Release Date: 09/30/2023
In this article, you will learn which
- new features are available,
- improvements for users have been implemented and
- which bugs have been fixed in version 1.16.0 of the Workflow.
This article can also be downloaded as a PDF version. The release notes for the previously released versions can be downloaded from the archive.
1. Overview
With version 1.16.0, users can take advantage of several innovations in the environment of Impositions, the management of Die Cuts, and the processing of Orders. In addition, improvements have been made to Data Preparation, Preflight, and Print Data management, as well as to further translations.
Please find an overview of all changes below. A detailed description follows in the sections Innovations, Improvements, and Bug Fixes.
Installation of an update for a version higher than 1.14.0
Workflow versions 1.14.1, 1.14.2, 1.15.0, 1.15.1, 1.15.2, and 1.16.0 and all future versions can only be installed if Workflow version 1.14.0. (752) - or higher - has been installed before. Thus an update from an earlier version e.g.: 1.11.x, 1.12.x as well as 1.13.x cannot be carried out! The reason for this was the implementation of internal improvements in the migration logic, which were introduced in version 1.14.0.(752). Before this and future updates, make sure that version 1.14.0.(752) - or higher - has already been installed.
An update from Workflow version lower than 1.11.0, to version 1.15.0 and higher, must therefore be done first to version 1.11.0 and only then to 1.14.0.(752)!
The following SDK versions are used in DW 1.16.0:
- Callas Software pdfToolbox 14.3.616-1
- Callas Software pdfChip 2.5.083
- Color Logic CrossXColor 1.20.4
- Global Graphics HHR 13.2.2
1.1. New Features
The following New Features are available in version 1.16.0 of the Workflow:
Online License Server: With version 1.16.0 Licensing was shifted to the Online License Server.
Impose Editor: Existing functions in the Impose Editor have been extended and improved with version 1.16.0. These include improvements in the Imposition modes "Nesting" and "Step & Repeat". In addition, a further variable for captions and the possibility to create an Impose Report has been added.
- Nesting Algorithm Improvement – In the "Nesting" Impose mode, the existing Nesting algorithm has been extended with version 1.16.0. This includes the adjustment of the rotation of Print Items on subsequent pages in multi-page Nestings, which also provides an extended optimization of Substrate utilization.
- Double-sided Nesting with multiple Sheets – In this version, an extension for double-sided Nesting has been implemented which provides a multi-page output for a double-sided Imposition.
- Step & Repeat – row-wise structure – In version 1.16.0, the "Step & Repeat" Impose mode can be used to impose Print Items column-wise and now, additionally, row-wise.
- Captions – Copies to be printed – Starting from this version, a new Caption variable is available, which provides operators with information about the number of copies to be printed for the Impose sheet.
Impose Report: A new function for creating Impose Reports is available as of this version. The report can be generated in the formats "A4" and "US-Letter" as a multi-page PDF. This report provides an overview page including Ink Costs, as well as a detail page per Impose Sheet.
Die Cut - Management and Use: Starting with this release, the creation, editing, management, and use of Die Cuts in the Workflow are available for beta customers.
Fotoba XLA Extension: Provision of an optimized Parameter Set for the Fotoba XLA series.
Duplicate Profile Settings: With this version, it is possible to duplicate the Substrate Profile in the Profile step of a Color Setup via its own button.
Color Setups and Print Charts: In this version, some new features have been implemented and a modified CMYK-OV Print Chart was created for Color Setups
Define Substrate Distortion: In this version, the possibility to display Substrate distortions in absolute dimensions has been created alongside the possibility to enter percental distortions. The percental distortion for the Absolute dimensions is calculated automatically and used when transferring to the Printer.
Data Preparation: As part of version 1.16.0 the new Fixups Create Spot Color Separation for Object Type, Convert Rich Black to 100% K, and Convert Grayscale into CMYK were added, and existing Fixups were extended in relation to their functionality and user guidance.
1.2. Improvements
The following improvements were made to existing function in version 1.16.0 of the Workflow:
Check-in Extensions: In this version extensions have been implemented for the Check-in process:
- System Settings – The option Maximum Hits per Check was provided.
- Extension of possibilities in Check-in Templates – Four additional Checks as well as two further Fixups were added.
Cancel Hotfolder Processes: When stopping a Hotfolder it is now possible to finish files that are currently edited and to delete files that are waiting in the queue.
Verifications: Within the Verifications improvements have been carried out in the user guidance as well as when displaying the dimensions of the Media Wedge.
Lab Grid Chart: In version 1.16.0 the Layout of the Lab Grid Chart was improved in connection with the axis' designation.
Display of the used CMYK Color Space: The information of the used CMYK Color Space is provided when calculating the Color Policy in a Color Setup as well as in a Verification.
User-defined fields: Two new categories are provided and the user guidance was edited.
Small Improvements: Further small improvements were implemented.
