Published: 01.07.2020
We'll learn in this article:
- New features that are available
- Improvements that have been added
- Which bugs have been fixed in version 1.7.8 of the Workflow
This article can also be downloaded as a PDF version. The release notes for the previous versions can be downloaded from the archive.
Availability of 1.7.8 for customers
New installations are delivered with version 1.7.7. The interim release 1.7.8 is not installed by default for new installations. The next major release, 1.8 is planned for the end of August 2020. Version 1.8 will include new features from all interim releases that have been published in the meantime. New installations will then be delivered with the entire roster of features and fixes contained in the interim releases.
Customers who posses a valid maintenance contract and would like to use the new functions included in 1.7.8 can request the installer with the corresponding license file from customer service.
1. Overview
With version 1.7.8, new features are included in the Impose Editor, Cutting Devices and we have updated how Print Items, Articles and Orders are handled. Additional improvements have been made concerning Fixups and Print Data processing.
An overview of all changes are outlined below, and a detailed description is included for specific areas such as features, improvements and bug fixes.
1.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
Plug-In version If you are working with version 1.7.8 of the Workflow, version of the Plug-in must be installed to ensure consistent operation. Between Workflow versions 1.7.7 & 1.7.8 no changes were implemented in the Plug-in. Only the version number was changed to match the Workflow version.
Adobe Illustrator 2020 Version 24.2: The Plug-in is compatible with the current Adobe Illustrator Version 24.2 - released in June 2020.
1.2. New Features
The following new features are available with version 1.7.8 of the Workflow:
Impose Editor: In version 1.7.8, additional functions have been implemented in the Impose Editor to make the workflow process easier. The following features have been implemented in this release:
- Imposition based on ImageBox or ImageBox + Bleed: In version 1.7.7 the ImageBox and the ImageBox + bleed were introduced. Until now, the imposition was based on the selected ImageBox. Starting with release 1.7.8, the imposition can either be based on the ImageBox or on the ImageBox + Bleed.
- Adjustment of the user interface in the control panels: The control panels for Marks, Captions, Lines, Grommets, as well as for Cutting Device Marks and Barcodes have been restructured. Certain settings have been combined and divided into separate sections.
- Selecting Output Configuration Templates: Starting with this version, existing templates for Output Configurations can be selected in the Impose Editor and saved for the Production Job. These templates can be selected in the New Imposition dialog or the Save Imposition dialog.
»Nesting« Mode Improvements: Improvements have also been added to Nesting Mode. The following new features are available in version 1.7.8:
- A new Strategy method called Substrate Optimized: With this new strategy, Print Items are optimized based on the Substrate, which optimizes utilization and minimizes Substrate consumption. At the same time, the name was changed from Filling to Strategy. The Strategy setting is now stored directly in the Impose Template when saved.
»Step & Repeat« Mode Improvements: The following new features are available in version 1.7.8
- Offset Per Lane: Starting with this version, a vertical offset per lane (column) can be defined for the sheet. This offset is used for the"final grid" of the print. The defined offset per column is doubled per column until half of the entered offset for Step & Repeat is reached. The offset is repeated in the following columns until the last column on the sheet is reached.
- One Print Item per Column or Various Print Items per Column: From this version on, it is possible to define whether columns should contain only a single Print Item or whether columns can contain various Print Items in a single column.
Cutting Devices: New methods for generating Cutting Marks have been implemented in this version. As of this release, Marks can be created or reused in Fit to Job, Fit to Object or Best Fit.
- New placement methods for Marks: In previous versions, Cutter Marks were only placed outside the imposition. We've titled this mode Fit to Job. In addition to Fit to Job, there are now two other modes called Fit to Objects and Best Fit. These modes are available for all Cutting Devices. By default Fit to Job mode is selected.
- Zünd Cut File Extensions: The selected placement method for Cutter Marks is written into the Zünd Cut File is created so that the Zünd CutCenter 3.2 software can read and apply the method used.
Orders: In version 1.7.8, the scope of functions for the Print Item List under the menu item Order > Print Items has been updated and revised. The following new features and improvements can be found in their respective areas:
- Extended Filtering Options: Filter options in the Print Item List have been extended with the following attributes: Color Policy, Dimensions, Due Date, Order Number, Order Name and Order Status.
- Filters are now saved system-wide for individual users: From this version on when a Filter is saved, it is saved for the current user. Previously these were only saved in the browser memory. If the user logs on to another computer in the Workflow, the same Filters are also available in that instance of the browser.
- Extended Search Options: In the Print Item List, full text search options have been extended to include the following attributes: Print Item Name, Internal ID, Order Name, Substrate, Customer, Print Item Info and External ID.
Enhanced Print Item List functionality: A number of functions have been added to the Print Item List so that multiple Print Items from different Orders can be managed simultaneously. This includes the following functions:
- Multi-selecting Print Items is now possible.
- Editing multiple Print Items at the same time is now possible.
- Applying a Fixup to multiple Print Items is now possible.
- Applying a Fixup Chain to multiple Print Items is now possible.
- Creating a Production Job by combining multiple Print Items from different Orders is now possible.
Status: In version 1.7.8 an additional status for Print Items or Articles and for Orders was introduced.
- New status for Orders: In this version a new status titled Approved has been added for Orders. This status is set automatically if all Print Items contained in an Order also have the Approved status.
- New status for Articles/Print Items: In this release, a new status titled, Data Check has been added for Print Items and Articles. This will be set automatically if a warning or error is found in the PDF file during check-in.
Fixups: Existing Fixups have had their interfaces overhauled and/or have been enhanced with new functions. Additional Fixups have also been added.
- Rotate Page Content: Rotates the page content using the specified degree of rotation without changing the page size.
- Change Tint Value for White Channel: When applying this Fixup, the existing White Channel is removed and replaced by a traced color area in the desired tint value.
- Scale Page Content Absolute: Scales the page content to a specific size. The existing Bleed is adjusted according to the scale applied.
- Convert RGB Vector Object to CMYK working space: With this correction, RGB vector objects are converted into a CMYK working color space.
- Scale Page Content: Scales the page content to a specific size or based on a percentage. The existing Bleed is adjusted according to the scale applied.
- Convert Pure Black to Rich Black: This Fixup has been extended and now offers the ability to select the source color space and specific types of object (Images only, Text only, etc).
REST API: Starting with this release some new functions have been added for the Controllers: Article, Fixup Chain, Print Order Item, Print Order Motif, Production Job, Production Job Motif, Report Definition and Motif. Some existing functions have also been revised.
1.3. Improvements
The following improvements to existing functions were added in version 1.7.8 of the Workflow:
Change Color Policies for selected Print Items in an Order: The Color Policy can now be changed for multiple Print Items contained in an Order item. Until now, this had to be changed separately for each Print Item.
ImageBox + Bleed: When setting the expected Bleed, the option Use bleed from PDF now uses a new logic, which is described in more detail in this section.
Reprofiling Charts: From this version on, new calibration charts are available for the measurement device »X-Rite - i1Pro«.
Hotfolder Error Handling: The handling of error messages regarding the »Start/stop all Hotfolders« function has been adjusted in this release.
Small Improvements: Further minor improvements have been implemented. You can read a list of small improvements here.
1.4. Fixed Bugs
Workflow: A list of fixed bugs and/or minor improvements in the main application.
Impose Editor: A list of fixed errors and/or minor improvements in the Impose Editor.
1.5. SDK-Versions
With version 1.7.8 a new SDK version of ColorLogic is available, in which some bugs from the manufacturer have been fixed.
2. Improvements
In this section you can learn about the new features developed and published in the Adobe Illustrator Plug-In, Impose Editor and in the Workflow in general. In some cases, existing functions were either enhanced or improved.
2.1. Adobe Illustrator Plug-in
If you are working with version 1.7.8 of the Workflow, version of the Plug-in must be installed to ensure consistent operation. If you are using an older version of the Plug-In, you will be notified in the Plug-In when you log in.
The following versions of Adobe Illustrator are supported:
Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 |
Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 |
Mac OSX | Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS Version 10.12 (Sierra) or Mac OS Version 10.11 (El Capitan) |
Mac OS Version 10.15 (Catalina), Mac OS Version 10.14 (Mojave), Mac OS Version 10.13 (High Sierra) |
Microsoft Windows |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 8.1 or MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 8.1 or MS Windows 10 |
MS Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, MS Windows 10 |
Support | Plug-In Version and Plug-In Version |
Plug-In Version |
Plug-In Version |
Support for older versions of Adobe Illustrator
Please note that the current Plug-In Version can only installed for Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2020.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 can still be used with the Plug-In Version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.2. Using Plug-In Version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or bugs for this constellation/configuration will not be followed up and/or fixed.
Adobe Illustrator 2018 can still be used with Plug-In version in conjunction with Durst Workflow 1.7.6. The use of Plug-In version in conjunction with newer Workflow versions is at your own risk. Support cases or errors for this constellation will not be followed up and corrected.
No new changes
No changes between Workflow versions 1.7.7 & 1.7.8 were implemented in the Plug-in. Only the Plug-in version number was changed to match the Workflow version.
Adobe Illustrator 2020 Version 24.2 compatibility
The newest version of Adobe Illustrator 2020 (version 24.2) released in June 2020 can be operated using Plug-in version in conjunction with Workflow version 1.7.8 and with Plug-in version in conjunction with Workflow 1.7.7. No issues were found in connection with the Plug-in and the new version of Adobe Illustrator 2020.
2.2. Impose Editor - General Improvements
In version 1.7.8 additional functions were added and existing functions in the File Manager and control panels were improved.
2.2.1. Imposition based on ImageBox and ImageBox + Bleed
Before version 1.7.7, all Print items were imposed in the Impose Editor based on the TrimBox. Alternatively, a Bleed could be added or changed in the editor. Marks, Lines, Captions, Grommets and Dielines were also generated based on the TrimBox or BleedBox.
From version 1.7.7 on, the TrimBox is no longer used for placing Print Items, but rather the currently set ImageBox (final view format). The Bleed can subsequently be defined in the Impose Editor in addition to the ImageBox. Starting from version 1.7.7, Marks, Lines, Captions, Grommets and Dieline are also optionally created on the basis of the ImageBox and/or the ImageBox + Bleed.
From version 1.7.8 on, this option can be selected in the control panel Settings [1] whether the imposition should be based on [2] the ImageBox or on the ImageBox + Bleed. These two options function as follows:
- Imposition based on »ImageBox«: The spacing or alignment functions defined in the imposition refer to the ImageBox (TrimBox) of the Print Items. Additionally, the Bleed can be defined as needed.
- Imposition based on »ImageBox + Bleed«: The spacing or alignment functions defined in the imposition refer to the ImageBox + Bleed (production format) of the Print Items. By selecting this function, Bleed cannot be defined in the Impose Editor.
Figure 1: Imposition based on ImageBox or ImageBox + Bleed.

