Release date: 31.12.2021
In this article you will learn about:
- New features that are available
- Improvements that have been added
- Which bugs have been fixed in version 1.11.1 of the Workflow
This article can also be downloaded as a PDF version. The release notes for the previous versions can be downloaded from the archive.
1. Overview
With version 1.11.1, users can take advantage of several new features in the environment of Approval Reports and management of Print Data. Improvements have also been made in the areas of Editing and Outputting Print Data and translation updates.
An overview of all changes is outlined below, and a detailed description is included for specific areas such as Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes.
Important Installation Information
Workflow version 1.11.1 and all future versions can only be installed if Workflow version 1.11.0 has been previously installed. Update from earlier versions e.g.: 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x as well as 1.10.x will not work! The reason for this is internal improvements for the migration logic, which was introduced in version 1.11.0.
Attention: Before updating to 1.11.1, please make sure that version 1.11.0 is already installed.
1.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-In
The following new features or improvements are available in Plug-in version 1.11.1.xx:
Plug-in version If you are working with Workflow version 1.11.1, Plug-in version must be installed to ensure consistent operation. No new features have been implemented in the Plug-in between Workflow version 1.11.0 and 1.11.1. Only the version number has been changed to match the Workflow version and some translations have been adapted and/or added.
1.2. New Features
The following new features are available in version 1.11.1 of the Workflow:
Impose Editor: In version 1.11.1, minor improvements and visual adjustments have been made to the Impose Editor. In addition, validation of the imposition has been extended with two additional warnings.
- New Warning and Error Messages – As of version 1.11.1, one additional warning and one additional error message is available in the impose validation. From now on, a warning or error is issued if Print Items overlap with the Gripper Margin and if the size of the Impose Sheet is larger than the size of the defined Plate size.
Approval Portal: Approval Reports could previously be generated in the Workflow and downloaded locally starting from several versions backwards. Subsequently, these had to be sent manually via e–mail to the responsible person(s). As of this version, an Approval Portal is available as a cloud service that communicates with the local Workflow. Approval Reports can be generated in the Workflow and sent directly to the Approval Portal. The contact person receives an e–mail which contains a link to the Approval Portal, where they can approve or reject the respective Approval Reports without having to register. The Approval/Rejection is automatically transferred to the Workflow including the corresponding comment. The following areas are described in more detail below.
- Preparation – In order for the Approval process to take place via the Approval Portal, the instance or the interface for the Approval Portal must be configured beforehand. In addition, an E–mail Server that is to be used to send the Approval Report notifications must be set up in the Workflow. When setting up the E–mail Server, E–mail Templates can also be added, which define the content of the E–mail, with corresponding variable placeholders.
- Create an Approval Report via the Approval Portal – The Create Approval Report dialog has been revised in this version and extended to include additional functions for the Approval Portal. In addition, this dialog has been divided into several steps, which need to be completed in order. The way which created Approval Reports are displayed for Print Items or Article has also been adapted in this release.
- Online Approval Portal – Once Approval Reports have been sent to the Approval Portal, the Approval Portal can be accessed by clicking on the link contained in the Approval Report notification e–mail. All Approval Reports are then displayed in the Approval Portal. People can then approve each individual Report or reject it by adding a comment. The results are then sent to the Workflow.
Rotate Every Second Page by 180°: This function was previously implemented in the Send to Printer dialog for Production Jobs in version 1.11.0. As of this version, this function is also available in Force Print and in the Hotfolder settings. This option can be used, for example, to create and output a tiling so that every even or odd page is rotated when rendered by 180°.
Fixups: In the course of development, existing Fixups were extended in functionality or improved in terms of usability. In the process, the user interface for Fixups was extensively revised and numerous Fixups were adapted to the new design.
Calibration Charts: In this version, two additional variants of recalibration charts for CMYK in both 120 mm and 160 mm widths have been added to the Workflow.
SDK Versions: Updates from various OEM partners, among others, provide additional innovation and improvements. Version 1.11.1 includes Global Graphics HHR SDK version 13.1 and Callas Software pdfChip SDK version 2.4.072.
Rest API: Calls for Plate, Sheet and Print Item Templates introduced in version 1.11.0 are now available. Additional improvements and bug fixes have also been made.
1.3. Improvements
The following improvement to existing features have been introduced in version 1.11.1 of the Workflow:
Gamut Viewer: During the development of version 1.11.1, two additional enhancements were added to Gamut View in a Color Setup. These are:
- Gamut Volume Calculation – Previously, the gamut volume was calculated in the user interface. From this version on, the gamut volume is calculated or provided by the engine in the background. The gamut volume is now calculated and displayed more precisely.
- Scaling of the Y-Axis – From this version on, the Y–axis or the view of the Y–axis can be distorted in the gamut viewer. The reason for this is that Color Logic scales the Y–axis to 200% by default. The Workflow displays the Y–axis at 100% by default. Visually comparing the gamut was therefore difficult to control.
Profiling: Starting with this release, the standard N–Channel Profile Calculation Templates: Standard (Substrates) and Sublimation (Substrates), use a new method for measurement data optimization. Both templates use the Correct Bad Measurements and Scale Lab Scope method from this release. This method corrects inaccurate measurements and modifies measurement data that have abnormal peculiarities, such as inks lighter than the white point. As of now, smoothing of measurement data is no longer performed, which makes it easier to address color locations at the edge of the gamut.
Management of Impose Templates: From this version on, the Name, the External ID and the Comment in different impose editor templates: Plate, Sheet, Print Item, Impose and Grid Templates, can be edited and saved. The internal name of each template should not be changed, because it is needed and checked by the system. When changing a template name, the internal name is not changed.
Send to Printer: If several Production Jobs are selected in the list and these are sent to the printer, a separate dialog opens with an overview of the selected Production Jobs. From this version on, this overview also shows the ID of the selected Color Policy and the selected Ink Save Profile per Production Job.
Input Field Improvements: New input fields in the Workflow and Impose Editor are validated from this version on to make sure only certain values are entered. Validation is started immediately after the values are entered and the user is immediately made aware if an entry is invalid.
RHO-Job Ticket: Starting from this version, new values or information from the Color Policy are written to the RHO job ticket, which can be used for an inprint on the printer side. These are: Black calculation used, TAC, Black TAC, Maximum Black and CMYK+ values for Maximum Black.
Minor Improvements: Other minor improvements have been implemented in the Workflow.
1.4. Bug Fixes
Workflow: List of fixed bugs or minor improvements in the main application.
Impose Editor: List of fixed bugs and minor improvements in the Impose Editor.
2. Features
In this section, you'll learn what's new in the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in, Impose Editor, and Workflow. In some cases, existing functions have been expanded.
2.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug–In
If you are working with version 1.11.1 of the workflow, version of the plug–in must be installed to ensure consistent operation. If you are using an older version of the plug–in, you will be notified when you log in to the plug–in.
The following versions of Adobe Illustrator are supported:
Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 Version 23.1.1 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Version 24.2 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 Version 25.4.1 |
MacOSX | Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.15 (Catalina), Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
Mac OS Version 11.2 (Big Sur), Mac OS Version 10.15 (Catalina) Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
Microsoft Windows |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 8.1 or MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
Support | Plug-In Version and Plug-In Version (only Windows) |
Plug-In Version and Plug-In Version (only Windows) |
Plug-In Version (Mac OS and Windows) |
Support for older versions of Adobe Illustrator
Please note that the current Plug-in Version 1.11.1.xx can only be installed for Adobe Illustrator CC 2019, Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2021. If Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 or Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 is used with Mac OS for DW, the Plug-in must be used. Plug-in 1.10.2.xx is compatible with Mac OS only when Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 is used.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 can still be used with the Plug-in Version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.2. Using Plug-in Version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or bugs for this constellation/configuration will not be followed up and/or fixed.
Adobe Illustrator 2018 can still be used with Plug-in version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.6. The use of Plug-in version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or errors for this constellation will not be followed up and corrected.
Support for Adobe Illustrator CC 2022
A Plug-in version for Adobe Illustrator 2022 is not available yet. A new version of the installer for CC 2022 will be delivered in the coming months.
No new features were implemented, some translations in different languages were adapted and extended.
2.2. Impose Editor
In version 1.11.1, only minor improvements and visual adjustments have been made to the Impose Editor. In addition, the validation of the imposition has been extended by two additional messages.
Read the next section for details on new features and improvements to the Impose Editor in version 1.11.1.
2.2.1. New Warning and Error Messages
Warnings as well as Errors regarding the current imposition have already been issued in the Impose Editor for several versions in order to give the user certain hints regarding missing or unacceptable conditions in the imposition. As of version 1.11.1, another warning and error message is available. The following new warning and/or error messages are displayed:
- Print Items are overlapping the Gripper Margin! (warning) – From now on, a warning is issued if Print Items overlap into the safety area of the Gripper Margin.
- The width/height of the Impose Sheet is greater than that of the plate (error) – From now on, an error will be displayed if the size of the Impose Sheet is greater than the size defined in the Plate settings.
Figure 1: New warning and error messages in the Error and Warnings dialog of the Impose Editor.