1.3. Fixed Bugs
Workflow: List of fixed bugs or small improvements in the main application.
Impose Editor: List of fixed bugs or small improvements in the Impose Editor.
VDP Editor: List of fixed bugs or small improvements in the VDP Editor.
2. New Features
Learn in this section which new features were implemented in the Impose Editor and in the Workflow. Partly some existing functions were extended.
2.1. Online License Server
With version 1.16.0, licensing has been switched to the online license server. The resulting changes for first-time licensing, performing upgrades, and transferring the license to another workstation can be found in the User Guide under Licensing.
2.2. Impose Editor
In the Impose Editor, existing functions have been extended or improved with version 1.16.0. These include improvements in Nesting, for Captions and the expansion of functionality in Step & Repeat mode.
2.2.1. Nesting Algorithm Improvements
The Nesting algorithm has been improved in version 1.16.0 in connection with the automatic rotation of Print Items.
Up to version 1.16.0, Print Items that were placed on an Impose sheet were only placed in a way that was optimized in terms of minimizing Substrate consumption for single-sided output. The algorithm has now also been optimized for multi-page output. Thereby, Print Items that are placed on all subsequent pages are rotated to reduce Substrate consumption.
Proceed as follows to impose as Substrate-optimized as possible for multi-page outputs in Nesting:
- Open Automation > Impose Editor.
- In Mode select Nesting.
- In the Artboard Settings tab open the settings area Settings. Therein some selection menus were replaced by toggles for version 1.16.0.
- To create a multipage Nesting click on Multipage Output [1]. By activating this option the toggle to activate the option Remove Sheet Duplicates [2] is available.
Figure 1: The settings area Settings of the Artboard Settings tab with the new user guidance for activating a Multipage Output

- Drag the desired Print Items from the file manager onto the Artboard.
- Enter the desired number of copies for the respective Print Items in the Add Print Item dialog.
- Switch to the last page [3] of the Imposition. When only one Print Item is placed on the last page, this Print Item will be rotated in a Substrate-optimized manner.
Figure 2: The last page of a multipage Imposition with Substrate-optimized rotation of the Print Item
Rotation of Print Items on the last page
Not that the algorithm only works as described when the rotation is set to the default value Non-Uniform Rotation [40]. The Print Item is also rotated when the Height of the Sheet is set to Trim.
2.2.2. Double-sided Nesting with Multiple Sheets
As of version 1.16.0, the option to output a double-sided, multipage Imposition for the rule-based Nesting mode is available for the first time in the Impose Editor. The user guidance has been improved for the function, which makes it easy for users to output the created Imposition on both sides and on multiple pages by activating the option. For this purpose, the following steps have to be performed:
- Open the Impose Editor in Nesting mode.
- Add Print Items to the Imposition.
- Switch to the Artboard Settings tab and activate the toggle for Double-sided Output and Multipage Output [6].
- Mark the desired Print Items and click on Edit selected Print Items.
- Switch between Frontside and Backside [5] in the header of the Impose Editor.
- Save the Imposition
Figure 3: The Frontside of a Double-sided, multipage Nesting with Settings of the Artboard Settings tab
Figure 4: The Backside of the Double-sided, multipage Nesting with the displayed Print Items tab
2.2.3. Step & Repeat – Row-wise Structure
Previously, users could determine in the Step & Repeat mode how many columns and rows the grid should consist of by specifying columns and rows in the Grid Settings area. By activating the Auto checkbox, the number of columns or rows was automatically determined depending on the entered width or height of the Impose Sheet.
The Print Items were placed column by column (from top to bottom). Since version 1.16.0, users can determine whether the Print Items should be placed column-wise or row-wise (from left to right). Select the way the Print Items should be placed in the Fill Method [7] dropdown by selecting Columns or Rows.
Proceed as follows:
- Navigate to Automation > Impose Editor.
- Create a new Imposition in the Step & Repeat mode.
- Add the desired Print Items to the Imposition from the File Manager.
- In the Artboard Settings tab open the settings area Grid Settings.
- In Fill Method select the Row entry.
- Select the Auto checkbox for Columns and/or Rows.
- In Arrangement select either One Print Item per Column/Row or Various Print Items per Column/Row. For this example, One Print Item per Column/Row was selected.
Figure 5: An Imposition in Step & Repeat with selected Fill Method - Rows and One Print Item per Column/Row
2.2.4. Captions – Copies to be printed
As of version 1.16.0, the Impose Editor provides the new option Print Item - Copies to be printed as a placeholder for the rule-based Nesting mode. This function allows you to print the number of pages that are to be printed for each side of the Nesting on the Imposition.
Proceed as follows:
- Navigate to Automation > Impose Editor.
- Select the Impose Mode Nesting and add some Print Items with many copies so that enough Print Items can be placed for a multi-page Nesting.