Recommended working methods
Since the handling of PDF page geometry is handled differently in different regions and industries, we've included a certain amount of flexibility regarding pages geometry and how it is applied in the Workflow. Below are a few recommendations concerning settings which could be used for typical use case scenarios:
Label / Packaging Industry: Since in this industry typically uses the TrimBox, the ImageBox is generally aligned to the Dieline of the label and a fixed Bleed is used depending on the finishing options, i.e., laser cutter or cutting dies), the following settings should be changed under Administration > Settings and in the Settings panel of the Impose Editor:
- Default ImageBox = TrimBox
- Use bleed from PDF = activated
- Imposition based on = ImageBox
Large Format Industry: In this industry the files are normally created in the prepress stage based on internally defined page geometry and the Bleed is generally dynamically generated only during ripping or the Bleed was previously defined and included in the existing page geometry, the following settings should be changed under Administration > Settings and in the Settings panel of the Impose Editor, depending on the working method:
- If the Prepress department created the print data with all necessary technical lines and the bleed has been added and the file only needs to be ripped.
- Default ImageBox = BleedBox
- Use Bleed from PDF = deactivated
- Expected Bleed = set to zero
- Imposition based on = ImageBox
- If the Prepress department has created the print data in the correct size for the final format and added the required Bleed. The data still has to be used and ripped:
- Default ImageBox = TrimBox
- Use Bleed from PDF = activated
- Imposition based on = ImageBox + Bleed
2.2.2. Customization of the user interface in the control panels
In all available Impose Modes: Manual, Step & Repeat, Nesting and Tiling, the control panels for Marks, Captions, Lines, Grommets, Cut Marks and Barcodes for Cutters have been restructured. Some setting options have been combined and/or divided into separate drop-down sections.
- Marks [3] – This control panel now consists of a main area, where the Position of the Mark can be set, and also includes the drop-down panels: Mark Settings and Advanced Color Options.
- Captions [4] – This control panel now consists of a main area, where the Content, Position and Origin of the Caption can be defined, as well as the drop-down panels: Font Settings and Advanced Color Options.
- Lines [5] – This control panel now consists of a main area, where the Position of the Line can be set, and includes the drop-down panels: Line Attributes and Advanced Color Options.
- Grommets [6] – This control panel now consists of a main area where the Type, Number and Position of Grommets can be set, and includes the drop-down panels: Mark Settings and Advanced Colour Options.
- Registration Marks [7] – This control panel now consists of a main area where the drop-down panel displays Registration Marks which can be activated and includes the drop-down panels: Intermediate Marks, Orientation Marks, Settings and Advanced Color Options.
- Barcode [8] – This control panel now consists of a main area where the Type, Size and Orientation of the Barcode and activation can be selected, and also includes the drop-down panels: Font Settings and Advanced Color Options.
Figure 2: The revised structure of the Impose Editor control panels.
2.2.3. Selecting Output Configuration Templates
Starting with this version, existing Output Configuration Templates can be selected in the Impose Editor and saved for the Production Job. These templates can be selected in the New Imposition dialog or in the Save Imposition dialog.
For information on how Output Configuration Templates function in Production Jobs please refer to the Release Notes 1.7.6, section 2.12.1. Saving an Output Template in a Production Job.
New Impose Dialog
To select an Output Configuration Template when creating a new imposition, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor under Automation > Impose Editor.
- Select New in the action bar of the Impose Editor.
When opening this dialog for the first time, the default Color Policy stored in the system under Administration > Settings > Color Management > General Settings > Default Color Policy will be selected by default. If, a different setting is chosen, the last saved configuration will be selected when opening the dialog again.
- Select the desired Template [9] for an Output Configuration in the New Imposition dialog.
- By selecting the template, the Printer [10], the Print Configuration [12], the Substrate, the Substrate Shape as well as the Color Policy [11] will be selected automatically. The Impose Size or Substrate Shape [13] can alternatively be overwritten by entering a Custom Impose Size [14].
- After you have entered your settings, click on Create.
- By saving the imposition, the selected Output Configuration for the Production Job is saved as well.
Figure 3: The New Imposition dialog.
Save Imposition
If you have created an imposition and want to change the Output Configuration quickly when saving, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor under Automation > Impose Editor.
- Create a new imposition based on the current default settings or create a new imposition configuration by selecting New in the action bar.
- Add a Print Item or Article using the desired Impose Mode.
- When the imposition is complete, select Save or Save As in the action bar. The Save Imposition dialog will open.
If you previously selected an Output Configuration Template when creating the imposition, this template will be selected in this dialog. If you want to change the Output Configuration to another printer, you can still do this by selecting a new Output Configuration. This will not change the geometry or layout of the existing imposition.
If no Output Configuration Template was selected when creating the imposition, the Template drop-down selection menu should be empty. By selecting an Output Configuration, you can now select the Substrate and Printer to which you want to output the imposition. The geometry of the existing imposition will not change.
- Select the desired Output Configuration Template [15] in the Save Imposition dialog.
- By selecting an Output Configuration Template, the Printer, Print Configuration, Substrate, Substrate Shape and Color Policy are automatically selected and listed below.
- After you have entered your desired settings, complete the process by clicking on Save.
- When you save the imposition, the selected Output Configuration is saved along with the imposition in the Production Job.
Figure 4: The Save Imposition dialog.
2.3. »Nesting« Mode Improvements
Additional improvements have also been implemented and added in Nesting Mode. The existing Fill Modes (now called Strategy): Keep exact ratio of copies, Allow Overproduction and Force number of copies have been improved and an additional Fill Mode called Substrate Optimized has been added.
2.3.1. New Strategy - Substrate Optimized
With version 1.7.8, four Strategies are now available. Depending on the project or the finishing requirements, you can choose a Strategy based on what fits best. We compare the individual strategies in more detail below:
- Keep exact ratio of copies: Use this strategy if you want to print a large number of Print Items on boards and then cut them into stacks for finishing. The algorithm calculates the smallest possible number of printed boards to produce all Print Items using the entered number of copies.
The aim of the strategy is not to optimize the utilization of the Substrate, but rather to optimize the arrangement of the Print Items in relation to the entered number of copies in order to optimize stacking and cutting in the finishing department. Print Items are produced in the entered quantity and therefore overproduction is not allowed. If there is not enough space for a Print item on the sheet, the Print item is removed from the imposition and consequently not produced.