2.3. Approval Portal
Approval Reports could already be generated and downloaded locally in previous versions of the Workflow. These subsequently had to be sent manually by e–mail to the responsible person(s). As of this version, an Approval Portal is available as a cloud service that communicates with the local Workflow. Approval Reports can be generated in the Workflow and transferred directly to the Approval Portal. The person responsible receives an e–mail with a link to the Approval Portal, where they can accept or reject the respective Approval Reports without having to register. The decision of the responsible person is automatically sent to the Workflow with the corresponding comment. Read more about this in the following sections.
2.3.1. Preparatory Steps
In order for the Approval process to take place via the Approval Portal, an instance or interface connection to the Approval Portal must be configured beforehand. In addition, an E–mail Server, must also be set up in the Workflow. When setting up the E–mail Server, E–mail Templates can also be created and added, which define the content of the E–mail, which contain corresponding variable placeholders. Details on the individual steps are described in this section.
Adding a new Approval Server Instance
Before Approval Reports can be sent to the Approval Portal, an interface for the Approval Portal must be created or configured in the Workflow. Follow these steps to set up the Approval Server interface:
- Navigate to the Administration > Interfaces menu.
- Click on the Approval Server tab.
- Select New in the action bar to open the Add Approval Server dialog.
- Configure the interface to the Approval Server according to Figure 2.
- Name – Define a name for the Approval Server.
- Host / Port – Enter »« for the Host and »443« for the Port.
- Protocol – Enter https
- Active – Enable the option to use the Approval Server for the approval process.
- Clicking on Save finalizes the dialog.
Figure 2: The Add Approval Server dialog.

After the Add Approval Report dialog has been saved, the interface to the Approval Server is created in the Workflow. An attempt is made to establish the connection to the Host / Port. If all fields in the dialog have been entered correctly, the license allows the use of the Approval Server and the Workflow has access to the Host, a successful connection should be displayed in the Workflow.
- Active – Means that the Approval Server can be used in the Workflow.
- Authentication – Means that the Approval Server is accessible from the Workflow and can be used.
- Permissions – Means that the Workflow is authorized to send data to the Approval Server.
Figure 3: The menu item Administration > Interfaces > Approval Server with an active Approval Server.
Configuring the E–Mail Server
In order that customers can approve or reject Approval Reports on the Approval Server, a corresponding Approval Report notification must be sent to the responsible person(s). In the current implementation, this is done in the form of an e–mail containing the corresponding link to the Approval Server.
In order for the Workflow to send the Approval Report notification, an e–mail server (outgoing server) must first be set up in the Workflow and configured with the appropriate permissions. To set up an e–mail server, proceed as follows:
- Navigate to Administration > Settings menu.
- Click on the E–Mail tab [1]. The three settings panels: E–mail Accounts [4], E–mail Templates [3] and E–mail Template Categories [2] are displayed.
Figure 4: The E–Mail tab of the Administration > Settings menu item.
- To create a new outgoing server, click on New [5] in the footer of the E–Mail Accounts panel [4]. The Setup E–mail Account dialog will open.
- Configure the E–mail Account that will be used to send the Approval Report notification (e–mail):
- Protocol – Select one of the predefined protocols (SMTP, SMTPS or SMTP_TLS). Your e–mail administrator will tell you which protocol to use.
- Active – Enable this option as long as this e–mail account is used as the sender for Approval Report notifications (e–mails).
- E–mail Address – Enter the desired e–mail address to be used as the sender.
- Host Name / Port – Enter in these fields the respective parameters of the e–mail service provider.
- Username / Password – Use the login data for the previously entered e–mail address. The password is stored and encrypted in the database.
- Description – Optionally enter a description or comment.
- Complete the e-mail account setup by clicking Save.
Figure 5: The Setup E-Mail Account dialog.