- Create the desired multipage Imposition by navigating to Artboard Settings and activating Multipage Output and Remove sheet duplicates in the Nesting.
- Switch to the Markers [8] tab.
- In Captions [9] select the Text Option.
- Mark the placeholder [Caption] in the input field [10].
Figure 6: The Markers tab of a Nesting with a Caption which is defined as text
- Click on Insert Placeholder [11]. The dialog Select Caption Placeholder is opened.
- From the 79 available placeholders select the placeholder Copies to be printed [13] in the Impose Editor area or enter the term in the search field.
- Click on the variable - this action closes the dialog and pastes the placeholder variable into the input field [10].
Figure 7: The Select Caption Placeholder dialog with the option Print Item - Copies to be printed
- Click Update [12] (Figure 6) - the label with the number of pages to be printed will now be added at the selected position.
Use of the placeholder only makes sense under certain conditions
Note that the number of pages to be printed normally accounts for "1". Only when activating the option Remove sheet duplicates in the Nesting in the Settings tab of a multi-page Nesting or multiple of a single-page Nesting has to be printed, the placeholder with the number of pages to be printed will be other than "1".
2.3. Impose Report
Starting from this version, a new function is available which allows the user to create a report for an Imposition. This report can be generated in the formats "A4" and "US-Letter" as a multi-page PDF.
The report contains an overview page including ink costs as well as a detail page per Impose Sheet with a list of all Print Items that are on the Imposition. This feature gives a detailed overview of each Imposition and may be perceived as custom-tailored for people in the finishing department.
Follow these steps to create a Nesting Report.
Step 1: Create Impose Report
- Create a multi-page Imposition by navigating to Automation > Impose Editor and save the Imposition as a Production Job or open the already created Imposition via Production Jobs.
- Open a Production Job and switch to the Impose tab.
- Above the Impose preview, you can check the single pages of the Imposition by clicking on the page navigation [15]. How often the corresponding Imposition should be printed is indicated by the number of copies [16].
- Click on Impose Report [14] - the dialog Impose Report is opened.
Figure 8: The Impose tab of a Nesting with multiple pages and the possibility to create an Impose Report
- Enter the desired Report Name [17] and the desired Comment.
- Select the desired page format under Paper Size [18] and click on Generate Report.
- The creation of the Impose report may take a few seconds. The report is then downloaded locally and the message Report successfully generated [19] is displayed.
Figure 9: The Impose Report dialog

Step 2: Print and check Impose Report
- Open the downloaded report in a PDF viewer
- The following information can be found:
Overview – consists of at least two pages:
- QR Code [20] contains a link to the corresponding Production Job.
- Report Name [21] with the corresponding ID.
- Creation Date [22] of the creation and the Name of the person carrying out the report.
- Information regarding the Production Job [23] with the corresponding Production Date and Shipping Date as well as information regarding the Cutter Device which is going to be used.
- Production Job Overview [24] with information regarding the Pages to be Rendered and the Pages to be Printed as well as the therefore needed Total Area and the accomplished Degree of Utilization.
- Ink Consumption [25] for the total Imposition to check if there's still enough ink left for the production.
- List of Print Items [26] with information regarding each Print Item including Preview, Name, Size, and to which Order the Print Item is related. Furthermore, the user finds hints for production such as how many Copies are present on which page of the Imposition and with which Underproduction each Print Item is produced according to the Order.
Figure 10: The first pages in the General Overview for the Imposition
Detail page – consists of at least two pages:
- QR Code [27] which contains a link for the corresponding Production Job.
- Report Name [28] with the corresponding ID.
- Creation Date [29] and the Name of the person carrying out the Imposition.
- Information regarding the Cut file [30].
- Preview of the particular Imposition [31] with a preview of the Print Items which are to be printed for the particular Imposition page.
- Overview for the particular Imposition [32] with a preview for the pages To print as well as the therefore needed Total Area, the Degree of Utilization and the Ink Consumption for this Imposition.
- List of Print Items [33] with information regarding each Print Item on the Imposition incl. Preview, Name, Size, Copies and the Order origin of the Print Item.
Figure 11: The pages of the detail page for a particular page of the Imposition
2.4. Use and Management of Die Cut
For beta customers and for the first time, version 1.16.0 provides the possibility to manage One-Ups and N-Ups. Subsequently, the One-up can be used for Data Preparation and it is finally possible to impose a Die Cut (N-up) with the matching Print Items.
Die Cuts are used in various production methods to quickly separate waste from the actual printed products. Die Cuts are used in packaging as well as in label production. The implementation in version 1.16.0 addresses the use of the module for the production of folding boxes as well as packaging printing in general. Therein, starting from a CAD construction, the data is imported and prepared in the Workflow so that it can be used in production at a later stage.
