Multipage Output under the Impose Output drop-down in the Settings panel. With this option, Nestings can be created on both sides according to the settings selected and made ready for Double-sided Output.
To create a double-sided Nesting, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor and switch to Nesting mode.
- Add all necessary Print Items to the Nesting for both the front and back side. Print Items that should only to be printed on the back side must be hidden in the Print Items tab by clicking on the option Do not use Print Item in imposition [7]. This ensures that the Nesting imposition will only be calculated on the Print Items currently being used.
Figure 4: The option Do not use Print Items in imposition can be used to exclude Print Items from being used on the front side.

- In the Settings panel, select Double-Sided Output [8] under the Impose Output drop-down.
- Under the Turn Impose Sheet [9] drop-down, determine whether the feeding direction for the print sheet. Either Horizontally or Vertically flipped. This option determines how the Print Items are placed on the backside of the imposition.
- Then determine the Origin [10] for which the Nesting should be calculated.
Figure 5: The Settings panel when Double-sided Output is selected in Nesting mode.

- Then add the required Marks, Captions, Lines and Dielines if needed.
- If the double-sided print needs to be cut, then select the appropriate Cutter and Parameter Set.
- After you are satisfied with your settings for the Nesting, the Print Items tab shows which Print Items will be used on the Front [12] or on the Back [13] of the Nesting.
Figure 6: The Impose Editor with the Print Items tab open, showing both the Frontside and Backside.
- By default the same Print Item is printed both on the front and the back, but this can easily be changed by the user. To do this, select the Print Items that need to be changed under the Print Items tab.
- Once you have selected your Print Items, click on Edit [11], which opens the Edit selected Print Items dialog.
- Whilst the Frontside tab allows you to set the usual parameters for Rotating, Scaling and the number of copies, the Backside tab [14] provides settings for individual Print Items on the backside.
Figure 7: The Backside tab in the Edit selected Print Items dialog, displaying a list of Print Items.
- Under the Backside column, click on the arrow [15] which will display various options to the user. The following options are available:
- Empty [16] – This option will not place a Print Item or fill the area with color on the backside.
- Color [17] – The backside will be filled with a color of your choice, the color value can be defined either in CMYK or a Spot Color definition.
- Print Item [18] – Here the user can select a Print Item which will be printed on the backside.
- For Print Items on the backside, it is also possible to define whether the item is mirrored or rotated [19]. The following options are available:
- Vertical – The Print Item will be mirrored vertically on the backside.
- Horizontal – The Print Item will be mirrored horizontally on the backside.
- 0° – The Print Item will have the same orientation as on the frontside.
- 180° – The Print Item will be rotated 180° on the backside.
Figure 8: The Backside tab in the Edit selected Print Items dialog.
- Once you have made the necessary changes, click on Apply.
- The backside layout of the imposition is displayed as shown below. The Print Items contained on the backside are clearly displayed for the user under the Print Items tab [20].
Figure 9: Using the Backside button, the user can view the imposition layout for the Nesting.
Handling of special cases
The Print Item on backside is smaller than the Print Item on the frontside
If the Print Item on the backside is smaller in dimension then the Print Item on the frontside, the Print Item is centered on the backside so that both sides (front and back) are aligned from the center.
The Print Item on the backside is larger than Print Item on the frontside
If a Print Item or Article [22] is used on the backside, which is larger than the Print Item on the frontside [21], the Print Item is centered on the backside, so that both sides (front and back) are centered. When this occurs, the user will see a warning [23]. As indicated in the tooltip, the Print Item on the backside is cropped according to the dimensions of the frontside Print Item.
Figure 10: When Print Items on the backside are larger in dimension than Print Items on the frontside, the user will see a warning.
Turn Impose Sheet Settings
In the Turn Impose Sheet drop-down, you can choose between Horizontal (flip horizontal) or Vertical (flip vertical) (see Figure 5). In the Print Items tab, the red bar indicates the current orientation.
- Horizontal (flip) – A vertical red bar between the Print Items ( the left image in Figure 11), indicates that the Print Items will be mirrored horizontally on the backside.
- Vertical (flip) – A horizontal red bar below or above the Print Items ( right image in Figure 11), indicates that the Print Items are mirrored vertically on the backside.
Figure 11: The orientation of Print Items that are being imposed on the frontside and backside are indicated by a red bar, placed either horizontally or vertically.

Calculating the number of copies
The number of copies to be used is calculated exclusively for Print Items that are placed on the frontside of the Nesting. The backside of the Nesting will always match the frontside, even if the number of copies does not match the current number of placed Print Items.
2.4.2. Extended Nesting Settings
With version 1.8.1, the settings available under the Nesting Options panel have been extended by adding two additional functions: one for Rotation [24]. From now on, Print Items can also be rotated by 180° or 270° on the artboard. Previously, only the options 0° or 90° were available. These settings are available for all variants of Nesting mode: Single Page Output, Multipage Output, Double-sided Output, and also for optimized Nestings.
Figure 12: The Rotation drop-down under the Nesting Options panel.

2.4.3. Multipage Output
As of version 1.8.1, all options under the Strategy [25] drop-down under the Nesting Options panel have been deactivated when Multipage Output is selected. The reason is that the Strategy options will ultimately have no effect on the final imposition.
Figure 13: The Strategy drop-down when Multipage Output is selected.

2.4.4. Sorting Methods
Previously, sorting Print Items in both Nesting and Step & Repeat modes was based on the sequence of Print Items or Articles in the Production Job or in the Print Items list of the Impose Editor. As of version 1.8.1, the user can select User-defined sorting for Nesting and Step & Repeat modes. More than 15 sorting criteria (Print Item Name, Order Name, User-defined Fields, etc.) can be used and combined with each other.
To apply User-defined sorting in Nesting mode, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor and switch to Nesting mode.
- Add Print Items as needed.
- Under the Settings panel, add your desired settings.
- By default Manual [27] is selected under the Sorting Method [26] drop-down, it's important to note that the layout of the imposition may change if we coincidentally decide to change the sequence of the Print Items under the Print Items tab.
Figure 14: The Settings panel with the Sorting Method drop-down active.