Checking the account settings
When saving an e-mail account, all filled in fields are checked for validity. If the Hostname or Username is not available or the password has not been entered correctly, an error will appear. If an error appears, double check your information to complete the process successfully.
Password must be entered when changing settings
Please note that you must enter your password with each change in the dialog. This is the reason why the entry in the password field is missing when editing the mail account.
Managing E–Mail Templates
You can custom content which can be saved and displayed as E-Mail Templates in the Workflow. You can create an unlimited amount of E–mail Templates in advance in the Workflow, for example when multiple languages are needed. To create an E–mail Template, proceed as follows:
- Navigate to the Administration > Settings menu item.
- Click on the E–Mail tab.
- Under the E–Mail Templates settings panel, select the Default Template Approval Report [6] this is a template that is preinstalled in the system.
- Click on Duplicate [8] in the footer of the settings area, which creates a copy of the default E-Mail Template.
Figure 6: The Administration > Settings > E-Mail tab with the Default Template Approval Report activated.
- Select the duplicated template and click on Edit [7] (Figure 6). The Edit E-Mail Template dialog will open, where you can adjustment the template as needed.
- Before editing content you should set the following parameters:
- Active [9] – Check this option if the currently selected E–mail Template should be used for Approval Report notifications (e–mail).
- Name [10] – Assign a descriptive name for the E–mail Template.
- Template Category [11] – So far E–mails can be used only for Approval Reports. This is the reason only Approval Reports can be selected. In future versions, E–mail Templates will also be used for other application areas.
- Description [12] – Enter an optional description or comment.
- To edit an E–mail Template click on Edit Mode [13].
Figure 7: The Edit E-Mail Template dialog in preview mode.
- By pressing Edit Mode [13] e-mail content is displayed [14] (shown in red in Figure 7) as HTML Code [15]. You can enter content here, as well as format it. The following options are available in the Edit E–Mail Template dialog:
- Edit Mode / Preview Mode [17] – Click this button to switch between Edit Mode and Preview Mode. In Preview Mode, the content of the e–mail is displayed as it would look when being sent by e–mail. In Edit Mode, e–mail HTML code is displayed and can be edited.
- Copy to Clipboard [16] – Click this button to copy the HTML code to the clipboard and then paste into a new E–mail Template.
Figure 8: The Edit E-mail Template dialog in Edit Mode.
Figure 9: An example of HTML code formatting from an E-Mail Template.
- Save the new E–Mail Template by clicking on Save.
Figure 10: The Edit E-Mail Template dialog with customized content shown in Preview Mode.
- Under the menu item Administration > Settings > E–Mail, the modified E-Mail Template is now located under the E–Mail Templates settings panel.
- If this E-Mail Template should be used by default when creating an Approval Report, select the template and click on Set as Default [18].
Figure 11: The Administration > Settings > E–Mail menu item with a newly created E–Mail Template.
2.3.2. Create an Approval Report using the Approval Portal
The Create Approval Report dialog has been revised in this version and extended to include the functions of the Approval Portal. Additionally, this dialog has been divided into four sub–steps to better guide the user through the process.
To create a Approval Report via the Approval Portal, proceed as follows:
- Select either Articles > Article or Print Items under Order > Print Items that you want to get approved. However, you can also select several Print Items in the Print Item tab of an Order.
- Select Create Approval Report in the action bar in the header.
- The 1st step General Settings of the Create Approval Report dialog opens.
Step 1: General Settings
In the General Settings step Print Items can be selected or de-selected. Furthermore, options for the Print Item Preview, Additional Pages as well as a Comment can be entered. The way the individual options work were previously described in the release notes for version 1.11.0.
- You can click on the Next button or on the text for the 2nd step to continue to the second step.
Figure 12: The General Settings step of the Create Approval Report dialog.

Step 2: Report Parameter
In the Report Parameter step the Layout - an InDesign template - must be selected. Optionally, the Customer, Contact Person and E–mail can be selected or entered. All information is displayed in the Approval Report (PDF), provided that the information has been taken into account in the InDesign template. By selecting the Length Unit, you can determine which unit of length should be used in the Approval Report.
- Click on Next or on the test for the 3rd step to continue to the next step.
Figure 13: The Report Parameter step of the Create Approval Report dialog.

Step 3: Share Options
In the Share Options step, enter a Project Name and specify whether to share as a Local Download or via the Approval Portal.
- Enter a Project Name [19]. This name will be used as a collective term for the Approvals in the Approval Portal and as the name of the file for multi–page PDFs or ZIP files.
- In Share via [21], select the Approval Portal option if you want to distribute Approval Reports via the Approval Portal. However, if you select Local Download, you can specify in Output as [20] whether the Approval Report should be created as a Multipage PDF or as a ZIP file which contain individual Approval Reports.
- If Approval Portal is chosen, you need to select an E–mail Account [23] (for the sender), as well as a custom E–Mail Template [22] before you enter the corresponding e–mail addresses in the E–Mail Recipient [24] input field.
- Click Next or the 4th step text to continue to the fourth step.
Figure 14: The Share Options step of the Create Approval Report dialog.
Step 4: Summary
In the Summary step, parameters for the Approval Report are displayed again in a list.
- Click on Generate Report to start the process of creating the Approval Report(s) and sending them to the Approval Portal. If you want to make changes beforehand, you can jump back to the respective step by clicking on the step name.
- As soon as you have activated Generate Report, the creation process of the Approval Report(s) begins. Depending on the number and size of the Print Item(s), this process may take some time.
Figure 15: The Summary step of the Create Approval Report dialog.