In the next few weeks, articles will be available in the user manual describing the approach in detail. Read more in the following articles:
- Die Cut Basics – Description of methods as well as management of One-Ups and N-Ups
- Import and prepare One-Ups – Description concerning the import and preparation of One-Ups exported from CAD programs such as ArtiosCAD, PackZ, etc. as PDF. Description of vGenerating One-Up templates that are sent to the designer as a basis for design creation.
- Import and prepare N-Ups – Description about the import and preparation of N-Ups exported as PDFs from CAD programs such as ArtiosCAD, PackZ, etc., as well as about the linking of the associated One-Ups to N-Ups.
- Prepare Print Items with One-Ups – Description of the process of how technical lines in the designer's Print Item can be automatically replaced by the technically correct shape of the One-Up, thus allowing the Print Item to be used in the Impose mode Die Cut.
- Impose Mode: Die Cut – Description of the selection of a N-up in the Impose Editor including the many possibilities to fill the placeholders in the Die Cut.
Use of Die Cuts in Label Production
Based on the existing implementation, the use of Cut Dies for label production will be available in future versions, allowing One-Ups and N-Ups to be derived from existing Step & Repeat Impositions or new One-Ups and N-Ups for simple geometric shapes to be created manually or automatically via an API.
2.5. Fotoba XLA Extensions
In version 1.13.1 of the Workflow, the integration of the "Fotoba XLA Series" Cutter was made available. Since this version, a "XLA Series" Parameter Set could be selected and used for Production Jobs. All available settings have been preserved since then. Details can be found in this section.
From this version on, after creating the Cutter, you will be provided with four - instead of originally three - default Parameter Sets - referring to the common Fotoba series. In the Parameter Sets settings area, determine the Parameter Set that is to be used by default by pressing the Set as Default button. In addition to the three already known Parameter Sets, one more Parameter Set is available from this version:
- XLA Series Optimized [34] – This Parameter Set has been implemented especially for multi-page Nestings with an activated "Remove Sheet duplicates" option and ensures that two different pages are created for cutting. The first page contains double indicators that tell the Cutter that no new barcode needs to be read. This page can be printed and cut as many times as needed until the number of copies is reached. The second page contains the single indicators, which inform the Cutter Device that a new barcode must be read after the job so that the pen settings can be adjusted.
Figure 12: The settings area of the menu item Administration > Cutter Devices with an additional Parameter Set for the Fotoba XLA Series
2.5.1. Check or configure the available Parameters
When editing or changing the settings of the standard Parameter Set, it is possible to create and save user-defined Parameter Sets in the Impose Editor. A guideline on how to do this can be found in the section Change and Save Parameter Sets for Cutter Devices. You will find more details in the following section as well.
In this section of the Release Notes read more about which settings and Parameter Sets are already available since version 1.13.1 of the Workflow and are also still applicable.
Additionally, the following settings and options can be made since this version:
Feed direction [35]– Select between "Head first", "Bottom first" or "Head and Bottom first".
- Head first – When selecting this option the barcode in the top left will be read first by the Cutter Device. The indicators (double or single) are located on the left edge of the order. The barcode bottom right should be deactivated in this case - it won't be read.
- Bottom first – When selecting this option the barcode on the bottom right will be read first by the Cutter Device. The indicators (double or single) are located on the right edge of the order. The barcode top left should be deactivated - it won't be read.
- Head and Bottom first – This option can only be selected when the option "optimized" is deactivated. When selecting this option both barcodes - top left and bottom right - will be created depending on how the order was placed on the Cutter Device. The indicators (double or single) will be created on both edges.
- Optimized [36] – This option should only be activated when a multipage Imposition should be output and only makes sense when the Nesting option "Remove Sheet duplicates" is additionally activated. This option ensures that a page with double indicators and a page with single indicators is created. Thereby, the page with the double indicators can be printed and cut multiple times without having to read the barcode again and again after each repeat although no changes are necessary. With the page of single indicators, the Cutter Device receives the information that the order is finished. This page will only be printed and cut once.
Figure 13: The option "Bottom first" with activated option "Optimized"
Details Figure 13:
- The first page is sent to the Printer once and printed 59 times [37]
- The barcode is located on the bottom right [39] as the lower edge - Bottom first - is fed to the Printer first
- The first page contains double indicators [38] that communicate to the Cutter that no new barcode has to be scanned
- When all 59 repeats of the first page are cut the second page is fed Bottom first to the Cutter Device
- The first page will be sent once to the Printer and is also printed once [40]
- The second page contains single indicators [41] that communicate to the Cutter Device that the next barcode has to be scanned. The next barcode is again on the first page of the next order.
2.6. Duplicate Profile Settings of a Color Setup
With version 1.16.0, the possibility to duplicate the profile settings of an existing profile to calculate a new profile has been added to the Workflow.
Proceed as described below:
- Navigate to Color > Color Setups.
- Select the desired Color Setup in the list of Color Setups.
- Open the Color Setup by double-clicking and switch to to Profile step.