- Select User-defined [28] in the drop-down menu, which opens the User-defined Sorting dialog. If User-defined Sorting has already been selected, click the gear icon [28] to open the dialog again.
Figure 15: The User-defined Sorting dialog using either Nesting or Step & Repeat mode.

- In this dialog, the user can select one or more sorting criteria to determine how the Print Items should be sorted on the artboard.
- Select the desired sorting criteria under the Sorting Criteria [30] drop-down, in the desired order, (this can also be changed later by simply moving them). All criteria that are available for Captions, are also available as Sorting Criteria, for example. User-defined fields can also be used as sorting criteria.
- Criteria are then listed sequentially. The user can also change the sequence of the criteria at any time. The following options are available:
- Changing Ordering [31] – The Sort Criterion at the top position determines the criteria that will be applied first. The order of the individual criteria can still be adjusted afterwards by simply moving the entry as needed.
- Ascending or Descending [32] – The user can also select whether sorting method should be in ascending or descending order (numerical or alphabetical).
- Remove Sorting Criterion [33] – By clicking on the x symbol, individual criteria are removed. Additional criteria can be added again.
- Click on Save to apply your chosen Sorting Criteria.
The User-defined Sorting Method is also available in »Step & Repeat« mode
User-defined Sorting works quite well in Step & Repeat mode for sorting different Print Items per column, especially when it is important to keep job-related Print Items together in Step & Repeat, this option is worth its weight in gold.
2.4.5. Extended Optimized Nesting Settings
Since version 1.8.0, a Single Page Nesting with different dimensions can be further optimized after creating the imposition. The goal when optimizing the Nesting is to reduce material consumption using advanced algorithms. You can read more about this in the release notes from version 1.8.0 under the section 2.3.3. Nesting Optimization.
As of version 1.8.1, two additional enhancements have been implemented:
- Nestings with Print Items of the same size can also be optimized.
- Nestings can be optimized across multiple imposition sheets.
Furthermore, the Nesting Optimization UI has been slightly revised so that the user has access to all impose sheets from a multipage document.
2.5. Captions
With version 1.8.1 a new placeholder for Captions is available and the content of a Caption can be modified in more detail.
2.5.1. Truncating Captions
In practice, file names are also used to convey information, among other things. This can result in file names being extremely long and therefore can be unwieldy when used in Captions, particularly when using text.
With 1.8.1 two possibilities are available to truncate placeholder content in a Caption or to use specific parts from the content of a Caption. To utilize these options, the placeholder must first be inserted and then expanded with the appropriate syntax.
Truncate Options
The user can simply truncate parts of a Caption now with this new feature. The syntax or structure is explained using the Print Item Name ( as an example:
– Uses the normal placeholder syntax, where the entire content of the placeholder is displayed.
Example (14 characters): Motif name 001 -
– The extended syntax using thetruncate.start
command, this specifies the number of characters to be displayed, starting from the beginning. This extension deletes the content of the placeholder starting from the 4th character, from the beginning.
Result: Mot -
– Using the syntax extensiontruncate.end
command, this specifies the number of characters to be displayed, starting from the end. The extension deletes the content of the placeholder starting from the 4th character, starting at the end.
Result: 001 -
– Using the syntax extensiontruncate.middle
command, this specifies the number of characters to be displayed, starting from the middle. The rest of the placeholder content will be truncated.
Result: ame
Truncate example
Our imaginary company uses the Print Item name, i.e., "123456_print item designation_001 " (where: 12345 = is the order number; 001 is the consecutive position number), you can display the order number combined with the position number by using the placeholder: ${;truncate.start=6}-${;truncate.end=3}
as a label in the Montage Editor. The result would be: 123456-001
Substring Options
Specific content from a placeholder can be "extracted" by specifying the starting position and the length. Using Print Item Name ( as an example, the syntax and/or structure is explained:
– This is the normal syntax for typical placeholders, and the entire content of the placeholder is displayed as usual.
Example (14 characters): Motif name 001 -
– Using the syntax extensionsubstring.start
command, this specifies a numerical starting position for the character, from the beginning as well as the number of characters following it. The extension truncates the content of the placeholder before the 4th character, as seen from the beginning, and displays the 4 characters found after it.
Result: name -
– Using the syntax extensionsubstring.start
command, this specifies a numerical starting position for the character starting from the end and the number of characters before it. The extension truncates the content of the placeholder after the 1st character starting from the end and displays the 7 characters found before it.
Result: name 00
Substring example
Our imaginary company uses the Print Item name, i.e., "123456_print item designation_001 " (where: 12345 = is the order number; 001 is the consecutive position number), you can display the current Print Item Name by using the placeholder ${;substring.start=6,23}
as a Caption in the Impose Editor. The result would be: Motif name
2.5.2. Extended functionality
In version 1.8.1, a new placeholder for Captions has been added. Furthermore, Barcodes and QR Codes using a transparent background are now supported.
New Placeholder for Captions
An additional placeholder called: Color Channel, has been added to Captions, which can be selected in the Impose Editor.
Proceed as follows to use the Color Channel option in a Caption:
- Open the Impose Editor.
- Create your imposition as needed using the impose mode of your choice and add some Print Items.
- Add a Default Caption under the Marks tab and select Print Items under the Origin drop-down. This will add a single Caption for all Print Items on the sheet.
- Type »@« in the placeholder text input field and select the placeholder Color Channel in the Color Policy list.
- Click the Update Caption button, which will display the Caption on the sheet in the desired position.
- Save the imposition and continue with production.
Transparent Backgrounds
Barcodes and QR Codes can also be created, saved and output with transparent backgrounds from this version on. Previously, a white background was automatically created, which excluded objects underneath the Barcode. The background color of the barcode could be chosen by the user but could not be removed. From now on, the background color can be removed so that the Barcode can be positioned directly over a Print Item and printed.
Figure 16: An example of a Barcode with a transparent background.
2.6. Applying Simulation Profiles
Another new feature allows user to simulate a referenced printing system on their current printer setup. The reference printing system that should be simulated can be specified by selecting an Output Color Space or a Working Color Space Profile or by selecting an existing Color Policy from an existing profile. On one hand, this can be used to reproduce the color output of a previously used RIP or, it can be used to unify several different printing systems in terms of color output.
Availability of this feature
This feature is only available to customers holding a Durst Print Workflow Plus license and all Durst Workflow Label Plus licenses. Furthermore, this feature is also available with the Production Optimization Tools option.
Follow the steps to create or apply a Simulation Profile:
- Open an existing Production Job.
- Switch to the Output Settings tab. Make sure that your desired Output Configuration with the appropriate Color Policy is selected.
- Open the Simulation drop-down [34]. When this drop-down is opened for the first time, you will only see the Create Simulation Profile option [35]. If Simulation Profiles have previously been created for that particular Color Policy, they will also be listed here [36]. Any Simulation Profiles that are listed can be used immediately for a Production Job without having to create them again.
Figure 17: The Output Settings dialog with the Simulation drop-down active.
- If you want to create a new Simulation Profile, select the Create Simulation Profile option [35]. This will open the Create Simulation Profile dialog.
Loading times when opening this dialog
When opening the dialog, all Color Policies, Output and Working Color Spaces available in the system are loaded. This can take a few seconds in systems where large numbers of printers and substrates are managed.
Figure 18: The Create Simulation Profile dialog with the Workflow Color Policies option selected.
- Select either Working and Output Space ICC Profiles [38] or one of the Workflow Color Policies [39] in the dialog. The following options are available:
- Name [37] – Define a Name for the Simulation Profile. This name should be used appropriately for the type of Simulation, e.g., Avery Top White Simulation RSC 1. A which will greatly facilitate the reusability of Simulations.
- Comment – Describe the Simulation in this input field. The comment will appear in the list of available Simulations in the drop-down menu.
- Working Space and Output Space ICC Profiles [38] – Select this option if you want to simulate a Working Space or Output Space available in the system. You can use this option to simulate Output Color Spaces from other RIP manufacturers. To do this, upload an ICC Substrate Profile from the previously used RIP manufacturer to the Output Color Spaces section of the Administration > Settings > Color Management menu item. Alternatively, you can upload a multi-channel ICC profile (e.g. CMYK-OV), but this must have been generated by the Durst Workflow to work correctly.
- For further information on how to upload profiles from other RIP manufacturers, please refer to the 1.8.0 Release Notes in section 2.7. Settings - Color Management.
- Workflow Color Policies [39] – Select an existing Color Policy from the current system as an alternative to Working and Output Color Spaces. You can select any Color Policy that is available and simulate other printing systems which are controlled by the current system.
- Save the Simulation by clicking on Save. Creating a Simulation Profile [40] may take a minute or two, as a new Color Policy is calculated in the background.
- Then select the new Simulation Profile in the Simulation drop-down [34] (Figure 16) and send the Production Job to the printer.
Figure 19: The Create Simulation Profile dialog when in the process of calculating the Simulation Profile.