- Allow Overproduction: Use this strategy if you want to impose a large number of Print Items on boards and also allow more than the specified quantity to be produced. This algorithm fills the sheet with Print Items according to the ratio of the number of copies to be produced.
The goal of the strategy is to fill boards with Print items completely in order to make the best possible use of a Substrate, and to distribute the ratio of copies per Print Item on the board so that a minimum number of boards need to be printed to reach the desired quantity. This strategy functions in the same way as the Keep exact ratio of copies with an added function to add individual boards. The desired number of copies is produced. The overproduction of individual Print Items is explicitly allowed. If there is not enough room for a Print item in the imposition, the Print Item is removed from the imposition and not produced.
- Force number of copies: Use this strategy if you want to impose a large number of individual Print Items while ensuring that the entire quantity of Print Items is reached. The algorithm imposes one Print Item after another respecting the defined number of copies. If the total quantity does not have enough space in the imposition, the Print Item will not be added to the imposition.
The aim of this strategy is to only create impositions in which the entire quantity can be produced. This strategy can also result in a large amount of Substrate waste if the number of copies is unfavorable. Print Items that cannot be imposed in their entirety are removed from the imposition.
- Substrate Optimized: Use this strategy if you want to produce a large number of Print Items in varying quantities on a roll or a board, in order to make the best possible use of the Substrate. The algorithm imposes one Print Item after the other using the defined quantity. In the case of the last Print Item, any space that is still available is filled with the last Print Item, even if the entire quantity cannot be reached, so that the Substrate is used in the best possible way. If quantities of individual Print items are imposed using a favorable ratio to each other, the ratio of the copies on a sheet can also be used for imposing in order to be able to impose several Print Items on a board, which must then be printed several times.
The goal of the strategy is the best possible utilization of the Substrate, although this may require more effort to create additional impositions and may require more logistical planning. The required quantities are produced (resulting in no overproduction), but underproduction of individual Print Items may occur.
The default Nesting Template uses »Substrate Optimized«
Please note that the default Nesting Template with version 1.7.8, uses the Strategy »Substrate Optimized« by default. Typically this Strategy leads to the desired result in the large format industry.
2.4. »Step & Repeat« Improvements
In Step & Repeat Mode, methods that were previously implemented have been improved and we have also extended the range of certain functions. We describe the changes that were made in more detail below.
2.4.1. Offset Per Lane
Starting with version 1.7.8, a vertical offset per column (lane) can be defined, which facilitates the process of »de-gridding« labels, i.e., separating unprinted and printed areas when processing the final prints. To define a vertical offset per column, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor and select Step & Repeat mode.
- Drag Print Items of equal size from the File Manager into the Artboard. This will add the Print Items to the current Production Job and impose them immediately.
- Select any needed parameters, such as the number of rows and columns [16] and the vertical and horizontal spacing [17] between Print Items under the Grid Settings sub-panel.
- Make sure that Add to Margin [18] is selected, otherwise the Offset Per Lane function [19] cannot be used. When the Offset Per Lane option is enabled, half of the entered Vertical spacing will be added to the top and bottom edges of the artboard which will ensure consistent spacing when using roll substrates.
- Then enter the desired value in Offset Per Lane [19]. Please note that this value must always be less than half of the Vertical Spacing to ensure that the Offset Per Lane can occur at all.
Figure 5: A single row imposition using Step & Repeat with the Offset Per Lane option enabled.
How Offset Per Lane is calculated
If a vertical spacing of 5 mm and an Offset Per Lane of 1 mm is entered, the first column is offset downwards by 0 mm, the second column by 1 mm and the third column by 2 mm. The third column starts at 0 mm, because if a vertical offset of 3 mm is used, the lowest Print Item in the column would overlap the sheet. Additional columns are then offset again using the same pattern.
Please note that the offset entered per column will not change the overall height of the imposition!
2.4.2. Optional Filling Methods
With version 1.7.7 of the Workflow, it was only possible to generate columns in Step & Repeat using a single Print Item per column. More detailed information is available in the release notes of 1.7.7 in section 2.3.2 Keep the same Print Items per column.
Starting with version 1.7.8, we've added an additional filling method called: Various Print Items per Column. This allows several different Print Items to be imposed in a single column. This method can be used if different Print Items should be imposed in different quantities where the columns are not required to consist of a single Print Item. To impose multiple Print Items in a single column proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor and choose Step & Repeat Mode.
- Drag Print Items with identical dimensions from the File Manager into the Artboard. This will immediately add the Print Items to Production Job and impose them.
- Select all Print Items in the Print Items tab and open the Edit Selected Print Items dialog. Enter quantities for each Print Item. Note that the total number of copies in the Production Job can be divided by the maximum number of copies that can be placed on the Artboard. This allows the impose editor to place the Print Items correctly in the established ratio of the number of copies for each Print Item.
- Enter both horizontal and vertical spacing [23] and select both Auto checkboxes [20] for columns and rows. Uncheck the Allow Overproduction option [21] to ensure that the exact number of copies can be produced.
- By default, the columns in Step & Repeat are produced using only single Print Items.
- In the Grid Settings sub-panel, select Various Print Items per Column [22] under Arrange.
Figure 6: Imposing Print Items using Step & Repeat with the Various Print Items per Column option chosen.
2.5. Cutter Devices
For Cutting Devices, we have implemented new methods for generating registration marks and have also specifically enhanced these options for Zünd Cutting Devices.
2.5.1. New placement method for Marks
Automated reading of registration marks on certain cutting devices can be a time intensive exercise in patience. Certain users have expressed a wish to reduce the amount of marks that are generated, therefore saving time when reading the marks themselves. As is always the case there are tradeoffs when reducing the amount of marks that are generated as the accuracy is then reduced when actually cutting items using a cutting device. For these reasons, three methods for placing registration marks have now been implemented.
Starting with version 1.7.8, we provide three placement methods: Fit to Job, Fit to Object or Best Fit.