- In the settings area click on the Calculate Substrate Profiles button.
- The dialog Calculate Substrate Profiles is opened.
- Select the profile [42] from which you would like to take over the settings for the new Profile.
- Click on the Duplicate button [43].
- Profile 2 will be created with the same settings that were used for Profile 1 in the example.
Figure 14: The dialog Calculate Substrate Profile with the possibility to duplicate a Profile
2.7. Color Setups and Print Charts
In Color > Color Setups Print Charts were added in this version as well as some small new features in the Overview tab and in the Print Charts for the Ink Limit step were carried out.
2.7.1. Print Charts for SPC
For the CMYK-OV color combination, special Print Charts for the Profile and Re-profile have been added for the SPC printing system, as already available for CMYK.
The special changes concern the first page of the Print Chart. The layout and the measuring points used on the first page are the same as on the Re-profile Chart to allow a more accurate calculation for the Re-profile.
2.7.2. Print Charts for the Ink Limit
The existing measuring templates in the Color Setup step Ink Limit were previously only available for CMYK and only up to a maximum total ink coverage of 400%.
Since printing systems based on water-based inks always caused problems when printing these measuring templates - the excessive ink application soiled the entire printing system - as of version 1.16.0, measuring templates with different limits for the total ink coverage - 400%, 360%, 320%, 280%, and 260% - are available for selection.
Figure 15: The Print Chart for the step Ink Limit in a CMYK Color Setup with an Ink Limit of 280%
For the new CMYK-OVG color configuration in the SPC printing system, new measurement templates have also been added for the Ink Limit step.
In addition to the selection of the Ink Limit, color combinations from OVG are also provided on a separate page for CMYK color combinations.
Figure 16: The Print Chart of the step Ink Limit of a CMYK-OVG Color Setup with a limitation of the total ink coverage to 260%.
2.7.3. Display of the Color Space
When calculating a Color Policy in the Profiling step, Substrate DeviceLink profiles are generated in addition to the Substrate profile. These profiles are used for calculating the special calculation rules based on the currently selected CMYK Working Color Space in Administration > Settings > Color Management.
As of version 1.16.0, the Overview tab of a Color Setup now shows which CMYK Working Color Space [44] was selected at the time of the calculation in Administration > Settings > Color Management. This information is important for users if they want to perform a FOGRA verification and are thus enabled to select the corresponding Verification Reference when calculating a Verification.
Figure 17: The Overview tab with information regarding the settings as well as the created Profiles for the Color Setup
2.8. Define Substrate Distortion
With version 1.16.0 the possibility was created to specify the Substrate Distortion for a Substrate not only in percent but also in absolute measures. From the input of the absolute value, the percentage for the Substrate Distortion is calculated, which is then included in the output on the Imposition. Proceed as follows:
- Select the menu item Administration > Substrate.
- Open the Substrate which is affected by the Substrate distortion.
- In the settings area Substrate Definition select the corresponding Substrate Definition and click on Edit in the footer of the dialog.
- In the Substrate Definition dialog select the Distortion [45] tab.
- Via the option field Input Mode select the Absolute option [46].
Figure 18: The dialog Substrate Definition with the selected Input Mode Absolute
Substrate Distortion per Printer
Find more information about how to determine the Substrate Distortion per Printer in the Release Notes 1.15.2 - Substrate Distortion per Printer.
2.9. Data Preparation
In the course of the development of version 1.16.0, new Fixups were added, and existing Fixups were extended in functionality or improved in connection with their usability.
2.9.1. New Fixups
In version 1.16.0 some new Fixups, which were requested by many customers in the label and large format environment, have been implemented.
Create Spot Color Separation for Object Type
Creates a Spot Color Separation for the selected object type. The creation of the Spot Color Separation can be limited to objects with CMYK values or to Spot Colors. Use this Fixup, for example, to duplicate an existing White separation.
Use this Fixup, for example, to duplicate an existing white separation or to create a white channel beneath texts. The following options are available for this:
- Apply to: Select for which object type - text, vector, or text and vector - the Spot Color Separation should be created.
- Limit to Objects with CMYK Values: Activate this option if, for example, the Spot Color Separation should only be generated for 0/0/0/100 black texts. Corresponding CMYK values must then still be entered in the input fields.
- Limit to Objects using Spot Color: Activate this option if, for example, the Spot Color Separation should only generated from an existing white channel. The corresponding Spot Color name must then be selected.
- Invert Search: Activate this option if, for example, you want to underlay everything except texts with a Spot Color Separation (white).
- Create Spot Color Channel: Select the Spot Color name for the Spot Color Separation that you want to create.
- Tonal Value/Opacity: Determine the tonal value of the Spot Color Separation that is to be created.
Figure 19: The dialog of the new Fixup Create Spot Color Separation for Object Type

Invert Search
Note that with this Fixup you can only create a Spot Color Separation with a defined tone value. It does not cover the inversion of an existing Spot Color Channel containing gradient objects.