Synchronize output across multiple printers or substrates
Use the Gamut Viewer to identify which Color Policy has the smallest color gamut for your desired printer. Then select this Color Policy as the Simulation Profile for other Profiles to achieve the consistent results on all printing systems. Whether you want to apply this across substrates or on the same substrate across multiple printing systems, is completely up to you.
However, you will certainly achieve the best results across printing systems using the same substrate. With all other Simulation Profiles, due to a different white points from different substrates, visual aberatons may be more obvious.
2.6.1. Areas where you can create Simulation Profiles in the Workflow
New Simulation Profiles can be created in the following areas of the Workflow:
- Administration > Settings > Output Templates – New Simulation Profiles can be created and added to existing Output Templates or when creating a new Output Template. The selected Simulation Profile will be saved in the Output Template and applied by default when the template is selected.
- Automation > Force Print > Configure Template – New Simulation Profiles can be created and added to an existing Output Template or when creating a new Output Template. The selected Simulation Profile will be saved in the Output Template and applied by default when the template is selected.
- Production Job > Output Settings – New Simulation Profiles can be created in this tab and saved in an Output Template.
- +New Production Job > Simulation – A new Simulation Profile can be created and saved with the Production Job. This is also possible when creating Production Jobs from Articles or Orders.
2.6.2. Areas where you can apply Simulation Profiles in the Workflow
Previously created Simulation Profiles can be applied in the following areas:
- Administration > Settings > Output Templates – Previously existing Simulation Profiles can be selected and used for the output or saved in the selected Output Template.
- Automation > Force Print > Configure Template – Previously created Simulation profiles can be selected and used for output or saved in the selected output template.
- Production Job > Output Settings – Previously created Simulation Profiles can be selected and used for output or saved in the selected Output Template.
- +New Production Job > Configure Template – Previously created Simulation Profiles can be selected in the menu item Article or Order in the Create Production Job dialog and used for the output or saved in the selected Output Template.
- Production Job > New/Edit – Previously created Simulation Profiles can be selected in the Create/Edit Production Job dialog and used for the output.
- Automation > Hotfolder > New/Edit > Render Parameters – Under the Render Parameters tab, only previously created Simulation Profiles that have been calculated for the selected Color Policy can be selected.
2.7. Splitting Multipage PDFs
We've also added the ability to split multipage pdfs during upload into the Workflow. For this purpose, there is an option available under Administration > Settings > Preflight & Fixup to activate this option globally. If this option is activated, multipage pdfs are split when uploaded by default. In addition, the saved version can be overwritten or modified again during specific uploads (Force Print, create Article, etc.).
Split multipage PDF is not available for Hotfolders
This option is currently unavailable for Hotfolders and in the File Manager. These two missing functions will be added in a future update of the Workflow.
2.7.1. System-wide Settings
In the system-wide settings of the Workflow, the option Split multipage files into individual Print Items, can be enabled or disabled. By default, this feature is disabled. Follow these steps to enable this option:
- Go to Administration > Preferences > Preflight & Fixup.
- Under the General Settings panel, activate the Split multipage files into individual Print Items [41] option.
- Click on Save and continue with production.
Figure 20: The Preflight & Fixup tab can be found under Administration > Settings.
This global setting is therefore used by default for all options when uploading Print Items or Articles in the Workflow. However, it is possible to override this specific system-wide setting in certain situations.
2.7.2. Application based on context
From now on, the system setting that determines whether multipage pdfs are split into individual Print Items or not is used by default. The system setting for the prospective file to be uploaded can be overwritten in the following areas of the Workflow.
When manually uploading an Article via the +New Article dialog, the system-wide setting will be applied by default [42]. If the option is set by the user in this dialog then it will override the current system-wide setting concerning splitting multipage pdfs. If you want to Split multipage files into individual Print Items, simply check the option in the New Article dialog to proceed.
Figure 21: The New Article dialog with the Split multipage files into individual Print Items option selected.