Accessing the new placement methods
To correctly apply these new methods in the Workflow, it is essential that the existing cutter is added under the Cutter Devices menu item again, as existing Cutters will not reflect the new placement methods, even if they are visibly available in the Workflow. You can optionally add new Paremeter Sets as well or use the default Parameter Set that is created in the Workflow.
Fit to Job
With version 1.7.7, marks for the cutting device were only placed outside Print Items. The updated method, which is called Fit to Job, can be applied as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor.
- Added the desired amount of Print Items to the Artboard.
- Select your preferred cutting device and a configuration (e.g. Zünd CutCenter – Zünd Cut Center 3.2)
- The Fit to Job method [24] is selected by default. Marks and Barcodes will then be placed outside (green area) the Artboard on the edge of the Substrate.
Figure 7: When the Fit to Job method is selected, Marks and Barcodes will look like this.
The following options can be configured for this method:
- Intermediate Marks [25] yellow area – If this option is activated, additional Marks are generated between the four corner points based on the defined maximum distance. This determines the number of Marks per side at a specific distance. These intermediate marks can be optionally deactivated or activated using Set to where there are four options: top, bottom, left or right. The latter function has been added in version 1.7.8.
- Orientation Marks [26] magenta area – If this option is activated, additional orientation mark(s) are generated based on the Reference Point selected with a defined X and/or Y offset.
- Settings [20] red area – In this area you can define the appearance of the Marks. The X & Y offset are only active using the methods: Fit to Job and Best Fit, as the offset only affects Marks outside of Print Items.
Fit to Object
When Fit to Object is selected Marks are aligned to each Print Item. In this mode, Barcodes are generated and aligned to the edge of the sheet. A minimum of two registration marks are generated per object. For highly elastic Substrates, several marks per Print Item can be optionally added.
To choose Fit to Object, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor.
- Add the desired number of Print Items to the sheet.
- Select your desired Cutting Device and a Configuration (e.g. Zünd CutCenter - Zünd Cut Center 3.2)
- Select Fit to Object [28] under Placement Method. This will place and align Barcodes to the edge of the sheet, and Marks are aligned per Print Item.
Figure 8: If Fit to Object is selected then the Marks and Barcodes will look like they do in the figure below.
The following options can be configured for this method:
- Marks per Print Item [29] – This allows you to define how many Marks are generated per Print Item. Usually two Marks per Print Item are sufficient. However, if a highly elastic Substrate is used, adding more Marks per Print Item may be advantageous.
- The Intermediate Marks and Orientation Marks sub-panels are not available with this method selected, as these options only affect Marks that lie outside of the Print Items ( See, Fit to Job or Best Fit).
- The X and Y offset [30] under the Settings sub-panel is also disabled because of the same reason mentioned above for Intermediate Marks and Orientation Marks.
Best Fit
With the Best Fit method, a combination of the methods described above where the registration marks are placed between Print Items and in the margin outside of the Print Items. Barcodes are also generated on the edge. This method contains the same settings from Fit to Job and in addition, the generated number of Marks between the Print Items can be set.
To choose Best Fit, proceed as follows:
- Open the Impose Editor.
- Add Print Items to the sheet as needed.
- Select your desired Cutting Device and appropriate Configuration (e.g. Zünd CutCenter - Zünd Cut Center 3.2)
- Select Best Fit [31] under Placement Method. This will place both Marks and Barcodes outside of the imposed Print Items on the edge of the sheet and will also generate the specified number of Marks per Print Item.
Figure 9: Marks and Barcodes will look like the image below when Best Fit is selected.
The following options can be configured for this method:
- Minimum distance between Marks [32] – Determines the minimum distance between Marks. By default the distance between Marks is 300 mm. This value can be changed as required. A value below 20 mm is not recommended.
- Intermediate Marks [33] yellow area – When this option is activated, additional Marks are generated between the four corner points under Set to and are based on the defined maximum distance, which is determines the number of Marks per edge using a certain distance. Intermediate Marks can be deactivated or activated by clicking on: Top, Bottom, Left or Right.
- Orientation Marks [34] magenta area – If this option is activated, additional Orientation Mark(s) are generated using the specified Reference Points with a defined X and/or Y offset.
- Settings [35] red area – The appearance of Marks can be defined here. X- & Y offset can only be defined using the methods: Fit to Job and Best Fit, as the offset only affects Marks outside of Print Items.
2.5.2. Zünd Cut File extensions
The method you choose for placing Marks and Barcodes concerning Cutting Devices also determines the way the Cut File is written when the Job is rendered to the printer. This allows the Zünd software, more specifically Zünd CutCenter 3.2, to recognize which placement method was used in reference to the Marks.
The following values are written into the Cut File:
<MethodType="Register" RegistrationType="fitToJob"/>
This is used for the Fit to Job method. -
<MethodType="Register" RegistrationType="fitToObjects"/>
This is used for the Fit to Object method. -
<MethodType="Register" RegistrationType="bestFit"/>
This is used for the Best Fit method.
2.6. Order
With version 1.7.8 we've implemented some improvements which make working with Orders significantly easier. We describe the improvements in more detail in the following sections.
2.6.1. Extended Filtering options
In the Workflow the Print Item List can be viewed via Order > Print Items. The existing filter options have been greatly expanded to enable users speedy access to Orders and the Print Items that they contain. Version 1.7.8 now offers the following filter criteria:
- Color Policy
- Customer
- Dimensions
- Due Date
- Height
- Multipage
- Number of copies
- Order Name
- Order Number
- Order Status
- Print Item Status
- Substrate
- Tags
- Variable Data
- Width
For example, a user should be able to display all Print Items that are assigned to a particular Substrate, and should be delivered in three days and are assigned to an Order whose status has been set to Approved.
To filter Print Items according to specific criteria, proceed as follows:
- Select the menu option Order > Print Items. The Print Item list is displayed which displays all Print Items that are contained in all Orders in the Workflow.
- Click on Set Filter or select an existing filter. This will open the Filter Options dialog.
- Locate and select the desired filter(s) in the dialog and set the desired parameters for each filter as needed.
- Click on Apply to view the filtered result in the Print Item List.
The following filter options are new to version 1.7.8:
Color Policy
All available Color Policies in the system can be selected using this filter. By selecting one or more Color Policies using this filter [36], only those Print Items that utilize that Color Policy will be listed. This filter is particularly useful in determining which Print Items should be produced together to better optimize printing times and substrate use.
Figure 10: The Filter Options dialog with the Color Policy filter selected.