This Fixup is only available to customers with a Print Workflow Plus license and all Print Workflow Label licenses in the Data Preparation tab. The Fixups is also available to all Print Workflow Plus licenses in the environment of Fixup Chains.
Convert Rich Black to 100% K
This Fixup transfers all Rich Black definitions within the selected range to the K channel of CMYK with 100%. Thereby, Black can be better influenced by other Fixups.
Use this Fixup to convert all objects with different Rich Black definitions in Print Data to 100% K in CMYK, for example, so that you can then convert all 100% K CMYK values to a uniform Rich Black.
In the Fixup the following two Fixups with the subsequent options are available:
CMYK Rich Black
- Apply to: Select the object type - Text, Vector, Text, and Vector - that should be used for the conversion.
- Minimum value for Black: Enter the threshold value that has to be exceeded for K in CMYK so that Rich Black is present. All other channels in CMYK must exceed the percent value that was defined in the Minimal Ink Coverage for CMYK option.
- Minimal Ink Coverage for CMYK: Determines the Ink Coverage that has to be exceeded so that Rich Black is recognized by the system. For images only the Ink Coverage is taken into account.
RGB Rich Black
- Apply to: Select the object type - Text, Vector, Text and Vector, Images or All - that should be used for the conversion.
- RGB values: Enter the RGB values that have to fall below so that Rich Black RGB objects can be found. Note that RGB values are internally converted to CMYK. Thereby, again, the parameters of the Fixup CMYK Rich Black are used.
Figure 20: The dialog of the new Fixup Convert Rich Black to 100% K

Convert Grayscale into CMYK
Providing the possibility to convert grayscale objects to K in CMYK to be able to better control objects in grayscale via subsequent Fixups.
Use this Fixup, for example, to convert objects in grayscale to the CMYK Color Space (K channel only) so that they can then be converted to a uniform Rich Black.
In Fixup only the Apply to option is available. Select whether All Objects, Images, Text, Vector, or Vector and Text should be affected by the conversion.
Figure 21: The dialog of the new Fixup Convert Grayscale into CMYK

2.9.2. Improvement for existing Fixups
For some existing Fixups functions were added or the user interface was improved
Create Bleed by Mirroring
The default value was changed from "Stretch border area as Image" to "Mirror page objects".
Figure 22: The dialog of the Fixup Create Bleed by Mirroring

Clip existing Separation
The new option "Extract Spot Colors from DeviceN" was made available to also be able to decrease white channels that are located in a DeviceN construct.
Figure 23: The dialog of the Fixup Clip existing Separation

Increase Spot Color Separation
Provide the new option "Separate DeviceN colors for Spot Colors" in order to be able to enlarge white channels that are located in a DeviceN construct.
Figure 24: The dialog of the Fixup Increase Spot Color Separation

Delete Separation
The option "Extract Spot Colors from DeviceN" to be able to also delete white channels that are located in a DeviceN construct.
Figure 25: The dialog of the Fixup Delete Separation
Create White Only Separation
The new option "Extract Spot Colors from DeviceN" was added to be able to also delete Spot Colors that are located in a DeviceN construct with white.
Figure 26: The dialog of the Fixup Create White Only Separation

Add a Second Dieline
The activated default value for the option Skip creation if Dieline already exists has been removed in this version, as this does not make sense in some cases.
Figure 27: The dialog of the Fixup Add a Second Dieline with the deacitvated option Skip creation if Dieline already exists
3. Improvements
In version 1.16.0 of the Workflow, some small improvements are available - these are:
3.1. Check-in Enhancements
With version 1.16.0, the following innovations have been made for and in the Check-in profile. Compared to previous versions, from this version onwards the number of hits per check of the "Check-in Preflight and Fixup Template" can be limited to a maximum number of hits. This makes it possible to upload complex files more quickly. In addition, four new checks are now available in the Check-in Template.
3.1.1. Settings
As of version 1.16.0, it is possible to limit the Maximum Hits per Check [52] for the Check-in settings. The reason for this is that until this version all hits of a multi-page document were taken into account, which led to a long check-in time for complex files. Furthermore, the check-in was often not possible at all.
Proceed as follows to limit the number of hits per check to a maximum number.
- Navigate to Administration > Settings > Preflight / Fixup.
- In the settings area General determine the number of hits per check.
- The default value of the option Maximum Hits per Check [52] is set to 200.
- If necessary change the maximum amount and click Save.
- Sie zu Administration > Einstellungen > Prüfungen / Korrekturen.
Figure 28: The settings area General of the menu Administration > Settings > Preflight / Fixup

3.1.2. New Checks in the Check-in Template
The following new Checks can be used in a Check-in Preflight and Fixup Template as of version 1.16.0:
Bleed Check
The check verifies that the bleed is present in the artwork as expected. It checks not only whether the BleedBox is set correctly, but also whether the entire bleed is filled with printable content. By specifying the Safety Zone, it is also checked whether text elements are located within this area.