Orders/Production Jobs
When manually uploading a Print Item in a Job or Order, the defined system-wide setting will be selected by default [43]. If you want to Split multipage files into individual Print Items, simply check the option in the New Article dialog to proceed.
Figure 22: The Create Order Item dialog with the Split multipage files into individual Print Items option selected.

Force Print
When using Force Print, the defined system-wide setting will be selected by default [44]. If you want to Split multipage files into individual Print Items, simply check the option in the New Article dialog to proceed.
Figure 23: Force Print with the Split multipage files into individual Print Items option selected.
A caveat when using the »Split multipage files into individual Print Items« option in »Force print«
As soon as the Split multipage files into individual Print Items option is activated, the option Create Production Job with multiple items is automatically chosen. The other option in this selection menu is consequently deactivated.
File Manager
As with previous versions of the Workflow, multipage documents can be divided separately into individual Print Items/Articles after uploading the document in the File Manager of the Impose Editor [45]. The system-wide setting in the Workflow currently has no influence when uploading multipage documents in the File Manager. In future versions of the Workflow, this option will be available.
Figure 24: Splitting multipage documents in the File Manager in the Impose Editor.

Hotfolders and REST API
As previously mentioned, the ability to Split multipage documents into individual Print Items will be implemented for Hotfolders and for the Rest API in future versions of the Workflow. Until then, these two options ignore the default value set under Administration > Settings > Preflight & Fixup.
2.8. Hotfolder Automation using Zipped Folders
As of this version, ZIP files can be processed using Hotfolders. All files (all compatible Hotfolder file types), in the ZIP are merged in a single Production Job. This Production Job can be processed automatically by means of Multipage or Double-sided Output to the printer. For each ZIP file, a Production Job with the same name is created and processed including the respective Print Items.
Further information regarding different types of Hotfolders
With version 1.7.7 the general working method as well as the Hotfolder list view has been revised and a second Hotfolder type was been introduced. You can read more about this in the version 1.7.7 of the release notes under section 2.8 Hotfolder. With the introduction of version 1.8.1 another Hotfolder type was introduced, which allows processing of ZIP files. Further details concerning this Hotfolder type are explained below.
2.8.1. Settings for ZIP Hotfolders
Hotfolders are set up to process individual files automatically based on the entered settings. Files processing can be automated to a certain extent. Hotfolder jobs can be:
- Created as a Production Job only
- Created and imposed as a Production Job
- Created as a Production job, imposed and sent to the printer.
For Production Jobs that are created via Hotfolder and are also imposed using »Nesting« mode, an additional method called Processing ZIP [48] has been implemented for version 1.8.1.
Figure 25: The Impose tab of the Hotfolder Setup dialog.
Under the Impose tab, the following options are available:
- Impose Mode [46] – In this drop-down menu, Step & Repeat, Nesting or Tiling can be selected. In order to select the Processing ZIP method, Nesting mode must be selected.
- Impose Template [47] – The desired Impose Template can be selected to match the appropriate Impose mode. In connection with the Processing ZIP method, users should select an Impose Template for Nesting that allows for Multipage Output. This makes it easier to ensure that all processed Print Items can be placed in the imposition.
- Processing Mode [48] – If Nesting mode has been selected, the Processing Modes: Single Files, Auto-Nesting and Processing ZIP are available. By selecting the Processing ZIP method, a separate Production Job with Print Items is created for each ZIP file, provided that the file type is valid. The Print Items in the Production Job are imposed and processed after uploading based on the selected Impose Template.
- Sequential Processing [49] – The new Sequential Processing function has been implemented especially for the Processing ZIP method. By enabling this option, ZIP files are processed sequentially in the order they arrive in the Hotfolder. If the option is disabled, multiple ZIP files can be processed in parallel, which may mean that, for example, the last ZIP file copied would be completed earlier than other previously added ZIP files. If you require that the print jobs arrive at the printer in the desired order regarding when they were uploaded, this option must be enabled.
- Max. Impose Height [50] – This setting can be used to determine the Maximum Impose Height for the sheet of a Single-Page or Multipage Nesting. The Maximum Impose Height can only be entered if a roll material has been selected under the Render Parameters tab.
2.8.2. Detailed view of the ZIP Hotfolder
After a Hotfolder with the Processing Mode Processing ZIP has been configured and created, this Hotfolder also appears in the Hotfolder list. In order for the Hotfolder to start processing, it must first be started by clicking on the start icon.
As soon as the Hotfolder has been started, double-clicking on an entry in the Hotfolder list displays a detailed view of the Hotfolder. The detailed view is the same for all three types of Hotfolders. The only difference is that the Print Items of the current Imposition panel is not available for the Processing ZIP method, since it does not make sense for this type of processing.
The Processing Zip Hotfolder detail view is as shown in the following image.
Figure 26: The detailed view of a Hotfolder using the Processing Zip method.
The following areas are available in the user interface of a ZIP Hotfolder:
- Header - left side: Below the Name [51] of the Hotfolder is the status overview [52] for the Hotfolder. The status overview shows how many Print Items are currently being processed, i.e., Processing, how many have been successfully processed, i.e., Success, or aborted, i.e., Errors. In addition, it also shows how many Warnings, i.e., could not be processed completely.
- Header - right side: In some cases, it may be that not all documents can be processed completely and/or correctly (e.g.: The Print Item is too large for the imposition; the Print Item cannot be uploaded for technical reasons, etc.). If such a scenario occurs, the Production Job is "paused" because of files that cannot be processed. After this file cannot be processed any further, the user is able to complete the process manually using the Create imposition [57] button. Afterwards, the user must manually check the file that could not be processed and make corrections if necessary and then process it again. After this production Job is created, it may still be partially incomplete, the Production Job can then be processed manually in the Workflow.
- Check-in [54]: In this information panel, all ZIP files, which also share the same name of the Production Jobs, are initially displayed. As soon as the ZIP files have been unzipped, the documents they contain are listed and uploaded to the Workflow. If a file is aborted with an error during the upload, it will appear in the Error list [58].
- Queue [53]: This information panel lists all ZIP files and their respective Print Items that have already been completely uploaded into the Workflow and are ready to be imposed. Only when all Print Items have been successfully imposed and the Job is sent to the printer, does the Production Job end up in the list of Done jobs [55]. If a Print Item cannot be imposed for certain reasons (too large for the impose area, for example), the Job will remains in this list. Clicking on the Create Imposition button [57] will continue with the processing.
- Done [55]: The Done list shows all Print Items that are associated with successfully completed Production Jobs. By double-clicking on an entry in the list, you can jump to the corresponding Production Job.
Warnings [56]: The Warning list shows all files that were successfully created, uploaded or generated, but could not be processed completely. Examples could be the following:
- One or more files could not be imposed. An error occurs in the imposition process.
- A cutter is used, but there are no Technical Colors in the Production Job.
- Errors [58]: The Errors list shows all Print Items that could not be processed or uploaded into the Workflow in general. If necessary, the files can still be saved locally from the Workflow by clicking on the download icon.
Invalid File Types
Certain file types not supported by the Workflow or the file type was not selected in the Process Parameters tab. It's also important to note that directories are ignored when processing ZIP files. These must be removed manually from the Hotfolder in the file directory, otherwise they will be permanently displayed in the Check-In information panel. When invalid files or directories are removed, the list is updated again.
2.9. Cutting Devices
In version 1.8.1 further features in the area of cutting devices have been implemented. From this version on, cutting data can also be rotated by 90° and 180° degrees. Furthermore, we've now added support for cutting devices from ABG, specifically the Digicon Digilase 4.0 series.
2.9.1. Rotate Cut File Data
As of version 1.8.1, cutting data, i.e. the complete cutting file including cutting paths and device-dependent Marks, can also be rotated separately by 180° or 270°. However, the printed image is not rotated when this option is applied.
A parameter is available for this purpose under Administration > Cutter Devices in the Parameters panel:
- Rotate CutData – In this option, cutting data from a Production Job can also be rotated by 180° or 270°. In doing so, the positions of the register marks, if any, and the positions of the cutting paths are rotated by 0° or 270°.
2.9.2. Cutting Device - ABG Digicon Digilase 4.0
With 1.8.1, we now support the Digicon Digilase 4.0 series ABG cutter with the necessary Parameters Sets. Before the Digicon Digilase can be used in the Workflow for Production Jobs, the cutter must be added in the Workflow. To do this, follow these four steps.
Step 1: Add a Target Directory for the ABG Digicon Digilase 4.0 in the Workflow
The target directory of the cutting device must first be made available in the Workflow. To do this, the Host and Destination must be created under Administration > File Management. For details on this topic, read this article: Manage Shares and Folders.
Step 2: Add the ABG Digicon Digilase 4.0 in the Workflow
- Switch to Administration > Cutter Devices.
- Click on + New to open the Add Cutter dialog.
Figure 27: The Add Cutter dialog with entered values for creating the Digicon Digilase 4.0 cutter.