- After the Approval Reports are created, the required files for the approval Reports are sent to the Approval Portal and an e–mail with the corresponding link for Approving/Rejecting the Report is sent to the specified e–mail recipients from the Workflow. The entire process should be completed in a few minutes, depending on Internet connection speeds.
2.3.3. »Approval« tab list view
Due to new functions being implemented for Approval Reports, the list view under the Approval tab has also been updated in this version. The following information has been added:
- Project Name – From this version on, this column displays the Project Name defined in the Create Approval Report dialog.
- Share via – This column informs the user whether the Approval Report was saved locally or sent to the Approval Portal. If the Report was sent to the Approval Portal, the status of the Approval process is also displayed here.
- Comment – The comment that was entered when Approving or Rejecting an Approval Report is displayed in a separate column.
Figure 16: The Approval tab with the updated list view.
2.3.4. Approval Portal
After a Approval Report has been sent to the Approval Portal in the Workflow, an e-mail with defined content is sent to the e-mail recipient(s). Access to the Approval Portal is accomplished by clicking on a URL, which is written in the email. Therefore it's important to note that anyone in possession of this link has access to the Approval Portal and additional authentication is required after clicking this link!
The approval process takes place in two steps.
Sending Approval Reports and Editing the status
The Approval notification is sent via e-mail to the e-mail recipients that were entered when the Approval Report was created. The e-mail is sent when the synchronization process between the Workflow and the Approval Portal has been completed. This ensures that the availability of the Approval Reports is guaranteed.
Depending on the e-mail template selected in the Create Approval Report dialog, an email with appropriate content is sent to the specified e-mail recipient(s). This e-mail contains a link with the corresponding GUID, which is a uniquely generated URL.
Figure 17: An example of an e-mail which contains a link to the Approval Portal.
Approving Print Items
In the second step, the customer or the e-mail recipient can enter the Approval Portal by clicking on the link or by copying and pasting the link in the browser to view the respective Approval Reports. To do this, proceed as follows:
- Open the Approval Portal by clicking on the first link or by copying and pasting the second link in the browser (see Figure 17). Google Chrome or Microsoft Internet Explorer is recommended for correctly displaying content in the Approval Portal.
- In the header, read which project has been opened. This is the Project Name [25], which was specified when creating the Approval Report. If an additional Comment [26] was entered when creating the Approval Report, it will be displayed below the Project Name.
- The status line [27] shows how many reports have already been Approved, Rejected, Pending Approval and the total of all reports.
- In the main view, all available Approval Reports are displayed as a Preview [29] with the Report name [28] in front, as well as the Report Version [31] and the Status [35] of the Approval process.
- Each report can be approved or rejected directly in this view. If the preview is too small, it can be enlarged by clicking on the preview [29] and the approve or reject options are also available.
Figure 18: The Approval Portal after opening the link from an approval e-mail.
- To approve a Print Item, click on Approve [32]. The Approve dialog will open, in which you can enter a comment if needed.
- To reject a Print Item, click on Reject [33]. The Reject dialog will open, in which you must enter a reason why the Print Item was rejected.
Figure 19: The Approve and Reject dialogs.
- Pressing Approve or Reject triggers the following actions:
- the dialog is closed.
- the Status [35] (Figure 18) for the Approval Report is updated.
- the comment entered is displayed below the preview in Comment [30] (Figure 18).
- all information on the status and comment is sent to the Workflow.
- The Print Item Status for approved Print Items is set to Approved in the Workflow or to Data Check for rejected Print Items.
- If the preview thumbnail is not visually sufficient for approval, the view can be enlarged or the approval report can be loaded locally as a PDF by pressing Download [34] (Figure 18). To enlarge the preview, click on the preview [29] (Figure 18).
Figure 20: The expanded view of a Approval Report.
Using the Approval Portal
The Approval Portal with all its associated functions can be purchased as an add-on package in combination with a Workflow+ license if it currently has a valid maintenance contract. Ask your sales rep for details.
2.4. Rotate 180° Every Second Page
With the function Rotate every second page by 180°, also affectionately called flip-flop in the LFP environment, a tiling can be output from version 1.11.0. This can be done in such a way that either even or odd pages are rotated by 180° when rendered. Thereby, it is possible to visually compensate for the fluctuation of an inkjet printer when applying ink, from left to right, in production. The fluctuation is then hardly visible after the individual tiles have been assembled.
As of version 1.11.1, this function is also available for Force Print and Hotfolders. Details on these functions can be found in the Release Notes for version 1.11.0 under the section 2.4.1 Rotate Every Second Page by 180.
Figure 21: The Automation > Force Print menu item with the new Rotate Every Second Page by 180° option.
Furthermore, with version 1.11.1, this feature is also available when creating tilings via Hotfolders.
Figure 22: The Process Parameter tab of the Hotfolder Setup dialog with the new option Rotate every second page by 180°.
2.5. Fixups
In the course of the development of version 1.11.1, existing Fixups were extended in functionality or improved in terms of usability.
2.5.1. New functions for existing Fixups
In version 1.11.1 the user guidance was updated for Fixups.
Redye CMYK-Objects
This Fixup changes the source CMYK color value to the defined target color in CMYK. The Fixup can be applied to Text, Vectors or both Text and Vectors.
A typical application is when certain color values in a print file need to be changed. Examples would be:
- An existing orange color should appear stronger when printed.
- Deep black values should be composed differently e.g.: a 40/40/40/100 should have only 40/40/0/100, in order to reduce ink consumption.
- A 0/0/50 gray area should be printed using 50/40/40/50 to minimize streaking when printing.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1. The CMYK input fields were also optimized.
Figure 23: The Fixup Redye CMYK-Objects.

Remove Layers and crop to the visible area
Removes selected layers including all objects on these layers and crops the pages to the visible area. You can also decide whether crop marks should be included and if a safety margin should be applied or not.
A typical application is when certain layers of a print file should be removed to reduce file complexity or unnecessary separations (white, varnish, primer, etc.) when outputing.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1. Multiple layers can now be selected and deleted in one step by pressing the + symbol.
Figure 24: The Remove layers and crop to the visible area FIxup.

Convert Pure Black to Rich Black
This Fixup searches for a CMYK value of 0/0/0/100, RGB value of 0/0/0 or a grayscale value of 100 and replaces them using the CMYK values entered. This also affects all color tones between 0% and 100% when converting. The conversion can be limited to image, vector and text elements.
A typical application is when black areas or text need to be converted into deep black. This is in order achieve a uniform, saturated black in digital printing.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1. The CMYK input fields were also optimized.
Figure 25: The Convert Pure Black to Rich Black Fixup.

Delete Separation
Deletes selected separations for objects of any type that are defined in CMYK. Use this Fixup to remove parts or the entire artwork in the Print Item to preserve Spot Colors contained in the artwork. Use the Convert RGB objects to CMYK option to convert objects before removing the selected separations.
A typical application is when you want to eliminate the entire print image, which is in CMYK, or only individual color channel separations. Therefore, only Spot Color separations remain.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1. and in addition the checkboxes for selecting the CMYK separations have been replaced by drop-down lists.
Figure 26: The Delete Separation Fixup.

Add a Second Dieline
Adds an additional overprinted Dieline to an existing Dieline in the defined Offset.
A typical application is when an additional Dieline (ThruCut) should be added to the print file in addition to an existing Dieline.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1. and additionally equipped with an Advanced tab. In this tab the new Dieline is created and correctly labeled using the ISO 19593-1 - Conformity processing steps.
Figure 27: The Fixup Add a second Dieline with two tabs: Basic Settings and Advanced.
2.5.2. Existing Fixups with the new UI design
In version 1.11.1 the following FIxups were adapted to the new UI design standards.
Flatten Layers
All objects on layers that are currently invisible are discarded and all layers (which are visible) are flattened (removed from the document).
A typical application is when you want to remove all layers from a PDF so that all objects are on the same hierarchy level.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functionality has remained the same.
Figure 28:The Flatten Layers Fixup.

Hide Selected Layers
Changes the state of inserted layer names to "off".
A typical application is when you want to hide elements on a layer for output. However, changing the visibility only hides the objects and does not delete them. Making them available at a later time is therefore possible any time by displaying the hidden layer again.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functionality has remained the same.
Figure 29: The Make Selected Layers Visible Fixup.

Make Selected Layers Visible
Select any layer listed to make the layer visible.
A typical application is when you want to show elements on a hidden layer for output or for editing the object.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functionality has remained the same.
Figure 30: The Make Selected Layers Visible Fixup.

Remove Selected Layers
Removes selected layers including all objects on these layers.
A typical application is when you want to prepare print data for digital printing, by deleting all the layers that are used for marking when finishing.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functionality has remained the same.
Figure 31: The Remove Selected Layers Fixup.

Create Bleed on Irregular Shape
The Bleed is created by repeating pixels around an irregular shape. The Bleed is generated as a 300 dpi CMYK image and created in the background. You can determine which pixel is used for the repetition by specifying the offset. If Spot Colors are used in the design, a color shift in the output for the bleed cannot be excluded.
A typical application is when you want to add bleed for an irregular shape using pixel repetition. This avoids any flashing when cutting the shape.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 32: The Fixup Create Bleed on Irregular Shape.

Create Bleed by Upscaling
Bleed is created by upscaling the pages. As pages may be upscaled unproportionately a maximum distortion of 5% is specified. If the distortion is higher than specified, the fixup is not executed and no bleed is created.
A typical application is when you want to add bleed on a shape by scaling content. This avoids any flashing when cutting the shape.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 33: The Create Bleed by Upscaling Fixup.

Create Bleed by Mirroring
Generates a Bleed at the selected edges of the document by repeating pixels, mirroring or stretching the document content starting from the ImageBox or the ImageBox + Bleed.
A typical application is when you want to generate bleed for a subject by mirroring or stretching the content to avoid flashing when cutting.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 34: The Create Bleed by Mirroring Fixup.

Day and Night Output
Prepares the Print Item for Day-and-Night-Output, by adding a White Channel as well as optionally reducing the opacity of the image.
A typical application is when you want to print data for light boxes for so-called Day-and-Night mode. Specifically, if you want to create a single-sided or double-sided Print Item with corresponding white layers on the front as well as on the reverse side.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 35: The Day and Night Output Fixup.

Remove Printing Objects in Defined Area
Removes printing objects for selected areas e.g glueing areas. The area is determined by the selection of a technical Spot Color.
A typical application is when you want to free adhesive surfaces from printing objects, on the one hand to reduce ink consumption and on the other hand to make sure areas that are designated as adhesive surfaces contain no printing ink, this improves adhesion.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 36: The Remove Printing Objects in Defined Area Fixup.

Set TrimBox to Dieline
Sets the TrimBox and the BleedBox with a defined distance to a selected "Dieline". The Print Item will be cropped to the BleedBox.
A typical application is when you want to correct print data which contains a dieline, but the TrimBox is not set correctly. Therefore, the dieline matches the TrimBox (visual format) for production.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 37: The Remove Printing Objects in Defined Area Fixup.

Embed missing Fonts
Searches the local Server font folder for missing fonts and attempts to embed them.
A typical application is when you want to embed missing fonts and then edit the text in the PDF.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 38: The Embed Missing Fonts Fixup.

Fill Closed Path with Spot Color
Creates a separation using the selected Spot Color for the area of a closed path. Use this Fixup, for example, to fill the content of a Dieline with "White".
A typical application is when you want to fill content, of a dieline with "white". The fixup can also be executed with a plus/minus offset and is used in order to reduce the amount of white needed in digital printing.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 39: The Fill Closed Path with Spot Color Fixup.

Resize TrimBox
Resizes existing TrimBox (+ to enlarge, - to reduce) and adjusts the MediaBox as well as the CropBox accordingly in case of enlargement. Enter a global value in Top to affect all edges. Unlock lock icon to enter different values.
A typical application is when the trimbox was mistakenly created on the bleed. Hence, you want to move the TrimBox to the correct position of the end format for production.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 40: The Resize Trimbox Fixup.

Resize TrimBox and set Bleed
Resizes existing TrimBox (+ enlarges; - reduces) and sets the Bleed according to the entered value. In case of enlargement, the Media- as well as CropBox is adjusted accordingly.
A typical application is when the TrimBox was mistakenly created on the bleed. Hence, you want to move the TrimBox to the correct position of the final format for production and create an additional bleed.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 41: The Resize TrimBox and set Bleed Fixup.

Add Pole Pockets
Adds a hem to the selected edge of the artwork to the front. The Print Item on the back is mirrored to the Print Item on the front. You can define which area of the backside should overlap on the front side up to the maximum size of the hem.
A typical application is when you want to hang a Print Item, which can be viewed from both sides, on a pole. Therefore, the subject is to be printed continuously without a gap or white area in between.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 42: The Add Pole Pockets Fixup.

Add Outline to Text
Creates an outline for text in the entered outline thickness. The outline color corresponds to the text color. Note that the line width entered is centered and therefore the text will increase by half of the line width.
A typical application is when you want to slightly strengthen small font sizes using white on a black background, to increase legibility.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 43: The Add Outline to Text Fixup.

Split a long Print Item into several pages
Splits a long Print Item into a multi-page document. The length of the individual page can be determined by entering the length or by entering the number of pages of equal length to be created.
A typical application is when you want you want to split a very long Print Item into several pages. For example, to make use of parallel processing during ripping.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 44: The Split a long Print Item into several pages Fixup.

Clip Print Item with Additional Bleed
Clips Spot Color objects plus a defined Bleed. Select the Spot Color name, which describes the shape, and define the width of the Bleed you want to generate. If nested DieLines are used, you can decide to clip the print item to the outer border by selecting "Dieline (solid/dashed/dotted)" in "Clip" and the checkbox "Outside only".
A typical application is when you want to prepare the Print item for Nesting of irregular shapes. Furthermore, the Fixup is used when you want to reduce ink consumption, by masking the Print Item to the minimum bleed.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 45: The Clip Print Item with Additional Bleed Fixup.

Extract Print Items from Page
Creates a multi-page PDF from individual Print Items found on the page. For this purpose, the individual Print Items on the page must be bordered by a Dieline defined as a Spot Color.
A typical application is when you find a Print item which includes several subjects with a corresponding dieline, and you want to separate the subjects into individual Print Items on a page in a multi-page PDF.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 46: The Extract Print Items from Page Fixup.

Create White only Separation
Creates a Spot Color separation (white) for all objects selected in "Apply to". This removes any other content (except Technical Colors), leaving only the white areas as printed areas.
A typical application is when you get an image that contains black, but you need to print it as white in digital printing. However, by selecting Non-Printing Objects under "Apply to", you can also print only everything in white that was not created in black.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 47: The Create White Only Separation Fixup.

Add Grommets/Drillholes
Adds Grommets/Drillholes to the selected horizontal or vertical edges. You can select either: add Grommets by Numbers or add Grommets by Distance. The size and color of the grommets/drillholes can be defined in the Advanced tab.
A typical application is when you want to create grommets for wall mounting using the desired positions with regular spacing.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 48: The Add Grommets/Drillholes Fixup.

Convert Registration Color
Converts the Registration Color either to 100% Black or to a Spot Color called "Separation Black". (Objects with the Spot Color "Black" are also converted to "Separation Black")
A typical application is when you want to convert objects that have been created using registration marks to a special Spot Color. Hence, to print the objects for output using a specific CMYK value, by depositing DeviceN color values.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 49: The Convert Registration Color Fixup.

Change Tint Value for Spot Color
The existing Spot Color will be removed and replaced by a traced color area using the entered tint value.
A typical application is when you want to reduce an existing white channel in order to reduce ink consumption. However, this can only be done if the selected substrate allows reducing the coverage of a white separation at all.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 50: The Change Tint Value for Spot Color Fixup.

Increase Tone Values in Midtones
Increases tone values in the midtones by the selected value.
A typical application is when you want to lighten a print image somewhat to counteract poor linearization of the printer. The higher the percentage value, the brighter the print image will be in the midtones.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 51: The Increase Tone Values in Midtones Fixup.

Reduce Tone Values in Midtones
Reduces tone values in the midtones by the selected value.
A typical application is when you want to darken a print image somewhat to counteract poor linearization of the printer. The higher the percentage value, the darker the print image will be in the midtones.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 52: The Reduce Tone Values in Midtones Fixup.

Create Spot Color Separation depending on Total Ink Coverage
Creates a separation using the selected Spot Color based on the current page content, depending on the total ink coverage. The higher the total ink coverage, the lower the percentage of ink coverage contained in the separation. Use this Fixup for example, to create a white channel or any other System-wide Defined Spot Color, dependent on the Total Ink Coverage. This is in order to reduce ink costs or to reduce the ink coverage.
A typical application is for example, to create a white channel dependent on the total ink coverage or any other Spot Color defined system-wide to reduce ink costs or ink coverage.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 53: The Create Spot Color Separation depending on Total Ink Coverage Fixup.

Create Spot Color Separation to Printed Objects
Creates a separation using the selected Spot Color for all printed objects. Use this Fixup for example, to create a reduced white channel for printed pixels.
A typical application is for example when you have to create a reduced white channel for all printing pixels to cover any printing point with white color.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 54: The Create Spot Color Separation to Printed Objects Fixup.

Remove Spot Colors
Removes selected Spot Colors including all objects.
A typical application is for example when you want to remove specific objects defined as Spot Colors.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 55: The Remove Spot Colors Fixup.

Move Spot Color Objects to the foreground
Moves selected Spot Color objects to the foreground. The Spot Color object listed first is on the top most level, Spot Colors listed below the first entry are arranged hierarchically.
A typical application is for example when you want to arrange certain Spot Colors - e.g.: all technical and all non-printing colors, hierarchically so that none of these colors obscures any other color in the design.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 56: The Move Spot Color Objects to the foreground Fixup.

Redraw Dieline of the TrimBox
Deletes the existing Dieline and adds a new Dieline based on the position of the original Dieline.
A typical application is for example when you want to change an existing dieline with corners to a dieline with rounded corners. Hence, to be able to proceed faster with laser cutting.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 57: The Redraw Dieline of the TrimBox Fixup.

Add a DieLine to the ImageBox
Adds an overprinted DieLine and optionally a second overprinted Dieline in the defined Offset. The Dieline is assigned to the Processing Steps Group and Type according to ISO 19593-1.
A typical application is for example when you want to create a dieline for finishing processes using the visible format as the size. Hence, that the corresponding cut file is generated for the cutting device.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 58: The Add a DieLine to the ImageBox Fixup.

Create a DieLine for Irregular Shapes
Creates an overprinting DieLine based on an irregular shape and optionally add a second overprinted Dieline in the defined Offset. The Dieline is assigned to the Processing Steps Group and Type according to ISO 19593-1.
A typical application is for example when you want to create a dieline for a Print Item consisting of a closed irregular shape. Hence, the dieline can then be cut out with a cutter or laser cutter.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 59: The Create a DieLine for Irregular Shapes Fixup.

Add a DieLine from the Center
Adds a DieLine using a specific width and height from the center of the Print Item.
A typical application is for example when you want to cut or mark a certain section of an image. Furthermore, you can then crop the print file with a corresponding trim by applying another Fixup.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 60: The Add a DieLine from the Center FIxup.

Derive a Dieline from Spot Color
Creates a Dieline by tracing Spot Color objects. On the one hand this Fixup can be used to offset an existing Dieline, and to derive a Dieline from Spot Color objects on the other. This converts a non-path Dieline to a Dieline as a path.
A typical application is for example when you need a dieline for the cutting device but the cutting shape in the Print Item was created as an irregular surface. By applying the Fixup, an existing shape can be converted into a dieline.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 61: The Derive a Dieline from Spot Color Fixup.

Convert Fonts to Outlines
Converts Embedded Fonts to Outlines (Missing Glyphs Are Ignored).
A typical application is for example when you want to prevent printing mistakes in terms of fonts in the RIP process. Note, however, that this may cause texts to appear somewhat thicker in the output on low-resolution printing systems (smaller than 600 dpi).
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 62: The Convert Fonts to Outlines Fixup.

Set Black Objects to Knockout
Set the overprint state for selected black objects (text, vectors or both) to knockout.
A typical application is for example when you want to print pure black text only using 100% black in digital printing with water-based inks. This is due to the possibility that this would exceed the maximum ink coverage.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 63: The Set Black Objects to Knockout Fixup.

Set Black Objects to Overprint
Set the overprint state for selected objects (text, vectors or both) to "Overprint".
A typical application is for example when you want to overprint black objects: text, vectors or both, in offset printing, thus avoiding the risk of "flashing".
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 64: The Set Black Objects to Overprint Fixup.

Convert Black Text Objects to Rich Black
Searches for a CMYK value of 0/0/0/100 and replaces it with the entered CMYK values. All intermediate color tones, i.e. all values from 0% to 100%, are also affected. Only text larger than 5pt will be converted.
A typical application is for example when you want to print black text in digital printing equally black, as deep black or as cool black, uniformly.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 65: The Convert Black Text Objects to Rich Black Fixup.

Rotate and/or Mirror Page
Rotates the page 90 clockwise, 90 counterclockwise or 180 and/or mirrors the page horizontally or vertically.
A typical application is for example when you need to rotate or flip the reverse side accordingly for the production of a two-sided PDF. Hence, the front and reverse sides are printed correctly on top of each other accordingly.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 66: The Rotate and/or Mirror Page Fixup.

Rotate Page Content
Rotates the page content to a given degree. The page dimensions can remain unchanged or be adapted to the rotated Print Item.
A typical application is for example when you want to rotate a yogurt lid by 45°. Thereby, a better utilization of the substrate in a Step & Repeat imposition is enabled.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 67: The Rotate Page Content Fixup.

Scale Page Content
Scales the page content of the trimmed area to a specific size. The existing Bleed is adjusted according to the scaling.
A typical application is for example when a created Print Item is slightly too small and needs to be scaled to the TrimBox for production. An existing bleed is also scaled according to the scaling factor.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 68: The Scale Page Content Fixup.

Set Page Geometry Boxes
Changes the width and the height of the Media- and TrimBox based on the selected starting point. You can move the TrimBox by entering the horizontal and vertical offset. The BleedBox can be set by entering the bleed based on the TrimBox.
A typical application is for example when you want to set the different PageBoxes of a print file for several Print Items from the center.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 69: The Set Page Geometry Boxes Fixup.

Fill PageBox with Spot Color
Creates a separation using the selected Spot Color for the selected PageBox: ImageBox or ImageBox + Bleed.
A typical application is for example when you want to fill the area of the PageBox (Production Format) with the appropriate offset using the Spot Color "White" in digital printing.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 70: The Fill PageBox with Spot Color Fixup.

Set Scale Factor
By setting the Scale Factor e.g. 1:10, the effective size of the page is increased 10 times. The Set Scale Factor Fixup allows you to define pages larger than 200 x 200 inches.
A typical application is for example when you bring several print data, which were created in the ratio 1:10 to the final size. Hence, all metadata such as resolution, width, height and font sizes are available in the effective values for assessment as well as for correction.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 71: The Set Scale Factor Fixup.

Mirror the Print Item on a Specific Edge
Mirrors the print item on a specific edge based on the TrimBox. The length of the selected edge will be doubled.
A typical application is for example when you bring several print data, which were created in the ratio 1:10 to the final size, so that all metadata such as resolution, width, height and font sizes are available in the effective values for the assessment as well as correction.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 72: The Mirror the Print Item on a Specific Edge Fixup.

Create Unprinted Rectangle
Creates an unprinted (rectangle) based on the entered starting point, using the entered width and height. By default, the starting point (0/0) for the rectangle is at the lower left corner of the TrimBox.
A typical application is for example when you need to create a white (unprinted) rectangular area in the same place in the Print Item. For example, a corresponding variable text or barcode has to be printed.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 73: The Create Unprinted Rectangle Fixup.

Map CMYK Values from Vector Objects to a Spot Color
Maps specific CMYK values from vector objects to a Spot Color name. The overprint state can be defined by the operator.
A typical application is, for example, when in a print file the dieline has been created in 100% magenta. Hence, you need to convert the dieline to a Spot Color so that the Spot Color can then be marked as a technical color and used for the cutting file.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 74: The Map CMYK Values from Vector Objects to a Spot Color Fixup.

Clip Existing Separation
Reduces the printed area of a selected Spot Color (e.g. white) by the entered value.
A typical application is, for example, when you want to slightly reduce an existing white channel, which exists in the exact size of the object to be underprinted. Hence, to prevent the white color from being printed beyond the object.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 75: The Clip Existing Separation Fixup.

Increase White Elements
Increases selected White Elements such as Lines (Strokes), Vectors and/or Text.
A typical application is for example when you want to slightly amplify negatively set texts in digital printing. This is on the one hand, to improve the readability of small text sizes and on the other hand to preserve the text. Hence, many a small text can be rendered legible, which due to the use of ink bleeding in water-based inks becomes illegible.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 76: The Increase White Elements Fixup.

Add White Outline for Colored Areas
Adds a white outline for selected color areas to reduce bleeding of colors.
A typical application is for example when you are printing digitally with water-based inks and want to insert a deliberate "bleed" at the edges. The bleed should be located between two homogeneous color areas. Hence, the colors do not bleed into each other at the edges between the color areas, thus maintaining a sharp edge.
This Fixup utilizes the new UI design implemented in 1.11.1., the functions are the same.
Figure 77: The Add White Outline for Colored Areas Fixup

2.6. Calibration Charts
In this release, more Calibration Charts have been added to the Workflow. The following Profiling Charts have been added:
- Downsized variants of Reprofiling Charts.
- REPROF-Chart_CMYK_120_LFP_12mm
- REPROF-Chart_CMYK_160_LFP_12mm
2.7. SDK Version
With version 1.11.1, two new SDK versions are available, in which engine errors on the part of the manufacturers were fixed. The following updates are available in this version:
- Global Graphics HHR SDK version 13.1
- Callas Software pdfChip SDK version 2.4.072
- Callas Software pdfToolBox SDK version 12.3.567 (version 13 will be available in 1.11.2)
2.8. Rest API
Current version of the RestAPI Documentation
Updated documentation with examples of the Durst Workflow RestAPI is available at
2.8.1. Features
In version 1.11.1 the Impose Sheet Template Controller, Impose Plate Template Controller and the Impose Motif Template Controller have been added.
Impose Sheet Template Controller
All available templates for Impose Sheets can be retrieved using a GET /api/v1/impose/sheetTemplates
request. The response of this call contains id and name of the template. The id is optionally required for an impose request to use a specific Impose Sheet.
Impose Plate Template Controller
All available Plate Templates can be retrieved using a GET /api/v1/impose/plateTemplates
request. The response of this call contains id, Name and Comment of the Plate Templates. The id is optionally required for an impose request to use a specific Plate Template.
Impose Print Item Template Controller
All available Print Item templates can be retrieved using a GET /api/v1/impose/motifTemplates
request. The response of this call contains id, Name and type of the Print Item Template. The id is optionally required for an impose request to use a specific Print Item Template.
2.8.2. Improvements
Existing controllers have been extended in terms of functionality. The following improvements are available:
Print Order Motif Controller
The Print Order Motif Controller has been extended and now offers the possibility to add existing items to an Order using a POST /api/v1/printOrders/{id}/printOrderItems/{printOrderItemId}/motifs/addArticle
Subscription Controller
When creating a subscription, it is now possible to use a "publishInitialState": true
to transmit the current status of an entity to a target system. This happens when the subscription is created. Hence, it is possible to inform an external system of the current status of an Article, Print Item, Order or Production Job as soon as it is created, regardless of whether it or parts of it are still in the check-in process.
"path": "path/after/baseUri",
"publishInitialState": true,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"topic": "STATUS/ARTICLE/32352"
2.8.3. Bug Fixes
In version 1.11.1 the following requests have been revised.
Report Definition Controller
In rare cases, a report containing an Ink Cost calculation could not be executed completely. Retrieving the report failed. This error has been fixed.
3. Improvements
The following improvements have also been implemented in this version.
3.1. Gamut Viewer
In the course of the development of version 1.11.1, the Gamut Viewer in a Color Setup was extended by two additional improvements. Read more about this in the following sections.
3.1.1. Calculation of the Gamut Volume
Until now, the Gamut Volume was calculated in the user interface. From this version on, the Gamut Volume is calculated or provided by the engine in the background (by Color Logic). The Gamut Volume is calculated more precisely from now on.
3.1.2. Scaling on the Y–axis
In the opened Gamut Viewer, the view of the Y-axis distortion can be adjusted from this version on. The reason for this is that Color Logic distorts the Y-axis to 200% by default. The Workflow displays the Y-axis at 100% by default. Thus, a visual comparison of the gamut to ColorAnt is difficult to control. Follow the steps to change the distortion:
- Go to the Color > Color Setups menu item.
- In the Color Setup list, open a complete Color Setup (Status = Production Ready) by double-clicking on it.
- Select Gamut Viewer in the action bar of the Workflow, which opens the Gamut Viewer dialog.
- Select your desired Color Policies in the respective drop-down menus.
- In the panel on the right, scroll down to Scale Y-Axis slider.
- Select the desired scale.
Figure 78: The Gamut Viewer dialog with the new Y-Axis scaling option.
Differences to other Gamut Viewers
Keep in mind that the Gamut Volume displayed in the Workflow may differ from other Gamut Volumes displayed in other tools, since the calculation is unfortunately not standardized and each manufacturer uses different calculations. The Gamut Volume displayed in the Workflow uses Color Logic's values and calculation methods.
3.2. Profiling
Starting from this version, a new method for measurement optimization is used in the standard N-Channel Profile calculation templates. Both templates use the Correct Bad Measurements and scale LAB range method from this version. This method corrects inaccurate measurements and modifies measurement data that has abnormal peculiarities, such as inks lighter than the white point. The following N-Channel profile calculation templates use this new method by default:
- Standard (Substrates)
- Sublimation (Substrates)
Figure 79: The new measurement optimization method in N-Channel profile calculation templates
Reason for the adjustment
Up until now, the Automatic Correction method caused smoothing in the corner areas where primary colors were used, which ultimately meant that pure primary colors could no longer be achieved in the output. By changing to the new method, corners contain pure primary colors and are therefore preserved and can be used for output. This change also lead to an increase in gamut volume.
However, if you still want to use smoothed values, you can simply select a Profiling Template and apply the Profiling Template to calculate Profiles.
3.3. Managing Impose Templates
From this version on, the Name, External ID and Comment of the different Impose Editor Templates, i.e., Plate, Sheet, Print Item, Impose and Grid Templates, can be edited and saved. The internal name of each template shouldn't be changed, because it is needed and checked by the system. If you change the name, the internal name is not changed. To change the name of a template, proceed as follows:
- Go to the Administration > Settings menu.
- Activate the Impose Editor tab.
- Select the desired template in the respective Category (Plate, Sheet, Print Item, Step & Repeat, Nesting, Tiling and Grid).
- Click on Edit in the respective footer of the settings panel.
- Make the desired changes and then save your changes.
3.4. Send to Printer
If several Production Jobs are selected in the list and these are sent to the printer, a separate dialog opens with an overview of the selected Production Jobs. From this version on, this overview also shows the ID of the selected Color Policy and the selected Ink Save Profile per Production Job.
Figure 80: The Send to Printer dialog when sending multiple Production Jobs with additional information now shown.
3.5. Input Field Improvements
Certain input fields in the Workflow and Impose Editor are validated from this version on, if only certain values may be entered. A validation is started immediately after the values are entered and the user is made aware if an input is invalid. The following input fields are validated from this version onwards:
- Line Width / Line Gap / Line Length – Negative values are not allowed. A valid value is set automatically.
- Height and Width – Negative values are not allowed. A warning will be issued.
- Tint Values and Opacity – A number between 0 and 100 must be entered. A warning will be issued.
- Number of Copies – Negative values are not allowed.
- Margin Gain – Negative values are not allowed.
3.6. RHO Job Ticket
As of this version, the further information regarding the Color Policy is included in the RHO job ticket, which can be used for the inprint on the printer side. Newly available values are:
Black Calculation Used –
WF_CMT = Black Calculation: <Auto, Natural CMY, AUTOCMY, Custom>
WF_CMT = TAC: <Height>
Black TAC –
WF_CMT = Black TAC: <height>
Maximum Black –
WF_CMT = MaxBlack: <height>
CMYK+ values for Maximum Black –
WF_CMT = MaxBlack CMYK+: <Cyan> <Magenta> <Yellow> <Black> <...> <Mode>
Figure 81: The Calculate Substrate Profiles dialog, where values that will be written to the Job Ticket are entered.
3.7. Minor Improvements
Version 1.11.1 of the Workflow offers other minor improvements, these are:
3.7.1. Impose Editor
Header display: The header of the Impose Editor displays the respective icons for the currently selected state of the Impose Sheet Template, Impose Mode, Impose Template and Sheet Template.
Figure 82: The Impose Editor icons showing the various settings.

Color Bars: By default, Color Bars were generated on each edge of the imposition sheet in version 1.11.0. As of this version, a Color Bar is created by default only on the bottom edge of the imposition sheet. Necessary adjustments can be made in the Impose Sheet Template.
Templates with extremely long names: If the template contains a long name, when it is displayed in a list, it is sometimes clipped on the end of the name. To improve this behavior, in some areas the names are displayed in their entirety using a tool tip. Simply hover over the template name to display it in it's entirety.
Figure 83: Long names are displayed as a separate tool tip when »hovering« the mouse over the name.
3.7.2. Workflow
Sorting of selection menus: The list of Substrates in the Create Order dialog is displayed in alphabetical order as of this version. This should make it easier to search for specific Substrates.
Distance to ImageBox: Starting from this version, the Document Information and User-defined Fields information area displays the distances of the Bleed and MediaBox to the ImageBox.
Figure 84: The information area Document information and User-defined Fields, now displays distances to the ImageBox.
Output configuration of a Production Job: As soon as a Production Job is sent to the printer, the Output Configuration is locked from this version on, until the Production Job has been completely sent to the printer. Until now, changing the Output Configuration during the render process resulted in job tickets being incorrectly written.
4. Bug Fixes
The following errors (bugs) could be fixed with this release.
4.1. Workflow
Tiling Articles: When creating single Articles while saving a Tiling Production Job, Articles were erroneously created and used none or incorrect Color Policy. Starting from this version, the Color Policy of the Production Job is also used when creating Articles for each Tile.
Role Permissions: From this version on, higher-level checkboxes for authorizations are only activated automatically if the options below them have been activated in their entirety. Furthermore, the drop-down menus were sometimes not opened when clicking them the first time. These errors have been fixed.
Workflow Activity Display: Sometimes running, waiting and completed processes were not updated automatically. This behavior has been optimized in this version.
Rotate in the Send to Printer dialog: Production Jobs preview thumbnails overlapped the dialog when the »Rotate« option was selected. This error has been fixed.
Error when saving imposition: An update to the SDK version of pdfChip fixed an error when saving an imposition. The following error message appeared. Error Message: Zunicomm sent jobFailed message, detail message: ERROR: 0x1001 (Unknown error -> Could not render page 1: Unrecognized object name.);(PTB_eerrUnknown)
. The error was due to a corrupt PDF layer.
Invert Spot Color Separation: Inverting a Spot Color »White« was possible. The Spot Color called »White Over« could not be inverted. This error has also been fixed.
Fixup »Add a Dieline from the center«: An offset had to be specified in order to apply this fixup. Starting from this version, the offset can now be omitted if needed.
Fixup »Split long Print Item into several pages«: In this fixup, the wrong unit for number of pages was displayed. The error has been fixed.
Profiling: When calculating pre-linearization, other processes that were currently running in the Workflow were sometimes displayed. This behavior has been corrected.
Profile Calculation Template: The default value »0« for GCR Strength was displayed incorrectly in the user interface, although it was saved correctly. This error has been fixed.
Fixup »Clip Existing Separation«: This Fixup could not be applied correctly if the option »Set White Objects To Knockout« was activated in the Workflow settings under Color Management. This error has been fixed.
Calculation of Color Policies: In some cases, individual Color Policies were not marked as »calculated« even though they had already been calculated successfully. This error has been fixed.
4.2. Impose Editor
False Warning: In some cases, an imposition warning was displayed that Print Items were overlapping the impose sheet, although this was not the case. This behavior has been corrected.
5. Hotfixes
The name for the December 31, 2021 release was »DW Build 1.11.0.(481)«. The following hotfixes were added in the listed subversions:
5.1. DW Version 1.11.1.(525)
Fotoba Cutter: The number of knives in the Fotoba settings no longer had an effect on the imposition or on the number of imposed columns. This error has been fixed.
5.2. DW Version 1.11.1.(539)
Ink Consumption: The cost per square metre was calculated incorrectly. This bug has been fixed.