With an error message, users are informed whether
- there is no Bleed at the top, left, right, or bottom edge,
- not enough Bleed was found at the top, left, right, or bottom edge, and
- no content is present in the Bleed (but the BleedBox is) at the edge top, left, right, or bottom
Figure 29: The settings area Bleed Check in the Check-in Template
Checking the Bleed is time-consuming
Note that checking the Bleed can be time-consuming, especially for big files because the image content has to be rendered and compared,
Spot Color has no Lab values
This Check checks whether the Alternate Color Space of the Spot Color is defined with Lab color values. Only Spot Colors that are provided with Lab color values can be converted in the best possible way in the target color space. Use RegEx (Regular Expressions) to define the spot color names. With the expression "PANTONE.*|Spot.*" all spot color names with PANTONE or Spot are used for the check.
Figure 30: The settings area Spot Color has no Lab values of the Check-in Template
Font is syntactically incorrect
The existing check, which indicates that at least one embedded font is syntactically incorrect, has been changed from a strict to a normal check. Certain properties of the font are no longer considered to be invalid.
Figure 31: The settings area Font is syntactically incorrect of the Check-in Template
Text is overprinting
This already existing Check verifies if the text is overprinting, which could cause objects in the background to shine through. The check can be restricted to texts larger than, and alternatively to black text only.
In this version, the function was added that overprinting texts can be limited in regard to text size [53] as well as to rich black texts [54].
Figure 32: The settings area Text is overprinting of the Check-in Template
3.2. Cancel Hotfolder Processes
Up to this version certain Hotfolder processes - e.g. running processes in the Hotfolder after a restart of PMS - could not be terminated. From version 1.16.0 it is possible to terminate Hotfolders with running tasks, which finishes files in process and deletes waiting files.
Proceed as follows:
- Navigate to Automation > Hotfolder.
- Select the concerned Hotfolder from the list of Hotfolders and open it.
- Click on Reset in the action bar [55].
- Confirm the Reset dialog by clicking OK [56].
Figure 33: The action bar of the menu item Hotfolder with the Reset dialog
3.3. Verifications
In the Verifications, the user guidance has been improved for version 1.16.0, this includes the following improvements:
3.3.1. Manage References
From this version, it is possible to navigate in the References of a Verification directly via the Color Policy to the associated Profiling.
Proceed as follows:
- Navigate to Color > Verifications > Manage References.
- Select the desired Verification reference [57].
- In Details select the tab By Color Policy [58].
- In the yellow circle [59] the number for the available Verification References is shown.
- For displaying the corresponding Color Policy click on the link [60] leading to the Color Setup.
Figure 34: The tab Manage Reference in Color > Verifications
3.3.2. Size of the Media Wedge
As of version 1.16.0, the dimensions of the Media Wedge after cropping and creating it can be displayed in the list overview for the respective Verification.
To display the size of the Media Wedge in the list, proceed as follows:
- Navigate to Color > Verification.
- Select the Display Options from the dropdown menu in the filter bar.
- In the Display Options select the tab Detail View [61].
- By clicking on the + Symbol [62] add the Size to any block.
Figure 35: The tab Detail View of the dialog Display Options in Color > Verifications

3.3.3. Displaying the used Working Color Space
As of version 1.16.0, the selected Working Color Space used when the Color Setup was carried out, is also displayed here in the Verification overview list for the selected Color Policy. This means that a logical check can be made for example to investigate why a Verification was not successful.
Figure 36: List entry in Color > Verifications in the displayed CMYK Working Color Space for the Color Policy
3.4. Lab Grid Charts
In version 1.16.0, Grid Charts which are defined in the Lab Color Space were optimized in connection with the display of the gradient and the increment. Up to this version, only static lines were displayed in the gradient line.
To create a Grid Chart and read the values for gradient and increment, proceed as follows:
- Navigate to Color > Color Books & Grid Charts > Grid Charts.
- Create the desired Lab Grid Chart as described in the Articles in Grid Charts.
- Download the Grid Chart.
- Gather the corresponding values from the respective axes.
Figure 37: Extract of a Grid Chart in defined Lab Color Space
3.5. User-defined Fields
In Administration > Settings > User-defined fields, the user interface has been renewed, and the two new Categories One-Up [64] and N-Up [65] have been added as part of the development of Die Cut management. Users of the Die Cut Library can thus make their own user-defined labels for classifying One-Ups as well as N-Ups.
Both new categories are only accessible to users if they have access to Administration > Die Cut Library in the license.
Figure 38: The tab User-defined Fields in the menu item Administration > Settings
3.6. Small Improvements
The following improvements have also been implemented in this version.