- In the opened dialog, select the following parameters:
- Device type – Select Digicon Digilase | ABG.
- Name – Enter a unique name for the cutting device. If you have two devices of the same type, you should also create the device twice with different names, this make it easier to recognize the same cutter with different parameters and destinations.
- Serial Number – Enter the serial number of the device (this is an optional step), which makes sense when two cutters of the same manufacturer are used.
- Host – Select the Host defined in step 1.
- Destination – Select the Destination directory defined in step 1.
- Finalize the creation of the Digicon Digilase by clicking on Save.
Step 3: Ensure the Device configuration is correct
After creating the cutting device, the Parameter Sets Digilase 4.0 - Offline and Digilase 4.0 - Inline are available in the Parameter Sets [59] panel. These Parameter Sets can be used by default.
The following settings are available in the Parameters [60] panel:
- SVG Layer ID – This layer name is written into the SVG cut file so that the cutter can recognize which paths need to be cut. Under certain circumstances, this name can be changed here if desired.
- File Type – Determines the file type of the cut file. For now, only SVG is offered for this cutter.
- QR Code at the end of the Job – This parameter determines whether the QR code for the cutter should be printed at the end of the job. Note that the QR code at the end of the job must be rotated by 180°.
- QR Code at the beginning of the Job – This parameter determines whether the QR code for the cutter must be printed at the beginning of the job. Note that the QR code must be rotated by 0° at the beginning of the job.
- QR Code Rotation – If the QR Code is printed at the beginning of the job, the rotation must be set 0°. If the QR code is printed at the end of the job, the rotation must be set 180°.
- Inner Core Diameter – Enter in millimeters, the inner core diameter of the roll material. This information is needed only for the cutter, it does not affect the creation of the cut file.
- Knife Box Slits – Contact the cutter manufacturer which information is needed here. This information is only needed for the cutter, and has no effect on the creation of the cut file.
- Substrate – Define the substrate name on the cutting device, so that it can be used automatically. At the moment we do not have access to the substrate list from the manufacturer. Alternatively, the desired substrate name can be defined manually in this input field.
- Outer Core Diameter – Enter the outside core diameter of the roll material in millimeters. This information is only needed for the cutter, it has no effect on the creation of the cut file.
- QR Code Spot Color Name – This can be used to define a Spot Color for the QR Code, for example, if it has to be printed as »pure black«.
- Repeat Gap – If the cut file needs to be repeated horizontally on the cutter, the spacing between these repetitions must be specified.
- Repeat Quantity – If the cut file needs to be repeated horizontally on the cutter, the number of repetitions must be specified here.
- Run Length – Consult the cutter manufacturer for additional information. This information is only needed for the cutter, it has no effect on the creation of the cut file.
- Run Length Type (0 = meters, 2 = labels) – Contact the cutter manufacturer for additional information. This information is only needed for the cutter, it does not affect the creation of the cut file.
- Step Gap – If the cut file should be repeated vertically on the cutter, the spacing between these repetitions must be specified.
- Step Quantity – If the cut file should be repeated vertically on the cutter, the number of repetitions must be specified here.
- QR Code Page Length – Specify the desired length of the page on which the QR Code will be printed.
- Winding Type – Contact the manufacturer for more detailed information. This information is only needed for the cutter, it does not affect the creation of the cut file.
Additional settings for Parameter Sets can be entered and saved in the Impose Editor. If necessary, user-defined Parameter Sets can also be created and used. More on this topic can be found in the sections Using a Cutter in a Production Job and Cutter Device configuration settings and saving.
Figure 28: Administration > Cutter Devices with a valid Digicon Digilase Parameter Set.
Step 4: Map Technical Colors to the desired Pen Types
Before the ABG Digicon Digilase can be used for cutting, system-wide Technical Colors in the Workflow must still be mapped to the cutting tools. Proceed as follows:
- Select the previously created Digicon Digilase in the Devices panel.
- In the Pen Types [61] panel (located below the Devices panel), all available Pen Types for the cutter will be listed.
Figure 29: The Pen Types panel with available Pen Types specifically for the Digicon Digilase cutter.

- Select a Pen Type or the color of the tool [62] in the list.
- Click on Edit [63] in the footer of the panel, which opens the Edit Cutter Pen Type dialog.
Figure 30: The Edit Cutter Tool dialog where system-wide Technical Colors can be mapped to a specific cutting tool.

- In the dialog, select a Technical Colors from the Available Technical Colors [65] drop-down, which are to be bound to the selected cutting tool [63]. If several Technical Colors are to be mapped to a cutting tool, repeat the step just performed. Technical Colors that have already been mapped to a tool are dimmed in the list. The tools that have already been mapped are listed in the Mapped Colors [64] list.
- Once you have mapped all necessary Technical Colors for each tool, click on Save.
Use the ABG Digicon Digilase Cutter in a Production Job
You find more information here on how to use cutting devices in Production Jobs.
Available Parameters
If you are not satisfied with the default Parameter Set settings, you can create and save user-defined Parameter Sets in the Impose Editor. For more information see the section Editing Cutter Device configurations.
Figure 31: The Registration Marks panel in the Impose Editor for the Digicon Digilase cutter.

Take a look at section 2.5.1 New placement method for Marks, where settings and options for Registration Marks for Cutters in the Impose Editor are explained in more detail.
2.10. X-Rite Measurement Device Integration
In the course of version 1.8.1, additional measurement devices from the manufacturer X-Rite were added to the Workflow. We've also added Calibration Charts for these new measurement devices and have been made available in the Workflow. The following measurement devices can be controlled starting with this version of the Workflow:
- X-Rite i1Pro3
- X-Rite i1Pro3 Plus
- X-Rite i1iO3 with i1Pro3
- X-Rite i1iO3 with i1Pro3 Plus
2.11. Profiling Templates
A new Minimum White Compression rendering technique is available for Profile Templates. Minimum White Compression can be considered more of an absolute colorimetric rendering intent without compressing the black point. Since Minimum White Compression compresses only the white point and not the black point, a very high match between the source and target color space can be achieved. This is advantageous for achieving the same color representation across media or for printing on slightly different substrates.
To create a Profile Template with Minimum White Compression, proceed as follows:
- Switch to Color > Profiling Template.
- Create a new Profile Template, under the General > Type select Device Link from the drop-down.
- Then switch to the Rendering Method [66] tab.
- Click on Rendering Method 1 or 2 [67] drop-down menu and select the Minimum White Compression.
- Save your settings and select this Profile Template when creating or calculating a new Color Policy under Color > Color Setup in the profiling step Profiling > Create Substrate Profile.
Figure 32: The Profile Template dialog with the new Rendering Method Minimum White Compression.
2.12. REST API
In this version, areas of the Rest API have been updated and extended. All new features and changes are listed below.
Want the complete Rest API documentation?
Updated documentation with REST API examples are available here
2.12.1. New Functions
Read about new features have been implemented in the Rest API with version 1.8.1.
Production Job Controller API
POST /api/v1/productionJobs/create
– A Production Job can now be created based on an Output Template. Either the ID of an Output Template is passed (outputTemplateReference) or a Color Policy (colorPolicyReference).
Output Template Controller API
GET /api/v1/outputTemplates
– lists all Output Templates created in the Workflow. The list contains both the names and IDs of all Output Templates. This ID can be used for creating a Production Job.GET /api/v1/outputTemplates/{id}
– Will list a specific Output Template.
2.12.2. Improvements
Read about some improvements we've made in the Rest API.
Article Controller API
POST /api/v1/articles/create
– The output after creating an Article now returns the Color Policy (colorPolicyReference) assigned to the Substrate.
Substrate Controller API
POST /api/v1/substrateCategories/{id}/substrates/create
– It is no longer possible to set a Color Policy (defaultReferencedColorPolicy). A Substrate can be created with the Rest API, but the Color Setup and Color Policy with the Substrate must be done in the Workflow. It is still possible to set the Color Policy using the PUT request, but make sure that this Color Policy is created based on the Substrate. An incorrectly assigned Color Policy can lead to problems further along in the production process.
2.12.3. Changes
Read about changes we've made in the Rest API.
Fixup Controller API
All Fixups have been fundamentally revised. It is no longer necessary to define the length unit as mm, inch or pt. In this case, the VAR_NAME_Unit
parameter is omitted for Fixups. The length unit is defined under Administration > Settings > General and applies the unit globally. In this case, it may be necessary to adjust values that have been entered in Fixups in the past.
With GET /api/v1/fixups
and GET /api/v1/fixups/{id}
it is possible to retrieve the stored Fixups together with the parameters used.
Figure 33: Code example for Create Bleed by Mirroring – up to version 1.8.1
{ "fixupApiParameter": { "VAR_NAME_Create_bleed_mirror": "20", "VAR_NAME_Unit": "mm", "VAR_NAME_Resolution_rendering": "400", "VAR_NAME_Mirror_method": "LastPixel", "VAR_NAME_Spot_Color_Regex": true, "VAR_NAME_Bleed_Behind_Content":true, "VAR_NAME_Left_edge":false, "VAR_NAME_Right_edge":true, "VAR_NAME_Bottom_edge":true, "VAR_NAME_Top_edge":true }, "fixupApiReference": { "automationKey": "CREATE_BLEED_MIRRORING" } }
Figure 34: Code example for Create Bleed by Mirroring – as of version 1.8.1
{ "fixupApiParameter": { "VAR_NAME_Create_bleed_mirror":"20", "VAR_NAME_Resolution_rendering": "400", "VAR_NAME_Mirror_method": "LastPixel", "VAR_NAME_Spot_Color_Regex": true, "VAR_NAME_Bleed_Behind_Content":true, "VAR_NAME_Left_edge":false, "VAR_NAME_Right_edge":true, "VAR_NAME_Bottom_edge":true, "VAR_NAME_Top_edge":true }, "fixupApiReference": { "automationKey": "CREATE_BLEED_MIRRORING" } }
3. Improvements
Version 1.8.1 of the Workflow contains additional minor improvements, these are:
3.1. Force Print
If new a Production Job is created using Automation > Force Print, the file name [69] are now consistently used for the Job Name [70], concerning Production Jobs if a separate Production Job [68] is created per Print Item. If a single Production Job for all files is created, a user-defined name can be defined for the Production Job.
Figure 35: Uploading multiple files and creating multiple Production Jobs via Force Print.
3.2. Automatic Status Updates
As of version 1.8.1, the status Waiting for Approval is automatically set by the system when:
- An Approval Report is created for an Article.
- An Approval Report is created for a Print Item.
- An Approval Report is created and the Print Item has any of the status available previous to Waiting for Approval.
Alternatively, the status can still be set manually. With this system, it is possible to quickly recognize which Articles or Print Items are waiting to be approved by the customer.
3.3. Saved Imposition Statistics
The Impose tab of a Production Job provides you with some key data and a summary of the imposition that was created. Starting from this version, information from the standard imposition and the optimized version of the imposition are compared side by side. For optimized impositions you can check which parameters differ and where an optimization could be carried out. To view this comparison, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor and switch to Nesting Mode. Nesting optimizations are especially useful when using the Impose Output Multipage Output for Production Jobs.
- Add your desired Print Items.
- After placing your desired Print Items, start the optimization by clicking the ▶ Start Impose Optimization icon.
- After the optimization is complete, select the optimization that suits you and save the imposition.
- Then switch to the Impose tab of the Production Job.
- Compare the values in the Standard [72] & Optimized [71] columns.
Figure 36: A side by side comparison of the results from a standard imposition and an optimized imposition under the Impose tab of a Production Job.
3.4. Fixups
In the course of development, new Fixups have been added, and existing Fixups were extended in functionality or improved in terms of usability
3.4.1. General
We've also improved the handling of Fixups. From now on, there are no separate units in the Fixup dialogs. The user can define the unit in the system-wide settings which are global. Furthermore, Custom Fixups can also be used in Fixup Chains starting with this version.
Unit of measurement in input fields and applying global settings
Starting with this version of the Workflow, Fixups use the unit of length which are defined in the global settings of the Workflow. For this purpose, all selection menus for choosing a unit have been removed from the Fixups and the unit of measurement used for the input field has been inserted directly in the input field.
Figure 37: The Create Bleed by Mirroring dialog where the measurement units are directly in the input fields.

Using Custom Fixups in Fixup Chains
Custom Fixups – these are defined as Fixups that have been uploaded by the user, could not be used in conjunction with Fixup Chains until now. Starting with this version on, when uploading new Custom Fixups, they can automatically be used in Fixup Chains. If you have existing Custom Fixups that were uploaded before updating to 1.8.1, they will still be available in Fixup Chains after the update.
3.4.2. New Fixups
In version 1.8.1 some new Fixups, which were requested by many customers in the label and large format sectors, have been implemented.
Add Pole Pockets
This Fixup adds Pole Pockets (a hemstitch) to the top or bottom edge of the frontside of a Print Item or Article. The Print Item on the backside is a mirrored version of the Print Item on the frontside. The user can define the amount of overlap on the backside, an area limited to the maximum size of the hemstitch. A new dialog with a new user interface has been implemented in this version.
Figure 38: The Add Pole Pockets Fixup dialog.

This Fixup is only available to customers holding a Print Workflow Plus license and all Print Workflow Label licenses under the Data Preparation tab. The Fixup is also available to all Print Workflow Plus licenses in the Fixup Chain environment.
Create Colored Bleed
This Fixup creates a colored Bleed to extend an existing background area. You can choose which page geometry box to start from, whether to remove or keep the current Bleed, and whether or not to add a Spot Color. The dimension of each edge and the color of the Bleed must also be specified.
Figure 39: The Create Colored Bleed Fixup dialog.

This Fixup is only available to customers holding a Print Workflow Plus license and all Print Workflow Label licenses under the Data Preparation tab. The Fixup is also available to all Print Workflow Plus licenses in the Fixup Chain environment.
3.4.3. Improvements to existing Fixups
For certain existing Fixups, features have been added and the user experience has been improved.
3.4.4. Extract Print Items from Page
Creates a multipage PDF from individual design elements found on the page. To use this Fixup correctly, individual design elements on the page must be outlined by a Dieline which was created as a Spot Color.
Use this Fixup if, for example, you want to process individual Print Items (design elements) that have been compiled on one page. However, the extraction can only be done if the individual Print Items have a Dieline enclosing them, which is then identified by the Fixup. In this version, a new dialog with a new user interface has been implemented.
Figure 40: The Extract Print Items from Page dialog.

This Fixup is only available to customers holding a Print Workflow Plus license and all Print Workflow Label licenses under the Data Preparation tab. The Fixup is also available to all Print Workflow Plus licenses in the Fixup Chain environment.
Fill Shape with »White« or »Varnish«
The Fixup Fill Shape with »White« or »Varnish«, can also be used in Fixup Chains as of version 1.8.1. Before version 1.8.1, this Fixup could only be applied manually to individual or selected Print Items or Articles.
Changes to Fixups that Add a Dieline
Concerning Fixups that Add a Dieline, the available options have been divided into two separate tabs: Basic Settings and Advanced. While the Basic Settings tab contains the parameters that are important for the Fixup, the Advanced tab contains options for conforming to ISO 19593-1 processing steps and allows the user to add a name for the layer to be created.
Figure 41: The Add a Dieline from the Center Fixup with the new user interface and extended options.
3.5. Calibration Charts
In this version, more Calibration Charts have been added to the Workflow. The following is a list of new charts:
- TRANS-Chart_CMYK_297_i1Pro3Plus
- TRANS-Chart_CMYK-lK_210_i1pro_2-6mm
- LIN-Chart_CMYK_297_i1Pro3Plus_G7
- LIMIT-Chart_CMYK_297_i1Pro3Plus
- PROF-Chart_CMYK_297_i1Pro3Plus
- REPROF-Chart_CMYK_297_i1Pro3Plus
3.6. Minor Improvements
The following minor improvements have also been implemented in this version.
3.6.1. Workflow
In the course of this version, the translations of the routines were updated. we have removed the term Scheduler and replaced it with the term Routine, and the names for the Routines have been formulated more clearly.
We have removed the Interval column from the Routine list. Instead, a column named Parameter has been added, in this column we show which elements are affected by the Routine in terms of time, i.e., Older than: x days. In addition, from this version onwards, when editing a Routine, an interpretation of the Cron Expression is displayed below the input field.
Measuring Spot Colors
As of this version, the Measure button is disabled until a name has been defined for the Spot Color to be measured. After a name has been entered, the color value can be measured and the Spot Color created.
Displaying the Printer Destination
In the Workflow, the Printer list shows all assigned target directories (Destinations) per printer in a separate column as of version 1.8.0. As of this version, the default target directory (Destination) of the printer is highlighted using a default tag.
Creating new Orders
When you create a new Order in the Workflow, starting with this version a message appears after saving the Order, which allows the user to navigate directly to the Order. This is the same behavior that occurs when the user creates a Production Job.
3.6.2. Impose Editor
Saving Impose Templates
When saving a new Impose Template, an External ID can now be specified by the user. This means for example, that this External ID can also be leveraged in the Rest API. The External ID can be viewed per Impose Template in the Impose Editor tab.
Warnings and Errors in the Impose Editor
If a Print Item or Article is too large for the current impose sheet, the user will now only see a Warning. Previously, an error was also displayed when this scenario occurred.
Adding Dielines in the Impose Editor
As of this version, Dielines are always added on the top-most level. Barcodes that overlap a Dieline are placed below it now. Since Dielines are typically not printed, if a Dieline is overlapped by a Barcode it won't causes any problems.
4. Fixed Bugs
The following errors (bugs) have been fixed in this release.
4.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
Checking out a Print Item: An error occurred if the user double clicked on a Print Item in the list before checking it out. This bug has been fixed. (PXT-966)
4.2. Workflow
Rest API - Create Substrate Request: When creating a new Substrate via the Rest API, the ID of a Color Policy was provided by default. This ID did not have any function in the system. Among other things, this led to potential problems. For this reason, the »defaultReferencedColorPolicyApi« was removed from the requests when creating Substrates. (DW-4587)
Importing Color Setups: When importing a Color Setup, an error occurred if the Color Setup being imported contained an ICC profile that already existed in the Workflow. In addition, the link between Color Policy and Color Setup was missing after importing older Color Setups. In this case, the Color Policy was not displayed in the Color Setup list. These errors have been fixed. (DW-4582, DW-4459)
Sending Grid Charts: An error occurred when sending a Grid Chart to the printer using a PDF printer. This has been fixed. (DW-4569)
Deleting imported Substrates: If an imported Substrate was deleted and then imported again, the Substrate would be named incorrectly, this bug has been fixed. (DW-4555)
Production Job Destination Change: After editing a Production Job (e.g.: changing the Job name) the target directory would also change. This bug has been fixed. (DW-4549)
Filtering the Article list: Double-clicking on the »Set filter« button in the Article list caused the page to stop responding. The page needed to be refreshed to continue. This bug has been fixed. (DW-4547)
Order list Filtering: In some cases, certain filters in the Order list could not be applied correctly. This behavior has been revised in this version. (DW-4544)
Creating a Printer: Starting with this version, a new Printer cannot be created without first choosing a destination directory. (DW-4582)
External Printing Systems: In some cases, the Color Configuration was passed in the wrong order. Also, the dither bit count in the print configuration was not passed correctly. These errors have been corrected. (DW-4525, DW-4488)
Lead In/Out: If the user entered a Lead In/Out when creating a new Production Job, when the Send to Printer dialog was opened, the values reverted back to the default settings. (DW-4481)
Profile Templates: The entry Save Ink appeared in the Type drop-down of Profile Templates. The entry has been removed.
Print Item Check-In: In some cases, »underscores« were removed from the file name when uploading pdfs into the Workflow. Underscores will now be kept in the file name. (DW-4450)
Image Resolution: For documents with a scale factor set, image resolutions were not displayed correctly in the Workflow. (DW-4400)
Full-text search in the list view: Text entered using full-text searches was no longer displayed after refreshing the page. (DW-4271)
Create a Production Job from Articles: Production Job names are now treated the same when the Create Separate Production Jobs option is enabled or disabled. (DW-4270)
4.3. Impose Editor
Nesting Optimization: In some cases, Print Items were removed from the sheet when optimizing a Nesting. This error has been fixed. (DW-4584)
Impose Warnings and Errors: Unplaced Print Items are no longer listed as »Underproduced Print Items«. (IMPOSE-2196)
Using a negative offset in Nesting: If a negative offset was used in Nesting, errors occurred. This bug has been fixed. (IMPOSE-2176)
Multipage Nesting: Marks, Lines and Captions could not be set to the Origin artboard in multipage outputs. This is now possible. (IMPOSE-2161)
5. Hot Fixes
DW Version 1.8.1.(273)
On December 23rd, 2020 this Hotfix was provided due to the following error:
Impose Editor: it was not possible to save an imposition with user-defined dimensions (Under Impose Editor -> New -> Substrate Definition -> Custom Impose Size). This bug has been fixed.
DW Version 1.8.1.(277)
On January 18th, 2021, this Hotfix was deployed due to the following error:
Variable Data: For variable data using the "Relative Line Index" option, the record for index 0 was not output correctly. This error has been fixed.