Order Name
This filter can be used to locate and list Print Items according to the Order Name. Simply enter the Order Name in input field [37]. Note that placeholders can also be used in the search terms. The following placeholders are available:
- % – By entering the percentage character, one or more characters can be found instead of the placeholder. Example:
finds the terms houseboat, houseman boat but also housewife boat - _ – By entering an underscore, any character can be found instead of the wildcard. Example: Ma_er finds the terms Mayer, Maier but also Mauer.
Figure 11: The Filter Options dialog with the Order Name filter selected.

Order Number
Use this filter to locate Print Items with a specific Order Number. Either a single Order Number or a range of Order Numbers can be searched for using the input field [38]. Please note that placeholders can also be used here in the search criteria. For example, by entering 202006%
you can find all Orders from the month of June and the year 2020.
Figure 12: The Filter Options dialog with the Order Number filter selected.

Use this filter to locate Print Items according to Print Item Dimensions. Enter a minimum and maximum width [39] and/or height [40] for the Print Items you are looking for. A Tolerance [41] can also be entered to offer more flexibility when listing search results. Activating Ignore Page Orientation [42] will apply the entered values for both width and height to Print Items that have both horizontal and vertical formats.
Figure 13: The Filter Options dialog with the Dimensions filter applied.

Due Date
The Due Date filter will only display Print Items according to the date that they are due. You can choose from the following options:
- Time Period [43] – You can specify a time period by entering a start and end date, for example, for the next 6 days.
- Today, This Week or This Month [44] – By using these options, you can quickly filter Print Items according to the listed criteria.
- Older than [45] – By specifying an Older than date you can find Print Items which were produced according to the selected date.
Figure 14: The Filter Options dialog with the Due Date filter applied.

Order Status
Use the Order Status filter to find Orders that have a specific Status. More than one Status can be selected in this filter [46], which will result in the Workflow displaying all Print Items contained in Orders with those specific Statuses. Please note that with version 1.7.8, we have added a new status called Approved for Orders.
Figure 15: The Filter Options dialog with the Order Status filter selected.

Additional options which can only be accessed with an extended license
Please note that all of the features listed below are not available for holders of the Print Workflow license. Managing Orders is only available with the Workflow Plus license and both Label Workflows.
2.6.2. Saving Filters system-wide for a specific user
Filter sets created with older versions of the Workflow could be saved and reused, in the past filters were only saved in the local browser memory. If the user then logged in to the Workflow using a different browser, these saved filters and filter sets were not available to that user.
Starting with version 1.7.8, all user-defined filters are saved specifically for that user. If the user now logs in via another browser, the saved filters and filter sets will be accessable.
2.6.3. Extended Filter options for text searches
A list of all Print Items in the Workflow can be viewed under Order > Print Items. Among other things, we have enhanced full text search capabilities when searching for Print Items. We've added an additional filter option called Substrate in version 1.7.8:
- ID
- Name
- Order Name
- Substrate
- Comment
- External ID
- Customer
To perform a full text search, proceed as follows:
- Select Order > Print Items.
- Click inside the text input field [47].
- The Print Item List can be filtered by entering text. You can select or deselect text search criteria by clicking on the pop-up menu [48].
Figure 16: The filter bar for lists with the filter menu and the text input search field.
The following filter criteria for full text searches are now available with version 1.7.8:
- ID – The Print Item List can be searched using ID.
- Name – The Print Item List can be searched using the Name (Print Item Name).
- Order Name – The Print Item List can be searched using the Order Name.
- Substrate – The Print Item List can be searched using the Substrate.
- Comment – The Print Item List can be searched using the Comment applied to an Order.
- External ID – The Print Item List can be searched using the External ID.
- Customer – The Print Item List can be searched using a Customer.
2.6.4. Extended range of functions
The Print Item List has had some important functions extended which allows the user to select different Print Items across multiple Orders which can then be edited in bulk. The following functions have been implemented:
Editing selected Print Items
A list of all Print Items in the Workflow can be viewed under Order > Print Items. As of version 1.7.8, several Print Items can be selected in the list by holding down the CTRL
key. Multiple Print Items can therefore be edited in a single action. Follow these steps to edit multiple Print Items:
- Navigate to Order > Print Items.
- Select the desired Print Items in the list by holding down:
. - Choose Edit in the action bar.
The following settings can be edited in this dialog once activated:
- Copies
- File name
- Requested Dimensions
- Tags
- User-defined Fields
- Winding Type (applies only to Roll Substrates)
Apply a Fixup to selected Print Items
A list of all Print Items in the Workflow can be viewed under Order > Print Items. As of version 1.7.8, several Print Items can be selected in the list by holding down the CTRL
key. A Fixup can be applied to the selected Print Items as follows:
- Navigate to Order > Print Items.
- Select the desired Print Items in the list by holding down:
. - Select Process > Apply Fixup in the action bar, which opens the Apply Fixup to selected Print Item(s) dialog.
- Locate your desired Fixup in the dialog and then select it.
- Press Apply and the selected Fixup will open with it's respective dialog to enter specific settings and parameters and then click on Apply to Selection.
Apply a Fixup Chain to selected Print Items
A list of all Print Items in the Workflow can be viewed under Order > Print Items. As of version 1.7.8, several Print Items can be selected in the list by holding down the CTRL
key. A Fixup Chain can be applied to the selected Print Items as follows:
- Navigate to Order > Print Items.
- Select the desired Print Items in the list by holding down:
. - Select Process > Apply Fixup Chain in the action bar, which opens the Apply a Fixup Chain dialog.
- Select the desired Fixup Chain from the drop-down menu.
- Click on Apply to Selection.
Fixup Chain can't be selected?
If a Fixup Chain has not first been created in the Workflow, the drop-down menu in the dialog will be empty. Please take a look at the Release Notes 1.7.7 under Section 2.9 Fixup Chains to find more detailed information about how Fixup Chains can be created and applied in the Workflow.
Create a Production Job from selected Print Items
A list of all Print Items in the Workflow can be viewed under Order > Print Items. As of version 1.7.8, several Print Items can be selected in the list by holding down the CTRL
key. Creating a Production Job using the selected Print Items is also now possible. You can create a separate Production Job per Print Item or combine all Print Items into a single Production Job. Proceed as follows:
- Navigate to Order > Print Items.
- Select the desired Print Items in the list by holding down:
. - Select Process > Create Production Job in the action bar, which opens the Create Production Job dialog.
- Give the Production Job a name and select an Output Template [49].
- Decide whether separate Production Jobs (per Print Item) should be created or whether a single Production Job with all Print Items should be created. Select the Split in separate Jobs [50] if the latter option is needed.
- Press Create and the Job(s) will be created.
Figure 17: The Create Production Job dialog.
2.7. Status
Version 1.7.8 also introduces a new status for Orders, Print Items and Articles.
2.7.1. New Status for Orders
For Orders the new status Approved [51] has been added in version 1.7.8. An overview of the current statuses are as follows:
- Created – Signifies that an Order was created.
- Approved – All Print Items in that Order have been approved. The status is changed automatically by the Workflow once all Print Items have a minimum status of Approved.
- In Production (Partial) – Individual Print Items in the Order have already been produced. The status is changed automatically by the Workflow as soon as a Print Item in the Order has the status Sent to Printer.
- In Production – If all Print Items in the Order have a minimum status of Sent to Printer, the Workflow changes this status automatically.
- Produced – If all Prin Items in the Order have a minimum status of Quantity Reached, the Workflow sets this status automatically.
- Closed – If an Order has been delivered, the status of the Order should be changed to Closed. This status is not set automatically by the Workflow. It must be set by the leading ERP system or manually by the user.
Figure 18: A new status called Approved for Orders in Workflow has been implemented.
2.7.2. New Status for Print Items/Articles
A new status called Data Check [52] has been added for Print Items and Articles in version 1.7.8. A complete list of Statues for Print Items and Articles is as follows:
- Created – The print file has been uploaded, the metadata read and a version of the original is stored.
- Normalized – An initial corrected version of the original print file is created. A Pre-flight data check is carried out without errors or warnings. The Workflow then automatically sets the status to Normalized.
- Data Check – If the Pre-flighted version of the print file has errors [54] and/or warnings [53], the status is automatically changed to Data Check by the Workflow.
- Final Artwork – Once the data has been subjected to a visual check by the prepress department and the Print Item has been declared ready for printing, this status can be set manually by the user.
- Waiting for Approval – If an approval report has been created for the Print Item and sent to the end customer, this status can be set manually by the user or by the leading ERP system.
- Approved – If the customer has approved the final Artwork, the status can be set manually by the user or the leading ERP system.
- Imposed – If the Print Item or Article has been used in an imposition, the Workflow automatically changes the status to Imposed.
- Sent to Printer – If the Print Item has already been used in a Production Job and sent to the printer, this status is automatically changed by Workflow to Sent to Printer.
- Printed – If the printer can report to the Workflow that a print has been successfully completed, the Workflow automatically changes the status to Printed.
- Quantity Reached – If the printer can report back to the Workflow the number of copies printed for the Print Item, the status is automatically changed by the Workflow to Quantity Reached.
Figure 19: The new status called Data Check for Print Items or Articles in the Workflow.
The status »Data Check« requires user interaction
Print Items that show a warning or an error after Pre-flighting should not be produced without a thorough Data Check and the possible application of Fixups. Under certain circumstances, not taking action here could lead to incorrect output of the print data.
2.8. Fixups
We have added new Fixups with version 1.7.8 and also updated existing Fixups with extended functionality and improved handling.
2.8.1. New Fixups
In version 1.7.8 some new corrections, which were requested by many customers in the label and large format printing environment, were implemented.
Rotate Page Content
This Fixup rotates page content using the specified angle when applied. By default the page size is not changed but can be optionally adjusted to the size of the rotated content. Proceed as follows to rotate page content:
- Open a Print Item or an Article in the Workflow.
- Select the Fixup Rotate Page Content [55]. You can find it either under the Rotate and Mirror drop-down in the footer of the Document Information and User-defined Fields area or in the Data Preparation tab.
Figure 20: The Fixup Rotate Page Content available under the Rotate and Mirror Fixup drop-down.

- Enter the desired values in the Rotate Page Content dialog. The following settings can be entered here:
- Rotation – Enter the rotation angle here. Positive values rotate clockwise, negative values rotate counterclockwise.
- Relative to the – You can select the point of rotation here.
- of the – This setting determines the page geometry which is used as the reference for rotation.
- Enlarge Page Geometry Box – By activating this option the size of the page is adjusted to fit rotated content.
- X Offset and Y Offset – Define an X or Y Offset from the rotation point.
- Click Apply to Selection.
Figure 21: The Rotate Page Content Fixup dialog.

Limited availability of Fixups
This Fixup is only available for customers holding a Workflow Plus license or one of the Workflow Label licenses. The Fixup is also available to all Print Workflow Plus licenses using Fixup Chains.
Change Tint Value for White Channel
This Fixup removes the existing White Channel when applied and replaces it with a traced color area using the defined tint value. To change the tint value of a White Channel, proceed as follows:
- Open a Print Item or an Article in the Workflow.
- Select the Fixup Change Tint Value for White Channel [56]. You will find it either under the Edit White or Varnish drop-down in the footer of the Spot Colors panel or in the Data Preparation tab.
Figure 22: The Edit White or Varnish Fixups available in the Spot Color panel footer.

- In the Change Tint Value for White Channel dialog, enter the desired values. The following settings can be entered here:
- Select Spot Color for White Channel – Choose the Spot Color to be replaced.
- Tint Value – Enter the desired tint value using a percentage.
- Accuracy – Define the accuracy algorithm for tracing: standard (fast) or Accurate (slow).
- Click Apply to Selected.
Figure 23: The Change Tint Value for White Channel dialog.

Scale Page Content Absolute
This Fixup scales the page content of the trimmed area to a specific size. The existing Bleed is adjusted according to the scale applied. To scale page content, proceed as follows:
- Open a Print Item or Article in the Workflow.
- Select the Scale Page Content Absolute Fixup. This Fixup is only available under the Data Preparation tab.
- Enter the desired values in the Scale Page Content Absolute dialog. The following settings can be entered here:
- Long Edge – Enter the size of the long edge.
- Short Edge – Enter the size of the short edge.
- Unit – Select the desired unit of measurement.
- Scale Option – select the desired scaling method. Four options scale proportionally and one option called Stretch to Fill, will scale the Print Item by distorting the content if necessary.
- Click Apply to Selection.
Figure 24: The Scale Page Content Absolute dialog.

Limited availability of Fixups
This Fixup is only available for customers holding a Workflow Plus license or one of the Workflow Label licenses. The Fixup is also available to all Print Workflow Plus licenses using Fixup Chains.
Convert RGB-Vector-Object to the CMYK-Working-Space
With this correction, RGB vector objects can be subsequently converted into the CMYK working color space. It is important that red (255/0/0) is converted to CMYK (0/100/100/0), green (0/255/0) to CMYK (100/0/100/0) and blue (0/0/255) to CMYK (100/100/0/0). Black (0/0/0) and white (255/255/255) are converted to CMYK (0/0/0/100) and (0/0/0/0/0). The same RGB values, e.g.: 128/128/128 are converted to pure black in CMYK (0/0/0/50).
Figure 25: The Convert RGB-Vector-Object to the CMYK-Working-Space dialog.

Limited availability of Fixups
This Fixup is only available for customers holding a Workflow Plus license or one of the Workflow Label licenses. The Fixup is also available to all Print Workflow Plus licenses using Fixup Chains.
Set MediaBox to origin
Version 1.7.7 did not automatically correct all PDFs when uploaded, as the Fixup Set MediaBox to Origin was removed. However, in certain cases PDFs that are created using sub-standard work practices may have inadvertently set the the origin of the MediaBox incorrectly, which causes the Print Item preview to be displayed incorrectly after being uploaded. This Fixup can be found under the Data Preparation tab.
Figure 26: The Set MediaBox to origin dialog.

2.8.2. Improvements to existing Fixups
For the Fixups listed below we have added additional functionality and/or improved the User experience.
Scale Page Content
This Fixup scales page content according to the percentage entered or to the absolute values entered, depending on the option selected. Existing Bleed is adjusted accordingly. To scale page content, proceed as follows:
- Open an Print Item or Article in the Workflow.
- Select the Scale Page Content Fixup. You can find it either under the Edit Page Geometry drop-down in the footer of Document Information and User-defined Fields or under the Data Preparation tab.
- Enter the required values in the Scale Page Content dialog. Here you can enter the following settings:
- Scaling by percentage or Scaling absolute – First select whether you want to scale the page content using a percentage or using absolute values.
- Short edge – Enter a length for the short edge.
- Long Edge – Enter a length for the long edge.
- Scale Option – Select the desired scaling option. Four options scale the Print Item proportionally and one option called Stretch to Fill may distort content when scaling.
- Click Apply to Selection.
Figure 27: The Scale Page Content dialog.

Convert Pure Black to Rich Black
We've extended this Fixup with two new options: Convert Color Space and Apply to. It is now possible to convert grayscale images to Rich Black covering all tonal values. To convert a grayscale image to deep black, proceed as follows:
- Open a Print Item or Article in the Workflow.
- Select the Convert Pure Black to Rich Black Fixup. You will find it either under the Black Handling drop-down in the footer of the Process Colors panel or under the Data Preparation tab.
- In the Convert Pure Black to Rich Black dialog, select the desired parameters. Here you can enter the following settings:
- Convert Color Space – You can apply the Fixup to All Color spaces or only CMYK, RGB or Grayscale.
- Apply to – You can apply the Fixup to: All Objects, Images Only, Vectors Only, Text Only or Text and Vectors.
- Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black – Set the Rich Black values here by entering CMYK values.
- Include intermediate color values – By activating this option, all intermediate shades of black, i.e., all tonal values contained in a grayscale image, are converted accordingly.
- Click Apply to Selection.
Figure 28: The Convert Pure Black to Rich Black dialog.

In this version, additional modules of the REST API have been edited and extended. New features and changes are listed below.
Complete REST API documentation
The updated documentation which includes examples of the Durst Workflow Rest API is available here:
2.9.1. Changes made to the last version
The following functions have been changed in comparison to version 1.7.7:
- No Print Items need to be added when creating a new Production Job. This means that empty Production Jobs can also be created.
- The prefix »cf_« for User-defined Fields is no longer necessary. Please change the names of the User-defined Fields as needed.
2.9.2. New Functions
The following new functions have been implemented in version 1.7.8:
- Fixup Chains can be applied to existing Print Items or Articles.
- The attributes of a Fixup Chain can be transferred when creating Articles, Orders and Production Jobs.
- Creating empty Production Jobs is now possible.
- Adding Articles to existing Production Jobs is now possible.
- Create and download Approval Reports.
Article Controller
POST /api/v1/articles/{id}/applyFixupChain
– Apply Fixup Chains to Articles.
POST /api/v1/articles/create
– New attribute »processingOptions« for passing values to Fixup Chains.
Fixup Chain Controller
GET /api/v1/fixupChains
– Provides a list of all available Fixup Chains in the Workflow.
GET /api/v1/fixupChains/{id}
– Provides a Fixup Chain.
Print Order Item Controller
POST /api/v1/printOrders/{id}/printOrderItems/create
– New attribute »processingOptions« to pass values to Fixup Chains.
Print Order Motif Controller
POST /api/v1/printOrders/{id}/printOrderItems/{printOrderItemId}/motifs/create
– New attribute »processingOptions« for applying Fixup Chains.
Production Job Controller
POST /api/v1/productionJobs/create
– New attribute »processingOptions« for applying Fixup Chains.
Production Job Motif Controller
GET /api/v1/productionJobs/{id}/motifs
– Provides a list of all linked Print Items contained in a Production Job.
POST /api/v1/productionJobs/{id}/motifs/addArticle
– Adds Articles to existing Production Jobs.
POST /api/v1/productionJobs/{id}/motifs/create
– Creates a Print Item and adds it to a Production Job.
GET /api/v1/productionJobs/{id}/motifs/{motifId}
– Provides the Print Item contained in a Production Job.
Report Definition Controller
GET /api/v1/reportDefinitions
– Generates a list of all available Approval Reports in the Workflow.
GET /api/v1/reportDefinitions/{id}
– Generates a list of all available Approval Reports of the Workflow.
POST /api/v1/reportDefinitions/{id}/download
– Downloads the current Report with specified parameters.
POST /api/v1/reportDefinitions/{id}/generate
– Generates a Report with defined parameters.
Motif Controller API
POST /api/v1/motifs/{id}/applyFixupChain
– Apply a Fixup Chain to Print Items.
Complete REST API documentation
The updated documentation which includes examples of the Durst Workflow Rest API is available here:
3. Improvements
Version 1.7.8 of the Workflow contains various minor improvements such as:
3.1. Change the Color Policy for selected Print Items in an Order
In Orders, the Color Policy could only previously be selected for each individual Print Item. Starting with version 1.7.8, we now offer a function which allows the ability to change the Color policy for all Print Items at once. Proceed as follows:
- Open an Order that contains an Order Item with multiple Print Items.
- Select all Print Items for which the Color Policy should be changed.
- Click on the Bulk Actions drop-down menu [56].
- Click on the Set Color Policy [57] option. The Set Color Policy dialog will open.
- Select the desired Color Policy in the drop-down menu.
- Click OK to finalize your selection and change the Color Policy.
Figure 29: The Bulk Actions drop-down menu in the Print Items tab.
3.2. Rules for setting »ImageBox + Bleed« if information is missing
When uploading a print file, all page geometry boxes in the PDF are interpreted and displayed in the Workflow. Occasionally geometry boxes may be missing or are set incorrectly. For this reason, there is an internal set of rules in the Workflow, which inherits page geometry boxes when they are not available. The following set of rules are now implemented in version 1.7.8:
- If the TrimBox is missing in the document, it is automatically set to the next larger box in the PDF file when normalizing the PDF. The TrimBox must always be set in the Workflow.
- If the BleedBox is missing in the document, it will not be set when normalizing the PDF, but the values from the next larger box, usually BleedBox or MediaBox will be inherited.
- If the CropBox is missing in the document, it will not be set when normalizing the PDF, but the values from the next larger box, usually the BleedBox or MediaBox will be inherited.
- The MediaBox is included in every document. No correction or inheritance is necessary.
This logic enables the ability for the user to set the ImageBox to any page geometry box in the PDF, regardless if it exists in the original document or not.
3.2.1. Rules for the »Use Bleed from PDF« option
In version 1.7.7 the ImageBox and ImageBox + Bleed function was implemented. More detailed information is available in the Release Notes 1.7.7 under section 2.7 ImageBoxes. The Expected Bleed in the Workflow can be set to adopt the Bleed from the PDF when uploading a document. As of version 1.7.8, the internal rules are also used for this purpose:
If the option Use Bleed from PDF is activated, the following set of rules is adhered to for this option:
- If a BleedBox exists, the values from the existing Bleed are used for the Expected Bleed.
- If a BleedBox does not exist but the CropBox exists in the original document, the BleedBox is derived or inherited from this information. The value for the Expected Bleed is taken from the CropBox.
- If the BleedBox and the CropBox are missing, the CropBox is derived internally from the MediaBox and the BleedBox is derived internally from the CropBox. The value for the Expected Bleed is thus taken from the derived BleedBox.
3.3. Re-profiling charts for the i1Pro
We implemented the Reprofiling function In version 1.7.7. Detailed information concerning this topic can be found in the Release Notes 1.7.7 under section 2.13.4 Reprofiling. Version 1.7.8 offers new Reprofiling charts for the »X-Rite - i1Pro« measurement device. Reprofiling charts are available in the following color configurations:
3.4. Hotfolder Error Handling
Before version 1.7.8, several Hotfolders could be started and/or stopped simultaneously in the Workflow. If a problem occurred with one of these Hotfolders, the user wasn't made aware that an error/problem had occurred.
In this version, error messages have been integrated to inform the user that certain Hotfolders could not be started or stopped for specific reasons. The user can then correct the behavior manually and start/stop the Hotfolder manually.
3.5. Minor Improvements
The following minor improvements have been implemented in this version.
3.5.1. Workflow
List view: Lists in the Workflow can now be extended to 75 or 100 entries per page which allows better filter results and provides an overview that is easier to see.
Internal libraries: Some internal libraries were updated during development. Among others, the backend in Durst Workflow has been updated to Java 11.
Profiling: When editing existing Color Setups, the Color Configuration must not be changed if a Color Setup is already available or if measurement data already exists to prevent incorrect data.
Hotfolder: When creating a Hotfolder, the name must now be unique. A validation has been implemented for this.
Force Print: If »Tiling« mode is selected in Force Print, the option to upload several Print Items in one Production Job has been disabled.
Substrate-specific Spot Colors: In the Substrate-specific Spot Color list, the Substrate name can be searched for using the full text search or filtered.
3.5.2. Impose Editor
File Manager: We now display the Order Number and the External ID in the Order List.
4. Bug Fixes
The following errors (bugs) have been fixed with this release.
4.1. Workflow
ImageBox & ImageBox + Bleed: The functions Scale, Rotate and Mirror in the Send to Printer dialog used the wrong page geometry box (CropBox). With version 1.7.8, the ImageBox + Bleed can also be used.
Printer Destination Directories with umlauts: If the Destination Directory for a Printer was created with an umlaut in the Workflow, an error occurred in the render process. Destination Directories with umlauts can now be used.
Uploading print data containing SVG fonts: SVG fonts in the document could not be processed by the Workflow correctly until now, unless the fonts were converted into paths. This error has been fixed. Conversion is no longer necessary.
Mandatory fields for a Customer: As of this version, the Customer's postal code, city and country attributes are marked as mandatory fields. These fields must be filled in when creating a new Customer now.
Reprofiling: The Reprofiling calculation progress sometimes showed errors. Progress bars has been improved in this version.
Adding Tags: After adding Tags the page had to be refreshed sometimes to see the new Tag. This behavior has also been fixed.
Send to Printer dialog: When selecting and applying an Imposition Template in the Send to Printer dialog, the specified dimensions of the Production Job did not change. This error has been fixed. After imposing a Job, the correct sheet dimensions are now displayed.
4.2. Impose Editor
Tiling: After saving a Tiling imposition, the calculations were listed incorrectly in the Impose tab of the Production Job. This error has been fixed.
Bleed input fields: The input fields for the Bleed settings in the Impose Editor have been revised because the lock function was outdated. Certain errors occurred, which have been fixed in this version.
Saving an imposition without Print Items: An error was displayed when saving an imposition without Print Items. This error has been fixed by preventing an imposition without Print Items to be saved.
Cutting Devices and Barcode font size: The defined font size in the Barcode settings for Cutting Devices was not applied correctly. The default value was always used. This error has been fixed.
5. SDK Versions
With version 1.7.8 the following SDKs are used by our OEM partners.
Callas Software
- pdfToolbox SDK version 11.0.531 – Information about new features and bug fixes here: - version 11.0.528 from 28/01/2020.
- pdfChip SDK Version 2.13.83 – Information about new features and bug fixes here: - Version 2.2.064 from 22/01/2020.
Creating correction profiles
You can use the desktop version of pdfToolbox version 11 when creating correction profiles. Correction profiles from older pdfToolbox versions can also be used. However, it is always recommended to import the kfpx file to the local desktop application first and check it for new features in the current version.
Color Logic – CrossX SDK Version
Global Graphics – HHR Version Version 12.1.2
6. Hotfixes
The original release on June 14th, 2020 has the build version DW Build 1.7.8(160). The following Hotfixes have been added in the following sub-versions:
Version 1.7.8.(164)
On July 17th, this Hotfix was released due to the following bug:
Cutting Devices with Variable Data: When adding a cutter to a Production Job with variable data, the process was terminated with an error. This error has been fixed in this release.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.8.(164)-Setup.exe
Version 1.7.8.(169)
On July 24th, this Hotfix was released due to the following bugs:
Mirroring calibration charts: When mirroring calibration charts, every second line was not mirrored. This error has been fixed.
Nesting Mode: In certain cases the imposition height was calculated incorrectly. When "Trim to Height" is activated, it applied the incorrect height. This bug has been fixed.
New installation file: DW_Release1.7.8.(169)-Setup.exe