Durst SPC: New Print Configuration: For the Durst Delta SPC Printer, a new variable for the drop sizes has been stored for the 40m/min and 50m/min 1000 dpi print configurations. The 40_m_min_FineRes and 50_m_min_FineRes modes have been stored for this purpose.
Google Chrome: Auto translate: As of this release, users are notified when the auto translator is enabled in Google Chrome. An active Google Auto Translator can lead to problems in the display of the Production Job list.
Shape Nesting: As of this version, Print Items with additional Dielines within the outermost Cut Path can be prepared and imposed in Shape Nesting. This was not possible until now.
Article: Download Technical Colors: As of this version, when downloading Technical Colors, all existing Technical Spot Colors in the Download Print Item dialog are selected by default.
Verification Report: Report Overview: The internal ID of the Color Policy is now listed next to the name of the Color Policy as per usual in other situations.
OnPoint PDF Editor – Disconnect: In connection version 1.16.0 of the Workflow as well as 1.6.9 of OnPoint PDF Editor, the connection to the Workflow can again be disconnected in OnPoint PDF Editor. This action again unblocks a previously blocked user.
4. Fixed Bugs
The following errors (bugs) are fixed with this release.
4.1. Workflow
PDF-Editor: Warning ISO Standard: In the Page Geometry tab of the PDF Editor, the warning that the Page Boxes are not placed correctly was only displayed next to the Page Boxes header and not next to the affected Box. This behavior has been fixed in this release and the errors are displayed next to the corresponding Boxes.
Edit Substrate Definition: When editing a Substrate Definition that was linked to a printer, a Workflow crash occurred. This error has been fixed.
Grid Charts: Error messages were displayed when creating a Tonal Value/Overprint Grid Chart. This malfunction has been fixed.
Check-in Preflight and Fixup Templates: If you have created your own Check-in Preflight and Fixup Template and set it as the default template, a switch to the default template after installing the update occurred. This behavior has been fixed, your Check-in Preflight and Fixup Template is now preserved as the default template.
Check "Font is not embedded": If this check was included in the Check-in Preflight and Fixup Template and the text in a Print Item overlapped the Crop Box, no corresponding error message was generated. This error has been fixed.
Article - Save Ink: In connection with Articles, ink saving values were not displayed in the Ink Consumption Report dialog. This error has been fixed.
User-defined Fields – Production Job: When a user-defined field for the current date was created in the Production Job category, it was always the date on which the field was added that was inserted instead of the current date. This malfunction has been fixed.
Values in "Settings" after update: Values selected by the customer in Administration > Settings were partially overwritten during an update. This error has been fixed.
Hotfolder – Big files: With Auto-nesting Hotfolders very large files could sometimes not be processed, this behavior has been fixed.
HHR instances: When deselecting the "Fast Generation of Previews" option in Settings > General > RIP Settings, sometimes sixteen instead of four render instances were used. This error has been fixed.
Production Job – actions for selected Print Items: The Select Color Policy option has been removed from the selection menu because errors could occur in this context and is not needed for Production Jobs.
Lead In/Out – Opacity: If the opacity for a Print Item was specified in a Production Job and the Lead In/Out was then sent to the Print via the Production Job, the Opacity was not included in the calculation. This error has been fixed.
Mimaki SWJ-320EA: It was not possible to create this printer for Third-Party Printer. This bug was fixed in version 1.16.0.
Overprint Status for Spot Colors: The status was sometimes not displayed in the Spot Color settings panel of a Print Item. This bug has been fixed.
4.2. Impose Editor
Cutter Devices – Placement Method: When the Placement Method in the Impose Editor was changed from "Fit to Job" to "Fit to Object", the Registration Marks were output twice. This bug has been fixed with version 1.16.0.
Under Production: The creation of a Nesting, in which an underproduction of Print Items as a result of the Imposition was present, could lead to long calculation times.
Manual Imposition: In Manual Imposition, the Imposition always had to be saved twice before the Imposition could be closed. This bug was fixed in version 1.16.0.
Download Technical Colors: When downloading technical colors in an Imposition, the Technical Colors were not downloaded until the browser was refreshed. This error has been fixed.
4.3. VDP Editor
Barcode Settings: In the Data Matrix settings, the Code Format for the Data Matrix type has been added.
Barcode – Serial Numbers: The creation of a serial number with leading zeros in connection with a barcode could not be implemented until now. This malfunction has been fixed.
Magnetic Guide Lines: When the Magnetic Guide Line was enabled in the VDP Editor, snapping was no longer possible for the VDP objects. This bug has been fixed.
Smoothing Type – Bezier Curve Tool: When creating Bezier curves, an incorrect smoothing type was displayed in the General Settings of the VDP Editor. This malfunction has been fixed.
4.4. Hot Fixes
The name for the September 30th, 2023 release was "DW Build 1.16.0(888)". The following hotfixes were fixed in the following subversions: